The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 12, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Morning Bee
VOL. 52-NO. 21.
Light Third
Party Vote
(Juifihling of Leader Killing
Interest Many Voters
to Stick to OKI
Party Linci.
Rift Caused by Fusion
irnllowlni la lha alahlh mt a hHm (
arllrlaa Irrnn a atari rurrvapontlrnl of Th
Omaha lira, ilrrflhln lha ramnalin of
sarlag. ranilltlalra fur afllr In Nrhra.lia
and miHrrlaklnf In plrlura thr alal (
la niihltr mind. Th wrlra will b pnti
" -! from la u dajr, rln rvpuh
Iran, drniurratla unil profrvaalta acllrt
lira. By PAuTgREER.
Lincoln, July II. "The unpardon
able tin." J. II. F.diuisteu concluded
after a discussion of Nebraska poli
, tic, "is to vote the republican
ticket." A chairman of the recently
formed progressive party he has no
Mich scruples' against aiding the
democrat. In fact, most of the
candidate for the progressive nom
ination on the state ticket are filed
also on the democratic ticket.
This is true of J. N. Norton, who
is running for governor on both
tickets. It is the cause of bitter dis
sension among the progressives and
has led to the entry of W. J. Taylor,
a farmer of Menu, as a second
candidate for the procressive nom
ination for governor. It also has
brought out Anson H. Bigelow, a
labor attorney of Omaha, as an op
ponent of Judge Arthur G. Wray iu
the senatorial race.
Branded As Mugwumps.
Plot and counterplot, rumors and
accusations of all sorts, abound in
the progressive party camp. Ask
Mr. Kdmistcn to name the entries
for the progressive nomination and i
lie will not mention Taylor or Bige
low. Remind him of their omission
and he will fly into something: very
like rage as he brands them as mug
wumps. On the other hand, there is Mr.
Taylor, who talks like this: "Gentle
men, you who have filed in two
parties and have sworn that you
afliliate with both, stand up and be
( ountcd. What ticket will you vote
in the primary? Which platform
will you support? Which organiza
tion will direct your campaign?
Which stata. convention will you at
tend? Norton, if you win in both
primaries, in whose car will you
ride, Hitchcock's or Bigelow's?
(Notice that Mr. Taylor ignores
Judge Wray's candidacy, no doubt
assuming that he will withdraw.) If
you lose in the democratic primary
you have lost in the other."
Eliminated by Both Parties.
This latter reference is to the pro
vision of the law by which if Norton
should lose the democratic nomina
tion while winning the progressive
nomination by a smaller vote he
would be eliminated by both parties.
Chairman Edmistcn declares that in
such case Mr. Taylor himself would
not legally have the nomination, but
that the place on the ticket would be
tilled by someone selected by the
progressive state committee.
Some claim that the progressive
party is designed to lead the radicals
into the democratic party. The fu
sionists say that only by combining
tht conservative democratic strength
vith the radical support can the re
publicans be defeated.
Few Votes.
As a matter of fact, there will be
few votes in the progressive party
primary next week. This is not to
f.y that the ghost of Theodore
Kooscvelt is not stalking in Nebraska
nor that there is not a great deal of
irritation at everything. It is simply
that most people of all classes are
.ticking to their old political affilia
tions. The quibbling among the
third party leaders has "killed interest
in it. The shift of Wray from the
governorship to the senatorship race
estranged many followers. There are
furthermore several men, some on
the democratic ticket and others on
the republican, whom the farmers
For another thing, the farmer vote
will be light because the primaries
come at a time when they are busy
in the fields or threshing. Enough
rain to stop farm work would bring
out a larger proportion. However,
the interest of the farmers has not
yet been aroused. The silence of the
country newspapers on men and is
sues is blamed for this by the poli
ticians. Splitting of Tickets.
The full effect of the farm vote will
not be felt until the fall election.
Evert then it is hardly probable that
it will go to the. third party candi
dates or to those who have fused
with the democrats. What may be
looked for is a splitting of tickets
in which voters of all parties will
play with deuces wild.
This spirit of independent voting is
found in the most unexpected places.
Just as an instance, there is George
Jackson of Nelson, formerly speaker
of the legislature , and once demo
cratic candidate for governor. He
confides to his friends that when
he goes to the election booth this
fait he will vote for as many republi
can candidates as he does democrats.
An organized factor in this split
voting is the Nonpartisan league.
Early in September the members of
this farm organization will hold a
state convention at which they will
endorse candidates irrespective of on
what ticket they appear. Lynn J.
Frazier, who recently won the re
publican nomination for senator in
North Dakota, will be brought into
the state to address meetings of
farmers and wag earners. Arthur
C. Townley. the founder of the
league, and Joseph Gilbert, editor of
the Nebraska league paper, the New
. State, also will take the stump. mutt au
Mother of Babe Born in Pen
Asks State Board for Parole
Delia I)e Hart Declares Her
Husband Killed Mice for
Making Advance
to Her.
II. - (SpccuiU -
Betty June. Nebraska's first neitiieie
liary baby, cried and made laces
Governor McKelvie today at her
mother. Delia Drlhrt, pleaded for
parole before the state board of pi
don and paroles. No amount o;
rndddliug would Hop her screaming
Finally, a lady in the room toot'
Betty June away until Iter mothers'
hearing wa ended.
Mrs. Dellart told the hoard that
the murder of John Mie vi Holt
county, iu which she was involved
and for which she is serving 1 to 10
years, was the result of advances
made by Mize towards her. She said
hrr husband, Kolla, serving life,
killed Mize and she helped carry
Alize't body to a hiding place.
"If you get out on parole will you
begin trying to get your husband re
leased?" Governor McKelvie asked.
"I do.Yt know that I will," she re
plied. Education in Pen.
Walter Rifenberg, known as the
most handsome man in the peniten
tiary, who is serving 25 years tor
Baby Cyclone at
York Tears Houses
From Foundations
Twister Is Followed by Damag
ing Hailstorm Hundreds
of Birds Killed by Hail
at Wolbach.
York. Neb.. July 11. (Special Tel
egram.) Buildings were torn from
their foundations, windmills over
turned and machinery was scattered
over the farms by a baby cyclone
covering a strip 12 miles long and
one mile wide, win struck the
southern portion of the county last
The twister was followed by a
heavy hailstorm, demolishing all
prospects for crops, fully one-half the
wheat in shock is destroyed and prop
erty greatly damaged. The hail
storm extended into Hamilton county
from the extreme southeastern part
of York county.- Telephone and tele
graph wires were greatly impaired
by the storm.
At the farm home of Arthur Fran
ces, southwest of York, the furniture
was completely wrecked by the
storm, blowing in the windows de
molishing a piano and greatly dam
aged the outbuildings. The loss esti
mated today is reported to be in the
neighborhood of $60,000.
Hail at Wolbach.
Wolbach, Neb., July 11. (Special
Telegram.) A very destructive rain,
hail and windstorm struck this city
at about 6 last evening. Vegetation
was practically hammered into the
ground. Large branches of trees
were cut off, window glasses were
shattered, chickens killed or drowned
and hundreds of birds were killed.
The storm broke suddenly and did
not last over 10 minutes, but fully an
inch of rain fell during that time.
Reports indicate that the strip cover
ed is small and does not reach far
from the town limits.
Three-Inch Rain.
Pawnee, Neb.,' July 11. (Special
Telegram.) Three inches of rain
fell last night i.n a. continuous down
pour that lasted 10 hours.
Small Grain Damaged.
Friend, Neb., July 11. (Special.)
A severe windstorm struck this vi
cinity Monday evening between 8
and 9 and much damage was done
to trees and small grain in the
shock. The wind twisted the tree
tops, breaking many limbs, but in
the country north and west of the
city wheat shocks were torn to
pieces and bundles were, in some
places, carried long distances. Wind
mills were blown down and de
stroyed. Not much rain fell during
the storm. The light plant was put
out of commission by the falling of
tree limbs onto the wires, and the
city was in darkness for several
hours. The smokestack was blown
off the city power plant.
A hailstorm struck the northeast
ern part of Saline county last eve
ning, doing considerable damage to
growing crops. Listed corn will un
doubtedly recover, but the checked
corn that was so far advanced as to
be in tassel has been damaged be
yond recovery.
Two-Inch Rain at Beatrice.
Beatrice, Neb., July 11. (Special.)
Nearly two inches of rain fell in
this section of the state Sunday
night, making a total of about seven
inches of moisture during the past
two weeks. Unless dry weather
comes soon, farmers fear that their
wheat will be damaged.
Unusual "Wants"
f Miss Alice Robertson, re
publican c o n g r e s swoman
from Oklahoma, used the
classified "Want" Ad" col
umns of her "home town"
paper during her political
flThis unique method of ad
vertising is but one of the
hundred ways to which clas
sified or "Want" Ads can be
f If you have something "dif
ferent" or some hard prob-
. lem to solve, give the work
to an Omaha Bee "Want"
Ad. You will find these
"Want" Ads willing little
workers on the job twenty
four hours a day. In addi
tion they work so reason
ably, too.
m, im. .
(m i
" a I
"A. -
Delia De Hart and Babe.
murder of Jacob Davis at Ainsworth
in 1V1I, asked the board to commute
his sentence to 15 years. Rifenberg
claimed the had become rejuvenated
in the penitentiary.
"I rtnlv tiarl a ttiiVrt.frruta r1lir.irinn
''fwhen I came here and after Warden
Fenton took charge, they initiated
schools and I educated myself, took
correspondence courses and am now
steward in charge of the hospital
when the physician is away," Rifen
berg said.
Warden Fenton, Congressman
Vaile of Colorado and numerous per
sons who have known Rifenberg
since he entered prison, presented
letters to the effect that Rifenberg
was a changed man and, if released,
would in their opinion make good,
"Tough Nuts Can't Get Away
When Fred Sledge. Omaha gang
ster, serving one to 10 years on a
grand larceny charge, appeared be
fore the board with his mother and
wife, each with a baby in arms. Gov
ernor McKelvie glanced at his
record. It showed numerous arrests
in Omaha on hold-up and larceny
"No use talking," the governor
said. "These tough nuts from Oma
ha might as well understand right
now that they just can't get away
with it any longer."
Joseph "Shanley of Omaha, whose
army records show his arm was rid
dled with shrapnel in France, asked
for a furlough to enter the govern
ment hospital at St. Louis in order
to have the arm amputated. The
prison physician recommended the
furlough. Shanley is serving from
one to two years for burglary.
. t
Banker to Serve
Term in Prison
Sentence Imposed on F. M.
Ridings Affirmed by Su
preme Court.
Lincoln, Neb., July 11. (Special
Telegram.) The supreme court to
day affirmed sentence of one to 10
years imposed on F. M. Ridings,
president of the Farmers State
bank, Halsey, by the Thomas county
district conurt.
The case was one of the first of
more than a dozer prosecutions
against bankheads sared by Aorney
General Clarence A. Davis. Ridings
was charged with issuing false cer
tificates of deposits aggregating $20,
000 on the bank without delivering
any valuable consideration in return.
These certificates were sold to banks
in North Dakota, Minnesota and
other s.Xfs. , v
After the ?rrest of Ridings these
banks attempted to collect the money
from the state guarantee fund. Davis
refused to permit J. E. Hart, secre
tary of trade and commerce, to draw
on the fund to cover these certifi
cates and took the fight to courts.
The courts upheld the Davis claims
that the guarantee fund was not le
gally responsible for these certifi
cates and $20,000 was saved the fund.
Editorial Contest Is Open
to All Newspaper Readers
. "Your Chance to Help Form Public Opinion."
That is what the The Omaha Bee editorial-writing contest offers
every Nebraska newspaper reader.
In co-operation with twenty-three other Nebraska newspapers, The
Bee is conducting a scries of contests, each newspaper offering prizes for
the best editorial submitted by one of its readers. In the case of The Bee
the prize is $25; second prize, $15; third prize, $10.
In addition, the three winners in each contest will be qualifed for a
grand prize of $100 offered by The Bee for the best all-Nebraska editorial.
, Read the rules. Then get busy.
The Rules.
PROFESSIONAL CONTEST: A prize of $100 for the best editorial
submitted by a man or woman actively engaged in newspaper work in
Nebraska: a second prize of $50; a third prize of $25.
READERS CONTEST: A prize of $25 for the best editorial sub
mitted by a reader of The Bee, not a newspaper employe; a second prize
of $15; a third prize of $10. In addition, the three winners to be qualified
to compete with the winners of similar contests conducted by 23 other
Nebraska newspapers for a $100 grand prize offered by The Bee; $50
second prize, $25 third prize.
Editorials may be submitted upon subjects within the following
Current politics.
Current economic questions. (Examples: Taxa
tion, marketing of farm products, freight rates.)
Current social problems. (Examples: Prohibi
tion, public schools, crime.)
Human interest. (Based upon some incident or
principle which may be expected to touch the
reader's heart.)
Editorials will be judged upon: (a) the interest which the subject has
forNebraska people; (b) the clearness, the forcefulness and brevity with
which the subject is discussed; (e) the merit of the purpose to which the
editorial is directed.
No editorial may exceed 500 words.
Each editorial must bear the name, address and occupation of the
author and must be written plainly on only one side of the sheet.
Each contestant may submit one, two or three editorials.
All contributions must be received not later than August 10; in case
more than one is submitted, they may be sent in separately or together.
Judges for the grand prizes will be three in number, appointed by the
Nebraska State. Press association.
Announcement of prize winners will be made at the meeting of the
State Press association in Omaha August 31 to September 2.
Address Editorial Contest Editor, The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
Strikers on
U. P. System
Restraining Order Issued by
Federal Court, Forbids In.
j terfcrence With Men
j Wprking in Shops.
'Hearing Set for July 20
The 1'iiion 1'aiilie railroad oh
'lied an injunction order from Fed-
oral Judtjc Woodrougli yesterday
iicrnoon, retraining striking em
ployes from any Interference with the
company's property or those who re
main on their jobs in the shops.
The restraining order is patterned
after the one obtained Monday by
the Burlington.
Northwestern and Missouri Facific
roads are expected to take similar
action soon.
. 15 Unions Affected.
The Union Facific order is di
rected at 15 unions of shopcrafts men
and the railway employes depart
ments of the Union Facific and
American Federation of Labor.
More than 1,700 employes are af
fected. Judge Woodrougli set July 20, the
same date as the Burlington hear
ing, for this one.
Claims Conflicting.
"We honestly believe that shop
men on the Union Pacific system
are out as strong, if not stronger,
than on the day they struck," said
J. H. Furse, president of Union Pa
cific System Federation No. 105, in
a statement last night.
"We have received no reports to
indicate that any of our men are re
turning to work, and, although it is
entirely possible that the railroads
are hiring new men, we don't believe
the men they are hiring are me
chanics." W. H. Guild, assistant to the vice
president of the Union Pacific sys
tem, said last night a total of 172
former employes returned to work
on the system Monday and 236 new
men were hired, according to this
"Everything is moving in good
shape," added Guild.
Trainmen Meet
in Bluffs and
Endorse Strike
Resolutions of Support Are
Adopted by Members of
"Big Five" at Session
in Labor Temple.
About 1.000 trainmen of all rail
roads running into Council Bluffs at
tended a session of the "Big Five"
unions at the La'jor temple Tuesday
and adopted resolutions pledging
themselves as" individuals to urge
each of their respective crafts to give
full and unqualified support to the
present strike.
Bert Parker, head of the switch
men, presided at the meeting. After
a general discussion of the situation
and various declarations of senti
ment, a special committee was ap
pointed to draft resolutions. J. W.
Dingman was chairman; F.. S. Stev
ens, secretary, and H. G. Lemard,
Fred G. Austin, George A. Siders
and J. B. Fergeson were members.
The resolutions were drawn as
"That we will take up with our
different crafts the matter of giving
our brother craftsmen, who, we be
lieve, are making a stand for the just
and right, our full and unqualified
Hiind any one of the organizations or
its officers to any part of this.
"That it is and was a vote of the
(Tarn to Page Two, Column Six.)
JULY 12, 1922.
Scenes in Path
:v;;,,v(r--.-Tr -Z 32;
- ' '" " . ,''1 ' - -I - '
Scenes showing damage done by tornacTo at Gregory, S. D.
The tornado, sweeping a 20-mile path, killed one and injured 33 and resulted in property damage esti
mated at 3,000,000.
-4) Gregory, S. D., July 11. (Special.)
J. H. Wilkerson Named
to Succeed Landis
Washington, July 11. James H.
Wilkerson was nominated today by
President Harding to be federal
judge for the northern Illinois dis
trict, succeeding for Judge Kenesaw
Mountain Landis, who resigned sev
eral months ago to become arbitrator
of organized basball.
James H. Wilkerson, successor to
Judge Landis, has had a long career
in Chicago as county attorney, mem
ber of the Illinois legislature, as
istant and later United States district
attorney of Illinois.
He was born at Savannah, Mo.,
December 11, 1869; graduated from
Depauw university, Green Castle,
Ind., and started the practice of law
in Chicago.
As assistant district attorney he
prosecuted before Judge Landis the
Standard Oil rebating cases in which
Judge Landis announced the famous
$29,000,000 fine. In 1910 Mr. Wilker
son headed the prosecution of the
anti-trust suits ' against the leading
packers, and in 1911 he was ap
pointed district attorney by President
As assistant attorney general of
Illinois he was prominent in the
prosecution of the notorious embez
zlement case against Governor Small.
York Motorist Injured
by Overturning of Car
York, Neb., July 11. (Special
Telegram.) O. W. Tomkinson lies
in the Lutheran hospital with a
broken shoulder, bruised body and
internal injuries as the result of an
automobile accident north of Bene
dict last night.
The front wheel of his car be
came entangled in a rut, causing the
machine to turn turtle and pinning
Tomkinson under the wheel. Sur
geons performed an operation on the
injured man. He will recover, physi
cians predict.
Code Bill Suit Lost
Lincoln, July 11. Application of
Attorney Orville Jones of Lincoln
for a peremptory writ of mandamus
compelling Darius M. Amsberry, sec
retary of state, to submit the civil
administration code bill to a refer
endum of the people in the fall elec
tion, was denied by three judges of
the Lancaster district court here.
The decision was unanimouv
t Mall It (..fll Oallf M . Mi Saw.., K M. allala KM,
(I ! UK l M4 (I IWII U ft taataa, I'll . M
of Tornado at
One is dead, 33 are injured, and
property is damaged $3,000,000 in the
wake of a tornado that sw-ept a 20
mile path Saturday night from
Gregory county, South Dakota, 100
miles southeast to Bloomfield, Neb.
Howard Hughes was killed at St.
Charles, S. D., a town of 200, that
was virtually wiped off the map. Mrs.
J. Hughes, mother of Howard, and
V. Miller were dangerously injured.
Mrs. Charles Shankweiler was
probably fatally injured and 24 others
were hurt at Creighton, Neb.
Lakes Andes, s. D., a summer re
sort, was virtually destroyed, and
Mrs. H. Z." Miller, wife of a resort
owner, was dangerously injured. Her
baby, 8 months old, was swept away
in the wind and found uninjured in a
corn field hours afterward.
urcgory county larmers are es
timated to have lost $1,000,000
through the storm, which was
marked with heavy falls of rain and
Relief is being sent to the devasted
area from Sioux City, la.
Harrison Attacks
Brazilian Commission
Lincoln. "Neb.,' July 11. (Special
Telegram.) Frank A. Harrison, who
recently resigned from the Brazilian
commission following a row over
method of expenditure of the appro
priation made by congress, returned
to his home at Lincoln today.
"There are three classes of per
sons on the commission," Harrison
said, "those who want to draw
pay without working, those who
would not know how to work if they
wanted to and those who were de
termined to grab as much of the
$1,000,000 appropriation as they
could get."
Omaha in 15th Place in
Bank Deposits Per Capita
Omaha ranks 15 among cities of
the United States in bank deposits
per capita, according to figures com
piled by the Chamber of Commerce
bureau of publicity.
Per capita bank deposits are $508
in Omaha, as compared to Cincin
nati's $500. Detroit's $466; St. Paul's
$400; Milwaukee's $407, and Seattle's
$400. . Cities leading Omaha in per
capita deposits are Pittsburgh, San
Francisco, Boston, Denver, Los
Angeles, Cleveland, New York, Kan
sas City, Chicago, Philadelphia. St.
Louis, Richmond, Dallas and Balti
more. ,
Gregory, S. D,
J. E. Masters Elected
Grand Ruler of Elks
Atlantic City, N. J., July 11. The
first executive business session of the
annual convention of the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks com
menced today with Grand Exalted
Ruler William Wallace Mountain
presiding. Most important of the
reports presented was that of the
Elks national memorial headquarters
building commission, headed by For
mer Governor John K. Tener of
According to the report of the
grand secretary, Fred Robinson,
charitable work bv the Elks since
1880 amounts to $13,730,433.20.
J. Edgar Masters of Charleroi. Pa.,
was unanimously elected grand ex
alted ruler.
Pawnee City Banker Heads
Savings Bank in West
Pawnee City, Neb., July 11. H. A.
Eull, former successful banker of this
county, is heading a new savings
bank recently organized in Long
Beach, Cal., by him. It is called the
American Savings Bank of Long
Beach and has a capital of $200,000
and a surplus of $40,000. They
opened for business on July 1.
Wife of Congressman
to Be Buried at Hastings
Hastings, Neb., July 11. (Special
Telegram.) Funeral services for
Mrs. Mira Andrews, wife of Repre
sentative W. E. Andrews, will be
held at the residence here at 2 Fri
day afternoon. The funeral party
will arrive from Washington Thurs
day morning.
m ,
Fall Authorized to
Survey Columbia Basin
Washington, July 11. The bill
authorizing Secretary Fall to investi
gate, survey and report to congress
on the Columbia basin irrigation
project in Washington state was
passed today by the senate.
Navy Enlistment Resumed.
Washington, July 11. After a
year's suspension, recruiting for the
navy, under orders published today,
will be resumed. Sixty-five thousand
men will have to enlist or re-enlist in
the coming year in order to keep the
navy up to the 86,000 men authorized
under the naval appropriation bill.
Rail Strike
Taken Up
by Cabinet
I'miilent ami iVeretaries
.Will 10iMte Interference
;. of Union.: With Mail
Trains or Commerce.
Daugherty Ready to Act
Dinah Mr ImwiI
Washington. July 11. The United
States Rovertiment will not tolerate
ii'terlcremc with the transit of the
mails, interruption of interstate com
merce or interference with the ri(;ht
of employment.
This wa unanimous decision of
Prcsidrn Harding and his cavinet at
the scmi-wcckly meeting today. The
strike of railway shopcrafts employes
was the principal subject of discus
sion. It wa determined, moreover, that
all the resources of the government
should be employed, it necessary, to
carry out this policy.
After the cabinet meeting it was
announced at the White House that
President Harding would issue a
statement setting forth in detail the
attitude of '.he government toward
he strike and indicating the meas
ures that may be invoked to deal
with it.
Harding is Anxious.
Believing that the coal strike is
now in process ' of settlement the
president has ceased to worny about
that matter but did not conceal tho
fact that he is prey to considerable
anxiety over developments iu the
railroad strike. He regards it his
duty to adopt a tirm attitude and to
lose no time in checking by aggres
sive action the spread of violence
which already has begun to interfere
with transportation and the transit
of the mail?.
Attorney General Daugherty said
that the situation up to date, in his
opinion, did not warrant tne. institu
tion nf letral nroceedines aeainst the
strikers by the government, but that
as soon as the president denned me
policy of the government he would
be ready to proceed to carry out any
measures within his jurisdiction
which the executive may specify.
The Department of Justice con
tinnpH rlnrinir the dav to appoint
special deputy marshals to cope with
violence wherever requests tor sucn
reinforcements were made by judges
or district attorneys.
Mail Interfered With.
Postmaster General Work sub
mitted to the cabinet meeting a sur
vey of the instances of interference
with the transportation of the mails.
Three thousand miles of railway
mail service on the Wabash railway
will be out of operation today, ac
cording to the telegram received by
tfie Postoffice department from S.
H. Cisler, superintendent of mails
at St. Louis. Superintendent Cisler
states that President J. E. Taussig
o fthe Wabash Raiyway company
has made this announcement, but did
not say what trains will be with
drawn. Mr. Cisler is also advised that
the situation on the Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas railway is assuming se
rious proportions and that this road
has been unable to provide train ser
vice since yesteday on the Hannibal
& New Franklin line.
Superintendent Cisler stated that
the fuel situation is very Serious be
cause of the impossibility of getting,
coal moved over, foreign lines from
the mines.
The Frisco system announces that
it has no intention of withdrawing
"rrai.ns. Cisler states that no trouble
was reported at Springfield or other
points in Missouri yesterday and that
the situation in Kansas City is
Mrs. Stokes Wins Suit
to Save Dower Rights
New York, July 11. Mrs. Helen
Elwood Stokes won her fight to have
her dower rights to property valued
at more than $6,000,000 restored
when Supreme Court Justice Daniel
F. Cohalan handed down a decision
in the suit she brought against her
husband, W. E. D. Stokes, wealthy
hotel man and real estate operator.
Mrs. Stokes alleged that she signed -away
her dower right9 to the prop
erty under a misapprehensicm that
it was necessary for, her to do so at
once. The defendant claimed that
she had signed over her dower rights
as part of an ante-nuptial pact.
Mrs. Stokes, who secured a separa
tion from her husband and $18,000 a
year temporary alimony last fall,
will have an interest amounting to
about $2,500,000 in the Stokes prop
erty, it was said, if Justice Cohalan's
decision is upheldTby the high coui '
to which appeal will be taken.
Missouri Pacific Rescinds
Order to Cancel Eight Trains
Falls City, Neb., July 11. (Special
Telegram.) Superintendent W. F.
Kirk of the Omaha division of the
Missouri Pacific announced that the
previous order cancelling eight trains
on the division has been rescinded
due to the new development in the
coal miners' situation. All trains will
run according to the old schedule.
The Weather
Wednesday, fair; not much change
in temperature.
Hourly Temperatures.
5 a. m 89
a. m 39
7 a. m J
R a. m ..64
9 a. m .
10 a. m o
11 a. m 73
li (noon)
1 p. m
2 p. m
S p. m
4 p. m
ft p. m
(I p. m
7 p. m
I P. m
Highest Tuesday.
ChfTrfln 70
Davrnnort M
Draw SO
l) Molar .....HO
North run ...
Salt Lak CUT..
Mntu Fa
liodir tlty 74
lender to