The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 13, 1922, Image 5

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"Phantom Nance'
Returned Here
, on Fraud Charge
Stork Promoter, Sought More
Than Year, Declare! In
norm re in lxan
Firm Deal.
iiifl fyrj, but nirnully alrrt, E.
i . Name, Mrk promoter, was re
turned (r"m WaiiMU, Wis., dnn
iIjv under iiiilirtmrni (or iimiir the
tniil In (lr(iml, in connection with
lie (Wunt't Mik-nuri Valley Cattle
l oan loinpanv.
"I'm nut on the defensive," he per
iled for a lung time, but later ac
knowledged lie signed, ar. an inno
rent puny, the papers by which the
,lee McNish' Cat tt Loan company
was sold to the Missouri company
for $lU,00O.
"I happened in at an inopportune
moment. Sonic one el-e was supposed
to sign the paper, hut he did not
arrive, so I was prevailed upon to
cicj it," he said.
Varied Career.
Asked if he had any friend who
niisht furuih bond for him, Nance
puffed composedly at his rigaret for
a lew minutes before lie replied:
"Does any one know if he has a
friend until he has tried them out?"
To queries as to his business, he
replied he hail been in many "some
successful and sonic not."
Maishal Relieved.
He seemed amused when told he
was for a scar designated as the
' Phantom Nance" because no trace
of him could be found. If he cannot
turnish bond leday he will be lodged
in the co'unty jail.
W. R. Chillis, United States mar
shal at Superior, Wis., who brought
was glad to get rid of his prisoner
Nance to Omaha, told reporters He
"He made a nervous wreck out of
me on the trip," said the marshal.
Neligh Newspaper Sold
to Spalding Publisher
Neligh, Neb., July J 2. (Special.)
Atter four years' ownership of the
Neligh Register, C. A. Mohrman dis
posed of. the plant, including the
building and lots, to George W.
Woodward of Spalding, Neb., who
took possesion Tuesday. M. J. Ro
mig, who has been connected with
the paper for the last five years, will
remain as editor and business man
ager. Mr. Woodward is an old time
printer, having had many years' ex
perience in newspaper work.
Two Badly Injured as Cars
Crash on Beatrice Street
Beatrice, Neb., July 12. (Special
Telegram.) Galen Davis was badly
cut and bruised and Glen Hubbard
received a broken shoulder when a
Ford driven by Davis and a Willys
Knight by J. J. Holnlbeck, fanner,
collided at Seventh and High streets.
Hubbard was riding a bicycle and
v?s caught in the crash as he was
passing. The Ford was badly
roi.iTK Af. ,vrrr,RTisr,MKNT.
ckas. b. Mcdonald
And Enforcement of Law
50-Page Cook Book
FREE to Visitors at
Stove Demonstration
Union Outfitting Co.
A Gat or Oil Stove and 49
Other Articles Given
Away FREE Friday
Considerable interest is being
taken by housewives in the
Demonstration of "lorence" Oil
Cook Stoves at the Union Out
fitting Co., as they burn kero
sene, the cheap fuel and leave a
kitchen cool.
New, low prices and easy-to-pay
terms are being made on all
"Direct Action" Gas Stoves dur
ing Demonstration Week and $5
will be allowed on your old
stove. A stove and other useful
articles will be given away Fri
day to visitor call at store for
Dorothy Dalton's
Beauty Chat
Misa Dorothy Palton. the actress famous
the world over for her beautiful complex
ion, aays: "Any girl or woman can have a
beautiful, rosy-white complexion and
smooth, unwrinkled skin like mine if they
will follow my advice and use Derwillo,
a simple toilet preparation. I use it be
cause it imparts instant beauty, ia easy to
apply, absolutely harmless and haa a mar
velous effect upon the akin. One applica
tion proves it." Get Derwillo at any toilet
counter and try it today; you will be de
lightfully surprised.
TJiwaaa rermi attack tha
scalp, destroying the hairi
growth, causing baldness.
excessive dandruff, prematura
grayness, dead-looking, luaterleaa
hair and itchintr aealo. Tha rich
lather of Hunt's Medicated Soap earneo
with it to tha very hair root just tha rig ht
Torobmaticrti of medicinal ingredients to
correct scalp troubles, causing hrrariaat
hair growth and imparting that HofftaeM
ct tha hair that indicate the proper hail
TIM SlMTaaan McCaaanfl Drag atom
Mothers Rest
After Cuticura
Variometer for
Real Close Tuning
Technical Points Made Plain
for Benefit of Radio
lontiiiuting the wiioniftcr. the in
ductance being minimum when (he
coili are "picking'' and maximum
when the coil are aiding,
Receiving variometers are employ
ed in the plate and grid circuit of
many vacuum tube receiving etf and
constitute a ery aimple way o( vary
ing the inductance of a circuit, allow
iug close adjustment.
The variometer, in general, con
sit of two coil of wire connected
in aeriei, whoe relative position
may be varied, thereby changing the
inductive capacity. The umal form
of variometer a employed in re-
reiving circuit is made with one of
the winding, called the ttor, fixed,
and the other winding, or rotor, is
mounted on a spherical form. The
stator i wound on the inner surface
of a sphere so a just to clear the
movable winding. The better makes
of variometer have very little clear
ance between the windings, which
permit, a greater raiiRe from mini
mum inductance to maximum in
ductance values.
Around every cell of wire carrying
a current there is a magnetic field.
If alternating current parses through
the coil there is an alternating mag
nectic field. If direct current passes
through the coil the field is of un
changing intensity. If we take a
coil of wire carrying an alternating
current and split the winding into
halves (connected together) and re
verse the position of one-half with
respect to the direction of the wind
ing on the other half, the magnetic
field will be greatly reduced in
Indeed, if we could make one-half
the coil exactly coincide with the
other half (wound in the opposite
direction) the effective field would
be of zero intensity. This is why it
is desirable to have as little clearance
as possible between the windings in
variometers. The strength of the
magnetic field and hence the total
effective inductance of the device is
therefore dependent upon the posi
tion of the two parts of the windings
The story i going the round again
about the ship's rook who cut off I
passenger' leg 800 miles at ea, upon
specification turntthrd by radio, and
using a butcher knife and a meat
aw. ' It suggest great nimlit:es,
The firt thing we know we will
hear of how the tewarde removed
the appendix of the kipper' wife
with a pair of dressmaker' hear
and a button hook.
Ry means of phonograph records
and radio the entire opera of "Car
men ' was recently broadcast in it
regular order, each selection being
rendered by a star of the first magni
tude, including Caruso and Farrar.
It would have been impossible to
have produced the music of this fa
mou opera by such a galaxy of star
for less than JIU.IXK) tor each per
formance, and it is doubtful if it
were within the realms of possibility
to even get such a collection of op
eratic stars together at the same per
formance. No better illustration
could be had of the unprecedented
benefits that radio is going to make
possible for the people in the future.
New C. of C. Secretary
Takes Up Work at Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb.. July 12. peciat.)
Harrison Elitott. who recently was
elected secretary of the Beatrice
Chamber of Commerce, has arrived
in the city with his family to assume
his new duties, coming here from
Columbus. Neb. He succeeds C. E.
Jones, who resigned early in the
spring. Mr. Elliott served as secre
tary of the Chamber of Commerce of
Columbus and is at present secre
tary of the state organization. i
H.B.Trenian Heads
Veterinary Bodv
Motion to Disband Missouri
Valley Association Defeated
by One Vojte.
H. B. Tremau. Rockwell City, la.,
was elected president of the Missouri
Villev Veterinary association at the '
closing session of the 29th annual j
meeting in Hotel Rome cterday
II. R. Steel of Grundy Center. Ia.,
wjj- elected ict president, and R, ,
F. Bourne of Fort Collins, Colo.,
The following were elected trus
tee: T. S. Gridlev, Malvern, la.;
Peter Phillipson, Holbroolc, Neb ;
J. H. Scott. Princeton. Mo.: J. If.
Mydland. Horton. Kan., and R. S.
U'aMnn. T ennrw S. IT I
Dr. Treman in an address urged
the member to narmomre and work
for the organization' progress. A
stormy closed sesion yesterday
ended when a motion to disband the
organisation was defeated by just
one vote.
Adam McMullen of Beatrice, re
publican candidate for governor,
gave a nonpartisan talk. Gage
county, he said. wa tht first to take
un county agent woric. ine nne
herd in many part of Nehraska, hi
ciirl. marie it annarent that anv
thing which would raise the stand
ards ef veterinarians should be en
couraged. ai. ,pyrwnHTjrm.
chas. b. Mcdonald
Anal Eaforcaraaat of Law
Man's two ar three-pkee sulta cleaned
anal piaasad '
MIT Faraaat Stmt
AT. 034S
. Not Promises
Why You Should Support
A Native of Nebraska
United States Senator
His Record as Attorney Gencrct
Attorney General for four yeare.
Organized a powerful law department.
Prosecuted more than 2000 prohibition cases.
Called Grand Juries and prosecuted stock
Promoted Nebraska Irrigation development.
Sustained the Americanization Program.
The only candidate who haa actually gone into
the courts of Nebraska, and fought and wn
for the cause of Prohibition. Clean Bnsinesa,
and Law Enforcement.
A Definite Program
He Stands For
More adequate credit system for agriculture.
Encouragement of cooperative marketing.
Protective tariff on economic and defensive
necessities not controlled by monopolies.
Reduction of transportation charges.
Reduction of taxation by systematic admin
istration of government.
Opposed to cancellation of foreign debts.
Support of soldier bonus.
Laws to protect women and children.
Support of Volstead Act.
Law Enforcement and clean government
Represents no Class or Faction
Will Represent all of Nebraska
Rtei torn:
everybody!? store'
Thursday's Events in Our
July Clearance Sales
Continuing Our Clearance of
Women's Ready-to-Wear
Our Entire Stock Spring and Summer Styles
Spring and Summer Dresses
Our entire stock of charming silk and wash dresses
is divided into seven great groups and priced at
$5, $10, $19.75, $25, $35, $39.50 $49.50
Spring and Summer Coats
Sports types of camel's hair; semi-tailored models of
trellaine and marvella ; capes of soft plaid woolens.
$10.00, $20.00, $25.00
Spring and Summer Suits
Smart sports models of tweed, homespun, and trellaine ;
also a few three-piece costumes are included at
$10.00, $15.00, $25.00, $45.00
Spring and Summer Skirts
Wool sports skirts are priced at $5 and $10; white
silk skirts of favored materials are priced at $10.
$5.00 and $10.00
Burfaaa-Naah Suit Shop Third Floor.
J uly Sale Offering of
Summer Millinery
Beautiful summer hats re
duced right in the midst of
the season, giving one delight
ful service , for the Jiot days
ahead. Included are:
Smart White Hats.
Pretty Garden Hats.
Ribbon Hats, Felts.
All Children's Hats
$1.00, $2.00, $3.00
Fine tailored hats, fancy
straws or fabrics, beautifully
Burfaaa-Naah Hat Shop Third Floor.
Wonder Square
Wash Suits
Oliver Twist and coat
style in sizes 3 to 8. Quan
tity is limited. Very spe
cial at 69c.
Burfeaa-Naah Main Floor
Four-in-Hand Ties, ea., 10c
For Wednesday only, men's four-in-hand ties made of silk
or satin. It is needless to say they are worth much more. When
you see them you will want to purchase at least six.
Infants' Soft-Sole Shoes, pair, 10c
Only 300 pairs of them; slightly soiled, but wearing; quality
not impaired. They'll not last long at this price, so we advise
early shopping.
Burfess-Nash Red Arrow Booth Downstairs Stora.
July Clearance Sale
In the Gift Shop
This discount of 25 is effective throughout our
Gift Shop and includes every article from the
smallest bit of pottery to antiques that cannot be
replaced. We list only a few of the many pieces.
Cigarette Boxes.
Tilt-Top Tables.
Wicker Ferneries.
Wooden Candlesticks.
Polychrome Mirrors.
Polychrome Boudoir Lamps.
Indian and Mexican
25 Discount
Burfaaa-Naah Gift Shop Fourth Floor.
and Embroideries
25 Off
You may choose from
our entire stock of fine
laces, embroideries and or
gandy flouncings, fringe,
tassels and novelty trim
mings at 25 reduction.
Burfess-Nash Mala Floor,
.Wsj4i at!
July Ckaraeg M in th Mim9 Bbp
Worth While Reductions on Men's Needs
Entire Stock Men's Clothin
at 20 Discount
All' Boys' Suits,
Including Wash Suits, .
20 Discount.
Athletic Union Suits
Reduced to 95c
Garments of the better makes, including gepuine
B. V. D.'s, Velora and Rocking Chair, now 95c
Straw Hats, $1 and $5
Entire Stock of Felt Hats,
$1, $3 and $5
Sport Shirts , Wash Ties
Cool sports styles of cot- Dozens of popular patterns
ton pongee, priced from which to choose,
Each, $1.15 Each, 19c
Burfaaa-Naah Mait'a Shoo Mala Floor.