The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 11, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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I .1
On Saturday evening at 8 o'clock,
nui nope niOBard, daughter or Mr.
end Mr. C S. Hibbard, wai married
to Mr. Ray H. Wern of Trenton.
Neb., at the home ot the bride' par.
ents, Wio South Twenty-third street.
The Rev. Charles F, Holler per
formed the ceremony.
Th bride wore a gown of white
canton crepe and tulle veil trimmed
with lace from hrr mother'! wedding
The attendants were Min Helen
Reed of San Francicco, Cal., and Neil
F. Anderson of Crete, Neb. Both
re college friends of the couple, who
are graduates of Doane collrge.
The couple will spend their honey
moon in fcstes Park, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. August Peterson an
, nounre the marriage of thrir daugh
ter, Edith, to Donald 13. Corey,
which took place Wednesday aft
ernoon, July 5. at Kotintze Memorial
church, Rev. George Dorn officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey will be at home
in Omaha after August I.
Miss Wallace Honor Oueat
Miss Helen Walker was hostess
yesterday at bridge compliment
ary to Miss Virginia Wallace of
Washington, la., who is the guest of
Miss Peggy Keed. Those present
were the Misses Ruth Kinsler. Erna
JJeed, Josephine Schurman, Peggy
Keed, and Mrs. Robert Storz and
Mrs. George Radcliffe. Thursday
evening Miss Virginia Pixley will en
tertain at bridge for Miss Wallace,
and Porter Allan wilt give a picnic
. Friday evening in her honor. Miss
Reed and Miss Wallace will motor
to Lincoln Sunday for the day.
Outdoor Festival
The St. Paula church of the Girls'
Friendy society will give an outdoor
festival on Wednesday. July 12. at 8
o'clock at Thirty-second and Califor
nia streets. There will be a variety of
entertainments, among them being a
tihowinc of the moving picture,
"Black Beauty."
At Auto View Rest
Mrs. S. W. Pfleging entertained
four guests Sunday for breakfast at
the Auto View Rest Inn. At dinner
H. A. Mann had eight, L. M. Platner,
four, and C. M. Robinson, five. Un
Tuesday, Mrs. T. S. Naughtin will
have five guests for luncheon.
CM Omega Meeting.
Chi Omega sorority will meet
Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. D.
Davis at Lake Manawa.
For Miss Fort.
Miss Frances Burt will entertain
at a picnic on Thursday compliment
ary to Miss Louise Fort of Boston,
guest of Miss Elizabetn Barker.
' El Club Recreativo.
El Gub Recreativo will entertain
at a dancing party Saturday evening
at Hanscom Park pavilion. Officers
of the club include Alfredo Lopez,
president; Trinidad Valle, secretary,
and Socorro Perez, treasurer.
Omaha W. C. T. U.
Omaha W. C. T. U. will meet
Tuesday, 2 p. m., in room 316, Y. M.
C. A.
Sojounera Kensington.
The . Sojourners Kensington club
will have a picnic luncheon Tuesday,
1 o'clock, at Hanscom park pavilion.
L. O. E. Club Luncheon.
The L,. O. E. club luncheon, card
party and kensington will be held on
Tuesday, 12:30 o'clock, at the Field
club instead of Thursday as an
nounced. Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Drishaus are
spending six weeks in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shireman have
gone to New York City, where they
will reside.
Frank Scott has returned from
New York City, where he spent the
past 10 days.
Mrs. Lloyd Holsapple has gone
east to spend a few weeks visiting
her parents at Hudson, N. Y.
Miss Elizabeth Cogan. leaves Fri
day for Estea Park and other Colo
rado points. She will return to
Omaha in the early fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Funkhouser
of Omaha spent the week end in Lin
coln with Mrs. Funkhouser's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Richardson.
Miss Helen Howe, who went to
New York to attend a Delta Gamma
convention, is planning a trip up the
St. Lawrence before her return to
Miss Isobel Bostwick of Pasadena,
Cal., is expected next week to be the
guest of Mrs. Victor Caldwell. Miss
Bostwick is at present visiting in
Chilicothe, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pros and son,
James, jr.; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Isaak
son and Mrs. C. L. Rhamey and
daughter, Ruth Ann, spent the past
weet ai ivinKS ia. utj, .
Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Burdic of Her
man, Neb., are motoring to Omaha
for a week with Mrs. Burdic's moth
er, Mrs. Alfred Darlow. They will
arrive Tuesday morning and are ac
companied by their children, Ann and
Mrs. James McGeachin of Orleans,
Neb., her daughter, Miss Jean, and
son, James, are spending 10 days with
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Means of Oma
ha. An elder son. Will McGeachin,
of Lincoln, spent the week end at the
Means home, returning to Lincoln
Sunday night.
Mrs. John Caldwell and her little
son, John, jr., are in Washington, D.
C, where they are visiting Mrs.
Caldwell's mother, Mrs. Arthur L.
Willard and Captain Willard. John,
jr.," has been suffering with an at
tack of the mumps, and their return
to Omaha hat been delayed.
Major and Mrs. Carlysle Whit
ing, who have for the last two year
been stationed at Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., arrived Sunday to visit Mrs.
Whiting's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C
A. Sweet Maj. Whiting was for
merly stationed at Fort Crook. He
is an entjy in the Transmississippi
golf meet, now being played on the
Country dub links.
Bathe in Girmham
(Int'l Ntwsraal.)
Social leaders shun flapper one
piece bathing suits. Mrs. Harvey
SchafTer, New York society woman,
wears the kind of bathing dress uni
versally used by bathers at the ex
clusive Southampton, Long Island,
Expression Lies in
the Arms
"Show me a woman's arms and I
will tell you her fortune, her temper
ament, and her history," says a psy
chic. "It is in her arms that a beautiful
woman carries her soul."
For the arms of women are particu
larly eloquent.
A man's arms express mainly his
strength and power. Owing to her
indulgence in sports, the arm of the
modern woman is said to be grow
ing ugly, but whatever it may lack
in physical perfection it retains its
The woman who is interesting or
temperamental cannot lean against a
balustrade or rest on a chair without
involuntarily attracting attention to
her arms, The modern artist and il
lustrator, even the photographer,
have expressed her in a thousand
haunting attitudes in which the po
sition of the arms is the keynote of
the picture.
"Whenever I go to see a capable
actress I watch her arms," an artist
said. "I may begin by observing her
face, but as the play unfolds and the
actress progresses in feeling and un
derstanding my eyes are drawn ir
resistably to her arms."
For a long time past famous
dancers of all countries have been
interpreting for us lyrics, tragedies
and love stories, some mythological,
some oriental, mystic and idolatrous.
How many in the audience, watch
ing these dancers,' have understood
the secret of their power? It is not
to be learned through watching
their feet or their faces, but through
watching their arms."
Driving a Nail Into Plaster.
When driving a nail into a plas
tered wall first place nail in hot
water until it is thoroughly heated.
You can then drive it without break
ing or chipping any of the surround
ing plaster.
i J
W& 1
Problems That Perplex
Anaware4 bf
Festered by the Boys.
Dear Miss Fairfax: "Why do boys
always wish to kiss a girl good night?
I have spent many aengntiui even
ings With boys, and always before
we part they ask for a kiss. I do
not think I do anything to lead them
on, but always it is the same ques
tion each night. My girl friends
have also had the same experiences,
so I don't think it is my actions
which cause them to ask this ques
tion. If you didn't believe in these
casual kisses, what answer would be
proper? Hoping to see your answer
soon, I remain, CURIOUS NELL.
"Curloser and curioser," Nell, as
Alice in Wonderland onoe remarked.
I sympathize with your troubles, but
feel that if the episode happens to
you nightly you must be far more
experienced in dealing with these an
noying advances than I am. Did you
ever try laughing it off? There is
nothing like a little ridicule to re
lieve a romantic situation. As to
why they want to kiss the girls, that
is a bit of psychology which it would
take one of them to explain. I'm
afraid they put you down as "easy."
Movies and 'Jan.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Am a daily
reader of your column. Now, I wish
to ask you a few questions, if it is
not taking up your time. Are movies
immoral and a bad place to goT
Some pictures teach us a good les
son, do they not? Shall jazs be
cured? What can we do to get rid
of it? ROSE.
Summer Tarts and
Pastry Dainties
Warm weather brings desire for
lighter food and cold drinks, but
the housewife must be careful to tee
that her family receivet tufficienl
food values at each meal, even with
appetites diminished. Strawberries
are now in the market in abundance
as are also many vegetables from
which to choose.
Alto this month brides-to-be are
trying thrir hands at pastry making.
o this week several recipes are
given for a number of kinds of pies.
To make good pie crust requires ex
perience, but if the rules are fol
lowed, the procest becomet quite
Use pastry flower impossible.
Have your shortening very cold.
Any kind of fat may be used.
Cut the fat into the flour with a
knife. Do not rub together with the
fingers unless you have very cold
Add only enough water to make
the pastry stick together, as it will
not be tender when extra flour must
be added to make it dry enough to
Chill jhe pastry before rolling.
Pastry may be made up and kept in
the icebox ready for use.
Roll lightly on a smooth surface.
Bake lightly in a hot oven. For
pastry shells and for pies such as
minre, whose filling does not require
cooking, use a hot oven during the
whole process. For fruit and custard
pies, which require a longer cooking,
use a hot oven for 10 minutes, then
lower the temperature.
Cover the backs of small pattie
pans with thinly rolled pastry. Prick
with a fork and bake in hot oven
7 to 10 minutes. Remove the pastry
shells and fill with sliced bananas.
Cover with unsweetened whipped
cream and serve at once.
One and one-half cupfult sugar,
four tablespoonfult flour, two eggs,
two cupfuls raisins, one-half cupful
candied orange peel.
Mix the sugar and flour and add
the eggs, beaten slightly. Cut the
raisins and orange peel into pieces
and add too the first mixture. Roll
pastry an eighth of an inch thick
and cut into rounds three or four
inches in diameter. Spread one-half
of each round with the mixture,
moisten, fold and press the edges to
gether. Bake about 15 minutes in a
hot oven. Sprinkle with powdered
sugar before serving. Instead of the
candidied orange peel the grated
rind of one orange may be used.
New Life to the Ivory Toilet Set.
One way to refurbish an ivory
toilet set that has become spotted
and scratched is to give it a coat of
paint in some delicate color. It is
astonishing how the pieces respond
to this treatment.
Things You'll Love
To Make
From a two-piece frock make this
charmingly smart one-piece frock.
Cut and shape the slip-over blouse
into a basque like the one shown.
Trim it with sprays of gay little
crocheted worsted flowers. Join a
long plaited chiffon or georgette
panel to each side. To 'each sleeve
attach a flowing undersleeve of the
plaited material. Finish the front
of this stunning two-piece frock with
a wooden, tasseled girdle.
(Copyrlfht, 1122.)
The questions you ask imply that
I can give you sweeping answers.
Rose, and I cannot. The movie
question is a big one, and my per
sonal opinion on it could not settle
it any more than your could. There
are doubtless some movies which
might be called immoral, but I cer
tainly do not think that the pictures
as a whole can be condemned in
that way. They are being recognized
as one of the arts, Just as the drama
is recognized, and there are many
producers who are trying to make
something fine out of them. The
lessons the movies teach are apt to
be sensationalized and overdone, but
they are often moral to the nth de
gree. As to jazz, it is a passing
phase. People will get tired of it in
time and awing to something new.
I don't know any cure for it until
that time. Individually we can try
to keep our musical taste free from
being too much contaminated by
taking pains to hear good music
whenever we get the chance. Tour
Handwriting is good, but flourishes
on your capital letters are not good
zorrn. , simplicity is better.
Fatty: The chart for correct
weights gives 120 pounds as the
average for one who is five feet one
inch in height, ao you are not much
too heavy. Tou are at an age that
is apt to he roly poly, so do not
worry aoout reducing. Tou will
probably get thinner as you continue
to grow taller,i and you have four
or rive years of growing ahead Of
My Marriage Problems
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
(CarrnsM Jilt)
The Picture the Saleswoman Drew
of the Don's Host
I came reluctantly out from behind
the rack of draperies in the ti
hampton shop, where under the pre
text of examining them I had taken
refuge with Junior and Marion from
my mother-in-law's caption men in
shopping. But I knew there was no
possible way to safeguard the sum
mons she had just given me. Were I
to fail to answer her, she was cap
able of bringing all businrii to
standstill until the had found us.
But as I advanced toward hrr I was
miserably conscious that the eyes of
the people in the front of the store
were fixed upon me in amutrd curi
osity, for my mother-in-law's tone
had been the peremptory one which
some mothers invariably use toward
their erring small children, And my
only consolation lay in the fact that
the eyes ol toe mysterious uon
Ramon Almirei behind their thick-
lensed glasses, were carefully averted
from my direction. I felt a psychic
little conviction that those eyes were
filled with sardonic laughter mirth
which I had seen before and would
recognize could I get beneath the
puzzling mask of glasses, snowy
beard and moustache and foreign air.
"Are They Anybody."
"Where have you been?" Mother
Graham demanded tartly. "I thought
you came to help me shop."
I choked back a smile. No mother-
in law wihes help or advice in shop.
ping about as much as a Turkish
prince needs aiUnce in selecting
wife. ISui it is her pleasure to pre
tend that he does, and 1 Mas prop
erly apologetic,
"I ju.t stepped over to examine
iho.e draperies," I said indicating the
rack behind which 1 had taken re
fuge. "They are unusually attrac
tive" "Humph!" Her tone indicated that
nothing in shop as far from the
city could possibly have any merit
"Voti always were tackv about cur
tains. Look here." She beckoned me
close to her and lowered her voice
to a whisper. "I want you to see
that tall foreigner in the front of the
store they're alt kowtowing to. lie's
just a high-clas confidence man
making a fool of them all and laugh
ing in his sleeve. And some way
I'm sure I've seen him before. Does
he remind you of anybody?"
I was quickly vehement in my de
nial, and wondered at my own em
phasis. "Nobody ru the world!" I said.
"But, with a swift recollection that
opposition always made mv mother-in-law
more determined, "I dare say
you're right about him. He doesn't
look quite genuine to mc."
"Genuine I" she retorted. "He's a
genunine crook, thai' all, and so
thoe people will find out."
She turned apruptly to the quiet
saleswoman, who must have over-
Omaha Believes in
The Jay Burns Baking Company
"What is the most popular baking institution in Omaha?" This
question was asked of the housewives of Omaha in a recent
food canvass.
"The Jay Burns Baking Company," was the reply of the majority.
Wnen asked why, they said thaxt BETSY ROSS had always been
so satisfactory that they knew the concern making it must be one
of integrity. Many had personally visited the Jay Burns Bakery
to assure themselves of their high standards.
This esteem is not without good reason. The Jay Burns Baking
Company has always considered that in baking bread it has a
public responsibility.
BETSY ROSS Bread, therefore, is as good as bread can be baked.
All materials are the best and the baking is done under most
wholesome conditions.
We believe BETSY ROSS quality is striking proof of the differ
ence in bread. Don't say "Bread"-say BETSY ROSS.
Th ere' s a Difference in Bread
I heard our conversation, but gave no
I hint of it In her perfect manner,
I "Who are those people in the front
! of the store?" (he demanded.
"They are from Southampton,"
i the woman returned. "The name if
j Smythe-Hopkins."
There was not the ihott of an
expression in her monotonous low
toned voice, hut I suddenly had the
Smythe-Hopkins family ticketed and
shoved into a third-clan compart
ment, and 1 Lave a furtive, apprais
ing look at the woman behind the
She was of medium height, middle
age, slender, with not-quite-healthy
pallor, hut there was something
about her features etched like a
cameo, her carriage and her voice
that made me think of Hawthorne's
novels. That she belonged to an
old Long Island or New England
family, than which there is no more
Intolerant aristocracy, I was sure.
So I waited with tense interest for
her to speak again.
But it was my mother-in-law who
"Spelled with a 'y' and not V I'll
bet," she .said caustically. "They, look
like a lot of money. Are they any
body?" What Madge Guessed.
"They are very wealthy," the col
orless voice behind the counter said.
"But they are comparatively new in
Southampton. They have been there
only since the war."
I detected the faintest tremolo in
her-voice and saw the reason as 1
caught a glimpse of a gold star in
her dress.
With a single stroke of the brush
she had given us the picture of the
people in the front of the store. War
profiteers, ignorant, underbred be
neath their veneer, storming vainly
at the citadels of a social clique
which ignored them, I could under
stand their fawning attitude toward
the mysterious foreigner.
"And this don, or whatever they
call him." my mother-in-law pern-ted.
"He is supposed to be a titled
and wealthy personage." the other
replied, "lie never has been in here
before, but I have seen him with
them often, and have heard of him
frequently. He has been staying
wild them some time. I underttsnd
Mr. Smyihe-Hopkins is interested in
some properties in South America
which the son owns.
"Mr. Smythc-Hopkins would bet
ter look out," my mother-in -lew re
torted tartly, "or the don will take
his eyeteeth away.
The faintest possible smile drifted
across the gold-star-mother's lips,
and I had the sudden conviction that
she would be fiercely glad if my
mother-in-law's prediction could
come true literally, with a bit of
medieval torture back of the process.
Veterinarians Gather in
Omaha for 29th Meeting
The men who care for the" health
of the livestock population of this
fart of the country assembled in the
lotet Rome yesterday for the 29th
annual meeting ot the Missouri vai
ley Veterinary association.
President P. C. Cadv in his ad
dress emphasized the importance of
the veterinarian in a stock raising
country and declared that his income
is not proportionate to the good he
"Without the veterinarian such dis
eases as tick fever and hog cholera
would decimate tne stock ot this
country," he said. a "But at present
the veterinarian's income is at low
ebb, partly because of a recent big
tall in livestock prices and also be'
cause of a temporary surplus
Addresses yesterday afternoon cie
made by George A. Hawthorne,
Clsrinda. la.; R. F. Bourne, Fort
Collins, Colo. G. T. Matter. Siou
City, and V. K. Muldoon, Manhat
tan, Kan.
"The Bee Want Ads are best Nsi"
ness boosters.
Moot bimri riilttd our
itoTenondaj morning io
rttponio to our announ
elng our July Inventory
Sale in Sunday paptn. The
fieople of Omaha and ridn
ty know when Bowen'i
lay they are making ex
tra value-giving pricei lor
thii month, they will not be
dU appointed when they aee
the article upon which the
low pricei hare been
placed. It ii our intention
to make thii July Sale the
largeet in the history of
the store u far aa number
of talei made. .To accom
plish thii we have made bi
reduction on more items
than ever before. Come and
take advantage of these
wonderful bargain!.
Mnch Venn's Mar
tin Beds, at
$35.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier
mirror... 4... . $22.50
127.50 Fumed Oak Bound
Dining Table, fc1Q 7C
extends feet. . P iOe O
Watch Tbia Space
In a few days we will make
an announcement every reader
of this paper will be Interested
in. Always read Bowen's ads
for Items of interest.
ii y
$35.00 odd Fiber Arm Chairs,
upholstered in Cretonne with
Ivory finished 1 7(J
frames J100
$59.50 Golden or Famed Oak
Duofoids, &oq yc
for O
$24.50 Large roomy Colonial
Cheats...' $15.00
82.5i) Side Icing Refrigerator:
white porcelain &Af p
lined Pt7J
90-lb. Ice Capacity
Exchange Department
Vm.. will .
til our Excbanc Department, u
jwm nT an am piaca tt Form
ttira you haia na aaad f, ut u
nrhftnM a fiaw Im .- i.
towmff tou rhat taiip Ai . .
OmUia'a Valaa-att m
ward B, Between lgth aaf letb