The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 13, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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Von Elm, Knepper and Foye Provide Features of Transmississippi Golf Play
Eight Golfers
Remain in Race
for Championship
Iowa State Champ Eliminate
Jimmy Ward in Spectacular
Match After Playing
19 Hole.
Only citfht prayers remained in the
competition for the Transmississippi
golf championship after a day of
sensational playing yesterday, the
outstanding feature of which were
the spectacular thooting of (ieorge
Von Elm and "Rudy" Knepper and
the playing cf V. J. Foye, veteran
Omaha golfer.
The eight players who survived the
second round are Von Klin, Knepper,
Foye. Rohert McKee of Des Moines,
Jes Stuttle of Kansas City, Alex
Graham of Wellintrton. Kan., and
VVally Shcpad and Jack Hughes of
The best match of the day was the
first round match between Knepper
and Jimmy Ward of Kansas City,
which was decided at the 19th hole
when the Iowa champion made one
of the prettiest shots ever executed
on the Country club course.
At the outset, Knepper appeared
an easy winner. After getting away
to a bad start by dubbing his first two
shots, the sioux City player steadied
himself and succeeded in having the
hole. He won the second and third
and halved the fourth and fifth. On
the sixth both were about four feet
from the" cup. Ward rimmed the
cup and laid Knepper in partial
stymie. Knepped then rimmed the
cup 'and (he ball dropped in, making
the Sioux City star 2 up.
Increases Lead.
Knepper increased his lead on the
eighth hole by sinking a beautiful 10
foot putt for a birdie 4. On the
ninth, Ward's drive landed in the
sand trap. He got out .well and
when "Rudy's" putt fell short Ward
won the hole and was only 2 down
on the homeward turn. Ward won
the 10th when Knepper' misrd a
short putt and squared the match
at the 11th. The remaining seven
holes were halved, Ward saving him
self by sinking a 15-foot putt on the
On the 19th hole, both reached the
green , in three. Ward then laid
Knepper a dead .stymie. The Iowa
' title holder was about four feet from
the cup, while Ward's ball was within
a foot of the tin. It was then- that
Knepper furnished the large gallery
with his spectacular shot. After tak
ing careful aim, he pitched his ball
short of Ward's. The ball boupced
over that of his opponent's and then
into the cup: giving him a birdie 4
and the match. Their cards:
Knepper. out 4 44488
Ward, out M 4S4 SSS SS
Knepper, In 455 455 S43 8
Ward, in S45 465 34336
Knepper, out
Wnrd. oat
The only real upset of the day
came in the first round when Sam
Reynolds, former holder of the
Transmississippi title and who was
figured to reach the semi-finals with
out really extending himself, was
eliminated by the veteran W. J. Foye,
who was considered a rank outsider.
Foye won the" match by outplaying
his younger opponent.
Foye played the outside course in
36 against 38 for his opponent. He
won four out of the first six holes,
and in so doing. established a lead
which Reynolds was unable to over
Vome. Reynolds was 3 down at the
turn. Thev. halved the 10th, 11th,
12th and 13th holes, but Foye in
creased his lead to 4 up on the 14th,
and maintained thiit advantage until
the end of the match.
Trimble Returns From
Canadian Race Meet
Charlie Trimble, secretary of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition company,
Monday returned 4rom Canada,
where he attended harness races
.staged by the Western Canadian
Grand Circuit Results
' . ... n.i,.,trt n liilv 13.
Fort Miami mm, ;-;-". , -
S IS trot (first heat raced Monday), two
lii three heats, purse IJ.0:. fh
Longaet. b. h., by Dillon Axworthy t j
Peterson Pluto'.' '. ' h.V by Peter' The
Great (McDonald) ..3
Trumphator, b. g.. by San Francisco
Miss WHloughby, d. g-. by San Fran-
cuco (Whito)
Jack H.. b. g., by Peter Pilot
(Oerse) 3 al"
Justlsalma also startid.
, Time: 8:08. 1:06 Vi. , . ... ,
S:05 pace (first heat raced Monday) two
In three heats, purse 11,000:
Grace Direct, b. m.. by Walter
Direct (Earlng-Shively) ........I
Logan Hedgewood, b. g.. by Hedge
wood Boy. (McMahone) -!
John Henry, b. g., by Wllkoe (Cox).S
-Wanda May, g. m., by Unknown
Julia!!.' DirectX br."rn.,' by Walter
3 1
5 S
lureci trerrjr ...i
Red Lancelot ana whubiu i
Time: f.OSH. 1:U4H, 2:08. .
2:07 pace, two In three heats, puree
Jackson Orattan, b. h., by Solon
Grattan (Cox) 1
Edna Early, blk. m . by The Wolver
ine (Thomas) 3
Wrack, b. k., by Peter The Great
(Valentine) . ..............3
Ijicy U, blk. m.. by Dallas. M. Jr.
(Morrison) " ; '
Trampfast. r. h.. by Trampfast
. (Stokes) r.
Teter Brooks, King Hedgewood and D.
XV. Maloney also started.
Time: 1:03. ! . ,
".'he Tecumseh. 3:12 trot, two In three
hear, value 13.460:
The Great Koee. o. m.. djt x-eier
The Great (McDonald) 1
Admiral Harris,, b. g-. by Bergen
Eleanor Guy, b. m., by Guy Ax
worthy (Loomls)
Alta Evans, r. m.. by Peter Mont
gomery (Thomas) f
Prince Redlac, b. g.. by Alhambra
Tr4o Tiffanv a
r 1
6 1
1 t
4 1
5 4
The Laurel Hall also started.
Time: 1:04H. Z:WA. I:02i4.
Sherwood. 3-year-old trot, two in three
heats, value 11, ISO:
Leo Worthy, br. by Leo Ax- n
worthy (White
Baron Etawah, b. c. by Etawah
(Cox) v.T '
Collateral, b. c, by Peter Volo
Edtth Worthy, b. t., by Guy Axworthy
v (Brusle)
Alma Worthy, b. t. by Axworthy
i McDonald) T 4
Eleanor Worthy. Al Worthy, Guy Hall
ami Mourln Axworthy also started.
Time: i:, 1:08.
!:ll pace, two In three heats, purse
Eetag. a. m.. by Nutafor (Horri-
on) - - I 1
Laura Forbes, b. m. by, Malcolm
Frtbe (Jimp) 1
The Sherd wood. ca. by Northern
(Murphy) 1 1
Keita Patch, b. xo, by Dan Patch
Arrowhead, b. g., by Baldwin (Wii-
eon) ' T
I.ary Peter. Northern Earl, Peterhall
and Larkapur aim etarteiL
fUme: 1.04. 3:94V ' "
Loses to "Bob" McKee
" f "S,.j
Larry Bromfield, Colorado state
golf champion, after winning over
Ed Crcighton, Omaha Country
club, 2 and 1, in the annual Trans
iniss'ssippi tourney yesterday
morning, was eliminated in the
afternoon's play by "Bob" McKee
of Des Moines, 6 and 5.
British Pros Arrive
- for U. S Invasion
New York, July It J. H. Taylor
and Alexander (Sandy) Herd, British
professionals, arrived today on the
liner Olympic for an exhibition tour
of the United States and Canada.
They were to play their first match
today at White Plains, N. Y.
Herd and Taylor will strengthen
the forces of British golf pros already
in this country. Abe Mitchell and
George Duncan arrived recently and
are pfaying this week inthe open
championship at Skokie. The quartet
will . meet only once during their
tours,' when they play a four ball
match over the Merion Cricket club
links, Philadelphia, September IS.
Sox Claim Card Stopper.
St. Louis, July 12. Henry Vick,
catcher for the St. Louis Cardinals,
has been . claimed by .the Chicago
White Sox for the, waiver price, it
was" announced today. Vick came
to the Cardinals from Michigan uni
versity. He won a place on the
mythical all-American football team
last year.
Reda Defeat Dodgers.
Cincinnati, July 12. The Reds defeated
Brooklyn. 4 to 1. today. Donohue was
greeted by a triple and a double by the
first two men up In today's game with
Brooklyn, but thereafter the visitors were
unable to get a man past second place.
Grimes was not hit bard, although his
support was interior.
Olson, ss
HtKh. 8b
4 2 12
2 3
Burns, cf 4 2 1
Daubert, lb 4 0 13
T.Orlf., rf
3 0
Duncan, If 4
Harper, rf 4
Fonse., lb 1
Pinelli, 3b 4
Klm'ick, aa 4
Wlngo, c 3
aonohue, p 3
Deberry, c 0
Grimes, p 2
xB.Griffi., 1
Decatur, p 0
Totals 33 1 27 21
Totals 32 6 24 8
xBatted for Miller in eighth.
xBatted for Grimes in eighth.
Brooklyn 100 000 SOO 1
Cincinnati 200 010 lOx 4
Summary Runs: Burns. Harper, Klm-
mick (2). Errors: Olson, Myers, Janveyn,
Miller, Kimmick. Two-base hits: High.
Three-base hits: Olson, Kimmick. Stolen
bases: Harper. Sacrifices: T. Griffith.
Double plays: High to Olson to IJIItcneii.
Left on bases: Brooklyn, 5; Cincinnati, 6.
Base on balls: Off Grimes. 1. Struck out:
Rv nrimea. 3: .bv Donohue. 1. Hits: Off
Grimes, 1 in 7; off Decatur, 0 in 1. Losing
pitcher: Grimes. Umpires: O'Day and
Hart. Time: 1:26.
Saint Defeat Cubs.
Chicago, July 12. Grover Alexander was
unable to atop New York and Chicago took
its second defeat, 6 to 1. The league
leader niitnlaved the locals on the de-
tense and their attack was opportune.
Fred Toney had little ntincuity noioing
Killifer'a men safe, as the fielding behind
him was perfect. Frlsch, Meusel and Cun
ningham made great catches.
New York. chicauu.
AB.H.O.A.lMaisel, cf
B'croft. ss 5 1 1 3 Hollo' r, ss
3 0
1 3
4 1
4 1
Ra'lings, 2b S 1 4 ITerry, 2b
Frlsch. 3b 6
Meusel, If 6
Young, rf 5
Kelly, lb 5
Rob't'n. cf 6
2 S
Miller, If
Barber, rf
Kelle'r, lb
3 4
2 1
2 10
1 1
0 1
3 0
Krug. 3b
O'Farrell, e 4 0 4
Cun'm, cf 0
Alexa er, p z a 9
Snyder, 0 4
Toney, p 4
xHeathcote 0
xFrlberg 0
0 0
Stueland, p 0
Totals 43 16 27 13
Totals 31 8 27 17
xBatted for Alexander in eighth.
xRan for Heathcote in eighth.
Score by innings:
New York 100 000 202 5
Chicago 000 000 010 1
Summary Run: yiancroit, r risen, oieu,
sel (2), Young, Friberg. Errors: Terry.
Krug, O'Fnrrell. Two-base hits: Robert
son, Snyder. Home run: Young. Stolen
ha,M Friarh. Meusel. Double play: Terry
to O'Farrell to Kllleher. Left on bases:
New York. Hi Chicago 7. Bases on oans:
Off Toney, 2. Struck out: By Alexander,
2. Hits: Off Alexander. 14 in 8 innings;
off Stueland. 1 In 1 Inning. Losing pitcher:
Alexander. Umpires: Klem and Pfirman.
Time: 1:48.
Phillies Win DonMe.
St. Louis. July 12. The Phillies defeat
ed the Cardinals In both ends of today's
double-header, 8 to 2 and 1 to 2.
The lose of the first game broke the
locals" winning streak of eight straight.
Rogers Hornaby hit his 23d home run of
theseason In the sixth Inning of the first
game. Pitcher Jimmy Ring won his own
game In the seventh Inning of the clos
ing game with a drive tinto the right field
seats. '
Score first game:
AB.H.O.A.IFlark, rf i 9
Ring, lb SIS 1 Smith, cf 4 I
Park's. 2b S 1 1 7Horns'y. lb. 4 14 1
Will's, cf 4
x l si Bcnuita, ii 9 i v
1 1 01 Mann, If Oil
i a Rhotton. If 1 S
1 (iPourn'r, lb 4 1 S 1
SIT ! Stock, lb 111
J e'M'Cnrdy. e 4 3 1 1
t 0 4'Lavan, aa 2 44
iToporc'r. aa 1 1
Walker, rf 4
Lee. If I
Fletch'r. as 1
Leslie, lb 4
Peters, c 1
Mea'ws. p 1
Total 34 14 17 17North, p 1
Barfooot, p n a 0
Mueller . 1
aDyer - 1 1
Totals 3S IHlI
xBatled for North In aixth.
xBatted for Barfoot in ninth.
Soore by innings:
Philadelphia ; 102 ens 8
St Louis 402 I
. Summary Runs: Rapp (3). Parkinson
(!). Williams. Fletcher. Peters, Hornsby,
Mann. Errors Hornsby. Lavan (1.) Two
base bits: Walker, Leslie, McCurdy, Rappe,
Willard Offered Bout
, at Oklahoma City
Lot Angeles, July 12. An offer oi
a match at Oklahoma City, Old, on
Labor day with Billy Mike, Fred
Fulton, Boh Martin, Capt. Bob
Roper or Tommy Gibboni was re
ceived here late yesterday by Je
Willard, former heavyweight cham
pion, from D, V. Lackey, an Okla
homa City promoter,
"If none of these opponent suit
you, whom would you consider ?"
Lackey inquired in his telegram.
Gene Doyle, who it looking after
the former champion's interests here,
said Willard would telegraph Lackey
for further details.
Commission to Probe
, "Buying of Crown"
New York, July 12. The New
York athletic commission was expect
ed to act today on the situation which
has compelled Joe Lynch, who won
the bantamweight boxing champion
ship from Johnny Buff Monday
night, to pay $9,150.35 out of his
own pocket to make up the $.30,000
guaranteed Buff if he lost his title.
The articles of agreement provided
that Lynch, if he won, was to get
50 per cent of the net receipts and
pay Buff $30,000 from that sum, but
his share of the gatev amounted to
only $20,849.65.
Real, Estate Peddlers
and Realtors Play Today
Realtors ad real estate salesmen of
Omaha will cross bats this after
noon at 2:30 in their annual baseball
contest at Miller park.
The realtors planned to go into
training yesterday, in an effort to ac
quire enough speed to avenge de
feats at the hands of the salesmen,
but rain prevented it. They predict
that the .salesmen are going to be
surprised, nevertheless, and hint that
in their lineup are several potential
"Babe" Ruths.
As for the salesmen, ' well, they
simply smile and explain that "there's
nothing to it."
Jockey Suspended.
New York, July 12. Jockey Mari
nelli, who is under contract to
George W. Loft of New York, was
suspended , indefinitely today for
"general misconduct" by the stew
ards of the Empire City track. His
case will be referred -to the Jockey
club stewards.
The stewards refused to reveal the
reason for Marinelli's suspension, but
explained that it , was his conduct
while away from the race track.
Dyer. Home runs: Hornsby, Williams.
Stolen base: Rapp.. Sacrifice bits: Will
iams, Meadows. Double plays: Lavan, Mc
Curdy and Fournler; Toporcer, Hornsby
and Fournier. Left on bases: Philadelphia,
S; St. Louis. . Bases on balls: Off Mead
ows. 1; off Barfoot 2. 8truck out: By
North, 8; by Meadows, 2; by Barfoot, 1,
Hits: Off North, in S innings; off Bar
foot, 1 in 1 innings. Hit by pitched ball:
By North (Fletcher); by Meadows (To
porcer) ; by Barfoot (Fletcher and Peters.)
Wild pitch: North. Losing pitcher: North.
Umpires: Sentelle and McCormlck. Time:
Score, second game:
Rapp, 3b 4- 1 2 1
Flack, rf
P k son, 2b
2 2 61
Smith, cf 4
Hornsby, 2b 3
w rms, cr
3 6 0
Lee, If
Fl'cher, ss
Leslie, lb
W'hrow, o
Ring, p
Sch'tz, If 4
0 0 0F'rnleaalb
2 llStock. 3b
4 0 11 0 A'smith. o
I I I 1 1 Lavan, ss
4 2 0 1 Sherdel, p
35 11 27 llliToporcer
Totals 33 7 27 4
zBatted for Lavan In nlntn.
zBatted for Sherdel In ninth.
zRan for Toporcer in ninth.
Philadelphia 002 000 1003
St. Louis 011 000 000 2
Summary Runa: Rapp, Withrow, Ring,
Smith, Fournier. Errbr: Withrow. Two
base hits: Smith, Hornsby. Withrow,
Toporcer. Home runs: Fournier, Ring.
Stolen bases: Flack, Williams. Double
play: Hornsby and Fourner. Left on bases:
Philadelphia, 6; St. Louis, 8. Bases on
balls: Off. Ring. 4. Struck out: By Ring,
2; by Sherdel, 3. Wild pitch: Ring. Um
pires: McCormlck and Sentelle. Time:
Brave Scalp Pirate.
Pittsburgh, July 12. The Boston Braves
again defeated Pittsburgh. 4 to 8, today.
Yellowhorse outpitched Watson but the
support wabbled at a critical time, Roh
wer' fumble giving the Braves two
run. With two Pittsburgh men on base
and one out in the last of the ninth
Miller relieved Watson and retired the
side. Score:
Powell, cf 4 1
M'ville, ss
2 8 3
2 3 0
2 3 0
1 1 0
0 2 2
2 0 0
Nixon, ir
Carey, cf
Bignee, 3b
D'hart. 3b
Ens, 2b
Grimm, lb
Gooch, c
YThorse, p
Cruise, rf
Bo'kel, Sb
Holke; lb
Ford, ss
Kopf, 2b
Gibson, c
Watson, p
Miller, p
16 2
2 11
Totals. 38 13 24 1
Total 32 7 27
Nixon out: hit by own batted ball.
Boston 030 000. 001 4
Pittsburgh 020 100 0003
Summary: Runs: Powell. Holke, Ford,
Kopf. Rohwer. Oooch. Yellowhorse. Errors:
Nixon. Boecke), Olbson, Rohwer. Two
base hits: Carey. Grimm, Boeckel. Stolen
base: Btgbee. Double play: Gooch and
Maranville. Left on bases: Boston. 1;
Pittsburgh. 11. Bases on balls: Off Wat
sna, 3. Struck out: By Yellowhorse, 1.
Winning pitcher: Watson: losing pitcher,
Yellowhorse. Umpires: Moran and Emslle.
Time: 1:46.
Brown Retain Lead.
New York, July 12 St. I.ouls retained
the American league lead today by de
feating New York In a bitterly contested
game. 7 to 4. The Browns held up play
in the fifth inning for 19 minutes in pro
testing Umpire Chill's decision permitting
Meusel to score on a ball thrown into the
St. Louis dugout. Umpire Connolly, how
ever, to forfeit the game after
Chill had Indicated he wanted to do so,
and St. 1 Louis resumed play. Manager
Ruggln later waa put oft the Yankee
Pruett, college recruit, fanned Ruth
three time in the pinches, oncewlth the
base full. Slaler aingle In th eighth
with the baaea full woa the gam for St.
Lout. William bit hi 21st horn run.
2 11
10 3 4
Tobln, rf 4 0 2 0
Witt, cf
Miller, cf
M'NMly. 3b
Gerber. as
8lsler, lb
Wil-ms, If
M'Ma's. 3b
elev'eid. e
Durst, cf
Jac'son, cf
Rob'sn. lb
Proeft. p
Vgild-r, p
Danrth. p
7 1
(I "I Ruth, If
7 TTMeuael. rf
S Pipp. lb
1 i Ward, lb
1 TTScott. sa
1 48chang. e
li Hoyt. p
1 Oj Murray. 9
S 1 sHofmana
113 1
Totals 3110 17 111 Total 10 7 27 IS
iBatted for Murray In ninth. 9
Score by innings: .
St. Louie 2 lfl MIV-T
New York 3 l-M
Summary Runs: Tobin. Sisler. W:(II
htma (II. MrManus :. Vangllder. M
Nally, Rfth. Meusel. Hoyt. Errors: Durst,
Roy Allen Tames Buffaloes
in Second Game, 7 to 2
Oklahoma City Captures Con
tet by Clouting Hall
at Opportune '
OY ALLKN stood the
Omaha Buffaloes on
their collective heads
and tied knots in their
tails in the econd
game of the scries
here this afternoon,
winning by the score
of 7 to 2.
The Oklahoma City
Indian hurler tamed the Buffaloes in
the first inning with his curves and
had 'em eating out of his mitt for the
remainder of the game. In the ninth
the Buffaloes attempted to bite of! a
chunk of scores when the registered
their lone pair of tallies.
Barney Burch didn't have such
good luck with his hurtcrs. Joe Dailey
was Barney's first mound selection.
Joe started his ascension in the first
inning and didn't come down until
Kcdenbaugh was sent out to the hill
in the third. During the two and
one-third innings Dailey pitched the
Indians scored four runs on six hits
of which three was doubles. Reden
baugh lasted until the ninth, allow
ing two runs during his reign. Cof
findaffer hurled.the ninth inning and
yielded a run and three hits, one of
which was a double.
Alien Gets Good Support. v
The Indians gave Allen dandy sup
port throughout the game, besides
connecting with the deliveries of
three Omaha hurlers for hits when
hits resulted in runs. The fielding
of Felber, Windle and Ginglardi of
Oklahoma City was nothing short of
spectacular. This trio of Indians
robbed Omaha of several hits by their
circus catches and stops.
Allen held the Buffaloes to five
scattered hits until the ninth when
the herd bunched a single and two
doubles for two runs.' The visiting
hurler had good control all afternoon.
Jack Holland's Indians went on the
warpath as-soon as the "ump" yelled:
"play tall." A single and Felber's
double resulted in the first Oklahoma
City run, while Pitt and Ginglardi's
doubles coupled with Tate's walk,
Wilcox's error and Felber's single
yielded three more runs in the third,
Pitt s base on balls in the fourth fol
lowed by Ginglardi and Tate's doubles
scored two more tallies in the fourth.
Buffaloes Start Rally.
The final Indian score was regis
tered in the ninth when Pittgot his
Meusel, Scott. Hoyt. Two-base hits: Mi:
Manua (2), Severeid. Ruth. Home run:
Williams. Stolen base: McNally. Sacri
fices: Miller, Hoyt, Ward, Tobln, Gerber.
Double play: Murray to Ward to PlPP.
Left on bases: New York, 18; St. Louis,
4. Bases on balls: Off Pruett, 7: off Van
gllder, 2; off Danforth. 1: off Hoyt, 1; off
Murray. 2. Struck out: By Pruett, 6; by
Hoyt, 2. Hits: Off Pruett, 5 In 6 2-3 In
nings; off Vangllder, 2 in 2 innings; off
Jjamorm, u m l -a innings; on Jioyi-, a
in 7 1-1 innings; off Murray, 0 in 1 2-3
Danrortn, 0 In 1 1-3 Innings; on .Hoyt. in
innings. Hit by pitcher: By Pruett
(Miller). Winning pttcher: Vangllder. Los
ing pitcner: Hoyt, umpires: Connolly ana
emu. Time: z:ss
h Faber Holds Senator.
Washington, July 12. Paber held Wash
ington to four scattered singles today,
Chicago winning easily, 4 to 1.
AB.H.O.A. I AB.H.O.a.
1 1
Bush. 3b
Collins, 2b
0 2
1 4
0 1
3 4
2 1
1 12
3 2
0 0
Judge, lb
Harris. 2b;
1 0 '
1 2
1 10
1 4
0 t
0 3
0 0
1 Francis, p
Totals 35 10 27 161 Totals 29 4 27 11
Chicago ; .010 010 1014
Washington 000 001 000 1
Summary Runs: Mostll (3). Falk. Peck
lnpaugh. Errors: Sheely, Peckinpaugh,
Two-base, hits Taryan, Mostll. Sheely:
Three-base hits: Collins. Mostll. Sacrifices
Shanks. Falk, Sheely. Double plays: Mul-
ligan to Collins to Sheely; Collins to
Johnson. Left on baes: Xjhi1o.go,
Washington, 6. Bases on balls: Off Faber,
3. .struck out: By FaDer. z: Dy Krancis. z,
Wild pitch: Francis. Umpires: Walsh and
Dlneen. Time. 1:42.
Titers Win From Athletics.
Philadelphia, July 12. Detroit won the
third game of the seriein with Phila
delphia today, 7 to 3. Heilmann hit his
14th home run of the season in the
ninth with two on base. Cobb made five
hits in as many times at bat. Score:
Young.2b 3 0 3 3
G'low' 4 2 2 2
Walker.If 2 110
Hauaer, lb fc2 0 8 1
Miller, cf 3 0 2 0
Bruggy.c 3 1 3 J
Weloh, rf 4 1 3
Dykea, lb 4 0 2 3
NaVlor. p 3 0 3 3
zMcGowan 10 0 0
Total 21 6 27 13
Blue, lb
1 14
Jones, 3b
Cobb, cf
Veach. If
Clark, 2b
Manlon, c
Dauss, p
0 0
S 2
Totals 36 14 27 14
zBatted for Naylor In ninth.
Score by innings: -
Detroit 200 010 0047
Philadelphia ) 101 000 0103
Summary Runs: Blue, Jones, Cobb (3),
Veich, Heilmann, Galloway (2), Walker.
Errors: Manlon, Bruggy. Dykes. Two
base hits: Cobb (2). Veach (2). Home
run: Heilmann. Stolen baaes: Galloway,
Miller (2), Heilmann. Sacrifice hits!
Jones, Hauser, Veach (2). Double plays:
Rigney to Blue, Naylor to Hauser. Jones
to CJark to Blue, Galloway to Hauser.
Left o nbases: Detroit, 9; Philadelphia. 6.
Base on balls: Off Dauss, 6; off Naylor,
3. Struck out: By Dauss. 4. Hit by
pitched ball: Dauss. by Naylor. Umpire:
Nallin and Moriarlty. Time:. 2:01.
Indian Trounce Red Sox.
Boston, July 12. Cleveland pounded
Pennock and Xarr today for 20 hita, de
feating Boston, 11 to 7. Joe Sewell made
five clean, hits In as many times at bat.
Coveleskie lobbed over the ball in th last
of the ninth when Boston made six runs
and six hits, one a homer, by J. Harris
over the left field fence with one on base.
. score
Llebold. cf S 2 2 1
J Harris, If 6 2 2 0
Burns, lb S 3 10 1
Pratt, 2b 6 2 3 2
Dugan, 3b S 1 1 3
J.ColU's, rf 4 0 2 0
"Reul. c 3 0 2 2
Lynch, c 0 0 1 0
Pitteng., sa 3 2 3 3
Pennock p 0 0 0 0
Karr, p v 4 1 1 2
IE. Smith 114 0
Evans, If 2
Jam., 4
Wa'by, 2b 5
Speak., cf 3
Stephe., If 1
Wood, rf 4
J.Sew'll, a S
Gardn., 3b 4
M'lnnls, lb S
O'Neil, t S
Coveles.. p S
Total 43 20 17 8
Totals 40 14 17 14
xBatted for Lynch in ninth.
Cleveland ISO 020 120 11
Boston 000 001 006 7
Summary Runs: Evan (2), Wamby
(2). Speaker (2), Wood (3), J. Sewell,
Mclnnla. Llebold, J. Harris (1). Dugan,
Pittengerss, E. Smith. Errors: Wamby. J.
Harris, Pratt. Three-base hits: Pratt.
Homo run: J. Harris. Stolen base: Burns,
Jamleaon. Wamby. Sacrifices: Gardner.
Doubl play: J. Sewell to Wamby to Mc
lnnla: Gardner to Wamby to Mclnnis;
Plttenger to Pratt to Burns. Left on
bases: Cleveland. 10; Bolton. 7. Baae on
balls: Off Coveleskie. 1: Pennock. 2: Karr,
1. Struck out: By Karr, 1. Hits: Off Pen
nock. 7 In 1 2-1; Karr, 13 In 7 1-3. Hit
by pitched nail: By Karr (Wood. Losing
pitcher: Peunnck. Umpires: Hildebrand
and Evan. Time: 1-oZ. t
am. k.h Tti ii.Mvro.vr:
Pllt, rf . ...4S4, If tS4S
Tale, lb 4t4Sa
rltof. 111.. 4 I 1 4 4
MrllaaMa, lb . 41 I 14
la. (
Hliulle, m .... 4 I 4
Mmtf, rt ..... 1 I I 1
Allrw, 4 t I 4
TeUls ..'...,M "5 14 M " "l 11 It "7
hi rrxutvA.
lil.lawta. lb 4
OTonaor, rf
lintalhaaa, lb
HaaMn, rf.,
Ilrnnaa, lb .
(.ririln. If ,.
Mllroi. aa ..
Nprarvr, t .
lialln. p ...
Hrdenbauf h.
p. !
t rinrnar
rnfflndaftrr, p
Apparaoa . . . .
Totals 11 t 1 II t IT IS I
tnnrhar singled far JUdonbaugh lo
s.ipiMiraoa raa for Harbr la tlshlb.
Hntr by lanlagai
Oklahoma City 11 100 Ml 7
Murrain . . . t . . .oua iua sua t
Nummary Karnnl rami Oklahoma
City, Si Omaba, 1. Ift an baaai Okla
homa lily. S Omaha, S. Two-hnaa tiitai
flit (1). Mnilar.ll (t. Tat. KrllT. II -r-nion,
Vtllroi, Hpwarrtr. Ha hllai Oft
Dailey, 4 and In 1 1-1 limlncai off Kntra.
buatb, 1 ft la 1 1-1 Inalnist art 4'offla.
daffer, 1 aad S la 1 lanlnca. Loalny
rillrhart Itallry. Baara aa balls! Olf
alley, l aff Hedeabauch, 4t off Coffin
daffer. It aff Allen. 0. Hlrork out! Hy
Dailey, t by Ttedenhouth, 4; by Coffin
daffer. 1 by AUea, t. Caiplreai Held and
Itonahae. Tlma af cam! 1:40.
second double and Tate's single
tprned the trick. '
The buffaloes started a rallv in
the ninth that netted two scores when
Grantham smcled. scorinir a minute
later on Herman's double to right.
Wilcox's two-bagger scored Herman
with the final Omaha tally.
Catcher Roy Spencer of the Buf
faloes caught five Indians attempting
to pilfer sacks during the game.
J he same teams play this after
Country Club
Wins Brock Mug
The Omi!-.a Country club team,
composed of Ralph Peters, Redick,
Foye and Shepard, won the Brock
cup team match with a score of 624
The Field club team, of Reynolds,
Young, Hughes and Beckett required
eight more strokes and had a total
of 632. The Denver Country club
was third with 642. The team is com
posed of Bromfield, Fisher, Warner
and Dines. The Hyperion club
team of Des Moines followed with
a score of 662. Ingham, Vorse,
Thomas and Sbeehan comprise the
team. The Happy Hollow team of
Morris, Porter, L. Young and Dal-
phin was last with a score of 67e.
Fairbnry Beat Norfolk.
Norfolk. Neb.. July 12. Falrbury won
from Norfolk here this afternoon by th
score of 6 to 4. Jenney's two-bagger m
the eighth Inning and the dropping of a
throw bv Heaartr in the first of the
:rui. v. .w ,i. j ui.j
'Rh'nf? !!. Le --2'
Cleve., 3b
McDer, rf
Bliss, cf
O'Con'r, c
Jenney, p
0 4
Ath'rt' 2 14 1
1 1
2 6
2 6
0 3
1 2
0 9
1 0
0 1
Mitch. ,2b
1 S
1 2
0 1
0 1
1 0
0 12
1 2
0 0
Marr, 3b
Clark, c
Rouse, If
Ryder, rf
Heg'ty, lb
Graves, cf
Totals 31 27 9
Totals 34 7 27 20
Score by innings:
Falrbury 210 001 010 S
Norfolk 102 001 000 4
Summary Runs: McDermott, Win
bush, Goodwin, Bliss, O'Connor, Jenney,
Atherton, Mitchell (2), Rouse. Errors:
Roonev. Goodwin. O'Connor. Clark. Two-.
'base hits: Mitchell, Rider, Jenney, Win-
bush, Goodwin. Sacrifice hit: O Connor.
Base on balls: Off Jenney, 4; off Federle,
4. Stolen base: Winbush. Struck out:
By Jenney. 7; by Federle, none. Hit by
pitched ball: Atherton, O'Cohnor. UVn
pires: Johnston. Time:2:00.
i Hasting Beat Islander.
Hastings, Neb., July 12. Juggling of
Tomes' single In the eleventh gave Hast.
ings the winning run against Grand
laland today for a 5 to 4 score In the first
game of the second half of the split
season. Score:
Kr'nda, 3b 6 0 3 4
Pizer, 2b 3 111
Brewer, lb
Spc'ker, cf
6 17 1
Gaug'n. as
6 13
6 2 2
6 3 2
4 1 13
6 12
6 12
4 18
5 1 0
6 0 11
5 2 2 ll
4 2 4 1
6 2 2 0
6 14 1
Amen, cf
Tomes, If
Ech'yr, lb
Zeig'n, 3 b
Crann, rf
Wllletts, c
Beck, p
Palm'e. If
Metz, ss
Shuppe, rf
Serio, 2b
Roberts, c
Faulk, p
B 18 3'
4 1 U
Total 42 10x3113 Totals 44 13 33 15
xOne out when winning run scored.
Score by Innings:
Grand Inland 100 000 300 004
Hastings 000 030 010 01 6
Summary Runs: Brewer, Metz, Shupe,
Serio, Gaughan (2), Wllletts, Beck (2).
Errors: Brewer (2). Metz (2), Shupe (2),
Serio, Gaughan. Home run: Brewer.
Three-base hit: Beck. Two-base hit: Ech
termeyer. Bases on balls: Off Faulk, 6.
Stolen base: Crann. Double plays: Pizer
to Gaughan to Echternieyer; Willett to
Echtermeyer to Gaughan, Struck out: By
Faulk, 8: by Beck, 7. Left on bases:
Grand Island. 6: Hastings, 12. Hit by
pitcher: By Beck (Metz). Wrild pitch:
Faulk. Earned runs: Grand Island. 4;
Hastings, 3. Umpire: Murphy. Time: 2:30.
Lincoln Nerj.. Julv 12. Charley Gihann
broke up the second game of the Beatrice
series here this afternoon in the last half
of the 13th Inning with a two-base hit,
which scored Bailey. The final count waa
2 to 1. Lincoln played the last three in
nings under protest of Umpire Smith's
decision on Carrig's bunt which struck
tne plate and ro,lled fair. He called It
a foul. The score: .
Delag'ra.!b 6 11 4Zinker.Sb
1 2
K' 5
1 14 OlCarrig.ct
0 1
1 1
1 1
0 14
0 3
2 9
2 1
1 1
Wgins.rf 4
B' 6
Mooney.lf 6 3
Parker,3b 4
Unger.c 6
01 Dye, 2b
I Conkey.o
II Bool. If
2i Bailey, p
Carman, 2b 0
i Totals
47 10 39 4
Totals 41
S 38 16
Score by Innings:
Beatrice 000 000 000 100' 0 1
Lincoln 000 000 000 100 1 1
Summary Runa: Moonev. McCoy. Ballev.
Errors Delaguerra. Dye. Two-base hit:
Carrig, Bailey, Gibson. Sacrifice bite:
Qulnn, Parker. Double plays: Delaguerra
to ulnn to Klrchner; Zinker ta McCoy to
Zinker. Struck out: By McKee, 7; by
Bailey. 16. Bases on balls: Off McKee. 1:
off Bailey. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Wig
gins (By valley). Earned runs: Beatrice,
ll Lincoln. J. Left on bases. Beatrice, e:
Lincoln, 7. Stolen bases: Unger. McCoy.
Passed ball: Conkey. Wild pitch: Bailey.
Umpire: Smith. Time: Three hour.
chas. a Mcdonald
And Enforcement of Law
Hilar Itafaa! faekw.
kiaul til. July li Tula tm barb;
iron a4 Iraumad Hlous lily in a Ire
billing ruaiaet, by a entr IV II.
The farksr cam la bat in lbs nlnia In
ning am run tMbmd ami ran fit maa
aaruaa lb ulal ba'ura khrrman could fo
ur Ik side- Ijinik hit hn Uib hoiu
run of ib ua In lb rtiMh inning.
Tl'l I SlOt'X CITY.
All If TO Al AII H I'O A.
Manas.. If 1 1 llamlll,, as I 1
llaltlll, lb S
l'n, rf 1
Lamb, rf S
Lelit., in
Kiuarl. lit 4
M Innls, m I
Crosby, 4
fih.rm, p S
11! Il.tiH , , Ib I I I
1 1 Willis's, p I I
s l W ilson, p i
t II II Mais. Ib 1114
1 1 linsiarg., i f 4 1
111 llokim., If S I IS
1 il'elm., Ib 1 4 t
1 tlkh.nsll, e I I S 1
iQuary, r( 4 11
40 14 II IfJ iTeaar I I
Tol all
Tolals II II IT 11
llallad for Wilson In ninth.
Tuu , ,ju 004 1)311
Hlnut City , 020 tot 02111
Nummary Run: llannatt ll)( llau
man, Davis J. Lamb CI, Ltllvslt ID,
btuart (21, Mnllnnla II), Sherman. Hamil
ton, Men I), oslargard, I'sliner (4),
Mhangllng, Tsear. terrors: Stuarl, Hamil
ton, lists. Two-baa hits: MrOinnia,
nhsrman 11. Kavis, Hluart. Palmar 1.
Mall, Hannetl. Horn runs: lmb, Haamaa.
tiarrlflcaa: Hauman, M'Uinnls. Karnsd runs!
Tulsa, 14; Hlou. City, 10. Doubl playai
Palmar-Hamllton-Mets: rtanilltnn-Plmr-to
Mail. Hit and runs: off William. 1
and I In I 2-1 Innings: off Wllaan. t and
I. Left en bases: Tulaa, 1; bloux City. .
Rasas on balls: Off Williams, li off Wll
in, 4: off Bherman, I. Niruek out: By
Williams, 0; by Wilsons 4: by Bherman.
4. Wild pitches: Wllann, Sherman. Paaaed
balls: Hbangllna (!). Hit by pitched ball:
Crnaby, by Wllann. Umpires; Anderson
end McOloom. Tim: 2:0S.
Halnl Heat Hoo-lrrs.
res Molne July IS. Kd Hovllk pitched
fin ball and th Halnta saally defeated
Dr Moines. to S. The visitor scored
li run In the fourth Inning on three
walks, three single and an error, r'laher'
slngls to right (cored three run during
the rally.
Oenln, cf 1 1 1
Wagnar. Ill I I
Horan, rf S 1 1
Oraham, lb 4 114
Oraney, If I 1 S
Olaon, lb 410
Corrld'n, If S
Plsbar. rf S
Bono' is, cf 4
Defats, as 4
M'Do'd, lb 1
Stav'n, lb 1
Handler, c 1
Hovllk. p 1
(lorman, ib 1 1
Turgeon, as 4 1
Wilson, eld
Lynch, p 1 0
Croaa, p 0 0
Wolfrum, P 1
sMIIan 1 0
sConnolly 0 0
Total 17 10 27 7
Total Mi I 27 14
sBalted for Cross In fifth.
Batted for WoVfrum In ninth.
Score by Innlnara:
St. Joseph .010 600 200 9
Des Molne 100 000 00) 3
Summary Runa: Corriden. Fisher. De-
fate, McDonald (2), Stevenson (t). Hand
ler. Hovllk. Wagner, Connolly. Errors: De
fate, Hovllk, Wagner. Graney, Turgeon.
Two-base hit: Turgeon (1), Horan. Wag
ner, Fisher, McDonald. Sacrifice hit: Mc
ronald. Stolen base: Defate. Left on bases:
St. Joseph. : Des Moines, 11. Struck out:
By Hovllk, 6: by Lynch, 2; by Cross. 1;
by Wolfrum, 1. Bases on bills: Off Hov
llk, 5; off Lynch, 4; off Cross, 1; off Wol
frum, 2. Earned runs and hits: Off Hov
llk. 1 and 9 In innings; off Jynch. 8 and
7 in 3 2-3 innings: off Cross, 0 ad 1 In
11-3 Innings; off Wolfrum. 2 and 2 In 4
innlgs. Losing pitcher: Lynch. Double
play: Hovllk-Kandlcr-Olson. Umpires: Da
vis and Fitzpatrlck. Time: 2:03.
Race Between Gray Lag
' and Whiskaway Is Off
New York, July 12. The special
race designed to bring, together
Whiskaway, Harry Payne Whitney's
champion 3-year-old, and Gray Lag,
crack 4-year-old ,of the Rancocas
stable, at the current meeting of
the Empire Racing association, has
been indefinitely postponed. This was
made known today after Mr. Whit
ney informed the association that his
trainer, James Rowe, felt he could
not get Whiskaway ready for such
a test before the Empire schedule
Baseball Records
Made This Date
July il2, 1890 Most runs, both clubs, in
a game, 44 Brooklyn (28) against Buffa
lo (16) (P. I j. ) .
July 12. 1900 No-hit game Hahn, Cln
cinnati against Philadelphia (N. L.)
July 12, 1911 Most runs batted in. by
individual, in game, 8 -Roy Hartaell. New
York (A. L.) American league record. VThe
record Is 11, held by W. Robinson, Balti
more, 1892.
Golf EaXTS
Q. Has the rule, tohich was In force
before the V. 8. G. A. adopted changes to
make the penalty for lost ball, out of
bounds, and an unplayable lie the same,
permitting a player to lift a ball any
where on the course with a penalty of
two strokes been repealed?
A. This rule in still in force in medal
play. That Is, a player can lift a ball from
any position, and if he chooses tee it up
behind the place from which it waa lifted
with a penalty of twd" strokes and play
from there Instead of going back, and
playing from where the previous stroke
was placed under penalty of one stroke
Q. What would be the Density for a
player's using a ball that does not con
form to standard speciftcatibns In tourna
ment play?
A. The player would undoubtedly he
disqualified unless he woidd show that
he waa using a ball which the manufac
turer represented to conform to' these
specifications. ,
Q. I understand that a ball which be
comes unfit lor play may be replaced.
Could It not be considered that a ball to
which clayey mud sticks in a lump is thus
until ior piayr
A. No. Tbe V. a. .. A ( anadian and
British rule specifically state that mnd
adhering dee not render a ball unfit for
play. The W. li. A. rules or course allow
mad to be removed from the ball on the
putting green without penalty.
Q. Where dead brush or limbs lie In
the line of play in the rough, is ft per
mitted to drac: these out of (he way?
A. Only when they lie within club
length of She hall.
Q. What is the limit In distance within
which a ball must be dropped when it
has bepn lifted from casual water?
A. Two club lengths.
The Bee Want Ads are best busi
ness boosters. '
Watch Friday Evening Papers for ,
-Announcement of
Biggest Shirt Selling Event
Omaha Has Ever Known
It Will Take Place
Saturday at The Brandeis Store
Main Floor
Training for Race?
This new picture shows Jess
Willard skipping the rope at Lot
Angeles ai part of what he allege!
is training fo ra bout with lack
Dempsey. Note the paunch. Note
the heavy fowlt. Then ask your
self what nght thii behemoth hat
in the tame ring with Tiger Jack.
W. L. Pet. W. I.. Pet.
St. Joseph 64 28 ,674lBoffalo 43 4 J)2v
Tulsa (3 IS ,(98Okl. City 17 61 .420
SliwxClly 48 17 .S&4 De Moines 11 65 ,30
Wichita 47 It ,66l!Denver 27 67 .311
Yeaterdny' Results.
Oklahoma City, 7; Buffaloes, 1,
. St. Joseph. 1: Des Moines, 2.
Wichita, 7; Denver. 6.
Tulsa, II; Sioux City. 11.
Today' (lames.
Oklahoma Clly at Omaha.
Tulsa at Sioux City.
Wichita at Denver.
St. Joseph at Des Moines.
W. L. Pet
W. L. Pet
Hastlnaa 1 0 1.000 Falrbury
1 1 .too
Beatrice . 1 1 .600 Lincoln 1 1 .600
Norfolk 1 1 .600 G. Island 0 1 .000
Yesterday' Beault.
Lincoln, 2; Beatrice, 1.
Falrbury, E; Norfolk, 4.
Hastings, 6; Grand Island, 4.
Today' Game.
Beatrice at Lincoln.
Falrbury at Norfolk.
Grand Island at Hastings.
" Standings.
W.L.Pct.1 i W.L.Pct.
New Tork 49 28 .663 Brooklyn 40 40 .600
St. Louis 48 34 .685 Plttsb'gh 36 43 .468
Chicago 41 38 .6191 Phlla. 29 45 .392
Cincin'tl 42 39 .619 Boston 28 48 .368
Yesterday' Result.
New Tork, 6: Chicago. 1.
Cincinnati, 4; Brooklyn. 1.
Doston, 4; Pittsburgh, 3..
Philadelphia, 8-3; St. Louis, 2-2.
Today' Games.
Boston at Pittsburgh.
Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
New York at Chirago.
Philadelphia at St. Louis.
38 42 .478
38 44 .463
35 46 .433
33 44.429
St. Louis 49 34 .590 Wash.
New York 48 36 .571 Cleveland
Chicago 42 39 .519 Boston
Detroit 43 41 .512 Phlla.
Yesterday' Result.
St. Louis. 7: New York, 4.
-Detroit. 7; Philadelphia, 3.
Cleveland, 11: Boston, 7.
Chicago, 4; Washington, 1.
Today' Games.
Chicago at Washington.
St. Louie at New York.
Detroit at Philadelphia.
Cleveland at Boston.
W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet.
Indianap's 62 32 .619 Louisville 43 44 .494
St. Paul 48 St .608Columbus 37 49 .430
Milwaukee 47 40 .541Kan. City 38 49 .437
Minn'polis 43 38 .531Toledo 29 64 .349
Yesterday's Results. '
Columbus, 1; Indianapolis, 0.
Louisville'. 8; Toledo, 2. -Minneapolis-Milwaukee;
St, Paul-Kanss City; wet grounds.
Todny's Games,
(folumbua at Indianapolis.
Minneapolis at Milwaukee.
m. rnul at Kansas City.
Toledo at Louisville.
Dempsey and Wills
Sign for Battle
New York, July 12. Champion
Jack Dempsey and Harry Wills,
through their nianagers,.y,esterday
signed a contract to box for the
world's heavyweight championship
at a time and place to be named
The contract, which it is expected
will evenually bring the champion
and his negro challenger together in
the ring, is of the blanket type. It re
quired the heavyweights to box 60
days after the acceptance of a satis
factory bid extended by a reliable
promoter. The time and place for
the bout will be announced at or
shortly after the acceptance of such
bid by the principals or their man- I
Rain Halts
Golf Play in
National Open
Four "Pro." Who Fell Out
tide of Qualifying Limit,
Resurrected by Odd
Omaha Ha Least W Ira,
Skokie Country Club, Glencoe, Iff a
July 12. Kiin flooded' the rouna
here early today and compelled
one-day postponement of the finaf
qualifying rounds of the open golf
championship. Hut, although casual
water caused ft lot of trouble and
worry on the part of the "pro" a
lemblcd to h.tttle for the honors, it
did not cauAt- half as much furore
as a little puddle of casual water in
Willie Or of Worcester, Bob
Peebles of Louisville, Al Ifackbarth
of Tark Ridpe and Frank McNaniara
of Ortega, F!a., four corking pros'
who fell just outside the limit of the
qualifiers on Tuesday and whose
hopes were buried, were resurrected
I... . .1.. -J.I... :..M.,. ln tUm
ii.r uuc ui iiic unmet jiiviuyma m u
history of the open. X
TteiuAM Pall TntA PilnLar V
Sone one niilled a boner. Whether
it was Charlie Thorn, the sturdy
"pro" from Shinnecock Hills. N. Y.,
or the scorer who went arbond with
him matters not. Thorn turned in a
card of 152 tmd qualified, (hutting
out all those who had scored 153.
This morning it was discovered that
orf the short 13th hole Thorn had
driven his ball into the bunker guard
ing the green. In that bunker was
a shallow pool of casual water. Thonv f
could have played the ball 'out of
the water without much trouble? but
the scorer after an argument, told
him to lift the ball and. drop it out of
the water. Thorn knew the rule
which inflicts a stroke penalty for
lifting the ball out of casual water
in a bunker, but accepted the word of
the scorer on the point and dropped
the ball back, playing it from be
hind the pit.
The drop-back evidently did not
help him much, as he took a four on
the hole, but when the report was
made to the committee an investiga
tion was ordered. The committe im
mediately ordered that the players
who had registered a 153 yester
day be -notified that they are in the
finals and telegrams were sent to
them to return to Skokie by Friday
morning to be" ready to play.'
Gives Thorn a Stroke.
The executive committee, after
hearing the evidence, decided merely
to add one stroke to Thorn's score,
which made him 153 as a total and
permitted all the 153s to come in for
the final rounds. No blame was at
tached to any one and the committee
regarded it merely as a scoring n
take or a blunder in interpreting
The postponement today was the
second in the history of open cham
pionships. In 1910 the British open
at St. Andre was postponed on ac
count of the flooded condition Of the
grounds. The United States open
never before was compelled to post
pone. Rain Interferes With
Doubles Tennis Play
Jupiter Pluvius interfered with the
city championship doubles tennis
play at the Carter Lake club courts
yesterday afternoon, and as a result
the Adams brothers, "Bill" and Joe,
will have to play E. R. MtCormick
and Ralph Newell again this after
When rain stopped the match
"Bill" and Joe were leading, two
sets to nothing, the scores being 6-3
and 7-5. These scores will stand
when iflay is resumed this afternoon.
Today in Ring History
Forty-Nine Year Afo.
Matty Matthews born.
Twenty-One Year Ago,
Eddie Hanlon won from Frank! Neil,
San Francisco. 4 rounds.
Eighteen Years Ago.
Young Donohue against Jack Flanagan,
uraw, amonage, juass.,, rounas.
Seventeen Years Ago.
Jack Johnson knocked out Morrt Har
ris, Philadelphia, 3 rounds.
Hlxteea Year Aga.
Young Erne agalnat Freddie Welch, no
des isicij), Philadelphia, S rounds.
Eleven Year Ago.
Porky Flynn against Jewey Smith, no
decision. New York, 10 round.
Fir Year Ago.
Frank! Burns against Billy FItzslm
mons, no decision, Nerf York, 10 rounds.
Omaha vs. Oklahoma City
Ladie 10 Cent
Game Called at 3:30 P. M.