. OMAHA BEE: TUESDAY. JULY 18. liu. Chii'opcc, Mass., Under Water as Dams Give Wav L'O.OOO.OOO Gallon- of Water Pour on Bay Statf Town Srcuml Story Windows Reached.' Lhicoiff. Mass., July 17. Twenty million gallons of uaier Hooilrd a Urge pan of the Williamsrtt district hrre early todiy when Langvuld's dam and another dam at Kobtrt Pond, itavr way. Krtidmcrt ami luiic--. plarrt aljiiB Cliiropre'i ircft tre lloodcd above the first Hnors and occupant wrre forced to lire to the ci-ond and third floor for tatrty. The Homoii and Maine tracks uere uashed out in half a doen places. Property lot from the flood will le heavy. A core or more of dwell ings were moved front their fouuda tion and many were carried a con siderable distance, while other were tilted akev on their foundation. Doze ni of umallrr (wildings, many of them containing live Hock, were wrpt away and demolished and their occupant drowned. A cement dam at I.anKwald's pond was the first to break. The released water rukhed down a valley for half a mile, entering Robert's pond. Here the rush of water tore out the wooden dam and a hiuli wave spread out' into a residential district, reaching a depth of seven fett in orae place. Panic reigned among residents as they were' awakened by the roar of the rushing water. Many hurried out in an effort to escape, but were torced to flee to upper stones. Ex-Texas State Clerk to Pen. Austin, Tex., July 17. Lon D. Morgan, former chief clerk in the state treasurer's . office, was found guilty of misapplication of state funds and sentenced to two years' impris onment by a jury here today. Boy, 14, Youngest to Face . Charge of Burglary Here Every drop awakens flavor Hejnz VinegarfiLne, 'mejlpf .matio, yet tangy and zestful de velop the natural fla vors of all foods they touch. This is due to the choice materials used, the skill and care in preparation, the long aging in wood. Four kinds in bottles filled and sealed by Heinz. HEINZ PURE VINEGARS Expected to Study Avia tion With Money From Loot Partner at Large. The oungei pnoncr ever to lace a formal chame ol burglary in Oma ha will be l.loyd Tom. H, "boy burglar," according to l.ieut. Jack l'tjauowtki, who aid charge would be filed agauul the lad ycitcrday, l ot is held pending further inves tigation into his career which began three or four week ago, shortly after lie ran away from his home in Superior, Neb., to see the world. He had graduated from the eichth ' grade in school. A - I -I t n oun as lurmai cnargct nc been filed against the youngster, he will be turned over to juvenile court, according to Pauowki. Aspirei to Be Aviator. Young Fus aspires to be a dash ing aviator in Uncle Sam's air mail service, he admitted. He said he expected to attend the aviation instruction school at Culver, lnd., on the proceeds of a few bur glaries in Omaha. Detectives still have been unable to locate Fos' partner, said to be Joe "Fatty" Kelly. IS. "The first automobile ftolen in Omaha now will put them on Fatty's trail," said the Foss youngster yes terday. "He's fat and slow and surely does like to ride." .Six pairs of tilk hose were missing from the loot recovered by detec tives from the automobile of R. H. Brown, 617 Lincoln boulevard, in the rear of the city hall, 'according to young Foss. Fears Double Cross. "Fatty" may have them, he says, fearing his chubby partner has double crossed him. Foes was captured by Officers Joe Janda and Martin Jensen at the home of M. D. Cameron, 216 North Thirty-second avenue. Detectives found toy building blocks, a handkerchief believed to have been used as a mask, and a package of tobacco, all abandoned by the baby burglars, they allege. ross told i'szanowsWi he hid his gun in a bed at the Cameron home when he saw the officers and tried to pass himself as a son of the fain tly. He almost succeeded in nis ruse. When told by Pszanowsw his pal had been captured and had con fessed, but said he didn't know where the bot was. Foss oromntly de clared "Fatty" was lying and led officers to the Brown car behind the city hall. rind Loot. In the car thev found a box con taining $599 worth of loot alleged to have been taken from the home of Elizabeth Jones, 415 North Seven- tenth street. Foss and Kelly escaped jail in Fremont Friday night. Foss re ceived sever cuts on his arm that lift a trail of blood toward Omaha. The boys are accused of seven burglaries in Fremont. A close watch is beine kept on young Foss since he asked if a steel plate is between the bricks in the jail wall. - Police now believe ratty is mm V ' 8 1 Blhler I'hoto. Lloyd-Foss. playing a lone hand, chalking up against his -record the following Saturday night jpbs ; Small Foot Prints. Loot worth $2,500 from the A. .Liebowitz home, J 122 Myrtle street. Straw hat and $2.50 from the By ron Casey home, 2892 Webster street. At both place small foot prints were found by officers. The police description of "Fatty" follows: Girlish in appearance. 15 years old, 5 feet and 3 inches tall, 140 pounds weight, brown hair, dark cap, blue shirt open at the neck, greenish pants with two hofes in the seat, and brown oxfords. Both boys wear knee breeches. Debs Urges Workers to Strike Together (Continued From Pace One.) into a powerful industrial union, and you have got to cut loose once and for all from the rotten political par ties of your masters. . . . Your in terests as workers and producers are absolutely identical and there is no earthly reasons why those who are employed in the same industry should belong to different unions or to give their votes to different political par ties. "The struggle is entering upon its critical stage, and whether the toiling hosts shall emerge in triumph and es tablish industrial and social democ racy in the world or go down in humiliating defeat for another histori cal period of economic bondage de pends entirely upon the capacity of the workers to muster their forces and stand together, strike together, vote together and fight together all srlong the line." IMftt Contents lBTlmdDraalm ft p j HIM. TinVinVTr-""""""" ITI T .1 - urn CASH For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria mm i f&i Mineral neither Opiam,MorpWneMt mi ,ic ana pad tcvcrw Bears the Signature of M 0. V For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Woman Held by Jury for Hammer Murder (Continued From Page One.) she had been told her husband was going around with a girl named Al berta, and she believed the story be cause her husband had been neglect ing her. Leaves Car. "I want to go and speak to her about it," Mrs. Phillips said, accord ing to Mrs. Caffee, and the two went to the apartment of Mrs. Mead ows that evening, but found no one home. Wednesday morning they went to the parking stand downtown where Mrs. Phillips said the young widow kept her car. They missed her and went shopping during the day, returning late in the afternoon. It was then they met Mrs. Meadows, she said, it being her first and only meeting with her.' Mrs. Phillips' re quest that Mrs. Meadows drive her home, acceptance, divergence from the route near the point in the Montecito hills, stopping on the hill side when Mrs.. Phillips asked Mrs. Meadows to leave the car a moment, were recited by Mrs. Caffee. "She asked Alberta if Mr. Phillips did not give her the tires for her automobile and a wrist watch," Mrs. Caffee testified. "Mrs. Meadows de nied this and clara (Mrs. Phillips) said: 'He certainly did' and with that struck her with the hammer. Starts to Run. "Alberta started to run and Clara chased her for half a block and brought her back by the arm. I thought they had made up, but when they came to the car she hit her again and the blood spurted out and streamed down." It was at this point that Mrs. Caf fee broke down. She resumed a few minutes later, saying she stepped between the two women and "Clara told me to get out of the way." "The blood made me sick and I went down the road," she testified. "I looked back and saw Clara strike her one blow while Alberta was on the ground." She testified that a few minutes later the car reached her and Mrs. Phillips was driving alone. "She looked furious and said 'don't you dare tell about this. You are in this as much as I'." Mrs. Phillips drove downtown and left her, she said. FOR BRAIN FAG. Take Hereford's Aeid Phosphate. Gives prompt relief to tired nerves, brain and headache, following mental atratn or overwork. Adv. JnQ Chiropractor, SECURITIES BIDG. Strikers Meet Behind Closed Doors First Time Union Official Tells Omaha i That Workers "Out Jut as Strong" in Kabt. Shop The ma meeting of striking rail way ihopment was held at Labor temple behind cloed and, guarded doors yesterday morning, for the first time since the walkout 17 days ago, Speakers Mere G. F. Mounts of Kansas City, general vice president of the Carmen's union, and C. C. Car son, boilermaker, of Sioux City. Car son told the men he had made an in spection trip throughout the east, including ooints on the Pennsylvania and Baltimore & Uhio, and that the men were "out just as strong, if not stronger, than m the west. No Difficulty Anticipated. If. E. Dickinson, general superin tendent of Northwestern railroad lines west, said yesterday he had received no reports of clerks and freight handlers Quitting work on the Northwestern yesterday morning. A Strike of stationary firemen and oilers would not alter the situation, be cause they have bfen drifting out ever since the shopmen struck, he said. C. L. Gray, chief clerk to the gen eral manager of Burlington lines west, said the Burlington has a con tract with clerks and freight handlers until next February 1, and that no difficulty with them is anticipated, The reported order for firemen and oilers to walk out yesterday morning means nothing to the Burlington, where large numbers of them al ready have auit. according to Mr. Gray, who added that this class of men was easy to replace. Women Await Decision. Old men are not returning to work in any large numbers, Mr. Gray ad mitted. The women's auxiliary, formed Sunday to aid the striking shopmen, was awaiting a teaerat court decision on picketing before starting to serve drinks and lunches to the pickets, according to H. E. Gates, local strike chairman. Efforts Are Resumed to End Railway Strike (Continued From Face One.) but railway executives declared that the defections had been more than made up by the numbers of shop men who returned to work on the last day allowed them on many roads to protect their seniority rights. Disturbances Continue. Meanwhile strike disturbances con tinued to spread, the forces of fed eral marshals protecting the move ment of the mails and. interstate traffic was increased and more fed eral injunctions against picketing were granted. At Bloomington, 111., a number of shots were fired, damaging the home of a nonunion rail worker. In Iowa passengers, train and wrecking crews were driven away- from a wrecked train by strike sympathizers in an effort to prevent the clearing of the tracks. Officials Mark Time. Washington, July 17. Occupied almost exclusively with endeavors to bring about a resumption of work in ficislt of the government marked time in the railroad strike situation. Indications were that the sui'!n!oii of activity with respect to the rail road trouble was deliberate and for the purpose of giving full attention to the roal strike. F.mphanii was placed by most of ficials, however, on the statement that events within the next few days will nccosurily govern the govern ment's policy, and hope was ex pressed that it would not be neces sary to take any drastic action. Everything pointed to deliberation and raretul consideration prior to any decision, and for proof the gov eminent' action with respect to the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad was pointed to, Await Final Report. Officials in the case of that rail road, which presents unusual features, in that it is in the hands of a receiver appointed by a federal court, ttill awaited the final report of the in spector general of the Eighth corps area, who on instructions from Maj Gen. Hines, the corps area com mander, went to Denison. Tex., where disorders have occured, tomake an in vestigation. The inspector general, Col. Lincoln, in a telegram to the War department, sair Gov. Neff of Texas, had announced there would be a few hours delaw before he an nounced what steps would be taken by the state to preserve order, Co-operation by the state of Penn sylvama in any step the federal gov ernment might take in either the rail or the coal strike was promised by Governor Sproul and Attorney Gen eral Alter, of that state in confer ences with President Harding and Secretary eVVks Some reports of interference with movement of the mails continued to come in during the day, but the situa tion in that respect, with the excep tion 'of an isolated case in Lovilia, la., where striking coal miners and their sympathizers prevented the clearing of a wreck on the Burlington tracks, showed an improvement. Harding Takes Steps to Reopen Coal Mines (Continued From Fare One.) workers and government protection. I hey will oner the reduced wage scale which they put into effect on April 1. Attitude of Operators. The attitude of the operators to wards the president's settlement pro posal was set forth in the following letter: We. have given most careful and thorough consideration to the pro posal submitted by you on July 10, supplemented by your, statement of July 15, and we are not only in en tire accord with your plan to es tablish a general tribunal to inquire into all the facts in our industry and make recommendations for the solu tion of our fundamental problem, but we urge that such a plan be put into effect by you. "We also wish to remind you that we have already proposed the broad winciole of arbitration in our pre vious conferences with the officers of the administration and with the rep resentatives of the miners. We stilt stand on those broad principles and are in entire accord with you in that respect. Answer by Districts. "We did have in mind discussing with vou certain recommendations as to the machinery to- make anarbi tration plan effective and to accom plish the result which the country and you yourself desire. "In view of the contingencies that confront us, and the carrying condi tions in the different coal producing districts of the country, our confer ence has decided to answer your pro- the coal fields, administrative of-lposal by districts rather than as a Your Opjwrtunity This Week Wlitc Goois -VSSBaVSasflSHaWaWaWaMaVHamValtaillSlIM BaB All Must Go! Every pair of White Shoes in our immense summer stock of high-class OXFORDS and PUMPS in distinctive etyles and all kinds of wanted materials all are PRICED FOB QUICK CLEARANCE IN TWO BIO SPECIAL LOTS $I and 5i One Extra Special Lot of WHITE KID or CLOTH A OXFORDS and PUMPS, V broken lines of high quality C goods but will go quickly at Oome early and get the best White Shoe Bargains ever offered in Omaha. ' whole, md e attach hereto itste menu of the petition lakrii by the cvrral dtrict rrpirciiie4 mi the conference of PpfMior. enible4 at your request in Watliiiigioii. "All of the operator of your con frrence unite in supporting the prin ciple of arbitration and collective t argaiuiitg and your high motive in calling u loaether. "And, finally they say to ou and to the American people that each and every one of them stand ready in this criii to put hit property and hi on kcrvirct at your dipoal and command at any instance." Pennsylvania Pledges Aid. Karlicr in the day Governor Sproul, Senator Pepper, I'enmyU vania. and Secretary of the Treasury Mellon conferred with the president. They assured the president that they were prepared to back him to the limit in any move he might make to bring 'an end to the strike in Pennsylvania. All of the powers of the state, fiovernor Sproul atturred the president, would he placed at the disposal of the federal government. It was noted in this connection that the western Pennsylvania operators were opposed to accep tance of the president's proposal that they are desirous of a showdown with the miners. The districts which wanted to ac cept the president's proposal were Illinois, Iowa and small parts of Ohio, those in davor of rejection were Indiana, central and western Tennsvlvania and most of Ohio. President Lewis of the United Mine Workers declined to comment on President Harding's statement to the operators. Seven Killed in Battle at West Virginia Mine Continued Tmm Fact One.) they could see the men assembling. Most of the guards placed them selves in the tipple house, whilt the sheriff and two deputies went in the direction of the company houses. At S the men were heard to shout. "Come on. boys, lets kill these scabs." With that the entire body of men proceeded toward the tipple and the first shots were fired. Advancing in overwhelming num bers, the miners forced the guards to take shelter in a nearby house, firing as they retreated. As the men reached the tipple they were seen to pour oil on it and set it afire. Two Miners Killed. Two guards who remained sta tioned in the tipple house kept up a terrific fire and the miners tore off the roof of the enclosed incline in an effort to get at these men. At that time Deputy Sheriff Irvin Mozingo started up the hill. During an exchange of shots Mozineo was shot through the mouth. Two miners were later found dead at the spot where Moiinga lu l been dimi "g In hrt. Three times the imu iluifd l" tipple, being suctrnfut in their third attempt. It now u broad daylight and alter the tipple had been fired, the miners seemed satisfied and be. gan retreating, stopping long enough to pick up such uounded as came under their observation, Guards later dynamited the tipple in order to prevent its destruction by hre. My this method they saved most of it. A soon at the main battle had subtided, guards began searching the hills (or wounded and dead, but snipers opened fire from all Points. i forcing the men under cover. A additional deputies reached the scene, however, the dead were ! rated and the wounded brought tj Well.bur FullWton, Neb., to Petition for Sunday Mail Service Fullerton, Neb., July 17. (Spe cial.) Petitions are being circulated here to have the postoffice depart ment deliver the mail to Fullerton on Sunday. Until July I the mail was delivered from Clark. Neb., to this place by Mar route, but the depart ment advertised for bids again (or another year and then rejected all bids. Lutherans Stage Remarkable Paracla Mllaw4 riwa !"( Am ) ill study td ihe Pildc, and more would be better." I ' A report of the rommittee on Bible study and education nude by Kev. Taut (i. 1'iokopy. Many Activities Planned. . Today i to be (till of convention activities. The nioiiiing session will begin at 8.45 in the Auditorium with devotional eertie. Addresses will be made by Henrv VV. llort of Rock Island, III., on "The Need of the Hour: Consecrated Lay Worker." Kev. J. llaentxhel of Madison. VYii. wit speak on "The tSudent' Walther League." This afternoon will be devoted to sertional conferences in the Central High school auditorium and else where. The auditorium will be cleared of chair during the afternoon lnd i set in order for one of the biggest banipieis ever held m it. Two thou sand are expected to be sealed at the tables when the banquet begins at 7 tonight. The Bee Want Ads are best busi ness boosters. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ROBERT S. HUTCHINSON ALBIOX, BOONE CO., NEBR. Republican Candidate For STATE TREASURER Born and Reared in Boone County Farmer and Stock Raiser, and Land Owner. County Treasurer of Boone County since January 1917. 4TANDS FOR EFFICIENCY AND RIGID ECONOMY IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS. We have had a carnival of hich spand--. Fallinf prices raqulrsa lower ex penses and corresponding' lower taxation, consistent with efficient administration of Public affairs. Expenditure of Public funds should demand full value of service. Take a Hint From Me and Put Gash's Woven Names on Your List Theyre the best thing I know of to mark' your clothing with. You may have your name woven in red, navy, ' heliotrope, light blue or black. 3 dozen for $1.50, 6 dozen for $2.00 and 12 dozen for $3.00. r Single and double initials in packages of 3 dozen, 10c and 20c a package. When you go away to school you sure need a lot of them. Better Add- Bone hairpins, 25c a box. Snap tape in black and white, 25c a yard. Nonrustable hooks and eyes, 25c a box. Different kinds of belting. Black and white snaps or hooks and eyes, 5c and 10c a card. Get your hair nets by the dozen. The Sonia make in all shades of cap and fringe styles is 50c a dozen for the single mesh and 65c a dozen for the double mesh. Notion Section Main Floor If 8 Good If Sunderland Sells It We have a limited stock of the following high-grade Domestic Coal and Coke from which we are in position to make prompt deliveries: Genuine Pennsylvania Hard Coal Spadra Arkansas Anthracite Blue Flame Arkansas Semi Anthracite Petroleum Carbon' (Coke) Bi-Product Coke Economy Genuine Franklin County, Illinois Ez Lite Montgomery County, Illinois Rock Springs Colorado Cherokee Nut Kansas District Miners strike, which has been in effect since April 1st, together with the railroad situation, makes it impossible for us to tell when we will be able to secure additional supply Rftmomrifir ra'n or now eU te tn" '"' Sunderland stores all coal for home use un IXClUClllDcr der roof on concrete floors. Sunderland's coal is dry, clean and well screened A Coal for Every Need A Yard Convenient to Your Home This is Sunderland's fortieth year serving the Omaha public with high-grade fuel. SuroderlaiiMD LSros. Co. General Office, Entire 3d Floor, Sunderland Bldf ., 15th and Harney. Phone AT 2700 , - K HienAND FAR NAM SI