The Omaha Morning Bee VOL 52 NO. 25. Ufr4 M S-wtClMt Milter Ma M, I MM. M 0" P. 0. VMM At m MwW t, UVt, OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922. r II l WI Ptltf . Ul . I1.IS. tfl IM 41 MM IM 41 MM il MM'll 0411, M . Ul II. j ,TVO CENTS Union Chief Denounces President Kansas City Labor Official Calls Harding "Chief of Strikebreakers" in Labor Temple Speech. Women to Aid Strikers A rnilitant speech by G. F. Mount of Kansas City, genera! vice presl dent of the carmen! union, opened women's meeting in Labor temple Sunday morning;. The meeting was called to effect an organization aimed to help keep up trie morale ot the. linking railway employe!. Haying President Harding as "the chief of strikebreakers," Mount! alio denounced the railway board as "men who never worked for a day'i wages !- . .i t , in mcir mc ami increiore Know nothing of the conditions under which we life and work. "We are not striking against the government and we are not going to, unless the govcrnmcut put! into ef fect the declaration announced in the morning paper," he cried. "But we cannot abide, by the dictate! of three men who never worked themselves. Government ownership of employe! that'! what the transportation act is, and it's aimed to crush us back Into the conditions -we were in 15 year! ago." , Sayi Wage Basil Wrong. '"The cost of living is not the way v o determine wage Tor us, any more than it is for doctors, lawyers or rail Toad executives." he argued. "It's not fair to let us exist merely on ba con and beans while they eat porter house and sirloin steaks. He appealed to the women, as well as the men, to "stick together to win Sthe ficht. "If we do, there are not enough 'scabs' in the country to -do our work and we win." he continued. "Somebody has to stop the depreda tion of the labor board into our wages and working hours and' it fell to the shopmen to do it." He denounced federal judges, too, for "obeying the behest of Wall street," in granting injunctions. Woman Urges Action. "Be not parasites, but take a hand in the fight," was the appeal of Mrs. Lottie Lake of Havelock, organizer of the women's auxiliary to the ma chinists' union. 'This is our fight as well as our men's," she declared. Officers were named from among the 30 womeji present, also commit tees to serve coffee and sandwiches to pickets on duty, and to continue the work with cool drinks during the ax, q intervals of every 3 or 4 hours. , A relief committee to report tarn ilies in distress was also chosen. nffiVr Are Named. Mrs. Nellie Friestley, 3354 Drexel street, South Side, was named presi dent. Mrs. John Brown, 3614 South Thirteenth itreet, vice president; Mrs. Thomas Shannon, 1615 Curnuig street, secretary treasurer. Mrs. Charlotte Slaven. 3307 South Second Arsct, heads the' group to feed Bur lington pickets; Mrs. Gertrude Hage: man 1502 Binney street, Missouri Pacific and M. and O. shops, and Mr. Anna Svkora. South 5ide, Union Pacific roundhouse. Mrs. Harry Jensen, 7915 North Twenty-eighth street, Mrs. F. ,M. Gibbons, Gray Gables, Twentieth and Davenport, are the officers on the Mrs. Mary Menzies, president ot the local machinists auxiliary, uu - Mrs Howard Gates are others active in the work. Dues will be 5 cents per member, per month. Woman Is Killed As Auto Overturns Mrs. Amanda Coleman, 65 re ceived injuries from which she died, and her "husband, Charles Coleman, is in an Omaha hospital likely to die as a result of their car plunging down an eight-foot embankment two miles north of Benson yesterday afternoon. . The Coleman residence is at trity sixth and Lafayette avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman were out for a Sunday afternoon drive with a nephew. They were returning to their home when the car veered from the road and took the plunge. The nephew escaped with bruises. Clerks on Southern Road Taking Vote on Strike Washington. July 16. Seventy five hundred members of the Brotherhood of Railway and Steam ship Clerks, Freight Handlers and Station and Express Employes of the Southern railway and its af filiated lines are taking a strike vote on the labor board's decision reduc ing their wages, it was made known here by Claude E. Pullian, vice chairman of the, union for the Southern system. " . The ballots, which have just been mailed, are returnable July 20 at the brotherhood division head quarters in Chattanooga, Tenn., and it was emphasized that the re mit will involve only employes of the Southern system. -Mexican Deputy Claims Immunity After Shooting Mexico City. July 16. Another deputy of the federal congress, the third within two months, has shotan unarmed citizen and then claimed im munity from arrest because of his position. Late last night Deputy Francisco Gonzales shoi Ignacio Gonzales, a student of a military school, in the Colon cafe, a resort of military offi cers. In police court Deputy Gon zales claimed immunity from arrest because he was a deputy. Day s Developments in Shopmen s Strike Peace negotiation! to end the !hopmen'i strike were temporarily ataitandiill following Saturday' separate conference! between bop crafts leader, railway executive! and railway labor board members. Executive! of wetern roadi de clared they wilt not agree to any plan inconsistent -ith the labor board! decision, but are willing to attend any meeting to effect a settlement in line with the board'! ruling. E. F. Grable, head of the main tenance of way organization, after a conference with Preiidcnt Hard ing laid there would be no imme diate walkout of hii organization. Chairman Cummins of the in terstate commerce committee laid hearings will be started soon look ing toward a revision of the trans portation act. Troops are requested at San Ber nardino, Cat., to protect railroad property. Roads Issue Ultimatum to Strikers Notify Leaders They Will Not Confer on Settlement Terms While Walkout Continues. Chicaco, July 16. (By A. P.) The third week of the railway shop men's strike opened with peace nego tiations practically at a standstill fol lowing Friday's separate conference between rail executives, union heads and railroad board members when the differences were described as "fundamental." Western carriers issued a virtual ultimatum to the strikers, asserting that they will not agree to any plan inconsistent with decisions of the labor board and will not confer with the strikers while the walkout con tinues. The statement, issued by the western presidents' committee on public relations, placed rcsponsibil- ty lor the continuance of the strike on strike leaders, and apparently left but one course open for a settlement. i he executives, the statement said. "are perfectly willing to attend any meeting, of participate in any hear ing called by the labor board with a view of affecting a settlement that would not nullify but uphold and carry out the board's decisions." Plan to Reopen Shops B. M. Jewell, head of the shoomen. indicated Friday that working rules ana wages, both based on the board s decisions, must be settled satisfac torily before he will consent to call off the strike and take the matter be forethe labor board. Virtually abandoning hooe of an early settlement, many roads, ac cording to a labor board official, are prepared to make a determined ef fort to reopen their shops the first of the week with nonunion employes. With the carriers apparently de termined to maintain traffic as near ly normal as possible, the ranks of the strikers were expected to be augmented Monday by a walkout ofj ,..1111,11 OIIU UU&l 3, W1111C Al VjlCVt" land he American Federation of Railroad Workers have voted to walk out the first of the week. Chicago Quiet ' Chicago, the hub ' of trre strike, was fuiet. Mr.' Jewell announced he would have nothing to say over the-week-end, while labor board media tors apparently were nonplussed by the "fundamental differences" dej, veloped at Friday's conferences. Federal court orders restraining strikers from interfering with the pe titioners continued to'be- granted. Troops are requested at San Ber nardino, Cal., to protect railroad property and representatives of Sec retary of War Weeks and Governor Neff of Texas were investigating the need for troops at Denison, Tex. Dis orders occurred at Scranton, Pa., where one was shot. Indication that the strike would have" an early effect on crops was seen in statements from Fresno, Cal., that $200,000,000 worth of" fruk is endangered, and from Macon, Ga., that railroads have begun to withdraw their solicitors from the peach and melon districts. The statement by rail executives said that reports from railways iw all parts of the country snowea gams in the number of men in the shops since the strike began. The situa tion, the statement said was better in eastern territory than elsewhere. Protection Needed. "Developments show," the state ment continued, "that the main thing needed to insure the return of nor mal conditions is protection of men who want to work from violence by strict enforcement of the laws.' Where injunctions have been is- (Tnrn to Pace Tiro, Column Two.) Sometime If Not Today At some time or other in our lives there comes a day when we need to have "Want" Ads work for us; and if we go without their services, we are "hard put" to fill our wants. f Possibly you are not in need , of more help today or you are not house-hunting or you are not seeking a posi tion or do not want to sell your business or farm TO DAY But, as true as you are alive, the day is coming when you, will need some of these things. Z Prepare for that time by reading and using Omaha Bee "Want" Ads TODAY. Lutheran Convention Oper&$ - ft A City At$tS ' , -wded to Capacity ,ahher League Assembles tor Con ference. 300-Voice Chorus Sings The city auditorium was crowded to its capacity ytstcrcay afternoon at the opening services of the 30th international convention ot the Wai ther league, an organization of Lu theran young people with 40,000 member!. A big band of Walther leaguer! from rremont furnished music pre ceding the services. The band ar rived yesterday morning and march cd from the station to Hotel Rome, convention headquarters, where played sacred music in the lobby. Ihe OmahaWalthcr League cno- rus of 300 voices one of the best trained choruses in the west, sang two special numocrs. Sermon by Chicagoan. The sermon was by Rev. Paul G. Prokopy of Chicago, on the text, "Fear the .Lord and Serve Him in Sincerity and Truth." "When we cease giving mere spare time and small change to the Lord's the solution of the lerious problem! 'now confronting the world will be on the way," ne aeciareo. "Law and order are being flouted and the mob smrit prevails. Suspt cion and alarm are in the air because there is so much deceit and traud. Nations tremble on the verge of bankruptcy. Immorality gnaws at the vitals and foundation of the state and pleasure madness and money madness are rife. Sees Symptoms of Decay. "p.,r, th hnHv of the shurch there aresvmotoms of decay. Many churches have lost sight of their mis sion of soul saving and have become social clubs, teaching that the only thing necessary to salvation is to ao good. Doing good is part or our relie on but it is not the lounaauon. It is our mission to restore to tf ligion its pristine principles and pre- serve us vigur m uuc iuvvwBj faith." ' An address of welcome was made by Rev. Lawrence Acker of Omaha. Spirited singing of hymns and of songs written for the convention marked the opening service. It was said to be the largest audi ence ever assembled in Omaha for a religious convention. Ail Hav vesterdav delegations con tinued -to arrive, at headquarters and the lobby ot rne nome in serted an appearance of great activ ity as they were assigned, to hotels and homes. 500 Delegates Here. it, last niffht there were 500 delegates and more than 1,000 other persons trom out oi iowu registered for the convention. The Rome, Castle, Flatiron and Keen hotels were already filled and many guests were assigned to private hoihes. . The California delegation, number ing 50, has headquarters at the Castle hotel. More than 50 are here from New York city. The third largest delegation is from St. Louis. Others are from Alabama, the far north west, New England, Canada and from all over the country. Two girl delegates hiked here from Cedar Rapids, la., covenngjhe 277. miles in 10 days. The league colors, orange and black, are displayed in hotel lobbies and on automobiles, of which a great fleet are engaged transporting the visitors " Amelia Wehrs, chairman of the ex ecutive board of the convention, has a staff of assistants, and the Cham ber of Commerce has a staff co-op erating to take care ot tne Dig anur, Mayor to Speak. The convention proper will open at 8:45 this morning in the Auditori um, with devotional exercises, fol lowed by addresses of welcome by Mayor Dahlman and J. Gehrig. A response will be made by A. A, Grossrhann, president of the league, Reports will be made by the exec utive secretary, field secretary, treas urer and service secretary. Kev. K. Jesse of St. Louis will make an ad dress on What the Church hx pects of Its Young People." This afternoon's session will open with a report by the junior secretary, Hulda A. fcickhort, toilowed by an address by Prof. J. T. Mueller of St. Louis. A march by the leaguers through the streets of the city is scheduled for this afternoon and tonight there will be an automobile tour through Council, Bluffs and a picnic at Fair- mount park. The men of the con vention are invited to see the Ak- Sar-Ben show tonight. The convention will continue until Thursday. A big banquet will be held in the autditoium tomorrow evening. - Famine in Russia Under Control, Hoover Reports Washington, July 16. Famine and plague in Russia are under tontrol, President Harding was informed by Secretary Hoover, in a preliminary report on the use of United States grain corporation funds for relief work. The situation, Mr. Hoover added, promises to be mucji better after the harvest, although it is Jpo early to determine whether Ameri can relief work will be extended. Mr. Hoover reported that to July 1, 140 shiploads totalling 788,876 tons of food and medical supplies were provided for Russian relief, of which 428.449 tons were purchased through the grain corporation and 360.430 tons through the American relief administration. The total funds mobilized by the relief admin istration for Russian supplies, includ ing the $19,300,000 authorized by congress from grain corporation ac counts, was $59.49? Man Wanted by Omaha Police Kills Himself St. Taut. July lo. Oliver Frsiier 40, alias C. O. Cleary, alias Oliver J. Fishrll, wanted by the Omaha police on a charge of forgery, shot himself through the heart and wai killed during- a icuffie with two tie JHcctives here tonight I Neil C. McMahnn, one of the de tectives, was slightly wounded in the lelt fide. Frazicr had been arrested at downtown corner and was driving the officers to the police station 'in his automobile, alleged to have been stolen hi uetroit. as tney nearea the station, Frazicr stopped the car, sot out and drew a pistol. As the officers reached for ihe gun. Fraier turned it on himself and fired. Mrs. Frazicr claimed her husband' body. She told police that at one time he had been practicing lawyer at St. Louir for four yean. She has wired relative! for assistance. In addition to the widow, four children lurvive. Farmer Aid Plan Urged by Edison Proposes that Government Issue Money and Equity Certificates for Value of Products. Copyrls-ht 19M. New 'York, July 16. Thomas A Edison, turning his inventive mind to economics, has evolved a monetary plan, the two-fold purpose of which is to enable the farmer to grow his own money and to furmsh the country with a non-fluctuating medium of ex change. He proposes that the government shall build a system of concrete warehouses to which the producers of basic, non-perishable commodities derived directly from the earth, pri manly food stuffs, but also titires, oils, metals and minerals, may bring their surplus goods for pledge and storage. v On these commodities, the govern. ment shall forthwith issue ct.rrcncy up to one-half of what has leen their averace value over a period cf i years, without interest At the same time the owner receives an equity certificate to represent the other half of his commodity. This he may keep, sell or borrow on at the bank. It is the pawn ticket. May Withdraw Products. At any time"witbin the "ier ' the holder of this pawn ticket, presenting it at. the warehouse, together with the exact amount of money issued upon the commodity when it was pledged, may withdraw the stun. The government then cancels the money and the transaction is closed, The period of storage is limited to one year. Commodities not re deemed within a year shall be sold by the goyerjnnvmt to reimburse it self. The inventor holds for this plan: First, that the farmer, with his sud den, seasonal need for money, will be self-financing, like the gold miner, who turns his output into lawful money at the nearest United States mint and, second, that the money issued upon such basic commodities will be an absolutely nonfluctuating medium of exchange, since it will represent actual wealth in the cus tody of the government wealth in things necessary to human existence. Defines Problems. Mr. Edison defines the farmers' harvest problem. The farmer, unlike the manufac turer, does not produce what he sells (Turn to Page Two, Colnmn Three.) Body of Unidentified Man Taken from River in Iowa Iowa City. Ia., July 16. Authori ties here are trying to establish identity of the body of a middle aged man which was taken from the Iowa river late Saturday after noon. The condition of the remains was badly bloated, indicating that the body had been in the water for some time, physicians stated. Small boys playing near the river noticed the body" and notified the police, There are no marks of violence ori the body, scouting theories that the man was a victim of foul play. Penitents Confess Sins Followers of Voliva Admit Shortcomings Which Range From Chewing Gum to Stealing Chick ensMan Who Attends Movie Draws Wrath. Omaha Bee Leaned Wire. Chicago, July 16. Terrible sins, ranging from chewing gum to at tending a motion picture show, were among the confessions made Satur day and Sunday, general confes sion" days at Shiloh tabernacle, Zion City, where General Overseer Wilbur Glenn Voliva is dry-cleaning souls at the rate of one per minute. Voliva marshaled the penitents in to the first three rows of seats in the auditorium. Repentance was business-like and practical. Confes sion and repentance were conducted on the lines of an exchange desk in a big department store. The morning's program was start ed by an elder who confessed the theft of a chicken. His repentance had come too late to restore the ac tual property, but the elder de scribed his pilgrimage back to pay for the bird. The janitor, endeavoring to over come the liquor habiti was hotly de nounced by Voliva for stopping in saloons for a drink of water when horse troughs and pumps were avail able. An eider who carried a plug of France Not Bound by CQmmission on German Payments French Favor Separate Pres sure", if Necessary, to Extract Cash Demand Provisions - of Versailles Treaty. - CopjrTlfht, mi. Paris, July 16. France will' not be bound by the majority vote of the reparations commission allowing Germany a moratorium on cash pay ments for 30 months. If the British, Italian and Belgian delegates vote against France, which was awarded 52 per cent of the repa rations, the French government will take it uoon ltselt to collect the amounts due from Germany by whatever means Paris deems best. The French attitude, favoring sep arate pressure against Germany in some form, is being made abundant ly clear in the Temps, whose of ficial inspirations are unquestioned. Furthermore this attitude has re ceived confirmation by the Tribune in the highest official circles which are hoping that Belgium will follow France. Belgium holds the balance of power among the four delegates unless America participates. "No majority decision of the com mission can deprive France of the right which is written in the treaty of Versailles demanding that before there is any moratorium the various resources of Germany must be as signed for the payment of the repa rations, and if necessary service on the internal German debt is to be suspended," says the Ttaips. , It adds that Premier Poincare will certainly not go to London for a' meeting with Prime Minister Lloyd George to discuss a moratorium in the face of the British unwillingness to seize German revenue. Hawaiian, 110, Expires Honolulu, T. H., July 16. Joseph Maria, one of the oldest inhabitants of Haiwaii, diad here Saturday. Rela tives said that hewas 110 years old. tobacco in his pocket, to prove he had overcome the chewing habit, arose and put the case-hardened plug to his mouth and then restored it "to his pocket. His performance did not greatly impress Voliva. y The sensation of the day came when a traveling man told how, marooned in a small town, he had sought to relieve the monotony by attending a motion picture show. "Terrible," shouted Voliva. "I was alone in a small town for 16 hours and I never went to the devil. Write your wife a letter every night." "I do," said the penitent, humbly. Gum chewing came in for an aw ful panning. One woman who said her sister lacked the courage to arise and denounce her husband who is addicted to the frightful habit of chewing gum, got up and did the denouncing herself. One man who said he had accum ulated more of the world's goods than he actually needed, was in structed to hasten home and come back with his pocketbook. More than 2.000 persons confessed during the two days' ceremony; The Cootie . Cyclone Hits Town in Iowa; Wires Down Des Moines, Fuly 16. A storm of tornado proportions struck Boone and surrounding territory tonight, according to meager reports received here by the Associated Press. It was reported that a cyclone hit the town of Ogden, 20 miles west of Boone. Telegraph and telephone wires are down in this section. Col fax was in the path of the storm. Boone's electr4'-hfht plaut is Out of commission. Road to Protect New Employes If Strike Settled President Gray of Union Pacific Assures Workers Jobs Will Not Be Bar tered by System. Union Pacific strikers who return to their jobs now will be considered new employes and workers hired sincethe strike began as well as em ployes who remained loyal ,are as sured that their jobs wiii not be bar tered in any settlement of the shop strike the system may make. The assurance was contained in a letter from Carl R. Gray, president of the system, to R. E. Calvin, vice presi dent. The letter ,mdae public here last night, follows: For the information of the general public, from whom inquiries have reached me, as well as for the assur ance of our shop employes and those who are entering our service every day, and to the end that our former employes may thoroughly under stand our position, I wish you would communica'te the contents of this let ter to the public through the press and to all of our officials, so that the public and each former employe hall be personally advised in regard thereto. 4 "Chairman Ben W. Hooper of the United States railroad labor board, July 1, 1922, issued the following statement: "Regardless of any question of the right of the men to strike, the men who take the strikers' places are merely accepting the wages and working conditions prescribed b ya government tribunal 'and are performing a public service. They are not accepting the wages and working conditions which an em ployer is trying to impose. For this reason public sentiment and lull government power will protect the men who remain i ntheir positions and new men who may come in. Rules Cannot Be Changed. "Subseauentlv the labor board has declared that the rules and work ins conditions under which the me chanical forces were working before the strike are still in full force and effect. They cannot be changed ex cept by an agreement between our employes and the management of this system or in event of failure to reach mutual agreement by our em ployes (not the former employes) ami the management, exparte or jointly referring the disagreement to the United States Railroad Labor board for decision, therefore, since our former employes left our serv:e of their own free will and accord, thereby ceasing to be employes of this system, the public, and those who remained loyal to our service and those who have entered the service since the strike, as well as those who are entering our employ daily, may ret assured that the man agement of this system will use) every resource at its command to (Tors to Fa Two, Columa Bct-) Davis Opposes Branch Plan of Harvester Trust Attorney General Declares Scheme "Would Also Give - Monopoly . in Retail ' ' "Reimplement Trade. Lincoln, July 16. Attorney Gen eral Davis asked the state bureau of securities not to grant permission for the proposed sale of stock by retail implement companies, be cause, in his opinion, the plan of organization will mean what he says will ultimately be a monopoly for the International Harvester com pany, in both the manufacturing and selling fields. He has advised Chief G. T. Tou velle of thesecurities bureau to sus pend action" in permits asked by the Fairmont Implement company and similar companies in York and Col fax county. The attorney general made his recommendation following a con ference yesterday with Alex Legg of Chicago, representing the Inter national Harvester company, who explained the plan of organizing companies in Nebraska, and who told Mr. Davis sucn companies had been organized in Kansas, Minne sota, Montana, North and South Dakota, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana,' Ohio and New York. The attorney general says in any event permits to sell stock should not be granted until the par value of the stock to be offered for sale is fijfed. Economic Situation in Mexico Alarming Mexico City, July 16. The eco nomic situation in Mexico is crowing worse daily. President Obregon has beeir forced to reduce the salaries of all government employes from 5 to IS per cent, effective frojn now on until the end of the year. Officials elected by "popular vote are exempt from the order: These include sena tors, congressmen, members of the supreme court and the president of the republic. The salaries of public officials, including school teachers, were not paid last pay day. It is stated that the warfare against the rebels is responsible for the present money shortage. New Italian Consul to Be Guest of Honor, at Banquet Italians of Omaha are preparing a banquet to be given Monday, July OA if tt.. TlmtiAeie r.Gtaltritit in honor of Sebastian Salerno, who was recently appointed Koyai Italian consul for Nebraska. The Italian consul from Denver is expected to be present. Mr. Claudio Arezzo, managing editor of the local Italian newspaper, "II Trogresso," is in charge of arrangements and all res ervation should be made at his of fice. 70S South Thirteenth street, Atlantic 4764, not later than Friday July 21. The Weather Forecast. Monday: Showers and cooler Hourly Temperatures. S a. m.. S - m.. 1 a. m. . S a. m.. a. m.. 14 a. m.. II a. m.. 1 p. m. t p. m.. S p. m. 4 p. m.. 5 p. m. .M .S7 .M .m i X7 S p. m.. 7 p. .. . .si SI : 11 Final Plea to Coal Men Is Planned Harding Will Attempt to Shape Conipromiii? Proposal Acceptable to Miners and Operators. Force Only Alternative By ARTHUR SEARS HENNINO. Omitba ! Lraard Wire. Washington. July 16. President Harding will make a final effort Monday to settle the coat mine strike before resorting to the power of the government to force resump tion of full coal production. When he receives the reply f tha operators to his arbitration propo-. sal, the president will endeavor to shape a compromise between tne positions of the miner and the op erators which he will ask both sides to accept. That the presiden still believes there is room for a settlement of the dispute became known tonight while the operators were in session, dis cussing the reply they plan to make to Mr. Harding Monday. The opera tors adjourned without action, to meet Monday for final decision on their reply. In the meantime they will caucus by districts. Rejection Not Final. It was learned that the president does not regard the miners' rejection of his arbitration plan as final and that he has given ample reason for this conviction by Secretary of Labor Davis, who is in close touch with John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers. ' Lending color to this interpretation of the attitude of the miners is the fact that the policy committee of the union has remained in Washington and is to meet again Monday morn ing. It is reported that Lewis has held the committee here at the instance of administration officials who believe that the reply of the op erators will leave room for further negotiation for a basis of settlement. Will Be Final Offer. The understanding is that if the president is able to work out a fair compromise, he. will put it up to the miners and operators to occcpt with out further question, in default of which compliance he will proceed to exert the authority of the govern ment to reopen the closed mines. With A. M. Ogle, president of the national coal association, presiding, more than 50 operators were in ses- J sion to a late hour debating the atti- tude they Bre to adopt toward v president's settlement proposal. Opin ion was greatly divided and th'ost word from the- assembly room was -that the reply could not be evolved until Monday. The operators were unanimous, however, in asserting that they could not accept the president's plan un conditionally without courting bank ruptcy. It was contended that un der the president's arbitration plan it would be possible for the miners to ,. force the indefinite continuation of the old high wage scare, which would mean no reduction i nthe 'cost of coal mined in the union mines, and the inabilit yof union mines to com pete with nonunion mines. Oppose National Wage Scale. The operators also voiced objec tions generally to the establishment of a national wage scale. They con tinue to stand out for collective bar gaining by districts or! limited to the central competitive field and are averse to accpetance of an arbitra tion n an admittnm the possibility a national contract being, forced upon tnem. The leaders among the operators advocated making a reply to the pres ident .setting 'forth in detail what portions of his plan - they can ac cept ad what portions they feel com pelled to reject. It was evident, how ever, that the reply is being pre pared with the contingency of fur ther negotiations with miners ih mind. It therefore, presumably, will not represent final concessions on the part of the operators any more than the policy committee's reply to the president is believed to fall short of final concessions on the part of the miners. Action Postponed. The president is so hopeful of bringing about a settlement that he postponed, for the time being, any action in the direction of envoking the power of thegovernmnt to reopen the closed mines. Secretary of Com merce Hoover and Attorney General Daugherty saw him during the day but it was stated that measures of last resort to avert a fuel famine had been only casually 'discussed. Numerous operators were outspo ken in welcoming action by the gov ernment to force resumption of full coal production. They said they would be glad to have the govern ment take over their mines and op erate them, having failed for some time to operate them at a profit and realixing that they would operate them at a loss, if at all, in the event they were compellcd'to accept the old wage scale. 9 Want Protection. Most of the operators also said they would be glad to reopen their mines under an arrangement where by, the government, while not taking over the mines, would furnish pro tection for workers tiling to mine coal at a reduced wage scale, which the perators put into .effect April 1 and which caused the strike. A good deal of doubt was ex pressed, however, that this latter plan would be wholly successful. It was pointed out that it probably would be a failure in Illinois and Indiana, in which states miners are required -to have state licenses. Thse licenses are issued by a state board composed of two miners and one operator. With the license board controlled by the union, licenses might be withdrawn from miners who sought to work in mines protected by the Eovern- nient.