The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 13, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Harding Orders
to Avoid Deficit
Bureau Chief Called in Con
ferenceNew Budget Direc
tor SuItmiU Estimates
Keep Within Income.
Wellington, July 12 With con
gratulation on the extraordinary
economic! fftectcd by the budget
ytcm in the lat year Pretident
Harding;, addrcing icveral hun
drcd bureau chief yesterday, called
(or still greater retrenchment to
avoid a prospective $500.IKKUHXI defi
cit during the current fiscal year.
Ocn. .Lord, the now director of the
budget, submitted in detail the pros
pective revenue and expenditure and
the president asserted he would
tand squarely behind Gen. Lord, as
he supported Gen. Dawes, in cur
tailing expenses and introducing
more economical method of adminit
traiion.' The president said he would
not send to congress a budget ex
ceeding the revenue and would slash
estimates if the department failed to
do no.
"The report of the director of the
bureau of the budget for the fiscal
year ending June JO, 1922," said
Mr. Harding, "is a record of " real
achievement, of which you may all
be proud, for without your Intelli
gent co-operation this gratifying re
sult would not have been- possible.
Last August r was estimated, on in
formation furnished by those , speak
ing for the spending agencies of the
government, thatwithdrawa4s from
the treasury for the fiscal year just
terminated jtould be $4,554,000,000.
The. last treasury estimate shows
this figure was reduced to $3,795,
000.000, a reduction of $759,000,000.
"The preparation of estimates for
the fiscal year 1924 is the .next im
mediate duty," the president con
tinued, tor that year, estimated re.
ceiDts are $3,198,000,000. or aooroxi
mately $600,000,000 less than the ap-
propriaiions ror me current year pius
authorizations for expenditures, not
included in the appropriations. We
must all keep constantly in mind
that the probable receipts for 1924
will not permit as liberal appropria
' tions as for 1923. In that connection
I may say frankly to you that I will
not send to congress estimates ex
ceeding the probable receipts of the
Pawnee City Banker Heads
Savings Bank in West
Pawnee City, Neb., July 12. H. A.
Bull, former successful banker of this
county, is heading a new savings
bank recently organized In Long
Beach, Cal., by him. It is called the
American Savings Bank of Long
Beach and has a capital of $200,000
and a surplus of $40,000. They
opened for business on July 1.
Retailers Condemn High
Increase of Tariff Bill
Lincoln, July 12. The board of
directors of the Federation of Ne
braska Retailers, at a meeting held
here yesterday, passed a, resolu
tion condemning increases proposed
by the Fordney-McCumber ';. tariff
bill now before cohgress On the
ground that, the tariff would tend to
'Ziegfeld Flays Pickford,
Predicts Sorrow for Wife
Declares He Wishes Miss
Miller Could Inquire
Why Olive Thomas
Killed Self.
-'l7(ihl. "!.
Parts, July 12. Keplying to a
story in the Kotton Post to the ef
fort that HiHie Burke' husband w
jealous of anybody' attention to
tlarilymi Miller, Floreni Ziegfeld
told the Trdiune that he absolutely
diil not believe the report that Mine
Millrr said he was jealous of Jack
1 consented to their marriage and
am closing 'Sally' in six weeks simply
to allow the honeymoon." said Mr.
Ziegfeld. "I am now looking for a
wedding present."
; "Not Jealous."
"Marilynn is silly it she said 1
v. as jealous. My wife,, Miss Hurke,
fascinates me more than ever. She
is the most charming woman I know,
and Patricia is a wonder baby. My
wife would have accompanied me on
my entire trip except for the baby'
food, and both are coming to London
next week to see me.
"I do not think that the least friend
of Miss Miller would have advised
her marrying a man dishonorably
discharged from the navy for taking
bribes and also knowing the unhappy
end to Olive Thomas. His ledger
shows a blank on -the credit side and
black on the debit side. I will leave
it to the American public to judge.
"I wish that. Miss Miller would
I j i
Jack Ttckford
come to Montmartre and inquire why
Miss Thomas committed suicide. It
would nay 1.000,000 per cent on her
future happiness."
Mr. Ziegfeld is occupying an apart
ment in the W.U adjoining the room
where Miss Thomas took poison. He
has heard the gossip of the employes
concerning the causes of the tragedy.
increase-retail prices to the consum
ing public,
-The board also condemned the
proposal that postal regulations be
modified to permit the issuing of re
turn postage-permits.
It was voted to hold the next an
nual convention . in X)maha in Feb
ruary. ' .'
First Peaches Since 1914
,' v in Southeast Nebraska
Stella. Neb., July .-(Specials-southeastern
Nebraska has a peach
crop this season for. the first time
Since 1914. And .although the old
time big peach orchards are no more,
yet there are many trees in town
and on farms and. every tree is bear
ing abundantly. The cherry crop
has been immense, and has lasted
more than a month, and is notyct
over. Cherries sold at various prices,
the prevailing price being $3 for a
bushel of 32 quarts, though in some
instances they were higher. Most of
the family orchards have died out,
and they are not being replaced extensively.
Heavy Rains in July . A
Setback to Stella Farmers
Stella, Neb., July 12. (Special.)
Nearly six and a naif inches of rain
during the first 10 days in July has
given farm work a big set back, and
four inches of rain last night makes
another delay in threshing. Only
one farmer, James Vannoy, on the
Pritts farm, has done any threshing
in here so far.
Some threshing was done last
week on two .farms in Nemaha coun
ty and the wheat yielded from 36
to 40 bushels , an acre of excellent
Woman Appointed Head of
Antelope County Schools
. Neligh, Neb., July 12.-(Special.)
At a, meeting of the board of su
pervisors of Antelope county, the
application of Mrs. Ida McClintock
for county superintendent, to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
C. A. Mohrman, was accepted. Mrs.
McClintock will assume her duties
Thursday. , . .
Sure Relief
mm n - u
Hot water
Sure Relief
25 and 75 Packages Everywhere
CtuIm d Luxe, February $
by SpKllUr Chuitni New
TuiMoe Oil-Burner, ai.Joo ton,
I mootbi, ttouul up include thortexainlaai
ud til ezpaucs
Ut. Hot Ud, CaacUatJaoaJi,
CifK., Italy. Spala. Etc.
489 Fifth Avenue. New York
Or Our Local Agent
Real Lemonade in One Minute
and not a Lemon to Squeeze!
TV THEN you use Merrell-Soule Powdered Lemon
W Juke, you have only to add water to the
powder and -stir nothing could be simpler
nothing could be better.
MerreB-Soule Powdered Lemon Juice, you see, is
really lemon juice. The lemons have been squeezed
. and the water removed from the juice. A little
sugar has been added to the solid parts of the juice
and the powder then put in air-tight cans.
When you restore the water to the juice, jfpu have
the same product we had when we squeezed the
lemons for you. It is real lemon juke, ready to be
used in lemonade or pie or in any recipe mat calls
for lemon juice.
Your grocer can supply your needs. He sells
Merrefl-Soule Powdered Lemon Juice in two sizes,
4-oz. and 10-oz. the 4-oz. package being equal to
the juice of a dozen lemons. That really means 14
lemons or more, for few people get all of the juice
from a lemon when they squeeze it
Man Arretted st Pall Game
Held on Charge of Robbery
Watertown. S. D.,July IJ (Spe
cial ) Glea W. , Jenkins, arrested
while attending a bill game on the
charge of being implicated in the
holdup and robbery on January II,
1921. of the local agent of the
American Express company, secur
ing about J 1 ,000, a the result of his!
preliminary hearing has been held'
Kr trial m the state circuit court.
Bond in the ce were fixed it
Jenkins' arret followed an alleged;
confession made by I rceman K.'
Carr, his I fi-y car-old nephew, that hej
himself and his uncle were respond
sible for the robbery. Young Cari
a few day ago entered a pica o(
guilty to the charge. Carr v.u cau-i
fured in Oregon few day; ago
and brought bark to Witertown, and
Mm' iv er dire, pi sullt cl.aaec'
HIT Fuimi StrMl AT. 4
the arrot of Jenkins followed
promptly upon hi alleged confession,
roMTM'M. t,rtvrMTtttr.m,
chas. b. Mcdonald
An) Eeforceme! ef Law
i r" i.r.t' rirnr "" . mjiii 111' 1 1 1 ir'rli'-irit''t". J i it- "- r-i- ti. , t 1 i. i i - . - . -,
Reminding Yoii That Our
DS A Continuous performance, the purpose of which is the .
elimination of Summer Goods and Summer Clothes from our
stocks. Each days adds new ideas, new groups, new prices. For
Thursday these lots among many others:
. Astonishingly JJnderpriced
OTJR DRESS BUYER, who is now in New York, has sent us 100
dresses of unusual charm, and in doing so accomplished the three
great essentials in buying STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. A number
of dresses from our regular stocks and greatly reduced have been added,
thus giving a most unusual range of styles, materials and colorings.
The materials are Canton Crept, Georgette, Crepe Romaine,
Printed Crepes and Combinations with the newer and allur
ing style touches.
Plenty of the wanted navies and blacks, as well as sport models, in the
groupings. Sizes 16 to 52y2. ON SALE THURSDAY, 9 A. M.
A tale auch aa our July Clearing. Sale
always Includes many more1 Item than
can possibly be described. Tbla la espe
cially true of 8ilki. From the many
group at sale prices please note these:
The season's style leader. The Ratine
de Luxe Beautiful, blending in six
wanted shades, Including oyster, Priced
Thursday, yard
New Ratine Dresses Blouse Special, $2.50
A small lot, bought at a big price con
cession. Colors: Canary, Henna, Blue
and combinations, with embroidery, or
gandie and smart color touches. Values
to $16.75. Sale price Thurs- Q rJP
day. each, Pt I O
In fine voiles, Peter Pan and Tuxedo
styles, frills, laces, insertions and drawn
work. On the Square
A belated bale of Japanese Pongee, a
direct importation, just received. We
shall sell this Thursday at M 1 il
per yard, pXxU
No More Can Be Obtained to Sell
at This Price.
White Skirtings of brocaded satins, la
Interesting designs. On sale at, per
yard. 91.48
I Women's Hosiery
Two Kemarkable Lots Thursday.
Seamless Silks, black and colors, per
pair, 95
Full Fashioned Silks, black and brown
only, at, per pair, 81.65
No such values have been offered In
many a day.
Women Simply Must Have
This is Style's' command. Hundreds of them have
just been marked for Thursday's selling. ' -
Sweaters of Soft Wool
Slip-ons and Tuxedos, the former In V, round and novel neck
effects; attractive weaves. Colors: Orchid, Green, Navy,
.Copen, Gray, White, Tan and combinations.
$2.95 $3.95 $4.95
Others, $7.95 to $15
Fiber Sweaters
A Small lot 'Colors: Honeydew. Copen, Cardinal (PQ QK'
and Black; values to $5.95. Special, pO.7t)
Fiber Sweaters
Alluring weaves, colors and combinations including laoe
stripe effects. Perfect harmony with any col- (PQ QJ
ored blouse of skirt. Special, pOUO
Pure Thread Silk Sweaters .
There are sweaters and sweaters. Thise are the "real
thing" and come in the newer weaves. Colors: Navy, Black,
Tan, American Beauty, Tangerine, Jade, Poinsetta, Mari
gold, Flesh, White, Gray and flOQ KA and
combinations, . P-td7.uU
for Women
DF ALL the dear ladies who have complained
about the high price of shoes in the past
two years will kindly assemble in our shoe
section (or anywhere near it, for the lot is
bound to overrun the table capacity of the shoe
section alone) Thursday, we shall offer a lib
eral . stack- of Low Shoes, consisting of small
lots and broken assortments from our regular
lines. The finest of "leathers, fashioned by
America's best makers, in black and shoe
shades, various vamps, including everything
from a pliable Pump, to a rugged Oxford, at,
a pair,
Please bear in mind From Our Regular Lines.
There will be no reservations made. The store
opens at 9 o'clock.
The Floor Below
Redundant with ' merchandise. - Many
staples recently purchased at prices that
afford savings.
Summer materials at ridiculous prices
for quick selling Thursday.
No fabric has greater intrinsic value.
We have assembled the various groups
of printed voiles. Some of them were
carried over from last year, some of
them were bought recently and are quite
new in design. We can best describe
their quality by saying that those we
bought early this season cost us 31c
a yard. Thursday, while they
last, per yard.
Bed Spreads
Two offerings that distinguish them
selves by their value.
Huck weave, colored stripe on white
ground; durable, pliable, valuable; full
size. Sale Price, On Qr
each, ' $aS.d
Imported English Damask Like satin;
beautiful In texture and design. You
are accustomed to see them at
about $15. Thursday, each
Listen to the Call
of Out-of-Doors
Khaki Clothes
(Sizes 8 to 20)
Were never so popular as now, nor
so practical or economical.
Khaki Knickers, ' $3.00
Khaki Middies, $2.50
Khaki-Shirts,' $2.50
Khaki Hats. $1.50
Khaki Skirts, $1.75
Khaki Knickers and Sleeveless Coat,
the two pieces, $6.25
Khaki Breeches and Coat, the two
pieces, $6.50. $7.50
Corduroy Knickers and Coat, the two
pieces, $8.50
Juniors? Wool Knickers
(12 to 16 Years) '
Tweeds, homespuns and corduroys,
in beautiful colorings, at close-out
prics 1 '.' ' ' '
62.95. $4.95 and $6.95
Juniors' Sport Skirts.
Of wool-ratine, hom.epua and wool.
Shawl effects, checks, stripes and
combinations'; superb colorings; for
merly priced $12.75 to $22.76. Now
$7.75. $9.75 and $12.75
Wash Dress Goods
Imported Ratines, Em
broidered Swiss Organ
dies, French Voiles,
Dotted Swisses, p. Sb J.
Anderson Ginghams, in
Cool Apron Frocks
And Summer Dresses
Dotted. Swisses, Tissues, Flaxons, Jap
anese Crepes, Cretonne and Crepe Com
binationssome in white and delightful
color combinations
$1.98. $2.95. $3.95 and $5.95
Home Dress and Apron Section Second Floor
Palm Olive Shampoo
The Olive Oil Shampoo
that leaves the hair
glossy, and silky, while
cleansing it perfectly.
50c, size on sale Thursday
at our Toilet OQn
Ooods Section, ; OUL
Aristocrats of the trade are all included
in the counter; full assortment of
summer materials in this July Clearing
Sale at, a yard,' 85
Former price, $1.50 to $3.00 a yard
Muslin Underwear
COSTUME SLIPS Of white sateen, also
English, sateen, light of weight, double
warp, shadow-proof. The latter come in
white, black; orchid, maize, navy and
black. Priced , $2.49 and $2.98
are cut full and large, perfect in fit.
come In flesh; special, 98e
lots from high-priced groupings, in mesh
and brocades, flesh color. Special, 49e
Second Floor
9 A. M. 5 P. H.
Drapery Section 3d Floor
SO pairs Ruffled Curtains, made from full width fine quality
dotted marquisette with ruffled tie backs to match; Thurs
day, pair $3.95
500 yards Curtain Marquisette, 36 to 40 inches wide in dots,
barred and hemstitched. Colors: White, cream and ecru.
50c quality 39e
25x50-inch Hit and Misa Rag Rugs, each 98t
Art Needlework Dept.
Butterfly Serving "Apron, stamped to embroider on
quality unbleached muslin; Thursday. 49?
42x36-inch Pillow Cases, stamped on fine grade pillow
tubing; Thursday, pair $1.49
What Is
Our Idea is exactly the
same aa yours. We con
sider value-giving to be
able to buy what you
want, when, you want it,
at a price that makes
you wonder how it can
be done. Our ability to
buy in large quantities
and our willingness to do
business on a small mar
gin of profit enables us
to offer bargains every
day in the week that are
the talk of dealers and
customers alike. Now is
a splendid time to buy
during our
$35.00 Fiber Ivory Finished
Arm t ! 7 C
Chairs P1D. O
$37.50 Fiber Porch Swings,
four feet long, complete
with 1 Q 7C
chains ipliJ, i O
Watch This Space
In a few days we will make
an announcement every
reader of this paper will be
interested in. Always read
Bowen's ads for items of
Galvanized Pails 19
Durable Brooms 29
Galvanized Tubs 65
Kitchen Sets 85
Aluminum Double Coaker
at 45
Oil) Mop and Oil 65
Step Ladder Stools. .$1.59
Large sUe,
heavy splint
90-lb. ice capacity, three
door Refrigerators, one-piece
porcelain 7K
lined PUi7. O
Small family size Top-Icing
ftr."!0.":. $11.00
Howard Su B.lwn 18th ar ISth
Omaha. Value-Clving Star