The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 06, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Ll Hitchcock-Bryan
V7V Combine Scored
by Dan Butler
fCommiuioner Has Letter Aik
ing Democratic Support of
"WetDry Tetm-Aiki
City Commltiiontr Din B. Bullcr,
candidate tor the democratic nomi-
1 ration for novrrnor. yetttrday de
f nounctd the Hitchcock-Bryan com
bination which it endeavoring to
' unite theae two machinci behind
double-headed ticket in the forth
coming primary.
i Butler hat a letter on stationery
if the democratic itate committee
.nd carrying the name of J. S. Mc-
tarty aa vice chairman. The letter
rails upon all democrati to aupport
the Hitchcock-Bryan "wet-dry" com
bine. It promises that the daily
I press el the state will be. solidly be
- hind the two.
"What I want now," said Butler,
i .' "is positive word from Hitchcock
. '.f and Bryan as to whether or not they
arc Dcnina inn move, ii incj
they are acting directly against the
primary law, which the democratic
party claims to have fostered. The
spirit of that law ia that the voter
choose his own candidates without
combination or intimidation. If they
are not behind ths move, I expect
them to aid in revealing its origi
' They say the press will be behind
Hitchcock and Bryan. Can they
muzzle the newspapers? What .is
their power and where do they get
this confidence?"
Defendant Tried
Without Lawyer
Booze Charge Dismissed When
r Judge Rules Search War
rant Faulty.
Sylvester "Vet".Conklin, Thurston
cpunty farmer, got along without a
lawyer wheit the United States' ease
against him on a liquor charge came
up for trial yesterday.
"You'll get just as fair a trial with
out a lawyer as with one." Federal
Judge, Woodrough assured Conklin
when his lawyer failed to appear.
"Just tell the truth."
He did.'So did John H. Binder. In
dian agent, on whbse complaint
"Vet" was arrested for illegal pos
session of a barrel of mash.
But the truth Binder told that he
obtained a search warrant vithout
any one having sworn to a purchase
of liquor in Conklin's domicile before
Won a verdict jn favor of the de
fendant "The search warrant was illegally
obtained; therefore, I discharge the
case," the judge announced. "Offi
cers cannot search a man's home on
icre hearsay.
f. C. Kinsler. United States attor
ney, acted as prosecutor in the ab
sence of hit assistant, George Key
ser, whose father is dangerously ill
at St. The sick man,
John Keyser, 442S Parker, is an' old
employe in the railway mail service.
Four Accidents Mar
Fourth in Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., July 5. (Special
Telegram.) Five persons were in
jured! in four accidents, while cele
brating Independence day here. .
Henrietta Sitzman, 4. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sitzman, sus
tained a fractured skull and other in
juries when she was run over by an
automobile driven by HerDert mn
iseh. 12.
Frank Rehurek, 1414 William
street, Omaha, was severely injured
when, another car collided with his
machine "near Havelock at 4 this
morning. He was taken to a Have
lock hospital where attendants be
lieve he will recover.
Blinded by a firecracker thrown
into his automobile, Jeff Parsley, 16,
lost control of it and smashed into
an empty sedan. Milan McCandless,
17, who with three others were in
the car. were hurled to the pavement
and badly bruised.
Lars Anderson, 12, lost the middle
finger on his left hand tins morning
.vhen he touched a match to powder
in an iron pipe.
De Molay Chapter at Ord
.Instituted With 41 Boys
Ord. Neb., July 5. (Special.) A
chapter of DeMolay was instituted
her with a membership of 41 .boys.
The work was conferred by the
Grand Island chapter. Zoro D. Clark,
master grand councillor for the state
of Nebraska, delivered a fine address
in the evening to the parents of the
boys and members of the Eastern
;Star and Masonic bodies.
- W. E. Wolters was appointed ad
viser of the Ord chapter with the
following Royal Arch Masons on the
advisory board: P. G. Howes, P. C.
rerryman, C. J. Mortenson, Harry
Price, C. M. Davie, Frank Johnson,
H. G. Frey. C C Sheppard, W. J.
"" Milord.
- R. E. Dale Is Elected Head
of Blue Springs School
Beatrice, Neb., July 5. (Special.)
R. E. Dale has been elected super
intendent of the Blue Springs schools
and Miss Viva Kinney, principal.
Other teachers named are Erna
Shotwell, Alice Vernont, Margaret
Anderson and Mabel Ethel Madison.
Dry Weather Needed
Beatrice. Neb., July 5 (Special.)
Nearly four, inches of moisture
1ias fallen at this place the past week
and farmers say that dry weather
is needed so that ihey can finish the
wheat harvest. It is estimated that
about 20 per cent of the wheat has
not been cut Enough moisture has
fallen to carry the corn almost
through the month of July. Pros-
iPects are good lor a corn crop.
y Beatrice, Neb, July 5. (Special.)
Adam McMnllen, candidate for
" zovernor on the republican ticket.
poke at Superior yesterday, and
, Gen. Colby, candidate for supreme
judge, spoke at Chester. '
UmU4 praa Ml (
"Lord!" she said ditguitedly.
"What puppy! She looked at
Violet. "Are you going to marry
that?" the atked, amaied.
Violet raised her heavy eyes.
"He't got Ronnie"' the said tone
letily. "He't Ronnie's father; he't
got Ronnie: and Ronnie cries til
"Ohl" Olive wts Duizlcd. She tat
down on the eMge of the table and
stared frowningly at the floor. "He't
Konnies lather, is her wen. wnai
tbout the other man, then? What
about Ronald Hastings? I don't tee
where he comes in!
She thoutht of the paper the had
taken from Violet s drawer the pa
oer which was even now locked up
stairs in hes own box. It wat all
certainly very mystifying.
Violet explained as well at she
. w r. i
could. The words sounded parrot
like, as if she had learned them by
heart. Olive listened and witched
her closely.
Suddenly she left her seat on the
table, she crossed the room.
Here, the said, not unkindly.
"You're going to be ill; get into bed,
and you thall have the kid. I'll tee
that you have him. You're not fit
to sit up; what on earth't the matter
with you?"
Violet began to sob: she was utter
ly wrought and ill; the first kind
word broke her down entirely.
Olive helped her into bed, then the
called Mrs. Higgs.
"Look here." she said. "You've got
to ttay with Miss Ingleby; she ' real
bad. I'm just going out to do a bit
of butinest on my own. I shan't be
ran up the stairs to her room
and dressed hurriedly. She took a
paper from her locked box rhe pa
per that had been sewn to Ronnie's
shabby little frock thrust it into her
satchel and went quickly downstairs
At the front door she met a tele-
fraph boy. He handed her a yel
ow envelope. It was addressed to
herself. Olive tore it open agi
tatedly. She hated telegrams,
When she read this one through
she gave a sigh of relief. , It was
short but business-like.
"Regret inform you my poor
wife died yesterday. Will you
see me? Gatwick."
Olive suppressed a chuckle
"No answer," she said laconically.
The boy went off whistling.
Olive read the message through
again. She sighed suddenly as she
thought of Mr. Green, of the rib
bon department, with his undying
devotion. She decided that when
she was Mrs. Gatwick she would
make him head floorwalker in the
drest and mantle department. It
had always been the height of his
But she felt far from happy as
she walked down the road in the
warm spring evening. For almost
the first time she was beginning
to realize that perhaps, after all
there were things to be had out
of life which one,ould not possibly
buy with pounds, shilling and
pence. .
She was ycung, and Mr. Gat
wick was how ld? She did not
like to think, but the remembrance
that when sly first entered his
drapery emporium she had disre
spectfully dubbed him "the old
codger" came back to her now
rather unpleasantly. She would
have given a great deal if he had
been tall and handsome and smart
ly dressed like Hastings. She won
dered how soon she would be jfr
pected as the second Mrs. Gat
wick to stay at home and read
bits out ')i the paper for her hus
band's amusement.
She knew well that Mr. Gatwick
intended to propose to her.- The
known insurance man of Wil
mington, Del.who declares Tan
lac promptly overcame hjs stub
born stomach trouble and run
down condition following two at
tacks' of influenza. Gains weight
and now feels fine.
. "The flu left me ii such a run
down condition life was miserable and
work a burden," declared John W.
Thomas, well-known insurance man,
oOO.Tatnall St., Wilmington, Del., in
a recent statement regarding Tanlac.
"Twice I was a victim of the flu,"
he continued, "the last time about
two years ago, and since then I suf
fered from stomach trouble, nervous
ness and diziy spells. After eating,
gas on my stomach worked up
through my chest and made my heart
beat so fast it alarmed me and I
nearly smothered. I could never get
a good night's sleep and got up
mornings with a mean taste in my
mouth and all tired out.
"Other medicines seemed to do me
harm instead of good, but three bot
tles of Tanlac rid me of indigestion,
the nervousness and dirtiness. My
sleep is restful and I am feeling like
a different man. Tanlac is certainly
Tanlac is sold by all good drug
gists, i
pUtsuriblt tnticipttion wtt tome.
hit urr4 by the thought of poor
Mr. Green of Ins ribbon department
She hoped sincerely that he would
not do anything looliih. tie was to
fond of hinting at a tudden and hr
rM death. Olive did not realist
that the mm who commits suicide
M-Mom.or never threaten! it.
When the netred the corner where
the omnibuses passed to the West
Knd she ran tilt into a man coming
breathlessly in her direction. He
Mat short and apologetic looking,
snd he breathed heavily at h had
been running hard.
"Gracious I7' said Olive. "Edward r
It wtt Mr. Green himself.
The poor little man wat almost
overcome at sight of her. He looked
very much is f he would have liked
to burst into relieved teart. He
gulped hard and patsed. a gayly col
ored handkerchief across hit hot fore
Olive regarded hmt quizzically. He
wat not looking hit best by any
means, and romehow, at tight of
hit hot, red see, and colorlest eyes,
all kindly feeling of pity the had felt
lor him vanished, she recalled Mr.
Gatwick't round proportion! and
beaming face with a sense of relief.
"Oh, I am to glad to meet you.
I wit afraid you would be out." Mr.
Green gasped is he spoke, rather
like a fish who finds himself all at
once out of the water. "Where art
you going? Miy I walk a little way
with you?"
Olive hesitated.
"I was foine uo to Mr. Hutinet
Mr. Ronald Hastings." the answered
with elaborate carelessness. "But you
can come a little way if you like. It
anything the matter?" ,
Mr. Green turned eagerly to walk
betide her. He flipped off the curb
at he did to, and the tudden thock
tent hit hat spinning into the road.
It was extraordinary that he nearly
always managed to make himself
ridiculous when he wat most anxious
to appear it hit best. Olive turned
her neid iwiy to hide a tmile.
"No, there's nothing the matter; at
least I hope not."
Mr. Green recovered hit bowler.
rubbed it vigoroutly on the sleeve of
his coat md planted it firmly on hit
head. ;
"At least I hope not " he repeat
ed again, with a tort of dread. He
looked up at Olive. She wat serv
eral inches taller than he. "Olive,
Mrs. Gatwick's dead"
"Is that all?" Olive looked an
noyed and relieved together.
"What a fuse about nothingl Have
you raced up all this way, and
nearly killed yourself, to tell me
"I thought you'd like to know."
"Why?" The monosyllabic ques
tion was icy.
"Because, oh, Olive, you know
why quite weltl Mr. Gatwick has
always admired you. He means
to ask you to marry him. I know
he does; and then what will become
of me?"
"Don't be so stupid." Olive spoke
impatiantly; she could not tolerate
Mr. Green when he whined. "Sup
posing Mr. Gatwick does propose
. m y
fAcmm cup
For Instance
Remember-Reduction Applies
to ALL Sizes- Quality Unchknged
to me, I'm not obliged to accept
him. tm W
"That." taid Mr. Green tragically.
"it whit I want to know."
Olive quickened her tiers.
"I think vou'rt very impetment.
It't no business of yourt. Oh, for
hraven't sake ston sniveling!" she
idded angrily is poor little Mr,
Green gave a too. Uo you tninK
I wint to be teen walking aown
the street with weeping mm?
I'm going to get on a 'but here,
I've very Important butinest www
Mr. tunings.
Mr. Green Tud forgotten hit
fancied jealousy of Rona'J Hill
ings in the terror ot tne new ana
much more real oite which now
threatened hit happiness. He
caught Olive's hind at she would
have turned away. He held it in
his hot, throbbing eli!.
"Olive, no man will ever love
you as I haver
Olive looked it him. He wit a
very pitiable object Hit loose lips
quivered, teirt ttood in hit eyes.
his tie hid broken loose from Its
moorings and shifted round towird
hit left eir. Olive snatched her
hand away from him with a tort
ol impatience.
I should hope nofc the taid. I
never want to be loved in your way
tgiin." She jumped on a passing
'but and left him ttanding there look
ina- after her with miserable eves.
The meeting bid ruffled her. She
wished to goodness she hid not teen
him. and yet she knew that there
wat truth in what he taid that no
man would ever again love her to
well at he had done I
When Alfred Sutore left Mrt
Higat' and the ugly street where
all the houses looked alike he went
straight to Park Lane.
He did not otten visit Konaid
Ristingt. but when he did It al
ways meant - the tame thing-
money. It meant that now.
He smiled affably at the ttift toot-
man. He wat in the mood to tmile at
evenr one- He whittled under hit
breath when he wat mown into hit
cousin s study. He tat himself down
contentedly to wait in the easiest
chair he could find. He wondered
if he would be invited to dinner it
wae nearly 7:30. He believed that
Ronald dined at half-past
Ronald kept him waitinr 10 min
utes. He wat in evening drest
when he came in. He nodded curtly
in recognition of hit coustnt gush'
in greeting:. He disliked Sutore.
He never quite knew why he allow
ed him to sponge upon mm, except
that it wat hit nature to be generous.
The hardest thing in the world wat
for Ronald Hastings to say no when
any one asked for help. He had
more money than he could spend.
Sometimes he was ashamed when he
realized the extent of his wealth. He
did a tremendous lot of good un
Sutore went back to his easy
chair. He liked to pretend to feel
at home in his cousin's house. - He
knew it annoyed Hastings.
"I've got-some news for you," he
said. And may I have a cigaret?
He took one from a silver box on
the uble and lit it with great cere.
"Fact is," he resumed, puffing tmoke
into the air, "fart is, I'm going ti
be married.
Hastings nude no comment He
stood leaning ifainst the mantel,
piece, staring before him.
"Yon promised, you know," Su.
tort went on rather awkwardly,
"you promised you'd giveime a
er start when I or " fie broke
fit. He did not like hit coutin't ii
lence. Hastings fooked it him through his
eyeglass Sutore envied him that eye
glass. He could not wear one him
self "Who is the lady?" he asked, curtly.
Sutore brightened. He wat plened
with this faint show of interest.
"She's a jolly nice girt," he answer
ed, fatuously. "I've known her all
my life on and off though it't more
than three years now tinea I' ran
acrots her. We were engaged then,
but well, we had a 'little difference.
However, it't all cleared up now, and
she's going to marry me. Her name
is Violet Violet Ingleby and it't
an odd coincidence, dear boy, that
the't been working it your own show
the hat shop place. Of course. I
thall tike her out of that, but I say,
what't the row?"
Hastings wit glaring at him, white
faced and furious. .
"You liar t" he said between Hn
Sutore scrambled to hit feet. He
had flushed dull red. He thought
Hastings wat going to knock him
"Liar yourself." he protested, hotly.
"I tell you it's the truth. I knew her
yeart ago. We were engaged, and
Exclusive Novelty
For Women
I Patent leather pump &iih
red kid nay and red kid- . fSssL "' " k.
covered heels. ' ''v?5. Q 0
r-7 : 1 V SoSIEK
it you want some- v jL Q F! y (V
thing absolutely new "ramy tjjj
and different i n W-sJ T"wJ
footwear to wear avs X V
with your smartest . 1
frock, visit our Shoe
Department and J
sve. hVw i srsss Paten ha side i
- these delightful nov titilh beige suede quarter.
eltiet. .
ti i i r-
ti . i i mrarioor .cast , " . - j
es 1 s , I Bs aff a -j -a e-jg p Mr)y mil .,iilcL1il
ajiiaiisnairaiiatiaiiaiiaiiBiiBiiati uaiHatif aiiatiaiiaiiaiiaitaiiaiiai iBiiBitBriBii MBtianaiiaiiatiaitaiiatiaiis! i ai laitaiianaiiaiitaiiaiiatiaitaiiai laiiaiiansiiariaKertaitaiiaiiaiiatiaiiatiajriatiaiia
Drive Through the Radius Rods
--Not Through the Springs
x Transmission
2 Removable
i Pump and
Valve Lifter
7 Pressure
' Lubrication
H. E. Sidles, Prae.
tud how the dewl dare you tpeak
to me in this nunner?" he blustered.
Hastings turned twsy. lie hited
himself for his lost of telf-control.
After all, why should it be a lie?
There was a moment's silence, Sutore
preened himself he felt that he hid
scored heavily.
"I'm beastly sorry if I'm treiding
on your corns," he said, bumptiously.
"She's a ripping tort, simply ripping,
but well, she prefer! me, I tuppose,
ind to "
"What dq you want me to do?"
The words cut the silence like a knife.
Hsitings' hands were clenched.
"My dear boy. I don't 'want' you
to do anything. But you offered, and
you know whit a poverty-stricken
beggar 1 always am and poor little
Violet's ill."
"III?" .
"Yes, jolly ill. she't b bed. They
tent her home from the hat shop.
She't very bad, and that wretched
room of hers
"Go on." he said Jioirsely.
"I thought," he begin jauntily,
"if you could see your wiy to" Me
J irxIlKaK
4 Antl Q Cr5C
rariafaaw. isnBea ia4 Oroarfaa 0dra
Tka OrlgJoeJ 'ood-Drtak For AB
in Paris and made in New
for J. L. Brandeis & Sons, a great
new styles in fashionable footwear are be
ing shown here for the first
A GMC rear spring accidejitly
broken can't mis-align the axfe and
tie you up on the road.
GMC trucks drive through the
radius rods the springs only sup
port the body.
Radius rods hold the rear axle in
a rigid position, assuring perfect
alignment, which prevents undue
wear on the brake bands.
GMC prides ,itself upon the fact
that owners have uninterrupted use
of their trucks to an unusually
high degree.
Buick Auto
Lea Huff, Vice-Prea.
topped at tome ont tipped at the
rtfaaM la rtx Mm fnmi.1
I Will gi Free tki PmU If Ym
Will Make Tale Ai TmI
I tar vlllr that Aitkna I Has
Frr aa lamattaUlr at MlrIIMl.
mttr ht aea ar la vaal illmata ro
Ta arava thla all I la ia A
ton thlt mattelae, la vaaearfttl
at wkla kaa prU alt ever tka eaualrr.
imply Mad aa rear aame a4 I will
prepay theieaa aa a re r Hu aollla.
Hi II Ua aaya ana k If tellatale with
roar Imptavamaat yaa pay me aaly 11.31
Otktnrtoe pan ewe elhlae.
Srerae af eaaale lay tk la la different
from anytklne ala la tk wartd an4 that
the lint aoiue aaaaias ! eiaap
wall, alappae ehaktaff, laara4 Ike kaa4
an4 lunge and gava raal eaafert.
Don't n4 panapi aWt par a Paap
anlM pa faal It la riakl to pay. 1 trait
totryena. CI yaa LaavsntaaA, Utl a.
Blvt.. Roaedale. Kauai.
Atoid Imitation
York, exclusively
many extreme,
Patent leather pump
with red kid inla)f.
Fine material!
and skilled work
manship mark
this footwear ai
the superior sort,
yet they are
priced ho mora
than the ordinary
kind. c
Company I
Chaa. Stoart, Sec-Traas.
v r r ML A
( CIVIr10 y
The last week in July, we
take inventory and the loss
merchandise we have on
hand at that time the better
off we are. Ia ordur to re
duce our stocks to the mini
mum we have gone through
and made big reductions on
odds and ends, broken lots
and in many cases on items
that we have too largo a
number of, so that during
thia sale you can buy furni
ture, rugs, draperies, stoves
and h o ra e f n n i shings at
prices that are exceptionally
Odds and ends of Dining
Chairs. Not more than 6 of
a kind. fl" AC
Each fpLiVO
Jacobean Oak William and
Mary Buffet, without mir-
Golden Oak Round Dining
Mahogany, Walnut or Oak
Odd Wood (1 A rTH
Beds....... tPlia lO
Golden or Fumed Oak Duo-
T:. $39.75
Top Icing -i nn
Refrigerators PXJLaUU
Large Arm Pi- (J ryf5
ber Rockers. .. $Oa I O
Porch JQ It?
Swings DOrreJ
Step Ladder (j"fl ' fQ
Stools PXsUt7
Aluminum Tea fl" Mff
Kettles tDlefK)
Aluminum Stew QK
Pans ODC
Tubs , -ODC
Galvanized 1 Art
Pails lUC
Omaha's Vnlnf-Uitic).' store
lloaard St, Bet. 15t and lfta