The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 07, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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The Morning Bee
the tec rimu&HiNG company
VSIAOM B. UfPIII. raslisser. M. BMWEB. Cm. Manas.
Maf . af T to II t MM. I ewlaattalr
MM e M M H mMUWW ! all tMkW (M1U4 M H
"' erma la MM panr. eM ela um fatal m ra.iaa4 .
JI natie at neaiiiaii.e W w mmitt twwia are aia, wii
Has mi circulttUw el The Omasa tea, Juae. ICU
Daily 71,731 Sunday. .. .77,034
I. IEWKR. Cnml Mimiw
ILMt S. ROOD, CirsuUtioa
vera le aae seeacrleea' kthn m tale lik ear el Julr. 122.
(Saall W. M. QUIV1Y, N.t.ry fublie
ae I Mikw te AaSii limi mt Ci natural. ik
n wHin (Mil. eaa TH aw a limit! tea u !
tivitiM. Calling; o many people together under the
condition! if an invitation to accident at any time,
and beconiet especially o when the excitement In
cident to tireworki and other evidence! of a careleti
cnthuim art present. It ii a matter for con
gratulation that all came off to wall, but it ia alto
occation for regret to think that the public ia slipping
back to it old habit and taking unnecessarily long
chancei on the gloriou Fourth.
What Editors Elsewhere Are Saying
IMIf eaailae ar UN vialMHt.
Private Branch lichsnfe. Aik for Uia Dapertmrat AT,
e Fereea Weal.4. Par Klakt Calla Afur It P. U . A 1
MtUrtal Dasertatal, ATieaite 111 ar I0U. 1000
Mala Offtte ITth an4 Parnaai
Ca. Blaffa . . . . Scott St. South Bid 49t S. f Ita 8t,
Vim Yark til Plftk Avenae
Watainalee ' 411 star Bids. Ceiraso . - m Sucer Bide
Pant, franca 410 Kua St. Honor
Nebraska and the nation alike suffer a real loin
in the death of Moses P. Kinkaid. His service in
public life, which covered a ipan of almost forty
yean,' was notable because it was of a useful sort.
He was not spectacular in any of his aspects, but as a
member of the legislature, a judge on the district
bench, and as a representative in congress, he ex
hibited s high quality of common sense. Conserva
tive in his views, he was sufficiently progressive to
keep up with the times, and his sterling worth was
proven on many occasions when he helped to give
constructive character to proposed legislation with
out tincturing it with any dangerous element of ex
perimentation. While he will bo most familiarly remembered be
cause of the so-called Kinkaid act, his long service on
the irrigation committee of the house, of which he
waa chairman at the time of his death, gave him op
portunity to assist in setting: ahead the great work
of reclamation, which was just being taken up se
riously by the federal government when he entered
congress. His assistance in shaping the laws which
have permitted the restoration to use of so many
acres of public domain, establishing homes on what
had been waste land, is beyond estimation in price
to the nation. He served his district in every way
a congressman can be useful to his constituents, and
because of his high standing in the house he was of
more than ordinary value to his people.
While his demise was not entirely unexpected,
nevertheless the news of his death will shock Ne
braskans generally, for "Uncle Mose" was more than
a local statesman, he was a state institution. He died
practically in the harness, as he might have wished,
giving the last of his strength to the public service.
He answered to his name in the house last Friday,
the day of adjournment for a short summer vacation ;
for him it proved to be a call to everlasting rest. His
work was ended, and those who have been permitted
to waicn nil career ana Know tne man Know it was
well done.
1'ruhpcits for a parley looking to a settlement of
the railroad shopcrafts strike are reported to be food
8. M. Jewell, who speaks for the men, says he It
ready to receive anyone who comes from the rail
roads; Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the labor board,
ays the way to a further discussion of wage and
other grievances is open. Exchange of conciliatory
letters between the two proves the openminded atti
tude of each, and should pave the way to the desired
consultation. As far as the men are concerned, an
immediate return to work will cost them nothing, if
their rights are secured under the agreement to be
established between Messrs. Hooper and Jewell. So
far as their solidarity and loyalty to their unions is
concerned, that has been confirmed, if ever it was
doubted. It can be yet further verified by a show
of discipline, which will include observance of orders
issued by their leaders. It is in no sense a surrender
that is asked, just an armistice, with perhaps a
"modus vivendi," which will permit the men to carry
on and at the same time insure attachment to the pay
roll, a point that is important if not paramount. An
honorable way to peace is presented, and no hesitancy
should delay its acceptance.
We have no ambition to qualify as a kill-joy or a
crepe hanger, but we do find a' certain degree of
cause for content in the announcement that the box
ing game it dead in Omaha. Especially is this note
worthy because if it it dead it has been killed by the
!men who might ordinarily be expected to do the most
to keep it alive.
When the American Legion sponsored a bill to
legalise boxing in Nebraska, The Omaha Bee gave
unqualified content, because the measure was one cal
culated to give an impetus to a healthy sport. Box
ing as an amateur sport deserves consideration, and
should ba encouraged, for so many obvious reasons
that they will not here be recounted. The law was
to accomplish this desirable end, and in some sense it
lias done so.
Commercialized boxing very soon crowded ama
teur boxing off the map, however, and for months
the public has been pestered with announcements of
the clashes between "Slasher This" and "Smasher
That," battlet the chief element of which was the
division of receipts. Exponents of fistiana came and
went, and locally throve, until the amateur contests
hare all but vanished.
Now the public is fed up on the performance, and
will have no more of it. "Championship" battles have
dona their perfect work, and the crop of gullible
patrons of prise fighting has dwindled, until the game
no longer pays expenses. A revival may come, for
boxing is popular, and if presented as it should be
will get ample support. For the present, though, the
announcement from the commissioner at Lincoln that
Omaha is to have no more fights for some months
sounds like a certificate that Omaha fight fans have
recovered their sanity.
Our esteemed democratic contemporary, whose
owner is. running again for the United States senate,
is dreadfully worried because the United States is
the "greatest creditor nation in the world." Espe
cially is he concerned over the inability of the
European nations to pay their debts to the United
'States. Pleading their cause with tearful and
pathetic earnestness, it says:
Then is one way thoy can pay, and that is in
goods. They must trade with uh, and out of the
proceeds ot the trade reduce their obligations.
But the avowed purpose of the Kordney-Mc-'
Cumber tariff bill Is to shut out imports and give
to the American manufacturer and producer a
monopoly of the home market.
That is exactly what the Fordney-McCumber bill
is expected to do, in addition to raising a consider
able sum of revenue for paying governmental ex
penses. It will maintain the home market for
the home producer.
If we adopt the democratic program of free trade,
and open our markets without restriction to Europe,
we will only be allowed to sell them such goods as
(hey can not produce, while their cheaply produced
wares will close American factories. It is a choice
between employment for American workmen or
European workmen ; between jobs and payrolls here
or on the other side of the Atlantic.
We can afford to be generous with Europe in the
future as we have been in the past, but to help them
we must help ourselves, and we will not help our
selves by destroying our own industries in order that
Europe may thrive and pay off war debts at expense
of American homes.
A resolution by Senator Borah, asking that the
United States Shipping board be reduced in number
from seven to three, will probably be the means of
bringing out some further information concerning
the government's place in the world of commerce.
Mr. Borah says three men are sufficient to "preside
over the decrepit days, according to their own show
ing, of this moribund and money losing, money
squandering affair." He may be right, so also may
be those who feel that if the government holds on
just a little longer, it may get back some of the bil
lion and a half it invested in ships during the war.
Others argue that the proper course to pursue is to
charge off the whole affair as a war expense, and
forget it. Then, if any revenue can be derived from
the ships as they stand, it may be devoted to their
upkeep and to the expenses of management. America
needs a' merchant marine, and under present condi
tions will have to provide a subsidy, because the ships
of our chief rivals in the ocean-carrying trade are
subsidized by their governments. This is not at issue
in the Borah proposition, however, and if the Idaho
senator is at energetic in pressing this as he was in
his disarmament resolution, the country may be re
lieved of what la at present a steady drain on the exchequer.
Descendants of John and Priscilla Alden are get
ting over-curious. They now propose to make inquiry
as to whether their famous grandmother really rode to
the church on a white bull the day she was wedded.
It were no disgrace if she did; in fact, it would not
be today, although such a proceeding would attract
undue attention. But the colonists had no automo
biles, and fewer coaches or other carriages than were
needed. Priscilla Mullins' people were of as good
stock as any in the colony, and the fair miss deserved
the best fate could offer her. She had tact and wit as
well, for she enabled John Alden to speak for him
self when he had gone to woo for Capt. Myles
Standish, and she so made sure of her future. It was
out of reason that she should walk to the church on
her wedding day, and, in default of the conventional
carriage, and with no suitable horse available, what
more appropriate than a white bull? The bull has
for various reasons figured extensively in history.
Apis was among the major gods of Egypt, and surely
a god might bear a bride to the altar. Just why the
Aldens should get excited at this time over a detail of
the wedding so far removed is not clear. However,'
if they are bound to pursue the inquiry, let them go
to it; the main point will remain unchanged, that
Priscilla was there on time.
"Keep your eyes open before you are married;
keep them shut afterward," is the advice of Rev.
John Norris Hall -of Chicago. How to square this
with the generally accepted fact that love is blind
he does not say.
The warning against allowing fancy to -rove after
the wedding is fair enough. So is his suggestion
that there would be less trouble traveling in double
harness if, in addition to practicing domestic science,
both husband and wife should take a course in do
mestic silence. To give no reason for jealousy is
only half to leave unspoken any unjust or dis
agreeable words is another part.
"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," is as
good a chart for matrimonial success as for any
other human activity.
Customs receipts reflect improvement in business
conditions, says Elmer Dover. But if the Underwood
law had continued, there would be no customs re
ceipts, for all the stuff that is coming in would come
free of duty.
Japan's acceptance of the nine-power pact and
the Yap treaty just about ends the formalities con
nected with the Washington conference. It .makes
the work of that gathering complete and perfect.
An eastern biologist tells us to overcome iear and
live forever; most folks, however, get enough of this
world in the first hundred years. ,
Senator Stanley doesn't like the way things are
going, yet as a democrat he has helped bring about
existing conditions.
Soma days may pass before all the returns are in,
bat enough is at hand to show that the Fourth of
July was not observed in that rational manner ex
pected after several yean of intensive promotion for
"sal and tant" behavior. In Omaha it was noisily
and in some respects unpleasantly celebrated. Only
minor accidents were experienced, but this is for
tuitous. Throughout the country many deaths and
fires arc reported. Most of these might have hap
pened anyhow, but soma are atcribable exclusively
to tbe Fourth. The day was perfect hereabouts, so
far as waathtr conditions go, and unusual crowds as
sembled in various places to tskt part in the fes-
Democrats talk of harmony, but the exchanges
between the candidates hold little suggestion of accord.
Opposition senators says the tariff is dead, but
shy at taking a vote on it.
Watch your "car fare." A new $100. counterfeit
note is reported.
A little "close harmony" might end the strikes.
On Second Thought
Constructive criticism is so much better than de
structive criticism;. .Why feed our souls oa negatives?
When We Want in Holloa Son
IhJitg. Pram tka kantes t'ltjr Htar.
i What the phycholoclats tall tht
will to believe Is constantly compli
cating our judf ment In nnlltica. in
business. In all kinds of activity. W
find reasons for believing what we
want to bellave. even though tha
evidence is lacking.
An Interesting Illustration Is cited
In the Journal of the American
Medical association. A few weeks
o a physiclsn brought before the
Chicago Medical society a blind and
deaf girl. Wllletu Muggins, from the
Wisconsin school tar the blind. To
mke gond the deficiency In thene
two senses, the physiiinn aitld. her
other senses hud been tfi'Valnrmil In
eatraordinary a-uten-a. Thus she
could distinguish different colors by
men. and bv the vibrations of a
li-foot pole from the doctor's head
which she held In her hands, she
-ould understand his speech. When
skein of wool of different colors
pasat-il before her nose, she called
each by name, and she repeated his
It seemed convincing. Hut the
Journal called in Joseph Jastrow,
the distinguished profi'mmr of pay-
cnoiogy or the rnlvemlty of Wla
cnnsln. to comment on the cuse. Dr
Jastrow called attention in the fli-kt
place to the Improbability that there
waa sufficient difference In the smell
or tne dyes to be recognised by any
swnse or smell, no matter how acute,
men ne inouired whether It was
certain that Miss Muggins was com
pletely blind and deaf.
Subjecting her to his own exoerl-
ments, he discovered that while she
could distinguish the color in a
light room, if she were carefully
blindfolded she waa unable to dis
tinguish them. He repeated the ex
periment In a dark room and again
found her helpless. His conclusion
was that though she la virtual v
blind there still remains a remnant
of vision sufficient to enable her to
recognize colors In the light.
As to her deafness he was able to
show that when his own ears ware
topped as completely a possible, he
waa atlil able to hear words spoken
In a low tone 12 feet away. Psy
chology recognises many cases of
hysterical deafness," in which the
difficulty Is in the patient's mind,
not In the organs of hearing. His
Inference was that in this case there
was a least a remnant of hearing
which enabled tha girl to distinguish
words spoken at a distance, although
she might not recognize that she
heard through her ears and not
through her Angers.
It seems a reasonable conclusion.
The reason that the same tests were
not applied by tha doctor who
brought her before the society was
undoubtedly because the results ob
tained were in line with what he
thought' he ought to obtain. So It
seemed unnecessary to examine further.
We all yield to delusions when
they seem to bear out some pet the
ory. The will to believe something
is a terrible mixer ot judgments.
That Luscious Cherry Pie.
Frorn tha Tork Naws-Tlmei.
The mothers are baking cherry
pica these days that set the little
boys to begging for "just one more
slice." There Is only one thing in the
'world better than a piece of cherry
pie and that is another piece, and
the hungry boy with a tooth for good
things to eat is not slow when It
comes to importuning mother for
the second piece of .the luscious
cherry pie she recently took out of
the oven. As the lad sits on the
back doorstep and gets a whiff of
that odor from the oven his olfactory
nerve works like a dynamo and
there is nothing that will keep him
from asking his mother for "another
piece." The mother always accedes
to the request. She may hesitate
and make tome protest, but the
young hopeful stands his ground and
gets the pie.
This is a land of plenty. We roar
about dry weather and we howl about
rain. We roast the heat and we be
rate the cold, but after all this is
the land of good things, and the
American small boy knows it full
The late Bishop Mclntyre of the
Methodist church was a great word
painter. He could describe a straw
berry so the hearer's mouth would
water. If Mclntyre had ever seen a
York county cherry pie and had de
scribed it to an audience he would
have started an uprising.
The Bats of Society. '
From the Minneapolis Journal.
An old-time detective, giving the
results of many years' experience,
claims that criminals lead dual lives
in order to guard their secrets. They
shun the daylight like a bat, but at
night they are in their element.
They frequently live In good neigh
borhoods - where one would not ex
pect to find them. They are crea
tures of the dark, never so happy
as when practicing deceits on the
guileless stranger.
Criminals are never carefree,
claims the detective, for they live In
perpetual fear of being pounced up
on. At length their nerves break
under the strain and they resort to
drugs or drink in order to keep up
their courage.
There seems to be considerable
difference of oninion among special
ists as to the nature of the criminal.
Another authority claims that one
must eliminate all idea of conscience
relative to them. They simply give
thought to getting what they want
and escaping detection.
Whether criminals have no con
sciences, or consciences atrophied
through disuse, seems to remain a
disputed point among penologists.
But certain it is that these bats of
society, who love the darkness, have
become bransenly bold and active In
the light of day. They have invoked
some of the latest inventions and
means of escape to aid them in their
nefarious business. Whether or not
they have consciences, they have a
certain keen but blind wit and they
have become a serious problem to
Cox Still Admires League.
From the Seattle Times.
TJts a vntna fenm tha dead Oftst
comes the declaration of James M.
Cox of Ohio, democracy's stanaara
bearer in the last presidential cam
paign, that "every day confirms my
faith in the league. . . . The
solution of all our economic prob
lems lies in our entry into the
league. . . . The administra
tion's mistake is in bending back
ward in avoiding the league."
' Mr. Cox made hie remarks on the
eve of a trip to Europe, during
which he purposes to motor through
every continental country except
Russia. As so ardent an advocate of
an international superstate which
has failed to function chiefly be
cause the United States has stead
fastly refused to be associated with
it, he should be assured a warm wel
come abroad.
So far as America's problems are
concerned, it cannot profit economi
cally or otherwise through associa
tion with the league. This is the
only great nation of earth that is
not a member and it is the only one
that at the present time is prosper
ous. If one were to Judge policies
by their apparent results, nonmem
bership in the league would suggest
Itself as the only certain way to
fiiatrr good 111110a.
Tha administration has not bent
bark muih In avoiding tha leusua
as have tha American people. Mr.
Harding has evidenced his sympathy
with in Ideal of International co
operation by summoning an anna
conference lii Ii actually has suc
ceeded In framing an arrangement
among the chief naval pouters under
hih their fleeta are 10 be reduced
and atihillied. tin much has bean
accomplished by friendly ro-npera-Hon
outside the league and so little
having been accompllahed toward
Ihe aame end by tha league, what
rmealble reiisnn has America to be
come n member?
The loyalty f Mr, fox to democ
racy'a most distinguished chteftan
and ttlao to the Issues f hi parly
in the campaign that resulted in an
overwhelming republican victory
may be conceded and commended.
It la rare Indeed for a public man In
the I'nlled fitntes to hold so staunch
ly to Issues that have been so em
phatically dleupprtived by the ma
pority of the voters.
But Inasmuch as those Ismies now
are dead and greater results have
been accomplished outside the
league than could have been
achieved had the I 'tilted Stiitea been
a member of It. hi" remarks are In
teresting chlufly because of their
unexpectedness. 1'nless. Indeed,
they are to be viewed In the light
of that long motor tour h will
make through the Kuropean na
tions that are members of tho
MotnrUtM t'an Defend Themselves.
Frem tha Sioux City Tribune.
Congress threatens to Investigate
the price of gasoline, therefore It
goes up another cent. Nobody ex
pects congress to stop the rise, but
then it might go on with its Investi
gation and see if It can discover
why. if there is no agreement be
tween the oil companies, all of them
put up their price at the same min
ute. There is one way to get prices
down, however. And that is to
form motorists' associations to check
consumption. If all motorists would
put their cars up for two weeks, or
longer if necessary, gasoline would
come down to stay.
Tho Prime of Monaco.
From tha New York World.
The prince of Monaco Is dead.
Strange that a man who owed the
largest part of his income to the fa
mous gambling halls of the most
frivolous resort In the world should
have been himself a serlous-mlnded
scientist, a recognized authority on
The only occasions on which the
prince visited the casino at Monte
Carlo were gala opera nights, when
he appeared in the ceremonial box.
Nobody ever saw him in the gam
bling rooms or at any of the revels
for which his principality is noted.
Rising from the-steep outer cliffs
of the promontory of Monaco, With
only the waves of the Mediterranean
for company, is a massive structure
of dark gray stone. It contains one
of the finest deep-sea scientific col
lections ever made most of it gath
eredTiy the prince himself on his
long yacht cruises.
That museum is the monoument
of Albert of Monaco, who has Just
died. It's a far step from the rou
lette tables.
The Bee's
Call for Nominations.
The next contest in order is one
for the most popular revenue officer.
Mr. R. Ellsworth
Tells How Cuticura
Healed His Scalp
"My trouble began with a tore
and itchy scalp and my scalp was
covered witn red spots
which caused restless
ness and sleeplessness.
Every time I washed my
bead it hurt terribly. My
scalp was covered with
dandruff. Then pimples
appeared all over my face,
and they caused itching, burning
and disfigurement.
"I used every thing I could get
to cure me, but the trouble grew
worse all the time. I was advised to
use Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap
and two boxes of Ointment, when I
was healed." (Signed) Ralph Ella
worth, 112 W. 12th St., Joplln, Mo.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum are all you need fot every -day
toilet and nursery purposes.
laatU tack Fim by Mad. Addrew "CMItara lak
nlwlM, Sapt. H. klUa 41. KM." SaM rrmr
whan. SoapOc Omtment25andfl0e. Tfcknm Me.
BJBFCuticura Soap ahavea wltkeal mac.
Itkla faeartateat la 4aia4 aa
arailitat atatioa tkfwaaa fcwfc raaal
ara ml lha Oeaaae rla stay itxali aa
xUaaaa aaahaelita well abaca tfte.Ouw
aa Mikjarie M public taleual. I4lara
keul4 aa aet al aura I baa tee warda.
lattar aaa be Bnaaiaall ar lha
aaaae nf tba rilar, even thoaah be re
nt that awl Pa pabilakMl,)
"Truth In Hlalory."
Omaha, July 4 To the Kditor of
The Dae: am writing to call atten
tion to your editorial In The Sunday
Bee on "The Human Bide of His
tory," As you will observe. I am writing
on the 4th day of July, the most
epochal day In our history. I am
wondering ulso If your editorial
thrust at Senator Watson of lleorgia
was made Jim because it happened
to be "Tom Watson of (ieorgt.v"
The statement by Kenntor Watson
llutt you make comment upon to the
effect that (Seorge Washington
traded a alave fur a barrel of West
Indlnn rum rhow conclusively that
the Father of Ills Country was not
Immune to the evil influences of his
environments. You nsk the question
if Senator Wntson hoped to petrify
public attention by making this
statement. I do not think he did.
The statement could hove been made
for the purpose of further delinea
tion and Illustration of a great
truth, that our so-called statesnen,
and even real statesmen tsuch aa we
all concede (ieorge Washlngto to be),
are, after all. human. As much the
subjects of the Inw of human nature
as those who never enter tho lime
light of historic celebrity.
On this historic day we should
come closer to the principles of tho
Declaration of Independence, rather
than be moving farther from them.
In my opinion It was the purpose of
the Georgia senator to call attention
to what aeemed to be a departure
of a oommon sense custom, and also
to emphasise the danger ot recog
nizing the Introduction of a new
custom, that our so-called statesmen,
and real statesmen (If we have any),
are immune to the weaknesses and
frailties of tho common herd that
Is, we common folks.
For one. I am opposed to censor
ing the school histories. The truth
should be told about our public
servants, statesmen and so-called
statesmen, or whatever you are
pleased to call them. A man Is not
necessarily great because he hap
pens to be elected to the senate of
the United States congress, or the
presidency. And, Wen if we occa
sionally should elect really and truly
a great man to either one of the
above places, that IS' no reason why
our historians should attempt to
hand him down to posterity as per
fect. The truth should be told about
characters worthy of places in his
tory the same as it Is about those
Are Now in Their
New Home
Sunderland Building
(Electric Sign en Tap)
15th ant! Harney Streets
Coal Coke Building Material
"if. Good If Sunderland Sails It"
ltiu, -dil I
All Work Guaranteed
1813 Dauglaa. Tel. Douf. SSSS.
Omaha's Credit Hurt
by Big Indebtedness
Onulu'i crnlit in the money mar
kets of the nation hat been injured
by the big indrbtedneti of the city,
it wit jfilcrdly when
Onrge Tarks refuted to proceed
with iiiimrroiia paving contract be
came bout! a fiuurd In pay for the
work have tint brcti told.
liond. to the amount of $1,800,000
have hfen authorized for oavitis in
the city ihi ear. Only JoOO.OOO of
lhee have bren nold. A aecond
SoOO.OtHl hat been bid in by a Chicago
linn hut hait not hern aonmieH. DirV
(irotie, chief deputy in Kinance Com-
mnontiiT millers other, said e
tcrday. . i i
CorMratirn Coun'l S'ts
Tram Value at $9.(HHMMH)
Corporation ' Counrl Lambert hai
complrled hi brief in the cae ot
the Omaha A- Council B!lilT Street
railway before the Mate railway com
miion. It forms a printed book of
187 page and is an argumrnt ior fix
ing the value of Ihe company's prop
erty at approximately $'J.(HiO.O(X). The
company claim it property i
wortli approximately S.'O.OilO.OOO. It
seek a fixing of the value for pur
pones of future financing.
Since Mr. Lambert prepared hi
brief, the United Slates supreme
court ha handed down a decision
in the Galveston case upholding the
fixing of value of a street railway
property at cost of building plus an
arbitrary one-third. The $",000,000
figure in the Omaha cae is prac
tically the cost of building at low
cost which prevailed when the
street railway was built.
Nebraska Crops
Helped by Rain
Winter Whrat Harftt Com
jilrlcJ in South and U in
Full Sway in North.
Lincoln, July o. Corn h been
greatly benefited by the raiiu,
made excellent growth during tre
past week and now ii in very good
condition, according to Ihe weekly
Nebraska irop report itsued by H
ii. Carter, inctcorolosiM. temporarily
in charge of the wea'her butcau
litre. Field, he say, are unusually
clrur of weed.
YV'.titjr u'r ft.Ttrilina trt the i e-
i ii ii.'. . . . i -
I M.,ilu li .. n..l,jl it atntha
Hni, i iiinniij ii,i n.i.ii i..
I eastern counties, and in the remainder
I ..t .1... c.,tn InpiL.t id Art lit (llif
VI lilt: ninii; iff ...
swing. The crop is repotted to be in
soot ted condition, evrn adjacent fields
varying from poor to good. Har
vc.t of oat and barley i in progreu
in some counties, especially in the
south and central portions. Oats are
mostly poor; some fields are being,
cut for nay. while others are being
pastured. Barley i reported fair a
Pastures, gardens and potatoes
are revived by the recent rami and
again are in good condition. Second
crop alfalfa is now being cut. Gen
erally the yield is short.
The total rainfall of the week end
ing July 4 varied from half an inch
to two inches, and, falling mostly at
night, did not retard farm work.
who are not worthy. And the Idea,
should never be inculcated into the
mind of a child, or any other mind
as for that, that the people we elect
to office and to positions of prom
inence are even approximately per
fect. Again, I hardly think a man who
has done aa much for his country aa
Senator Watson of Georgia has would
call attention to anything for the
sole purpose of "petrifying public
sentiment." Iet me state in conclu
sion that Senator Watsoh served
two years In congress about 30 years
ago, and during that one congres
sional term became the author of
our free rural delivery of the malla
and the automatic car coupling act.
Parents' Problems
How can interest in making a
vegetable instead of a flower garden
be aroused in little girls?
Arouse her interest by pointing
out that she can supply vegetables
for the family table, perhaps paying
her a small sum for what she can
raise, and she will soon take
keen interest in watching her car
rots, beets, lettuce and any other
vegetables ripen. A vegetable gar
den is an excellent way to educate
a little girl, for her marketing when
she is older.
Needles and pins will never rust In
a cushion rilled with coffee grounds.
Iffera5! Woods and
SSm--w Stream
White River
fii Ozarks
A delightful vacation land of natural beauty. Wonderful camp and
water life. Exploration trips into the heart of this enchanting sec
tion. Float trips down the James and White Rivera every nil
a miracle of beauty. Comfortable living places at reasonable
prices. Safely and conUoriably reached by the
Missouri Pacific
or Catena.
. All-Summer Round Trip Ticktts on sale daily lo September 30,
1922 final return limit October 31, 1922, 420.70.
If you've been overlooking this delightful near-home vacation spot,
it will pay you to Investigate. Use coupon below for booklet on
While River Country. Booklets on Colorado and California also
available if you plan a western trip.
For service particulars, sleeping car reservations, etc, call oa or
write " -
T. F. Godfrey. Div. Pass. Agt.
1404 First National Bank BIdg.. Omaha. Neb.
C. L. Stane. Paaa. Traffic Mir. Mianuri Pacific Railroad Ca.
Railway Exchange BIdg., St. Louit:
White River Country
2 Colorado and San laabel Forest
1 California
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Large Can, 12 Oancts, Only 25c
Some grocers may have a few cant left of Dr. Price's
bearing the label with the special advertising offer
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Dr. Price's is an unparalleled bargain at this special
sale price. Don't fail to see if your grocer has some left!
Main Dining Room
A p e c i al luncheon
de luxe will be served
daily in the Main Din
ing Room at 75c per
Friday's Luncheon will consist at:
Half Milk Fed Chicken,
Fried Maryland
Corn Fri ten, Souther Stylo
New String Beans,
Bonne Femne
Peach Fritters Gliot,
Wine Sauce
Sliced Tomatoes, Louie
Tea Biscuits
Fresh Strawberry Parfait
Orange Cream Cake
Edwards Orchestra
Luncheon and Dinner
A la Carte or Tafcle d'hote
When in Need of Help
Bee Want Ada