The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 08, 1922, Page 18, Image 18

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flaws Oilers to
Co-Opcrate Willi
Educators of U. S.
Ifrail of Film Producer
PIciIjjci Aid in Making Pic
turca Which Are "Pfd
agogically Sound."
P.oston, July 7. The co-operation
of the motion picture producer! with
the National Education association
in finding a way to make pedagogic
pictures, "which are scientifically,
psychologically and pcdagoi(ically
sound," was offered by Will 11.
Hays, president of the Motion Tic-
ture Producers and Distributors of
America, in an address last night be
fore the convention of the educators'
"There is already a great demand
for pedagogic pictures," Mr, Hay
said. "I propose that wc join to
study that demand and that we
jointly find ways and means of sup
plying it. Let a committee be ap
pointed of this association, made up
of the very best talent within your
ranks; let them meet with the great
producers of the country and rind
ways to use our facilities. We ask
you to aid us and to let us aid you
in the study of the whole problem
of the use of the motion picture as
a direct pedagogic instrument."
Mr. Mays assured the delegates
that the motion picture industry ac
cepted the challenge "in the great
demand of the educators that the full
instructional value of motion pictures
.(.hall be developed and used.
The address shared interest on the
day's program with the action of
delegates in emphatically endorsing
the fowncr-bterling bill.
The convention s attitude was
made known after the presentation
of the report of the association s leg
islative commission,, which declared
that creation of a department of cuu
'cation was justified on the basis of
the present educational activities of
the national government, as well as
by the general welfare provision of
the constitution and the historical de
velopment of the . national govern
ment. Marriage Licenses
Oeorfe F. McCurley, 41, Omaha; Ptarl
Tlmme, 3), Omaha.
" Prc L. Haw.s, 47, Boom, la.; Kalhryn
Sturmau, .17, lloone, la.
Canadian Premier Asks
Hughes for Appointment
:Move Is Considered Step Toward Realization of St.
! I.awrence-Great Lakes Waterway Sugges
tion for Conference Made by
Secretary of State.
Road Conditions
(Furnished by the Omaha Auto Club.)
Lincoln hlghwuy, east: Iloada muddy to
Dsnison and fast.
Lincoln highway, west; Roads fair to
Fremont: need chains; Fremont west,
roads (air to Rood.
O. I,. D. highway: Roads very muddy.
Highland Cutoff: Roads Just (air.
Cornhusker highway: Roads muddy,
Waboo and south.
Meridian highway: Roads all muddy
south of Columbus. 1
8. T. A.. road: Muddy In stretches. Roads
otherwise fair.
O Street road: Muddy. Road work In
progress out of Lincoln.
George Washington highway: Roads a
little muddy.
Black Htlla Trail: Roads somewhat
muddy. ,
King of Trails, south: Roads muddy.
Custer Battlefield highway: Roads (air
to good. Excellent In stretches: very lit
tle construction work In progress.
River to River road: Muddy.
Chicago-Omaha Shortllne: Roads muddy.
.1. O. A. Shortllne: Muddy.
Blue Grass road: Muddy.
' Heavy showers occurred' at most sta
tions south and west from Omaha and a
few showers east and north. Weather
clear and roads drying rapidly. Possibly
by noon traffic will be moving without
the use of chains.
1512 Douglas Street
M'uliincloa Correepandetit Omaha Be.
Washington, July 7. (Special Tel
egram.) I'remier McKcnitie King
of Canada has asked for an appoint
ment with Secretary of State
Hughes, and thus takes a step which
brings the realization of the St. Law-rcncc-Grtat
Lakes waterways pro
ject, in which the middle west is so
vitally interested, appreciably nearer.
It will inaugurate, also, a closer re
lationship between Canada and the
United States and is 'the first step
in the establishment of direct diplo
matic relations between the two
Some time ago Secretary Hughes
Miggcstcd to Trcmirr King that the
United States afli Canada enter into
negotiations for a treaty in order to
envisage the possibility of the St.
Lawrence project. Premier King re
plied the time was not ripe to dis
cuss the project.
Premier Favors Project.
It was known here that Premier
Kins' who is a western Canadian,
the section of Canada that wants the
waterway, favors the project, but
his majority in parliament is made
up largely of men of Quebec, who
oppose it.
Hits was an embarrassing situatiot)
for the Canadian premier. In the
meantime, the American tariff bill
had been under discussion and Cana
dians have been greatly alarmed over
the prospect of having their goods
shut out. There is a desire on their
part to renew the Canadian recipro-,
city treaty ot which tney re
jected, but which is ratified so far as
this country is concerned and has
never been denounced.
A further angle is the fact that the
Canadians have long desired diplo
matic representation in Washington,
but the idea has been discouraged by
the crown authorities on the theory
that it would tend to draw Canada
away from the British system and
unite it more closely in a Pan-American
bond with the United States.
The British embassy, it is understood,
has quietly discouraged the water
ways project for the same reason.
Embassy Not Cognizant.
Neither the State department nor
the British embassy, is officially cog
nizant of the object of Premier King's
visit to the United States to conter
with Secretary Hughes, but all of
these propositions are included.
Some time ago representative
Canadians called unofficially upon
President Harding, upon Secretary
of Commerce Hoover, Senator Mc-'
Cumber and Representative Fordney,
to discuss the tariff bill. They re
ceived a sympathetic hearing from
the president, who is reported to.have
intimated a desire to treat Canada
on a different basis than other coun
tries in making a tariff. Canada is
this country's best customer and the
present administration is keenly
alive to the importance of cementing
the sympathetic feeling which the war
showed really existed. There have
been suggestions of a commodity
tariff which would give preferential
treatment to Canadian goods. It is
pointed out, however, that Canada
gives a preferential treatment to Bri
tish imports' and Canada is caught
between two fires.
Regarded as Epochal.
The administration is desirous of
bringing about the waterways proj
ect for the reasons mentioned and
also because it is believed this proj
ect, once accomplished, would lessen
the opposition which is said to exist
in the middle-west to the ship sub
sidy. The approaching conference is re-
Harding Appeals
for Harmony in
Republican Party
Too Many Who Profess to
Be Republican! Attempting
to Attract Attention,
Harding Says.
250 Pimples, 736 Blackheads
and 3 Boils!
No reward is offered, h.rmi.A h
i are lost forever! No question will ba
asked, except one question, "How
did you lose them?" There is but one
answer, "I cut out new fad treat
ments and guesswork; I used one of
the most powerful blood-cleansers,
blood-purif lers and flea h-hniMor.
1 known, and that is S. S. S.! Now my
face is pinkish, my skin clear as a
rose, my cheeks are filled out and my
rneumausm, too, is gone! ' This will
be your experience, too, if you try "S.
S. S. It is guaranteed to be purely
vegetable in all its remarkably -effective
medicinal Ingredients. S. 8. 9.
Manna a n.a hlalnm . ...
T.nrul. that glorlans feeling that on! S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores
a with clear, pore, taddy com- in two alxes. The larger size la 'the
pluton, more economical.
I Saturday Only! I
i We Will Sell One Thousand .
New 75e .
f Victor Records
' s
1 50c Each I
Or 3 for $1.35
s 410 Seats. 16th Street
9 16th and Howard, Omaha, Neb.
Are Now in Their
New Home
Sunderi and Building
(Electris Sirs ea Tap)
IStk mni Haraey Streets
Coal Ceko BaiMiag Material
-It's Ceee If SonoMaa Sails It
.. I "
Branded in the Back, '
(I I sV-tiiT!f I
8 ill H nfell
700 $600 $495
The Art and Music Store
1513-15 Douglas Street
$5.00 SALE
Of georgette and canton crepe
blouses, formerly sold up to
114.75: silk and wool skirts,
formerly sold to $12.50; fibre
silk and all-wool sweaters,
formerly sold to $9.75. Choice
Saturday at
1512 Douglas Street
garded as epoch-making so far as
the diplomatic relations between
Canada and the United States is
concerned and will have an impor
tant bearing both on the tariff and
the waterways project.
Columbus, July 7. (By A. P.)
President Harding. In an address
here lat night, made a vigorous ap
peal for harmony in the ranks of the
republican party. Too many who
profess to be republicans, he declared.
are attempting to attract attention
to themselves instead of working
lor the good of their party and coun
try. The president said he did not care
to be a "soloist," but added that some
one had to act as director, otherwise
there would 'be no harmony. He
spoke at an open-air bantjuct which
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of
J the Columbus Republican Glee club,
: of which he was made a life member.
! Prefacing his remarks with the
observation that a glee club never
! would sing in harmony if the tenors
! insisted on receiving , special attcn
: tion because they were tenors, and
j the basses did likewise, Mr. Harding
i declared it would be impossible to
' preserve party harmony if individu-
als and groups in the party took the
same slant on things.
Sponsor for Government.
Several hundred men and women,
most of them actively identified with
the republican party, heard the pres
ident's address. He reminded them
that the party is sponsor for the gov
ernment today, and added that "we
would be better off if all who wear
the badge . were republicans at
"You seldom stop to think of the
inheritance of the present adminis
tration," declared the executive,
adding that he meant to take no
"fling at what went before."
"But there was a saturnalia of ex
penditure," he continued, "with some
nations spending to bankruptcy and
the IVtitcd State to madness. Out
of that great upheaval must come
readjustment, but it urcius as if no
one want a readjustment for him
self, although he i catier to have it
for others."
The president was loudly applaud
ed when he referred to the accom
plishment of the recent arm con
ference. He declared he could say
with satisfaction that the United
plates had played a splendid part
in cringing ine worm dick to or
Urges Spirit of Brotherhood
"This nation," he added, "hat helped
to establish a hrntherhood ot na
tions, and we ought to bring the
spirit of that brotherhood a little
more to the front in the I'nited
During hi speech, the president
reiterated his declaration, made on
July 4 at Marion, that this nation
cannot tolerale group or class de
nomination through force. There can
be no domination, he said, but of the
will of the people as expressed in the
laws of this country.
"If law cannot be maintained," the
president continued, then the repub
lie itself is menaced.
Mr. Harding said it was consoling
to realize that the great under-cur
rent of American liie was in a for
ward direction and that "nothing in
the world can ston it."
The president praised the Colum-
Dus Olce club which, durum the last
half century has sung at many na
tional conventions, and participated
in every campaign, declaring that "by
your singing you have done more for
your party than any of us have done
by solo work on the stump."
Party Leaves Marion.
The president left Marion, where
he spent two days among relatives
and oldtime friends, this mornine.
out not until alter he had dropped
into the Marion Star office for a last
look at the plant, a conference with
its editors and a goodby to everyone
in me snop.
A small grouD of friends was on
hand at the home of Mr. Harding's
lather to wave a farewell as the ores
ident and Mrs. Harding started on
tneir way.
Needles and plus will never rust In
a cushion filled with coffee ground;
'national Institution f&rSf 7mm Coast tBOast
"The Mere el the Tswa."
Our July
Clearance Sale
Commences Saturday. Every department in
the store will contribute freely its share of im
portant bargains during this
"Great July
Selling Event"
Every Suit in the Store
The largest
and Retailers
ot Fine
Clothing In
th World.
Spring and Sum
mer 3-piece Wool
Tropical Worsted
and Gaberdine 2
piece Suits
Mohair and
Palm Beach
3-piece Suits
Every garment our own make. Hand tailored in
our own factories. Now offered in this clearing
sale from
Men's and Young
Men's Models.
You are invited to come and see genuine bargains,
Men's Hats and Caps
Every Hat and Cap in the
store Felt Hats, Stiff Hats,
7 Cloth - Hats Every Straw
a- -r-r i 1 " 1 P
UK ana every variety oi
Spring and Summer Caps
all at 25 per cent discount.
Men's . Furnishings
$1.50 Athletic Under
wear, . 95c nainsooks,
mulls 1 and madras
95c, 3 for $2.75
$2.50 and $3.00 Ath
letic Underwear, $1.45
Silk striped mad
ras, soisette, fancy bar
madras and other fab
rics, $1.45, 3 for $4.00
Pajama Special $4.00
pajamas, $2.35. One
great lot sample Pa
jamas in a big variety
of materials. Specially
priced at
$2.35, 2 for $4.50
Men's cut Silk
y2 Price
Men's Silk
Fiber Hose,
35c 3 prs., $1.00
Blue, black and
. Men's Pure
Silk Hose
All colors, fancy
silk clock
95c 6 for $5.50
Boys' Blouses Sport
styles and high collars
blouses. Fancy madras
and percales .....95c
2 for $1.75
Boys' Stockings A
special purchase of
good quality fast color
hose 25c
5 pair for $1.00
Children's Wash
All of our broken lines of Wash Suits
in three big groups for quick Belling
$1.50 values, 99c $3.50 values, $1.95.
$5.00 values, $2.45.
Boys' Knicker Wool
Our entire stock of these Boys' Wool
Suits at four special prices
$7.95, $11.95, $16.95, $21.95
15th and Douglas Street
Harry H. Abbott, Manager
Omaha's Real Man's Store
A Great July Clearance of Every
thing to Wear for Men and Boys
Such values as these in Hart Scbaffuer & Marx
Suits Should Crowd the Store to Capacity.
Hart Schaffner
Wa Sell IMfelL rK-.M IM . It M
and Marx
For a
Note the Radical
And remember it is
strictly Hart Schaffner
& Marx quality.
Men's 3-Piece Suits
1 and 2 Pairs of Trousers
You never saw anything like these
suits for the money and lo oppor
tune right m the heart of the sell
ing season. Many of the style and
size ranges are broken the reason
for such a remarkably low price.
Remember, former prices were
$20.00 $25.00 $30.00
Here are the finest spring and summer suits made by Hart
Schaffner & Marx at prices way below regular figures. Our
stocks were badly broken that's the reason. We've taken all
these depleted lots and grouped them at the two prices list
ed below. Tweeds, worsteds, checks, herringbones, tans,
grays, mixtures, blues a suit for everyone.
$40 to $45 Values $50 to $67.50 Values
2,000 Dozen Shirts
Selling Less Than the Material Cost
In Two Groups
Shirts Worth I Shirts Worth
to $3.50
Men's shirts con
sistng of E. & W.
and Elder makes
in madras, woven
and printed, silk
stripes, with and
without collar,
French cuffs and
button cuffs.
to $4.00
Sale of men's silk
fiber shirts; rich
lusterful patterns,
all sizes, all sleeve
lengths. Values to
Store for Men
Men's Straws
Hundreds to select
from, including Porto
Ricans, Javas and Sen
nett Yacht All sizes.
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
values, Saturday, $1
All the men's $5.00 hand made straw hats
at $3.50
$7.50 hand made Leghorn hats at $4.95
$5.00 genuine Panama hats at ..$3.50
$10 genuine Balibuntal hats from the
South Sea Islands at $5.00
Men's Capsfn
$1.50 and $2.0C
Values at
All the odd lots of men's caps, values to
$1.25, to be closed out at 25t? and 39
Jlen's white duck hats, $1.00 values, spe
cial at 50
All the men's $5.00 and $6.00 felt hats,
t ...$3.50