THE OMAHA BEE; WEDNESDAY, JULY 12. 1922. The Morning Bee MORNING EVENING SUNDAY TMI lit Mm ituiuM aa UEKSC OF THC ASSOCIATED PRESS " " i etiel tr else run it Ntl arerete circulate f Tk Omasa Bee, June, lU Daily 71,731 Sunday. . . .77,034 B. BREWER, festers! Maaer a , t tLMER I. ROOD, C Ire alalia Mauiw war Is and lukecriboal a. tare aw tM, s,a 4., ( Ju, (5-1) w. M. QUIVEY, tt.tli fcillT BCK TELEPHONES Private Branek Kiehaate. Aik for the Department ., r Pereoa Wanted, for Nlht Calls Aftrr 10 f. II. 1 ATlaatie EdlUrial Department. ATlantia 1021 or 11. 1000 OFFICES Mala Office 17th and Ferrisa Ce. Bluff .... it Scott St- South Side stli S. Mtk 8t New York lit Flfta Avanua WMklm toi 421 Bur Bid. Chtease . . lit! lUger BIJ. Paria. France 4:0 Hut St. Heasra RESPONSIBILITY fOF CANDIDATES. Four hundred and thirty-five representatives and thirty-two senator are to be elected by the people this fall, to constitute the next congress. This is the the staple articles rxJl for convenience) and com fort In the life of the people, and a reduction la the purchase of foreign-produced luxuries naturally should mean an increase in buying of bonie-maJa ware of tht mora substantial kind. HELP FOX GERMANY A two-year moratorium and billion-dollar fold loan are chief of inrredient in the prescription that la being compounded for Germany. These should constitute the sugar coating on the pill that ahe will have to swallow, the necessity of rearranging her In ternal finances on a sound basis. France Is reported as obdurate on the point of reparations, and unwill. In? to consent to any modification of the treaty. She will, it is now reported, agree to the moratorium. while it ia expected that the United States will take the bulk of the loan. For some undiscovered cause, the debate steps gingerly around certain points that ought to be con sidered. One of these is that German business men have carefully safeguarded their affairs by making large deposits in banks outside the country. An other la that European capitalists are driving some very sharp bargains Just now, and are taking full ad vantage of a situation they partially control. The economic chaos, so continually referred to, exists, but ran be relieved in a large part by the simple rule of "Heaven helps him who helps himself." As long as governments and statesmen stand around, waiting for the miracle to como to their relief, nothing is likely to occur. Hundreds of billions of wealth were destroyed in OPINION- What Editors Elsewhere Are Saying Bm Hard and Hie AasaUlante one for lawyer and the courts to Pram the Bootes Traoeertpt. dtocuae. We have not baen lm- Chance alone seems to have spared 9r howrr. with many of the the life of Mammilla. Harden, noted VERS tit?9 NdVra, German publicist, and editor of Pie aovernment hsa no authority Kuaunrt, wno was stabbed nearly to " v' n protect tne uvea death In a lUrlln suburb. With " ',"1 !m,fnM, Identlfylna? hla aaaallanla and. a. ?houJd remedied by whatever cordln to tha lataat artirlrea eh.. noary. All tne ira nin luenunea ana nop o ar ,,,,,, ..u " . to be former soldiers, and members J..':! ' J ? F'0,'" of the "Association of National- L1 ,kVI"1L "v.!r2T.nA!"Jl8n f.4 Minded oldler." a reactionary. antl-Hemltio and monarchist organi zation. Whether resunnslb la or not. tha monarchist group are sure to be blamed for the attempt on Herr the rlsht to protect millions of cltl sna acalnat barbarities that would auwrar a Junsle. It la the equivalent of aaylna that thee millions shall nave no protection whatever, forei perlenie shows that state and local Harden' Ufa. as the judgment of K;hr m.- . lull .Tai . tha mi-, has already condemned ?m,LffiM, them for the aaaoaslnatlon of Era- '"'J.'hl 1, ffli,Pr.0u!ctl.0un big element of interest in the campaign that now is in progress. A large proportion of the candidates tBe Kre,t war, and the creative power of the people for at leaat half a century was mortgaged. All the are present representatives and senators, Becking re election. . These know from experience what is ex pected of them, and it may not be going far amiss to say they have faithfully tried to realize the ut most of their opportunities. It has remained for a democrat from Mississippi to put the matter in a concrete form. Representative Lowrey, who, before going to congress, was a college president, has presented each of his colleagues with a little address on the duties and responsibilities of a candidate. A man who is fit to represent his dis trict in congress ought to be capable of shaping the ideals of his constituents, argues Dr. Lowrey, and that thought he stresses throughout his appeal to his fellow members. He warns them in particular against three pernicious things by means of which the minds of the voters may be poisoned. First of these is the corrupt or unlawful use of money. It makes no difference which end of the transaction a man stands at. He is guilty if he gives. ODD ISSUE IN -FOURTH. The nature of the campaign in the Fourth con gressional district, over the nomination of candidates or if he receives. "He is not only taking advantage J tor sUte university regent, is not entirely pleasing wealth that will be created for the next fifty years ia represented by the debts that were owing at the time the armistice was signed. To this Germany and France have added many billions, through the foolish expedient of undertaking to pay currenf expenses in fiat money. The experience of the assignats is being repeated. The collapse of Germany may be prevented, and undoubtedly will be, but the recovery of Germany will not be possible until the financial policy of the republic has been reformed. The Wirth cabinet real ized this, and all that remains now is to determine if the chancellor has the courage to do the thing he knows needs to be done. His chance for everlasting fame ia before him now. The people JUda"- beraer and Rathenau, are swift to make their own nipnti, and a whole host of drnlals will not be sufficient to persuade the supporters of the Germun republic that the reactionaries and those who dream of the rebirth of Ger man Imperialism are not the au thors, eithfr dlrert or Indirect, of the recent series of tragedl. An Incisive and polemical writer, bitterly hostile to the theory and ran people. It combines reason with The way to nnd out whether th Dyer law would be unconatltutiona la to pass It. There Is no other way, so far as we know. There Is no such preponderance f opinion ugalnst Ita validity aa to conntitute a reason for refusing Its enactment. Congress aa a Mirror. From tha Mlnnvapolla Journal. Congree Is a mirror of the Amerl the practice of l'an-Germanlsm, Herr Harden was a perpetual thorn In the side of the kaiser's govern ment. He exercised somewhat the same function In Germany aa Mr. George Bernard Shaw has exercised In Great Britain. In common with the latter, he has been an untiring drmnaogucry, selfishness with gen vrorlty, the practical with the un practical, and work with just mere talk. If one wants a truly repre sentative impresHlon of the American people, there la no better place to seea it tnan in congress. Yet a good share of the public Is critic of the social nnd political or-I always dlHwitlsfied with congress. To der. and if less brilliantly endowed with nntural gifts than Mr. Bhaw, he has had In compensaton the ad vantage of beng more fundamentally J serous. The Imperial government, at any rate, took Herr Harden so seriously that In July, 117, It ordered the suppression of Die Zukunft for th balance of the war. Since the close of the war he haa been one of th staunchest supporters of the republic and one of the most Inveterate foes of the monarchists. On more than hear the grumbles and complaints about th people's representative In Washington Is common enough. But to sea citizens workina to reform that body Is rare indeed. Her In Minneapolis, for Instance, only about 50 per cent of the voters have shown any Interest the past week in the matter of who is to represent them In the senate and house. That does not mean that con gress has no faults. It most cer tainly has, and serious ones, too. But It faults are but the reflection of a fellow man and corrupting an individual voter, but he is undermining the very foundation of our government." Slander and villification come next, but scarcely below the use of money to corrupt elections. The third and possibly the most hurtful of pernicious practices is the crime of the demagogue in arousing passion and hatred for political advantage. On this point the address says : , "Whoever or whatever excites the passions of ' 1 the people fans flame which may result in general ' conflagration. There ia everywhere a spirit of disrefrurd for law and fretting against authority a kind of feeling that government is oppressive and la making Itself a curse rather than a blessing, and that those who are in a position of, authority or leadership are corrupt and oppressive and are wilfully responsible for the ills that beset us. The demagogues of each political party and of each section encourage this. Jt is to their selfish Interest to have the people believe that the men who are In responsible positions in the govern ment are scoundrels and tyrants and are bound together la a heartless' league to exploit and op press the masses. History has yet to record where any man or group of men who rode into elective office on "such a creed brought good and not evil. Representative Lowrey warns his colleagues that in going before the people this year they have an un usual responsibility and a wonderful opportunity. They may establish a spirit of charity, or concord, and of helpfulness, or they may breed discontent, danger and certainly bitterness. The sermon is a timely one, and deserves attention, not alone from candidates for congress, but from all who are run ning for office or taking any part in politics at all this year. It is a good time to practice a little the virtue of toleration, to awaken, the reason of a voter rather than to stir his passion. to those who have the interest of the university at heart. The campaign hinges very largely on a dispute of several years standing over the question of whether or not certain schools of medical teaching should be recognized by the university medical college. That question and personal issues resulting from it con stitute the chief arguments being advanced for and against the various candidates. The discussion has become warm to the point of vituperation. None of this bodes particular good for the univer sity. Six men to govern it can hardly be chosen solely on the basis of this or similar issues, with good result. The qualifications for this office should be, above all else, integrity of character, breadth of vision and capacity for straight thinking. Regents should be picked by these general standards, and not by reason of their attitude on some particular dispute. , 1 OUTLOOK IN NEBRASKA. In general, Nebraska voters are too busy on other engagements to give much time to the preliminaries, ao such as go to the polls next Tuesday in the main will be untrammelled by prejudice incident to speeches heard. Such as have attended the rallies and other gatherings are impressed with one im portant point. Republican candidates have each a definite program; in a large measure it is the same program, but with sufficient of variation to note the difference in the men. They stand for something concrete, and do not stutter when telling it to the voters. - On the other hand, the democrats have a single plank. Each wants to get the nomination, and he is not overly nice in his methods, believing more in re sults than in how they are obtained. Therefore, the democratic campaign, when it gets away from the aspect of unreasoning criticism of everything the republicans have done in state and nation, becomes a mere quest for votes. Whatever the candidate thinks will get him attention in a particular locality, that is adopted. Just as the general policy of the party is a hodgepodge of ideas, ranging from state socialism to old-time bourbonism, embracing the "neutrality" that has enabled a Bryan to stand along side a Hitchcock, so the state campaign is one of kaleidoscopic qualities, , One aspirant advocates this, another that, and the third something else, and they alternate and "vacillate as the community happens to be wet or dry, liberal or standpat, with only one purpose shin ing clear, a desire to get the votes. When the republican ticket is chosen, it will be one that will have the respect of all, because it will be made up of men who have squarely told the world what they stand for. On the other hand, the demo crats are likely to have some difficulty in squaring the views of the men who are to lead their fight, al though the party that can put up with the show of "neutrality" now offered can stand anything. FEWER LUXURIES IMPORTED. Comes now the Treasury department to testify that Americans are cutting off some of their foolish ness. Customs house records show that the importa tion of luxuries is falling off, both in number of arti cles and in value. This statement covers the entire range, from automobiles on down through the alpha betical roster. Of the fifty articles enumerated in the import statement, and ordinarily classed as luxuries, only half a dozen show increases, while the value for th full year of 1921 totals approximately $330,000, 000 against $525,000,000 for 1920. Reasons for the shewing are not hard to find. Last year was not one of a sort to encourage extravagance; comparisons With 1920 may not be the best guide, for that was the climax of a postwar orgy of luxury and reckless ex penditure. The -tendency, however, is undoubtedly in the line of more judicious purchasing, which is of rantag to the home trade, for America produces ON THEIR GOOD BEHAVIOR, We know that it is a risky thing to venture a statement concerning street accidents, yet can not restrain an impulse to pay a deserved compliment to Omaha drivers. Several days have passed since a child has been killed, and without a really serious mishap of any kind, due to careless driving. True, some bibulous persons have dallied first with sur reptitious hootch and afterwards tried to steer an automobile, but vigilance on part of the police has usually squelched these before they did much damages The record is a good one, and deserves to be ex tended. It is proof that care will bring the result hoped for, and care once become a habit will make the safety of the public thoroughfares-an assured fact. If in the past automobile drivers have been scolded, it is now a pleasure to note the fact that they merit commendation. Some complaint has been raised about the thought less pedestrian. He still is present, in goodly num bers, and daily takes awful chances on the street. If some good fairy will only get into his head the thought that he, too, has a share in making the streets safe, the probable result will be a notable contribu tion to the general sum of safety. We think it is unfair to blame parents on account of the presence of children in the street. No father or mother willfully allows a child to get into danger. But children are elusive, and slip away when mother is busy on other things; intent only on play, the youngster follows his ball or other toy into the street; the chase leads merrily across the sidewalk and down onto the forbidden pavement, and there you are. Children are cautioned, but seldom heed. This is natural, and must be taken into account. The big fact is that Omaha has had a very good record lately in the matter of street accidents, and we hope it continues. one occasion he has praised tne or the faults or the citizens. Tne United states for Its nonpartlclpa-1 correction will not com first In tion in European affairs, and not I oongreas, but in the people as lone since he defined th Genoa con-1 whole. As long aa there are so ference as a "poiaon-aas factory many citizens indifferent to govern which failed to meet the test," and ment. or unthinking, there will be as a conference wnere everyDoay 1 demagogues in wasnington, just as failed "except Lloyd George." It la there will be selfish and impractical easy to understand how formidable an obstacle the monarchists are fUndlng in their path in the person of the editor of Die Zukunft. Such acts, however, as the assassi nation of Erzbereer and Rathenau, and the attempted assassination of Herr Harden, are not likely to aa- men. Speaking as a private citizen on The Decline of the American Gov ernment," John W. Weeks, secretary of war, aaid the other day: There ia an ever-increasing tend ency on the part of the citizen to interfere in the details or legislation, vance very far the fortunes of the al)( tna representative In congress is monarchists. Murder Is murder. In rapidly becoming merely the dele Berlin no less than In Ireland and Kat of his constituency. This Inter- Illlnols, and it is altogether a hope- ference tends to make the repre ful sign for the future of Germany gentative timid and instead of enjoy that the monarchists were forced ao jng. tj,e dignified status of a real rep completely to abandon th streets of resentatlve he is reduced to the Berlin when the republicans staged status of a mere machine to carry out the whims and caprices of his constituency. AH of -which Is only further evl dence that congress faithfully repre sents and reflects the convictions, passions and general character of the American people. Its faults are ours. vesterdav theit mammoth (lemon- stratlon in honor of the German republic. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MA A British scientist estimates that the world has been ten billion years in building, but the way some people rush about onelnight think they planned on finishing the job in a minute. , A Yankee inventor is interesting the British in a new machine that makes water pump itself. His illustration looks good, but probably has a catch in it somewhere. A dispatch from Berlin tells part of the story. It says: "The strike of the printers had one beneficial effect; it stopped the presses and the issue of paper money." Bre'r Edmisten regards voting the republican ticket as the unpardonable sin, and he is going to be surprised at the number of sinners there are in Nebraska. Quite a' number of Nebraska republicans show litle faith in the democratic claims of success. Uncle Sam's floating bars are attracting more at tention than some of the stationary kind. Democratic women of Omaha decline to be counted as "neutral." Some more of the candidates may be speechlea next week. "Neutrality" may yet defeat the neutralized. On Second Thought Bj H. M. STANSIFEB. The charity that makes paupers is not philanthropy. true The Seniority Rule In Congress, From th Cincinnati Tlmea-Star. Isn't It about time that congress aot rid of the seniority rule? Recently that rule has piayea some strange pranks. It threatens to play some even stranger pranks next ses sion. 1 . It was the seniority rule whicn made Fordnev of Michigan chair man of the all-important ways ana means committee of the house. It is the seniority rule which has put LaFollette in a position where he mav become chairman of the equally important finance committee of the senate. If Laf'ouette snoum attain this distinction it would be because of his years of service and because God save the mark! he calls him self a republican. The seniority rule is at tne doi torn of an argument which the re tiring chairman of the republican congressional committee started the other day. Mr. Fess remarked tnat a democratic victory in iNOvemoer would mean that most of the im portant chairmanships would go to southerners, ana tnat congress, thorefnre. would nass under south ern control. This argument caused some democratic newspapers ex treme pain. They attacked it as anctinnal and oartisan. But tne tart are about as Mr. I ess put tnem Northern democrats have to ngnt for their seats In the senate or the house; as a rule they do not remain than one or two or three fermR. Democrats from the south have an easier time. Once they get into congress they are apt to stick nmnnH. And. if thev do. the im portant chairmanships gravitate In ih r direction, naturany. What wnuld occur to a business which picked its executive officers goieiy on tne dhsis 01 icnm ui - Ice? And what would occur to an army whose commanding officers were always the men who had been longest in uniform, regardless of brains or fitness to command. It used to be a popular idea In Washington that senators, during the first three or four years of their service, should be seen but not heard. They were supposed to sit around In silent admiration of the wisdom of their seniors. Nowaday senators wno represent nn voorl pYnprifnr-f nt an wwereien states are apt to go into years experience as an action more quickly. But the old educator in Nebraska schools. seniority rule in the apportionment on. a system which holds that a I Stands for progress, econ- man must necessarily be fitted for omy, efficiency and a square d'SechaTrmanshlps' merely deal for all School interests. because he has been in Washington for a Jong time, Is plainly out of place in a country which, in most respects, ia as businesslike as ours. The Way to Find Out. From tha Clevaland Plain-Dealer. To the surprise of its opponents the Dyer anti-lynching bill has been recommended for passage by the senate judiciary committee. ine favorable report Is credited to Henry Cabot Lodge, whose constituents are generally in favor of the legislation. It had been expected that the sen ate would let the bill rest in its com mittee pigeon-hole, at least for the present session, and this favorable report putting It passag or rejec tion directly up to the senate is causing a good deal of embarrass ment in some circles.' . Tn the oDinion or some senators, notably William B. Borah, this meas ure, if enacted, wouio De unconsti tutional. Accordingly, they argue that the bill should not be passed. ThI view of the situation haa been strengthened probably by the recent supreme court decision knocking out th child labor law. The opinion is not, however, generally accepted; there are plenty of senators who ar unconvinced that the proposed act would stand the test of court action. Decisive action one way or the other ought to b taken before this seaaion adjourns. It would be cow ardly to dodge tne issue oy negieci or postponement. If there ar votes enough to pass the bill, no time should be lost in sending it to con ference; if it is to ba defeated, noth ing will be gained by delay. The Question of constitationauty is THE BEE'S LETTER BOX Guard Tow Politico. Omaha, July 10. To th Editor of Th Omaha lie: Your editorial in today's Uau. hadd "turvants of th Public," deserves careful delib eration wherein you say "Only when th peopl ar negligent, when thay eaaae to vigilantly and zealously guard their politics, do th unfit, th bnaviah and th crafty get control." Th height of patriotism in a free government is individual vlgllunc and without this spirit prevailing amongst its cltlsns fr government cannot last. JEHHV HOWAUD. Cooling In Omaha. Omaha. July . To th Kdltor of Th Omaha Bee; Browsing around on bonks today I picked up "Tn I'atn to Home." by Illiair Belloc. On pne 1(1 I was startled to read: "They cook wora In I'ndevlller (Switzerland) than any place I waa ever In with th pos- sihl exception of Omaha, Neb." Turn this over to the Chamber of Commerce for Investigation. Where did he eat? Was It a Chamber of Commerce luncheon when ha waa hare on war work? Surly it waa not Ed Maurer's, wher the planked steaks would mak Epicurus green with envy. is mere any restaurant In Omaha today wher you can set a aood meair Cafeterias are all right for lunch eon, but to get a dinner you have s go to aome Chines reataurant and then be disappointed. For ob, vious reasons I would not want the Chamber of Commerce to know that even for a moment I suspected that the famous writer was referring to its noonday lunch, but I think the matter ought to be Investigated. OMNIS. JohnlUatzen State Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidate for Second Term Non-Political Ballot. Solicits your support on his experience, qualifications and record in office. I Cuticura Talcum Soothes And Cools Altar a warm bath with Oxfcara Soap thare is nothing mot refrsB lag for baby's tender skin than Cuticura Talcum. If bis akin ia red, rough 0 irritated, anoint with Cvtb etna Oiaamwst to soothe and bsal They arc ideal for all toilet oaa. iWtlmli, OMBartalaadlte. 1 Judges and Politics. North Tlatte. Neb.. July s To tne aaitor or Tne umana Kee: In your issue of today, under a Kearney aate line, I una an article ascribed to M. A. Brown, editor, and N. P, McDonald, attorney, seeking to Justify Judge Hosteller's candidacy tor congress in spite of the inhibi tion of the Nebraska constitution, on the theory that congress is the sole- judge of the qualification of Its members. In doing so they ar beg ging the Question. The Question at issue la th right of th people of neorasaa to derme tn Qualifica tion of its Judges and to keep its courts from being dragged through the mire of politics. We have had political Judges in the past to the scandal of the state, and to provide against the re currence of such a state of affairs Nebraska has sought to protect its courts from any political influence first by prohibiting a candidate for Judge from receiving any partisan endorsement and reauirlng to sub mit his candidacy to the people as a whole on a nonpartisan ballot; second, by providing that- as long as he holds his position as Judge he shall not be permitted to drag his court tnrougn the mire of politics by becoming a candidate for any political office. This provision does not prevent the Judge from exer cising his right to become a candi date, but he can only lawfully do so by resigning his Judgahtp before ha file with lha aecretarv of atata hia aeraptunc of his candidacy for vun areas. Tha wladoni of these provisions rsn ba readily aaen. Th dlatrli-t Juilga la th moat powerful and Im portant offlc In the slat; to hlin Is entrusted th power of determin ing tha rights of all persona within hla Jurisdiction to liberty, tif. and all their dearrat social and property rights. By this first provision th people hav sought to awoure the electon of an Imlfpendant Judiciary, responsible only to tha mas of th people, Indifferent to th political opinion or activities of tha attorney practicing befor th court, or th litigants. By th second provision th peo pl hav sought to at all limes keep their courts out of politic and to remove from the Judges th tempta tion to wield the Immense power and prestige of the court to their elfish advantage and to prevent a Judg from having an unfair ad vantage over his competitors for the urn orrice. How real this danger and unfair, ness Is ran be readily seen in the case of Judge Hosteller. Th most powerful elements In the control of the politics of Huffnlo and Custer counties, embraced with In the judge's district, ar th nu merous attorneys and bnnkera. Sup poalng an opposing candidate should go into these counties and under tak to enlist their support in his behalf in opposition to the Judge, what would be the result? The at torney would probably say: "While I am a friend of yours and believe tnat you would be th better candi date, yet while I make my bread and butter in Judge Hosteller's court I could not afford to oppoae him and risk my interests and the inter ests of my client by doing no." With the banks it would be th same; with present and prospective litiga tion in the Judge's court, they could not afford to arous th hostility of th Judge. All of this complication could have been avoided If th Judge had followed the plain mandate or tne law by eensing to be a judge be fore he became a candidate, by fil ing his resignation ns Judge before accepting hia candidacy for con gress. Had he done this no would have entered the field on an equality with the competing candidates. It was a eftd mistake th Judge mad when he undertook Ignoring the plain mandate of th statute. Judge Hostetler accepted of his election and took the oath of office to support the constitution of Ne braska and It Isws. Including the statute h Is nw seeking to vad. Thr I loo much labrking and valon of our ls. and It I mighty bad rsampl ih Juds w aettlng th discontented alrments. If district Judge ran aside th" Isw, when It Interferes with hi sel fish deslr. Why should Ihey bet pun Uhed for Ih Infraction f ' '" T. C I'ATTKItHoN. JVrvvtHianra KipUlnetl. A train on on of ih road run. nlng out of Indianapolis 'rurk n old hors at a rroaslng and on of th pasngers became very much fstltid. 8om on finally remarked on hi nervousness and hj 'n7! "Hlr. If you had 120.000 of sun k In this road you'd fel ju B I do. "Why, w only hilled Bn old '"'"Kxitctly. but you don'l know on hut a mighty smnll affair d'v''nJ' . . . ......a nowadava." Boston a re passed Transcript AlMMiIuu ly Fundamental. W look for no Darwinian hir odoxy in Middletmry rolles. ,UB1 has a new president In lr. Paul Moodv. son of Dwlght U Moody, th evangelist. Th Iradltlone of that family ar orthodox nn e unaiirr able aa th laws of the Modes and Ptrslana Brooklyn Ksgle. SAID TO BE FUNNY. ! nolle Be slwiye mok' lanlsle .ISe!s Uet.W.-Y. but ld T aotire lht they're uo initials. Nrw Vork Mun. "Thst was a srsiiBd itfilr ProMl Wh.ppl.'. funeral." ."Are. fund a' eomP 1 bHe be d hen It ;. .s.ln7 ss b. tea .elendetieue h. d deld leng a so." !"" FstS Show. Minsger Slop that tl'l '"J here, slrl Ouest We re nnt dsne. mil Mr wife baa fainted. London Tast ing Show. Willie!" ikea the pretty teaehtr. "ht is tha Dlural of mint" Mea." wared lha emu II pupil. "Aad tha plural o( ahlld?" "Twine." The CresvenL ui.tM.. wai if vmm , . r . married. would you believe all your buabsnd told ouT Msld Lswke. no moml Hut for the peace and quletneaa I'd make Blm think 1 did. London Mail. "I hear yaur wife had twine yesterday." tr.ii h. wnnM venture to enter the world alone la three llmeet" Christum Tyrlhsns. TTnrla Ifirnm llsversack Bay it . Isn't the cost of th Jun wedding that hurt, but the upkeep of th son-in-law. Janesvllle Oasette. IplANOg II TUNED AND ssV REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglae Tel. Doug. SSaB Illinois Central Railroad Co. To All Illinois Central System Shopmen: Chicago, 111., July 10, 1922. On June 14th I addressed a communication to you in which I appealed to you to cast your vote against the proposed strike. Since that time the strike has been called by your leaders, and some of you have left your positions, wnUe others have remained steadfast. I feel that the time has arrived when I should make clear to those of you who have left your positions, as well as those of you who have remained, the position of the Illinois Central System with reference to this entire matter. ' , , A. ... v t. . In my letter to you of June 14th I enumerated the three things which your leaders proposed to have you strike against; namely, (1) contracting of shop plants to outsiders, (2) the order of the United States Railroad Labor Board re lating to rules and working conditions and (3) the order of the United States Railroad Labor Board establishing rates of pay effective July 1. The question of contracting shops to outsiders is not a part of the contro versy so far as you and the management of the Illinois Central System are con cerned, because this railway system has not contracted any of its shops to out siders. The questions involved in the matter of rules and' working conditions and the ordar establishing rates of pay effective July 1 are the only ones at issue. They are not questions between you and the Illinois Central System man agement. They were decided by the United States Railroad Labor Board and those of you who are out on strike are striking against lawful decisions of a branch of the United States Government. It goes without saying that the public welfare cannot permit the revoca tion of a decision of a governmental agency under a threat of the use of force. No patriotic citizen would expect such a thing to be done, or would have it done. We believe that we have the best government in the world, but you will all agree with me that it would not lpng so remain if its institutions could be over ridden and set aside in the manner sought by those who are contending against the lawful decisions of the United States Railroad Labor Board. The management of the Illinois Central System believes that those of you who are out on strike have been misled. It bears no feeling of hostility toward those who left its service. To those who have remained loyal it acknowledges a debt of gratitude. It feels that it has a valuable asset in its old employes, and it is eager to hold them together. It believes that, if those of you who are out will calmly analyze the issues upon which you are striking your better judg ment will assert itself and you wiM return to your positions. I sincerely invite you to return. Moreover, I earnestly advise you to pursue that course. Those who report for duty not later than 11:59 P. M. Monday, July 17, 1922, may do so with the resumption of full seniority and pension rights and will be treated as if their services had been continuous. Those returning after that time, if accepted, will rank as new employes. I trust that those of you who are out will consider this matter seriously and that your action, whatever it may be, will turn out to be for your own best inter ests, as well as the best interests of your families and those dependent upon you for a living. I ask those of you who are striking to bear m mind that you accepted the decisions of the United States Railroad Labor Board when they were favorable to vou, and that the Illinois Central System accepted those decisions which were unfavorable to it. Let me also again remind you that since December, 1917, you have received three general increases in wages and that your hourly rates of wages in effect at present, as fixed by the United States Railroad Labor Board, are fronT40 to 113 per cent higher than in 1917, as follows: July, 12 ISir IncreaMs Hourly Rata Hourly Ratee Over 1817 Machinists, Boilermaker and Blaakamith. . . . . . 70 BO 40 Helpers, various classes 47c 29 He to 321 c 45 to 59 Coach CarpenUra 70c 40 75 Freight Car Carpenter 63c 35 He 77 Car Repairmen 63c 29 He 113 Upon reflection, I believe that you will be broad-minded enough to accept , the recent decisions of the United States Railroad Labor Board which you con sider unfavorable. A long-drawn-out contest would mean losses and suffering, not only for you and your families, but also for the public. We should all recog nize that the public interest always rise3 above the interests of the railroad or of its employes. None of us is fortunate enough to have issues affecting his life always de cided in his favor. , The principle of "rule or ruin" invariably has led to dis aster. It can have no other ending. The wisdom of the principles of "give and take" and "live and let live" have been fully demonstrated. Those are the prin ciples upon which we desire to conduct this railway system for the benefit of the public, the employes and the owners. The management of the Illinois Central System is under obligations to serve the public with uninterrupted transportation and under any conditions which may arise it must faithfully discharge that obligation. I ask that you accept this letter in that same friendly spirit in which I ad dress you, free from any feeling of hostility or censure for anything that has been said or done in regard to this unhappy affair. (Signed) C. H. MARKHAM, President