The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 11, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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.Paroled Sutton
Bank Head Seeks
Another Fortune
M. L. l.ucMini Hojifii to Pay
Off Lump of I)
Through Nrw ln
Kf!tri on urolr (mm the feil
rral prison t .r,vf uuortlt, Kan.,
July 4, M, I, .tirliln-fi, fiiriMiT
lent of the I-irt N'.iti.m;, huuii of
Siillnn, Nch., i nmv in St. I.oiiu trv
inK to lay the fouiiilatinn for another
I.urlilirn, who ii about u$. a It-f r
in-iinilix Jy the hank rrah that led
to hi jroiTutinti on cIwk that he
united fratnlulrtit certificate of c
I'OMt witluuit fuiuU to cover theni.
"There' only one thing for tne to
l." I.tti hlicn said a he prepared to
k to prison. "I mint do mv utmost
to make good the tse of the lc-
pMtor n trusted inc and lost
their paving."
Ferfects Device.
While in prison he perfected a
device to sharpen aictv raor
The machine has been patented.
"I have found backiiiu in St.
Louis," the paroled banker declared
a he left the prison, "and expect to
have my invention on the market
In the meantime prominent resi
dents of Sutton are preparing to give
the former banker an enthusiastic
welcome when he returns there to
make his home.
"Nearly everybody here consider
mmseit a true mend to Lueliben.
said N. 0. Pender, Sutton business
man yesterday, "and he will come
back as one cf us."
Sign Recommendations.
Scores of prominent residents of
Sutton sist'ed recommendations for
I.ucbben's parole. Both the federal
judge who presided at his trial and
the United Stajes assistant .district
attorney who prosecuted him recom
mended parole.
"Certainly I am going back to Sut
ton," Luchhen declared.
Luebben will have to report month
ly to federal authorities on his con
duct. He was sentenced August 7. 1920.
to serve five years.
Textile Workers Strike.
Lowell, Mass., July 10. Union
textile operatives employed by the
Merrimac Manufacturing company
walked out today when they learned
that a 20 per cent cut was effective.
The company employes about 2,000
workers, most of whom are union
Efficient Panel
Made From Gloss
IJIatk Paper, Shellac and
Knumrl I Veil to Cover (Mass
for (llieap Kadio Panel.
Many radi i amateurs regret spend
ing a dollar -.r tuo on a panel and
would Kladly w Iconic a mat, well
insulated front piece for their ets. '
One may lie made from two piece
of window glass, a piece of black
paper the .rue sie as the panel and
some shellac and enamel.
The scales are marked on the pa
p:per with :he enamel and when dry
tie opposite side is given a coat
of shellac and idaccd over one pane
of glass. The side on which the
scales arc made is then coated with
shellac and the second pane of glass
laid upon it. All three are clamped
together. Win n dry the holes are
drilled with a sharp iron drill, using
a little oil or turpentine. The best
manner of holding the completed
panel to the cabinet is by means
of square brackets lining over the
Radio Amateurs May
Make Stranded Wire
Many radio fans have at times
wanted sonic .stranded wire in a
hurry, and possibly have felt that
they would have liked to save the
cash involved in its purchase, if the
time element were not important.
A neat, smooth stranded wire, excel
lent for your antenna or other pur
poses where .stranded wire is superior,
can be easily made at home.
Put a number of wires together, all
of the same length, and fasten one
end to a nail or book on the wall,
then place the other end in the
chuck of your hand drill, making
sure that they are all even. Stand
back far enough to pull the wires
taut, not too tight, then turn the
crank of the drill slowly until the
wires are twisted into one. By using
cotton covered wire you can make a
neat power cable. Several strands of
wire from the secondary of a spark
coil makes a neat wire for winding
variometers and other regenerative
I o Angeles will have radio in 20
of its public ochools before the fall
tension begins. 1 he problem of hav
ing material broadcast that will meet
the otrandards of the local peda
gogues is a worrisome one.
The steamship Santa Louisa claims
the record for long distance recep
tion. A concert bro:ir(i:ir at Pitts
burgh was heard at Iquique, Chile.
Ciovernment reports credit Cali
fornia with the lead of all the states
in radio development. Los Angeles
claims to have more stations than
the whole state of New York.
The danger of stringing radio wires
over light or power wires was clem-
i otistrated in New Jersey recently
! when a well known citizen was
j shocked to death.
Student Thief
Gets Liht Fine
Friends to Aid of Youth Who
Stole Gun to Kill
The Ree Want Ads are best busi
ness boosters.
A new dav dawned in Central po
lice court yesterday morning for Lin
coln Sykes. Jl. until recently a State
Teachers' college student at Cedar
Falls, la., who stole a revolver here
Sunday to kill himself, and was cap
tured bv police.
Friends and relatives flocked to his
assistance, and after being fined $5
for the theft Sykcs squared his
shoulders and announced that he was
going to his home in Swalesdale, la.,
"to amount to something.
Raymond Ydung, 4923 'Chicago
street, attorney, who used to know
the Sykcs family "back in Swales
dale," hurried to the young man's aid
in court yesterday morning and
pleases his case so eloquently that
Judge W. K Wappich assessed a
minimum tine.
Joseph Sykes, a brother, and Kath-
crme Sykes, a sister, a graduate of
the teachers' college at Cedar Falls,
were in court.
Sykes was arrested after he fled
with a revolver from the store of
Max Kirschenbaum, 1211 Douglas
"I wanted to kill myself" he ex
Police were unable to learn his mo
tive. He had 27 cents in his pockets.
Illinois Central Railroad Co.
To AH Illinois Central System Shopmen: Chicago, 111., July 10, 1922.
On June 14th I addressed a communication to you in which I appealed to
you to cast your vote against the proposed strike. Since that time the strike
has been called. by your leaders, and some of you have left your positions, while
others "have remained steadfast. I feel that the time has arrived when I should
make clear to those of you who have left your positions, as well as those of you
who have remained, the position of the Illinois Central System with reference
to thi3 entire matter.
In my letter to you of June 14th I enumerated the three things which your
leaders proposed to have you strike against; namely, (1) contracting of shop
plants to outsiders, (2) the order of the United States Railroad Labor Board re
lating to rules and working conditions and (3) the order of the United States
Railroad Labor Board establishing rates of pay effective July 1.
The question of contracting shops to outsiders is not a part of the contro
versy so far as you and the management of the Illinois Central System are con
cerned, because this railway system has not contracted any of its shops to out
siders. The questions involved in the matter of rules and working conditions
and the order establishing rates of pay effective July 1 are the only ones at
isfMe. Thev are not questions between you and the Illinois Central System man
agement. They were decided by the United States Railroad Labor Board and
those of you who are out on strike are striking against lawful decisions of a
branch of the United States Government.
It goes without saying that the public welfare cannot permit the revoca
tion of a decision of a governmental age ncy under a threat of the use of force.
No patriotic citizen would expect such a thing to be done, or would have it done.
We believe that we have the best gove rnment in the world, but you will all
agree with me that it would not long so remain if its institutions could be oyer
ridden and set aside in the manner sou ght by those who are contending against
the lawful decisions of the United States Railroad Labor Board.
The management of the Illinois Central System believes that those of you
who are out on strike have been misled. It bears no feeling of hostility toward
those who left its service. To those who have remained loyal it acknowledges
a debt of gratitude. It feels that it has a valuable asset in its old employes, and
it is eager to hold them together. It b elieves that, if those of you who are out
will calmly analyze the issues upon which you are striking your better judg
ment will assert itself and you will return to your positions. I sincerely invite
you to return. Moreover, I earnestly advise you to pursue that course.
Those who report for duty not later than 11:59 P. M. Monday, July 17,
1922, mav do so with the resumption of full seniority and pension rights and
will be treated as if their services had been continuous. Those returning after
that time, if accepted, will rank as new employes.
I trust that those of you who are out will consider this matter seriously and
that your action, whatever it may be, will turn out to be for your own best inter
ests, as well as the best interests of your families and those dependent upon you
for a living.
I ask those of you who are striking to bear in mind that you accepted the
decisions of the United' States Railroad Labor Board when they were favorable
to you, and that the Illinois Central System accepted those decisions which were
unfavorable to it. Let me also again remind you that since December, 1917,
you have received "three general increases in wages and that your hourly rates
of wages in effect at present, as fixed by the United States Railroad Labor
Board, are from 40 to 113 per cent higher than in 1917, as follows:
July. 1922 1917 Increases
Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Over 1917
Machinists, Boilermakers and Blacksmiths 70c 50c 40
Helpers, various classes 47c 29 c to 32 45 to 59
Coach Carpenters 70c 40c 75
Freight Car Carpenters v 63c 35c 77
Car Repairmen 63c 29 2c 113
Upon reflection, I believe that you will be broad-minded enough to accept
the recent decisions of the United States Railroad Labor Board which you con
sider unfavorable. A long-drawn-out contest would mean losses and suffering,
not only for you and your families, but also for the public. We should all recog
nize that the public interest always rises above the interests of the railroad or of
its employes.
t None, of us is fortunate enough to have issues affecting his life always de
cided in his favor. The principle of "rule or ruin" invariably has led to dis
aster. It can have no other ending. The wisdom of the principles of give and
take" and "live and let live" have been fully demonstrated. Those are the prin
ciples upon which we desire to conduct this railway system for the benefit of the
public, the employes and the owners.
The management of the Illinois Central System is under obligations
to serve the public with uninterrupted transportation and under any conditions
which may arise it must faithfully discharge that obligation.
I ask that you accept this letter in that same friendly spirit in which I ad
dress you, free from any feeling of hostility or censure for anything that has
been said or done in regard to this unhappy affair.
(Signed) C H. MARKHAM, President
Is 'lite lBteMflMEos gTragfopT)
Tuesday Will be
The S nT i II II
Little Girls'
Tub Dresses
An odd lot; practical styles
In sturdy fabrics; ginghams,
percale, cbambray; with and
without bloomers- to match;
in practically every desirable
color; sizes 2 to 6
years; special,
Third Floor East
Summer Hats
Women's tnd children's bats,
suitable for sport or street
wear and are worth up (JJ1
to B.00. Tuesday, each, vl
Second Floor East
12 Pairs Socks
For men; seamless; black,
brown and assorted .colors;
all sizes; special, 12 (PI
pairs for P-L
Basement Arcade
4 Pairs Women's
Cotton lisle or mercerized;
full fashioned and seamless;
in black and white; odd fl1
lots and sizes, 4 pairs, $-L
Basement Arcade
For men and women; Irish
linen. Men's are white, with
hemstitched border, good size.
Women's are white or col
ored, with embroidered cor
ners; 35C value; Tues- P1
day, 5 for Pi-
Main Floor East
English Tea Pots
Made of best English earthen
ware in brown, green, blue
and black, in plain glazed,
striped or mottled effects; 5
to S-cup sizes; spe- J"
cial, each, V-a.
Fifih Floor East
Hammock Pillows
Hammock and Sofa Pillows
Filled with floss and covered
with beautiful summery cre
tonnes. On the porch or in
the summer cottage these
give a bright, cheery note
to the furnishings; fl"
each, Pi
Sixth Floor East
Novelty Curtains
Fine voiles and mercerized
marquisettes, some trimmed
with lace edgings, others with
filet and Cluny pattern lace
insertions and edgings; d1
per pair, vA
Sixth Floor East
Men's Munsingwear Union
Suits Athletic style, sizes 34
to 42 only. A very special
pricing of this superb
underwear; per suit.
Main Floor South
Ruffled Curtains
Made of fine mercerized mar
quisette, with full narrow
ruffled and tie-back to
match. Per pair.
Sixth Floor East
Venus Corsettes An ideal
summer garment Made of
fancy pink novelty cloth,
with and without elastic In
serts; back .closing only. I
Sizes 34 to 46; eacb,
Third Floor North
Crex Grass Rugs
Convenient squares,
30y2x32 inches, with
borders in green, blue
or tan. tf -
Each, tDX
Sixth Floor West
Size 3x4-6; good pat
terns and colors, for
kitchen and (j "
bath; each, tDX
Sixth Floor West
Rag Rugs
Hit - and - miss Rag
Rugs, size 27xo4 inches,
in fresh, bright col
orings. G "
Each, fDL
Sixth Floor West
Men's Dark
Striped Pants
Men's Dark Striped Pants Good,
durable, heavy weight cottonade
worsted: very strongly made;
sizes 32 to 42. (T -
Tuesday, J) J.
Basement Arcade
Two Men's
Work Shirts
Men's Work Shirts Seconds of
the 85c and 1.25 quality; in plain
blue chambray, gray, khaki and
black sateen; sizes 141) to
20. Special, 2 for " J L
Basement Arcade
Full fashioned or semi
fashioned j in plain and
lace effects; black, white
and colors; all (J-j
sizes; per pair, Jji
Main Floor North
Men's Canvas
I enms
Firm rubber soles; in
white only; regularly
1.50; per
pair, kD
Fourth Floor Center
Wash Suits
Good models and serviceable
fabrics, in light and dark col
ors. These are odds and
ends from our regular stocks,
all greatly reduced. (Pi
Tuesday, each, J)A
Fourth Fhor
Bed Sheets
80x90-inch sheets, made of
extra heavy quality sheet-
inST. Hflmmpfl prida wnA-u
for use; an unsual - j f 0 (
value, each, tD JL V
Basement North (J H I
Hot Water Bottle
and Fountain Syringe
Two-quart fountain syringe and water
bottle combination, complete with fit
tings, made with rapid flow
tubing and shutoff, pj.
Main Floor West
Bathroom Stools
White enameled, with rubber tips on feet;
15 inches high; 1.49 value; very
specially priced at pl
Fifth Floor West
White Dish Pans
Made of triple coated white enameled ware;
10, 12 and 14-quart sizes; values up
to 1.69; special, J)1
Fifth Floor West
Tea Kettles
6-quart size; made of reliable gray gran
iteware; worth 1.69; very specially d1
priced at
Fifth Floor West
Floor Polisher
Made of cotton yarn, mounted on wood
en block; 16 inches long; 1.75 fl-
values; special, pL
Fifth Floor West
5 Yards of
Tissue Gingham
In assorted stripes and colors, all
warranted to launder perfectly. Good
for women's an d children's dresses,
bungalow aprons etc. A special (J -
value, 5 yards for tpX
Basement North
Boudoir Slippers
women s auiitea satin boudoir
slippers, with leather soles; in
old rose, gold, pink, light blue,
dark blue and red; sizes
4 to 8; per pair, X
Third FhorEast
Silk Pongee
Natural colored striped pongee that
will wash perfectly; 32 inches
wide; per yard, tpj.
Main Floor Center
Blaek Satin
A splendid quality of heavy black sat
in, all silk, 36 inches wide; spe- d"
cial, per yard, tP
Main Floor Center
Kimono Silks
Bright colors, in large and small de
signs ; made expressly for kimonos, but
also used for linings ; 33 inches "
wide ; per yard, tj? X
Main Floor Center
Assorted Silks
Satins, Moires, Poplins, Pongees, Ki
mono Silks, Lining Silks, Brocaded
Poplins, Striped Satins, Messaiine in
light and dark colors; large and small
patterns, plain and fancy weaves; (PI
all 36 inches wide; per yard, V J-
Basement Center
Boys' Baseball
Play Suits
One-piece suits in tans and
grays, trimmed with red or
blue. The youngxters feel
very professional in these,
and they save their good
clothes. Sizes 3 to 8 (PI
years; each, v-l-
Fourth Fhor
Blue Print Cloths
100 of these attractive Jap
anese printed lunch cloths, in
the 54-lnch size; spe
cial, each.
Main Floor West
Fine Art Linen
200 yards of fine quality art
or waist linen; 36 Inches (Pi
wide; special, yard, V-l
Main Floor West
Silk Laces
Allovers and flounclngs; In
black, brown, gray and navy;
27 to 40 inches wide;
Spanish patterns; yard, ?A
Main Floor Center
Crochet Spreads
100 spreads, in sizes for single
and three-quarter beds; have
hemmed ends; an un- (Pi
usual value, each, tpX
Main Floor West
Wash Rugs
Bungalow wash rugs of extra
fine weave, in plain and (P-!
fancy colors; each, V-l-
Basement West
Men's Watches
Open face watches; guaran
teed timekeepers; in nickel
cases; regular 1.75 (PI
values; each,
Basement SoufA
Brown earthenware casserole
with white glazed lining,
complete with nickeled . steel
frame. Reduced for
Monday only, each,
Fifth Floor East
Boys' Tennis
Several hundred pairs of ten
nis shoes, made of good grade
of white duck; leather inner
soles; sizes for big and small
boys; priced at, per (Pi
pair, $1
Basement Arcade
Play Shoes
Barefoot Sandals and Play
Oxfords Have overweight
leather soles; well made;
sizes 5 to 11 and 11 to 2;
1.59 values; special, Q1
per pair,
Basement Arcade
Children's Pumps
Children's JTary Jane Pomps
Made of pliable brown kid,
with hand-turned soles and
spring heels; sizes 3 to (Pi
8; per pair, epj.
Basement A rcade
Nemo Circlet Brassieres Of
dainty pink summer mesh;
perfectly fitting, no hooks, no
eyes, easily adjusted. (Pi
Sizes 36 to 46; each, pL
Third Floor North
The Model Adjustable Dress Forms
Can be adjusted to fit any size
from 32 to 46. Q nF
Specially priced, U 1 1 tj
Velvet Grip Sw-on Corset Garters
Special price, "1 Q
per pair, AiC
Ocean Pearl Button All perfect
buttons, per
card, OC
Faultless Sanitary Aprons Q C
Each, ODC
Circle Combs Shell and O K
amber color, each, sUC
Tuesday Notion Specials
Corset Laces 8-yard laces,
specially priced,
Rubber Kitchen Aprons
checks and plaids,
Children's Supporters' r-f
Elastic Special,
per pair,
Black Rubber Dressing
Combs Each,
Main Floor SoufA
Safety Pins Good strong pins, Q n
3 sizes, per card, OC
Rust-proof Snap Fasteners Black or
white, 3 cards 1 A.
for 1UC
Kotex Sanitary Napkins M Q
Box of one dozen, special, rtC
J. A P, Coats Mercerized Thread
All colors, No. 80, P A
per spool, tllx
Children's "Little Darling" Sock
Garters Pink, blue or r
white, OC
Warren's Mercerized Shoulder
Strapping Pink, blue and f r
white, 2 yards for XtC
Marcel Waving Irons -i f
Specially priced, X U C
Velvet Grip Sanitary Belts All rub
ber with cloth tabs, in.
Faultless Bias Tape 6-yard bolts,
sizes 4 to 8, "1 A
per bolt, 1UC