The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 18, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA BEfc: TUESDAY. JULY 18. 1922.
The marriage o( Miia V inlet Pierce,
laughter of Mrs. M. & Pierce, and
M. C. tleiter a aolcmniaed Satur
4a morning at the residence of Dr,
IX K. Jenkins, who officiated. A
wedding breakfast at Carter Lake
club followed the ceremony.
Mr. and Kir. J Iciacr have gone on
a motor trip through Iowa and will
he at home on their return at the
Angelut apartment!.
The bride ia a sraduate of the Uni
vmity of Omaha, and Mr. lleiser U
a graduate of Washington university,
The marriage of Mit Olga Starr,
daughter of Mr. and Mn. C L. Starr,
and Harold Stacey waa solemnized
Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the
Starr home. Rev. Archer read the
marriage linra. Mis Clara Starr and
Hen Miller were the only attendant,
Mr. and Mr. Stacey will go for
a western honeymoon trip and be at
liome in Omaha on their return.
Mia Harrington Feted.
Mr. and Mrt. Milton Dodds have
a mott elaborate program for their
guest. Mitft tioldie Harrington, of
Winona. Minn. On Wednesday last
Mr. Dodds introduced Mist Mar
rington at an informal tea at her
home. Monday Mrs. E. W. Sherman
gave a luncheon in Mis Harrington
iiAtinr at Hannv Hollow. On lues
day Mn. J. E. Dodd will entertain
for her at luncheon at the Athletic
rluh, and that evening Mis Maud
Miller will compliment her at dinner
at Happy Hollow. On Friday Mr.
Lawrence Dodd will entertain for
the visitor at luncheon at the Field
club, and on Saturday Mrs. Milton
Dodda will give a luncheon for her
guest at which Lucille Ely. who it to
be married to wiuara wrr in ocpicur
ber, will thare honor.
Benefit Card Party a Succeta.
Approximately $350 wat realized
from the benefit card party given
by the Omaha Council of Catholic
Women at Happy Hollow club Fri
day. Proceedt will be aaaeo. 10 me
tcholarship fund.
Mrs. George Parks, sr., who had
the high score, chose the madeira
napkins: Mrs. C. L. Preston, ice tea
set; Mrs. W. L. Carey. Sheffield
tray; Miss Marian McCaffrey, sand
wich tray; Mrs. W. H. Savage, $5
gold piece; Mrs. J. T.- Holletjberg,
mirror: Mrs. J. T. English, book
ends, and Mrs. F. E. Watters, rose
flower bowl
Family Reunion.
Mrs. J. A. Fike and her daughter,
Miss Eunice, who have been visiting
another daughter, Mrs. Hector Para
dise, and Mr. Paradise, for the past
eighth months in Nancy, France, re
turned to Omaha Thursday -with
Mr. and Mrs. Paradise. .
The other daughters and their
famiti have come to Omaha to
greet the travelers and are at DXCfcl
ent Holding a reunion at men ...
They are Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Pack
ard of Oakland. Neb., and Mr. and
Mrs C. H. Root and their children,
Mildred and Charles, of Bassett,
Neb. A number of informal af
iairs are being given in honor of
this well known family.
IJ O. E. Club Pipe Dance.
The L. O. E. club' will entertain
at a oicnic supper and dancing party
at Hanscom park Wednesday eve
ning at 6 o'clock.
The committee in charge of the
affair includes Mesdames Pratt Har
wood, chairman; Harry Johnson,
Leslie Crowder, Frank O. Browne,
Charlotte Jenkins, the Misses Hazel
Nichols and Mary Brewer. Mis
Brewer's orchestra" will furnish the
music for the dance.
Mrs. Levings to Go West.
Mrs. Mark Levings leaves Thurs
day for Seattle. She will be there
for fix weeks and will then join Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Levings, who have
a cottage at Long's Peak, Estes
Park. Mrs. Leving was honor
guest at a studio party last evening
given by Mr. and Mrs. J.. E. Gatchell
and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Benolken.
Bridge for Miss Cowell.
Miss Elizabeth Stewart entertained
at bridge Monday in honor of
Miss Mona Cowell, who has lately re
turned from a trip around the world.
Four tables were placed for the
game. .
Kensington Meetings Discontinued.
The Fraternal Aid Union Ladies
kensington will discontinue its meet
ings until the first of September.
At Auto View Rest.
fn Qrt .Via frtllnnrinar liaft fPC
etvations for dinner at Auto View
rest: E. Storkum, 2; I. V. Zimman,
4; Frank Tavlor, 4; F. L. Lowen
stein. 4; I. M. Gillan, 4; F. L. Haas,
6; M. L. Cohn, 4.
How I Got Rid
of Burning Feet
And Pain (ram Corns and Bunion With
out Soaking, Powder. Plaster. Etc.,
After Sul ferine Indescribable Foot
Misery for 20 Years.
Prof. r. T. Melntyre, well known world
tourist and lecturer, says: "For years 1
was compelled to wear shoes two siics
too large, to be able to walk with any
comfort at all. I tried soaking my feet
in medicated baths, powders, plasters and
foot-treatments galore, but the burning,
callouses, and soreness refused to go. while
the pains from corns and bunion con
tinued to torture both mind and body,
which upset my entire nervous system.
On day. very fortunately. I met a lady
from Egypt who gsve me a little box of
ttypsy Foot Relief, which h aid was a
aecret from the desert. After using it a
short time, the suful burning stopped, the
callouses came off in chunks, leaving the
skin of my feet eleaa and aaaootfc. while
the pain from corns and bunion aaamed
to disappear as if by magic From that
time. I said a joyful good-bye) to aver
twenty years of indescribable) toot misery.
I would not take a hundred thousand dol
lars to again go through those years of
agony. Now I feel Nk telling every fret
sufferer to get a box of the wonderful
Gypsy Foot Belief.
Nets Gypsy Foot Relief, referred to
by Mr. Melntyre. may be applied in a
minute, without fuss or bother. Sure,
quick relief come three minute later,
or the maker give back the small amount
you pay. It is sold in this city by Sher
man at MeConnell, Beaton Drug Co-. Haines
Drug Co, Herri tt Drug Cat, and Greea
Dram Co. - A . - . -
Miit Grace Jones it visiting rela
fives in Ogden, Utah.
Mill Etta Schaber and Miss Mabel
Evans left Saturday for Lei Angeles,
Miia Ethelwynnt Loper is on her
vacation and it in Chicago for two
wee as.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rivett leave
this week for Boston to spend a few
Miss Fern Wallace and Mits Anna
Donahue are spending two weeks in
Estes Park, Colo.
Mr. and Vfra, Fred Thomas ar
pending two weeks at the H. B.
Bar ranch, near Buffalo, Wyo.
Mist Nora Livingston of Plaits
mouth arrived Monday to be tht
guest of Mrs. Irving Benolken for a
E. O. Ames left Sunday for Lake
Monhonk, N. V., where he will join
Mrs. Ames and children, Oliver and
Miss Zoe Schalek has gone to
Beverly Hills, Cal., to ba with Mr.
and Mrs. Woodworth Gum for sev
eral weeki.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Masterson and
daughter, Clro, and son. Donald, are
spending July and August at the Min
nesota lakes.
Mai. -Gen. Francis- J. Kernan and
his daughter. Miss Katherine Ker
nan. leave Tuesday for a week's trip
to Minneapolis.
Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas W. Hazen
are leaving this week for the Minne
sota lakes. They will return the lat
ter part of August.
Mrs. Carlisle Whiting, wife of
Ma). Whiting of Fort Leavenworth,
who has been visiting Mrs. C. A.
Sweet, returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rummel have
taken an apartment at the Birchwood
and have as their guest Miss Eliza
beth Rummel of Gettysburg, Pa.
Misses Ebba and Edith Tacobson
left Saturday for an extended east
ern tour, stopping at Rock Island
and Chicago, III.; Cleveland, Buffalo
and Philadelphia, New .York City
and Washington, D. C. They will
return about September 5 via the
Mrs. S. G. Wilson of Philadelphia,
cousin of the recently elected Grand
Exalted Ruler of the Elks. J. Edgar
Masters, is visiting Mrs. Sam Mort
of this city.
Dr. John Rogers of New York and
his daughter, Miss Betty Rogers, ar
rived Monday morninsr to spend a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
L. Burke. They are on their way
to Lake Tahoe, Cal.
Mrs. B. Donnelly and her daugh
ter, Miss Marguerite, left Friday for
Fromberg, Mont., where they will be
guests of Mrs. E. V. Meran, at their
ranch. They will also motor
through Yellowstone park.
aHaj Am ex. - -
Why Mr. Bear Wouldn't Pay.
Cuffy Bear's father was furious
with Uncle Sammy Coon, the eating'
house keeper. There was nothing
more for Mr. Bear to eat; and ha
claimed he hadn t had half enough.
Mr. Bear sat outside the eating
house, which was too small for him
to enter, and gazed about in a dis-
Miss Luella Anderson left Satur
day for two months in the Adiron
dacks. She will stop in Chicago to
visit her brother on her wav east,
and will be in New York for some "There aren't any next year's acorns
That a good nlsea tout lariAt .m
afford to taka tba wife uttcaikhtn Dim
contented fashion. Then, as his eyes
fell upon the creek, which ran behind
the restaurant he suddenly had an
"Can't you catch me a fish?" he
asked Uncle Sammy through the
Uncle Sammy shook his head.
"I might have to fish all dav he
fore I landed one," he replied. "By
that time you'd be hungrier than
ever. And what would one small fish
be? It wouldn't be enough for you.
You'd want a dozen."
"Or two!" said Mr. Bear. "Two
dozen would be much better." He
looked very mournful, until another
idea came to him. "Come outside
and catch me a few frogs 1" he urged
Uncle Sammy.
But Uncle Sammy told him that
the frogs were unusually lively that
spring. "Probably I couldn't get
you even one frog before tomorrow,"
he explained.
Well, said Mr. Bear with a very
greedy look in his eyes, "come out
side, anyhow I"
But Uncle Sammy shook his head
violently. "I won't!" he declared.
Thats no way to talk to good
customers," Mr. Bear complained.
I don t care. Uncle Sammy re
torted. "You've eaten the biggest
meal I have ever served to a cus
tomer. You ve eaten everything on
the menu and more."
"Have I?" roared Mr. Bear. "Have
I?" And he snatched up the birch-
bark menu and looked at it carefully.
"I haven't!" he exploded in less than
a minute. "Here at the bottom it
says. 'Next Year's Acorns. You
didn't give me any of those. Mr.
"I'm out of 'em. Uncle Sammy
Coon told him. "I 'meant to cross
'em off the menu; but I forgot it."
"You II have to get some for me,
said Mr. Bear :n a gruff voice.
I can t, said , Uncle bammy.
My Marriage Problems
Adele Garrison'! New Phase of
Copyright l:t
time before her return to Omaha.
William Van Dorn of Chicago
spent the week-end with George C
Smith. Mrs. Van Dorn. who was
formerly Miss Margery Smith, is at
Three Lake?, Wis., and Mr. Van
Dorn returned there Monday.
Mrs. Russell Burrus andiittle son,
Bob, who motored to Lincoln last
week to be the guests of Mrs. Fred
Funke. returned Monday to Omaha.
Mrs. Funke and daughter, Martha,
accompanied them for a 10 days' visit.
Miss Margaret Eastman, who has
been visiting Miss Eleanor Scott at
Ogunquit, Me., since school closed,
will arrive in Omaha Tuesday, and
will be with her parents, Mr. ar.d
Mrs. Osgood Eastman, for the rest
of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. James " Hunsacker
will return Tuesday morning from a
two week's trip td Denver. Mr.
Hunsacker has recently received
word that he is transferred to
Des Moines by his' firm, and he and
Mrs. Hunsacker plan to leave Oma
ha soon after August 1.
Dr. and Mrs. George' P. Carroll,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P.'L.
Robertson, have returned from a mo
tor trip in the northernjakes region.
While in Minneapolis they were the
guests of George Girard at his sum
mer home on White Bear lake. They
spent the month of June on the Isle
of Pines, where the party enjoyed
several fishing excursions. Mr. Rob
ertson made a record catch, bringing
in three museallonge, the combined
weight being 42 poiyids. i
"Then why did you print them on
your menu?" Mr. Bear inquired.
Uncle Sammy Coon gave a short
"I see," he said, "that you are not
used to eating at eating-houses.
That's the way we eating-house
keepers always do. We always put
things on the menu that can't be
got. It makes the bill of fare look
bigger and we don't charge a cent
"It's a poor way to do," Mr. Bear
remarked. "It's bound to drive away
good customers, like me." And then
he turned his back on Uncle Sammy
Coon and shuffled off. ,
Uncle Sammy hurried to his door
as fast as he could hobble.
"Stop!" he called. "You haven't
paid me for what you ate."
Cuffy Bear's father paused and
turned his head over his shoulder.
"I haven't finished my meal," he
explained. "I'll be back next year
and get some of those next year's
acorns. I'll pay you then," he
There was nothing Uncle Sammy
Coon could do. He felt very glum.
"I'm hungry as a bear," he mut
tered, "but there's not a thing left
to eat . . . Oh, hum ! he yawned.
"If I had some ham I'd have some
ham and eggs if I had some eggs."
Meanwhile Mr. Bear slid down the
bank of the creek and treated himself
to a deep drink.
"At last I feel better," he mur
mured as he started homewards.
"That's a good place to eat . . .
I wish I could afford to take the wife
and children there."
(Copyright, 1SS2.)
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Plenty of Tune.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I want to ask
your advice upon a, great question
in my life. I am 18 years old and
deeply in love with a, man of 23.
My family dissapproveg' of our get
ting married and think I should
wait, I know I shall find no one I
love better, and I do not want to
make a false step, ao I am consulting
you. Kindly glveTne your best ad
vice. BETTY.
You don't give me very much to
go on. Betty. Has your family, no
objections to the match except your
youth? Wouldn't they be willing
to compromise and let you marry in
a year? Tou don't tell me how
long they want you to wait. Eight
een ia not very old. but aome girls
know their own minds as well then
as they ever do. Even so. I would
not marry against my parents'
wishes if I could possibly help it
You will have many years of mar
ried life ahead of you and you ean
afford to wait white if they want
you to. If the man cares deeply
about you he will b willing to com
ply with your parents wishes.
The Secret Wedding.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am deeply
in love with a girl who reciprocates
my affection. I am 1$. She is three
years my Junior. I earn 140 per
week. We hare agreed to marry in
secret. Nobody would know about
this except a married couple, two
very intimate friends of ours. We
intend to keep this a secret for
about a year. During that time we
would live apart, she with her par
ents, I with. mine. Are ws doing
right? I would greatly appreciate
your answer. GODEL.
Don't take this radical step. You
are both young enough to wait until
time has tested the real character
of your affections. What you are
planning to do will surround you
with all sorts of difficulties and
problems more likely to kill your
reeling man to nourish it. If it is
real love it will grow, and waiting
won t narm it. ii it is only lascina
tion. time will dull it. But if you
haven't enough faith in the stability
of your feelings to wait for them
to work out. then you surely haven't
enough confidence in them to try
to build a whole life on them.
Docs be Love Her?
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 26 and
dearly love a man of Z4. He tells
ma he loves me and no one else.
He saya he will call mo up on the
phone or will call to see me, but
very seldom does as he say a. -j
Please tell me how J can tell If
he really cares for me. He has si
lot of worries and a great burden
to carry. i
I try to help In every way pos
sible, but he has gotten so the mors
I do for him the less hs seems to
Could tt be possible that tile
worries could make htm that wav?
U C.
When a man is worried about busi
ness it is sometimes all he can do
to get his mind off the difficulties
which fairly haunt him. If you love
this man as you say, now is the time
to stand by. ,
What Father Spencer Told Madge
About the Message,
I did not obey Lillian's injunction
to lie down. Instead. I extracted
agv'n from my handbag the tiny
folded note the myttcrious foreigner
had confided to me in the Souihamp.
ton khop, together with the handker.
chief 1 had recognized a one of
Grace Draper's. Then nuking sure
that Lillian was safely out of the
way, I went swiftly down the hall
and tapped at the door of my father's
He was longer in answering than
usual, ai'd when lie finally opened
the door and affectionately bade me
enter, I saw the reason for his de
lay. His chair had been placed near
the table, and on the table stood the
quaint old lacquered box in which I
knew he kept the mementoes of my
dead mother which I had given liim
Photographs, letters which he had
written to her, and her answers in the
days of their idyllic courtship when
no thought had come to them of the
sordid tragedy which was to part
them forever these, and other keep
sakes evidently had been pressed
hastily back into the box, for the lid
was slightly lifted, showing the dis
arranged contents.
If I had not seen the old box, gen
erally kept sacredly m my fathers
trunk, I should have known that he
had been invoking the memory of the
wife he had so shamefully deserted
when I was but 4 years old. His face
held the pallor, the deeply-etched
lines of poignant remorse, which al
wavs betrays to me his seasons of
agonized, communings with the me
mentoes he treasures so sacredly.
When he had closed the door after
me, he caught me to him in a con
vulsive embrace and murmured brokenly:
You are so like your mother, my
Mementoes of Other Days.
I nulled his gray head down to
mine and clung to him silently, lov
ingly, glad that I had long ago obey
ed my mother's dying injunction to
forgive him. I knew that finding me
after his long years of search, and
winning my forgiveness had lighten
ed his load of remorseful anguish, and
in my love and the adoration of my
small son, he had enjoyed many
peaceful hours. But he could not
forget that he had thrown away the
love of Jiis life for an evil infatua
tion, and I knew that there were
many moments, like the one upon
which I had inadvertently stumbled,
when the longing to see my mother
again was almost more than he could
Dearly as I loved him, greatly as
pitied bim, I never could banish
sense of justice appeased, when,
as now, I watched his anguished Via
Cruets. My earliest recollection of
my mother was of her terrible mental
sufferings which I knew later was
caused by my father's desertion, and
could not forget that she had
lived and died a lonely, broken
hearted woman.
"You wished to see me about
something, Daughter?" His voice
when he spoke again was even, con
trolled, and his face held the calm
nrrs of emotion conquered. My first
impulse was to make some trivial
excuse to conceal my real errand,
but second thought told me that the
tunic of work was the best thing I
could offer him.
"I have an odd story to tell you,
Father, dear," I said, "a long one,
too, so let's sit down and be comfy.
I've fried to get a chance to tell you
and to atk your advice about it ever
since you came home, but I couldn't
manage it, somehow."
"1 know." he assented as he
seated me in the most comfortable
chair near the fire and took another
near me.
I wailed for a minute or two. to
he sure that I had in methodical
order all my information concerning
the mysterious Don Ramon, and
then, beginning with his boarding
the train at Southampton upon the
occasion of my trip to the city in
trarcli of Katie, I related every in
cident of that trip, and of the odd
experience of the last hour in the
Southampton shop.
"This Is Very Curious.,,
My father listened with but one in
terruniion. when he asked me to re
neat to him the description I had
given of the mysterious foreigners
appearance. And when at the close,
I handed him the tiny folded note
which the mysterious Don Ramon
had slipped into my hand, he opend
and read it without a muscle of his
face changing. Then he sat as if
studying it for five minutes, which
semed endless to me as I marked
their passing upon the mantel clock.
J his is very curious, Margaret,
he said at last. "Twice before I have
received messages from this same
source, -apparently, although they
bear no betraying mark. And atways.
as now, .the message is one of ines
timable information concerning the
people we are watching. And your
description is the first clue I have
had to the identity of the sender. Yet
I cannot place him. Undoubtedly he
is some one bound in some manner
to the unspeakable gang we are
fighting, yet with a conscience which
compels him to warn us. And he
takes the oddest methods of sending
his messages. Evidently he has some
strong reason for not using the
mails. Is this the handkerchief he
pretended was yours?'
"Yes. father." I tried to keep my
voice steady, but it was tremulous as
I added: "It is one of Grace Draper's
handkerchiefs, or at least the em
broidery in the corner is her handi
Woman Fires at Lover
When He Uses Club
A lovers' quarrel, brewing since
Friday, broke into open violence
Monday afternoon, according to
Minnie Page, 25, negress, who told
police when they arrived on the
scene at her home at 2512 Lake
street, that Fred L. Smith, negro,
31, attacked her with a rubber black
Minnie said the quarrel had started
A Good Hop Flavored Malt
Extract is a Wonderful Thing
IF it is made out of choice malt barley it has wonderful
nourishment for every use. If fresh pressed Bohemian
Hops are used, it has a wonderful flavor.
But if it is adulterated with cheap corn and flavored with
old, loose hops, it is of no use for any use.
So when Somebody tries to sell you a Hop Flavored malt
Sugar Syrup cheaper than the actual price of the barley
and the hops that go into it, you can know that the choicest
barley and the imported hops haven't gone into it
Puritan Hop Flavored Malt Extract is the richest malt
extract made because it is the product of the choicest
barley grown and is flavored with imported Bohemian
hops. '
People evidently know this because there is a bigger
demand for Puritan than all other malt extracts com
bined. So, when you are buying malt extract, be sure and
ask for and demand
For Sale at All Good Stores
Distributed by
The Jerpe Commission Company
Omaha, Neb. AT 08S0
,ltl JXVf-
Improved Passenger Service and Lowest Fares
Sooth Shore of Lata i Erie-Pocono Mt. Delaware Water Gap. Cleveland $11 JS-Baffalo $17.31-New York 130.70
TBroogn Sleeping- Cars and Coaches - Parlor and Dining Car Servfea.
Reduced Summer Toaritt and Circle Tour Fare
Tp Mountain and Seaside Resorts in Eastern States and Canada
tor faf laearaaatM cal oa Local Ticks As or aaaVsss
I- HPT' D- TvA- B- Burrows, T. R. W. H. Cunningham. T. R.
RaUwajp Exchange Building Kansas City, Mo.
Tns Nfekal Ftat Umi an
Leekawaam RailmaS fMm mm
liuauiaislile root aawnf tte
Maanrol awumaias
HljrtMWMNnA H. K.
tthiyi she uied Smith to lur more
of an uutiiution lo woik, Monday
lirinooii I lie man went to Itrr home
and t'arted to btl her with blaik
jack, the woman tohl oolite. She
said she I ied at Smith with a re
volver, hut missed and the man r
raped. Hrr injuries were dressed by
the polite surgeon. Smith is be
ing sought by polite,
Pailir IVitic. Dry I-aw "Put
Over" on IVojilf of 1 1. S.
From the pulpit of the f irst M. K.
fhuih Sunday, Pr. tiirtord Cordon
of Melhourne, Australia, staled that
pruhihiiiou was not "mil over" on the
American people: that prohibition
wa not responsible for the prevalent
crime wave, and that the iniroduc
lion of light wines and beer in this
country would mran nullification o(
the 18th auirndmrnt,
Dr. Gordon has jut completed a
country wide study of the rerult of
the Volstead law,
Idle rooms are not profitable j let
an Omaha lte "Want" Ad find a
deirahle tenant for you.
Burgess-Nash Company
Women's Ready -to -Wear
Reduced for the July
Clearance Sale
Silk Dresses (sizes 16 to 44) $9.95
Silk Gapes Priced at $8.95
Imported Organdy Dresses $6.75
Dotted Swiss Dresses ..... $7.95
Ratine Sports Dresses . . . . $7.95
Swiss and Voile Dresses . . . $8.95
Dresses of Imported Gingham $5.00
Children's Drdsses $2
Organdy : Tissue Gingham : Voile
Biirgesa-Nash Downstairs Store
Women's Pumps and Oxfords $2
Odd Lots Broken Sizes Bargains Every One of Them
White Canvas Sports Oxfords
"The Vamp" White canvas trimmed
with black. Soft toe: white rubber sole
and heel. Pah
White Canvas Pumps, Oxfords
One and two-strap styles in pumps; lace
oxfords. Flat and military heels; turn
sotes. Pair
Brown Kid Strap Pumps
Also odd lots of black oxfords and strap
pumps. Military heels; flexible sole. Pair
Bargns-Naah Downstair Store
White Sports Satin
Yard, $1.29
Novelty sports satin ideal
for summer skirts. Excellent
quality in 36-in. width priced,
in July Clearance, yard $1.29.
Bnrgws-Nnsli Downstairs Store
Satin Charmeuse
Yard, $1.95
Rich, heavy quality in navy,
brown, taupe, burnt orange
and Virgin blue. 40-Inch
quality. Special, yard, $1.95.
Bnrgess-Nnsh Downstairs Store
Navy Blue Serge
Yard; $1.89
Fine all wool French serge.
An exceptionally fine weight
for summer skirts. Sale
priced, Tuesday, yard, $1.89.
Borgesa-Naah Downstair Store
Wanted Merchandise Low Priced
Japanese Crepe
Imported crepe in unusual
striped effects for sports weaT.
Yard, 27c
White Goods
Excellent quality goods that is
slightly soiled, reduced.
. Yard, 25c
Oil Cloth
48-inch table oilcloth splendid
quality and pleasing patterns.
Yard, 29c
Sanitas Scarfs
45-inch scarfs in neat colored
designs of blue, green, brown.
Yard, 45c
Attractive designs in effective
colorings. Exceptional at
Yard, 28c
Huck Towels
Of Irish huck. Extra large
Irish huck towels with hem
stitched edge. 20x38-inch.
Each, 29c
Burfrss-Nash Downstairs Store
Dress Voiles
.Dainty designs in light color;
also serviceable dark patterns.
Yard, 19c
Boys' Wash Pants
Khaki, crash and Koolcloth In
several neat patterns. Oft
Men's Union Suits
High quality athletic suits Oft
Dresser S50fl.rf Ith elastic back. Only.
Jtsoys' Blouses
18x50-inch scarfs with lace
trimmed edges. Unusual values,
Each, 23c
Sheer Nainsook
A quality specially nice for fan
cy work. 36-inch width.
Yard, 35c
Curtain Rods
Extension rods that can be used
for a 48-in. spacing. Unusual at,
Each, 19c
Bleached Sheeting
An extra heavy quality bleached
sheeting in 63-inch width. Spe
cial Yard, 48c
Bed Spreads
These spreads are for children's
beds and are in Marseilles de
sign. Priced for clearance
Each, $1.00
Burgess-Xash Downstairs Star.
ume or gray chambray and CflA
figured percale. All sises""
Men's Trousers
Palm beach in light 'and dark
colors and in Beat stripes. All
sizes, pair
$249 t $475
Bnrgess-Xash Downstair Star.
"J. & P." Coats Thread, 6
spools 29c
Pearl Buttons, priced, cd., 5e
"Ritz" Double Hair Nets, per
dozen $1.00
Rick-Raek Braid, yard 1c
Steel Crochet Hooks, each 1e
Belting, in long pieces, ea., 1c
Palm Leaf Fans, each 3c
All Steel Embroidery Scis
sors, each 5c
Strong Shopipng Bags, all
sizes, eath 190
Bias Tape, 12-yard bolts, all
widths, priced, bolt. .... 15c ,
Burgras-N'ash Downstairs Store
Soap Specials
Swift's Quick "Naptha" ffl AA
Soap, 24 bars . wX.UU
"Pride and Cream" laundry
soap, limited quantity, bar. .
"Vanity Fair" toilet 1 01
soap, bar ., ASal
"O'Kay" Ammonia, pint
"O'Kay" Bluing, pint fi
bottle C
"O Kay" Floor Oil, pint 1 7
"Persian" Toilet Soap,
Toillkleen," special, t CO
cans Mv
No Mail Orders
No Phone Orders
Bnrftes-Xaafc Downstair Star.
Baby Dresses : Bonnets
White baby dresses, daintily trimmed with' lace
and embroidery. Also little bonnets. They are
made of good quality nainsook in sizes for tots
01 o months to Z years and priced at only 43c.
No C. O. D.'s
No Mail Orders
No Refund
No Phone Orders
Bargns-Nasb Rf Arrow Booth Downstairs more