The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 13, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Iowa Corn Yield
Will Fall Short
t of Crop Last Year
Tlry Weather Up 16 Firt of
July Caused Uneven Stand,
Department of Agricul
ture Report.
Dm Moinrt, July 12. Lf corn
lty approximately tf)0,(KK) acrr will
lf harvested in Iowa t hi year than
Ut, according to the preliminary re
port on acreage prepared by United
Slate bureau of agricultural eco
nomic", forreipondcnti of the bu
rrau report a growing; condition of
VI per cent "normal on. July I, or about
the 10 year average. Thi forecatU
an average yield of 39.1 bufthrlg per
acre or a total production of 395,809..
IXKI binliel. compared with 444.140.
(HiO liusheli harvested last year and
tf.l.SOO.lMX) harvested in 1920.
Dry w.-ather from planting time up
in July I, in the west central and
northwest district, caused uneven
nund and germination.
Oats suffered from heat and drouth
in June to the extent that the per cent
condition fell 11 per cent to 75 per
cent, the lowest since 1911 and 17
per cent below the 10 year average.
Winter wheat, being deeply rooted
and well advanced before the drouth
and heat began, has held its own well,
the percentage condition July 1, be
ing 91, which is about the 10 year
average. This forecasts a yield of
about 21.4 bushels per acre.
Spring wheat fell of! 7 per cent in
condition during June as a result of
the heat and drouth. -The condition
July 1, 79 per cent, is nyU to 1894,
the lowest of record.
Flax is estimated at 10.000 acres.
The condition July 1, was 84 per cent.
' Bond Issue Voted Down
Bealiice, Neb., July 12. At a spe
cial election held at Adams, . Neb.,
yesterday, to vote 1 12,000 bonds for
extending the waterworks system
there, the proposition lost by a vote
of 115 ot 96.
York Farm Hit by Tornado
Destructive Hail 'Cornetist Heralds
Strikes Aurora
rhotoi by Gale.
"Monday night's tornado played pranks when it reached the farm of
C. H. Wartver, three miles south of York, Neb. After wrecking the barn,
the itorm piled debris around the yard and uprooted trees, but scarcely
touched the "house.
' Divorce and Alimony
Dr. Frank V. Schaller,, prominent
Omaha and Palmer (Neb.) physician,
was sued for divorce in district court
by Winifred Schaller, who charges
her husband with cruelty and says
he has reused to support her al
though his monthly earnings amount
to more than $500. She charges that
Dr. Schaller has "become an habitual
Thev were married February 6,
1917. "While Mrs. Schaller lives at
her handsome home at 315 South
Fifty-fourth street, her husband has
been living at the Conant hotel since
July 7.
Mrs. Schaller asks for suitable ali
mony. Dr. Schaller is said to own
considerable feal estate.
Mrs. Schaller comes from a
prominent Omaha family.
The Bee Want Ads are best busi
ness boosters.
Sand Point Beach Bathing Pavilion, Clean, Wholesome, Up-to-Date Omaha's Best Bathing Beach
Sale Starts Thursday at 2:30
5 iiTv
I I 1 1 III . 1 , V e5kWl
: saw -. .
Fair Devotee of the Diving Board,
III i(?-55fiJ. 2
w r (r
It I MNte.-Ol1 l& ML US ii I
l. .
Charming Bathers at Sand Point Beach, the
)i k Near-in Popular Summer Resort
Corn Crop Destroyed Tree
Stripped of Leaves Gar
dens Beaten Into Soil.
Aurora. Xeb., July 12. (Special.)
Hamilton county Monday ;iight
liuffered its greatest lost for many
years from hail. Coming down from
the northern part of the county, de
stroying a strip several miles wide,
the hail tapered off towards York
county, passing Aurora to the north
ri its direct path, destroying all the
4 ops. It is reported that The dam
age to many cornfields u complete.
Many cornfields which bordered on
the direct path of the hail cloud are
rartially destroyed a.')d may eventual
ly make a croo.
It is a pitiful sinlit to view the
cornfields as they lie torn and de
Hroyed. Yesterday morning they
presented a beautiful sight. The
corn has been kept clean this year
and the frequent rams of the last
few weeks have made the stocks
strong and sturdy, while the leaves
were symetrical and of a beautiful
c'ark green color.
Inthe center of the path of the
hail cloud trees were stripped of their
leaves uid stand bare and naked.
Gardens were destroyed and in some
places chickens and pigs were kill
ed by the hail stones.
The hail was accompanied by a
fierce windstorm which threw down
many of the small buildings and
scores of windmills. In some places
the farmers report that their corn
was whipped to pieces, rather than
torrn into pieces with the hail.
Sheriff Disappears With
$200 Shortage on Books
Grand Island, Neb., July 12.
(Special Telegram.) Former Sheriff
McCutchan has disappeared and the
county supervisors have made formal
demand upon his bonding company
for a shortage of $200. Whether or
not effort will be made to bring him
back will depend, county officers say,
on the bonding company.
Coming of Candidate
Lincoln, July .12 (Special Tele
gram. ) Sam Seely, an American Le
gion boy, has volunteered his services
as a cornet player to Attorney Gen
eral Clarence A. Davis during the re
mainder of the attorney jcncial'
campaign for nomination for I unci
States senator. Davis, like all other
candidates making a tpeakmg cam
paign of the hUte, sends man with
handhills hrralding his coming in au
vance of his scheduled time to ar
rive. This week Seely accompanies
the handbill man and plays on pub
lic square or anywhere selected for
the speech, until Davis arrives,
The attorney general spoke to a
crowd in the f am at David City 7 ues
day and spoke at Osceola in the eve
ning. His car broke down after the
Osceola address and a car was sent
from Lincoln to convey him to the
following towns, where he spoke to
day: Stromsburg. Central City, Full
ertnn. Genoa and Albion.
Tomorrow he will sneak at Nrw-
rian Grove, Madison, Stanton, Nor
folk and NeliRh. I ri(ay he will visit
Pierce, Randolph, Laurel, Wayne and
render. Saturday he will speak at
Wakefield, hmerson. Homer, Walt
hill, Lyons, Oakland, Craig and Te-
Simmons Withdraws
inTavor of Humphrey
Sidney, Neb.. July 12.-(Special
lelegram.) Koncrt U Nmmons an
nounced that he would withdraw
from the race for the unexpired term
of M. P. Kinkaid for congress, in
favor of Judge Humphrey of Broken
Bow. Simmons wired the secretary
of state, asking withdrawal of filing
made on his bchajf, stating that the
intimate standing of Judge Humph
rey with Congressman Kinkaid gave
him an opportunity to finish the
work of the dead congressman.
His understanding was, he said,
that he himself would not be a
candidate if Tudee Humphreys could
be prevailed upon to run for the
A Select Part of
Meptae Place
To Be Sold at Absolute
Choice Hoiriesites Located at
Omaha sQnly Summer Resort
Thursday- Friday-Saturday-Sunday
L3-3L4 JULY --15-16.
two Sales Daily at 2:30 and 7:00 P. M.
HOW TO GET THERE Take the Carter Lake car on the Sherman Avenue line
at 16th and Locust streets to Carter Lake Club, East Gate on 13th street at
"Big Sign.-
BY AUTO Drive out 16th street to Locust, then east on Locust to 9th street
to Carter Lake Club for Wavecrest, or east on Redick Blvd. to Neptune Place.
Sales Held Rain or Shine Under Large Electric Lighted Tent
To Advertise and Induce You to See This Property
$2500 in Gifts Distributed FREE
You Do Not Have to Bid or Buy to Receive a Gift
Partial Display of Gifts at Our Store, 220 S. 15th Street, World-Herald Bldg.
O. C REDICK, Owner Writ, or C.H for Booklet nd M.p HEBER-HARTER CO.
Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Telephone JA ckson 1612 Auctioneers
f THOME IBffiftisflDyg gSi?iEG:
Thursday-Unusual Sale
Japanese Cotton
Our direct importation of
quality regularly sold at 39c
Comes in the following colors:
. Old Rose,
Honey Dew,
Yellow, Copen,
Light Rose,
French Blue,
Orchid, Flame,
Sunset, Light Blue,
. Apricot,
Cochineal, Corn,
Tan, Brown,
Biscuit, White,
Dark Green
This is an exceptional offering both as to price and the
large choice of beautiful . colors in the assortment. There are
more than 20 different shades in this practical material which
has so many good points to recommend it. Besides its artistic
appearance, it is cool, easy to sew or embroider on and no trou
ble at all to launder.
- . Main Floor East
Curtains and Draperies
' . . Window Awninvi Made of
"blue and white striped can
vas with frame and fixtures
complete ready to hang. 36
and 42 inches wide, O OP
specially priced, ea.,
Ruff 14 Marquiiette Curtain
Fine mercerized quality
with full narrow ruffle em
broidered valance and cor
ners. Ruffled tie-backs to
, match. Three-piece sets,
ready to hang. Specially
priced, per set, 1.75
Quaker Craft NeU Beautiful
allover designs in white,
ivory and beige. Specially
priced, per yard, ' 29
Cretonne 2,500 yards of new
summer patterns in light,
medium and dark color com
binations for every decora
tive. and furnishing use.
' Specially priced, yard, 29(t
Ruffled Curtains Made of
sheer scrim with full nar- 8
rOW mine ana Ue-DaCK to closely woven, complete with
ftf cable cord and metal pulleys.
xUt ' Size 4x7:6 only. Specially
match. Specially
priced, per pair,
priced, each,
Sixth Floor-
Novelty Curtains Fine
voilea-and mercerized mar
quisettes with Cluny and
filet pattern lace insertions
and edgings. Specially
priced, per 1Q
pair, , X X
Sale Housefurnishings
Refrigerators Sale of
O Oft
0,V Regular 14.50 Value
Hard wood case, top icer style.
-Galvanized iron lining with wire
shelves, easy to clean.
35-lb. capacity 9.75
65-lb. capacity 14.50
75-lb. capacity 16.50
100-lb. capacity ...21.75
Six-pound iron, full nickel
plated finish, with ebonized '
handle, five feet of asbestos
lined cord and stand complete.
Heating elements guaranteed
for one year.
Sale of Laundry Soap
White Borax Naptha Soap I Victoria Cleanser A satis
White laundry bar, 1Q
10 bars for X JJ C
Butt Powdered Ammonia
A safe water softener for
the laundry. Spe
cial, per package,
Wool Soap Flake. For all
fine fabrics, per A
factory kitchen cleanser.
six cans OO
for OC
C. P. Naptha Soap Large
bars of white naptha soap.
' lobars OO
for OOC
Diamond C Soap For kit
chen and laundry. 1A
Special, 10 bars for
Fifth Floor West
Ironing Boards Springer style,
stands very rigid, when in use.
Regular 3.25 value.
Specially priced,
Men's Silk Lisle
These are Wilson Bros, reinforced chain stitch
socks and that means you are getting a corking good
pair of socks for a quarter. Light in weight but with
reinforced toe, heel and sole, they are sure to give
long wear. All colors and all sizes.
Main Floor South
ill '