15 THE OMAHA T.EK: SATURDAY. JULY 15. 1922. THE GUMPS-SUJW?S NORTH SIDE PROPERTY Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith ll'opyrtgal ItiJt WAJMTED REAL JEITATB Llal toil. "heme tur tour bam. BINDER & OTIS, )at rll.."L '' J- ; Tit buy r m'I Pm.kt Ileal K.!l . FOWLER & M'DONALD l-ml.r Mulnul l.tsilng Ka. JA 14M. Charles W. Young & Son Rl fatal. lUnl.la, Jnsurenra. Hl rur Nil. Ml AT, . WITHOUT FEAR OK FAVOR 3227 Lafayette Avenue Montclair Addition One ft the mi atiracii.. hmiita in ih a new district, Just .sal of ll.ilil. p.ik K.llaston. ,lu. . cuixtru, lion. f in. rooms, larg. living room with fir.nl.. I bedrooms .nil .iMning poi.li, til he' a sad shower. Very nicely ilnoraied throughout, Lot fn.ll. 'ii dilw.' and feral. Ariange wltb u. for In.c., . lion. Glover & Spain r VSW .Qet CUOVJ VND GRitH 1t Mt GUMi?- ID t - J $o M- BUT WT " i Uftau cntot the wwdow ( teuGHie& to t-o J t homux meow OHZ- oot I lfcOW: fSnwdte , or Mi? ive 'onc AMvtumcj rot I WR GUMP? Uim6Wohms Ntvuiiiirl , ll Something' included in the MALE HELP WANTED Wanted "by Missouri Pacific Machinist! and machinist.' help em. Boilermaker and helpers. Blacksmith, and helper.. Kleolrlclnna and helpera. Fheet-rnetal worker, and helpera. Car repairers and car Inspector!. For St. Louis, Kansas City, Be rtalla, Omaha, Osawatomle, Cot tpyvllle, Wichita, Llttie Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGhee, Al exandria and other ahopa and roundhouae. on ' tha Missouri Pa ri ?o railroad. Standard Wages and Working Conditions Apply to it. Loftus, Agent. Hth and Webster Sts., Omaha, Neb. 'PLASTERERS WANTED. "Thirty firt-clasa plasterers, Masonle Temple job, Birmingham. Long Job, - ornamental. Best wages. Transpor tation paid. Fon further Information write Epperly Plastering Co., Inc., Birmingham, Ala. Salesmen With Car Ve have openings for two salesmen of experience and ability. We want men ac customed to making $5,000 a year or more Hnd who can demonstrate abiltty to han dle men. Ulving telephone number, ad dress Box W-104, Omaha Bee, for Inter View. Bricklayers Wanted At once $9,00 per day for S hours' work, Apply Wells Brothers Construction Co. at John Worrell Plant, Ottumwa, Ta. WANTED A delivery clerk. Apply after 6 n ilock. Sommer Bros., 28th and Farnam. WANTED experienced (arm hand. Apply at Wellington Inn Saturday 8 p. m. FEMALE HELP WANTED HOtSEKEKPER XIInMle-agi'd lady of good references. Christian character, wanted for companion and housekeeper for elderly couple, in town of S0O In aouth western Iowa. Must apply immediately, sending references to Mrs. Golde Samuels. Box 111, Sidney, la. Permanent home if satisfactory. BEAUTY shop operator wanted, A first class operator for beauty parlor. Must be able to do marcelling. $:0 per week to start. Ruter's, The Fashion Store, Kear ney.' Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED MR. Employer or Mrs. Housewife. READ These Ads It Is impossible for these worthv people to talk with all of you face to face so they have used this column as a means of notifying TOU that they want to work for YOU. Grain Bookkeeper u BJb Tnorougriy experienceu in ail (levari menis nbaaaaVDf 'he business win De avaname tor po sition July 25. Minneapolis and Omaha references. Addresa P. O. Box 434, Mln- nebpotis. Minn. BOOKKEEPER or assistant accountant. r. K. Johnson, 1S17 Q. University Place. N0b. COLORED woman wants day ork. WE. 475S. . DAY work, white woman. AT. 8438. DAT work wanted. Ref. WE. 6004. ATTRACTIONS WHETHER you"re Interested in getting attractions or want to get placed, read and use this classification. You'd be sur prised to learn how many concessioners and "free attraction'" people take The Omaha Bee so they can keep in touch with the varloua celebrations advertised. DOLLS. BALLOONS. RUBBER BALLS, NOVELTIES. Ask for catalogue. Globe Novelty Co.. i-'es f arnam t.. I'mnnw. CONCESSION amusements and free acts wanted for picnic, Aug. !: no exclusives; no gambling. E. A. Krohn. Sec.. Garri son. Neb. EDUCATIONAL FRANCIS and Frank Madera would like to know the whereabouts of their father. John Madera. At one time h lived in Canada. North and South Dakota and was last heard of in Crete. Neb. If anyone knows his whereaVouta kindly notify me tf same. Frank Madera. Box 41. Central Park. Houston. Tex. WANTED Men, ladlea and boya ta leara barber trade: big demand; wage, while learning: atrictly modern. Call ar write 140J Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. Van Sant School of Busineaa. Day and Evening Seboola. 124 Omaba National Bank Bldg. Douxlaa 60. MOLER BARBER CO -LEG K. 110 8. 14th. Write for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voir, and piano, idt Karbac Bit, JA. lttL scores of offerings EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL NIQHT SCHOOL Compl.ta courses tn accountancy, ma. china bookkeeper, comptometry, short. hand and typewrltlnc; railroad and wlreleas teleiraphy, civil aervlc. and all KnaUih and commercial branchra. , Writ., call or phone Jackaon 1666 for lar. Illustrated catalog. Addreaa Boyles College ltoylra Bide Omaha, Neb. DO you want to Increaaa your Income? Writ. tb. National Auto ScbooL Ida N. iOtb St, Omaha, for cataloc. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN VltLLS. For aala, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suite, cheap, alteration free. Northwest Cor. Utb and Harney Sta. FULL DRESS aulta and Tuxedoa for rent. JA. Slta. 10 N. Hth St L Feldman. ARMT ehoee. 11.10. 70 No. lth. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. YOU would buy a used car if you knew it was 0. K. and was priced right. We have good used cars, some fair and some that are poor but they are all priced according to their condition and sold on easy Payments. New Ford touring. . . 1920 Ford touring with starter. Good Dodge sedan, J 525. Old's touring. Lexington touring. Paige Light Six, and a number of others. DORT SALES CO., 20th and Harney. AT. 6082. CONTINUING all this week all cars In our Used Car Department, containing all makes and all models, will be sold at an enormous reduction and very eaay pay ments. Ask about our easy payment plan during this enormous sale. Five of these cars, fully equipped with starter, lights and good tires will he sold for $150.00, each requiring but a very small payment down. Other bargains of other makes are priced accordingly. Sales room will be open evenings and all day Sunday. Willys-Overland, Inc., 5i2 Farnam street. (BUY an automobile! The best bargalna in usea cars are unereu mt i... Omaha Bee "want aos are a cieonmi house for practically all makes of cars. Most of them are In excellent condition snd can De put to any teai SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt deliverv or. new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15lh ni Jackion Sts. DO. S500 WE BUY and sell new and used cars. Cash or time. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St JA- 2468- WILLYS-KNIGHT touring car with tires, paint and all equipment, like new. at an exceptional low price and verj; easy pay ments. Call MA. .t.28. .T.Tcf-,r T-orD otv a n.unnf feDeed- .iter: S cord tires; 5 disc wheels C heap. Cash or terma. 206Z rarnam at. '-"j. FORD Sedan, at a bargain; recently over hauled and painted. In perfect condition; 1?20 model. Call WE. 3169. OVERLAND 6-pass., newly remodeled. Just overhauled. Will sacrifice If taken at once. Phone Co. Bluffs, Red 1571. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2554 Farnam. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 205S Farnam St AT. 78JI. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAB. A Safe Investment 24th and Farnam Sta. Phone DO. H7Q. FORD cars 'made to atart flrat turn of crank, $3.00. While you wait Used Ford Car Co. 1814 Cuming St USED Ford part, at half price. Parts for all .tandard make ears. Neb. AMto Parts. 1014 Harney St r REE Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Parts Co.. 2414 Farnam St, at. iJia. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska OMsmoblle Co.. lltb and Howard Sta AT. 177. ASK about our 4-day Auto Repaint Serv ice. FFKirTEK g. i'Pn"m m- MAXWELL aedan. Just like new. can give terms; pntn. t.nj. USED radiators, all make, for aala. Qreea. ousB Radiator rtepair. vw w i ht-. FORD roadster. 1420, atarter; cheap. I05J ffM USED Fords, ail models. U.ed Ford Car Co.. U14 Cuming. ELGIN touring tn excellent condition. Call HA. HSV ' ONE good Maxwell touting for sale, cheap. AT. 57. HOLLY. pt sat trimmer, til 3. 141. Yon Want Is Snare today and every day in the "Want" Ad columns of The Omaha Morning Bee The Evening Bee. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Used Cars That Can Be Used. Come on and Buy. A free state license with each used car purchased. These are right: TUtlt'K ROADSTER. nUX'K TOURING. OL11SMOBII.B SPORT. CHEVROLET TOURINO. OLDSMOBILE BIGHT TOURINO. OLDS.MOBILK ROADSTER. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND SEDAN TERMS THAT WILL SUIT. YOUR OLD CAR ACCEPTED ON ANT NEW OR USED CAR IN STOCK. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE COMPANY Howard at isth. AT. 1770. WILLYS-KNIGHT roadster, $187.60 cash. This roadester Is In excellent condition and motor alone la worth much more than we are asking for complete car. A real $500 value for less than half. Ask about our easy payment plan on all used cars. Willys-Overland. Inc.. 25H2 Karnam street. FORD SEDAN. CALL HA. 2708. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Auction Auction Another big night sale, consisting of the complete furnishings of three homes. To be sold in Dowd a Auction House, istn ana Webster streets. 18th and Webster Sts. Friday Night 7 P. M. Including pianos, tuks, talking machines, overstuffed parlor suites, library tables, bnok(RSPs. American walnut and mahog any dining room suites, rockers, beautiful bedroom suites. In walnut and mahogany. gas ranges, steel ranges, linoleums, kitch en catinets, dishes, cooking Utensils, pic tures, linens, and hundreds of articles too numfrous to mention. James L. Dowd & Co., Auctioneers. . If you have anything to sell call AT. 0966 or WA. 6213. Stepht enson s The complete downtown auction house, 1509 Capitol Ave., unrestricted auction, Friday. July 14, at 1 p. m. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattresses made over. New ticks. Box Springs Repaired. 3115 Cuming St. AT. 4979. AUCTIONS are held dally and evenings at Dnwd'a Auction House, 18th and Web ster street. Phone AT. 0866 for details. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. $75 buy. tha best. Phone Douglas 4423. . HIGH-GRADE furniture, rugs, household goods, dishes. AT. 1832. ICE box. congoleum rug, table, cupboard, etc. 124S S. 15th. No dealers. COMPLETE line of household furniture for sale. 208 S. 30th St. COMBINATION stove for sale. WE. 2058. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ORPHEUM Tenor Banjo, -with case, like new; used three months. Cost $70. First $35 takes it. T. C. Shipley, Rushville. Neb. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as $10 per month. A. HOSPE CO.. .1613 Douglas. LOVELY upright piano; good condition; ebony; BARGAIN. Call WE. 6920. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EVERYTHING In Rajdlo supplies. Mail orders solicited. Omaha Sporting Goods Co. 1816 Harney St. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKEL9. 16th and Harney. DO. 1973. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Baby chicks, 10-week old, and matured pullets, cockerels and yearling hens, all leading varieties. Send for catalog. S. M. Dean. Box 771, Fort Dodge. la. WHEAT SCREENINGS, $1.50 per 100 lbs. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. BLACK Persian male kittens, $10 each. Tel. JA. 1854. GOOD dog for sale, $10. AT. 5023. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT WILL sell equipment of soft drink parlor and restaurant separately or entirely. In cludes 4 electric fans, 1 small register, 1 double-drawer register. large safe, rolled, top desk, coffee urn, 6 heavy oak tables and chairs to match, scale, peanut ma chine, cooking utensils. 12-burner gas range, steam table, glassware, 3 heating stoves, 3 show cases, white enameled re frigerator, candy case, small ice boxes, dishes and silverware. 8:'4 N. 16th St. or phone Kenwood 3793. TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. EVery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 4120. 1913 Farnam. WE buy. .ell safea, mak. desks, show cases, etc., Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., a W. Cor. lltb and Docslaa JA 2724. BURROUGH8 adding machines, $100, fac tory guarantee. R. A. Fisher. AT. 0381. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. IF you want to purchase fresh, whole some fruit, vegetables, bakery goods In fart anything tn the food line watch this classification daily. It will prove a time end money saver for you. Weinehl's Bakery :1J LEAVENWORTH. Saturday Specials DANISH AND HONEY. COFFEE CAKE. ORANGE CAKE. ANGEL FOOD. We specialize on French pastries for hotel, snd restaurant. DELICIOUS APPLES FOR JELLY. CALL WA. 443.4. CaUiRRlES, apples. 694 Spraf ua. at a!. Silt. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. BLACK cherries tor sal. 1m s Fruit Farm, (1st and Military Ave. WA. 16 APPLES FOR SALE. 4113 N. i-D ST. CALL KE. 3743. BUSINjSSCHANCES WANTED IMMEDIATE LY! CUSTOMERS WAITING! Have party wanting to buy the leas and furniture of money making hotel located Council Bluffs or good town In Nebraska. If you want to eeii list with E. W. EXLEY. HOTEL BROKER. 1105 W. p. W. Bldg, Omaha Douglas 5169 BEAUTY OPERATORS, ATTENTION! brand.new gem electric per manent HAIR WAVER. COST $125. NEVER been used, guaranteed WAVE FOR SIX MONTHS. WILL SACRI FICE. WILL TRADE FOR OOOD ELEC TRIC MANGLE. CALL WE. 7034. OR WRITE 2424 PARKER AVE. HOTEL for sale 36 rooms, brick; heated, electric lights, gas, 100 feet from estab lished center of ally. $16,000. $5,000 cash, balance to suit buyer. Restaurant, fur nished, for sale at $3f0. Two or three of fices to let to good chlroprator or doctor. Address Prop. Elliott House, Stillwater, Minn. MEAT market and grocery for sale. Locat ed In best city in western Neb. Population 6,000. In good farming locality. Doing strictly cash business. Modern equipped. Ice machine. Price and terms for same will surprise you. Address Y-1950, Omaha Bee. ARE you looking for a business opening or a chance to get into business for your self' Read the opportunities which ap pear In this column each day. Eventual ly you will locate Just the business you want at your price. FOR RENT. Store room. 25 feet by 70 feet, full base ment, modern, good location, suitable for grocery or other lines. For terms, etc., write to I. S. Walker. Kimball. Neb. HOTEL 14-room hotel, modern, furnished complete, big garage, largo garden, good business and home cheap for quick. sale, terms, no trades. Owner, 702 W. Lyon St., Marshall, Minn. Hotel for sale. Furniture and five-year lease on Hampton hotel at Holdrege, Neb. 50 rooms. Must be sold within 10 daya. Inqulro U. G. Simpson. Holdrege, Neb. MOTION picture ahow. $5,000 buys good paying motion picture ahow if taken before July 31st. Write for. particulars. G. E. Moore. Maxwell, N. M. HERB is a chance for some old man with $1,S50 to buy established business that will make him good living. Box H-145, Omaha Bee. ONLY eating cafe county seat, 2,300. Price, cash, complete. $1,800. If . in terested look this over. Shorty's cafe, Madison, Neb. FOR SALE Fully equipped electric blacksmith shop. 2 fires; trip hammer; cash business. Edgar G. Lee, Julesburg, Colo. BEAUTY parlor for sale, equipment new and very reasonable; will give free beauty course to buyer. Box 292, Genoa, Neb. CLOTHING and shoe store for sale, $10, 000 will handle, eastern Nebraska; good business. Address Y-1953, Omaha Bee. HERE IT IS A going multigraph busi ness. One of the best buys In Omaha today. Call AT. 6804. VARIETY STORE for sale; doing large business; money maker for a good hustler. Box 336. King City, Mo. CAFE and bakery for sale, A-l business. located in northwest Iowa. Address hox Y-1954, Omaha Bee. EAT- market for sale, only one in lively country town. D. H. Klima, Ohiowa, Neb. BARBER shop and pool hall, only one in town. Terms. J. R. Gress. Tamora, Neb. MAKE hay while the sun shines. $.0. confectionery. 417 No. 25th St. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitch. Ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING ed Buttons. 1806 Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. 5670. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1667 Howard St CONTRACTORS. OARAGES built, any style and size, $100 up. Concrete work. Micklln Lumber ft Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6555. PLASTERING, cement work, building, re modeling garages of any kind; guaran teed work. WA. 0997. ALL kinds of building and remodeling. Ref. Quick work: reas. KE. 4666. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS. 60 each, $3 a full aet. 419 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Dr. R. R. Page, Dentist, 642 World-Her- old Bldg. Ol. AT. 0561. Eve. KE. 0772. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective - Bureau, Railway EX. Bldg., J A. 2066; night, KE. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville lk. AT. 5501 ; night WA. 4046; KB. 0465 JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured in all cases. AT. 1136. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN and fancy sewing; silk shirts ipecialty; work guaranteed. JA. 0736. FURRIERS. H I K.N remoueiea. reunea. c.eanea - -tkneeter Aiaaaa rur to. iif Kneeter Alaska Fur Co., 80 15th St DO. 783. HAULING. TRUNKS. 60c; bags, 25c; any place in town. Day Express. Call AT. 4950. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 171J Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. 1 help Inventor, sell their patenta. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO Large or small jobs, short notice. Call Atlantic 5696. LUPTON Painter; Inside work a ape- clalty: cheap lor casn. at. ii7. PRINTING. fiDDY Printing Co. $11 S. II Bt Do. M47. TREE TRIMMING. TREE trimming, tree surgery. Surgery is our specialty. Work done by experts. Call u. for free advice In- the care of your trees. Home Landscape Service, 911 N. 14th St DO. tlli. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS TOWEL SUPPLY. FRONTIER Towel Supply furnisher of clean linens. 1119 Cal. AT. 6291. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCKM BNT8. diamonds Pr,c.p:rth,p?.v,r.;: to buy back at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Nab.. 40 N. J6th St. Telephone DO. 6444. OMAHA TILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new lick, at half price of new beds. Pillow, renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed tlek. washed. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. DR. Louis N. Sniernoff, disease, of women and children. 315 N. 21st Bt AT. 47. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the i Sherman & McConnell Drug stores. WANT TO BUY DESKS LESKS DESKS New desk, used desk, bought, .old and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 14. Call WE. e441 first Wa pay mora for furniture, rug., .fovea, clothe. ROOMS FOR RENT LOOKING for a room Possibly you have Just come to the city and are looking for a homelike place. Your recourse Is in the "Rooms" ads In this column. Look them through today. If you can't find what you want come to The Omaha Bee office and let us supply you with a furnished room dlrertory. free of charge. HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Karnam at 24th. Single room with private bath at $10.50 per week; ror two. HL'.&u per weeK. Two large outside rooms with bath, $20 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. DESIRABLE accommodations for 1 or 2 business or professional men in attractive ly furnished bachelor quartera, Weat Farnam district. Phone HA. 4643 after 6 p. m., Saturday afternoon or Sunday. HOTEL SANDFORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. DELMAR HOTEL. Cool rooms. Hot and cold water, tele phone. Special rates. 24th and fcarnam. UNFURNISHED room for light house- Keeping, cios. in, sinciiy muu.ni, sonable rent. Call AT. 3250. KURN. rms. with prir. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. NINETEENTH St., 406 North. Clean, nicely furnished fooma; light housekeep ing and sleeping. FOUR furnished, front rooms; adjoining bath; private family; $7 a week. WE. 3507. TEL. WE. 2132 Finely furnished front room for refiner1 colored people.' TEL. MARKET 1790 Two cool furnished rooms, private home, block to car. CASS BT. 2023 Nice large, cool sleeping rooms for rent. Men only NICE large room with garage. WE. 3268. NICELY furnished room. DO. 4748. BOARD AND ROOM Ideal Home Private family. Close to car. Pleas ant, modern and hbmclike. $7 per week. 3311 No. 60th St. WA 6178. N ST.. 2408 1st class board andToom and lunches put up. Mrs. L. Austin, MA. 1106. DOUGLAS ST., 4250 Pleasant room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private home. WA. 0059. SEVERAL large, cool, rooms and good ooara. gentlemen prererreu. iuo n,.. FRONT room, home cooking. HA. 651$. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 112 S. 26TH AVE. Close in. clean, cozy, 2-room apartments, reasonable. Electric light, gas. everything furnished. See these today; save money. TWO and 3-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished; electric lights, gas and phone furnished. Walking distance. 646 S. 2f,tji street. JA. 3161. WEST SIDE car line; close to Hanscom park: beautiful cool rooms, light house keeping, large sun room. HA. 1075. TWO large housekeeping rooms, every thing complete: walking distance, reason able. DO. 8898. LARGE rm., mod. conveniences, screened porch: couple or 2 bus. women. HA. 6512. MODERN rooms, small private family, near car, board optional. HA. 7306. SINGLE or 2-room housekeeping suite, modern, walking distance. AT. 7110. HA. 6038 Two clean front rooms, $5.00. Respectable working people only. ONE or 2-room apts. with kitchenette. 514 N. 23d St HOUSES FOR RENT VERY nice 6-room house, bath and garage, now vacant. $.15. 2023 Pierce. AT. 2826 and AT. 0274. 4-ROOM house near 37th and Grover. $25 per month. See owner at 3641 Haskell St. FURNISHED HOUSES FIVE rooms, either vacant or nicely fur- nisnea; gooa insiae ana out. 3727 North 44th. Call Eagle Shoe Repair. 2234 Far nam. 15-ROOM rooming house, partly furnished walking distance; part cash. 646 So. 26th t. call .IA. 3161. FURNISHED residence from July 15 to onpt. 3. References required. HA. 2L74. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Nww, 2 large rooms. 4-room accommo- .,...1 . , . j . , , , and locker room. $42.50. 1801 Vinton. Douglas 5537. LEAVENWORTH St.. 2701 Cool, outside, 3-room apartment. All modern, nicely dec orated. $40. Victor Roos. HA. 2406. MODERN apt. living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Walking dis tance. $60. Walnut J888. MODERN 5-room apt. with garage, $85 per month. 136 No. 33rd St Call Harney C332 or Doulglas 2680. M ANDERSON St., 2620 Three unfurn ished rooms, water, gas, light furnished, garage. Private home. MODERN7. 3-room. unfurnished apart ment for rent, reasonable. 101$ Pacific St. AT 6761. 614 SO. 24TH ST. Nice cool 2-room apart ment. Man and wife. Walking distance. 6-ROOM desirable brick flat. AT. 6025. JOHV R. M'CARVILLE. 10O2-03 City Nat. CHICAGO ST.. 1908 New 6-room apart ment all modern; carast. HA. 4539. to I APARTMENTS FOR RENT Very Choice Apartments ft room In Mercer Ants., .iK'U Cum ing 8'. hfur rounded bv a regular par wall lots of nUe shsdo tree mid away from the noise of the street. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1.120 Fnrnani St. J A. 0564. HAM I LTO NH OT E L KARNAM AT 24TH A beautiful 4-rnoni apartment, rontlstlni of living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen with built-in pantry and ice boi. Newly d'Toratrd throughout. It can't be duplicated for the money. Will be plecisd to show 't st your convenience. (iET our list nt vacant apartments and houses. We handle a larger variety of rental properties than any other agency 1 ri tho city. Peters Trust Company, v HLIItt OMAHA RENTS. AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. IO Q room modern apartments. THE ""DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2a05. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close In. G P. 8tebblns. 1610 Chicago. TWiiNTY-EIUHTH ST., 634 8. Furnished apamnent. Tel. HA. 1745. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of living room, dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental Include, heat, light, gas. phone ar.d maid services. Either weekly or permanent guests. Phone AT. 3210. ST. REGIS Apts.. 37th and Jones Beau tifully fur. apt., living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen with garbage In cinerator, large bath. In best residential district; extremely cool; immediate oc cupancy. Telephone HA. 7325. TWO strictly modern, airy 3. 4 and 6 room apartments; oak floor, Murphy bed: Icebox-, pas range, steam heat, one block cross-twon car, -block Spring Lake park. 2214 D St. HUNTER INN. Home for the traveling man to leave his wife in comfort and safety. At lantic 6960. 114 N. 18TH ST.. two rooms, kitchenette, private tath, screened porch; also 1 room and kitchenette, screened porch. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT HALF OF FURNISHED OFFICE with use of telephono and private office In down town offiee building: rent reasonable Ap ply 511 MeCaguo Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY fvAb. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rates This Week to I.OS ANGELES and ST. LOUIS. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0258. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and Bhlpplng. BEK1NS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving Contracts taken on Job or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co.. JA. 4338. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT FOR RENT Facing Farnam St., office suite consisting of two private offices with reception room. Apply room 400, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 to 6 Individual floors. WE. 3483. CUMING and 24th Three .office rooms ror rent; corn. Call AT. 4564 MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE- uuoa Lu.. inn ana Jones St. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. 538 Keeline Bldg. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on oragna real estate, snopen Ac CO., Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 310 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At. 0161. rearm T.nano No delay on western r dl III lAlcUlb Neb. farm., rancbea. Kloke Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 8716. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 645 OMAHA NAT Bldg. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA LANDS TWO quarters of good, level, dark loam soil for sale at $25 per acre. Located near the Holt and Knox county line. Write the owner, S. S. Longford, Craig. Neb. TcAPMCl5 acres up. Write M. A. A rVAVlUO Larson, Central City. Neb., your wants for farms, acreage tracts, etc. I HAVE a 150-acre farm to sell at a bar gain on easy terms; 6 miles from Omaha. Box W-176. Omaha Bee. FARMS, ranches, sale, exchange. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE are going on a farm and must sell our beautiful home, near Hanscom park. Might consider some livestock in exchange as part payment. Price and terms rea sonable. Come and look it over and make us an offer. Located at 1326 8. 30th Ave. Phone HA. 6134. FOR sale or exchange for Omaha modern home, 80 acres irrigated beet land, three miles from Newell. South Dakota,' hog fenced, has good stand of alfalfa, small house, with terms to auit the buyer; an ideal hod farm: running water. Addresa Box 608. Chadmn. Neb. WANTED REAL ESTATE TO SELL quick and buy right see Fike Price. 819 City Nat. Bank. J A. 2419. LIST your property with W. Smith Co., 1$20 Faruam St. Farnam LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co.. Securities Bldg. TO SELL see Glover A Morell.. AT. 3623. Equitable Trust Co. Realtora. AT. 245. i Reed & Co., W - I v. -a. J Ili..ia Ko .'arnara tit I'non. AT, .141. GRUENIG M.liy Co. with it. fnp aulfk raaulla !4M Kin. Nail nk. Kldf. J A, IHI, hlDl'l'TT KAl KHTATe DlUrVrjl 1 n.n(. Rnt. In.urea. ISO Ptr Trut Hl1.. JA, Mil, BTHAIUUT--Tar loan, lr -A MUM OH ANT CO., SO! R lath. Arthur WAt. AT, MM. Real tat at, lUnlala, Insurance. tit Houth14lh. AT. IHt. NKWhoin.. rnmtltrly fnane4. Pay Ike rent, r. T. "PI KB CO.. H'.ltorn, 4 .lra Tru.lJIldj4uJ0.J4T. AT t'jinlir. liu mr.ni HOMK HKAI.TT fit., ui.;o W. n. W. Ulll. W. bur nil ell Omaha hum tiHi,V K )IIIIHM(i "t'O, rood.rn houaae. hSo ay- r.vn. lima- a- mt WANT or't-'oomTw'IMoeaUd. tn Dun. aaa. by tba flrat: bit. ctah. Boa til. Omaha 11. i r.lKT your hntnra for sal wit n na W hat lh u.tumers. I'ATfNbi INVEST hih. Rl Ratal, ('a J A. MOT. WANTED REAL ESTATE lOMKS for safe. APTS. for rent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Sped. Int.. Kevllna Bid AT. . ACREAGE FOR SALE A fT? T? ArVT trails, large and small. ' XVIVJCiVl JD Er payments. Hast- loss ft Hoyd-n.UI4 HarneyHt. AT. 0060. AN ACRE ot ground "for only J97S, Fronts sou'h on th lllvd. at 14th St F.asy term.. AT. 1411. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BRICK DUPLEX $15,000 Iandy duplex npHrtment, 8 large t'onni and bath on rach aide. Oak finish and flours: very complete and a beauty. Clue In, and dandy lot ation. 'IV rim. f i.000 d". E. BUCK & CO., Realtor. "42 Omaha Nat. JA. 2000: DO. 890. VACANT PROPERTY Large Lots $395 On Paved Street $10 Down, $10 Monthly Located on 60th street which ha. been newly paved without cost to the adjoining property owners and only one blot k south of Center street. Rich, black soil, won derful for garden, fruit and chickens. Only three llocka to Center street curllne. The Byron Reed Company 1612 FARNAM STREET. DO 0297. 1612 Farnain street. $25 DOWN $5 MONTH Fine corner lot. facing south and east, sewer and water in street; near car, $450. H. S. MANVIl.LE, Realtor. AT. 2403 616 Peters Trust Bldg. DUNDEE CORNER LOT. Southeast corner 53d and Dodge, 130 feet on Dodge. Worth $5,000. What ia your offer? Owner, Harney 3923. RalstOn L0tSmentUPdownV' easy payrients. 1 hone Stewart. Ralston 10-W. DUNDEE lot, 60x126, on 54th St.. near Farnam; choice lot; will consider rens. offer. C. A. Grlmmel. Phone JA. 1615. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota In Edgewood: very .asy term.. Atlantic 3540. CHOICE lot. good location, $Si0 cash, Phone AT. 1433. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS HOME ft rooms : 3 bedrooms on second floor; KelJastono with pressed brick foundation. Price $6.500, : on paved street, clone to cm. Shown by appointment. Call Grant Benson, WA Tsn evening, AT. 3540 days. BENSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block. AT. 3540. Minne Lusa Bungalow Hern is your chance to buy a dandy 5 room bungalow at less than cost of dupli cation. Fireplace, full built-in kitchen, Vz block to car, one block to new school; $2,500 cash. KE. 4233 evenings; AT. 6027 days. S. B. M' POWELL tfr CO. 5-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN. A real ha renin and a real home. $4,800. $5no cah. balance easy. About 2 years old. Boautiful location, northwest. Oak floors throughout. Oak fin., large attic, full cemented basement. Call Mr. Bar rusch evenings. AT. 6947. 3335 CAMDEN Ave., 6 rooms, modern with half acre of fruit, $1,000 cash, balance monthly. 608 Bee Bldg. J A. 0200. FINK 6-room bungalow, hard wood finish, $5,000. Q. B. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. D. B. BUCK & CO. buy and .ell borne.. Sale of Acreage Tract and Lots Saturday. Sunday and Monday July 15th, 16th, 17th Omaha's Beautiful Southwest Suburb A cluster of beautiful homes, nice gardens, and productive little farms about delightful Seymour Lake. Every city convenience, yet country comfort, freedom and economy. Don't pay exhorbitant city prices, avoid high city taxes. Build what you want, or we help you build. 1,000 Fine Residence Lots 100 Tracts, 1 to 5 Acres Each Our offering is at practically cost, plus taxes. Pay ments same as rent. Deeds and title perfect. $25.00 and more buys you a lot or acreage tract. HOW TO GET TO RALSTON. STREET CARS Leave 16th and Farnam at g and 10 A. M.. 12 noon, 2, 4, S P. M. Leave 24th and N, South Sid. every 30 minute, in the afternoon. Take any ear to 24th and N, South Side. AUTOMOBILE ROUTES Weat Dodge street to Seventy-second and south into Ralstqn.- West Center .treat, and south on Sixtieth or Seventy-second street. Any cross street south to Q and west into Ralston. Through Elm wood Park ond Ak-Sar-Ben Field to Ralston. Ralston ha. a free camping ground. Spend week-end here. Streets paved. HOMEWOOD REALTY CO. J. T. O. STEWART, Manager. Ralston, Neb. Phones: Ralston J0-W or Douglas 5013. JA, itti 411-JS' t'ltv Ksiii'ii.l. M.ml'W. WUIIIpl. Lining r.stnni lRoom Modern Home In fin. condition. "od eu'ein. rhliken nous, slnrin rave, hearing fruit of .11 kinds, fin beds, shrub, and maple had trea tot llilJ0. I'rlr. only Il,4i0; i.y t.rma Evening, call A 1744, Fowler & McDonald, Realtors JA. 1424 IltD City Nat'l rk Bid SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY NRIV l-rooin bungalow, oak finl.li, built in features, larg ast front lot. KK 40. WEST SIDE PROPERTY Leavenworth Heights Bungalow, $5,250 Just b.lng computed Five fin room, attic and full rem.ntad basement. Oak floor. Well built, well arranged and well loest.d. On paved slrt Clo. ta car. Ks.y trm For fust Information call WA. 211 J. $100 Cash New 5-room on and on-hlf .lory finely flnishrd ok and whit. naml. beautifully decorated, clo.e to car; deslrabl neighbor, bood. Will Mil rvapon.ibl. parly oa $IOt cash and $l"0 per month. CALL OWNER. WA. lit Clairmont District No reaaonahl. offer refused, on (t-rnain Kellatone home, and garage; now vacant. In fine location, al.o. Prlc. 11,000. Call JA 3'.'l. FOUR rooms, partly mod.rn. larg Jot nice loratlon, $1,100. Bargain. U. H Htebblns. 1410 Chicago at. BENSON PROPERTY Benson Do you want to get out and raise chickens and garden? W. have a 4-rnom nous, with 1 lota for th price of $2,400. Thla can be ban died for $300 down and $21 per month, (let on the phone and Call Mr. Mitchell .. thl will not la.t very long. KE. 079 or office open tn 9 p. m. ' Amos Grant Co., Realtors AT. K3H0. 210 Wo. lth HI. Oround Floor. Owner's Price Reduced A real homo on a large lot, ion ft. frontage: pretty yard with fruit and shrubbery. First floor, four rooms; second floor, four bed rooms and bath. Attic, cemented basement, double garage and chicken house. $1,000 cash. Call us for an appointment, or aee M0! Maple St. today. Payne & Carnaby Co. 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. DUNDEE PROPERTY Best Value in Dundee We are offering an attractive home al . 6105 Webster St., at a price that should sell Immediately. Large living room ar rangement with fireplace, suitroom, din ing room and kitchen on first floor; four nice bedrooms, one extra large, and largo , tile bathroom with til. .hower. Full lot. paved alley; one-car garage. Arrange with us for Inspection. Glover & Spain, Realtors JA. 2860. tlf-20 City National1 A BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE HOME. Nearly ,iew and a beautiful location; 8 rooms, strictly modern, oak floors through- . out. oak fin., built-in bookesses, buffet and kitchen cabinets: large living room across ftont with fireplace; bath ha. ba. tuba tile floor; full cemented basement. Will sell on terms. Call Mr. Borrurch, AT. 617. Dundee Lots, Houses GEORGE & CO., Realtor. Atlantic 3024. Membcra Multiple Listing Exchange. FLORENCE PROPERTY NBTHAWAT sells and trade. KB. 14. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY Unequaled Values $6.950 5-room stucco bungalow, built IB features, beamed tellings, fireplace, fin. yard and flowers. $8.850 7-rooms. W'est Farnam dlstrlct, clote to car. This property Is very at tractive and In good condition. $5.950 A cozy neat bungalow of 6 room. , and bath, has everything that goes to ward making a real home. J. L. Hiatt Company Jesse L. Hiatt, First Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 90. TK1