The Omaha Morning Bee TWO CENTS VOL 52 NO. 26. l,hn ( ) N.Hw Mw M, 1Mb. OMAHA. TUESDAY, JULY 18. 1922. i Man tl Mftl INM. Ml DM. (Him M 41k . 0U1M mt tU (M (I HOl 0t" M . Illl Ml), W. "r JV n rnrp MMMIPL y D Efforts to End Strike Resumed Basil for Agreement ou De mand! of Railroad Men Sought Preliminary to New Hearing. More Workers Quit Jobs Chicago, July 17. -(By A. P.) Peace negotiation, halted over the weekend, werf resumed lv members of the United States railroad labor board Monday in an etfort to bring about Mil early settlement of the rail way shopmen's strike. W. II. Finlcy, president of the Chicago & Northwestern, and W. G. Bierd, president of the Chicago & Alton, were among the railway chiefs who visited the ollices of the labor board during the day for conferences with Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the board, while Walter L. McMenimen. a labor member of the board, met several high operating executives. While none of those present would make .any statement regarding the subjects discussed, it was intimated some basis for agreement on the live demands presented by B, M. Jewell, leader of the .shopmen, to Mr. Hooper at a conference between the two last week, was sought as preliminary to the calling of a new formal hearing of all parties before the labor board.. Demands of Shopmen. The five demands of the shopmen were announced as the restoration of all seniority rights to strikers, im mediate establishment of a national adjustment board so that the men may obtain quicker action on local grievances than is possible through the labor board, the abolishment of outside contracting by the roads, the restoration of certain rules and work ing agreements and a return to the scale of wages in effect before the cut ordered by the labor board for July 1 became effective simultan eously with the strike. An indication of the result of the negotiations on these issues was seen in the statement Sunday night of R. a. Vtonnincr orpiicral chairman of the federated shopcrafts of the north west, that only the retusai ot tne eastern roads to reinstate striking workers with their full seniority Sfft , were concerned. Walkouta Unauthorized. , .1 1 Hopes tor an eariy peace u 'based'on the attitude of E. F. Grable, nH.,.MIAnf trio maintenance nf W3V employes, wno arnvcu m ws from his headquarters at Detroit, for conferences with members of the trdn nrrivoA in CnlCaOTO 1 labor board to get support to pre- America in particular, safe lor de vent carriers from requiring mam- j mocracy anj liberty. o in Hn strikers work While some thousands of the main tenance men were reported 'from ..Mlnnc nf the COUntrV. mostly rvew iorK, as navmg p . . f .1. . -1 Mr the stnKe 01 me auupiucn, Grable asserted that such walkouts i ntiA that were entirely uuduuiui icu nu no strike order? would be issued, at least until alter a meeting ui i-. grand lodfie of his organization in Wetroit on l nursoay. i Some additions to the ranks of i the strikers in various sections also . .ninnn iri rlerk. freight handlers, firemen and oiler3, were rein'iivu ..... i (Turn to Vag Two. rolnmn onr.) Autoists Hurt as Cars Crash Near Holdrege Hoktrciige. Aei., juiy i. cial Telegram.) H. Gunnison, a resi dent of Elm Creek, Neb., was seri ously and perhaps mortally injured when the car he was driving on the Holdrcdge-Elm Creek road crashed into one driven by . L. E. Chadder don. . Chadderdon and his wife and two babies were bruised and cut. vr, H H F.llis who with her husband and baby, was riding with Chadderdon, had not recovered con sc;ousness from a bad head bump at a late hour last night. Doctors say her condition is not serious and that there are no concussions. Ellis and the baby escaped injury. Both cars were demolished State Commander Asserts Legion Is Non-Political Bridncport, Neb.. July 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) William Ritchie, jr., stat commander of the Amer ican Legion was asked yesterday re garding the attitude of the Ar.isncan Legion towards political parties and candidates. Mr. Ritchie advised that the American Legion is not a po litical organization and is wholly patriotic. . Threshins of Wheal Begun in Richardson County Falls City. Neb.. July 17. (Spe cial.) Threshing of wheat has start ed in Richardson county and a godd deal of stacking is now going on. The oat crop of the county is very small in comparison with other years, the average yield being estimated at from 10 -to 12 bushels per acre by County Agent J. L. Worrell. Corn is. doing splendidly Germany Pays Reparations. Paris, July 17. (By A. P.) The reparations commission was officially notified today that Germany had de posited 32.000,000 gold marks in des ignated banks to meet its July IS reparations payment. Gold Fish and OU Recommended as Best Cures, for Mosquitoes New York, July 17. Dr. Hermann i M. Biggs, itate health cominirtiouer, lays the only known cures for the i mosquito plague (re goldfish and oil, used separately. I Its not a case ot patronizing tne Standard Oil company, or the pel store, however, for the doctor ij not Ann n,nl Ij. In artuismrr tl, nilPfhakri fti goldfish to catch and eat mosquitoes, eggs ana iniani mosquitoes nciure they grow up. All fish are fond of mosquitoes, he tays. Tarpon, tuna, dogfish or salmon will do equally as well as goldfish as exterminators of the culex pipieni. The mosquito situation inspires the advice that all snoall lakes and ponds should be populated with fish and lesser bodies of stagnant water treated with keruicne or crude oil in the war on the pests. The New Jersey fish and game commission recommends ringed neck pheasants as destroyers of mosquitoes attherr source. Debs Calls on All Union Workers to Strike Together Leader of Great Rail Strike of 1894 Declares Time Has Come for Rank and File to Unite. Chicago, July 17. Eugene V. Debs, leader of the great American railway union strike in 1894. today issued a statement to the striking railroad men and olhe- unions that the time has come for the rank and file to unite and "strike to gether, vote together, and fight to gether." "There -lias been some slight dis orders and a few scabs have been hurt," Mr. Debs said. "This has been the extent of the violence but it has been sufficient to bring to the strikers what they fought for in the late world war. The federal govern, ment announces through the Depart ment of Justice that ft will str.nd no trifling on the part of the strikers and that if necessary armed force will be employed at once for their suppression. , "Tti nnvcrnnrs nf seven states simultaneously announced .hit f,ave Vi t. ,wt. "J " '" when the exigencies of the situation oemauQ acuuu. v . - trmthle in ffuess- what kind of action js thus meant . ... 1 cn tne part ot trie national ana smic governments which you shouted for, ...i. J ;n-1 vniir rlnllar inr 1 . .J A tlir.? tn flrrl-it nnrl amj crossed, tne Atlantic to ngni ana be gassci an(i die for in the war to make tne worid jn general, and mocracy and liberty. "War Is Over." "Anit tiniw that the war is over and kaiscrism is dead and democracy and uimij . " r ,, ,, j In n M9I1 .A ll'VlStm Vflll 3)1 Allien in berty are on top this same crowu iu iv ........ . frenzy of enthusiasm to compensate iMir rorirtticttl Itt nrtW lined tlO jvm yn y against you in battle array and ready ti chnnt vnii down like docs. "ft i rii Mr. Union Man. that our craft union leaders with scarcely your nan mn mum .uuv. v an exception, stood with the Wad street profiteers in howling for war t,cUlre vnii thp rnmmfin herd. uoi.u.)s --- 7- UllU HIV 1. v .'-'.' - o ' latpd and murddred while they re mained in the rear to receive the plaudits of the plutocratic press for their patriotism, but that does not excuse you, for y&u chose those lead ers and were responsible for them, and after all the leaders are about as fit or otherwise as the rank and file that elects them. "Crying Need for Untoy." "If in the light of this situation you do not realize the crying need for nnity, for solidarty on every front, regardless of creed or color, you are indeed in a pathetic plight and your case is all but hopeless. Your weak craft unions have got to be converted (Turn to Vaga Two, Column Two.) Juxtee Refuses to Modify Strike Restraining Urder Federal Judge Woodrough yester- A, Aan'toA irtnttnne rtf strikinir rail- way employes to dissolve or modify temporary restraining orucis c is sued last week. There was sufficient showing of possible, immediate and irreparable injury to the railroads to warrant his issuance of an injunction, with out the 24 hours notice required by law, he declared, in answer to ob jections raised on this score by counsel for strikers. What Can You Do? f Your experience has equipped you for some par ticular business. You can put that experi ence and a little capital into a business of your own and make it pay "big." I See the business openings in today's "Business Chances" column in the "Want" Ad section of The Omaha Bee. If you don't find what you want today, look tomorrow and every day until you locate just the kind of busi ness you have been looking for. I lithiin'nii c uuuiuiaiio March in Big Parade Procession of Wallhcr Leaguers Is Light Blocks Long Delegations Give State "Yells." Officers Are Nominated A remarkable parade was staged yesterday afternoon when the dele gates, visitors and resident mem bers of the Waithcr league, now holding its international conven tion here, marched through the downtown streets. It was one of the largest religious parades ever held here. There were about 3,000 in line, marching in close formation, four abreast. The proces sion was eight blocks long. State delegations gave their "yells" and hymns were sung. A band headed the procession. At the cast end of the Douglas street bridge the leaguers were taken into several hundred automobiles assembled there to take them on a tour of Council Bluffs, ending at Fairmount park, where a picnic sup rcr and social gathering occupied the early part of the evening. Detroit Seeks Convention. The Omaha convention has already been recorded as the greatest of the 30 international meetings of the Waithcr league. Even the one held at Milwaukee last year was not near ly so big an affair as the present one, officers said last night. Detroit is active in the field for next year's convention. Two Omaha young women are given much of the credit for the smooth manner, in which the 2,000 convention delegates and visitors are being taken care of. They are Miss Amelia VVehrs, chairman of the con vention executive board, and Miss Dora Freze, heading the reception committee. Officers Nominated. International officers were nomi nated bv the convention yesterday af ternoon. The convention slate is as follows: For-president, A. A. Gross mann of Chicago and Edmund JCuhl man of Milwaukee; for secretary, A, H. Herrmann of Richmond, Va. and Miss Frances Murphy of Chicago; for field secretary, Prof. E. H. Engel brecht of Oak Park, III., and J. E. Potzger of Indianapolis; for trea surer, F. A. Schack of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Alvin Welp of St. Louis. Election is scheduled to be held this morning. Miss Hulda A. Eickhoff of Chi cano. secretary of junior work, made a report yesterday afternoon of the first year s activities ot tnis depart ment, which was organized only a year ago. She showed that 24 dis tricts arc already active, with 132 societies and 3,682 members. She submitted proposals to the con vention, asking the adoption of a constitution, authorization of a junior manual and appointment of a junior board in every district. Bible Study Urged. Prof. J. T. Mueller of St., Louis urged the importance of regular Bible study by all members of the league. "It is now 400 years since Martin Luther gave to the printer the manu script of his translation of the New Testament, and yet there are hur dreds of thousands of Christians to day to whom the Bible is practically an undiscovered country. They never read it. 'Search the Scriptures,' was Christ's word. 'The Bible will make you wise unto salvation,' said St. Paul. Fifteen minutes a day should be spent by every Christian Torn to race Twr, Columr Elfbt.) Brown, the Sphinx, Becomes Brown, the Penitent, After Pastor's Visit Fred Brown, the sphinx, has be come Fred Brown, the penitent. The manacle man of Benscnn has turned to religion and prayer in his cell in the county jail where he maintained a sphinxlike silence until Sunday. Evangelist R. R. Brown, who is conducting meetings in the tent taTcrnacle at Twentieth and Doug las streets, visited the county jail Sunday and preached to the prison ers. Throughout his sermon Prisoner Brown paid strict attention, and at the close of the services asked for a short conference with Evangelist Brown, according to Jailer Harry McDonald. Closeted Together. Brown, the pastor and Brown, the prisoner, were closeted in the cell together for more than 30 minutes, according to the jailer, during which time the evangelist talked to the chain man concerning his soul, his crimes and his repentance. When asked about the numerous crimes attributed to him, Brown, the prisoner, is said to have replied: "I'm afraid I am beyond redemp tion." He asked the evangelist to return and read the bible to him. "Pray for me." he is said to have nleaded. "and ask helD from God for !me." ! Chats Freely. I After the evangelist left. Brown, the prisoner, seemed to hae unbur ' dened a heavy load from bis mind, browtn in AMomoDiie Thefu js A!arming New Tork. July 17. Automobile stealing has Increased so rapidly in the last three years that the urgent need for federal regulation of this modern form of piracy has become recognized by state and municipal as well as federal officials through out the country. The New York Herald has made a survey of the situation. The result is startling. The theft of the motor car has developed into one 'of the greatest agencies for crime breeding. ' Not only has the automobile ban dit placed a levy of close to $100,' 000,000 on the auto industry, but with this vehicle of speed available for theft a new means of escape i of fered to the crook in whatever field he practices. The recoveries last year amounted to 40 per cent of the thefts. Woman Is Accused of Hammer Murder by Coroner's Jury Chorus Girl Chum of Alleged Slayer Describes Horrible Killing Mrs. Phillips to Plead Insanity. Los Angeles, July 17. The ham mer murder of Mrs. Alberta Mead ows, 20-year-old widow, was charged to Mrs. Clara Phillips today by a coroner's jury following a brief, dra matic inquest here. The verdict was that death was due "to a fracture of the skull by a hammer blow at the hands of Mrs. Clara Phillips in premeditated mur der." Mrs. Phillips, who was brought back here yesterday from Tucson, Ariz., where she was taken from an eastbound train, surprised officers and all coming m contact with her by her smiling demeanor. She smiled at everything and everybody from the time she left the train until she was placed in a cell adjoining that of Mrs. Madalynne Obenchain, on trial for the second time for the mur der of J. Belton Kennedy. Exhaustive Probe, Mrs. Phillips' counsel stated a di rect plea of insanity would constitute her defense. They said 'they were making a l'most- exhaustive" probe of their client's life and would de termine affer its completion whether the plea would be permanent or tem porary insanity: They added they were preparing a lengthy statement for Phillips, that would "divulge new and startling . revelations ap pertaining to the case." Mrs. Peggie Caffee, chorus girl chum of Mrs. Phillips, who revealed to the grand jury graphic details of the murder, in admitting that she ac companied the victim and Mrs. Phil lip's to the secluded spot and wit nessed the charge of intimacy with Phillips, denial, quarrel and beating to death, was in attendance at the in quest. She repeated the details as she had given then! to the grand jury. She said the first time she met Mrs. Meadows, the victim, was upon the day of the murder, less than, an hour before the hammer blows stilled the young widow. Her story began with the day before, last Tuesday, when she met Mrs. Phillips, went shopping with her and saw the former movie beauty purchase a cheap hammer. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. - Caffee testified, Mrs. Phillips told her that (Turn to Page Two, Column Three.) Son of Oshkosh Farmer Killed in Fall from Horse Oshkosh, Neb., July 17. (Special.) Louis, the 10-year-oid son of Dom inek Lussato, living five miles north west of here, was killed when he was thrown by a horse he had been riding. and chatted freely with the jailer and other prisoners. He continued in his talkative mood Sunday night and yesterday morning asked to see Sheriff Mike Clark. When the sheriff appeared Brown asked for more bedding for his cell, and when it had been ordered he and the sheriff held a 30-minute confer ence. "All I ask is a square deal." Brown is said to have told the sheriff. Brown will not be returned to Lin coln, according to Sheriff Clark, but will be held in the county jail here until he goes to trial in the fall. Chain Girl Fined. Mrs. Jean Jenkins, 20, one of two girls chained by Fred Brown on May 27 in his shack in Benson, was ar rested Sunday night, following a fight with her husband late in the afternoon at -Sixteenth and Cass streets. Later Mrs. Jenkins and a friend, Mrs. Roy Layman, 16, 2102 Harney street, went to 3ixty-firs and Maple, where she is said to have waited for friend hubby to show up. Here Police found Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Layman and charges of drunkenness and disorderly conduct were preferred against them by Patrolmen Reber and McDermott In police court yesterday City Prosecutor Frank Dineen accused Mrs. Jenkins of being a trouble maker. He frequently referred to Brown as "Poor Old Brown" and "Poor Old Fred." Judge W. F. Wappich fined Mrs. Jenkins $10 and paroled Mrs. Layman. 7 Are Killed in Battle at Coal Mine Over Score Wounded When Mob Estimated at 300 Alcn Attacks Tipple in Webt Virginia. II Prisoners Captured Omli4 Rrt Lcl Wire. Wellsburg. W. Va.. July 17.-H. H. Duval, sheriff of Brooke county, W. Va., and six other men, said to have been union coal miners, met death Monday morning at 5 at Clif tonville, W. Va. There is the Paledka mine of the Richland Mining com pany, where more than two dozen men wcrl wounded when armed guards sought to repulse an attack made on the coal tipple by a force estimated at 300 men. Eleven prison ers were captured and placed in the county jail. The battle lasted for an hour and 30 minutes in which thousands of shots were exchanged. The sheriff and all of the dead men were brought to. Wcllsburg. Only three of the men could be identified. They were: Sheriff II. H. Duval, Wellsburg, W.Va. Francis Milick, Monessen, Pa. , cook. The exact number of the wounded never will be known, as many were recovered by the miners and placed in automobile trucks which were leaded for Avclla and Virginia Sta tion, I'a. Sheriff Shot Seven Times. Sheriff Duval was shot seven times and powder marks on his body gave evidence that he was killed at close range. When discovered by his son. Deputy Sheriff Thomas Duval, both ot his revolvers had ben taken off him. Lying dead be side the sheriff was one of the min ers in the invading party. The sheriff, accompanied by Dep uty Duval and Deputy Hough, had attempted to outflank the invaders and were approaching them from the rear when they ran into the men re treating. The battle, according to Deputy Hough, was terrific. Sheriff Duval, according to Hough's state nyent, brought down two men who were iinng on nougn, Detore he tell himself. The men kept up a running fight as they retreated in the direc tion of Avella. Sheriff Notified. On Sunday evening about 10 Sher iff Duval received word of the nro- posed invasion. He placed addition al deputies at the mine. At 11:30 Superintendent J. C. Edwards was notified from the Penobscot mine, two miles up Cross creek, that the men were forming. . He later stated that poor telephone communications cut off all -possibility of obtaining additional help. He could not get a can Deyona Avella, Fa. The protection at the mine consist ed of 20 men, composed of deputy sheriffs and special guards. The lat ter were armed with rifles which, according to the guards, became jammed, badly hindering their ef forts. Word came to Cliftonville that men were assembling at Avella in motor trucks. Guards then were placed at points of vantage. All was still until, at 3:30 Monda ymorning, a heavy charge of dynamite was set off in the miners' camp directly across Cross creek. Fight Starts at 5. Immediately afterward skyrockets were seen to ascend in the direction of Virginia station. This was evi dently a signal for further co-ordination. Shortly after that noises were heard about the mine tipple and guards, advanced to a point where (Turn to Pi Tito, Column Six.) Grand Island Lake Claims Second Victim Grand Island, Neb., July 17. Koehler lake claimed its second vic tim since the place was opened, a few weeks ago for bathing purposes, when Herman Weiland, 24, was drowned yesterday afternoon. His clothing was found in the bath house this morning, while his bath ing suit had not been returned. He went in swimming with his brother at 4 Sunday afternoon. But there were 200 other bathers at the time and when the brother left the lake he presumed the other would fol low. Since he rarely returned to the family home for the evening meal Sunday no alarm was felt until it was found early today that he had not returned at all. Companions saw him diving, but no one saw him in distress. Late this afternoon the body was foiyid by the use of grappling hooks, just beyond the safety line in five feet of watei. Are You Going Away To School? Read the School and College Announcements on pages 6, 7, 8 today. Police Rescue Boy Held in Chains Since Wednesday Night New York, July 17. Andrew, 9, son of John Karo, was res cued by the police after his father 4iaJ kept him in chains since last Wednekday night. According to the boy and his tit ters, Helen and Julia, Andrew was forced to keep the chains on night and day and had to ttecp in his clothes. When the police found him he lay in a corner with a chain about a yard long wrapped about hit an klet and the feet secured with a pad lock. , Karo admitted it was last Wed nesday that he chained his son, but he said that at night the boy was released. Andrew, however, told the police that he had to sleep in hit clothing because he was not able to get his trousers off over the chains. The father said he chained tne ooy to "keep him out of trouble." Halting of Crime Engages Pens in Editorial Contest Doctor of Iowa, Farmer's Son, and a Mother Have The ories on Stopping Wrongdoers. In addition to its amateur editorial writing contest, The Bee if ottering prizes of $100. $50 and $25 for the three best editorials entered in a professional editorial writing cn test. Any newspaper employe in Ne braska is eligible to this contest. The editorials may be those that have been published in some periodica', or they may be ones that have never heen orintcd. How to put down crime is a sub ject with which many are dealing in the amateur editorial writing contest that is being held by The Omaha Bee. A doctor of Missouri Valley contributes an argument for the sterilization of criminals and moron?. A farmer's son at Funk, Neb., ad vocates education for character both at home and in school. A mother at Ravenna prescribes a return to the simple life "temper ance in all things, eating, dressing, spending, accumulating." A more religious- home life is the plea of a Beaver City man. An Omaha woman lays the blame on divorce. Prohibition Defiance Flayed. Lawless defiance of the prohibi tion laws is flayed by a contestant in Arnold, Neb., who declares that anyone who would vote against pro hibition should be put in .the st3;e prison for th-i rest of his life, at hard labor. A guest at the Salvation Army home drops into verse on the topi. of crime Here is the opening stanza of his contribution, which is entitled, "The Stape-soat": Never a pie is lifted As it cools on the window sill, Never the change is rifled 1'rom the village srocery till, But loudly the people clamor. And heedless of facts awry The deed is charged to a hobo, And great is the hue and cry. . Range of Topics Large. The range of topics in this edi torial writing contest is large, and most of those competing are singling out subjects' on which they are well informed through experience. Thus, R. L. Case, a railroad man, has en tered a moving human interest edi torial describing the plight of a farmer whose ripening crops have been ruined by hail. First prize in this contest, which runs until August 10, is $25. with a second prize of$15 and a third of $10. The three winners then will be entered in a run-off with the winners of similar contests held by 23 other Nebraska papers. The prizes for this latter event amount to $100, $50 and $25. Each editorial must bear the name, address and occupation of the au thor and must be written plainly on one side of the paper. Any entrant may submit as many as three efforts. None should exceed 500 words. Win ners will be announced at the Ne braska State Press association meet-J ing in Omaha August 31. Editor ials should be addressed to the Edi torial Contest Editor, The Omaha Bee. - Garvan Blames Ex-German Spy for Chemical Charges New York, N. Y., July 17. The Chemical Foundation, Inc., has de lined to comply with the request of Alien Property Custodian Thomas W. Miller that it return to the gov ernment the patents, trademarks and copyrights assigned to the company, a letter written by Francis P. Gar- van, president of the foundation, made public today, discloses, v Another letter, from Mr. Garvan to President Harding, avers that the information given the president about the case "has been furnished by German agents to an ex-German sov and interpreted by lawyers whose sole knowledge of the war and its lessons is derived from association with German clients." The president is ureed by Mr. Garvan to seek "other counsel," the letter declaring that he has been "grossly misled by the attorney general, both as to the law and the facts of the case." May Resume Hague Meet. The Hague, July 17.-(By A. P.) A communication from the Russian delegation today held out a prospect that the conference on Russian af fairs here, which had seemed on the verge of a final breakdown, might i i Harding Invites Coal Operators to Reopen Pits Under Protection President Remind Owners That Coal Is National Necessity Following Failure of Comittee to Agree Fully on Arbitration Proposal Minority Mem bers Opposed to Plan. May Call House to Enact Special Legislation By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Omuli B lta Wlr. ' Washington, July 17. Following failure oMhe coal operators to agree on acceptance of the president's strike settlement, Mr. Harding abandoned his efforts to bring about immediate peace in the coal industry. He invited the opera tors to reopen their mines under protection of the federal government. . , "I invite you to return to your mine properties and re sume operations," he said. With this significant statement, the president concluded a conference with the coal opera tors in which they informed him of their differences over agreeing specifically to his settlement plan. Harding's Statement to Mine Operators Omaha Rr rwwd Wlr. Washington. July 17. The presi dent's statement to the coal mine operators said: "I hare heard your- decision. I would not be frank if I did not con fess a disappointment in your lack of unanimity. To the large major ity of you, who have pledged readi ness to resume activities under the government proposal, I must ex press my own and the public's gratitude. "We have now reached a point, owing to the refusal of mine work ers and a minority of your oper ators to accept the proposed ar bitration, where the good offices of the government in seeking a voluntary adjustment of the dis pute between mine operators and mine workers are without avail. "I can not permit you to depart .without reminding you that coal is a national necessity, the ample sup ply of which is esential likewise to common welfare and to interstate commerce. "The freedom of action on the part of workmen and on the part of employers does not measure in importance with tnat oi pumic wel fare and national security. I, there fore, invite you to return to your mine properties and resume opera tions." Filipino Runs Amuck; Wounds Eight Persons Manila, P. I., July 17. (By A. P.) A Filipino ran amuck in the heart of the American residential, hotel and club district, slashing and cutting eight persons with a bolo. A large crowd pursued the Filipino to the beach at Manila bay, where he jumped into the water and was las soed by an army captain who fol lowed him in a boat. Among the injured were a Filipino woman whose hands were cut off and who may die, a native girl who was wounded in the back and neck and another Filipino girl of 18 who was injured when she jumped into the street from a second story win-1 dow to escape her pursuer. The man, who gave his name as Estanislo Puyot, is 31, and is a native of Ilocos in the northern Philippines. "Woman Who Grew Up With Sioux City" Is Dead at 73. Sioux City, la., July 17. Mrs. E. B. Spalding, one of the oldest pion eers of Sioux City died today, aged 73, of heart disease. She came here in 1858. Because of the part she played in the development of the city from a settlement consisting of a few sod houses to its present status, she has been called "The Woman Who Grew Up With Sioux City." British Body to Come to U. S. on War Debt in September London, July 17. (By A. P.) A special British delegation will arrive in the United States early in Sep tember in connection with negotia tions for funding the British debt to America, it was announced by Prime Minister Lloyd George in the house of commons this afternoon. Irrigation Bonds Sold Oshkosh, Neb., July 15. (Special.1 Thirty-six thousand dollars worth of irrigation bonds belonging to the three districts of this county have been sold, thus permitting the exten sion and improvement of ditches and laterals. The Weather Forecast Tuesday fair and warmer. Hourly Temperatures. 5 a. m a. m.... 7 a. m.... a. m.. . . a. m.... 16 a. m. . . . It a. m It noon .6 .87 .64 1 p. m... t p. m... t p. m.. . 4 p. m... 5 p. m... 41 p. m.. . 7 p. m... 8 p. m... ....4 .... ....70 ....7 ....7 ....7 ....74 ....7 ... ...M .6 ' Highest Monday. Chryenn 71 North Piatt Invnport 80 Pueblo Denver 74' Rapid City .. ...79 ...74 .4.72 ie Moins i can Lake 4 .4 ro1 City 'Snta Fe Lander tS.Sidux City 71 I hie xenienre. ir was Domiea out.- could have but one meaning that Mr. Harding intends to furnish fed eral troops for the protection of the operators who are able to reopen their mines with nonunion labor'. If this drastic step fails to produce the coal necessary to the national wel fare, it is understood that the presi dent will not hesitate to proceed to the execution of his original threat to seize the mines and operate them pending a settlement. May Summon House Back. With this crisis at hand, rumors were prevalent about Washington that the president would summon the house to cut short its recess and re turn to the capitol to enact legislation to meet the situation,. Senator Cum mins, Iowa, chairman of the senate interstate commerce committee, an nounced that he would introduce a bill creating a labor tribunal for the coal industry patterned along the lines of the railway labor board. Secretary of War Weeks, after a conference with the president went to the capitol and had a long talk, with Senator Wadsworth, New York, chairman of the senate military af fairs committee. After an all-day session at their hotel the operators went to the White House and delivered their reply to Mr. Harding's proposal. They sub scribed broadly to the proposal to ! arbitrate. A majority of the dis tricts represented accepted the presi dent's proposal unconditionally while a minority, subscribing to the gen eral principles of arbitration and col lective bargaining, nevertheless in sisted upon imposing special condi tions. Patience Exhausted. The president's reply, it was ex plained, marked the exhaustion of his patience -with both sides in his efforts to bring the strike to an end. He is determined to get coal for the coun try this winter at all hazards. His statement that coal is a necessity to interstate commerce needed no cm phasis. it was pointed out, to indicate how thoroughly he has made up his mind to employ the powers of the fed eral government to get coal mined. Operators, after listening to the president's reply, stated they would reopen their mines and attempt to produce coal if they can get the (Torn to Vage Two. Column Five.) Crowd of 500 Threatens City Jail at Hastings Hastings, Neb., July 17. (Special Telegram.) A crowd of more than 500 persons congregated at the city jail last night and refused to disperse, some of the number demanding the release of two prisoners, Joe Meinin ger and Glossner Christlieb. Several men brought a heavy tim ber and were about to ram the jail door when they reconsidered and no further violence was attempted. Policemen left their night sticks at headquarters' and finally succeeded in getting the crowd to break up. The two prisoners were, later re leased on bond. Complaints will be filed charging them with resisting an officer. They are said to have had trouble with two policemen who at tempted to arrest them. Western Union Managers Holding Conference Here More than 40 Iowa and Nebraska managers of the second district of the central division of the Western Union Telegraph company are meet ing in four-day conference at Hotel Fontenclle with District Commercial Superintendent W. T. Davis and City Superintendent G. M. Horton and the Omaha forces. Other officials attending the con ference include A. D. Bradley, gen eral manager of the central division; A. C. Kaufman, commercial general agent of the New York executive office; H. W. Griffis, commercial agent of New York City; J. L. Fer ciot, division commercial manager of the central division; C. V. Hudson and M. J. Grady, district commer cial agents, and A. C. Nerness, com mercial agent. Two Bandits Shot Down. Fort Worth. Tex., July 17. In a battle at Valley View early this morning between citizejis and men attempting to loot the postoffice, two alleged bandits were shot down and captured. The others escaped. Of ficers are now en route to Valley View from Fort Worth to identify the woundedprisoners, T