Corn Prospects of State Reported to Be Excellent Present Moisture Supply Con idered Adequate Wheat Threshing Delayed Po tato Harvest Starts. Lincoln. July 17. Splendid corn proipectt, ideal weather (or growing crop, improvement in oatf in north ern tectiont, severe hail lottet, wheat thrcahing delayed and the beginning of the harvest of the early commercial potato crop arc the leading feature! of the mid-month crop report of the Nebraska Department of Agricul ture and the bureau oi agricultural economic. The Nebraska corn crop it in ex cellent condition throughout the Hate except in the storm-damaged areas 11 til ttorme have been aevere and some of the corn is damaged beyond recovery. The previous drouth did not injure the corn and the present moisture supply it adequate to meet the increasing demands of the rapidly growing crop. The threshing of winter wheat has been delayed by the rains and tome Most in quality and test weight ex pected. Spring wheat hat improved somewhat in northern sections. The weather has been highly favor able for the filling of oata during the last two weeks and an improvement is noted in northern sections. The last estimate of production is very low. ' Potatoes improved under the highly favorable weather of the past two weeks. The acreage in the early com mercial aectiont it nearly doubled and the areas of commercial production extended into south central counties. Unofficial ettimatet of thipmentt of the early commercial crop range front 1,000 to 1,500 cart. The harvest of the second crop of , alfalfa waa delayed in places due to rains. Present prospects for the third crop' are good. Pastures have made marked! improvement. Births and Deaths. ' Birth". Fred and Edit Doha, hospital, tlrl.' Tony nd Tina Cavalerl, tilt North Forty-first street, boy. George and Viola Alsxandsr, hospital, Irl. Itevsn and Cram McPhron, lilt South Twenty. tlilrsj -treat, boy. - Frank ' and Inoa William, SIS North Tw.nty-thlrd street, boy. Alfred and Plortnea Craaap, 4311 May berry avenue, boy. Else and Helen Defrickson, lilt! North Seventeenth treet, tlrl. Michael and Cora Walah. 120T North Nineteenth street, girl. Arthur and Daily Moor. HOT Tate treat, boy. Frank and Tarsal Poo, 3404 1 etreet, ertn. . Frank and Florence Thomai. hoepltat, tin. . Oulseppe and Marl Bosco, 17H South. Thirteenth tret, girl. Harry and Anna Carlson, 1731 li street, lrL Arthur and Opal Cramer, 1704 N fliri. Abraham and Sarah tewl. 1135 South Twsnty-stxth etreet, girl. -Richard and Lola Fsdersen, 2411 Lrl raor etreet, bey. ' .Paul and Lillian Jordan, hoipltal, boy. . Death. -Charlea B. Coe, II year, hoapltal. Ruth Blla Pickett. year, hoepltat. Rm.1, NM,rin. 1(1 vuri. noaoltal. Jumlaa Davla Huston Cooper, Infant, 2401 X atreet. , David J. D Mary, IS year, hoapltal. Omaha Produce furatehtd by the tat of Kebraaka. da- Grtment of agriculture, bureau of mar t and marketing: i LIVB POULTRT. Wholeeele Wholeeale Buying Selling Price: Price; Bretlera ....... .10.30010.38 Light broiien.... .2 Hene. . light 174 .21 .50 ia .10 .It .11 a. heavy 2 .31 .23 k no . Cock Hene. Duck DRE8SED POULTRT. Broiler . Hen .....i...A i.iiMn Cock Suck , BOOS. No. 1 .200 .31 No. t .340 .17 Crack .140 .16 BUTTER. - Creamery, print ' Creamery, tub CAiintrv. common 34 But. fat. eta. prlc .280 .It HAT. Prairie No. 1 upland. 113.00014.00; No. 1 upland. 110.00013.00: No, S upland, 17.00 01.00; No. 1 midland 113.00013.00: No. 3 midland, tt.00011.00; No. 3 midland. t?.OO08.OO; No. 1 lowland. fS.00 0 10.00; No. 1 lowland. S7.OO0I.O. Straw Oat, .tt.OO0t.OO; wheat,, 17.000 S.OO Aiaflfa No. 1. 13.OO01S.OO; standard. - tll.HI012.iO; No. 2, S1O.IO011.SO; No. S. 11.00 flU 0.00. . Wholeeale price of beef out effective Jaly 17, are aa follow: . No. 1 rib, 21c; No. 2 rlb, JOc; No. 2 rib, 14c. NO. 1 loin, 24o; No. 2 loin. 35c; No. 3, loin, lie; No. 1 round. 19 He; No. I round. lc; No. 3 round. 16c. No. 1 chucks, 14c; No. 3 chuck. 13ttc; No. S chucka. 11c; No. 1 platee, Sc; No. 2 plates, 6c; No, S plates, 4c. . FRUITS. Bananas: Per lb., 7 07 He. Oranges: 8lie 81 and larger. 33.40010.00; alt 240, S8.4O0s.OO; else 2(8, I7.3607.7t; else, 324. 34.0006. 16. Lemons: Per box, according to alse. 17.60 01.00. Orspefrutt: Per crate, 37.60. Peaches: Georgle. 6-basket crates, 33.36; California. 13 boxes per crate. 31.26. Apricot: - 4-baaket. crates. 12.0002.36. Plums: 4-baaket crates, 13.00 0 3.76. Cher ries: Horn grown, 34 qts. per case, 13.60; 34 pta par esse, 11.60; market baaketa, 31,60. Loganberries: 34 qt. boxes, 14.00 4.26. Blackberriea: 24 pt. boxes, (3.36. Red Raspberries! 34 pt. boxes, 33.26. Ap ples: Wlneaap, 2,86 0 3.15; Pippins. 13.60; New Transparent, t2.760J.OO. VEGETABLES. r,.na New. No. 1. per lb.. 2U02VC. Sweet Potatoes: Per bu., tl.5001.00. Let tuce: Per crate,. 16.00; head, per do.. Sl.t601.6O; leaf, per do., 30 0 36c. Egg Plant: Per doe.. 11.60. Onions: Crystal Wax, 4t-lb crate. 33.0003.00; yellow, per lb., 3c; rod, per lb., 3c; horaa grown, per dot. Sic Cueambera: Hot houae. per do.. 31.1001.60. Cabbage: New. per lb.. 3 H O 3c. Tomato 4-baaket crates, c0 31.40. RadUhee: Far doa 11030c. 6pln . ach: Rome grown, par do.. 60c Green r.ppera: Per Ilk, 30c. Green and Wax Beans: Market basket, LJ-! lev! Do, bunches, market basket, 40 046c. WatemaaloBs: Par lb.. 304c. Cantaloupea: Tor eate,; .flat. ." New Peas: Per basket, about t lb.; 31.00. Celery: Michigan, par dot. Tic. Maw Tar Cottaa. New Tork. July 17. The tendency of the cotton market waa to sag in feature less trading, bnt th decline waa nominal until the afternoon, when, with aentlment atitl mixed, increased selling caused the list to eaaa off until at the close It was 26 to 4s points net lower en the day. De mand for futures contracts waa atill re stricted by the variety of unsettling out alds Influences Including the railroad and coal etrlkea and the German reparations situation. Prices went 16 to :S points net lower in the first couple of houra, then rall'ed about 1 points, then slipped back a the ton became heavy in th later dealing. Wall atreet Interests were th principal aallera. trot, quiet at tt.3 for middling up land. Soitkert) epot markets ware: Oalveato. S2.t6c tt points down: New Orleans, teadr. It point, down. 2t.26c; Savannah, teady. It polnta down. Sic; Augasta, toady. 28 polnta down. 31. tic: Memphis, steady, I points down. 33.60c; Houston, ateady. It points down, 22.40c; Little Rock, quiet, tt polnta down. 32.35c ' ' Grata Reapply. Mew Torn, juiy 17. Th. visible aupply bf American and bonded grain ahow th following change: Wheat decreased l.lll tvt husheha, Oata 1.3l.oee kuk,k 311. MO bushels. Barl , hush!. do a .23 6 .it a .24 O .23 .38 9 .43 .350 .21 ISO -It .250 .20 .340 .24 .30 0 .23 .170 .30 .IS0 .39 .330 .38 2 Sam Drcshcr Still in Serious Condition Stm Drcthrr, president of Drether Brothers, cleaners and dyers, it still in a serious condition at Paxton Me morial hospital. Hit right leg, which wtt badly fractured in the wreck of a Santa Ft train on which he wat returning from California a week ago Saturday, wat found to have been tet wrong'by tur gtont at Hutchinton, Kan., right after the wreck, and wat reiet yes terday by Doctort J. P. Lord, Alfred Brown and Francit Hetgey. It had been in a platter catt and waa atavi put in a catt after the reletting. Sur geont believe the member will be saved. Hit other teg it alto badly t wotten. He it unable to turn over in bed, but doctort Believe that this it not due to anything teriout. His tempertture yetterdty wat high. Mr. Drether wtt brought home from Hutchinton lait Wednesday by hit brother. Al. If Yom Waet to Hnire a Cook, Remit a Room, sell your auto, piano, or household goods no matter what your needs are, a "Want" Ad in The Omaha Morning Bee The Evening Bee will fill your wants quickly and satisfactorily. Then, too, you get better results at lesser cost. CARD OF THANKS WE wl.h to thank .all our dear frlenit and nelihbora, the A. O U W Iodic No. ST, Knight of Columbu and Cifdahy employe for the aympathy and klndnee ehowa ue In our recent bereavement, tlr. Rn McMahon and family. DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES BWARTZMANDER Dr. Lout C did July It at hla home, 414 N. loth., fellow inr a heart attack. , The funeral arrangement will be an nounced later by the Burket Funerat ehapel. RENTPROW Jenae .. entered Into reel at hi home Sunday. July It, at tb age of IS year. Funeral eervlcei Wed need ey, July It, at :S0 p. m., at hi home, S4SI Emmett St. Frlendi w.-Irome. ; BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC Mating concrete burial vault Recommended ' and tor al by alt leading undertaker. Water proof, no iteel to ruit. bo wood to de cay. Inelet upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 6J10 N. SOth. Omaha. Tel. Kenwood Hit. - "CEMETERiH: Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new (action bs recently been opened In Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limlta). It I but wis dom to sslect a lot before absolute necessity compel on to do so. Send " for booklet rOREST LAWN CEMETERT ASSOCIA- - . TION. - ; -- 730 Brandels ' Theater Bldg. .FLORISTS LEE LARMON f r u.,.,.V SAT IT WITH FLOWER8 FROM HESS A 8WOBODA, 1411 FARNAM STREET. L. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnam. J A. 1353. JOHN BATH. 1104 Farnam. JA. 1104. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., ... Sucoeaaor to Stack 4t Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. rRRRocwAMBULANCEHif ' Thirty-third and Farnam. . HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakera and Bmbalmera. Phone HA. 0296. office till Farnam. LARKIN BROTHERS FUNERAL PIRECTOKS. 4813 SCs 24TH Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Director. 2224 Cumins. ' CROSBY-MOORE JwhE,w4'7rt PERSONALS THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazine. W collect. We distribute. Phone DO. 4136 and our wagon will call. Gall and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodgs St. MAGNETIC hatha; Violet Ray treatment with massage. 614 S. 13th. AT. 1381. SULPHUR batha, Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenings to I. 301 S. 20th 81. ELECTRIC BATHS tor nervousness. WE. 31L CAL H. Write; important. McCausland, Is. Laura. WOODWARD'S MASSAGE 1760 Leaven worth; office 1. ' EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 3540. FISHER baths, massage. 320 Arthur Bldg. RENT vacuum cleaners. 76c HA. 1071. MASSAGE. Emma Brott. 1717 Webster. M. HOLERAN, massage. 301 Neville Blk. MATERNITT HOME. 113 Emmett. EXPERT massage. 310 No. 17th. MASSAGE. Eve and Sun Apimt. At, 6345; LOST AND FOUND WILL party who found lady a green silk parasol In Rialto theater Thursday after noon return aame to 1526 8. 25th Ave. Phon J A. 3408. Reward LOST On Dodge car, going west, small black purse, containing ' about 365.00 or 175.00. liberal reward. WE. 1748. LOST Boston bull terrier; dark brindle, wearing harness, anawerlng to name "Bud." HA. 6655. Reward. LOST Lady's Shriner emblem pin, set with pearls. Reward offered. Call Mar ket 1638. T.nST- Rfiinonat' lft on atreet nnr Sun- day evening near 34th and Cuming; re j ward. Web. 1163. AGENTS WANTED WANTED District agent. Repreeent well known brand hosiery, sold from mill to consumer. Big money to capable agent. Orange Hosiery Mills, Orange, N J. MALE HELP WANTED HARVEST HANDS WANTED 300 har vest hands, good wagea, report In per stn to Town Marshal. Yuma, Colo. MALE stenographer wanted for Sioux City firm. Apply Box W-119. Omaha Bee. MEN WANTED. i FOR GRAVEL HAULING. several excellent Jobs open. Men on thia work s now earning 326 to 335 per day. Must be reliable and able to buy track, paying part cash, balance from earnings Quick action ia necessary as limit ed number only can be taken care of. When replying give phone No. if possible. Address Box W-110. Omiha Bee. 1 SALESMEN WANTED To aell our line af men'a medium priced Goodyear Welt Dree Shoe la the atatea of Nebraska and lows to the retail trade We carry a large ln-atock department. Addresa all correepoadence to the Whitcomb Shoe Company, Haverhill. Mass. SALESMEN Dry goods or notions sales men aow making I he email towns in Ne braska and surrounding territory to carry our goods aa a side line. Our line st now being successfully msrketed by all large department stores and dry Rood, houses snd ia nationally and locally advertised. Commission basia. Box 144, Realaervice. It E 44, New Tork City. CHEF Msn and wife for American plan hotel; salary tilt, room and board. Most ba good on meats and pastry. Algona Hotel. Algona. Ia. ONE-TON Nashjtruck. 175 down snd 460 per month. Evenings and Sundays call HA. 4M4. Week day. DO. 1141. THE GUMPS Mivmiitu ' i " m ii u;i - y 11 1 IV I Voo MOO II A I - .aA W ,MPWT' . I NO-WWft r vi cAuVutf-.' urr vhNtTooT? h gjt'sow I BmttomTrfj so &ob J IM, 1 1 I VI la VXF-Z- n ? "tou too vthpa A t-rs V J S- -- MALE HELP WANTED PLASTERERS WANTED. Thirty flnt-slas plesterere, Maaonlo Tempi Jon. Birmingham. Long job, ornamental. Beat wagea. Transpor tation paid, yor further Information writ Epperly Plastering Co., Inc., Birmingham, Ala. . ... SALESMEN DISTRIBUTORS. A Detroit manufacturer ha a good propo sition for a real live man. Prefer a man acquainted with the automchil -trade, but not essential. H, H. Llchenstsln, Hotel Fontenelle. - WANTED Salesmen; must ba Catholic and experienced. It co-operation and lo cal endoraement appeal to you call for interview, 8-10 or 6-4, 114 Omaha Loan and Building nssoclstlon Bldg FEMALE HELP WANTED BEAUTT shop operator wanted. A first olass operator for beauty parlor. Must be able to do marcelling. ISO per week to start Ruter'a. The Fashion Store. Kear ney, Nelx EXPERIENCED toilet good demonstra tor. Apply superintendent. WANTED Capable, energentlo man or woman aa aaslstant In well known Omaha bualnesa college. Investment of tl.000 re quired. Position will earn you 1360 per month. For Interview write Box W-140, Omaha Bee WANTED Good while cook. Apply Old n , , n, ni.lK.,. 97.7 reupien jiunie. ,01. .uii. MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Capable, energetic man or woman a . asslstsnt msnager In well known Omaha business college. Invest ment of 31.000 required. Position will earn you 3250 per month. ' For interview write Box w-140. umsna use. SITUATIONS WANTED I Grain Bookkeeper Thoroughly experienced In all depts. of the business will be available for poaitlon Aug. 1. Minneapolis and Omaha Teferencea. P. O. Box 434, Minneapolis, Minn. COLORED woman want day work. Wtt 476S. WHITE woman wanta laundry, work. KB.. 2386, DAT work wanted WE. 6004. ATTRACTIONS DOLLS. BALLOONS, RUBBER' BALLS, KUVIibUIA Ask for catalogue. Globe Novelty Co., 1208 Farnam ., umana. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, ahort hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial, branche. Wdte, call or phone Jackson 1666 for large Illustrated catalog. "Addresa Boyles College Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Nei. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand? wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Van Sant School of Bualnesa. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank. Bldg. Doualas 6830. DO you want to Inorease your Income? Write the National Auto School. 3114 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alteration free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sta. FULL DRESS sulta and Tuxedoa for rent. JA. 8128. 101 N. 16th St. I. Feldman. ARMT ahoea 83.10. 706 No. 14th. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Fords! Fords! New and Used. Cash or Term. We have them all prices all model. Be sure and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorised Ford' and Lincoln Dealer. , 16th and Jackson Sta. 1 DO. 3500. Open Sundays from t till 11 a. m. SEVERAL good and used trucks, standard makes, priced low. W. M. CLEMENT MOTOR CO., 2416 Grant St Phones WE. 0967 and AT. 3782. WE BUT and sell new and used cars. Cash or time. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. J A. 2468. BUT A GUT L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Invtetment 28th and Farnam Sta, phone DO. 1170. FORD cars made to start first turn of crank. 33.00. While you wait, Uaed Ford Car Co., 1814 Cuming St. OVERLAND 5-pase., newly remodeled, lust overhauled. Will sacrifice if taken at once. Phone Co. Bluffs, Red 1671. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2056 Farnam St AT. 7826. s'KEE inspection ahd water for all makes battery. Battery snd Parte Co.. 2416 Farnam St. AT. 1314. i USED can, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobila Co 18tb aud Howard Sta. AT. 177. ASK about our 1-day Auto Repaint Serv ice. PFEIFFER'S, 2526 Leavenworth. ONE 120 Studebaker Big t. Overhauled; painted Just like new. HA. 6760. H.-46 BUICK. FIRST CLASS shape; win ter top. Call HA 6750. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Ore ough Radiator Repair. 202t Farnam. USED Fords, all models. Uaed Ford Car Co., 1814 Cuming. ONE good Maxwell touring for sale, cheap. AT. 3537. WILLTS KNIGHT body. top. motor iront wneeis. cn-ap. vva. 2716. HIGH-GRADE furniture, ruga, household soon, uisnea. At. 183Z. HOLLY, expert sum trimmer, sit 8. 34th. FOR SALS Ford with delivery box. tit; THE OMAHA BEE: TUESDAY. JULY 18. 1022. S StC IT IN COLOM TNI SUNDAY gCI AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SOME bargains la uaed Fords; prompt delivery or. new Forda. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Servtc Btatlon. 16th and Jaokaon Sta, DO. tttt HOUSEHOLD GOODS ' Big Night Auction, DOWD'B AUCTION HOV8E 13th and Webster Sts. Tonight at 7 O'clock. Including overstuffed parlor suite, daven port tablee, ruga, all klnda and sites, plaaoa, talking machine, library tables, Que.n Ann period American walnut dining room suites, on Italian motif dining room sulta. Beautiful bedroom aultea In Ameri can walnut, mahogany and old Ivory, kitchen cablnete, linoleums, gss ranges, steel rangea on combination range, pic. turea, drape, mirror, one good electric washer and hundred ,of artlclea too nd numerous to mention James L. Dowd & Co., Auctioneer. If you have anything to aell call AT. 0361 or WA. 6318. Owners Leaving City We have two consignments of high grade furniture from Beklns Omaha Van and Storage Co. and one consignment from the Fidelity Van and Storage Co. In the Tuesday auction. These goods are not being aold for atorage. The owner are leaving the city and want to raise cash rather than move and pay freight. In addition we have' the complete furnishings of a 10-room house. Most of this con signment will be on our sales floor In time for the Tuesday auction. Examine these lot and then attend the Stephenson Auction 1500 Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6266. CITT MATTRESS CO. Mattresses made over. New tick. Box Spring Repaired. 2116 Cuming St. AT. 437. AUCTIONS are held daily and avenlnga at Dowd'a Auction House, 18th and Web ater atreet. Phone AT. 046 for detail. ELECTRIC WASHINO MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. 375 buy the best. Phone Douglas 4423. ICE BOX, congoleum rug, heater, table, cupboard, drapea; no dealers. 1244 8. 15th Street. COMPLETE solid oak dining set, 6 leather chairs. Very ressonable, AT. 3036. ECLIPSE gas stove, high oven, AT. 2633, 8510 South 20th MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low aa 310 per month. A. HOSPE CO.. 1513 Douglaa. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOUR-FOOT flat top oak showcase, used 2 months; sliding top Ice chest, gum -machine, scales, restaurant dishes, 10-gallon water cooler. For sale at private sale or bid for them at the Stephenson Auc tion house, 1603 Capitol Ave., Tuesday, July 18. at 1 p. m. ELECTRIC WASHER BARGAIN. Reversible wringer, metal cylinder, slight ly used, 360. JA. 1306. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKBLS. 16th and Harney. DO. 1373. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. CHERRIES, apples. 600 Sprague. KE. 2016. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Baby chicks, 10-week old, and matured pullets, cockerels and yearling hens, all leading varletlea. Send for catalog. 8. M. Dean, Box 771, Fort Dodge, Ia. WHEAT SCREENINGS, 31.50 per 100 lba. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th, JA. 1142. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES" Office Furniture Roll and flat top desk, table, steel cab inet safe, combination1 filing cabinet, chairs, desk files, check writer, type, writer, typewriter desk,' glass tops, etc Sell separate or together Call 220 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. , TTPEWRITERS AND ; All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agentaafor the CORONA. Get our Price before you buy. : Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 4120. 1912 Farnam. WE buy, sel! safes, make desks, show cases, eto., Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., & W. Cor. 11th and Donslaa. JA. 272t. GUARANTEED typewriters, 310 and up. Midland Supply Co., 1404 Dodge St. I BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL for sale 36 rooms, Ibrick; heated, electric lights, gas, 100 feet from estab lished center of slty. 316,000, 36,000 cash, balance to suit buyer. Restaurant, fur nished, for sale at 3300. Two or three of flees to let to good chlroprator or doctor. Address Prop. Elliott House, Stillwater, Minn. . . MEAT market and grocery for sale. Locat ed in best city in western Neb. Population 6,000. In good farming locality. Doing strictly cash buslnesa. Modern equipped. Ice . machine. Price and terms for same will surprise you. Address T-1360, Omaha Bee. HOTEL 14-room hotel, modern, furnished complete, big garage, large garden, good business and home cheap for quick sale, terms, no trades. Owner, 702 W. Lyon St, Marshall, Minn. -Hotel for sale. Furniture and five-year lease on Hampton hotel at Holdrege, Neb. 50 rooms. Must be sold within 10 day. Inquire U. G. Simpson, Holdrege, Neb. MOTION picture show. 35,000 buy good paying motion picture ahow if taken before July 31st Write for- particulars. U. E. Moore. Maxwell, N. M. DOCTOR WANTED Toung doctor at Em mett, Kan. Splendid location. For par ticular writ Emmett Drug Co., Emmett, Kan. JU8T the business for retired engineer, fireman or mechanic: well established; no competition; Sl.tOO cash. Box W-108, Omaha Be. CLOTHING and ahoe store for sale. 310. 000 will handle, eaatern Nebraska; good business. Address T-1363, Omaha Bee. FORD agency tor aale; well located in central Iowa. For particulars addresa T-195, Omalja Bee. CAFE and bakery for sale, A-l business, located In northwest Iowa. Addresa Box T-1364, Omaha Bee. MEAT market for aale, only one in lively country town. P. H. Klima. Ohlowa. Neb. MAKB hay while the sun shines. t0, confectionery. 417 No. Jtth St SHADY BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEfcTINO. ACCORDION, aid, knife, box pleating. covered buttons, all tylea; hemstitch . Ing, buttonhole. Writ Ideal Buttoa 4k , Pleating Co., 301 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1336. NEB. PLEATING gTSXZ ed Button. 1804 Farnam. Id Floor. DO. 6670. KODAK FINIBHINO. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 1447 Howard St DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RATS, 60 each, S3 a full aet tit Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg., J A. 2066; night, KB. 2812. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6601; night. WA. 4048; KE. 0466 JAMES ALLAN, 813 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all caaes. AT. 1134. CONTRACTORS. OARAGES built, any style and alse, S100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6556. DRRSSMAKINO. PLAIN and fancy sewing; silk shirts specialty; work guaranteed. JA. 0736. . FURRIERS. TjiTTnrt remodeled, rellned. cleaned, r U IVO Kneeter Alaaka Fur Co.. 203 So 15th 8t. DO. 783. HAULING. TRUNKS, 60c; bags, 25c; any place In town. Day Express. Call AT. 4380. PATENT ATTORNET8. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1713 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington. D. C. 1 help Inventor sell their patenta. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. LUPTON Painter; Inslds work a a pe dal ty; cheap for cash. AT. 9717. PRINTING. EDDT Printing Co. 213 S. 13 St Do. 344T. RIDING ACADEMT. FOR SALE Several aplendid Kentucky type aaddle houses, ready for prompt de livery. We also have for rent good sad dle horses at reasonable rates. Safe for women and children to ride; also gentle ponies for the kiddles. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMT, Ak-Sar-Ben Field. Tel. WA. 6063. TREE TRIMMING. TREE trimming, tree surgery. Surgery 1 dur specialty. Work done by experts. Call us for free advice in the care of your trees. Horn Landscape Service, 311 N. 24th St. DO. 6116. TOWEL SUPPLT. FRONTIER Towel SuptaV furnisher of clean linens. 1810 Cal. AT. 6231. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS XWthSS to huv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRT CO., Omaha, Neb., 402' N. 16th St Telephone DO. 6043. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up in new feather proof ticking. Old bed tick washed. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. DR. Louis N. Smernoff, disease of women and children. 315 N. 21st St AT. 6766. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6. Sherman & MoConnell Drug atorea. WANT TO BUx DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146. Call WE. 6441 first We pay more for furniture, ruga, atovea, clothe. ROOMS FOR RENT WELLINGTON INN HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS. NICE LT FURNISHED. WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATTRACTIVE WEELT RATES. MR. RAMET, THE MANAGER, WILL, GLADLY SHOW THEM TO TOU. EXTRAORDINART large and beautifully furnished rooms, in, one of the finest homes In Omaha, Tlve minutes' walk from heart of city; suitable for profes sional or business man. Must be seen to be appreciated. 808 S. 20th St. DESIRABLE accommodations for 1 or 2 business or professional men in attractive ly furnished bachelor quarters. West Farnam district. Phone HA. 4643 after 6 p. m.. Saturday afternoon or Sunday. TO LET Room with meals if desired. Will accommodate two; prefer persona employed during day; recommendation exchaaged. WA. 1213. HOTEL SANDFORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guesta. 116 N. 25TH ST. 2 large rooms with al cove, 6 windows, modern; also 1 room with running water. CHICAGO, 2546, south front, newly fur nished, comfortable sleeping and house keeping rooms, ideal home. HA. 3718. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close in. strictly modern, rea sonable, rent Call AT. 3260. FURN. rms. with prir. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. NINETEENTH St., 405 North. Clean, nicely furnished fooms; light housekeep ing and sleeping. LARGE COMFORTABLE room for gentle men. Private home near 38th and Far nam. Phone Harney 1116. 661 S. 26th Ave., furnished rooms; ladle only; no housekeeping. JA. 2834. FRONT room, home cooking. HA- 4613. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS LARGE rm.. mod. conveniences, screened porch; couple or 2 bus. women. HA. 6512. TWO cool, pleasant rooms; aiso. sleeping rcom. Hansccm -Park district Har. 0516. 1918 CAPITOL AVE.; good housekeeping and sleeping rooms. ONE or 2-room apts. with kitchenette. 614 N. 23d St HOUSES FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE 8 -room house la Dundee. 513V Izard Street Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam St. VERT nice t-room house, bath and garage, now vacant. 136. 20: Pierce. AT. 233t and AT. 0274. REST Tut k FURNISHED HOUSES FIVE rooms, either vacant or nicely fur nished; good Inside and out. 1737 North 44th. Call Eagl Shoe Repair, 2234 Far nam. , KIOHT-ROOM houae, new furniture. Bringing In good income. Must lie aold at once. HA. 6363. 16-ROOM rooming house, parUy furnished, walking distance; part caab. 644 So. 36th St. Call JA. 3161. 7 rooms completely furnished tpleno, Vic trola, everything complete. AT. 4114. APARTMENTS FOR RENT GET our list of vacant apartment and We handle a larger variety of rental propertle than any other agency In the city. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. TWENTY-FOURTH ST., 842 8. 3, 3. 4 snd t-room all modern, newly remodeled and In A-l shape. Will equip some or all of th rooms with new furniture If de tired. Call AT. 0296. L. H. Stern, 306 Vt Omsha Bldg. and Loan Ass'n, ' NEW, 2 large rooms, 4-room accommo dation: bed, stove and Ice box; laundry and locker room. 342.60. 1801 Vinton. Douglaa 6537. MODERN apt, living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Walking dis tance. 360. Walnut 3888. IO Q room modern apartments. THE 6 ""DRAKE' RENTAL AGENCT, 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. J A. 2806. MODERN 5-room apt. with garage. $86 per month. 136 N. 33d St. Call Harney 0332 or Douglaa 2660. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close In. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. A NEW up-to-date 6-room apt. Market 3604. Inquire 3837 South 23d St. IDEAL strictly modern, new, 3-room apt; private bath. 2214 D St. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Morris Apartment Hotel, , 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of living room, dressing room, kitchenette and bath Weekly rental Includes heat, light gaa. phone and maid services. Either weekly or permanent guesta Phone AT. 2210. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of living room, dress ing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental includes heat, light, gas, phone and maid services. Either weekly or perma nent guests. Phone AT. 3210. TWO-ROOM APT., 38 per week. Every thing furnished. Call Sunday or eve nings. 612 North 23d. JA. 1038. FURNISHED modern 2-room apts.; in quire 3837 S. 23d St. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones St" WANT TO RENT Wanted to Rent 10-room house, good surroundings, Field Club district. W. Farnam Smith & Co. JA. 0564. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY TvGcBc, MOVING PACKING 1 STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rates fThts Week to LOS ANGELES and ST. LOUIS. ' 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0281. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, . packing and shipping. BBKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracta taken on Job or hr. Olobe Van aV Storage Co., JA. 4388. AT. 0230. , 620-24 North 16th St CHATTEL. LOANS Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay meats. QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO.. 506 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2291. Southeast corner 15th and Douglaa St. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE 3100 TO 310.000 loana made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN. 210 S. 18th St ' Wead Bldg. At OliL TTflrm T .nana No delay on western a? drill JUUaHS Neb. farm, rancbea. Kloke Tnveatment Co.. 348 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1011 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 37 It. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. 638 Keeline Bldg. FIRST monger, loana made promptly on Omana real estate. 8hopen A Co.. Realtors. JA. 4323. 234 Keeline Bldg. LONG time Iowa and Nebraska farm loans. We sell farms and ranches. Walter Bowen. Peters Trust Bldg., Omsha. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. OARVIN BROS.. 646 OMAHA NAT Bldg. ACREAGE FOR SALE ACREAGE IT"'"- nd m1L AVXVtZiVV71Zi Easy payments. Hast ings & Reydn. 1614 Harney St AT. 0060. AN ACRE ot ground for only 3471. Front south on the Blvd. at 24th St Easy terms. AT. 1411. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 16th Street Investment Brick store building and frame St Louie flat t room each. 13 per cent on money Invested. - . Gallagher & Ttfelson ttt Peter Trust Bldg. aTA. J382. Drawn for ivwrt KtM "TOO VUOH- CM rrsM 6oct .17.1-9 r I trnowi I KM0W umvRt XHCH WtA- oitVW ocrr ufj urt wnm w.v" v- wv -uv v C4MHJ.V JUT M MCH fVM ttWtN(, OUT X0Vf. tt A IMV.UKj IT M fcOWlHG Vt.eV)Nfr- GTtMO V KtCt C04VT OF TVN- Nt-H CM Oil VOlAt VOVJRtOOINQ to Ut .0Tt WWM OU CaAHavrf tXMSVMK. NOO Mtaf l .me-r a tTKeVT TO L rttOlA MoTHlKfi . BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES J. tf. M1THEN pay most for LIBERTT sunui. sii city net i nana mag. VACANT PROPERTY tit DOWN 16 MONTH Fins corner lot, faolng south and (tat, aewer and water Id trtt; near ear, 1460. 7 H. A MANVILLB, Realtor. AT. 2403 tit Peter Trust Bldg. DUNDEE CORNER LOT. Southesst corner 63d and Dodge, 180 feet on Dodge. Worth 86.000. What ia vour offer 7 Owner, Harney 8323. Ralston Lots"u" payi-vents. I'hone Stewart Ralston 10-W. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota In Edgewoed; very easy term. Atlsntle 854. KANSAS LANDS. FOR SALE 160-acre Improved farm, 3 miles of city limits Tooeks. Kan.. 8120 ser acre. J. C Karas, Tabls Rock, Neb. NEBRASKA LANDS CASH FOR YOUR LAND Sales made In 60 countlea of Nebraska, Address Col. Mark Carraher, Central City, Neb. "FA PUTS "P- write M. A. A AftillO Larson, Central City. Neb., your wants for farms, acreage tracts, eto. FARMS, ranches, sale, exchange. Willis Cadwsll, Broken Bow, Neb. WANTED REAL ESTATE .HOMES for sale, APTS. for rent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Batata Management Specialist. Keeline Bldg AT. 3980. List your home 'Buy your home. BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loana, Rentals, JA. 2641. sholes, d. v. sr-M-m bR:v; Multiple Listing Exchange. 916 City Nat'l Bank 4 lag. ja. vo4s. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 3668. To buv or sell Omaha Real E.tate see FOWLER & M'DONALD Members Multiple Listing Ex. J A. 1436, Reed & Co., , Real Estate and Insurance. 1207 Farnam St Phone AT. 6146. When buying or selling see First Trust Co., 400 First Nat. Bank. AT. 072, VJXVUXlilXiVT us for oulck results. 1418 Firs' Nat'l Bk. Bl"g. J A, mi DTpTZTJ'Tim REAL ESTATE Din XV Hi X i sells. Rent. Insure. 850 Peters Trust Bldg.. JA. 0638. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, H per cent AMUH UKAINT W., 201 S 18th, Arthur Bldg. AT. 3360. SEO. T. PORTER At CO. Real Eatate, Rental Insurance. 105 South 18tb. AT. 3996. NEW homes, completely financed. Pay Ilka rent C. T. SPIER CO., Realtor. 304 Peter Trust Bldg. uu. 4667. AT-Lantlc 1111 meana HOME REALTT CO., 1019-20 W. O. W. Bldg. We buy and sell omana home. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern house. 626 Ry, Bxchg. Bldg. AT. 4956 WANT t or 7-room, well located, in Dun dee, by th first: have cash. Box 121. umana Bee, LIST your homes for sale withus. We have the customers. PATNE INVEST MENT CO. TO SELL Quick snd buy right, see Ftke A Price, 819 City Nat, Bank. JA. 2411. LIST your property with W, W. Fa Smith Co., 1320 Farnam LIST your property with R, D. Clark Co Securities Bldg. TO SELL see Glover & Morel 1. AT. 3623. Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 2946. Western Real Estate Co J A. ttot. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY $1,000 Down Will purchase this delightful horn near "Prettiest Mile." First floor has four nice rooms, fireplace in living room. Second floor has three pleasant bedrooms, bath and large closets. Full cemented basement. Built-in tubs, hot water heat. In fact, this is a real home situated on large corner lot. near school and car line. Call us for an ap pointment today. Payne & Carnaby Co., "Tour Realtor." 616 Omaha NatLl. Bldg. JA. 1016. You Can't Beat This GROUND 10.000 SQ. FT. Brand new five-room. Generous blgN rooms ana closets, uas rioors and finish. Shown only by appointment. 34.850 with 31.250 down. JA 0415. WE. 2868. KB. 3021. 3335 CAMDEN Ave., t rooms, modern with half acre of fruit tl.000 cash, balance monthly. 408 Bee Bldg. JA. 0300. BUCK CO. buv and eell home. r We malt. (0 Loans On Omaha Property Home, Apartments, Bniine Property Meathlr Bayssaata If Peters National Bank A. t ein s 11 The Bee by Sidney Smith (Opyritat Mil ) lVtV.60 iOVJT wt wv iu i"- TVV TKVfK I WW VIW w NORTH SIDE PROPERTY BT OWN ER House, all modern, 7 roome bath. Desirable location. Leaving city Kit 1143. FINE t-room bungalow, hard wood finish 16.000. O. B. btebblos. 1410 Chicago. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY 8063 8. 34TH ST. Six -room bungalow, 17 stn r u rarlbera. Realtor. 313 Bran. dels Theater Bldg. JA. 583. WEST 8IDE PROPERTY WALNUT HILL or cathedral, new bunga low, oak and Ivory, ISsiIA living room. Kasy terms. Phone J A. 8361. HOUSE and furniture, good location: buy of owner and save broker' commission. Box W-Ul, Omsha Bss. BENSON PROPERTY DANDT 6-room, modern bungalow; lot 64x80; on--half block from rarlln. Price 13,660. C. A. Grlmmel, JA. 1615. DUNDEE PROPERTY Brand New Brick and tucco, aeven rooms. thoroughly ' modern; osk and . enamel finish: complete bssement: double gsrage. Near 62d and - Nlchnhts Sts. Price 311. 600. The Byron Reed Company DO. 0297. 1612 Fsruam M. Brand Ne w Th home you have been looking for. Six rooms, very attractive arrangement; ex cellent finish. Very easy terms arranged. Glover & Spain REALTORS. ' JA. 2850. 918-20 City National, ROOM DUNDEE HOME. . A beautiful location and a real home. Large living room acrosa front, with fire place. Built-in bookcases, buffet, kitchen csblnet. Osk floors thrflughout. Bath has base tub, tile floor. About 2 years old. 31,600 cash, balance easy. Call Mr. Borrusch. .AT 4947, t Dundee Lots, Houses GEORGE CO., Realtor " . Atlantic 3024. '.' V, Members Multiple Listing Exchsnge. 18,600 Terms, Dundee, 6 roms. mod., 2 sty. gar, oak trim. BELMAN, AT. 6260. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAT sella and tredea KE. 1404. IT. II. MAEHHER CO. I BUILDERS ed by Missouri Pacific Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St Louis Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coffey ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply . 217 South 14th Street. Omaha, Neb, Want