The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 07, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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v ;
Legion Is Advised
to Be Neutral in
Industrial Crisis
Sutf Commander Issues Stat,
ntrnt Asking Post ! Aoil
Taking Siilf in Labor
Members am) oriifei uf Anifm'ait
legion p! in Nrtir4l4 bae been
tke, iy the U!e I'lillllUllilfr. Wil
liam S. Kin Ire, jr., to oli-rrvf iii-u
trality in tlir "present industrial rri
'." ini alif tlut anv iIiciiioii
"( tbe iii.iiht a! If k iri meeting i
nut f orilrr. The r-itir ha nu'le
hi 4 sutiMiirnt itie rtTl4v. Il
""lie i. It'll of lite Amrrii4ti
1 rir'iMt ill llif present itnlutri1 rri-
i i ImMimiuiM. ai'.il some of our
I .ii'il ot'iifi have been impnr
tiii'nl ti t.iki. or to do ihitiK
lnrli would ti.iv ibat rrfrit.
Legion Not Judicial.
"Ymi will plr.i-e advise all of your
member ami cum y irrin who in
itnre. tl)4t tlif American Legion is
lift a limly nor 4 hoard t
arbitration; t it ranmit and should
wt lie expecU'd to mtrrifrc with or
attempt 10 adjudicate tiutiiTs of a
purelv business or industrial nature.
"We are pledged to uphold and de
fend the constitution of the Lnited
I Sute of America and to maintain
law and ordrr. This meant that we
I are bound, hrt to seek to accomplish
1 our own personal advancement in
Ian orderly manner, by, through and
under the constitution, with respect
for our law j. our rount, and our flag;
secondly, that wt are pledged to nip.
pert all public official whoie duly
it it to enforce the laws and to main
tain public peace. W'e are not. how
ever, obligated to do these thing any
more than any other law-abiding and
tiod'fearing citireno; we are not up
cut policemen, nor deputy sheriffs,
nor state militia and cannot be ex
pected 10 art a such.
Discussion Out of Order.
"Our employment bureau are or
canned to relieve unemployment not
10 serve a instruments to assist in
deciding dispute between employer
and employe.
"The post oiticers and member
are therefore directed to maintain a
strict neutrality in all industrial or
business disputes; that any discusinn
of sin h matter in out of order in anv
post meeting and the chairman should
so rule.
"Let us present a united front in
this matter and Irt no post in Ne
braska countenance any action which
nimhl be H t.i ririo the
M.ruion into an iinnr reisarv or un
called for dispute."
Hontlepum Sent to Jail
Pawnee Cilv. Neb.. July 6. (Spe-
i rial Oornc KriesfeU of Tabic
I Is'c'Clt was sentenced to .10 day in
'j.iil by County Judge David Neil
j h re for bootlegging. He confessed
1 tc s llim; a gallon of liquor to Ward
I Morland. 1
Pure Milk and
Ice Save Life
of Ailing Baby
Scores of Other Little Onei
in Needy Homes Await
Succor of Bee
Little Marion' life held by a ilen
der thread when a Visiting N'ure
came into the two-room hovel which
il her home day before yesterday.
Marion' mother, a little woman
who hat sacrificed her health (or her
children, wat nearly ready to collapse
under the struggle which hot weather
had made to much harder.
The fiurte hurried to a telephone
and gave an order through The Bee'
Free Milk and Ice fund. Within half
ait hour a milkman wa at the tittle
hovel with a big bottle of the purest
You should have teen Marion' tips
when she tasted that milk. Stie drew
it in with great contented breath.
Then she slept. Now the is getting
the milk every day and her life it tafe.
There are tcores of other tittle one
waiting the succor of The Bee't fund,
just such little unfortunate at
Marion in wretched hornet where
poverty reigns.
Will you help tave, them? Will
Absolutely FREE!
Receiving Set
For eight clays only Friday, July 7, to Saturday, July 15 we will give absolutely
FREE with the purchase of any Grand, Upright, Player Piano or Phonograph in our
building, a splendid and efficient Radio Receiving $et.
Come In This Week Choose the Instrument You Want Make a Small Payment
and your purchase and the receiving set will be sent at once to your home. The radio
set is the best we have been able to buy and is just what you want in your home.
See and hear them in our new building. REMEMBER you also have an opportunity
to become the owner of the GRAND PRIZE.
Here Are a Few of Our Used Bargains
We have many splendid values in Pianos that have been returned from rental from
such schools as Brownell Hall, also theaters and teachers' studios. We guarantee
them to be in perfect condition. Easy and pleasing terms have been arranged and'
any used bargain ydu purchase from us will be gladly accepted any time within one
year at its full purchase price to apply on a new instrument. Remember we carry
a complete stock of NEW Steinway, Steinert, Hardman, Steger & Son, Schomacker,
Emerson, Behr Brothers, Lindeman & Sons, Schmoller & Mueller and Premier Pianos.
Steinway Sq. Grand. . $ 35
Gerhard Upright $ 68
Schubert Upright . . . .$ 98
J. C. Fischer Upright,. $122
Kingsbury Upright. . .$125
Singer Upright. .... .$128
Price & Temple Upright,
at $138
Camp & Co. Upright, $148
Kimball Upright $198
Schiller Upright $218
Shoninger Upright ..$118
Mansfield Player ...$175
Hartford Player ....$275
Artemis Player $298
Behning Player $335
Schmoller & Mueller, $365
Aeolian Player ..... $395
Schmoller & Mueller, $375
P. C. Weaver Upright, $220
Smith & Nixon Up... $260
Lindeman Upright . .$290
Steinway Upright . . .$385
Grafonola, Oak . .$ 17.50
Grafonola, Oak ..$ 17.50
Grafonola, Mahog. $ 21.00
Victrola, Oak ....$ 24.00
Victrola, Oak $ 28.00
Grafonola, Oak . . $ 40.00
Schmoller & Muel. $ 80.00
Schmoller & Muel. $ 95.00
Victrola, Oak $ 98.00
Victrola, Oak $98.00
Schmoller & Muel. $135.00
Terms $1.00 to $2.00 Per Week
In addition to the above FREE offer with every $5.00 cash purchase in any depart
ment during July and August, you have the opportunity to secure one of the most
complete radio outfits on the market, which will be given away on Labor Day. This
receiving set will equal any amateur radio outfit in the country.
For Use of Those Who Live Outside
of Omaha
Special Offerings in
New Pianos
I am interested in the bargain I have
marked with an "X." Please send me de
tailed information in regard to it. It is
understood that its sale includes the FREE
Radio Receiving Set and a chance on the
Grand Prize.
Our huge stock of new and
guaranteed pianos gives you
the best variety of selections
in the middle west.
Grands, $635 and up.
Uprights, $275 and up.
Player Pianos, $365 and up.
1514-l&-18-Dod&e SL Omaha
ou ivt of our comparative rirhet
to reicu thete little frail lives?
Then, tend or bring what ou can
to The Bee office today.
rrkMiy HlwiyH Itla M
f. IMlMa, ft If
1 at
Tti tUfana,
at at
Intrrnsl Revenue Official
Transferred to Grand Island
Bert Tanner, a diviiion chief in
the internal revenue department, aval
trantferred to Grand Ic land this
week. He it tucceeded Jy E. S.
Critchfield, department employe for
more than IS yean.
Friday sod Saturday
will bold out of tboss eon.
atgnment sales of
Toilet Goods
The maktrs help 01 vita
the prices for sdverililBf
Mentbolatum, lis
C'utlcura aoap, ISs
Wright's Silver cream tt
50c Lliterlne, 17
Noa Spl St
Froatills M
Mulalfled Cocosaut Oil He
DJer Kits fac powder Me
Gillette razors tie
Javs ties powder St
Pebeco tooth pasts, 17
Hard wstsr esstlls soap, 7
Dajgttt at Ramtdell's Cold
cream, tSs
Crems 011 sosp, dot. Me
60c Gillette razor blades 17
Palmer's Lotion soap, IS
Palmoliv sosp, do ten. Me
Palmollv shampoo ST
Maria talcum If
Everaweet, - It
Woodbury's facial sosp, IS
Mlrrow nail polish St
Fiver's fses powdsr, 7fS
60e Jar of KlesysA
Cold Cream with 1
s jar of Crems I
Elcays for SOe
Itetinol sosp, It
Ideal hair fcrushss Ste
Phyalcians and feurfsoa's
soap, S
Pepaodent t7
Jergsn's Bsnzota lotion, tie
CuUcurs sosp. If
Graham's lemon sosp, S for tie
DJer Kiss talcum It
Thermos bottles, 8te
Good tooth brushes, each 10,
July Sale
for Men
8HIHTS in neckband and sport
collar attached, fins per
ealea and printed QQas
madraa, st 70V
woven Madras Cord, SI. 85
PAJAMAS in madras and per
cale. Fast color and well
made, per suit, 91.65
UNION SUITS in nainsook snd
knit at 79
SOCKS Silk and silk and fi
ber, per pair 50
COTTON SOCKS la black snd
colors, per pair 15
Drapery Section
60 pairs curtains, 1 snd 2 pairs
of s pattern, per pair, 1M
60c dotted marquisette for
ruffled curtains, per yard, S9
60c barred marquisette, heavy
quality, per yard, tte
$1.25 36-lneh drapery madraa,
good assortment of colors
blue, rose, gold snd two-tons
per yard, Ste
40c 36-inch cretonnes for bed
room drapes, per yard, 19c
75c 36-inch cretonnes, dark
colors, per yard, M
10c and 15c lsee edgings, small
quantities only, per yard, e
Msny Other Items at Xedieed
Art Section
Sl.75 stamped pillow esses, 43x
3, pair, tl.
$1.75 sll linen stamped scarf,
18x46. 9L49
$2.60 bungalow aprons,
$1.50 lS-pieee Sanltss lunch
aets, Me
95c S -piece bnffet sets,
atamped, "Stc
95c 18x46 .dresser aeajrf,
stamped, ste
95c 36 -inch lunch elotbs,
stamped, Me
Fast color embroidery thread,
pool, Se
Royal Society and Pacific
embroidery paekafM at
half price la the Art
Keedlewark Dept. Third
Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat
ing, Antiseptic Liquid
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with Eczema, Blotchea, Ringworm,
Rashes and similar akin troubles.
Zemo obtained at. any drug store for
35c, or $1.00 for extra large bottle,
and promptly applied will usually
give instant relief from itching tor
ture. It cleanses and soothes the
skin and heals quickly and effective,
ly most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing
to the most delicate skin. Get it to
day and save all further distress.
no longer doubt the efficacy of that
old-fashioned root and herb medicine,.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, because it relieves the ail
menu to which they are afflicted. In
almost every neighborhood there are
living witnesses of its wonderful ef
fects. Therefore, if you doubt its
value or power to help you, ask your
neighbor. In nine times out of ten
she has been benefited by its use
or knows someone who has. It will
pay you to eive thia root and herb
Thank You The response Wednesday to our July Clear
ing Sale was great. It may be that people are thinking of econ
omy in buying these goods at the lowered prices, or it may be
because they like the kind of goods we carry.
Whatever the reason, one would have thought prosperity had
returned, had they visited our store on Wednesday. Below we
give you items in this sale that we could not include in the first
announcement of our
July Clearing Sale
for Friday and Saturday Selling
Clearing Sale of High Class
Wash Fabrics
Embroidered Orgtndie
Dotted Swisses from Switzerland
English 40-inch Tissues
French Novelty Voiles
Hy Art in summer dress goods. Regardless
of former prices, snd aome were more than
$2.00 a yard, thia entire lot Is grouped at
98c yard
Other attractive lines st
39. 59 snd 79
Restricted quarters neces
sitates offering one group
at a time. Wednesday'!
offering simply melted
away. For Friday and
Saturday s much more ex
tensive offering.
Chain Body Hats
Elaborately trimmed in
flower wreaths, ysrn em
broidery snd velvet bows.
The hata come in black,
navy, ssnd, pumpkin, or
chid, etc. Specially priced,
Radical Clearing Sale of Women's
Comparative prices would show you the savings, but your own
judgment will do better when you see the garments.
Summer Frocks ,
Sizes to 62. Smartly fashioned of Swisses, ratine, figured fl1 A Kfl
TOlles, ginghams snd combinstlons. July Clearance price tpj.-xwv
Gingham Dresses
They are mainly of the wanted checks, coolly trimmed. In twojfuP
ings. July Clearance Price.- $J Jfi nd jg Q
Silk Dresses
Of Canton crepe, printed crepes, taffeta, krepe knit and othsr Combina
tions. In two groupings. OA 75 "d $29 50
July Clearance Prices, $i7.UV
Suit Clearance -
They sre most desirable from standpoint of quality, tailoring and lin
ings. Tweeds and homespuns. Sizd 5fl
July Clearance Price, ' iux,ur
Every Suit In Stock Shows Deep Reductions.
Clearance of Coats, Capes and Wraps
Of Canton crepe, wool ratine, veldette, tweeds, mixtures, sport coats and
trieotine and veldette combinations. Three groupings. July Clearance
$39.50 $49.50 $59.50
OfAer Coats as Low in Price as $9-75
Also others higher in prices, but every one has been
deeply cut in price.
Bathing Suits
Sport Skirts
Of worsted and all wool colors
and combinations without limit.
83.95 $4.95 88.95
Of ratine-like material, plaid and
cnecK errecis. a iew innge mod
els. July Clearance 83.95
Muslin and Silk Underwear
NIGHT GOWNS-Of nainsook,
fine batiste, plisse crepe and
shadow batiste with high color
novelty trimmings and in solid
colors, white, peach, flesh, orchid
and rose. Some with lace and
embroidery trim. Two groupings.
July Clearance Prices
81.39 81.95
ENVELOPES Of the daintiest '
dimity and fine nainsook, filet
edgings, lace and - embroidery
trim. Two groupings. July Clear
ance Prices
81.39 81.95
They are new, cool and you
will enjoy them. Flesh with col
ored stitching, rosebud trim,
kimono sleeve. July Clearance
simply be' amazed at these su
perb values. Excellent grade
crepe de chine, both lace and tai
lored styles. Colors tea rose, or
chid, nile, flesh and black. July
Clearance Price
July Corset Clearance
Extraordinary values in well known makes, including Warner, Just
rite, Ferris Waist, Gotham Elastic Girdles, Modart, Kilpatrick's Spe
cials, La Camille, Redfern and Ysabel. '
Group No. 1 Sizes 22 to 30 July Clearance, 98c
Group No. 2 Sizes 22 to 30 July Clearance, $1.98
Group No. 3 Sizes 22 to 34-July Clearance, $2.98
Corset Section Second Floor
Children and Juniors
GIRLS' FROCKS Sizes to It years. Organdicf,
voiles, Swisses, printed voiles and charming- com
binations attractively trimmed. Four groupings.
July Clearance Prices
tS.OO 97.BO S9.50 S13.60
SILK DRESSES Sizes t to IS years. Of crep. d
chine, taffeta. Canton, krepe knit, marquisette and
combinations. Both lights and darks. Three
groupings. July Clearance Prices
S9.75 SU4.75 S19.75
JULY SUIT CLEARANCE Sizes 12 to IS years.
Tweeds and navy tricotines at th. most draitie
reductions. Very limited lots. July Clearance
Pritt99.7S 14.75 S22.7S
years. A complete clearaway at much, very much
below tost price, July Clearane Prices
2.50 45.00 57.50
COAT CLEARANCE Sires 14 to 1. Three special
groupings, excellent materials. These very low
prices will quickly sell them. July Clearance
5.50 .50 14.50
to 1 years. Knickers are a vacation need. Tou
never had a better bargain than at thes. ciose
nut prices
S2.S5 M.95 6.5
House Dresses
Better supply your re
quirements for some
time to come at the
absurdly low price on
house dresses.
Pleas, not that th. ex
pression, "All Linen" Is
dependable. Two special
numbers In all linen
Women's all linea plain whit
hemstitched handkerchiefs, 4
ineh hem.
t for 2B
Men's alt linen plain whit
hemstitched handkerchiefs, fc
inch hems.
1U ch
Surprising Sales of
Liberal purchases of staple weaves and many
close-out lots of summer styles make this s
most notable price opportunity. You have re
cently paid more than double some of these
pricea for the same clothe.
at $1.19
36-lnch Chiffon Taffeta, navy, brown and
40-inch Embroidered Georgette Crepes.
40-Inch Crepe de Chine, white, pink snd nlle.
3-inch Figured Foulards.
36-inch Messallne.
S-lnch Silk Gingham, checks, etc.
at $1.49
Chiffon taffeta in a wide assortment of beau
tiful changeable combinations. Also staple
shades, including navy, copen. brown and
black. .A regular 2.50 Quality.
at $1.89
A recent purchase from"the largest snd bet
known manufacturers of high-grade foulards
wbo stipulated that hie name should not bs
used in advertising. This splendid quality
40-inch foulard In all new 1322 patterns.
at $1.95
40-lnch Sportspun, white snd colors.
40-inch Plaid and Striped Silk. 8klrtings.
40-lnch Heavy All-Silk White Shantung.
40-inch White snd Colored Sport Satin.
at $2.95
An interesting lot of very high-grade novelty
silks, including Mallinson's printed Pussy Wil
low in dress designs. Also 06 and 40-inch
brocaded novelties for dresses, trimmings and
fur linings. Sold up to 13.50 a yard. ,
at $1.89 and $2.25
Printed Crepe de Chlnea in small figures and
checks in white and colored grounds makes a
delightfully cool dress for warm days. 40
inches wide.
at $3.95
A choice lot of the very finest all white Silk
Skirtings, including May Queen, Whipporwill,
Brocade, etc. Sold up to $6.50 per yard.
Womens Hosiery
Full fiber stocking, sometimes referred to aa
artificial silk, and occasionally a careless
Merchant calls it silk. They are In CQp
black only. Per pair, WaVC
Real silk boots in black, brown and white.
Full fashioned lisle, embroidered in clocks
and fronts. They sre in black snd Q(?
colors; some fancy. All at, pair, 7uC
A NEW SHIPMENT of the pure silk full-
fashioned lisle top stocking in black, brown,
gray, white, nude, etc. The stocking, we say.
is "the best value on earth.
Per pair,
Some of the finest hosiery, including clocks,
laces and embroideries. Also very fine in
grain and chiffon in black, white and plain
shades. Your choice of 0ft fiET
this lot, per pair,
The Floor Below
Entire Center Section piled with bargains
in staple merchandise priced for this sale.
Table No. 1
A collection of merchandise for everyday use
in first qualities consisting of plain and R.
S. huck towels, plain and fancy bath towels,
36-inch table tops, embroidered
and lace trimmed scarfs. Your
choice at each,
Table No. 2
A splendid group in- fancy bath towels,
extra large white bath towels, 36-inch
lace trimmed dresser scarfs, chil
dren's towels, striped kitchen
towels. Your choice, each.
Table No. 3
One half shows a group of 59c and the other
half a group at 79c as follows: Towels,
scarfs, pillows, embroidered scarfs, rounds
and squares, all linen and huck towels, etc.
Your choice at each
59c 79c
Table No. 4 .
A wonderful collection of useful novelties la
luncheon sets, embroidered; liberty luncheon
sets, extra fine towels in linen and huck, mer
cerized table cloth, 64x70; fancy table cloth,
bine print and colors, dresser sets and etc SL(M)
i medicine a trial.