It THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. JULY 8. 1022. Who wouldn't b thrilled by the hops of trnriitliiB In the Itorklrs with either Htrphen Urnhum or Vurhi-I Lindsay? W 1'im't trump with lthrr of thnn, of course. Hut ws can rd "Trswplnr WHh a Tout In ths Korkles," v Steplivn (iruham Aptllon). Thin in a, delightfully written record of a walking tour made by tho nntc-cl Kmc Huh writer ami Varht-I l.nnlHiiy, the iiiuxlfiil poi't of Kprlnufield, III. The two nmt rM'i'ntly In K In ml when Lind say made his surrrKsful visit acroM tha . (irahani caino to this cuun try at Lindsay's Invitation. Mr. Crnham hiia cuiiRht the aplrlt of the went. He la a train per of . many years. He writes hla rorord with Informality and Joyoua gaiety. Yet there are also Innt thlnga em bedded In tho volunw. There are the numerous conversations of the noet and oroae writer, of tin' Amen ran and EnRllshmnn. Rach of the 311 chapters la embellished by some verses of Lindsay, apropos of the subject. Vernon Hill, a friend of Mr. tirnhani, contributes 2 em blema which add distinction to thla book. Some military nien have alwiiya been awake to the dangers of diplo macy and the rocky rond upon which the atnteamen of the modern world were traveling. Hut never did they tell ao much of the Inalde atoriea they know aa now. . In "Old Europe' Suli'lde" BrlR. Gen. C. H. Thomson records the ex periences of Europe aa he saw them, and hla own martial experiences, so that the present may learn from the past. Brigadier Oeneral Thomson begins his story of a pyramid of errors with tho first Balkan war and ends with the peace conference at l'arla. He was a high British army officer all of the years from 1912 to 11, and was attached as a British military representative to the su preme war council at Versailles. He was, therefore, a witness to all the folly he relates. General Thomson has written an unusually keen book. It is published by Seltzer. The books dealing with the Japan ese problem continue to be turned out In great numbers. Macmlllans have recently Issued "Japanese- American Relations," by the Hon. Iichlro Tokutoml, a member of the Japanese house of peers and editor-in-chief of a great paper of that country. This work by a noted lit erary critic has had a large sale In Japan. It has been translated Into English by Mr. S. Yanaghvara. The United States, like other coun- I tries which have been overturned a r.iirtori Viv tha industrial trans- ' formation, has its "folk," people who live in out-of-the-way districts, go ing the way of their grandparents' parents, speakinpr the same grammar less simple language half-century after half-century, and observing the customs which tho more cultured call "survivals." In general, these people are more akin to the Euro pean peasants, from whom their ancestors separated centuries ago, than with the Americans who Jive s, hurried lif In our great cities or Sommer Bros. Har. 0188 28th and Farnam SATURDAY SPECIALS Home Grown New Potatoes, R 50c & 95c Dutchess Pie Apples, per CO- market basket . Extra large Cantaloupe, OQ three for ia7C Stringless Green or Wax OP Beans, 3 qts. for. . Fancy Tomatoes, per OC 2-lb. basket Red June, Eating Apples, OP small basket . e&UC 6-lb. box Kingsford's Gloss "70 Starch, per box OC Advo Jell, assorted flavors, OE 3 pkgs. fof aSUC Campbell's Pork and Beans HI 11c Lcans 63c Pearl White Soap, ' OO 10 bars OC Best Creamery Butter, QQ per lb. OUC .Waldorf Toilet Paper, PP 6 rolls for DDC Apple Blossom Milk, O ff 3 large cans for iOC Tuna Fish, 13-oz. cans, all A White Meat, per can T1 C Fresh Dressed Spring A.Rg Chickens, per lb. rOC Choice Shoulder Beef Q Roast, per lb ,lOC . Friday orders mean early delivery Saturday Mail orders filled at the above prices. ADVERTISEMENT. DAUGHTER HAD TO HELP MOTHER Now Can Do All Her Homework AIoneBecanseLydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her Jasper.Minn. "I saw in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- I Die Compound and took it because I was having such pains in my stom ach and through my back that I could not do my work. I had tried other medicines. but none did ma the good that Sur Vegetable ompound did. Now lam able to do all my work alone while before I had my daughter staying at home to do it I have told a number of friends what it has done for me and give yon permission to use my letter as a testimonial." Mrs, Jessb Petersen, Route 1, Jasper, M!m. There is no better reason for -an? trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeajia Compound than this it has helped other women. So if you suffer from displacements, irregularities, back ache, nervousness or are passing through the Change of Life remem ber this splendid medicine. What it did for Mrs, Petersen it may do for you. The Vegetable Compound stands upon -foundation . ox nearly fifty man oBatiiieev ffaTaiTiaBBTimiTmiTai T "aa mil t in who feed ha world ty mnrkinf In ilia yrr4t Merrlcultui a) areas. Yet they ore American. There" l dis. tint'ttveness to their stationary tul turs a culiura, Indeed, which cannot much longer rontinus to Isolate It ilf from l ha world outside It. In "Klnfolka" i llmiichi.m. Mifflin) Mlas Ann Cobb contributes a rnllec. tion of Kentucky mountain rhymes wlihh I an unusual volume. Mm" Cuhb in lit lit and lived imnni lha mountaineers tf the Cumberland for IS yearn. rUie has caucht the outline of their ruKd and simple llfa and preserved them for us In orlulnal verm. Funk & WaKiiulla Publishing com pany hHS Issued a new edition of "Tha Immigration Problem," by J. W. Jenk and W. J. Laurk, first published In 1911. ad sine that time una of tha few standard works on lha subject. This printing; I tha fifth edition, thoroughly revised, en larged and brought down to date by l'rof. Kufus !. Hmlth of New York university. This recent edition In cludes the legislation of 1921, new tuhle based on tha census of 1920, and three chapters written by Mr. Knilth, "Immigration Problems of other Countries," "The Race Prob lem In tho Pacific," and "Present and Future Restrictions." Charles V. 8telnmets, chief con sulting engineer of tha Ueneral Elec tric) company, and one of America's great Industrial figures, has written the introduction to "Pulling To gether," ly John T. llroderu-k iRnb on i Adea Co., Krhenc-ti1y). This new book Is a dlaeuaaion of human relations In Industry. Employe rp reaentatinn la tha rantral thema of thla moving narrative of our Indus trial llfa. Another vnriunt of tha usual west ern t-Htlle sinry la "Hhrphards of tha Wild." by KdlMttl ilarch.ill (Utile. Ilrown A Co ) A wtcUl Idler, visiting In tha nrwi cit, undertakes to become guardian of large flock of sheep whose herder has been killed by rustlers. Tha daughter of tha ranchman Is won In tha usual way. Hut this book gains ever others like It by tha depletion of tha animal llfa In tha eattla country. "Nutrition and Specific Therapy,", by Dorothy E. una (Macmiuan), it an Interesting book on dietetics. Among tha subjects dealt with are nitrogen equilibrium, effects and methods of cooking, meat and vege tarian diets, bacteriology of tha di gestive tracts, diets In disease. In fants' and children's diets and vlta mtnes. Two former members of the national war labor board, V. Jett Lauck and Claude 8. Watts, have published the results of their experi ence In "Tha Industrial Code" (Kunk & Wagnnlls Co.) The book is a good summary of various develop ments during and after the war, and a f4lr interpretation of various mooted questions. Tha authors take a liberal position; that la, recognise tha riii his of both labor and capital, and hope for tha establishment of machinery to adjudicate disputes ba tween tha parties to Industrial con filets. . liinlli., lit ..nliiiw nmnanvi delightful drscrlptlvK travel books la "Tha ijiurentlans, The tuns oi ine Habitant." by T. Morris Longeiretn Thla revinn. much of It In tha nrov. In,. nt OiohM la hut varv little visited. Mr Longstreth has tapped a new land for tha tourist and reader. Ha lived months with tha habitants on their remote farms. He tells of explorations by airplane, of trips $5.00 SALE Of georgette and canton crepe blouses, formerly sold up to $14.75; silk and wool skirts, formerly sold to $12.50; fibre silk and all-wool sweaters, formerly sold to $9.75. Choice Saturday at $5.00 JULIUS ORKIN 1812 Douglas Street phone AT. IvQiJre DhoneDOl r5.490 Jp2f r i796 MEAT CHOICES 45c Fancy Freeh Draeaed Broilers, par lb Fancy Fresh Dressed Young Hans, Q T 1 par lb I. LitC Young Lean Pig Pork Roast, 1 7l par lb LltC Fancy Young Veal Roast, ay 1 par lb 1 2"C Small California Style Smoked Hams, 1 T 1 per lb.' '. 1 2C GROCERIES 10 lbs. Sugar 10 bars P. & G. Soap 10 bars Crystal White Soap 48-lb. sack Gold Medal Flour 48-lb. sack Gooch's Best Flour 4 pkfrs. Macaroni or Spaghetti Shredded Wheat, per pkg No. 3 cans Malt and Hops 3 pkgs. Jersey Corn Flakes Grape Nuts, per pkg Jiffy Cake Flour, per pkg Walter Baker's Chocolate, lb Elkhorn or Apple Blossom Milk, 3 for. Per dozen cans '. Dr. Price's Baking Powder, can ' No. 3 cans Del Monte Pineapple INo. 3 cans Broken Slice Pineapple 65c . .45 .45 82.25 $1.95 ..29 ..lie ..50 25 ..15 ..15t ..20 ..25 ..98 15 38 25t Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring Ducks, Of)l per lb 0,?C Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per lb Bast Cuts Steer Shoulder Roast, per lb. , Fancy Steer Pet Roast, par lb Puritan Bacon, half or whole strips, per lb. 25c 164c 12ic 35c Guaranteed Fresh Country Eggs, doz...24H Fancy Package Creamery Butter, lb 36 H Cooking Cheese, per lb 1.56 BUTTER AND EGGS FRUITS Cantaloupes, 12 to 15 in crate 91.25 Large size Cantaloupes, 3 and 4 for 25 New Potatoes, per peck 49 Large basket Tomatoes 25 Large Apricots, per basket 65 Per crate 92.50 Large Plums, per basket : . . . .48 Per crate 91.90' Peaches, per basket 25, Head Lettuce 12 and 15 Loganberries, per box . . . . : 15 Sweet Corn, per dozen 40 Currants, per box ..15 Central Special Coffee, per lb 30 3 lbs. for 88 Extra Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb..20-25 Fancy Tea for Iced Tea, per lb 40 1 r i tl Ti i . . -. . ioc pugs, iieus uranam, vanilla waters, Cheese f waters, special for Saturday, per pkg.. XVFC 29c Central Xtra Quality Package Butter. . . .39 5-lb. pails Swift's Snowflake Oleo 91.08 Kraft Tin Cheese, per can 12 Cheddar. Pimento or Limburger, 6 cans for 7Q , McCombs' Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge specim, per jo Delicious Cream Caramels, the kind that 'calls for more, per lb ' Fresh Salted' Nuts CIGARS Just Inside the Door Hendrick Hudson, 5c value, 5 for 17 Box of 60 91.50 Prince Albert, full pound for 81.19 with Indians, of tha solitary monks round In tha mldM of tha wilder, neaa and of that fishermsn'e para. dia, "L Urands Itecharge," "l' MVI.B MART," r tela May Wullltl. fese. tiuei. A stern little New England village is astounded by tha sudden, unes plained appearance of a lovable little girl, I, In tha home of two sisters, alone In the world, whose brother ...- e . . i i '' " . . - iiirrrl with tha father which caused tha parent's di-sth. tin tha heels or tne appearance of tha child comas a, lusunoua lim ousine with uniformed chauffeur, and Mary Ilalsey, the older of the unmarried sisters, abundona her dressmaking, buys beautiful clothes and flaunts her little girl and auto mobile In the fares of the wondering villager . On this sirsnge situation hinges tha action of "I'mle Mary," by lala May Mullln (Tage), through which runs a delightful tnve theme, help ing Mary to lay aside her sternness for unselfishness. There 'are some wrings made o( onyx, set with pearls, that are ire- nicndcjuly effective. Saturday Special 100 gingham and voile dreeees. Closing eut 0 QC prif JJi7U Juliui Orkin llll Deaale Street Omaha's Leading Cash Markets SPECIAL SALES DAILY 212 N. 16th St. 4903 S. 24th St. 2408 Cuming St. (The BESTDEfENSE FOR ytU AND, ME; . v er " Qte MEATS si a . a OH.. 1 rjAi'lftllAIITV! Prime Beef Rib Roast Boned and Rolled 20c Fancy Fresh Young Hens for 27c Choice Beef Pot Roast for 11c Fancy Fresh Dressed Roasting Chicken 18c Strictly Fresh Young Broiling Chicken 43c BEEF CUTS Choicest Beef Chuck Roast. ...... 12Vsc Choicest Rib Boiling Beef ......... .5c Choicest Cut Sirloin Steak .22c Choicest Cut Porterhouse Steak .... 25c Choicest Cut Round Steak 20c Sweet Pickled Beef Tongues. . .... .28c Choice Corned Beef A2l2c Choice Fresh' Hamburger Steak. . . .15c Choice Beef Pot Roast 11c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Shoulder Roast. 15c Choice Veal Stew 12V2c Choice Veal Chops 18c Fancy Brick Cheese 22c Fancy American Cheese . ..... .25c Fancy Swiss Cheese 25c Special Sale on EVERGOOD BUTTERINE Evergood Liberty Nut, per lb 19c 5 lbs 95c Evergod Butterine, 2-lb. carton. .. .45c 5-lb. carton $1.00 Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter, 1-Ib. carton 38c Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen 25c SPECIAL SALE ON COFFEE Kasper's Big Five, per lb 35c 3 lbs. $1.00 Mona Coffee, per lb 28c 4 lbs. ,$1.00 Buehler Bros. Royal Brand, per lb. .35c 3 lbs. ..$1.00 PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin Roast .-. ....... ,18c Fresh Lean Boston Butts... 18c Choice Fresh Spareribs 9c Choice Leaf Lard 12c Fresh Small Pork Hearts, 4 lbs ... . 25c Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs 25c Cudaby's Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail. $1.75 5-lb. pail 90c Fancy Summer Sausage 20c Choice Pork Breakfast Sausage. . . .20c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Picnic Hams .18c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams 30c Fancy Breakfast Bacon, Vz or whole 23c Choice Strip Bacon ,. 18c Pure Rendered Lard, per lb 14c CANNED GOODS Evaporated Milk, tall cans, 3 for. . . .25c Fancy Selected Peas, 3 cans. ....... .25c Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans 30c Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans 30c Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans . ...40c Fancy Peaches, can, 28c; 4 cans. .$1.00 GENUINE SPRING LAMB Choicest Hindquarters 20c Choicest Forequarters 12Vsc Choicest Lamb Chops .--. . .22c Mail and Express Orders Filled From This List FOR OMAHA AND Piggly Wiggly Twins Will Be Born on the Same Day 9 A.M. TODAY 9 A.M. 5301 No. 24th Street 1518 No. 24th Street Get a Flower Opening Day To'Each Visitor We Will Give, Absolutely Free, a Fresh Flower. You'll Not Be Asked to Purchase. Whether one buys or whether one merely looks in either case it is entirely all right with Piggly Wiggly. A dollar in the hands of a person who has only a dollar will obtain a full dollar's worth at Piggly Wiggly prices and that is all that can be obtained by the rich man's dollar. There are no secrets about the Piggly Wiggly organization, therefore each man and woman who visits the Piggly Wiggly store can know in advance of coming that such a store has been built especially for them, whether they happen to be rich or poor, wise or not so wise. Flour Omaha Flour, 48-lb. sack, $2.09 Swansdown Cake Flour, regu lar large package 36c Canned Milks Carnation, Wilson or Pet, tall cans ....9k Baby size, per can 5c Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, 25 size 20c Sunset Gold Milk, best or money back, tall cans 9c Canned Goods and Package Specials Del Monte Sardines, large oval tins .J9c Foster's Choice Shrimp, per can ,14C Argo Corn Starch, 1-pound Package 6k Kraft Cheese, 15c size tins, 13c Maraschino Cherries, 3 oz., 13c Crisco, 1 lb., 23c; iy2 lbs., 34c; 3 lbs ...67c Soaps, Cleansers and Laundry Supplies P. & O. Soap, per bar 4c Crystal White Soap, bar. . .4k Omaha Family Soap, per bar 4c Ivory Soap, large bar HJc Ivory Soap, small bar 7c Ivory Soap Flakes, per pkg. 9c Lux Soap Flakes, per pkg. 10c Old Dutch Cleanser, per can 9c Sunbrite Cleanser, per can 5c Sani-Flush, 25c seller 21c Axgo Gloss Starch, 3-pound package ...19C Snowdrift, lib., 21c; 2 lbs., 41c; 4 lbs. ....80c Coffees and Baking Powder Instant Postum. 8-oz. size 45 Instant Postum, 4-oz. size 25c Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 12- oz. can 22c Buy 2, while they last 27c Royal Baking Powder, 12 oz., 48c; 4 oz., lgC Calumet Baking Powder, lb., 29c; 4 oz.. 8c A. & H. Baking Soda, lb., 4Hc;llb ......8c Cereals and Miscellan eous Goods Kellogg's Bran, per pkg.. .20c Corn Flakes, small, 8c; large 12k Macaroni, Skinner's, pkg. . .8c Ginger Ale, Beechnut Brand, pint 15c Peanut Butter, Beechnut, 10c size 9c 20c size, 16c; 30c size. . . 25c Canova Peanut Butter, 16-or 29c Salad Dressing, Premier, large bottle 42c Yacht Club Dressing, large size .....32c MacLaren's Dressing, large 25c, small 12k Palm Olive Soap (we redeem coupons) .....8k Mavis Talcum Powder, 25c can 21c Why Pay More? Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. 69c Wesson Oil, pints, 26c; quarts 49c; y2 gallon. 53c Mazola Oil, pints, 26c; quarts, 49c; gallon.., 89c Pompeian Olive Oil, y2 pt., 37c; Pints 64c Chocolate, Walter Baker's Pre mium, y2 lb ......20c Jello, all flavors, per pkg. 10c Spices, all 10c sizes, per pkg. 8c Vacuum Packed Tins, lb.. .42c Piggly Wiggly Is Just One Kind of a Store for Every Kind of People Piggly Wiggly Stores Are in Operation in 100 Cities in 46 States Five Clean Stores 15 More to Follow 113 So. 16th St. 2417 Farnam St. 3922 Farnam 1518 No. 24th St. 5301 No. 24th St. (at 24th and Fort) WW f X I . .