THE OMAHA HEE: FRIDAY. JULY 7. 1922. Buffaloes Receive Good Pitching and Trim Bears in Final Game of Series Nipping a Thief Rudy Kiu))or lo Play McKcc in Iowa StMui-Finals Hi.lili.H mi.! lt...llfll l'dirnl ill Olltt-r MjUllPa-I'lrafllt (ili.iniji Musily PrftttU Jilllli'a Swii k. HHMflHir1 V Western National i American "I'ug' Griffin Scores Winning Hun With Single Joe Dailey Hurl Uoml Hull Until Sffnlli VUirii lie (live Way to I'imh Hitter. By RALPH WAGNER. The Omaha Huft'alor received tlir pulling and hit at oppoitune times in (our ill and (mat game of the Denver e r 1 e played at the 1 ii trcnth and Vin ton street lot yes terday and defeat ed the Bear by the score of 7 to 3. floss Harney Bnrch rolled ln heavy hittiiiR ar tillery into action in the seventh in ning and salted "r me game 11 c OrTm whrn "rug" Grit fin, hitting for Dailey, singled to left, scoring Wilcox with the winning run. Meinie Manush and "Babe" Her man divided the hitting honors of the afternoon. The Buffalo left field er spanked the apple on the nose for two doubles and a single out of four trips to the rubber, while the "Babe" collected a double and two singles out of three times up to bat. ' Jack i Rabbit" Appcrson's field ing and Manager Bill" Rodgers' one-hand stop of (iislason's drive in the third inning were the features of the Buffaloes' victory. Joe Dai ley, late of the Seattle club of the Pacific! Coast 1 e a e u e ,i greeted the Bears -Hermiirz ' at the start of the game and hurled good ball until he gave way for Pinch Hitter Griffin in the seventh. "Lanky" Joe turned the Denver ath letes back in short order in the first and second innings, but in the third Kerr got a single. Dailey sent the Bearsback to their bench "talking to themselves" in the fourth, but in the fifth the visitors bunched a base on balls with a pair of Buffalo ..errors and Salisbury's sacrifice, an scored their only tallies of the ganif wch amounted to three. Holds Bears to Three Hits; - Dailey allowed his third hit of the game in the seventh, but it went for naught, as the next Bear skied out, retiring the side. During the seven innings Joe held the mound, he al lowed but one base on balls, which bobbed up in the fifth. Dan Tipple took over the mound work in the eighth aiid held the Bears to one lone single by Cart wright in the final inning. Roy Salisbury was Manager Rodg ers' choice for slab duty. During the eight innings he pitched, the Buffa loes collected 13 hits, of which five were doubles. Salisbury issued- only one base on balls and struck out two. The Buffaloes jumped on Salis bury in the first inning and put two runs across the pan on a single, sac rifice and doubles by Manush and Herman. In the fourth inning, Ma nush got his second double of the game, going to third on a sacrifice and scoring the tving run a minute later when Wilcox played the big brother act. Griffin Scores Winning Run. In the seventh, "Pug" Griffin drove in the winning run with a single to lef. field after he had been detailed to pinch hit for Dailey. Salisbury was pounded hard in the eighth a(ter he had whiffed Gran tham. Manush singled and Herman knocked a one-base blow to left. Both Buffaloes scored when Wilcox clout ed out a double. O'Conner singled to left and Jimmy scored the seventh and final Omaha tally. The Buffaloes open a four-game' se ries at Sioux City this afternoon, re turning home next Tuesday. Hornsby on Way to New Record Chicago, July 6. Rogers Hornsby, slugging second baseman of the St. Louis Cardinals, promises to excel this year the National league's sea son home run record that has weathered the test of time and hefty clouting for 38 years. Ed William son ot the old Chicago Nationals set the record at 27 in 1884, a mark that such sluggers as Anson Brouth ers, Delahenty, Schultze and Cravath have sought in vavi to better. Hornsby clouted out his 20th homer while the Cardinals were trimming Cincinnati, 11 to 4, and with the season only half gone, his chance is especially bright. Incident ally he tied his American league rival. Ken Williams of the Browns, for the leadership in both leagues. Cravath set a modern National league mark with 24 homers i;i 1915. George Kelly of the Giants led the league last year with 23 and Hornsby was second with 21. Molla Mallory Wins Way Into Semi-Finals Wimbledon. July 6. Mrs. Molla E.iurstedt Mallory has won her way to the semi-finals of the women's tingles in the grass court tennis thampionship. She defeated Mrs. H. Edginton of England yesterday, 6-2, 6-4, on a soddin court, which be :ame extremely muddy as the play progressed. This victory brings Mrs. Mallory- vie step nearer her longed for match with the little French world's champion. Suzanne Lenglen. Mlie. Lenglen by her defeat of Miss Elizabeth Ryan of California on Tuesday, had already qualified for ihe semi-finals and therefore did not tarticipate in today's matches. Despite Schalk's reputation, run nert attempt to steal on him. Johns ton tried it in the second inning of a recent Sox-Athletics' game, lit is shown sliding to the bag after Eddie Collins tagged him. Ump Owens is calling the play. HITSMISSES BV THE BUFFALOES -" IHFr tMIM. AII.K II THMII Sn.l'O.A.t:. (.Mason. Sh . . 4 I I I II O J 0 Annmin, rf . . 4 4) l Oranthiim. 3 1 0 II It Maniiaii, ir ... 4 a s a Hrrmno, lb . 3 I S 4 Vtllrna. as ... S I I 1 O l onn. r. rf . . 4 t S XMpenrrr, ... 1 I I Wilder, r I A I t xlMlley, n .... S 0 0 0 Tipple, p 10 0 0 Tolilla . . x( ff In.lrffrr xOrifrin .it 1 IS l S . (I 0 0 o o .1AI0O IKVKK. MI.R.II TH.rill.n.l'O.AT. O'Brien, rf Koricera, l Onmra, If l.onir. rf 4 4 4 4 (arlnrlaht ih. a o n o o o a o s o o Pallrraon, Sh Kerr. a . . . 1'arkar, . . Salisbury, p Tntnla .. .. St J 4 .4 I O 2 14 0 xVVII.Irr bnlta.l for Spenrer In aerenlh. xl.rlffln alitKlrit for Dailey In aevenlh. xCnfflnrteffer ran for tirlffln In aevanth. rienre by Innlnaat Urnver nort OSO Ono S UuffiUnea 00 100 Hi-1 Numniarlr Left on bnaai Denver, 4; Omaha, ft. T-bne hlla: Mnnunh, Z: O'Connor, W ll.oi. H lld?r. Runa and baae hlta: Off Dalle)-. 3 and In 7 innlnra; off Tipple, none and I In i Innlnira. Ntrurk out: Ily Dailey. t; hy Tipple, onet ny Naliahiirr. 2. Daaea on naJia: orr iiuuey, 1; off Tipple, none; off Maliabury. t- tni plrea: FtUpatrlek and Dawes. Karneil runn: Denver, none; Omaha, 7. Time of Kaine: 1:30. Wlnnliif pttrher: Dailey. BaseBallBejlls 6naStancfiri5s Western laTU. W. I.. Pct. . W. 1,. Pi t. 6n ii .f.91 Omaha 43 35 .551 49 33 .6S;Okl. City 33 60 .398 45 30. .5SI Penver 27 S3 .33 42 34 .653J D. Moines 26 65 .321 Yeaterday'a Result. St. Joe Tulsa Wichita S. City Omaha, 7; Denver, 3. Oklahoma City. 11: Wichita. 6. Tulsa, 6; St. Joseph, 3. Dea Moines-Sioux City, postpon-"! Today's (iame. Omaha at Kloux City. Tulsa at St. Joenh.. Wichita at Oklahoma City. Denver at Dea Moines. ii In. Nebraska State League. W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet. Fairhury 35 IS .660 Norfolk 20 27 .481 Lincoln 32 21 .604! Beatrice 21 30 .412 Hast'ga 27 24 .5:0 CI. Island 19 27 .413 Yesterday's Kesulta. Norfolk. 7: Cirand Island. 3. ' Beatrlce-Falrbury, called in fifth: rain. Hastings-Lincoln, called in second; rain. Today's Games. . Norfolk at tirnnd Island. . Hastings at Lincoln. Fairbury at Beatrice. National League. IV. L. Prt. W. V Vnrk 4:( 52 . 73i (in'nat f 36 L. Pet. 38 .4S6 St. t.ouia 43.- 32 .5731 Pittsb'gh 34 39 .46 ..194 .377 Rr'kJvn 40 54 .641 Phila. Chicago 36 36 .50(l Boston Yesterday's Results. New York. ; Pittsburgh. 3. St.. Louis. 74; Brooklyn. U. No other games scheduled. Today's' ' Games. New York at Pittsburgh. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Boston at Chicago. . Brooklyn at St. Louis. American Leagne. . W. I,. Pet. I : St. Louis 45 10 .600Wash'ton N. York 46 33 .582i Cleveland Chicago 40 35 .533 Boston IV. 35 34 32 L. Pet. 37 .486 43 .442 41 .4H8 42 .400 Detroit 38 37 .507Phila. 28 Yesterday' Results. New York. 10-11; Cleveland, 3-3. Chicago. 9; Philadelphia. 5. St. Louis-Boston; wet grounds. Today's Ciiimes. Chicago at Philadelphia. St. Louis at Boston. ' Cleveland at New York. Detroit at Washington. American Association. AV. L. Pet. I W. L- Pet. Indiaiis 48 30 .615ILoisville 37 33 .463 St. Paul 44 31 .5S7Columb's 35 45 .438 Mtn-polis 4.' 34 ,663K. City 36 47 .434 Milw'kee 46 37 .554!Toledo 28 49 .364 Yesterday's Results. Columbus, 11; Louisville. 3. Indianapolis, '3: Toledo. 2. Milwaukee. 6; St. Paul. 1. Kansas City, 6; Minneapolis. 1. Today's Games. Columbus at Louisville. Minneapolis at Kansas City. St. Paul at Milwaukee. Toledo at Indianapolis. American Association. At Indianapolis: Toledo Indianapolis Batteries: Terry and Kocher; R. H. E. .242 .370 Seib and Kreuger. At Louisville: R. H. E. Columbus 11 17 2 Louisville 3 10 2 Batteries: Northrop and Lees; Long, Baylln and Brottem. At Kansas Cily: R H. Minneapolis 1 6 2 Kensas City 8 1 Battenes: McGraw and Mayer; Caldwell and Skiff. At Milwaukee: R- H. E. St. Paul 1 1" Milwaukee 5 111 1 Batteries: Benton and Goniales; Pott and Mratt. Coast League. Oakland. 4; Salt Lake City, S. Sacrmento. 5; Vernon, 1. San Francisco. 7; Portland, S. Loa Angeles, 7; Seattle, 6. Southern Association. Mobile. B: Birmingham, s. Chattanooga. 4-3: Nashville. 6-4. Now I'rleans. 6; Atlanta. 10. Memphis, 2; Little Rock. 10. Beatrice Football Star Hurt in Wreck Beatrice. Xcb., July 5. (Special.) Cal Matthew?, former captain of the Beatrice High school football team, sustained . a fractured skull when his car turned over on the high way two miles southeast of Filley. He and Ollie Giddings were return ing home from Filley where they had been to play ball with the team there Giddings escaped unhurt. Tim Creek Beats Southweetern. Elm Creek. Neb.. July 6. (Special.) The Iccala defeated Southwestern here. 4 to 1 a n n v o ' i I O I I I 1 0 O I 0 0 1 O 1 0 0 I O t t It O 0 0 O O t 0 0 o o to 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 o 17 a s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I M V ateur I'k tip Trama Wturtnua, Pawnaa Mly, N"b, July Pawnt 'Ily baaaball team:, rmeraed vl. lorimia In iwn aaliH-a th rnurth. t lx. rawnra In diana !reaiinc tiui.'lMril. I to 4. and lh Ulark Cnx tmum iiiK U'yniorr, t lu I. Ilnrtlntnn Heal a laurel. Narllntiun. N"b., July a llaruninn Iroun.f.l Laurel ih. Fourth, S lo 1. Pell, xer and Toll. a i-onipoaed l.aurel'a baKety and Uird and Milima. Ih lucala. Akron Imh Ita Klrat l.ame. Albion, Nrtv, July 4 Albion nnaed Ak rrn uu of a ft lo 4 victory the Fouith be fore a targe crowd. It w.s Akron'a firat defeat thia aeaann. Hiyln was in tha box for Albion and Henijeu for Akron. Roily Wine for Gladstone. Tleynolda. Neb. July . filadelon cored a run In the ninth Inning, whirh brok a 4 tt 4 tt' and won from Key nulda here the Fourth. S to 4. It ono of the lamn alalt'd bere Ihla eaaon. W in In 11 Innings. Humphra,'. Neb., July 4 Humphrey v.n an 11-lnnWia battle" from Newman drove on their opponent' diamond tha Fourth. 3 to 0. Hen-ham struck out 11 Newman Grove battera and Hinman tanned S. Hllrer C reek Wins. Silver Creek. Neb., July 4. Kernan truck out 14 men and allowed four hits, Silver Creek winning from Shelby the Fourth. 4 to 3. Spalding Wins Pair. Snaldlng. Neb.. July 4. Selement h hurled Spalding to two victories within the last week. Last Friday his effective oitchlng enabled the locals to defeat Full crton. 3 to and Tuesday Spalding woo from Cedar Kaplda, 7 to 6. Kim Creek Defeats Kearney. Elm Creek, Neb., July 6. La Tour pitched Kim Creek lo a 0 to 4 victory over tlie Kearney county l-agu team at the Buffalo county fair grounds July Fourth, C to 4. Ingram opposed La "lour. Two Games at Glenwood. Glenwood. la.. July 6. Olenwood was the arena of two sames the Fourth. the morning game, Pacific Junction demonstrated Its superiority by a to 7 score, and In the afternoon the Wood mn of . the World team of Omaha trounred the Malvern nine, 8 to 3. Hanson and McC.rath worked lor tne w. -. ,w and Lyck and McCord for Malvern. ,. . Williams' All-Stars Win. Oakland, Neb.. July 5. (Special.) Otto Williams' All-Stars defeated . the locals here the Fourth, 9 an 4. The pitching of McCarthy and tho hitting of A. uraves, Haien and Minikus featured for the vis- Itnrsr Score by innings: R- H- E. All-Stars 302 202 000 Oakland 000 012 1004 7 Beat Hnnldlnrs. Belgrade. Neb., July 5. (Special.) The ocala beat Spalding here Sunday, 8 to i Slater, on the mound for Belgrade, held the visitors to four hits. Win Game in Twelfth. Long Pine. Neb., July 5. (Special.) Bassett defeated the locals here therourlh, 6 to 5. In a fast twelve-Inning game. Score y innings: R. H. E. Bassett 100 104 000 001 6 11 4 Long Pine 100 000 202 000 5 15 4 Batteries: Provst and Curtis; Cox, Dono van and Cox. Elba Club Loses. Elba. T'eb., July 6. (Special.) Danne brog defeated the locals here Tuesday, 6 to 3. Missouri Valley Loses. Modale. la.. July 5. (Special.) Modale defeated Missouri Valley Tuesday on the latter's grounds, 3 to 4, in an 11-inmng pitchers' battle between Baumgartner of Missouri Valley and Alters of Modale. Win in Ten Innings. Riverdale. Neb.. July 5. (Special.) The Divide team defeated Odessa on the lat ter's grounds Sunday. 6 to 3, in 1 in nings. Deleat. pitching for Divide, struck out 18 batters. Play Fast Game. Central City, Neh.. July 6. (Special.) Central City defeated St., Edward here Sun day, 3 and 2. in one of the fastest games seen here this season. Weeping Water Wins. Weeping Water, Neb.. July 5. (Spe cial.) Weeping Water won from Nebraska City here, 2 to 1. Batteries: Nebraska City, Dunn and Crouch: Weeping Water, Zeigenbein and Gredovllle. . Defeat Daiton. Lodgepole. Neb., July 6. (Special.) The locals defeated Daiton here Sunday, 11 to 2. Hemingford Beats Crawford. Hemingford, Neb., July 5. (Special.) The locals beat Crawford here Tuesday. 7 to 6. in 12 Innings. Moss went In the box for Crawford In the fourth after five runs had been made, and struck out the next three men. He finished the game, allowing only two scratch singles and whiffed 17. Seward Loses. Geneva. Neb., July 6. (Special.) The locals beat Seward here. 16 to 7. Fifield Gets Homer . Milford. Neb., July 5. (Special.) The locals defeated the l'ast Exeter team at Dorchester, 7 to 4. Fifield hit a home run with one on for Milford. Win Doubleheader. Stapleton. Neb., July 6. Hugo Brothers defeated the locals two games here, the first, 7 to 4, and the second, 10 to 6. I Win Double-Header. I Fremont. Neb.. July 5. (Special.) , Wroe's Variety team of Fremont defeated Schuyler on the latter's grounds, 19 to 8. Long Pine Loses. Iong Pine. July 6. (Special.) The lo , cais defeated Ainsworth here, 6 to 2. i Ciumous Trims Fullerton. Columbus. Neb.. July 4. (Special.) Columbus defeated Fullerton here Tues day. 4 to 3. Batteries: Fullerton. Hoff man and Miller; Columbus, Coyner and Smagaz. Lincoln lgion Wins Two. York, Neb.. July 6. (Special.) The Lincoln Legion defeated the iocat Legion here Tuesday in two games, the first, 7 to 5. and the second, 2 to 1. Show Team Loses. F.ddyville. Nb.. juiy 5. iSpecial.) The lceala defeated the Hugo Show team here Tuesday, 4 to 2. KUnrorth Wins Another. Ellsworth, Neb.. July 6. (Special.) The locals defeated Bingham here. 12 to 2. Kllsworth has won nine games out of ten played. Herman Wins Game. Herman. Neb., Jnly 6. itip-cia!.) Her man defeated Oakland here Tuesday. 9 to 4. Bender pitched good ball for the lo cals, allowing the visitors but six bits. . I m. icd(la Trots to Victory in Fast Time at Randall SWiiu Trotting Sweepstakes ; C.x er Firt Heat in 2:02H j Fttatf(t Mile Trottfd I This Seaon. ! North rUiiUII. llevrUtd. O.. July t Trotting one of the greater heats iver wiiiicsied at the North Kaiidall"? idsey m m. inm inning and I i a. i i , . . ,, sVhauie, a (ounsal.r from Juanlia collega, tanas, .c'in, tmiirq uy inr 111110,1- dile farm, NUnuroiicck, N. Y , and driven by II. Fleming, won the 'trotting suct-takri (or .'OS trot- it, tne ifiturf ot tins urann circuit racing card hrre today. Scveril very tloe iitu'ahri marked the day'i rac nit.'. liettiiiic aay io a bad start in the liut hrat. N'eilda, apparently out ot it, gradually overtook her field, one of the fastot in travimu. and trotted the distance in 2:0J three ec oiuli faster than the time (or the heat to win. She trotted the la-t three-quarter in l:.0 I-.', the lat half in 59 !' and the last ouarttr in 1-2 SCrOIIUS. NetUU Ot away :.. C.. in the ie.-r.nil hpaf anrl held ihe lead all the way, withstanding the challrne of the lield, hich va well bunched dowji the back stretch, i.nd won it and the race easily. The time for the race was the fast est trotted this season. With Nedda ruled out and E. Colo rado withdrawn. Great Britton had no trouble annexing the third heat in 2;04K. The time for the first two heats was 2:054 and 2:0jfa. The FasitT sweepstakes for 3-year- old trotters was won by Alma Worth, owned hy H. S. Grayson ot wasn ington, Pa., and driven by Lon Mc Donald of Indianapolis, in straight heats. Four heats were necessary to de cide the second division of the 2:21 trot, which was captured by Bobbin. The first division will be decided to morrow. . The summaries: !:Sl class trotting, purse 11,100 (second division! : Bobbin, br. t . by Kerjolla (Mor rison) Blnnue. b. g, by The Marque. (McDonald) Tallahatchie, b. ., by F.tawah (fcMman) Cegantle Boy, b. f.. by Cegsntlo (Uarrlson) V.'.-:4 T...I, u i. . hv Peter Pilot 1 7 I S ro 1 i " Hollyreodmarch tne ureal, iuiiw.i.., Rando and Ixrd Frisco also started. Time: 2:10V. 2:0814. i:l0, 2:11. The Faslg. 3-year-old trotting, purae $2,000: Alma Worth, b. f., by Axworthy (McDonald! Lee Worthy, br. c, by Lee Axworthy (White) Baron Etawah, b. c. by Etawah (Cox) Edith Worthy, b. f.. by Guy An- woYthy (Brusle) Enillee. b. f.. by Lee Axworthy (H. . ri..i..l .1 3 .4 7 Addle Elnaor. Worthy Deway the Great and Guy Hall also startea. Time: 2:10. S:09Vi. 2:os class, trotting, sweepatakea. value I. MA Nedda. b. m. by Atiantlo Express (H. Fleming) L' ' 'n' I Great Britton. br. h. by Peter Chenault (Dodge) l,y Peter Coley, b. g. by Peter The Great (Stokes) .'W."-.. Kilowatts, s. m. by General watte (Childsi dii..ah k h hv Rinaara (V. 1 ro 4 1 VUmlnal S E. Colorado also started. Time: 2:05, 2:03V, 2:04. 914 rlnns. nacing. purse S1.Z00; D a ,').. Tan. a hv Forest King (Berry) ! ..... Col. Sparks, b. g. by Peter Ash land (Stokes) ....... Abbacy, ch. f. by The Abbe 2 1 2 8 I S ro (Thomas) i,v Blngenwood, Jr.. b. g. by Bin ronwoofl (Chllds) 2 Lady Grattan, br. m. by Grattan Royal (Vic Fleming! ' " u.rnM Wale. Casev Jones. M.rvest Brook'. Kentucky Lassie and Ul- rect the Work also startcid. Time: 2:06, :oii. Tilden and Wiener Win Tennis Match Inriianaoolis. Ind.. July 6. Third round senior singles and first round doubles play along with the semi finals matches of the junior cham nionshios featured the 12th annual clay court tennis championships here yesterday at the Woodstock Country rinh William Tilden II. world's champion, teamed with Sandy Wie ner, Germantown, fa., ms lt-year-old protege, won their first round match with Samuel iiaray, iew York, and Charles Garland, jr., Pitts burgh, 6-2, 2-6, 6-1. Leon Lunn and Mel Rosenberger, Chicago, lost to John McKah and Al brecht Kipp. Indianapolis, 6-0, 6-2. f?rl T. Wirthwein and G. S. Fram- bes, Columbus, C, defeated Gustave Grenz and J. Smith, Chicago, 6-1, 6-3. R. Carter and F. Carter, Chicago, and Wray Brown and Ted Heruman,n, Chicago, won their matches by de fault. Cochran Falling Behind. San Francisco. Cal.. July 6. Welker Cochran of San Francisco felt behind last night in his handicap 18.2 balkline billiard match with hod- ert Brunner, also of San frrancisco, former Pacific coast champion, by running up a score of only iy to Brunner's 150. Cochran is handi capping Brunner 450 in three nights' . - ... . rt-. " . I T ! play lor a total ot wu points high run last night was 79. His Safe or Out Q. Runner on first and batter hit a foul ball. Runner atarted for second and then went back. Batter did not leave boi. Pitcher threw the ball to aecond and then the second baseman threw to firat and the umpire called the runner out. Was he out? A. No. Not on that play. He was permitted to go back to first. Q. Runner on first only and one out. Batter hits an Infield fly and umpire calls it one. Was that right? A. There is no Infield fly if there Is runner on first only. Q. Runner tries to score from third bsse. but misses home plate. Both um pire and catcher see plsy. but catcher tries to get runner at second, letting the man go at tha plate. Runner who had missed plate then goes back and touches It. Catcher saya he was out. Was he? A. No. The catcher was foolish not to make the play en him instead of throwing to second base. Q. Suppose there Is a runner on first base only and the batter hits an infield fly. What should he do? A. Perhaps It wonld he boat to remain there because the ball may be trapped and a double play may be mad. The batter I is not ant o this r'ay onieae the out is ; actually made la the field. . . i Q. overthrow was made to Iirst ease. Spectator picked up the ball and handed it to the first baseman, who threw to s-cond and get the runner. Was that out? nrLr?tU?ZZZ,i pitcher standing ia tds position. , lank Win Deable-lleadee. St tork. July s humming bonis rr.n a Ions read It p. iha New fork and itti.e dfetd Clstelsnd. 14 la n. II la t Muiha home run wnh lbs lain full in he .hi. 4 Inning of the fi.t iama fata New Turk a l.a.l Mhl.h II .".var lost klruaei a hit Una ai a.ivlbar f.atura. ii hi. a huina run. a irii'le, ii duulilca and io ainaiea in tha double hradar lluah and Hhawkey, iha wlnnina NVw Vara pll. hera. ware h..lh hit hard at limea, l.u. were aidendidly eupportad. In ne a.onq aaitie, I ha Tanker! knoi kad called in. It aa Ma firat bit Iraaua apporlunlty and he alruik out Ruih. Iha fual man to la. a him. In iha neat In ning U.ul and Hoffman hit him fur honia runa, but ha fanned Ruin atain In Iha eiahih H.ore, firat aatne; III.AMI I N:tV T"HK. AH HO A I All HO A temlaton tf k Wanihy.;'h 4 Wilt. if I 0 J I M. N. II,, St) 4 1 Hulh.lf fl' : 4 1 lVard,:b I "Hoffman. e I Hush p X 41 II Speaker , f Stap'a'n.Sb Meaall.aa M. Wond.rf o Nrll.o Malle p llb.p 1 Tot.!. 14 11 97 If Totals 14 II 24 tl Kinre by innlngc tieieiand ll nan tan 1 Saw York 001 09 04 10 Fummary Runa; .lamieenn, Hpeaker, ONeil. Witt (2), M.-Natly. Ruih 121. Meueal (21. Pipp. Hu.h (21. Errors: Wsmhy. -well ;i, Hnffmsn Two. baa , ",;"' ' Jamleaon, Ward. Home run: Hum Xtolrn baaea: Jamleaon. M.uael. Wilt. Hacrlflcaa: MrNally. Pipp. Peuble play: MrNally. Ward and Pipp. Left en baaea: New York. S: Cleveland, 10. Haaea on balla: Off Mu.h i: ntt Rmm. tiy. 1. Htruck out: By Buah. 1: bv Bag- by. 2 lllta: Off Malls, t In 2 1-1 Innlngai off Bagbv, In 4 M Innings. Hit by plteher: Hy Mall. (MrNally). Passed ball: Hoffman. Losing pitcher; Malls. Um pires: Connolly snd Chill. hVnrs: Second gsme CbEVkTT.AND NKW TOR K All. H. O A Witt, rf .la'aon, If A 1 1 iM'Nily. lb Wamb, !b I I I JiRuth. If apea'r. cf I J Oivieusel. rf U'.lner. lb 8 0 0 l)lpp. lb Bewail, sa 4 1 71 Ward, 2b Minis, lb 3 n 10 0 Scott, ss Wood, rf z 1 1 0 Hnf'n. t O Neil. c 10 5 08nawk'y.p Mnd ey. D 1 3 1 oi naute, p l o o o Total 16 14 27 I -I Totsla 14 I 24 10 Score ry innings: Olevelnnd . .000 110 00 New Tork . .002 204 30i- Summary Runs: Wambv (21 Melnnls. Witt, Meusel. Pipp (3), Wsrd (2). Hoff. man (4). Shawkey. Errors: Wambv. Two-base hits: Jamieson, Wood, Sewell, Hoffman. Pipp (2). Three-bsae hits: Mr. Nally, Wsrd. Home runs: Meusel, Hoff. man. Hserlflre hits: Scott. Witt. Left on bases: New Tork. 4; Clevelsnd, in. Fstrl base on balls: Off Shawkey, 4; off Llndsey. 1. Hits: Off Llndsey, 11 In 4 2-8 innings; off Srhsute, 2 In 2 1-3 In nings. 1 1-oalng pitcher: I.lndsey. Um pires: chill and Connolly. Time of gsme. 2:10. White) Sox Trim Athletics. Philadelphia. July 4. Chicago hnm mered Helmach and Yarrtson today for IS hits and easily defeated Philadelphia in the first game of the series, to 6. Score: CHICAGO. I PHILADELPHIA AB.H.OP.A. AB.H.PO.A. Jnh'a'n. es S 1 1 11 Young. 2b 5 0 1 4 Mulllg., "b 5 Collins. 2b 6 Hooper, rf 6 Mostll, cf 4 Falk. If 5 Sheely, lb 4 Schalk. e 4 Schupp, p 2 Hodge, p 2 2 1 1 Hauler, lb 4 t 5 2! Walker, If 5 2 1 Oi Perkins, c S B 2 01 Miller, cf 4 1 12 1 2 0 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 i 0 0 Gallow, ss 3 Welch, rf 3 liyk's. it 2 Hel'ach, p 2 xM'Gowan 1 Yarrison, p 0 Totals 40 16 27 6 Totals 34 7 27 15 xBatted for Helmach in sixth. Chicago 000 105 2019 Philadelphia 100 112 0005 Summary Runs: Johnson. Mulligan (2). Collins (2). Hooper, Mostll, Falk, Sheely. Hauser (2). tiaiioway, welch, oykes. Er rors: Johnson. Mulligan. Hooper, hchupp (2). Two-base hits: Collins. '2: Mostll. Home run: Hauser, Sheely. Stolen base: Mostll. Left on bases: Chicago, 4; Phila delphia, S. Base on balls; Off Helmach, 1: Yarrison, 1; schupp, 6; Hodge, 1. Struck out; By Helmach, 2: Yarrison. 1: Schupp, 2; Hodge, 3. Hits: Off Schupp, n In 4 innings; otr Hodge, i in 4; oil Helmach, 9 in 4; off Yarrison, 7 in 3. Winning pitcher: Schupp. Losing pitcher: Helmach. Umpires: Morarity and Nallin. Time: 2:04. Mails Should Bring in Many Entries Friday and Saturday An influx of eolfers into Omaha is due to start late to morrow and continue until the opening of the Transmissippi tournament at the Country club links on Monday. While very few entries have been received to date, practically all of the leading river and the Rocky mountains secretary, that they will be on starts. Entries are expected to pour into the office of the secretary on Friday and Saturday. Gaines anticipates a larger field than that of last year, when 173 players took part in the event, pive nights have been ar ranged for those who fail to qualify for the championship, giving all who are entered an opportunity to play. Entries will close on Saturday. Iowana Coming. A large number of Iowa golfers are expected to compete. It is thought they are withholding their entries pending the outcome of the Iowa state tournament, now in prog ress at Des Moines. Among the Iowans expected are Rudy Knepper, who is defending his title as cham pion of the Hawkeye state, and his brother. Fred; Robert McKee, for mer Iowa state and Transmississippi title holder; James Hubbell, Ted Pay- seur, William Ingham and James Swick, all of Des Moines, and A. M. Bartlett of Ottumwa and Carl Piepho of Cedar Rapids. Course in Fine Shape. Various other title holders also will be here to contest for the crown now held by George Von Elm of Salt Lake City. Alex Graham, Kansas state champion, has announced his intention of entering the tourney, as has Harrison Johnston, champion of Minnesota. The Oklahoma and Colorado champions also are ex pected to tee off in the qualifying round Monday. The Omaha clubs are waiting until the last moment be fore sending in their entries in order to obtain as many as possible. With the exception of a few rough spots the Country club course is in fine shape, Charlie Johnston, club professional, announces. The links has received special attention dur ing the past week and the putting greens are pronounced fit for cham pionship play. The event is the 22d annual tour nament of the Transmississippi as sociation and is open to amateur goners WHO are memDers OI ciuns affiliated with the association. The .;, r fVl. ,nr,mt.n w"' "-" " the amateur champion of the associa- .- t .u -,,:. ... -j t,;e 'n frtVe ensuing ear and his club shall have custody of the Alex C. Foster trophy until the next championship tournament of the as- Oilers IMeal Ratals. at. Jaasiih. July 4. Tula defeated ' Jusapll Hale luday 4 n 4, B"hlr held I It.. . ... . ,.., . .,.i.i. .n..i a iria of runs la Ihe final fisine Ihe i a.,-,. r. unshla la 1 1. "r , , , ,h,t ,,,, Duma ine.r Una tk-ol Tl I HA T J1K-M All II PO A 1 IHIIP'U Hn nlt If I1IS niacin lb 4 I Thin 3b l is if l.aillb.i ' ll'msn Jh l.el V t IB I'toahy.e tloehler p 1 I, I'n'nd'n f 4 Pi. her rf 2 I. Hon'a's.if I C Iefate as t 4 M tl'ld Ih I Ml v s n 7 I Uraliakl c I LUrover.p Totals 14 II :l t, Tuisis jti::mi H ere by innings: Tui 0 oil 1 at Joseph ' "" 04 3 Hummary lluna. Henneit (.'), lavis. I. smb. llaunian. nisun. ilrtoakl. tlruver. Krri'ra: iteenaon. Karned runs' Tulaa. 4. HI Joseph. I tlsarg on balls: lff Hoshler. 2. off llrover, I. HirurW out: Ily noehler. 4; by Ororer, 4. Left on baaea. Tula. 6. Bt. Joseph 14. Two-ba.e hits: havia. 4'nrrlden (!). Mi-Honald. gtatenii.n. Ilaiinian. Bonnwiis. Orsbowakl. Three. base hits: Itennett Double plas. Htuart l.elivelt. Sacrifice hit: Thompson. Hit ly pitcher. Kiaher by Hoshler Hinlen baaea: Crcaby. I'mplrea: M'Uloom and Anderson. Time: I. a. Indians' Scalp Itches. Oklahoma City, Okl , July 4 Oklahoma City bunched six hits in th first on (lregory snd a similar number In the sev. snth on Beebe and defeated WUhlta. II la 4. in Ihe series opener. In flvs trips to the plate. Felber got two singles and two doubls, making up for his two roatly errors. Score: WICHITA. I 1KU CITV. AB.H.OA.I AH a Smith, cf A 4 0! Put. rf 1 2 W'hb'n, 2b larger, ss Kaai. rf 1 2 i : i l 1 2 t 7 0 1 0 4 1 a o o o o 0 2. illng'di. If Tate. lb OfPelber. tb 0i M'Pan'l, lb Oirisher. e I Wlndle. ss llMoors, if HHrsdy. p I' I Toung, p Blka'y: If M ivwl, lb i Butler, lb 1 Haley, r S Orlffln. c 0 Oregory, p 1 lleebe, p 2 1 1 Sellara. p 1 1 Totsls 34 II 27 II Totsls 17 10 24 Score by Innings: Wichita ; 10.1 010 100 5 Oklahoma City ""0 H U Summary Runs: Washburn. Berger. Blakesley (2). McDowell. Olnglardl (3). Tate (5. Felber (2). McDanlel (21. Fisher (2). Errors: Felber. Twn.paee nits: sn- burn, Bast. Blskesley (2), Falber (21. Psnlel. Three-base hit: Tate. BaeTrlfl ce: Haley. Stolen bases: McDowell. Butbsr (1). Bases on balls: Off Brday. 4: off Yosjag. 1: off Beebe, 2; off Sellers, 1. Kuns sa alts: Off Brady. 4 and In 4 Innings, two one. one out In fifth; off Young, 1 ami 1 in 4 innings; off uregory. a ami w - n nr: off Ueebe. 4 and l in l innings; oir Sellers. 1 and 4 In 1 2-3 Innings, winning pitcher: Brady. Losing pitcher: Beebe. Double plays: Brady to W'ndle to Mc Danlel (2); Berger to Washburn lo Mc Dowell. Left on bases: Wichita. 11: Okla homa City, 8. Umpires: Ormsby and Holmes. Time: 1:10. State Norfolk Wins. 1 to I. Grand Island, Neb., July 4. Norfolk outplay"! Cirand Island In the field here today Babb. new moundman for the third city.- showed up well. Grand Island, still crippled, played two pitchers In the field. Score: NORFOLK. I GRAND ISLAND. ARH.O.A.I AB.H.O.A Ath'ton. si Wlsser. 2b Marr. 3b Clark, c Rouse, rf St'cka, If Heg'ty, lb Graves, cf Speece, p ii 1 4 11 Roben. lb 5 113ft 2 51 Kranda. 3b 2 1 Speaker, c 5 0! Pal trle, If 12 3 1 7 4 1 0 ft 1 1 0 10ft 2 2 3 0 2 4 10 0 0 Schupe, cf 2 0 Prlth rd, rf 0 Serlo, 2b Metz, ss Babb, p Totals 33 7 27 111 Totals 36 9z26 14 sAtherton out, Infield fly. Score by innings: Norfolk :0 200 2107 Grand Island 001 000 0023 Summary Runs: Wlsser, Marr (2), Clark. Rouse. Graves. Speece. Schupe, Prltehard. Babb: Errors: Prltchard, Metz. Home run: Clark. Three-base hit: Marr. Two-base hits: Wlsser, Bouse, Speaker, Babb. Prltchard. Sacrifice hit: Babb: Bases on balls: Off Speece, 0; off Babb. 4. Stolen bases: Atherton, Wlsser, Rouse, Palmatlere. Struck out: By Speece, ; by Babb. 9. Left on bases: Urand Island, 7; Norfolk, 5. Hit by pitched ball: By Babb (2) Passed ball: Clark. 1. Earned runa: Nor folk, 2; Grand Island, 3. Umpire: Mur phy. golfers between the Mississippi have assured Francis Gaines, hand when play in the event sociation. The winner of the cham pionship also will be awarded a gold medal, while the runner up will be presented with a silver medal and each of the losers in the semi-final round a bronze medal. A trophy also is offered to the player making the lowest score in the qualifying round of 36 holes. Australian Wins Way Into Net Semi-Finals Wimbledon, July 6. Gerald Pat terson of Australia defeated Cecil Campbell of England in the men's tennis singles today. This match was interrupted in the fourth set yester day by rain. Patterson won the set when play was resumed today by a score of 6-1. This gave him the vic tory, 7-9, 6-3, 6-2, 6-1, winning him a place in the semi-finals. Golf Ekcis Cj. Piease give a decision on the follow ing case. With both balls on the putting green, the player walks up to the hole, and with the sole of his putter, presses down a bit of displaced turf on the oppo site edge of the cup from where his ball lies. His opponent claims that by so do ing he loses the hole. A. The opponent If right.. Have you ever seen a ball carl around the rim of a eup? The rule has to do with tonrhlner anything in the line of the putt. If a putt found the bottom of the eup In adrh a manner that turf would be In line with the putt. Q. What is the penalty far your ball hitting your caddie in a medal qualifying round ? A. One stroke unless It is a rase where he Is standing at the hole to handle the flag, where the penalty la two etrokes If the ball be played from JO yards or leaa of the green. Q. What is the penalty for moving ob jects that He more than a club length away from the ball in the rough? A. I .oes of a hole in match play and two strokes In medal play. Q. Is a player disqualif'.ed in a medal competition if he turns in a score larger I than his correct total, or can he later ? rectify his score? j A. A player la disqualified for turning; In an Ineorreet score only when the total ' ia smaller than the correct total. Rut If j the total la larger. It eaa not be ehanged. Q. Vhre a ball atops immediately in j front of a small atone partially buried. Is the player allowed to pieaa the stone down '. to keen It from Interfering with his t stroke? 1 A. No. if the atone la not fixed, he has , a right to remove It. hut not to pre H down. If It la filed, he must sot disturb I It. 1 t.laale Kefeal I'lralra. I'.llalmisli Jul --'I h" . Tel k (llama i.p.ited (he lll anh SSI IA-3 vbi.'rv uier 1'itiabuigh .U , Ad.tnia aaa hH held and idlen. ahile Nrl.f held Ihe Incala le fit tllla I'mltf gelling I a d.. utile, triple and a home run 4 am ational smp bt t il. h ass iha f"idi4 featurs i .. I .V4IV T"ltK I I'iTtHIU HUH All II ll A ! All II II A ( lieu, i t .a a s star me. aa i a - ! Itso l a : 4 t 4 If 4 If 4 I I a I t : i I 14 : 4 I A I I i) a I 3 1 ran i. if 4 I ; 2 Hlguee, If 10 1 u , II Italllh'l. Ill 1 I 3 Kna. Ill 4 111 : Mi.kali. if 1 c (iriinin. Ih 4 ii Ik o Kris. h. aleuael. Young Kelly, lb 4 Klengel. i f 3 U'unl g m I Hmith. i' 1 lnder. e a Nehf, p 1 a'H.uHh r i e O.A.Ienia p a olgTlrrnry I " 3 Cooper, i e 0 t Totals 11 II :T II Totals liaitrd f..r Hi.iis.I in ni in h aliaitrt for Adams in eighth Siiire 1.. inninse. 11 11 :' " New t"k ".'I 4"1 i'l Pittsburgh 101 ooi eim- i Suiniiiaiv - Runs: Ita lima. M-ua l. ' Young CI, btengel, Cunningham, Min j ille, t arry IS I Kiroi. Harnlianlt Two- : hasa lilia: Hlengel. Carey. Cunningham. Lna, Three baae hit: c'aicy. Ilnuie lull la- i e, Wtulen baaea slHianvltle. Ila r t.ha i ill Kacnfire hits. Ilia bee. Hnyder. Nehf lioulile play: lion, h and Maranrllle Left on baaea: New York. 4; riitauursn. a llah.. ,.n baits: off Nehf. 4. Hlru.k oul Ily Nehf. 2: by Adams, t lllls; tiff Adama. w,rni,:.,npn.'x;: "Zxr'LL? Virr?; Adams, fmplres; uuigley and Hart. Time: ' C'antlnala Trim Dodgers. M Lnu la. July ii. The I'srdlnals pound ed three Brooklyn pitchers (or lo hits. Ii'cluditig eight doubles anil ona triple, and dif.strd the rmdgcra, II lo 2. In the firat game of the s.ries here today. Reuthir. leading National l.u sue pitcher, wa" pounded for II hue In 4 1-1 innlnsa Hchulta had four hits In five trlpr lo the Plate, Including two doul lea. Kcore: BROOKLYN. I ST. L(H IS A n 11. 0. A I AM M ll a. High, lb l! Flaek.rf .1 ston 2b T.Ofith.rf Whtst.lf Sc'dt.lh Olson. as DeB'ry.s R'ther.p IJ'cstur.p M'ray.p iB.G fith 3i M' o Mann , f 0 Smith. if 0, Hornaby.2b II S. hultt If 0 & n F' 0 n ft Vlrk.r ft ft 0! Stock. Jh 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 A'smlthc 2 11ft 0 ftMcC"y.c-lb I I 0 0 4 10 1 Totsls 34 I 24 10IPfef(er.p 5 I Totals 42 20 27 7 DBatted for Pecatur In seventh. Brooklyn 000 1M 010 S 81. Iiula 013 OHO O'J 14 KuDU'iary Runs: Johnston. Flark. ann. Hornsby. Srhultx (4), (Saltier (21. . .. .,:.. i.evan. Pfeffer. Kr - ..- ,. Wi... n.i u... rnr- Olunn Tn'O-baae h ta: Oslner. Mann. Schulti (2). Pfeffer. Flack. Hornsby. M Curdy. Three-baa. hit: Fournler. Stolen bases: Schulti. Sacrifices: Stock and Wheat. Iiouble plays: Olson, Johnston and Schmandt. Olson and Johnston. Left on bases: Brooklyn. 7; St. Louis. . Bases on balls: Off Pleffer. 1; off lluether. i. Struck out: Bv Murray, 2. Hits: Off Rue ther. 13 In 4 1-3; Decatur, 3 In I 2-3; Mur ray. 4 in 2. Wild pitches: Ruether. Um p:res: Klem and rferman. Losing pitcher: Ruether. Time: 1:.'.0. Western League. G. AB. n, Baiters H. Pet. 130 .414 12 .399 127 .3KS 101 .tl83 10S H. Pet. I. 13 .430 92 .3X7 98 .3 S7 .3fiG 80 .357 112 .381 1M .360 69 .359 104 .355 61 .361 Fisher. St. Joe . Manush, Omaha F.aet, Wichita . . T. Long. Denver Grantham, Omaha SO 76 8 67 76 311 308 3: 284 275 American League. Slsler, St. Louis. : .:. is it J3 Cobb, Detroit 412 238 41 Hellmann, Detroit. ..69 26S 61 Speaker. Cleveland.. .64 2.18 44 Witt. New York 63 224 39 National League. Hornsby. St. Louis.. .74 288 65 Blgbee, Pittsburgh. .. 71 289 61 Miller, Chicago 53 192 24 Daubert, Cincinnati .. 75 293 59 T. Griffith, Brooklyn. 61 174 22 Minneapolis Player Saves Child From Burning to Death Minneapolis, July ti. Henri Ron deau, veteran left fielder of the Minneanolis American association baseball team, staged a spectacular play here Tuesday, which, although it did not have any bearing on the game, probably saved the life of Shirley Bcales, an 8-year-old girl here, it became k;iown today. Noticing .the little girl's, clothing ablaze from fire crackers she had been playing with, Rondeau drew off his coat, wrapped the child in it and choked the flames. The girl was taken to a hospital where she is in a critical condition. Hoover Wins First Heat. Henley on the Thames, July 6. Walter M. Hoover of the Duluth Boat club today wo.n his first heat in the damon challenge sculls of the Roval Henlcv Regatta, defeating R. J. C. Tweed of Cambridge univer sity by a length and a half. His time was 10:41. Seattle Hurler to Join Boosters Des Moines. Ia., July 6. The ac quisition of Claude Cooper, pitcher fro mthe Seattle club of the Pacific Coast league, was announced today by club officials of the Des Moines Western league team. Sherman Nine Won. The Sherman Avenue Merchants won a tight game Tuesday from the North Omaha Ramblers. 4 to 2. The pitching of Warren Klbler and the catching of Cliff Postlewait featured for the Merchants. The Sherman Merchants have lost only four games out of 14 this season. The teams will play again next Sunday on the East Omaha grounds. Baseball Records Made This Date July 7. July 7, 1884. Most strikeouts, by pitch er, in a gsme. 19 H. Psiley, Chlcsgo tLT. A.). Record alao held by C. Sweeney, Providence (X. I..). 1881. July 7, 1919. Most stolen bsses. one club. In sn Inning. 4 Philadelphia IS) against New tX, I..), ninth Inning. Rec cord also held by Washington agalnat Cleveland (A. L.). Sends Race Horse to Track by Airplane Madrid, July 6. Word has been received .that Sir John Arnatt is sending his race horse, Fukha Ha hib by airplane to the race meet at San Sebastian, where he will run in the grand prix Alfonso. An sirplane was chosen for the journey, as the hore is usually sick oh sra voyages. u l'i MmtiK. Jul) (i K i K nt i 5 : prr ol i.iu tin. ihr iti'iui slate 4 h.itni"'i, idl I'l.i' Kiilini MrKre J of Di a Moilirs, lillrhnlilif ill 1919. ijai.d J.imio HuMu-ll i f Ii4 Moines will iiufl A M HjiiUii i f Oitum 1U. ulpi li.iv lii ld tin' l.ilr ifilf t1e ti i four linn's in lltr rtni linal iiwichr I i'i the m ii 4141. 1 t,itr :!( iniiriuitieiit i .i ii i.- - i.. in rr mi injunim urni immt mis li'timt row. In tlir .to Wide round in.ililii to day. Kih'iht and MiKee won iheir i'tntlrs eaiU. the inrnier rlnniiui init Jamrk Siik of l)r Moiiien. 7 tn t. and MiKfe di'lialcd K ll. Har nslll )P4' Molilr. 5 Hllll 4 Mf- . ., , , ,..,M:,,W Kre klli-t .Wl-.U-iVe 111 till' IllninillH I ri'tllld and 'll.lllied U Cliintll.llldinK i v,ir,-:rtp ,,,f cm,r' MC; : ortl m'I Iy Mi'Ker 111 a prarlire roiiml :,i week ;iuo and is two under par. j kiii'ier h.ui a par round in the j iimrniiiK. his 71 Rivinp; him an 8 ur 1 atlvant.ii which Swirk had no I chance ni ovrrcoiniitg in the after- I noon. C. J Kller of Ue Moinri, after being A down at the hall-way mark, played a fancy brand o( golf in the atieriioon ami carried A. M. Part- ilttt of (lllunma five extra hole De- fore being defeated I up, when Bart lett laid him a partial stymie, i Rex Moore of Harlan (la ) and Ilublit'll had a close match all day, llubbelt winning 2 and 1 to play when Moore faltered in his puttintj on the 15th. 16th and 17th holes of the afternoon's play. Lee Herron of Soiux City won the elimination play-off of Ihe tie for low medal honors. Omaha Federals !oae. Herman. Neb.. Julv 5. (Special.) Her man defeated ihe Omaha Federals, tha colored team, here Tuesday, 5 to 4, In an ll-lnnltig game before a crowd ef nearly Today in Ring History TwrntTtwo Yfffcm Affo. V wnif FitzKpraltl won from Marty Me Cup, Brooklyn, Zi rouwU. KichtetM Xenrn Ago. Stanley Kcichel ton from Kid McOtitrn, Butte, Mont., ona round, Nrventeen Yearn Ago. Kid Ctooilman won from Harry Ltwta, Chelsea, 1& rounds. Sixteen Yearn Ago. Walter Utile ftgafnHt Grover flayei. draw, IndlnnHpoMft, 0 rnundH. Ten Yearn Aa-o. Henri Pirt won on a foul from Gentler, Marerillos, Frunre, five rounrta. Kir lit Year Ago. Jimmy Clnbny againet Mike Glover, no decision, New York. 10 rounda. Fire Year Ago, PHe Hartley apainst i'ete Broderlck, HO decision. New York, 10 rounda. Starting TOMORROW A Double-Headline Vaudeville Bill J "FUTURISTIC a SB I sea la ntvut Seven Grand Opera Start MORAN and WISER Vaudeville's Funniest Comicg in "The Hat Shop" STAR ACTS tC IN ALL You'll say it'g one of the best variety bills of the season. m Drama, Laughter, Thrills to Amaze Mack Sennetts The Crossroads of New York Twelve star in cast. See it and you will go away laughing. WALLACE REID in a story of Gas Girls -Giggles Across the Continent in a Flivvar. Best Comedy in Months, "RAPID FIRE" The Fastest, Moat Original Comedy You Ever Saw. LAST TIMES TONIGHT "My Old Kentucky Homo" Tomorrow LON CHANEY la -Tho Trap EMPRESS NEW VAUDEVIIXE SHOW JEANETTE Ths Dondny Saxophow Girl ALLMAN 4 NEVINS PETER 4t LE BUFF JENSEN t SELL