The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 13, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Deputy Marshal
in Conference
With Rail Heads
Government Wants to Know
How Many Special Officer
iireuru in 111a .1
District, ri
A luty ninlrrriuc of railroad
briil W4 citlcd ly Urpuiy l' ruled
States ilrlil II. L. thomai yes
terday on receipt of telegram
from Wiihmiitoit, imiuiring hw
iiutiv tm-nal ilritutir are needed in
Hut district to control the strike
The mrrting wit held in tlie mar.
Out's afticc, with Thomas ailing, in
the abucnce of MarMul Dennis
I ronin from the city.
VV. M. Jcflers. general manager
y j r( the L'niim facitic, and headi of the
Kj It-gal department of the L'uian ra
il' ciric, Northetern and Burlington
were reent.
At the dune, Thomas announced
no definite figure to report had yet
l.rrn ascertained. It if necessary to
kcan condition out in the ttate be
fore a decision will be reached.
Thomas hat no information as to
vho the deputies arc to be, how they
will be selected, or how sworn in
Leaden Optimistic;
An optimistic view of negotiations
in Chicago to settle the railway shop
men s strike was taken by union lead
rr here yesterday.
"If press reports are correct, the
prospects for a settlement are bright,"
said B. H. Furse, presidenf of the
i nion J'acitic federation of bhop
crafts. "Our men are willing to dis
cuss the situation reasonably with
anybody in an authoritative position,
The strength of the strike on the
Union Pacific is unimpaired, how
'ever." The restraining order obtained in
fcdera.1 court Tuesday by the Union
1'acihc was served on system federa
tion officials. There were still a
number of pickets on duty at the
('ass street entrance of the Union
Pacific shops yesterday but they
were .not in groups as heretofore.
Clerks Striking.
Charles Herbst, former candidate
for mayor in Cincinnati and a mem
ber of the executive board of the
Brotherhood of Railway-Clerks on
the Southern railway, told striking
, maintenance of equipment employes
assembled at Labor Temple yester
day morning that the railway clerks'
strike was being spread as "rapidly
as possible." He called to consult
with K. R. Butier, chairman of the
Union Pacific railway clerks' organization.
"Flappers" Subject
of First Editorial
It's toasted. This
one extra process
gives a rare and
delightful quality
- Impossible to
Guaranteed by
(('alla4 Tm feme Ome.)
5. I use rouge.
4. 1 ux 1 lip stick very very tel
5, I wear my hats tilted over ont
ft. I wear short skirts.
7. I g out quite often to dancei
nd parties.
Here are some of my qualities
which may surprise you:
I. I don't iwear.
2 I don't smoke.
3. I don't advocate "petting"
4. 1 don't go out nights without
being escorted.
5. I don't allow familiarities.
6. I go out and have the right
kind of a good time.
7. I enjoy life to the greatest
You will kindly note that I have
made jtiit seven comparisons and
they are surlicient since they bring
in the subjects always connected
in the discussion of the "flapper."
Did it ever occur to you, dear
readers, that there are thousands
and thousands of girls just like
me (because I am no exception)
advocating and not advocating the
lime things?
Did it ever occur to you that we
are no different from the girl of
yesterday? You will admit there
were extreme types in those days,
Just because President Harding
dubbed us "flappers.'Ms that why
we are looked down Vpoii? Is that
why we are classed with all extremes?-
Is that fair?
Just try to find a little good in
the poor "flapper." You ill find
she's really not so bad, but just an
ordinary human sort of being who
is trying to have a little bit of
harmless fun.
Picking them to pieces won't do
a bit of good. Look for the good
in us and you'll find it.
Here are the rules:
The Rules.
prize of $100 for the best editorial
submitted by a man or woman ac
tively engaged in newspaper work in
Nebraska; a second prize of $50; a
third prize of $25.
f $25 for the best editorial submitted
by a reader of The Bee, not a news
paper employe; a second prize of $15;
a third prize of $10. In addition, the
three winners to be qualified to com
pete with the winners of similar con
tests conducted by 23 other Nebraska
newspapers for a $100 grand prize
offered by The Bee; $50 second prize;
$25 third prize.
Editorials may be submitted upon
subjects within the following classes:
(a) Current politics,
(b) Current economic" questions.
(Examples: Taxation, marketing of
farm products, freight rates.)
(c) Current social problems. (Ex
amples: Prohibition, public schools,
crime.) ,
(d) Human interest. (Based upon
some incident or principle which may
be expected to touch the readers'
Editorials will be judged upon: (a)
the interest which the subject has for
Nebraska people; (b) jthe clearness,
the forcefulness and brevity with
which the subject is discussed; (c)
the. merit of the purpose to which the
editorial is directed.
No editorial maV exceed 500 words.
Each editorial must bear the name,
address and occupation of the author
and must be written plainly on only
one side of the sheet
Each contestant may submit one,
two or three editorials. .
' All contributions must be received
not later than August 10; in case
more than one is submitted, they may
be sent in separately or together.
Judges for the grand prizes will be
three in number, appointed by the
neDrasKa scare rress association.
Announcement ot prize winners
will be made at the meeting' of the
State Press association in Omaha
August 31 to September 2.
Address Editorial Contest Editor,
The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
One Killed, Two
Hurt When Train
Crashes Into Auto
Father and Brother of Dead
Boy Believed Dying; in Hoi
pital After Fremont
Crossing Accident.
Fremont. Neb.. July 12. (Special
Telegram.) Glen Kuapp, 10, was
instantly killed, and his brother,
William, 16, and father, Silas Knapp,
55. are believed dying in the hospital
ollowing an accident at p this eve
ning, when Northwestern train No.
28 crashed into a coupe carrying the
three victims at the M street cross
Eye-witnesses declare that Knapp
who was driving, was Watching for
approaching trams on the Union
facihc railroad, just south of the
Northwestern tracks. No. 28, com
ma in from Lincoln, swung; around
the curve from the west, just as
Knapp hit the crossing.
Glen, whose life was snuffed out
instantly, was riding on the rear end
of the car. He had been caddying
at the Country club, where his
father is caretaker. The car was
thrown 35 feet. The train stopped
within a short distance of the smash.
Members of the crew found the
youngest son dead. William con
scious and the father barety able to
move. They were thrown clear
from the wreckage. The wife and
mother is prostrate.
20 Off
Oh our entire line of
2-Piece Summer Suits
We have made a 20 per cent Price Reduction on
our entire line of summer suits. The size range is
complete a wide1 variety of patterns and all the
popular shades. The tailoring is perfect, we have
them in the following weaves:
Big bargains in 3 -Piece
(medium weight) Suits
These are broken lines from our regular stock of
medium weight suits. Three lots at prices which
will effect a Quick Clearance.
$17.50 $25.00 $35.00
Tweed 'O Wool Suits
Ideal for sport, street and travel wear stylish and
serviceable. Whites and ail popular shades. These
are bargains you eant afford to miss.
$15 $17.50 $22.50
Wilcox Allen
The Home of COLLEGIAN Clothes
N. E. Corner 17th and Harney Streets
Rift Jars Harmony
in Democratic Ranks
(Catlaswl Trum ran Oat.) '
to be governor if I should say that I
would let bootleggers run wild over
the state. I will enforce all the laws.
"Everybody knows that I voted
against prohibition. I am no hypo
crite. Some of those people who are
trying to make an issue of prohibi
tion are not sincere.
"I am neither a saint nor a sinner.
I expect to give the people a decent
and economical administration."
Letter Raises Protest,
Mr. Butler pulls a letter from his
pocket and sets back to tfie subject
of democratic harmony. This was
written by J. b. McCarty, vice
chairman of the Nebraska demo
cratic state committee and. sent out
to a large number of party members.
In the letter Mr. McCarty urges all
good democrats to get behind Bryan
and Hitchcock and promises that the
democratic daily press of. the state
will support this slate.
Copies of this mimeographed ap
peal are being forwarded to Mr. But
ler from wrathy friends in all parts
of the state. Something very like
a revolt against , the state committee
is indicated, although Mr. McCarty
purported to be writing nothing more
than a personal letter on the official
stationery of the committee. .
County Attorney W. P. Cowan of
Stanton; John Daugherty, a banker
of Greeley county; J. E. Carlin, an
attorney of York; Andrew Olsen, an
atorney of Wisner, and Pat Stanton
of Tilden are among the influential
party men who have written to con
demn the Hitchcock-Bryan alliance
against Mr. Butler:
Marriage of Barry Wicklow
Copyright, 1922.
t(Miiaw4 tnm .
Barry walked over to the table then
ind helped hiimclf to I generous
whisky. He felt rather as if he had
been dreaming; it had been such a
preposterous mterview. How. in the
name of all that was holy, could he
calmly appropriate the girl on whom
Norman had set his heart? A girl
whom he had never seen, and never
wished to seel It was all rot to say
that he was always a favorite with
women all roll He thought sud
denly of Agnes Dudley.
He was practically engaged to her.
He really wished to marry her. In
the light of this new and monstrous
ueeestion he forgot their little tiff;
he remembered only that she was a
delightful woman, and that he wished
to have her tor his wite.
His uhcle did not know what he
was talking about ; the whole idea
was nreoostcrous. He should re
fuse, of course he should. There was
no need to even think it over. As
for his debts. . . .
"A note, if vou nlease. sir!
. - -
Barry took the little note on ine
tray and tore it open eagerly.
..... A - V. ,l..l,. !,
was from Asiies. No doubt she was
as anxious as he to make up their
little tiff; no doubt she wanted to
see him attain. There was a little
tilence. '
The seconds ticked slowly by; the
maid at the door fidgeted uncom
fortably. "The messener is wait-
g, sir," she ventured at lasi.
Barry roused himself with an ef
fort. "No answer," he said, mecnan
When the door had shut he passed
a hand across his eyes dazedly: he
could not believe that he had read the
little note correctly:
"Dear Barrv I have been think
ing things over since you left me
this morninsr. sind I have come to
the conclusion- that it will Dc oener
for us both tor our trienasnip 10
end. Though I have said nothing
before, I have noticed . a great
change in you during the last few
weeks, and I must admit that I no
tonarer feel to you as I did.. I hope
we shall always be friends and am
sure you will wish me every happi
ness when I tell vou that Laurence
Hulbert asked me to marry him
last night and that I have accepted
him. Ever your sincere friend,
When the first shock had passed
little, Barry Wicklow flew into as
fine a rage as a youne man could.
He stamped round the room and
kicked things about. He had been
made a fool of the unpardonable
sinl Agnes had been leading him on
for all these weeks, had allowed
him to look upon her as his proper
ty, and now she had thrown him
over thrown him over as careless
ly as if he had been an old glove,
and for Hulbertl
HulbelT, whom he disliked more
than any chap in London Hulbert,
to whom he owed money.
" This last recollection was gall and
wormwood to owe money to the
man who had cut him out, to the
man whom Agnes was to marry I
He would die of 'the shame of itl
He would never be able to hold up
his head again.
He was naturally a hot-tempered
man, and his Irish blood rose now
to boiling point. He took his hit
and a taxi round to Mrs. Dudlev'i
lUi. He strode past the astonished
maid with a face like She day of
judgment, lie was in the drawing
room brfore she could say word
or stop him, and had slammed the
door behind him, standing with his
U4IK 10 ir.
Mrs. Dudley looked up startled
i. . . ti. . i .
Muni nrr wnung isoic; men sne
laid down her pen snd Wailed quiet
ly. There was a little smite In her
eyes, only Harry wss too blinded
wiiii rage to see it.
"I got your letter," he said, hoarse
He took it from his pocket, tore It
across and across, and dashed the
pieces down on the table.
"There's my answer to it," he said
ana my congratulations. II you
prefer that little rat to me. marrv
him, and welcome. I suppose you've
ueeu playing up lor this all along,
when you refused to come to the
theater the other night. Well. I
suppose I'm well rid of you, if that'
all it's been worth."
Hi voice broke a little for the
first time. "I haven't got Hulbert's
money, I know, but if that s all you
care tor
'Harry!' She tried to stem the
rush of words, but he took no notice
He went on. passionately: "You're
all the same, you women; you lead a
chap on and pretend to care for him,
and then you chuck him over, and
leave him to get out of it as best
rre can. I thought better of you. I
mougnt you really liked me .
mis voice broke.
"Barry I" she rose from her chair
now, and held her hand to him,
but he moved back a step.
"You talk the usual rubbish about
friendship. What do I want with
your friendship? I've asked you to
marry me halt a dozen times, and
you've put me off. Not a man in a
hundred would have had the patience
nave. But im through with it
He paused a moment; he looked
round the room With burning eyes,
Hurt pride much more than a dam
aged heart drove him on.
I hope to God I shall never see
you again 1" he said, violently. And
he was gone before she could say a
word or try to stop him.
bhe stood auite still, listening to
nis turious departing steps, and the
slam of the street door; then she
So he did care for her. after
all. Well, she had discovered that
at least, and it had been worth while.
she loved him when he was in a
rage. Lately he had been rather a
tame lover. She was delighted that
she had so easily roused him; the
memory of his passionate eyes and
stumbling words made her heart
glow. He would come back soon
perhaps that very night and then
she would forgive him, and they
would be married soon, quite soon.
As for Laurence Hulbert! Barry
was juite right, he certainly was a
little rat! She picked up a portrait
of Barry, framed in silver on the
writing table and kissed if.
He was a man, in spite of every
thing. She liked his boisterous,
blundering rages. She kissed his
picture again. He would come bark.
ul course he would.
But out in the street Parry was
striding sway at furious rate. He
carried his hit in his hand; the blood
was hammering in hi temples; he
could not remember that he had ever
been so furiously angry. Fooled, and
by woman 1-
He tried to remember what he had
said to her, but could not. lie only
hoped that he had not spared her
He was quite sure that, whatever he
dh said, he had meant it all. and a
good deal more beside, lie ban
let off steam, anyway, and was a I
ready iccling- better.
If he met Hulbert, he quite made
up hi mind that he would tell Its sis
exactly what he thought of the
whole business. As for that money
he owed the little cad Cold sweat
broke out on Barry's forehead; he
hated the thought of owing that man
money; quite a lot of money it was
too, which Hulbert had advanced
from time to time. He realized that
by now it must have run into sever
al hundreds of pounds.
Agnes would get to know of it,
no doubt they would talk him over
together. Barry ground Uh teeth;
if he could only pay the little blioht
er back! Uut it was hopeless to think
of it! There was only hi uncle to
whom he could turn, and lie Barry
drew a long breath, his interview
of that morning with Norman's
father came back with a flash of il
"You help me to put an end to this
infatuation of Norman s, and 1 11 pay
your debts and give you a handsome
present as well."
It was impossible, of course! But
if only it hadn't been. He walked
on more soberly.
It was out of the question, of
course; and even supposing it had
been possible, Norman was his cous
in; and to do a mean trick tike that
He shrutrged his shoulders and dis
missed the thought. Besides, what
guarantee had he that this girl, who-
cer she might be, would look at
He knew that he had particular
claims to good looks; Norman was
thousand times handsomer. But
deep down in his heart Barry knew
also that there was a great deal of
truth in what his uncle said that
he was a favorite with women.
The knowledge gave . him back
something of his lost self esteem.
After all, Agnes wasn't the only wo
man in the world. He squared his
Anyway, it was a moral impos
sibility to db as his uncle had sug
gested; not that it was very likely
Norman was any more serious over
this girl than he had been over a
dozen others about whom he had
raved in the past. Norman had all
the Wicklow fickleness. But deliber-
tely to try to cut him out was too
Barrv hailed a taxi and told the
man to drive to the hotel where his
uncle was staying. He would just
tell the old chap that it couldn't be
done at any price, that it wasn't any
job in his line at all. The sooner
t was finally settled, the better.
He was annoyed to lmd Norman
at the hotel instead of his uncle. He
looked at him rather disagreeably.
"Thought you were going away,
he said, shortly.
"I was I came back this morning.
"Oh!" There was a little pause.
"What do you want with the
guv'nor?" Norman asked, suspicious-
Barry did not answer, He picked
up a nueazine and started flicking
over it 4gr,
Norman laughed cynically. "I
suppose it's true, tlun?" he said,
alter moment. x
Barry glanced up. "What's true?"
he aked, with a growl.
"That the little widow has given
you the go-by. I heard them talk,
ing at the club this morning, and
didn't believe it; but I suppose it's
trueby the look of you."
' Barry sent the magazine spinning
down the polished table. "And what
if it is true?" he demanded, intently.
"Foor old ofiapl" There was
something mocking in his cousin's
voice. "I never really thought you'd
pull it off," he added. "She could
see through you right enough, my
boy; she knew that you found her
money bags more attractive than
yon found her." '
Barry flushed crimson. "You
mind your own infernal business."
he ssid furiously, "and get back to
your dairy-maid."
The words were a direct insult,
but they were provoked, and Barry
regretted them bitterly as soon as
they were spoken. He would have
apologized if he had been given time,
but Norman caught him up at once.
I suppose there s some excuse to
ha made for vou. as vou've been
jilted," he said, stingingly. "Rut I
must say that Mrs. Dudley has more
sense than I gave her credit for. I
dare say she heard about the girl
you were with in tne theater tne
other night everyone else seems to
have heard, and to have been laugh
ing at you. It isn't likely Agnes
was going to stand that." He looked
at Barry with n surer on his hand
some face. "Where did you pick
her up?" he asked with a ikU'stablc
farry was while t the lip nw.
his life he hud stood a great deal
from Norman, realizing their dit
ferent positions, and how good Nor
man' father had been to him. But
today he was at the end of his en
durance; today he felt that he could
not stand his cousin's sneer and
jibes. He made a furious lunge at
him across the table, and missed.
There was a moment's silence, then
Norman broke out:
"That's not the way to get your
drills paid, my dear chap! And I
suppose that's why you're here. If
it's money you've come for. it will pay
you to keep a civil tongue in your
head. There's a limit even to what
any father will stand, you know."
Barry had pulled himself to
gether. He was horribly ashamed
of his los of self-control. He had
never had aNserious row with his
cousin hrfoie. It gave him cause
for wonder now, as he looked at
Norman's snecriiiB face, and for the
first time in is liie saw the dislike
that looked at him from the younger
man's handsome eyes.
(Continued In Th. 11m Tomorrow.)
Maj. Blake in Palestine oq
Around-lhe-World Flight
Loudon, July 12. A Cairo dispatch
to the Times reports that Maj. W. T.
Blake has alighted at Ziza. to the
south of Amman. Palestine, in his
attempt to fly around the world.
"Uothtr Mtryb&lf
ays it's way afur Un
o'clock in in morning
and wo got to haw a
lot of KMogg'o Com
Flaktt or tut can't go
ahead and play any
longer. We're all hungry
eomefhin' fierce I"
2. a m 4 '
il Sj tonger. rre reaunungry i v- A. I
JoI W) mifA
chas. b. Mcdonald
And Enforcement of Law
' Hungry Iffile folkAHD BIG
FOLKS will find many, palate
thrill in big, generous helpings of
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, particularly
hen served with jtfce luscious fresh
fruits now ia season! Just can't he.
anything letter for fcreakfast, for;
lunch; or for supper when the ther
mometer's away up! And such a
feast for between-iimes 2'snacks"j
Summer'" ft jtime for "safefy
first" with family stomachs! Every
one works better, thinks better, plays
better and feels a lot better, witS
lighter food on the hot days! And
crisp, delicious ZeUogg's Corn Flakes
are everything jthat can be desired
for health, fer mjoyoent, for sour.
Ishmenf Ihey are so easy to digest,
yet they sustain I You can't "over,
do" on Kellogg's no matter how;
much you eat!
At the evening meal, as a new and
delightful dessert, serve Kellogg's
Corn Flakes with fresh fruit and ft
generous helping of cream!
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are sold
universally in the RED and GREEN
package that bears the signature of
W. Z. Kellogg, originator of Corn'
Flakes. None are genuine without it!
Also altars f
BRAN, eookael
asd knunblod
si) alolS
Hotel Castle
Even the Bobbed
Hair Miss
la wearing a hairnet.
Thompson - Belden's
have all shades of
Sonia nets special by
the dozen.
The single mesh, 50c
a dozen.
The double mesh, 65c
a dozen.
Tub Fabrics
in a Sale
Tissue Ginghams in
the 32-inch width.
Most attractive woven
designs in the loveli
est color schemes imag
inable, 39c a yard.
Printed Plisse Crepe,
cool for dainty summer
lingerie and only 40c
a yard.
Second Floor.
Half Linen Hand
'kerchiefs, hand
embroidered in all
white--45c quality
Boys' Dimity
Athletic Suits
All sizes in boys' fine
checked dimity union,
suits, at 79c.
Vests for 95c
In Kayser's make and
of a very fine quality
are these sale vests.
The bodice and regu
lation styles colored
in flesh or in white.
Second Floor.
Electric and acetylene welders,
Pipe fitters, tinners,
Plumbers, coppersmiths,
Coach builders and finishers,
Coach painters,
Electric crane operators,
Car repairers,
Brass moulders,
Roundhouse service men,
Stationary engineers and firemen,
Laborers, coach cleaners,
Apprentices and helpers.
The Chicago, Burlington & Quiricy Railroad will employ men
for its repair tracks and roundhouse at Omaha. TO COM
Apply to F. Newell, Master Mechanic, 1st Floor Burlington Bldg.
Tenth and Farnam Streets, Omaha
The United States Railroad Labor Board, under authority of Federal
Law, after full hearing to all parties at interest, has fixed present
wages for mechanical crafts. Certain employes having declined to ac
cept their decision, the board has directed the railroad to reorganize
its forces' and has ordered that men who enter our service
"Are within their rights in accepting such employment, that
they are not strikebreakers seeking to impose the arbitrary
will of an employer on employes; that they have the moral
as well as the legal right to engage In such service of the
American public to avoid interruption of indispensable rail
way transportation, and that they are entitled to the protec
tion of every department and branch of the Government,
State and National."
Standard wages and overtime conditions will be paid. . Hours to be
those necessary for maintenance of the service. Board and lodging,
under ample protection, will be furnished.
Young, active men desiring to go into railroad service
will be given an opportunity for training in steady, de
sirable employment.