The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 08, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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P. y gj jl
S"" is l lNt eTut Stovicc. Inc. q3 76
Bonus Bill to Pass 'BRINGING UP FATHER
Before Congress
Quite, Says Solon
McfTumlirr I'lnlgf Action o
Salvation Army Woman
Who PrrrnU Petition
of 1.000.000 Namri.
WitiliiiiKion, July 7. Tlirre will he
no kiljmirmnrnt of congress until i he
.iliirr' compensation bill hat rrn
nude a Um. It will be fakrn up and
litoril nl iiiulrr a sprrial agreement
a oon as the tariff bill it ps.wd."
This proiiiii m niaile today ly
Senator Mrt.umhrr j( North Dakota,
i bairmaii of the finance committee .to
Mm. J I. K. Smith of Whitman,
.Matt., who nYltvrrrit a tliiril peti
tion hearing I.IHXt.iKHI .ignaturci for
rii.ii-tinnit i.f the lionti lull.
Mr. Smith, drccd in the uniform I
f( the Ivafon Army, wax arcom
fanicd hy a score of wounded vet
train irnm the Walter Reed general
liotiial u licit the trri'tited the mc
inoii.i!, "It' heavy and rrrt.iinlv ha omc
v. eight," aid Senator McCumlier a
lie grajri the liiiuitic.
"Ve hi)ie it will have tome weight
jp the senate." Mr. Smith responded.
, "It will," the senator replied.
' ' Program (or Congreti.
' Washington, July 7. The legisla
tive program of the present cmoii
ot congit.i was said hy republican
sehators to be somewhat more clear
ly defined a result of the dinner
conference at the home of Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts, the party
The passage of the tariff bill and
possibility of the soldiers' bonus
measure being oassed. would consti
tute the major part of the program
' before adjournment in the opinion of
the republican leaders, with the
Capper-Tincher grain future trading
bill, the Liberia.-! loan measure arm tne
rivers and harbors development bill
included among the measures which
might go through.
The republican traders, it was re
ported, did not include the adminis
tration ship subsidy bill on their
tentative calendar for passage at the
present session. - Rising opposition
because of its subsidy features and
the prohibition element injected
through an amendment prohibiting
sale of liquor on American ships left
considerable ddtibt as to the pos
. sibility of the bill's disposal before
' adjournment, republicans said.
Army Fliers to Visit
Omaha on Trans-U. S. Flight
Dayton. O., July 7. Lieut. James
H. Doolittle and Leland Andrews,
flying in an army airplane in a
round trip, transcontinental tour,
were to leave Dayton early today on
the fourth leg of their flight, which
started last Monday at San Antonio,
The aviators' next stop will be
Chicago, from where they will hop
off for Omaha. .
Lieut. Doolittle and Andrews ar
rived in Dayton last night after hav
ing flown from Boiling Field, Wash
ington, D. C.
i. fim urrw
see jiccs and maccie in full
Drawn for The Bee by McManus
lt'ri-hl i:m
Germany Nearing
Financial Crash;
Marks Go Lower
Nation on Verge of Being En
gulfed in Economic Catas
trophe That Will Shake
. Europe to Foundations. .
New York, July 7. German marks
today fell to tht level of 100 for
Wt cents, or almost 3 cents per 100
under the minimum established yes
terday, ' Dealers attributed the de
cline to disturbing economic condi
tions in Germany.
Chicago, July 7. A world confer
ence to modify the treaty of Versail
les and the stabilization of the Ger
man mark, are necessary to Ger
many's reconstruction, Dr. George
Michaelis, chancellor of the German
empire in 1917, said in an address
here yesterday. lie said he hoped
to eliminate ihe charge that Ger
many started the war.
On Verge of Disaster.
Paris, July 7. Germany is on the
verge of being engulfed by a social
and economic catastrophe which will
shake Europe to its very foundations.
according to an urgent report which
the guarantee committee in Berlin
made to the reparations commission
yesterday. '
The reparations commission held a
special meeting yesterday to dis
cuss various urgent measures to pre
vent the complete financial collapse
of Germany, and the commission is
even considering inviting the Mor
gan financial committee to sit in
I'aris soon to act in an advisory ca
pacity. The final decision en this
point will be made by the French
government. J. 1 Morgan is at liia
summer home in England.
Marks Near Collapse.
Marks have broken away from all
control, the reparations commission
thinks, and their final collapse wilt
be the signal for the stoppage of
reparations payments, disorder (or
the financial and commercial equilri
rium of Europe, and the confusion of
German industry.
ihe allied governments are tre
mendously more worried over the
economic situation than Germany,
which sees an end to reparations
payments for some years. Allied ob
servers fully cpect a social revolu
tion of a mild character.
Paris Movies May Close.
I'aris, July 7.Tlir Federation of
Theater ami Cinema I'nions has
voted unanimously to close all the
playhouses next February IS unless
the heavy government tax is light
ened before that date.
The Bee Want Ads are best busi
ness boosters.
Tariff Bill Gets Blow
in Defeat of Cloture
(f'antlnti'4 Prom 1'aga Oiw.l
dors take into consideration, he
ays, is the difference in the selling
price at home and abroad.
In view of the unstable conditions
in business and in prices throughout
the world, he contends that this re
lationship is unnatural and that its
effect will be to keep the present
high cost of articles where they are
now. In other words, according to
Senator Norri' view, the effect of
the present tariff will be to "freeie"
the high cost of living, with the
reu!t that everyone- including the
farmer, will have tu pay the piper.
Thinks All Are High.
Senator Korris is of the opinion
that it is impossible to enact tariff
Irgislatiou now which will meet the
situation. lie has been voting
against reduction in the proposed
schedules on farm products, but does
so on the ground that o long at all
lanif ielnlet are bring t.xed at a
hi.-li i4'e he will vote t. i a high
Mte mi .iiliili-. uhii'h hi .mn set'.
t i.ii lunihiiv, c knowledge
that may t'foui nu "iiM.trnt with
l.i. attitude mi the tariff 4 whole
and ln iiitrnti.iii ,i ,ite against it,
Imt think lie lu. solved the Mention
!( i'iuifrnt'y in Ins nun mind.
In arguing that the proposed tariff
will erve t perprtu.tie the preent
high cot of living, Senator Norn
points mil that a ill tin fat 111
product will not keep up prices on
products which arc produced by
lioii..iin of persons. Hut 011 articles
manufactured by one or by only a
few. a combination is io,ihle and
since foreign competition will be
baried ami doinelic competition
throttled, there will be no chance lu
secure a reduction in prices on thee
Farmer to Suffer.
Accordingly, the farmer will suf
f er both as to the things he pro
duces and as to the things lie huvs.
"I am a protectionist," Senatot
Notris said, "and believe in a theory
of protection which will result in a
hill scientifically made and whirh
will be based upon the (Inference in
cost of production at home and
abroad. While I am a protectionist,
I must acknowledge that no tariff has
ever yet been made nn scientific lines
but rather 011 the preponderance of
selfish interests as expressed through
Senator Norris voted against the
cloture rule with considerable reluct
ance this morning, but said the evils
of the cloture were greater than those
it attempted to cure.
Manhart Issues Challenge"
on Beer and Wine Issue
Lincoln, July 7. (Special.) Paul
Manhart of Auburn, republican can
didate for First district congressional
nomination, has issued a challenge
to debate all his opponents on the
light wine and beer proposition,
"You and each of you,'" Manhart
says in his challenge, "have supinely
surrendered your constitutional
rights in advance of cither your nom
" ination or election to the Anti-Saloon
Veteran Spalding Feeder
Tops Omaha Cattle Market
John McManaman, veteran stock
man of Spalding, was on the- live
stock market with 12 head of steers
averaging l.uoo pounas, tor wmcn ne
received the top price of $10.15 a
indred. He also brought in 18
head" of mixed yearlings, averaging
828 pounds, that netted him $9.50 a
Bee Want Ads Produce Result?.
Beaton's Summer Prices
For Saturday and Monday
$1.25 Hughes' Ideal Hair
Brush 89
$1.00 Milkweed Cream 79e
50c Mirror Nail Polish J4
$1.10 Pyros for the teeth and
gums 73tf
60c Newbro Herpicide. . . .36t
35c Odorono 24t
60c Pebeco Tooth Paste.. 34 1
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 36
$4.00 Knickerbocker Bath
Spray $1.75
$1.00 Coty Face Powder. .79
$1.00 La Trefle Face Powder
for 69
$1.00 Azurea Face Powder, 69
$1.00 Goutorbe Face Powder
for 69t?
20c Mozart Corona,
2 for 20t
Box of 50 $4.25
15c Mozart Americano,
3 for 25
Box of 50 $3.50
15c La Azora Biltmore,
3 for 25?
Box of 50 $3.50
15c Sireno, 2 for 156
Box of 60... '...4. $3.50
Add 5c per carton or box on
mail orders for postage and
All you want at these prices.
Camels or Lucky Strikes,
2 pkgs. for 25
Per carton of 200, $1.25
60c Diving Bath Caps..49t
90c Diving Bath Caps..69
$1.15 Bath Caps 89
Ear Plugs 50t
$1.50 Bathing Suit Bags 98
Water Wings 50t
15c Gloria Toilet Paper,
2 rolls for 15
Per dozen 30
1 TbrnoffOKfl
$1.50 Liberty Alarm Clocks
for 98
$2.50 Electric Hot Plates
for $1.7f
$5.00 Electric Curling Iron
for .rr. $3.49
$1.25 Automobile Washable
Chamois, at 89
$1.50 2-qt. Velvet Fountain
Syringe for 98$
$2.00 2-qt. Velvet Combination
Fountain Syringe and Water
Bottle for $1,45
Have you tried the new
Ansco film? It's a wonder
every snap a picture. Could
you ask for more? We carry
them in all sizes.
ma mild, T(etabl laxative to
rellm Comtlpatloo and BiU
oauM and keep tha dig estiva and
uminauvaiu actions normal.
Films developed free when
prints are ordered.
$2.50 Rexoette 2x34 Box
Camera, special at... $1.98
$3.50 Rexoette 2Vx4'a Box
Camera, special at. . . .$2.78
Chips off the OH Block
' ft L77W ' T" 11
II a aa mMm une-imrn in rs-
I W"3ra rn " ttoaa. ada of II
1 rV"i Ingradlanta. II
' - then candy coated. I l
V For children and adulta. f I
I I ' 1 I
$2.00 Thermopack 79
50c H-lb. can Beaton's Cold
Cream for sunburn 35t
$2.50 Self-Filling Fountain
Pens 98
50c box Stationery 24t
$2.00 1-pt Vacuum Bottle, 98
75c Colonel Golf Balls 50t
1 Travelers' First Aid Kits, $1
i life Lux 12
';15c F. A. B. Soap 12tf
;10c Life Buoy, 4 for 25
25c Carter's Pills 16
; 15c Sterno 8,
: $.25 Swamp Root 84t
;$t.l0 Nuxated Iron 89?
, 50c Milk Magnesia 36t
30c Honest John Corn
Remedy 16
35c Sal Hepatica 21t
1,00 Mercolized Wax....73t
20c 2-in-l Liquid White Shoe
Cleaner 15t
25c R. C. White Shoe Cleaner
for 15
$1.25 Lyko Tonic 86
Beaton Drug Co.
Mail Orders Filled Promptly.
$1.00 bottle 6-gr. Aspirin
Tablets 49
30c Mentholatum 17
$3.75 Horlick Malted Milk
for $2.89
Saturday Special Selling of 2,000: Pairs of
Women's Low Shoes
In Smart Summer Styles
-in White Kid, White
Calf Skin, in White
Patent Leather, Black
Satin, Two-Tone Ef
fects, High and Low
French Heels, Etc.
4.85 5.85
Formerly Priced 6.00 to 12.00
A collection of our better grade low shoes in white kid7
white calfskin, white linen, patent leather, black satin and
stunning two-tone effects with high or low French heels, or
wooden box heels. These shoes have all been greatly reduced
and are the styles to put on and wear right now. ; z
Third Floor East
OK4 Ptort . of Specialty faow
500 PAIR
Values up to $10.00
You'll find just the style
you're looking for in this
great group of 500 pair of
shoes which will be placed
On sale Saturday.
Including this season's best
selling numbers. All go at
one price which is but a
fraction of their real value.
Choice of Our Entire
Stock of '
White Pumps,
ISO. pair of boys' and
girls' oxfords and
pumps, values $3.50 to
$5.00. Sat- q
urday at h)1!7-
Shoe Shop Main Floor
The Values Are Extreme in this
Regular $2.00
and $2.50 values
on sale at
Full fashioned pure silk hoe with lisle hem top,
black only.
Black and brown silk hose with fashioned leg, shaped
ankle and feet.
Embroidered instep hose, fashioned leg, in shades of
brown and navy.
All-silk corded lace stripe hose, lisle top, sand and nude.
Panel back hoie, silk above the knee, lisle hem, black,
white, emerald, rose, orchid, orange, blue, etc. The
proper hose to wear with the pretty colored summer
GOTHAM white silk hose,
100 pure silk. The
hose with the gold
stripe which insures
them for wear. $2.00,
$2.75 and $3.50.
PHOENIX white silk hose,
Hi Phoenix heel so
much in demand. You
will find this hose
splendid for service.
$1.55, $2.10 and $2.55.
silk hose. Also square
heels, in a complete line
of sizes, at $2.00 and
f Sox for Boys and Girls
White or colored with fancy cuffs. Plain or ribbed styles. They
are broken sizes which have been selling at $1.00. Saturday, pair
Hosiery Shop Main Floor
All the beautiful new styles that
match your bathing suits. Heavy
rubber in bright colors trimmed
with fancies of all kinds.
35c caps. 19c; 50c and 65c caps,
39c; $1.00 caps, 69c; $1.50 caps,
Children's $1.50 Para
sols; very special at
July Clearance Sale of
This great clearance sale that is looked forward to by
many women includes innumerable sizes and models
of the best known makers. The corsets have become
slightly soiled from handling and display and must be
disposed of at a big reduction. Made of satin, silk
brocade and French coutil. Not all sizes in every
style, but you will be certain to find one to suit you.
Placed in two great groups:
$8.50, $10.00 and $12.00 values at $5.98
$5.00 and $6.50 values at - - $3.98
At these prices we cannot accept C. O. D- will call
or exchanges.
, Corset Shop Main Floor''
Clearance Sale of
Infants' and
Children's Wear
Children's dresses-In Three Groups
100 DRESSES, values to $3.50,
made of gingham, batiste, etc.
Ages 2 to 6. 4jl ff
Special, at P 1 aliU
200 DRESSES, values up to $3.95,
of plain or checked gingham.
Have separate bloomers, some
panty dresses guaranteed fast
color. Choice, gg
DRESSES,' values up to $5.00, of
voiles and tissue, in panty effects.
Ruffled styles, with hot weather
sleeves.. Special, 2 95
A limited number of Dainty Hats to
match the above, at $1.25.
Jr on regular prices
Baby boy Flannel skirts.
suits. Infants'
Baby boy dresses.
rompers. Pillow covers.
Hand-made Hand-made
dresses. Gertrudes.
Hand-made Silk quilts.
gowns. Complete
Infants' Shop Second Floor
The popularity of the silk sweater has increased to such an
extent that one must have at least one or two sweaters in their 1
wardrobe to make it complete. These come in tuxedo style
in solid colors, stripe or check patterns. Black, white, purDle
and brown at the low price of $15.50.
Fiber Sweaters, $6.95 and $4.95
Either slip-on or tuxedo style in black, navy, emerald,
white, canary or brown. These are exceptional values
for this money in fact, a great deal lower than they
were ever intended to sell for.
Sweater Shop Main Floor
Special Prices Go in Effect
An opportunity to save money on fine quality
underwear for the present and the future.
BLOOMERS of cotton crepe, full cut, white and
flesh, 85c.
BLOOMERS of batiste, hand embroidered, picot edge ;
also bloomers and step-ins of plisse crepe, plain
and with narrow lace edge, $1.00 and $1.49.
STEP-IN SETS,, vest and step-in to match, white and
colored, picot edge, lace trimmed or plain, $1.75
and $2.45 a set.
COTTON GOWNS of crepe, dimity and batiste, hand
embroidered, bands of contrasting colors trim these
dainty models, 95c to $1.69.
Lingerie Shop Main Floor