The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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THE OMAHA BEE: TtfcMMi. juli u. ivzz.
Omaha Grain
Omthi, July 10.
The grain market recovered some
oi tne loss ol Saturday owing largely
to firmer tone in the foreign
change market. German niarki were
stronger and quoted .UU19-.. Euro
pean requirements of wheat art esti
mated tor the coming year at more
than last year and the stocks of old
wheat in Australia and Argentine are
about exhausted and Kurope will have
to depend largely on North America
for its kupply.
However, at present the export de.
inand ii very alow a compared with
last yeir at thit time, receipt! of the
new crop of w heat are alow in start
ing. The decrease in the visible sup
ply of wheat was somewhat smaller
than expected at IW4,000 bushels;
corn decreased 350.000 bushels; oats
decreased J4J.000 bushels.
There was a fair demand for cash
wheat in the Omaha market and of
ferings changed hands at generally
unchanged prices. Demand for corn
and oats was eond. both grains tell.
ing at unchanged to J,e lower. Rye
was quoted as unchanged and barley,
quality considered, was unchanged,
No. S dark hard: I .sr.
No, 1 hard winter: 1 ear. SI. ST.
. No. t hard winter: 1 car (Daw), 11.01;
I rar, II. 0.
No. I bard winter: 1 ear (near dark),
II II; rar (naw, J par cant dark, 11.11;
r-r, el v..
No. S hard wlntar: 1 car tmuitvl tin.
Sample yellow hard: I car (01. par cant
Ba uamsgea, weevil), si. at,
, No. spring: 1 car (dark), 11.41.
No. mlied: 1 ear (durum), II.SS,
No. t whlfai 1 car, ilfcc; 1 ear (ship,
par's weights), ll,e.
No. I whlta: car, llttc; I can (ship
par's weights). It He.
No. I whlta: I-1 car. Slits.
No. 4 whlta: I ears, 14 Ho.
No. S whlta: 1 ear. Sine.
No. yellowi 1 car. S7Vt; 1 ear. 17 '4 e.
No. 1 yellow: 14 ears, ST He.
No. a yellow: 14 cars, IT He.
No. a allow cart. lie.
.-oo. i mnea: a cars, stile; I cart
(snippers welgnie), SI lie.
No. S mixed: 1 car. I6e.
No. 4 mlxad: 1 car. UHe.
Sampla mlxad: 1 car (heating), lie.
No. t whlta: I ears. 1414c.
No. S whlta: II cara, 14c; 1 car, I3,c.
No. 4 whlta: 14 cara. IHc; 1 car, II tic.
Sampl whlta: I cara. title.
No. S mlxad: 1 car, 84c.
t-S car, not oats. II tie.
Sampla" 1 ear. IS per cent whsat, Tic.
No. 4 car: 1 ear, 13c.
Receipt Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 3 3 11 r.
Corn 11 4 II
- Oata 4T 3T 15
Ry A 1 1
Barter SIS
Shipments i Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Whsat 1 T 48
Corn 17 73 IS
Oats II 4 S
, Rya 3 0 0
Bsrley 0' 3 !
Receipts Todsy Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 1.401.000 1.0K8.000 2,361.000
Corn 1.2T3.000 1,641.000 713.000
Oata 775.000 304,600 493.000
Shipments Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 313.000 640,000 739.000
Corn 1,316,000 ST2.000 1,3S6.00
Oata 11.000 43.000 106,000
Bushels Today Tear Ago
Wheat and Flour ....190.000 311.000
Corn 184.000 14.000
Oats 200,000 200,000
Wheat .
Corn . . .
,, 6ft
Wheat 337 218
Corn II 58
Oat 14 21
Wheat 321 129
Corn -....120 146
Oata 49 79
Minneapolis 266 268 374
Duluth 31 82 61
Winnipeg 148 33T JOS
Whsat ....11,179,000 17,773.000 3.881.000
Corn 38,779.000 29.33T.0O0 22.196.000
Oata 42,400.000 42,743,000 35,722.000
Rye 1,195.000 1.635,000 382.000
Barley .... 1,460.000 1,764.000 1,811,000"
Wheat 311,000 393,000
Corn 1,153,000 835.000
Oata 1,906.000 1,472.000
Ry 16,000 47.000
Barley 18.000 14,000
By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. July 10.
Art. Open, I High. Low. Close, Yos
1 Dac.
1.11' '
.83 1.
.11 HI
SI la. I .61
.64 Si .6311
."4 I
,64H ..
.34 I
.34 ..
.63 U
, i
.. . v
.14 K I .34
.341 .3414
.'4 014 1 '
.'39 ii
.37 I.
ItO 60
111. 00
110.67 I10.60
I10.52 II" 65
10.4S 110.57 110.45
Kansas City Grain.
Kansas City, July 10. Wheat No. 2
hard. tl.siei.40: No. 3 red. tl.04W1.06.
Corn No. 1 white, 1814c; No. 2 yellow,
Timothy Hay No. 1. I14.oo15 00.
Kanaaa City, July 10. Close Wheat.
Corn July, tic; September, 5754c; De
, cember. 1154 c.
Minneapolis Grain.
Minneapolis. July 10. Wheat Cash, No.
1 northern, S1.S401.SSH : July. 11.35; Sep.
tember, 11.1914: December, 11.18.
Corn No. S yellow, 65 H 66 14c.
Oata No. S white, 33 33c.
Barlsy 100 69c.
Rye No, , 76078Hc.
Flaxseed No. 1. S2.66ffi.69.
St. Louis Grain.
St. Louis, Mo.. July 10. Wheat July,
11.0754; September, 11.08.
Corn July. 6054c; September, 62e.
Oats July. SI He; September. 36 c.
Minneapolis Floor.
Minneapolis. Minn.. July 10. Flour
.' Unchanged to 10c lower; family patents,
7 5007.76.
Bran 114.60 016.00.
Vw Task Cotton.
New York. July 10. The tone of the
cotton market waa nervous and unsettled
and the Hat eased off further under In
creased, southern pressure. Before mid
seaeon prices were off 15 to 40 points.
Wall street and Naw (Orleans sdded to
the general southern pressure, which met
hut poor opposition from Liverpool end
Japaneaa interests, the morning's best
' buyers. Sentiment remained mixed and
afternoon. Most selling wss based on
- ii 1 1 1 si a 11 aa aaaS T.lwana-Trau,1 the Ant, nil at (4
Stood weather In the belt and the rather
disturbing Osrman situation. The close
. . D , an. umj m aw.., w.. a. aw .a.
polata on the day.
Spot steady. SI points decline, 1110c
for middling npland.
Southern markets: Galveston, I! 75c.
IS points decline; New Orleans. !2c. SS
points decline: 8avannah. Sic, 66 points
decline: Memphis. Sic. unchanged: Hous
tan. 23.40c. SI points decline; Little Rock.
JlC IS polnu decline.
; New York Pried Fruits.
New York. July It. Ersporated Ap
plesMarket scarce, atste. 17018c.
Prnnea Firm. California, 414 l lie;
Greg-one, 13H018C.
ApncoTS .oraiumi.
Peaches Quiet- choice. 7!H014c; extra
choice. 14016c; fancy. 11019c.
Raisins Steady, loose muscatels. 150
. 1S5ee; choree to .fancy seeded. 1114014c;
Mtdiees. Ilia Site
Chicago Grain
Chicago, July 10. Wt. v. father
and the railroad strike were the bull
ish iiirtufinti in the wheat market
lisle (here was small early break,
a scronir rally ranie later. The close
- - a ' I . . '
was at net grains ot vjuinc. ora
was weak ami HSle lower, oata Jic
lower and rye JifciJ-.c lower.
Local telling; pressure was mainly
responsible (or the opening decline
of ICcltfc in wheat, the lower Liv
erpool cabin and favorable weather
in the northwest being the depress
ing influence. Strong commission
houses absorbed the surplus in the
pit around $1 ItHi and under for
September, and shorts covered freely
on the way up with considerable
Duyinu uy nouses wmi srauoaru
conneciions, presumably against ex
port buiineii.
A lets pessimistic view regarding
the foreign financial and political
situation and the rail strike is rapidly
coming to the fore at a big influ
ence. I he (.hicago At Alton has em
bargoed loading of livestock and
perishable freight on account of the
strike and there were rumors oi em
bargoes against grain, with the Al
ton restricting loadings in Illinois.
Wet weather is delaying threshing in
the touthwcM. Country offerings
were fairly liberal in some sections
and smalt in others.
Heavy Selling f Corn.
Breaking of a 41-day drought In north
ern llllnoia led to rather general aellln
of corn early. Tha market ehoejsd stub
born reslitsnca la pressure until near the
Isat when stnp loss orders were caught.
At S3 Its tor September, commission houses
sgaln look the buying side snd made a
fractional rally. July acted a lillle tight
and went to J So under the September,
against Is at the close Saturday. Cash
demand good with aerrjple price un
changed to He belter, ss compared with
September. Heceipts, 45 csrs.
Osts received good support on the
breaks snd held within narrow limits
throughout the dsy. New Englsnd wss
sfter rssh osts and aalea were MO.OOO
huehels. Receipts. 1 91 csrs. Kvenlng up
for the government report ass a factor
In all grains low art! ths last.
Rva waa sffected by favorable crop re
ports and -low export riemsml .the Istter
due to the Oerman financial eltustion.
Hedging sales hsd a depreslng influence
whllo support waa lacking. Recetpta
three cars.
rit .Noiee.
Tha Roumanian government has msds
whest a temporsry monopoly. The gov
ernment holds the right to be the only
exporter of the grsln. Previous contrscts
are canceled, 'ine government nas of
fered a bonus eiusl to tOo per acre for.
new whest sowings.
Mensce from chinch bugs presents soms
uncertainty regarding the outcome of
much of the corn crop In Illinois, sccord-
1ng to the weekly report of A. J. Surrstt,
agricultural statisticlsn for the state.
"Frost Friday damaged loviana corn
and potatoes In this territory." wired Bur
ton Hungerfnrd to I.nasn & Bryan from
Vallev City. N. I). "High lands not hurt
and do not think whest hurt unless It
was some low fields Just In bloom, rvo
large producing are In North Dakota Buf
fering from dryness now."
The government crop report wss taken
as moderstely bullish on wheat snd ths
cosrse grains, being especially so on oats.
The corn figures, tsken with tne revtsea
cron of last vesr st this time and the
supplies In the Interior, are estimated st
441,000,000 buhe!s less thsn last yesr.
Considering the price, conservative tradera
are disposed to regard corn with mora
The traders were not much scared over
the news from Oermsny.
Loadings of livestock and perishable
freight on the Chicago & Alton hsve been
embargoed as the result of the rail strike.
That road was reported as restricting
loadings of grain. There were uncon
firmed rumors of an embargo to be placed
against Kansas CUy. People in a position
to know wired late In the day that there
wes nothing to It. The elevator strike
situation there Is rapidly improving and
the Oreat Western elevator is now open
for business.. No accumulation of grain
on track is reported.
Omaha Produce
Furnished by tha atata of Nebraeka. de
partment of agriculture, bureau of mar
kata and marketing:
Wholesale Wholesale
Buying Selling
price- Price:
Broilers I0.32WI0.35 10.3(910.10
Leghorn broilers. .28 0 .30 .30 .33
Hens, light 16 .15 .18 .22
Hens, heavy 18 .19 .21 .25
Cocks 09 .10 .12 .16
Broilers 42 .41
Hen 24
Cocks 9 1
No. 1..
No. 3..
Creamery, prints .J
Creamery, tub 34 .39
Country, common .22 .25 .21 .21
But. fat. sta. pr.. .27a
Prairie No. 1 upland, tl3.0014.00: No.
2 upland, I10.0012.00: No. 8 upland, 17.00
9.00; No. 1 midland, 12 0013.00: No.
2 midland, 9.00ll.O0; No. 3 midland,
t7.00S.00; No. 1 lowland,- I8.0010.00;
No. 3 lowland, 17.00 8. 00.
Alfalfa No. 1. tl5.0016.00; standard,
tll.0013.00; No. 1. I10.0011.00; No. 3.
8.OO9.00. a. a a. A.
Straw Oat. !S.OO.00: wheat. 17.00
S.0O . ,
Wholesale prices of beef cuts are as fol
lows: Ribs, No. 1. 32c: No. 2. 21c: No. 3,
ISc. Loins. No. 1, 28c: No. 2. 27c: No. 3.
20c. Rounds, No. 1. 20Hc; No. 2 , 20c; ; No.
3. 17c. Chucks. No. 1. 12c; No 2. "Hr.
No., 3. 8ttc. Plates, No. 1, 5Vic; No. 2,
5c; No. 3, 4e
Beef hides: Oreen salted No. 1. pet Ih..
7c; green salted No. S. per lb., 68c.
green' hldea No. 1, per,c; green
hides No 1, per lb.. 34j4c; green salted,
old atock, par lb., S3c; green anlted bu 1
hldea No. 1, per lb.. 4c; green talted bull
hides No. 3, per lb.. 3c.
Horae hldea: Large, each, 13.00; medium,
each, 11.10; ema'.l. each. 12.00; pony and
glues, each. 11.0001.25.
Sheep pelts: Oreen salted, aa to alia
and wool. each. 75clll.0O.
Wool: Choice fine and -blood. per lb.,
17 32c; medium and a, -blood, per lb.,
30c; low and K -blood, per lb.. 180S2o:
turry wool, per lb. 13 17c.
Bananas: Per lb.. 7'c. Oranges: Size
216 and larger, 9.009.50; slae 250, 18.00
.25; fiae 288, I7.007.60; size 324. 16.00
6.60. i.emons: tsox. iccormm w .'.
!7.60I.OO. Grapefruit: Crates, according
to size, ss.ootpi.yu. wum -basket
crates. ,t3.604.00. Apricots: 4
basket crates. 2.765.60. Plums: 4-baa-ket
crates. 12.75. Cherries: Home grown.
lt. boxes, per case. 13.25. Gooseberries:
Home grown, 24-qt. boxes. 12.76. Logan
berries: 24-qt. boxes, S5.75. Strawberrlea:
Crates. 24-qt. boxes. S3.764.00. Applea:
Wlnesap. according to aize and grade,
I3.253.76: Newton pippins, aofordlng to
slxa snd grade, 13.60. Figa: 24 pkga., 8
oz.. 12.26.
Tomato: Far box. Sl.oo.
Panay Plants: Per do.. 10c; per box.
St. Louis Livestock,
East St. Louis. III., July 10. Cattle
Receipts, 1.000 head; beef steers, light
yewrlings and beef cows generally steady
with spots strong; stockers strong; bulls
and canners stesdy; veal calves 25c
higher; top steers. for 1.473
poundersf light yearlings, !S.509.26;
beet cows, t4.50ffi5.75; canners, 12.60
S.75; bulls. 14-60 5 00: cslves. 18.75
9.00: stocker steers, S5.50ifi!6.60.
Hogs Receipts 12,000 hesd; lights ac
tive. 1020c lower; medium snd hesvy
butchers dull, 16c to 25c lower; top.
110.95: bulk, 160 to 240-pound averages.
tlO.7510.90! weighter hogs, unsold Iste.
Packer sows mostly 18.75; pigs 110.00
Sheep and Lambs Heceipts. S.5O0 hesd;
fat lsmbs, 50c lower: top. 113.00: bulk,
I13.6013.00; medium natives. 111.00
12.00; culls, t6.iO-S.00; sged sheep
scarce, about steady; fat ewes. 15.50
1.08; heavies. 12.60 3.00. '
New York Produce.
New Tork. July 10. Butter Unsettled ;
creamery hgher than extras, 37 39c;
extras. 16437c: firsts, 3S3c; pack
ing stock, current make No. 2. 25tr36c.
Kgge Irregular: fresh gsthered extras
firsts. 27 030c; firsts. 2426r.
Cheeee Stesdy; state whole milk fists,
fresh specials, 2122c; state whole milk
flats, average run. 20c; etate whole milk
twins, fresh specials. 21 21 4c; atata
whole milk twins, average run, 20c,
Live Stock
Omtaa. Jit if IS,
Receipt, werat Csttla. Mega. Sheep.
kVimeie I.lea 4.t f see
seme ar last weak. !.' 1.4:1 I 1ST
kerne day I whs. as S lit II. 141 S MI
kerne day wka. see S.tll II 4if I 414
Ss m a Say year age. t.ljl Mil
Receipts asd diepoeltlea af.llreatock at
ths I'aien star-yards. Omen. Mek , tor
Mhuiirs tadiaa at I p. at, July It,
,. . . Cattls H as Ik p at. lea
r,ii HMi,, s ii ,
atiaaourl Pscific,, t ...
'. Pactfi. R. R, 11 ...
C. A N. W.. meet.. IS ... 1
('. a K. W , w.t.. ll it 1
U,'. M. O... 41 It
I'.. fl. A Q . swat. . . S
C. H. a Ry.. west 44 11 1 1
( R. I P . . 14 I I
C . R. I, I, weet . S 1 ?
Illinois Ventral Ry'
C O. W. Ry
.? ::: ::: :::
Teial recelpla
147 '.41 IS
JiaiH)iTi')N ukad,
fkflla, Hm.
Armour t I A I 114
C'udahy Packing Co. 1.3:1
I Ml
iii par-atng Co.... til
Storrla I'ka Co 1 ill
twlft a) Co , ......
J. w. Murphy
Armour. Nioua Fella
Bwsrta AS Co, . ..
Lincoln Pkg. Co is
Htnrlalr a4
Wllaun rk. Co in
fudahy Bros
Higgina pkg. p ...
nnrrman Mros
Mayerowlch a Vail.
Mldweet pkg. Co....
P. O'Dea
fmaha Pkg. fa
John Roth A Hons. .
Ho. Omsha ism. Co.
Denton Vsn Pant
Dennis a Pram la
J. H. Rulls
John Harvey
R. W. Hanely
T. J, Inghrsm
. K. Luherger
F. P. Lewis
R. Root A. a .
Rnsenalork Rraa
Sullivan Bros
vsn Sent ft Cn
uerth-lmer 4V D'g'n lS
Olhac klivaaa . . -
Klrkpatrlck Broa'.!!! 17
Hmlley Broa
. ...S.340 10.41J 10,171
Cettle Receipts war., ? nee i.... , .
fn7i-V."r7 advance fat cattle wss
.. L ... "eaay to io. to ower,
with epnrs on year Inee JSa nZ.i
kinds were firm, and a new top of II0 2S
lis r'd-b"? rrrUn" ,nM hih
V. ..8h-,"",ck ,ld "' a sama
Fn-a-e ranging trom ateady on
best grsde. to 104llc or mora lower on
medium and graesy klndl. Blockers and
o,-r."..T,"' """"J ,n "nota lie higher.
Quotations on Cattle: Choice to prima
JJ.40ff9.7l; fair to good beevea, 19.000
'.40; COmmOn tn fa I - ...ii.. a'.ATaa.
choice to prlme heifers. I 3S9.00: a-aad
faa ? cnoice reeders. 7.408.O0; fair
f,7V'','.r,.,', 7,35: "mmon to
fair feedere. M.006.95; good to cholca
!rTV..ITi,ane,-,,i ,,,,r 0oS '""k"
in-. ??'-40: rommon to fair stockers.
S5.ljes.l0; etock heifers. 4.005.75:
"i", C0W"' J-aO4.IO; stock cslves, 15.50
47 60; veal calves. I5.6010.00; stock
11-. M 60l.oo: bulls, stags. c.. 13.715
7.00; choice to prime yearlings. I9.60O
'"V"; od to choice yearlings, 90
40; fair to good yearlings, t.408.90;
common to fair yearlings. 7.60M0.
. .100S
.. 843
..1386 . . ei.eoeye.ssj rlr to good
7 .r..?5't0,i!5: cholr Prtms ".
17 tle7.7S; good to choice cows, II.25A
,.z&: common la nva n a, .
19 25
S 50
S 75
10 00
10 25
S 40
9 89
S 25
4 60
5 50
4 40
4 75
5 50
10 10
10 50
7 15
is en
9 10
10 10
18. .
1" 1018 S M 24.
60 121 9 45 25.
621 7 25 6.
2 950 8 75 '
4 1085 3 86 . 9.
2 1225 25 3.
3 1190 S 85
1 920 4 00 2.
3 1233 4 50 1,
1 1860 6 25 1.
. 843
. 860
1 450 50
2 265 10 00 2
176 40 S 60 87
C. .... 866 6 00 14
Hogs Receipts were 10.800 head.
market was slow to open today but waa
fairly active later on all good grades at
a decline of 1015c. Heavy mixed and
packing grades were slow with spots fully
25c lower. Light hogs sold? mostly at
tl0.2510.35 with a top price of 110.40,
and medium-weight butchers, t9.9010.25,
and strong-weight butchers. !9.609.90.
Light mixed loads aold mostly at t9.60
10.10 with bulk of good hogs, !9.6510.30.
Heavy mixed and packing grsdes sold
mostly S.759.60, with extreme heavy
roughs at 18.25 s. 75.
No. Av. Sh.
1..600 70
S..348 ...
47.. 297 ...
69. .311 40
30. ,230 70
72. .230 ...
57. .248 ...
30. .283 ...
64.. 204 70
74. .226 40
66. .184 ...
79. .221 ...
No. Av.
17 00
8 75
9 00
9 15
9 35
9 45
9 60
9 90
10 05
10 25
10 35
16 60
8 50
6 90
9 10
9 25
9 40
9 50
9 85
10 00
10 15
10 30
10 40
8.. 413
51. .359
61.. 304
27. .329
43.. 268
72.. 265
65. .234
37. .191
66. .213
19. .200
Sheep Receipts were 7,500 head. Re
ceipts today were mostly .western lambs
which moved fully 25c lower at 113.00
13.25, the latter top price for this class.
One small lot of natives sold fully steady
early at 113.60, with later sales at a de
cline. Feeders were mostly 25c higher,
several lots selling at 112.25. Sheep were
strong, best of handy-weight ewes quoted
at tG.50.
Quotations on Sheep: Fat lambs, west
ern, I11.5013.25; fat lambs, natives,
tll.0013.25; feeders lambs, 9.0012.25;
cull lambs, 16.00 11.00; tat yearlings,
I9.00ll.60; fat whethers. 5.608.60; fat
ewes, light, 5.506.50; fat ewes, heavy,
Chicago Livestock.
Chicago, July 10. Cattle Receipts. 19.
000 head; market aotive; beef steers
steady to 16c higher; yearlings, active,
spots 16 to 25c higher; top yearlings.
110 30; top heavy, 110.25; bulk beef steers,
t8.9010.00; butcher she stock snd bulls,
steady to 15c higher; canners snd cutters,
steady; veal calves, mostly steady; few
sales to outsiders, higher; stockers, slow
undertone strong, bulk butcher she stock.
!5.357.t0; bulk bulls, 5.005.25; "bulk
veal calves, 9.009.50.
Hogs Receipts, 68,000 head; market
opened 10 to 15o lower on better grades,
closed firm on such, but 25 to 40c lower
on others; top, 110.90; bulk good butch
ers, !10.3510.85; packers mostly 8.50
9.00; pigs about steady, 19.25 10.00 ; hold-
. liberal.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 20,000 head;
market, native lambs mostly 50c lower;
western, 25c lower; sheep steady; feeder
lambs, strong; top native lambs, 113.50;
westerns, 113.75; fat ewes mostly 15.50
7.00; choice light feeder lambs, 112.75.
Kansas City Livestock.
Kansas City. July 10. (United States
Bureau of Agricultural Economies.) Cat
tleReceipts, 15,000 head; market, better
gradea beef steers, steady; othera dull,
weak to 25 cents lower; several loads
prime heavies, 110.00; calves, generally
steady to 25 cents lower; tetter grades
vealera,; atockera and teedera,
steady to 15 conta higher.
Hop Receipts. 9.000 hesd; market,
slow, lighter weight to shippers, 10el5c
lower; other top packers, 15 25c lower:
choice aorted lighta. 110.65; bulk, 180 and
240-pound weights, I10.4010.60; 250 and
275-pounder, S1S.0010.35; packer top,
110.50; shippers took about 1.000: bulk.
I10.1010.60: throw-out sows, very draggy,
18 2668.50; stock pigs, stesdy to 10 cents
higher; bulk desirable kinds, 110.26
10.65. '
Sheep snd Lambs Receipts 6,000 hesd:
market, lambs, 25 cents and 40 cents
lower: odd lots natives. 113.50; most sort
ed lots. I13.0013.2I; culls arounds 14.75:
aheep. -about ateady. Most fat ewes, 15.50
6 6.65.
. Sinui City Live Stock.
Sioux City, la.. July 10. Csttle Re
ceipts. 4 000 head; market steady to
strong; fed sters and yesrlings, 18.000
16.00; grans steer and yesrlings, 16.50
7.60; grass cows and heifers, I4.007.25;
fat cows snd heifers, I5.509 00; csnners.
t2.503.50; veals. 4.009.60: feeders,
I6.007.25; calves, I4.I17.25; feeding
cows and heifers. t3.00i.2l; atockera,
i.60t7.25. -
Hogs Receipts. 6 000 hesd: market in
25c lower: butchers. !9.60Ol.4"; lights.
S1S.I: heavy mixed. I8.769 50: heavy
packing. tl.258.7S: stags, 7.257.50;
bulk nf sales. 18.60 1S.4S.
pneep Heceipts. lev neao;
and Industrial News of
Oaaanst Baa Laneed Hire.
New York, July 10, Uniformity
of trend was entirely lacking in
Monday's markets. Reflection of
the German situation and the uos.
tibilitiet which may arise through
the request lor a moratorium on rep
arations wai to he found in the sharp
decline in rrenrh and Helgian bonds
on the stock exchange, as well as
in the decline of cotton prices.
The bond market as a whole, how
ever, was firm and the stock mar
ket displayed irregularity, with nar
row price changes predominating
the loreign exchange market, in
stead of going still lower as the re
suit of the central Kurope situation.
showed somewhat higher prices for
tteigian and t rench trams, lire ami
marks, than those which marked the
close of la-t Saturday. The labor
situation a related to the coal strike
I"1"' ,,,e railroad difficulty, apparently
nail mi uuiurmc on tnc in
ens CenMiclIng,
Kven t hie news wss conflicting ih
railroad strike being marked by violence
In snme querters wheress It appeared thst
a aetttement of the coal strike might bs
srnved st by the acceptance of Preeid-nt
Harding's proposal that tha rJifflruHiea
or euumnieci 10 srMtraiinn
The really striking development of lha
nmy was ins decline tn French snd Relgisn
bonds. The French lVa rtcllnil :4
points, the Premh S'e at loo allowed a
lass of ; points, ths Belgian Sa de.
rimed SS and Parla-Lyone Is st 7S
showed r loes of tit and the Kramerlcsn
'Hi declined IS pointa The news to-
w"n reisnon 10 uerman political and
conomlr affairs wss no mora disturbing
than al tha close of last week and It was
not nulla clear why so much pressure
-... . .,i0l)ta m in rrsnch and
Belgian Issues,
HlSel tnnnaea Hwitrmm . a.
atea Hleel corporation, which a.-. ....
.., .. . snowea an Increass of
ln",; asm mat waa quite out
or line with expectations. The Impres
sion hsil prevslled thst tha steel mm
psnlea were reluctant to take heavy for.
ward bualneea at thla im b.. -a
ne uncertainties with relation to the rail
road atrlka and tha coal atrlke.
New York Stocks
,.?.1nJf i p.r,rM of ' stocks
Truat building:
. . . High. Low. Cloee. Close.
A.. T. A S. F 10044 10014 ino 101
? O.... 60S 41 60S 4T
Cansdlan Pacific. .139S 139 139 jjhu
N. Y. Centrsl 95 9(tA 94S I4U
Ohesa. A Ohio.... 17', 7fc 67V 68
Great Northern.... 80 79 794 7T4
Illinois Centre 107 l ins jn
iv. i--. noutnern.... 25 I6U 25 -5
l.cnign vney 5 fi4H
Mlesnurl Pacific... 22V4 22 'A
N. T. 4 N. ii 30 29
Northern Pacific. 77 74
C. N. W 76U 76H
Penn. R. n 44 41.
Keadlng 7514 744
f.. R. I. ft P 43 S 43 4
f out hern Pacific. 90 89
Southern Railway. 24 24
C, M. A 8t. P 2S 274
43V 43
90 90
24 24
7 27
inion xscuic
.141 131 140
Am. Csr Foundry
Allls-Chslmers 60 49 60
Am. Locomotive. . .113 112 lit
Balwin Locomotlvell4 112 114
ouiuwin uoro 114 11Z 114
oeinienem meei.. 77 T&u
76 76
Colo. F. ft Iron... 31 at
61 31
crucible 75
Am. Steel Foundrv 36
Lackawanna Steel.. 77
Mtdvale Steel 36
Rep. Steel & Iron.. 73TI
Ry Steel Springs. . .101
sioss-Scheffleld ... 46 444
v. s. steel 99 98
Vanadium 46 44
Anaconda 52 51
Am. 8. ft Ref. Co.. 61 60
Cerro De Pasco
Chill 22
Chlno 29
Oreen Cananea
inspiration 40
Kennecott 35
29 i
Miami ...; 30
Nev. Consol , 16
Pay Consol 16
Seneca 12
Utah 63
General Asphalt... 66
Cosden 48
Cal. Peterol 63
Island Oil
invincible Oil 15 14 16 15
Moxiean Peterol. . .164 160 162 161
Middle States 13 13 13 13
retell!,; aii 0 1
Pan-American ... 71
Phillips 50
Pierce Oil ,.
Pure Oil 30
Royal Dutch 56
Sinclair Oil 32
MIC1. uti, . J 184
Texas Co..
... 47 46
46 47
Ur.ion OH...
White Oil...
Chandler ...
... 22 21
... 8 8
... 70 69
... 14 14
21 22
8 S
Gen Motors
Pierce Arrow . ,
White Motor ...
8 8
18 18
48 48
Studebaker 133 130 133 131
Fi-k 15 16 15 16
ooodrich 39 39 39
Kelley Spring .... 47 47 47
Keystone Ttr 15 15 15
AJax 15 15 15
V S Rubber 62 61 61
Am Beet Sugar .. 46 45 46
At G ft W I 37 36 37
Am Int Corp ..f.. 41 41 41
Am Sumatra
Am Telephone 120 120 120 120
Am Can 54 49 63 49
Central Leather ... 38 38 38 37
Cuba Cane 16 16 16 16
Cub Am Sugar ... 23 23 23 24
Famous Players... 81 81 81 83
Gen. Electric 168 168 168 168
Ot. Northern Ore.. 39 39 89 39
Int. Harvester 100 100 100 100
Am. H. ft 1... pfd.. 69' 69 69 69
U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 66 66 66 56
Int. Psper.'. 49
Int. M. M., pfd.... 72 72 73 72
Am. Sugar Ref.... 80 80 80
Seara-Roebuck .... 76 76 76 76
Tob. Products....'. 78 78 78 78
Worth. Pump 48 48 48 48
Wilson Co 42 42 42 ....
West. Electric 69 58 69 59
Am. Woolen 89 87 89 89
Am. Colton Oil 26 26 26 26
Am. Agr. Chemical 38 38 3S 38
Am. Linseed 34 33 33
Union Bag, pfd 63 62 62 'fl
Bosch Magneto 41 40 40 41
Brooklyn Rapid Tr. 27 26 27 26
Cont. Can 69 68 69
Coium. Gas ft Elec. 88 87 88 87
Columbia Graph. . 4 4 4 4
United Drug, 73 72 72 74
National Enamel . 53 52 63 62
United Fruit 142 142 143 141
Lorillard Tobacco .162 152 152 153
National Lead ....101 99 100 100
Philadelphia Co. .. 38 38. 38 38
Pullman 121 121 121 ....
Punta Alegre Su... 48 48 48 48
So. Porto Rico Su ". 51
Retail Stores 67 66 67 66
St. U ft San Fran. 28 27 28 28
Virginia Car Chem. 31 30 30 ....
Total sales. 690,000.
Money: Close, 4 rer cent.
Marks: Close, ,0019c; Saturday olose,
.001 9 c.
Francs. Close, .0793c; Saturday close,
Sterling: Close. 14.44; Saturday clos.
Chicago Stock.
Range of prices of tne leading Chicago
stocks furnished by Logan ft Bryan, 248
Petera Truat Bldg.
, a. C1
Cudahy , 43
Edison com , 130
Cent. Motor . v.. 7
Earl Motor -. ; ' .
Ltbby -3
Montgomery-Ward " s?
Nat. Leather, new 7
swirt Co 1
Swift Int a
Union Carbide ....
... 19
. . 65
. 51
Slew Tork Money.
New Tork, July 10. Call Money Mar
ket easier: higher. 4 per cent; low, 4
per cent; ruling rete. 4 per cent: clon
ing bid. 4 per cent; offered st 4 per
cent: Isst loan. 4 per cent; call loans,
against acceptsnces, 4 per cent.
Tim Loan Market firmer: 6S days.
4 per cent; 90 days. 4 pec cent: 6-
month, 4 per cent: prim mercantile
I paper, ii per cent
New York Bonds
(Tbn Be la trie only Omaha
nasrapapcr which publishes) tha of
ficial close of the New York Stock
exchange bond J
New Turk. July IS foreign loans.
Socially r'renvh and Hslgian l-eues, wers
svily sold st aeoere lo-Jsy,
their liiUttatiua evidently being precipi
tated by tears that Germany a aruninnie
crisis nnslit tauee a general readjustment
of the emit risriin plan,
Kitreme de. UN'S uf 1 to I points
were registered by Krau.h government
IS s and is and the reaction in Helgtan
t a and Is rsu (rum 1 to 3 point.
A majority of the Prem-h munlripsls
wr looerrd my 14 to S points, notably
llrdeaua. Lynns and Marseilles It. bon
bons S'a, Heine T's, French-American In
tluatrial T's. id Paria-Lyons-Medlter.
ranesn S a. Final prices In many in-
lanes wer above lha dsy a lowest
levels, but pscoveriea wer feeble al lha
Ileavlnna was shown by other (orelgn
loans, especially IJaticsn 4's and Havana
Electric la, the latter ,Vaing 3 points,
with mora moderate dcllas for Den
mark t a Bergen l a. and Ihimlnlnn ot
Canada l's. of the rcpreeentatlv In
ternational loana. I'nlted Kingdom alone
wer steady.
In the Uomeelio division, losses of I
In S points were sustslned by Northern
I'aclflo 'a, Central I'nclfio (luaranleed
4 a. New Haven 4'a nf 11.6, and Ht. Louis
and 8n Francisco income a, with a I
point lerlin for Southern Bell Telephone
la. Total
110 S6I.0O0.
Tne argest new underwriting of the dsy
waa the Itaragua Dugar Company 11,600,.
eoo, 7 per rent gold loan, offered at
par ami Intereat. for which an aaceaa of
subscriptions wsa announced.
I'. S. Bonds.
Sales (In It, 000) High Low Close
Tta l.ib-ny ls 100.24 100 54 100.24
S Liberty 1st 4s ....100.10 100.00 100 10
107 Liberty 1st 4U.. 100.IS 100.-3 100.31
321 Liberty 2nd !.. 100.14 100.04 100.04
S24 Liberty 3d 100.10 100 14
S6S Liberty 4th 4s. .100.10 100.21 I00.;t
III Victory 4s 100.13 100 41 100.50
Foreign (ineeromrnt, Stat and Municipal.
it Argentina 7a ino st 100
4 Chines Govt Ry Is 61 14 14
a Hergen la
14 Berne Is
S Bordesux 6s ..
4 Christlsnla Is .
SI Copenhagen I
108 108 lot
110 109 101
.. s: si st
..109 109 10S
.. SI SO Si
84 Lyona 6a
17 Msrees 6s
2 Rio de Janeiro la
IS Sen Psulo Is ....
. 1 Toklo I
S Zurich Is
3 Dan Muni Is ft...
103 Dept Seine 7a ...
.. si at ai
82 81 SI
100 100 100
101 101 101
71 71 71
110 110 110
110 10s 110
89 89
24 Dom Can ls 21. .101
100 100
44 Dom Can Is 31 19
264 T)tch E Ind 4s 47., 96
271 Dtch E Ind 6s 12.. 16
428 French Rep 8s ....101
117 French Rep 7s ..100
7 Japanese 1st 4a.. 92
95 95
S4 94
IS 100
97 97
92 92
77 77
a Japaneaa 4s
38 Belgium Ta ...
7 Belgium 6
44 Denmark 6a ....
164 Netherlands 6s ,
4 Norway 8a
12 Sweden 6s
171 Parls-Ly-Med 6s..
11 Rep Chile 8s 46..
5 Rep Urugusy 8s
S Queensland 7s . .
13 Queenslsnd 6s ...
16 Rio Or do Sul Is.
25 Swiss Con 8s ....
. .105
104 104
.100 100 100
, ss ss ss
. 97 94 97
.110 110 110
.102 103 103
. 78 76 76
.103 102 102
.104 104 104
.101 108 109
.101 101 101
ion 100 100
118 118 118
la V a-, D JL K I .' 9. tABX 1AIX IOfl.1.
'79 K G B ft I 6s 29. .108 101 108
75 K G B ft I 6s 37. .104 103 103
S3 U 8 Brazil 8 103 102 103
3 U S Mexico 6s.... 68 68 68
25 U S Mexico 4s 46 45 46
Railway and Miscellaneous.
1 Adams Ex 4s .... 78 78 78
17 AJax Rub 8s 100 100 100
Am Ag Chm 7s..l04 103 103
1 Am Cotton Oil 6s.. 88 88 88
14 Am Smelt 5s 92 92 92
22 Am Sug 6s 101 101 101
5 Am T ft T cv 6a. .114 114 114
26 Am T ft T c t 6s.. 98 98 98
4 Am Writ Pa 7s.. 87 86 16
13 Armour ft Co 4s.. 90 90 90
59 At T ft S F gen 4s.. 93 S3 93
39 At Ref 6s 103 103 103
53 Bait ft Ohio 6s 100 100 100
112 Bait ft Ohio cv 4s 82 82 82
11 Bell Tell Penn 7s. .108 108 108
1 Beth St p m 6s 91 91 91
3 Braden Cop 6s .... 98 98 98
4 Bkln Ed gen 7s D..107 106 107
5 Can North 6 112 111 111
22 Can Pac d 4s 78 78 78
4 Cent Leath 5s 98 98 98
33 Cent Pao gtd 4s.... 91 90 90
10 Cerro Pasco 8s 118 118 118
58 Ches ft Ohio cv 5s.. 94 93 93
31 Ches ft Ohio cv 4S 88 88 88
55 C B ft Q ref 5s A.. 101 100 100
36 Chi ft E III 5s.. 81 80 81
14 Chi Gt West 4s.. 60 60 60
1 Chi I ft L ref 6s.. 80 80 80
8 C M ft St P cv 4s 69 69 69
36 C M & St P ref ISjs 63 63 63
4 Cthl ft N W 7s. .106 106 106
29 Chi Rys 6s 80 80 80
25 C R I ft P ref 4s.. 81 80 80
Chi W Ind 4s.. 74 . 73 73
5 C C C ft St L gen 4s 81 81 81
6 Chile Cop 7s 105 105 105
44 Chir Cop 6s 91 91 91
1 Colo Ind 6s 79 79 79
9 Colo ft So ref 4S.. 88 88 88
13 Col G ft El 5s 95 95 95
19 Con Coal Md 6s 88 87 87
88 Con Gas 7s 118 117 117
88 Con Gss 7s 118 117 117
5 Cuba Cn Sg d 8s... 86 86 86
2 Cuba R R 7s A. .103 103 103
4 D ft Hud cv 6S.... 93 93 93
3 Det Ed ref 6s 101 101 101
26 Det Utd Rys 4s.. 83 83 83
3 Dimnd Mtch 7s.,108 107 107
23 Dpnt Nem 7s...,,107 107 107
3 Dlst Sec 6s
44 44 44
31 Duquesne Lt 6s
28 Erie gen 4s . . .
3 Erie pr Hen 4s
5 Flsk Rub 8s. . .
1 Fla E Cst 4s
.102 102 102
. 64 54 54
. 84 84 84
.105 106 105
91 HI 91 Vi
60 Framer I D 7s.. 96 95
11 Gen Elec d 6s 101 101
61 Goodyear T 8s 31.. 102 102 102
15 Goodyear T 8s 41.. 116' 115 116
8 Gnd Tnk Ky C 7s. .13 113 113
58 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s.. 103 102 103
8 Grt North 7s A 109 109 10
24 Grt North 5s B..101 101 101-
16 Hud & M ref 5b A.. 84 83 84
18 Hud & M ad In 6s.. 62 62 62
4 III Cent 5s .
6 111 Cent ref 4s .
11 111 Cent deb 4a
29 Ind St 6s
1 Int Ag 5s
101 101 101
88 88 88
.. 91
.. 80
91 91
100 101
20 Int Met 4s
3 Int Met 4s ctfs.. 11
96 Vi
35 Int R T ref Bs
19 Int M M sf 6s...
8 Int Pa ref 6s B...
1 Invino Oil 8s... f.
11 la Cent ref 4s ..
3 K C Ft S & M 4s
2 K C So 6s
3 Kell Spring T 8s.. 108
4 Lacka St 5s 23.... 99
18 Lacka St 6s 60.... 89
1 Lacld G St L 1st 6s 91
7 Lig & My 6s 97
3 Lorillard 6s 96
63 L & N ref 6s 106
1 I, & N unified 4s.. 93
105 106
93 93
87 87
12 Mkt St Ry con 6s.. 88
2 Marland Oil 8s . .
,102 102 102
2 Mid St
88 88
3 M St PZSSM 6a.l02 102 102
21 M K & T n p I 6s A 82 82 82
97 M K & T n ad 6s A. 67 57 67
35 M K & T 1st 4s.. 81 80 81
22 M P gen 4s 64 63 64
17 Mont Pow 6s 97 96 96
1 Morris & Co 1st 48 86 86 86
14 Nat Tube 5s 100 100 100
S N O T & M ino 6s. 71 71 71
30 N T C col 7s 105 105 105
30 N Y C d 6s ....105 104 105
1 N T C con 4s 84 84 84
44 N T Ed ref 63 ..109 109 109
3 NT NH & H v 6s 48 81 81 81
15 NY NH Hd 4s 57.105 105 106
11 N Y T d 6s 49 105 104 104
JIN I 1 ret 6s 41. .105 104 105
22 N Y W & Bos 4s.. 56 65 51
3 Nor & West cv 6s.. 110 110 110
. 3 Nor A West con 4s 92 92 92
14 Nor Pac p In 4a.. 88 88 88
11 Nor Pac gen 3s.... 62 61 61
384 N P-G N Jt 6s..l6 106 106
2 Nor St Pow ref 6s A 91 91 91
N W Bell Tel 7s. .106 106 106
10 Or Cal 1st Is 100 100 100
19 Or S L gtd Ss ctf.104 104 104
10 Or S L ref 4s.. 92 92 92
21 Or-Wsh RRSS 4s. 81 81 81
13 Pac G A El os 91 90 90
1 Pac TAT 5s 96 96 96
S Packard Motor 8s. .107 107 107
4 Pan-Am P T 7s. .101 101 101
10 Penn R R 6s 108 108 108
32 Penn R R gen 6s.. 101 101 101
10 Penn R R gen 4s 92 92 92
5 Pere Msrq ret Is.. 96 96 96
12 P 4b E tnc 4s 36 35 35
6 Pierce Oil d 8s 99 99 99
1 P C C A St L 6s 9. 96 96 96
4 P Ry L A P Is. 86 86 84
81 Reading gen 4s.... 84 84 14
5 R I A A L 4s. 81 SI St
I 8t Ii I Mt A 8 rf 4s 88 SS 88
44 St L A 8 F ad 6s.. 79 79 79
35 St L A S F Inc 6s.. 69 68 69
40 St L A S F p I 4s A 72 71 V 72
7 t L S W 1st 4s 74 78 v 79
1 St P A K C S L 4s 83 83 83
11 S A A A P 1st 4s.. 74 75 76
21 Seaboard A I. con sa 60 69 69
14 Seaboard A L ad 6s 26 26 2
24 Seaboard A I. ref 4s 42 41 42
4 Sharon St Hp 8s A 98 98 98
11 Sinclair Oil cv 7s.l04 14 14
71 Sinclair Oil col 7s. S9 99 99
4 So Bell Tel Se 94 94 94
7 So Pac ev 4a 91 91 91
II So Pac ref 4a II " aeu.
the Day
II So Pee e t 4s..
41 Mu Ms gen Sa
I wa Sty . la -.
II So Ity gca e
I ku frl Hu kg
IS Stan Utl t'al d
S Third Av ad
,,,,', SS sS'e
..,.! Me
.... s. sv s
.... st st at
I. si si si
Tl lss let sl
Is,, SS I
I Third Avs ref 4s
1 1 Tub Prut I . . . .
SI t'n I'eu let 4a.,
II In l'u cv 4a ,,,,
t 1 I'se ref Is ,,
I In Tank tar la..,
S lid I Mug sa
3 I' H Hub Ta ...
14 V Hub Is
11 I' a Ht sf I ,
S I'lsh I HI Is..,
S Va-i'r I'hm Ts...
4 Va.l'r Chill 1st I
I V Ry Is
II West In as ,.
5 Weet fcl Is
, SI S4 44
,ll 11 IS.
, Si 94 15
. 14 i S.
, sis si S l
,! ol 11
,110', IIS IIS
,IIU S 14
. 9 4S SSV
.lei i: ii
. si -ss sa
.105 0t .Si1,
. St St SI
, St SI SI
.110 l"t IIS
.17 S t
I Wheelug ft I. t. 4a ST
41 h k xi.eil at it , .1"!
I Wllaun ft ' sf 7e.S sj i
1 Wilson ft 1 iv . . si f.
71 fie. ho 8loak la elf It ''
IS lom Can 6e 13 Wl. 9 94 94
134 Kmp It ft Ftl ls.. 9 94 II
44 Mintlsir Crude ls. 91 91 S
Total sslee or tHinds today weie III..
199.000. compared with 110.149 SOS ptevious
dsy and tlu.ltl.Ooo year aso.
N. Y. Curb Bonds
New Tork, July 0 Trsding condition!
In ths curb market changed but Utile over
the week-end. Intereel waa centered
. ,) ,ml,y l0 M.,n Bealm.rd and the
ullf lru,, r.rnf,,.,,, b,, f which
continued to follow an erractio price
trend. Newa today pertaining to Ih
company' condition was nut a unfavor
able aa II was the latter part of laat
nf especlsl Importance, however, jvas
tha snnouncement thst lb KtncUir oil
corporation hsa completed construction of
Its pip line to lb Mexican esboard'a
Csralltae wells In Psnucn snd la now
taking oil. Hinrlslr Oil has contracted
to tsk 10,004 barrels dally from thesa
Tha uncertainty of fluctuations In Max
Iran seaboard hsd a eentlment Influence
on other oils which backed and filled
throughout the session. In the fee of
the Indefinite trend le where, Skelly oil
wss ronsplclous because of tta firmness.
Trading In olla rather overahsdowed tha
Induatrlal group and Intsrest In this sec
tion wss confined to only a few Issues
such aa Ooldwyn Pictures, tha motor
locks snd radio Issues, Of the metsla
Penny snares continued most active. In
dependence lead Cortes Hllver and Hard
shell mining figured largely In the d -slings.
Bonds wer moderately active but
Irregular In ton.
New Tork. July 10. Transactions on the
New Tork curb bond market today were
ss follows:
High. Low. Close.
1 Allied Packer fa... I:t 13 IS
I S Allied Parker Is... 14 95 16
I Aluminum 7s, 1926 103 101 103
18 Amer. Cotton Oil Cs 99 99 99
13 Amer.LftT.- 6s ww.100 too 100
3 Fed. L'd Bk. 4s.l00 100 100
17 Freeport Texas 7s. 140 134 131
6 Galena Slg. Oil 7s.lo4 104 104
19 Goodrich Tlra 7a. .103 103 103
27 Grand Trunk 6a.l05 101 106
I Hood Rubber 7s... sua. at si.
4 Humble Oil 7s 10 100 100
1 InterboroR.T.7s. '21 98 II 98
42 InterbnroR.T.Ss. '23 90 90 so
10 Kan. Gas Elec. 6s. 95 96 96
Laclede Gss 7s... 100 99 99
20 Magma Cop. 7e...li3 108 108
7 Manitoba 7s 94 94 9
4 Natlonsl Acme 7s 97 97 97
12 ivationsl Leather 8s 98 u as u. uu
0 N,Y.,N.H.Htrd 7a 87 87 87
1 Phil. El. 6a... intoi. IA1U ,A.aa
34 Phltllpa P.7s.ww.103 102 102
5 Phllllplne 5s ...107 107 107
9 Pub.Ser.Cor.N.J.7s..l01 101 101
6 Robert Gsir 7s.... 98 97 97
I Saks Co. 7s 98 98 98
1 Sears R'b'k 7s. -22.100 100 100
2 Sears R'b'k 7s. '23.101 101 101
1 .-nawsheen 7s ...103 103 103
J"N'J'. ;.10S 106 06
Sld.OII N. T.7s. '29.107 107V. 107l2
vacuum Oil 7s. ...107
7 Valvorlne 7a aa
i m,"tnl, Elfr, 'S--118H 108 108
- Winchester 7s...l02 102 102
foreign Bonds,
J Argentine 7s, 1923.100
21 Csnadtan Rla. ... T. ae
100 100
7 N. T.. N. ii; FrV 7. 74 fit? T4 3
17 SwLss 5s 10S2 ulZ
24 u Ss V". 7W"'-- 88 3 "i
24 U. S. Mexico 4s. .. 39 38 35
New fork Ooffe.
New Tork .r.ilw inlEr'iffv. . -
fee future. r-f".J?"n ror eof-
"C,t,errnR 'n whTrm.'y'
have been promoted by the unsettled V,7i
f?r.,Ctt0n,?n,, nvo,Js,Uot European
tired trl.rni"IOn"' w th" wa Pcat
coffees. "l vsioriaggjon
. m"ket opened at a decline of
1 18 to i. 2ir " m.or. CUvt month.
1 is to 23 points net Inw.p ,i,w c
,a.rr,k.. ,"L,rI . "'c S0D-
oeciina ot 9 to 21 points.
T,,V a ,lmVaa " bout 42,000
r J OTP"mDer, s.66c; Octo
iXt ' 1 1 at i- 13 m Via.-- A tn.. w . 2
1. Kiii?"lt,;.'110 lnc: San'o.
, ne14c cost and freight ofrera
were steady, inctnrtin 5nl.?iIe
No fresh offers for tnr..i .1,1.
wer r.nn.,a.j . " . ' "V. ""'I""'
suggest w? ma" ", "Kht in weight.
xuffherldu'ced1 "tlmatM mlght be
10 " .. online of
' --' uui mi Quymg rare, with n
don1"09. 3' " ,n Rio exchan on Lon
tnT.Vn eifri,y f bJM how'"J "lo unchanged
ill. 2ir' h!5her nd Santn '5 to 150
jels higher, but later Rio declined 100
nf is 1 ..i i .!! in,ere was an advance
-- 1 uwnetr ouying rate. Bra-
?Ji. pa0.clp,, H n0; Jundtahy re
fill 4.?0?. Santos feared 58,100 bags
for the United States ad Victoria 18,000.
New York Sugar.
New York, July 10-The raw sugar
market was quieter today, but there were
no changes in quotations, spot Cubss be
ing quoted at 5.05o for centrifugal, on
sales late last week of 28,000 baga from
store to local refiners at that level, while
. y..nd Auust shipments were quoted
at 3 cents, cost and freight, equal to
5.11c for centrifugal.
Today'a business Included 10,000 bsgs of
Ias.f01". Augu,t hlPmnt to operators
and 10,000 bags aecond half July ahlp
ment to Canada at quoted pricea, with
mora available at the same level. The
raw augar futurea market was easier
under scattered liquidation believed to b
for Wall street account, prompted by the
unsettled European situation and the
more liberal offering In the spot market.
Closing prices were 4 to 6 points net
lower; July, 3.30c; September, 3.42c; De
cember, 3.47c; March, 3.40c.
There were no changes tn refined prices,
fine granulated -being listed at from 6.50
to 6.60c and a good quantity reported for
prompt ahlpment.
Refined futures, nominal Closing: July,
4.60c; September. 6.65c; December, 6.86c.
1 New York General.
New York, July 10. Flour Barely
steady; spring patents, 7.60Sj8.00: spring
clears, f5.75i&4.60; soft winter straights,
I5.60Qi5.75; hard winter atralght, 16.5049
Cornmeal Dull: fine white and yellow
granulated. 11.82 1. 87
Wheat Spot, steady; No. 1 apring.
tl.54; No. 2 red winter. 11.27: No. 2
hard winter, tl.28; No. 1 Manitoba,
11.49 and No. 2 mixed durum, 11.30
c. I. f. track New York, to arrive.
Corn: Spot, easy: No. 2 yellow and No.
t white. 81c and No. 3 mixed. 80c c. I. t.
new xorx, an rail.
Oats Spot, barely ateady; No. 2 white,
Hay Quiet, 128.0030 00; No. 2. t28.0O
rp 28.00; No. 3, J23.OO25.00; shipping,
Hops Quiet: stale 1931. 20024c: Pa
cific coast 1921, 19624c; 1920, 17 He.
Pork Dull; mess, 121.50930.00; family,
128. 00929.00.
Lard Weak:
mlddlewest, 111.15011. 25.
special loose, 6c; extra,
Tallow Dull:
Rice Steady:
fancy head. 7ff7e.
Turpentine and Rosin.
Savannah. Oa.. July 10. Turpentine
Firm, II. Ii; sales, 632 bbls.; receipts. 143
bble. ; shipments. 1,609 bbls; stock, 6,068
Rosin Firm; ssles. 161 casks; receipts,
791 casks; shipments, 70S cssks; stock,
Quote: B. t.60; P. 14 70: 7. 11.10; K,
16.26; W, U, 16.26; W, W. 16.15.
New York Dry Ooods.
New York. July 10. Cotton marketa
were quiet today. Knit goods openings
were slow In getting under wsy, owing to
uncertainty over prices. Dress good held
their gains. Burlaps werV quiet. Raw
silk was lower, silk goods buyers belier
iut lha. market too high.
1 otd.OII N. T.7s, '30.107 107 107
It Im-'iiVJ"' 'a,10,' 18
1 sMwaTneToS'4 io, 1
? Mc7::,;;: US !$
4 ?r'"V,f. ?-.7"' '31',fl3 ,l2 1M
..ii'.w, 11, .a in. .,
107 107
M, I 1 'h 1 1, eel ark .
gl Jusen. Jul IS Ue Heslpl SS
heed. Mteibel tea esily Hskl k-s la
ettippeie, is la w lawer the Paiu4
aveiag. hulk dreirakie. II I le pa4
lam. ll SSl.'l aulas naik
i"s. packer wueiiy 11, average
iMiurday, lie 51 ; eii, 1.4, vi
par Isel week, IIS 31, weight II. '
lallle llereipie, I hesd; market,
all rlae fully idy , -iruag
ta a higher; lup weight aieeia. II i
prei lap leerllnsa, l . dee
beef UI. muelly a !; ikoli
kind abo-enl, relvee generally siaady;
prsaHlrsI lap, M; ftw choice I snip
pet. ItSTI.
Sheep and lamlw-Heeetpt. l ie head;
market, tat l-mbe, tl la tee higher; a
Umba I4 early: lighl sad Mady eight,
tersely II lS S.
rrlea Karhaage,
New York. July I. Iaieigs tUrhsnge
Ureal Hrlialn lema4, 14.44; cable.
I 4I 4 day bills an banke. II Ii
Frsnce Kemsnd, .Sill i; cable, elite,
Italy liemand. ,SI44c; rablea, .eitle.
Belgium 1 m s a d. ,stl.'e; cables.
tlerinand llema nd, ,SSIIr; rablea,
.SOIS r.
Holland liemand, .3lSc; lablf. .Slier.
Norway liemand, ,llc.
Nwed-n lenind. ,:.l7r
Denmark lemnd. Jte.
(UlUerUnd liemand. .11 Sc.
Hpaln iii!nun, ,loc.
ilteece liemand, ,7tle,
Poland Demand, .oJe
Ciecha-Hluvakia Demnd. 021 te.
Argentine liannd, iiooc,
lira. II Demand, .llllc.
Montreal .!
New York Melale,
New Tork. July I Copper Steady;
electrolytic, spot and, HfI4c.
Tin Hteadyj apot and nearby. II II V
II 10c; futuree. II tOc. ......
Iron Hteady; No. I northern -V
27 00; No. S lorthern. ll.OoailOS; No. I
southern. lS.ooajsa.onc.
Mid Steady: pot, l.7le.
Sine Oulet; Kaal Ht. laoule, spot and
nearby delivery. 0lltc.
Antimony Spol. 1.00491 3e,
a"a. Iu .a, Paawltt.e.
chtceso. July is Buiter-atesdy;
rreemery extrss. lie; firsts. I.tjltc; sec
onds. lOrrllc: standards,
Kgge Heceipts. IS. SIS rea.-", nn. .a-.
2Je; ordinary first. I0llc; miel
Isnenus, il31c; atnrag packed estraa.
IKtU'.c; atorag pecked flrets. !Je.
Poultry Higher: fowls. J4c; broilera.
ll3lc; rooatere. He.
I.a,da Metals.
London. July 10. Standard copper spot,
fit; futures. fSI74d; electrolytic spot.
70 Is; futur. 171 lis. '
Tin Spot, fill 12s Id; futurss, 1161 T
Lead Spot, ftl la; futures. 111 7s Id.
Zinc Spot, 121 la; futures, 131.
New Tork Podltry.
New Tork. July IS. Live Poultry Mar
ket ateady; broilers, by freight, lietor;
by express. 100 43c; fowls, lie; roosters,
lie t;urkeys. 21913c.
Dresssd Poultry Msrket, Irregutsr;
western chickens. 2l41c; fowls. 11921c;
old roosters. 119 lie; turkeys, 16i:r.
Chicago Potatoes.
Chicago. July 10. Potatoee Slight!
weaker. Receipt. SI: total V. S. ahip
ments. 964; Esstern Shore Virginia Cob
blera No. 1 barrel, 14:9091.16; Kansa
sacked Early Ohlos No. 1, II 1603 10;
Kanssa aacked Cobblers No. 1, 12.10.
Kanaaa City Produce.
Kanaaa City. Mo., July 10. Eggs Un
changed: firsts. 22c.
Butter Creamery, lo lower, tic; pack
ing, unchanged. 24c.
Poultry Unchanged; hens. 17924 si
broilers, 25932e
Liberty Bond Price.
New Tork. July 10. Liberty bonds at 1
p. m. today: 3s, 100.26; first 4s.
100.21; second 4s. 100.10; third 4a,
100.14; fourth 48. 100.26.
London Money.
London, July 10. Bar silver, lld par
ounce. Money, 1 per cent.' Discount
rates, short bills, 292 per cent. Three-,
month bills, 2 p'sr cent.
Duluth. Minn., July 10 Flaxseed July.
12.59. asked; September, 12.62 ; October,
13.48. bid.
Bar Silver.
July 10. Foreign Bar
New York,
ver 70c.
Mexican Dollars 64c.
The Bee Want Ada are best busi
ness boosters.
Announcement Passenger
Train Curtailment on
Missouri Pacific Railroad
As Previously Announced to
Take Effect Tuesday. July 11
Will Hot Be Made Effectivo
You know how cold some persons
can be; they chill the very atmos
phere. Others warm and fill with
sunshine the air about them. So
it is with banks and other business
Our aim is to have a friendly atmos
phere always enveloping this bank.
We want all visitors and customers
to be friends of the bank and of
one another.
The Omaha National Bank
Farnam at 17th Street
Capital and Surplus $2flOOJM
Prayer Each Day
I tkaak U4. wins I UTim. I I.
O Gtxl, whose peirrnal goodnfn
is uiiUilmgly trnilrr and constant,
vie unitf. as a family to yield Thee
glad and ratlin rate and lo invoke
upon our home and all ill intrrriU
t hy gracious and hravcnly llriing,
Caue us to to rvalue our utter de
tvfiidrncf upon Tlire and our pro
found obligation toward Thee, that
. may submit ourtrlvrt anew to
Tliy sovereign way. live our lives
henceforth as in Thine all-searching
sight, and coitently show our.
selves Thine. We hring to Thee at
this time all who are In any wire re
lated to our home, and ho
may be attempting lo live their lives
apart from Thee. Suffer none of
111 to he enticed from the path of
simplicity, purity, or honor. Keep
from every form of sceularity and
avarice, defend us from the seductivt
snares of vanity and pride, and en
ahle us to terve Thee with such un
divided fidelity in this life that in
he life to come we may all receive
Thine exceeding great reward. And
with this prayer for ourselves, we
beseech of Thee in behalf of those
without our neighbors, our friend,
and all classes and condition of
men that it mv please Thee to g)e
them likewise Thv fatherly favor, to
further them in all their undertakings
and relationships, and to hritisr them,
with u at length into Thine Heaven.
Iv household, where we may praise
Thee ever, world without end.
Klmlra. Nw Tork.
Common Sense
Are You Satisfied With Whit You
Have Accomplished?
Ever pick up the evening paper
and read of the sudden death of an
acquaintance the very last one you
had thought of dying?
Ever think what that one was do
ing the morning of the day when
life went out so suddenly?
How did the fellow feel when he
tird his tie that day
Did he have a premonition that
somehting was going to happen?
The chances are that he felt just
as well and natural as you do this
The you doubtless thought of his
family, and how he provided for
them in case of sudden death.
Was he kind and was he true in
character, and will they miss him
is more along the line that your
thought takes shape.
Are vou ready to go to the great
beyond today, or even tomorrow?
Have you accomplished what you
or your family would like you to,
for the given time you have been
on earth?
Would you be satisfied to have
done so little in the world as you
have already and yet ' leave it? .If
not. you have today to start over
again. Do not put it off.
Hp r