1 i iiiiiMEJili ::: ids I Ilia h. 19 I4.3S (in it.ta tT.! l.M h:.6 thtt J 88 l' 'TO :: M 7 ' ft.. "WHAT GOOD ARK MILLIONS IV VOL CAN'T DO GOOD WITH THEM"! asked Mrs. William E. Smith, who U en route to Europe. Her husband Inherited $10,000,000 from hli mother, Mr. Roxy Smith. On the eve of (ailing to tudy under Jean de Reaike, Mn. Smith confided It wai her Intention while abroad to visit famoui musical instructor, atudjr their method, and to bring back one or two of them to teach a few youthful Americana ahe believe may develop into operatic (tara. She already haa aelected a few protege and will aet up a atudio In New York City. (N. Y. A.) -"- ' v am v . m v ih nil at DECORATED FOR BRAVERY by the poet-warrior d'Annunzio because she dared death to inter view him In Flume, Miss Vera Bloom, who has just returned to America, has written a inupier.l comedy. j AND HERE'S ANOTHER water nymph (right) at Revere Beach whose bathing suit, despite Bos ton's reputed Puritanism and al leged prudery, would be banished from many Eastern beaches. (N. Y. A.) BOSTON BEACHES SEDATE? That's their accepted repu tation! But gaze on this sprightly maiden (above) at Revere Beach and jui'.re for yourself. (N. Y. A.) MISS FLO WILSCANN got the wanderlust again and sailed from New York on the liner Paris for her third tour of the world. BABY HIPPO GASPS FOR BREATH at vFranklin -Park, Bos ton. "Happy" found the !;eat op pressive. (Int'l News Reel.) Yf I kit ( :: fJ38 a aiaiiiiiiiiiiHBBBaiiiiiiiwBHBiMMBHMBaaBMBaMniiHiiHBaBaHBiiWBMaMBMBMaiaMaaBMaiw it) iwaiiilHHaaMaMMaMaBMaaaiiiiiiiliiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiaViHiiiiiWHaMMaHaWfl T U 1 5 WII.I. B TICKLE 'EM Young Jadiea are taking ostrich feathers oft their hats and placing them where they will attract most attention. M I a a Kay Weekea (rlpht), of New York, demon strated the ostrich garter for At lantic Clty'a de lectation. (I. N. S.) BABY WHISTLER PUZZLES SCIENTISTS Vir ginia Bedard, of Portland, Ore., is only three years old, but she can whistle so well even the birds are fooled. San Fran cisco scientists are puzzlec about the baby's pe culiar ability. (Int'l News Reel.) o ' j MRS. HELEN EYSEL, U ONE GLANCE AT GRACE'S PICTURE In a Brooklyn, N. Y., who shot and Boston paper and a daughter-in-law of the famous l ...... husband last February, Philadelphia merchant, John VVanamaker, decided ' m bscn arrested for attacking a the baby should be her's. A million dollar home is -rf-ifui w'th a coffee cup wjien the infant's prospective lot. Grace's mother is he protested against a noisy all torceu to give ner up because she is unable to night party. , (N. Y. A.) support her. (Int'l News Reel.) MAYOR OF DEBT FREE CITY Mayor Victor Mravlag (:eft), of , , , ., ... . . Elizabeth, N. J., with E. D. Mul- THERE WAS A BARREL OF FUN when SO 000 ford President of the City Coun- person watched the burning of this monster ton- cil on the Fourth of July when Rre on the East End playground in Peabody, Mass. the city burned the last of its It towered 100 feet in the air and was built In 30 bonds of indebtedness. tiers of 3,500 barrels. (Int'l News Reel.) -1 CAN'T GET 'EM UP, AND I CAN'T GET 'EM UP, AND 1 CAN'T GET 'EM UP IN THE MORNIN'!" is the most hated of all army calls, and college students at the Reserve Officers' 1 raining Camp at Pittsburgh, N. Y., threaten death to the offending bugler who sounded reveille. tU. S. Army Official Photographs.) THIS GORGEOUS EVENING WRAP, worn by Mile. Adrienne, most Jieautiful of all Paris man nequins, is of silver brocade, trimmed with two narrow bands of gray monkey fur. (Int'l News' Reel.) iitipi - vs " ' "1- 'rJh' 77:, ICEBERGS MEN'ACh NORTH ATLANTIC LANES A constant danger to ocean liners at this season of the year is the presence of these floating mountains of Ice. To warn steamships, coast guard cutters patrol the watera. Here Is shown the U. S. S. Seneca (left) in the North Atlantic off the Newfoundland Banks. EVEN GROWN-UPS "SHOOT' MARBLES IN CALIFORNIA, where Ed. Linn, comically dubbed the chamipion "heavyweight" of Oakland, is shown "knuckling down" in the first marble tournament ever held for adults in the United States. (U. U.) Copjright. 19C2. Intnuational JCewi Swri. V )