The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 12, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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"Harmony" Move
Lets Bryan Out,
Butler Asserts
He Iin't. Even Comprtition
Siuce Lining Up With Hitcb
rock. Sayi Omaha
Opponent. ,
" Ain't We Out Fun?" it il Ute t
bit of vocal expression iriiing from
the throat o( certain democrat, in
cluding Dan Hmler and Harry Me-
harty, who will not join hi the rur
inony rhoru of the Hitchcock
Bryan cheer trader.
Harmony i aid la be the wah
word of variou other democrat
who would rtrane their party of
every (tain. Dan Huiler tits in hi
office in the citv hall, mulling over
word which will adequately exprctt
hit state of mind. Mr. Hrharty ii
inditing fulimnation.
"1 made him what he ii today.'
tuo:h Mr. flutter, explaining that the
personal proiiuun rrterred to C liar lei
V. liryan of Lincoln, rival candidate
lor th democratic gubernatorial
"How come?" a friend aked.
"Didn't I teach Mr. liryan how to
operate a 'municipal coal yard and
didn't he gather unto himself con
kiderahle credit throuirh hi Lincoln
coal yard, and then what did he do?"
"What did he do?"
"He called here recently and w anted
to know whether I would withdraw
irom the race?
"And vou told him"
"Why, I don't even consider him a
serious candidate. He isn't competi
tion now that he is lined up with
Senator Hitchcock."
r. . ri.i oreir
Drawn for The Bee by McManus
Feature Transactions
on Livestock Exchange
Randolph, la., was represented on
the market by a shipment of 100
head of cattle averaging 1,400 pounds
sent in by J. t Driskell, who re
ceived the top price of $10.15 a hun
dred for that class, of stock. Mr.
Driskell said he bought, the cattle
here last November when they aver
aged 960 pounds and cost him $6.30
a hundred. They were run on oats
and wheat stubbfe ground until Jan
uary, when they were placed on full
According to Mr. Driskell, the gen
eral prospects for crops is good, al
though oats are only lair, while win
ter wheat is excellent, with a prom
ike of irom 25 to 30 bushels to the
S. D. Mitchell of Cedar Rapids
brought in 160 bead of steers aver
aging 1,059 pounds that sold for
$9.85, a hundred. They cost him
?b.4() a hundred.
"I bought corn at 20 cents a
bushel to feed my cattle," said Mr.
Mitchell, " and I let a good drove of
hogs follow my cattle in the feed
lots that netted me a little more
Mr. Mitchell said there were but
few cattle left in the feed lots around
V'edar Rapids and these would be
marketed soon.
Architects Want $75,850.
y- action started in federal court
today;! John and Alan McDonald,
architects, seek to recover $75,850,
1-art payment for services on the pro
nosed .'American bank building, the
promoting company for which is now
bankrupt .
r MACoe 1 00rfr U
woir xou-
i n too OUOY
What feature of your new day J
so disagreeable that you t afra'd
to meet H? . .
Look the day in the face early and
get the joys in note, which cannot
he obtained at any other timi in
24 hours.
tcpciiM. inn
Bee want ada produce result!.
Woman Candidate
Imitates Harding
Mies Muir Invites Public to
Her Ijwn to Hear Her
Lincoln, July 11. Miss Sarah T.
Muir, republican candidate for state
representative from the 1 hirty-sixth
district, has adopted some' of the
campaign tactics of President War
ren Harding used in the campaign of
1920. Tomorrow she will deliver a
speech from the front porch of her
home in this city. She has invited
the public to assemble on the lawn
to hear her message.
Miss Muir is now and has been
for the last six years head of the
English department of the Lincoln
High school. She has - served as
president of the Nebraska Woman's
Educational club of the American
Association of Collegiate Alumnae
(now called the American Associa
tion of University Women) and of
the English section of the Nebraska
State Teachers association.
The candidate wan aooointed this
year a member of the English com'
mittee on college entrance require
ments of the North Central associa
tion. She also is a director of the
Nebraska chapter of the National
Council of Teachers of English. She
holds two degrees from the Univer
sitv of Nebraska and was the alum'
nae orator for the commencement of
During the suffrage campaign in
Nebraska Miss Muir was an organ
izer and speaker for equal suffrage.
During the New York campaign for
equal suffrage she did considerable
work in that state.
Parents' Problems
Prayer Each Day
Thf joy of th Lord la your strength.
Neh. 1:1.
Our Father, help us to find the se
cret of the Master's joy, that we may
no longer dwell in the outer courts
where our happiness comes and goes
as the flowers bloom and fade. May
we enter into the secret place of the
.fost High vhere He lived, until
our joy, like His cannot be taken
away from us.
Teach us the joy of discovering the
tokens of Thy presence always in the
scng of birds, the fragrance of flow
ers, the marvelous beauty of sun
rise and sunset, but more in the
ringing laughter and plaintive cry
of little children, in the deep hunger
in the hearts of our brothers and
sister, and in our own souls, so
that we are never alone.
Teach us the joy of a friendship
that leaves no hurt nor sting. Help
us enter into the deep joy of sym
pathy with our brother's need, the
sympathy that gives insight, and
knits heart to heart, until we are
able to help where help is needed,
and able to receive help when it is
offered. Save us, O our Father,
from the darkness of selfishness, and
unite us with wise and tender love
to those who need us, and those
whom we need. All of this, and
more which we cannot express, we
ask in the Master's name. Amen.
Berkeley, Csl.
Can an intense girl of 12 be trained
to relax?
Yes. Teach her some "relaxing
exercises" those given in "Power
Through Repose," a little hook by
Anna Fayson Call, are excellent. En
courage her to laugh, and to "hope
for the best." Above all, see that
she eats plenty of simple, wholesome
food, spends most of her spare time
outdoors, and goes to "bed early. "In
tensity" is often merely the result of
fatigue or a rundown condition.
Undamped Radio
Waves Explained
Continuous Oscillations Cause
Amateurs Much Mis-understanding.
Damped and undamped waves in
radio are causing amateurs as much
misunderstanding as audio frequency
and radio frequency currents.
An -explanation of the subject may
be of interest: When you atand on
the aeashore, watching the waves rise
in foaming surf, and beat their en
ergy on the sand, you may say that
you are watching damped waves, for
each one rises and expends its en
ergy. But if you were in a boat at
sea, each wave passing would appear
to move on, one after another, stead
ily, each wave of equal strength and
size. 1 hose would be undamped
Damped waves in radio travel in
groups, while undamped waves fol
low each other in continuous oscilla
tions of equal power. The pendulum,
swinging back and forth, is another
good example. If it struck only
once a minute, it would die out be
tween strikes. The gradually- de
creasing swings are damped oscilla
tions. On the other hand, if the pen
dulum is struck at each swing it will
move the same distance each time.
These swings are similar to un
damped waves.
Undamped waves have no audio
frequency component only the con
tinuous radio frequency oscillations.
The Canadian people are co
operating nicely with their United
States brothers in observing rules
tor broadcasting.
On the Pacific coast leaders of the
Chinese nationalist party arc stim
ulating interest in their party by
means of radio.
An eastern paper says one of the
benefits of radio i to keep the girls
from becoming waitresses and sten
ographers in the big towns.
Rutherford, N. J., has a philan
tropist who spends much of his time
teaching youngsters to .design and
operate radio sets.
to get up and about w ith the birdi
anil the chickens.
Do you know that if you really
lived right it would be as much
pleasure for you to get up in the
morning as it is for the birds, which
begin these days with song in trilling
Something wrong with your phys
ical or mental make up, or with your
habits, if you do not want to get up
early these bright summer morning.
Study your own case.
Is it too many late suppers, or so
cial funrtions?
1 it because you know that when
you do get up you will have to work
for a living, and you are plain lazy?
Coats, Capet. Wrapt
Wednesday we offer 150 Costa,
Capes and Wraps at three biff
bargain prices
910.00 $15.00 824.75
Now is your opportunity
to buy a big: bsrgaln.
lilt t))flaa StrMt
Wednesday we offer wonderful
values In Summer Dresses at
$3.98, IS IS and 17.50.
1812 Douglas StrMt
,ommon sense
Are You An Early Riser?
In this month of the year's longest
day, how much of the early hours of
these long days do you spend
Except in rare cases, have
ever seen the sun rise?
When you have been obliged to
get up at day break you have spoken
of it as beastly, heathenish, to have
Sfayker's Policy"
Free to Asthma and
Hay Fever Sufferers
Free Trial of Method That Anyone
. Can Use Without Discomfort
or Loss of Time.
rTC pocxtr
Sacura ' fram tkaft irt hills anil WL. !
tucked away In the hidden pocket of the
La Garde puree. And in alylee, materials,
and finish at well as the townees ol its
price the LaCarde is all that Milady de
sires In a purse. The 'Purse aShop' price is
We have a method for the control of
Asthma, and we wont you to try it at cur
expense. No matter whether your case is
of long standing or recent development,
whether It is present as Chronic Asthma
or Hsy Fever, you should send for s free
Trial of out1 method. No matter in what
climate you live, no matter what your ace
or occupation, if yon are troubled with
Asthma or Hay Fever, our method should
relieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases, where all forms
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed.
We want to show everyone at our expense,
that oar method is designed to end all
difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all
those terrible paroxysms.
This free offer is too Important to neg
lect a single day. . Write now and begin
the method at once. Send no money. Sim
ply mail coupon below. Do it Today you
even do not pay postage.
Omaha Trunk Factory
1318 Farnam Street Opp. W; O. W. BIdg.
Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo. N.Y.
8end free trial of your method to:
Gray Goose Natures Pinest Expression
cf Swift, Endxrin&. Effortless Travel
Big Cities, Seaside and Mountain
Resorts may all be included in
your vacation program this Sum
mer. Fares have been reduced.
A comprehensive circle tour of
the East may be made at a much
lower cost than usual It's a good
Summer to see things.
Diverse routes going one way,
returning another. All rail, or,
vary your journey with boat
trips on the Great Lakes, the
Eastern Rivers or along the At
lantic Coast.
Stop over anywhere.
Let us outline a tour for you.
Our travel advisors are at your
service. We will be glad to
relieve you of all travel details
in connection with your trip.
Write, phone or call.
GaascaJ Agt Passenger Dept.
90 South 16th Street
TelephoM DeeeJaa 4481
Shoe Safe
now in progress
The Stryker Policy
Stryker's Policy, as hun
dreds of Omahans have
learned from past exper
ience, is to give the "Cus
which afford "Full Mea
sure" in SAVINGS. 1
At , the close of the selling
seasoh.we find in our stock,
many broken lines of foot
wear. Merchandise Brokers
offer to buy our broken lines
in "lot form" at prices which
will enable them to resell
these shoes at a handsome
profit. Instead of disposing
of our broken lines in lot form
by selling1 to merchandise
brokers (which is the custom
ary method), we offer these
shoes to our regular custom
ers. YOU derive full benefit
from the SAVIN.GS these
Shoe Bargains afford. 1
Our Big Semi-Annuai Stryker Policy Sale
is now in progress. This year it offers our Cus
tomers Shoe Bargains which exceed all past
events in SAVINGS.
Every shoe is from our regular stock broken lines,
but unlike most sale events, the size range is general
and the styles are desirable. We have assembled these
shoes and placed them on tables for quick clearance.
The SAVINGS offered can be applied to the entire fam
ily shoes for everyone at bargains made possible by
btryker's Policy.
Women' John KeMy
White Nile Cloth
Pumps With and
without buckles, Louis
heels, Goodyear welts.
Values to $10.00, at
Table No. 1
Women's Whit Nile
Cloth Oxford Louis
heel, Gooyear welts. They
are John Kelly's, one of
America's foremost fash
ion shoes. Regular $7.00
values at
Women's Tan ane!
Brown Calf Skin and
Kid Leather Lace Ox
ford Military and
common sense heels.
Values to $8.00, at
Crowing Girls' One
Strap Gun Metal Mer
riam Pump Good
year welts. Values to
$6.00, at
Table No. 2
Broken Size in Women' Selby
White Nil Cloth Oxford
Goodyear welts, military and
common aeniw heelf. Values
to $7.00, at
L. B. Evans' Women's
Low Heel Gun Metal
Pump Turn soles. Also
white Nile cloth pumps.
Low heels, turn soles. $5
values at -
In brown calf skin. semi-English
and round toes. Also black
kid oxfords in good sensible
lasts. Dalton and Excelsior
makes. Values to $10.00, at
Table No. 3
Men' and Boys' Outing Shoes
White canvas uppers, lea
ther trimmed, with leather
or Neolin soles, .rubber heels.
A shoe that will give long ser
vice. Values to $5.00, at
Table No. 4
Children's Shoes
Infant' and Children's Shoes
and Pumps In kid leather,
white Nile cloth, also some
patent leather 1-strap pumps.
Values to$2.50. An unusual
bargain at
Children's Patent Leather 1.
Strap Pump Also white Nile
cloth one-strap pumps, hand
turned soles, in Fairy and
Merriam makes. Values to
$3.50,, at
Men' White Regent Keds Ox
fords U. S. Rubber Com
pany's best grade. Regular
.$4.50 values. Sizes up to 8
only, at
Misses' and Children One
Strap Pump In black gun
metal and in white Nile cloth.
Also some with white Nile
cloth tops and patent leather
vamps. Values to $4.00, at-
We are allowing Generous Discounts on every hoe in the store.
No Charges
No Exchanges
No Refunds
Douglas Shoe Store, Inc.
117 North 16th Street, Opposite Postoffice
Milwaukee & St. Paul