The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 06, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Women's Silk Hose
Full fashioned hoM in plain silk and
lac. sin pes. Soma ar. iitk to th. top,
others with liala garter topi. In black,
brown and whiu. Salt price, 1 CQ
per pair,
Main Floor North
Women's Silk Snort Hose
Lace stripe effects and plain silks. These
am -ML. A L L .1 - uirk liald Um n,l L
IV lJ ilicr niivw-, .,. 1VI, Hilt,
double lisle soles. In whit, gray, navy,
brown and pray. Odd lota of 1.50 and
1.75 values, ssle QO
price, OPC
Main Floor North
ly Clearance
Women's Irish Linen
All width hems from 1-16 to 2 inches
wide. Several styles all white, white
with colored borders and colored 1 T
linen with embroidered corners, 1 l C
M am Floor North
Roll top socks for
infants and chil
dren; plain and
fancy tops ; all
sizes; special,
per pair,
Main Floor North
Our Biggest Summer Selling Event
Silk Envelopes and
3.C0 and 398 values.
Attractive lacey styles
and tailored hem
stitched models made
of flesh-colored crepo
de chine and satin.
Sharply reduced for
clearance. All sizes.
.r 1.95
Third Floor-Center
Men's Work Shirts
1.600 of them; all made of extra go4
quality light and dark blue ehambray,
rheviots, black sateen and fancy mix
tures In plain and striped patterns; lay
down collar, faced sleeves and doubls
atltched throughout. These shirts are
so-cslled seconds, but so fsr as the wesr
it concerned thy are as rood as shirts
J for which you pay f5c to 1.25; Cflr
sites t Mo 10; priced at www
Basement Arcade
Bungalow Aprons
Bvaialow Aproat-Of light and dark
pattern percale; many different styles;
sash backs, rick-rsck, colored pipinjr,
button trimmed; alt kizea; f)9c
1.00 values, each
Basement East
Clearance of Notions
Collinfiboar ' Basting
Tbr.4 200-ysrd spool;
regularly 10c; fTg.
sale price", OC
Hickory or Dr. Park.r'a Waiits
foe Bay and Girls Kegu
larly 60c; ssle
Hickcrr Sanitary Dr.ia Aprons I
Made of Para rubber with r
A a T". I I
nri tops, neguiar nn -
price 69c; sile price,
Imported String Shopping Bags
Worth Z5c;
sale price,
Reial Marcariiad
Braid All colors,
A 15c bolt for
Marc.l Waving
Iron Each,
Rftd-e-Trira One of the new
est and prettiest wash trim
mings. A bias fold with
piping: and fancy edging: in
every wanted shade. Regu
larly zoc a
bolt; sale price,
Main Floor South
I. A P. Coat'a Bast Sis-Cord
Tkraad Black or white, all
numbers, A
spool, "C
Domattic Twill Tape O 1 -3-yard
bolt. 42C
Rubber Pants for Babia Na
tural color in all
sizes. Sale price.
Sticbarei Wash Edging All
colors. Regularly 16c; O.
sale crice. oer bolt. ' OC
Suprema Dressing
Needle point, 300
psper. Reg. 10c;
sale price, 2 for
Cubes of Headed Pint Black,
white and colors. 100 pins
to cube. Regularly . IP
15c; special, 2 for XOC
Rick-Rack Braid O
By the yard, 6C
Dress Shield Brasiiarei Klein
ert's Lady Edith Made of
fine marquisette, cool for
summer. Regular price
1.98; sale or;
price. 1 smO
to the
Lingerie Blouses
Former Prices 3.00 to 5.00
500 tub blouses made of voile, dimitv or batiste with attrartivelv
varied collar styles. Laco trimmed; with vestee effects Q 7Q
or Peter Pan eollars. Each. a . 7
Second Floor South
Bungalow Aprons
Bungaiow Aprons Of light and dark pattern
percaie; many airierent styles, some are rick-
rack, colored piping, button trimmed;
all sizes; 1.00 values, each. 02C
Basement East
White Sateen
Former Price 95c
425 double panel petticoats
finished with hemstitched
hem or scalloped bottom.
Regular and extra
sizes. Each,
Second Floor South
For Women and Misses
Former Price 1.69
A practical bathing suit in
black, with neat white trim
mings. All sizes. I AA
Each, isvU
Second Floor Center
1,000 Pairs Men's and Young Men's
Wool Trousers
Worsted, cassimere, cheviot and serge trousers made
to sell for 5.00 and 6.00. In all sizes. A big assortment
of patterns you can easily find a pair of
trousers that will look well with any coat
you have and give you a lot of extra wear
at a small cost. Per pair,
Fourth Floor
Crepe de Chine
This is our standard make, which we carry
all the year around, and is suitable for all
silken purposes. In high colors and staple
shades. 40 inches wide ; per yard,
Main Floor Center
Men's Denim Overalls
Made for the U. S. army of 220-weight blue denim.
Trouser style with two hip pockets and two pockets in
front; all stoutly made for hard wear. CO
Basement North
Specially priced,
Girls Organdy
Original Price 2.95
500 cool little frocks of white
or colored organdy dainty
with fine laces, ruffles or
tucking. Sizes 6 to 1 QC
14 years. Each,
Second Floor West
Former Price 4.50 to 7.95
150 Blouses Overblouses,
tie-backs and tuck-in models
in flesh or white Georgette,
trimmed with val or O QC
flat Venice lace. Each, O.VO
Second Floor South
Linen Clearance
Bleached Crash
3.000 yards,. 16 inches
wide, in a good absorbent
quality. Regular price
12oc; sale price,
per yard,
Not over 20 yards to
a customer.
Pure Linen Damask
Table Cloths
Several good designs for
the new oblong tables. 70x
88-inch sizes. Regular
price 7.50; sale C QQ
price, w.VU
191OC191;. inches, hem
med, all ready for use.
Worth 4.50 a o or
doz. ; sale price,
Irish Linen
Table Damask
Heavy quality, 70 inches
wide. Priced less than to
day's cost of manufacture.
Sale price, per 1 OQ
yard, leilil
Main Floor West-
Djer Kiss
Face Powder
Djer Kiss Face Pow
der, 50c size, spe
cial at
Water Bottles
Water Bottle or
Fountain Syringe,
special at
Main Floor
Tooth Brushes
Prophylactic Tooth
Brushes, army sur
plus, special at
Children's Barefoot Sandals
Barefoot Sandals For infants, misses and chil
dren; several hundred pairs; the infants' come
in either white or dark brown leathers; the
misses' and children's are made of dark and
light pliable leathers; sizes incom- OQ
plete; slightly imperfect; per pair, OJC
Basement Arcade
Boys' Rompers and
Play Suits, 89c
1.50 to 2.00 Values
Kaynee and Tom Sawyer Make
Mostly short-sleeved models in khaki colored
materials and striped patterns. Serviceable
little suits for boys from 2 to 8 years.
Fourth Floor
Lightweight Corsets
Fashioned of pink silk broche in topless styles
with insets of elastic which make it a semi
elastic corset. No lacing, just wraps about
the figure in a most comfortable manner,
hooking in front. For the warmer days of
summer these corsets are very O Q
comfortable. Priced srt J.'xJJ
Third Floor North
Boys' Sport Blouses
Made of striped percale with the popular sport
collar. Sizes 6 to 15 years. tQ
89c values; sale price,
Fourth Floor
Women's Fine Lisle
and Cotton Vests
In flesh or white, with bodice or regulation tops.
Regular and extra sizes. A 50c OQ -value.
Sale price, afcivC
Third Floor Center
Oriental Pearl Necklaces
20 and 24-inch wax-filled beads in a rich cream
color, with band clasp, 1.00 and 7C
1.50 values; each, OC
Main Floor East
Women's Hair Ornaments
Spanish combs and fancy hair pins set with semi
precious stones in flame, white, sspphire and
emerald" colors. 1.00 and 1.50 7
values; each, OC
Main Floor East
Borax Naptha Soap
White Borax Naptha Laundry. A dependable
laundry soap, special, in.
10 bars,
Fifth Floor West
Women's Lisle and Cotton
Union Suits
75c to 1.25 Values
Samples and odd lots of Kayser Marvelfit and
Princess May suits. Many styles, in bodice
or regulation tops, loose or tight 59 C
knee. All sizes.
Third Floor Center'
Children's Union Suits
Samples and odd lots in knitted and athletic
styles. All sizes in the lot, but not in each
style. 75c values. &aie pnee, vjjp
per suit,
'" Third Floor Center
Women's Jersey
Silk Vests
In flesh or white, with bodice or regulation tops.
All sizes. These are irregulars of 1 OQ
the 2.50 quality. Sale price,
Third Floor Center .
Women' 's and Misses' Apparel for Summer and Spring,
Priced for Quick Clearance at Figures Marked Without
Regard for Cost or Former Selling Prices; Every Cloth
and Silk Coat; Every Suit and Many Fine Silk and Cot
ton Frocks in this Great Offering,
Coats, Capes, Wraps
A collection of wraps for women and misses in all types
Tweeds, Novelty Mixtures, Normandy, Velour,
Marvella, Tricotine and in the silks, Crepe de Chine,
Roshanara Crepe and heavy Canton Crepe.
Creme Oil Soap
Regularly 10c; for this sale; no phone or E
mail orders; per bar, C
Main Floor West
Imported Street Frocks
For women and misses. Formerly O Off
5.00 and 6.00; sale price, O.OO
Second Floor West
Summer Silk Dresses
Frocks for women and misses of Georgette, Crepe de
Chine, Canton, Velette, Chiffon Tub Silk, Crepe Ro
maine, Laces, Satin-Backed Canton and Crepe Renee.
Newest fashions of every style and color.
Original Prices 12.00 to
25.00, Now
Orignal Prices 25.00
to 40.00 Now
Original Prices 40.00
to 79.00 Now
Original Prices 12.00
to 25.00 Now
Original Prices 29.00
to 49.00 Now
Original Prices 55.00
to 79.00 Now
- V2 Price
A group of 22 evening
frocks formerly priced
from 49.00 to 185.00,
priced for clearance at
exactly V2 of the original
selling price. A
Second Floor West
Women's and Misses' Suits
A comprehensive selection of suits from the tweed knockabout to the
correctly tailored navy twill cord. The materials include Serge, Tnco-
xl T! ? T T !! 1-k 1 I i-J T I
line, fiqueune, roirei 1 win, uomesuc ana impurieu 1 wceus,
Original Prices I fn Original Prices
$15 to $30 Now
$45 to $69 Now
Original Prices (xaKOj
$75 to $150 NowOJ
Girls' Cloth Coats For
merly sold from 10.00 to
15.00; sale J QC
price, 4.7J
Girls' Suspender Skirts
Of gingham, in plain
and checked patterns;
formerly sold at 7r
1.00; sale price, lOC
Ruffled Curtains
Fine quality marquisette with full narrow
ruffles and tie-backs to match. QO
1.75 value. Per pair, Ov
Sixth Floor East
"Chippendale" Qlassware
Bowls, Creams and Sugars, Celery Dishes',
Trays, and other pieces of clear 1
heavy glass, each,
Fifth Floor East
Ice Tea Sets
Light cut 'clear blown glass set consisting
of pitcher, 6 glasses, and 6 sipperss Farm
er prices up to 3.50. 1 Oft
Per set, l.VO
Fifth Floor East
35.00 Mahogany
Four-Poster Bed
Full size bed, made of select built-up di
mension stock, finished in the fashionable
brown mahogany. This is a very splendid
piece of furniture that will give a lifetime
of service. Clearance 1 Q AC
Seventh Floor
2.95 Imported
Willow Chair
A sturdily built chair for the porch or sun-
Seventh Floor
Brown finish.
Japanese Grass Rugs
9x12 size. Woven in one pigce, with sten
ciled patterns in brown, blue, tan and
green. A tasteful, durable rug for any
room in the house. C QC
Sixth Floor West
9.75 White Enamel
Kitchen Tables
All-steel table in a triple coated white
enamel finish with porcelain top and one
large drawer. A fine type of the modern,
sanitary kitchen table. 7 7 1
Each, i .tU
Seventh Floor
Lawn Settee
Regular price 2.35. Folding lawn seat with
red frame, seat and back in natural
finish; 4 feet long.
. Seventh Floor
Wire Frames
For Boudoir Lamps, Telephone Screens
with doll's head and for Perfume Burner
Lamps; 3.50 to 4.50 value;" 1 A
sale price, each.
Third Floor West
A collection of Oriental and domestic
fruit, sandwich and scrap baskets. Also
straw shoDDinsr baskets Values 75c to
2.00; to close, lfl
Third Floor West
Summer Street Frocks
For women and misses. Of imported organdie,
imported dotted Swiss, imported ratines, Nor
mandy, voiles and fine ginghams; 7 Hf?
formerly 10.00 to 15.00; sale price, .OD
Second Floor West
Better Summer Frocks
For women and misses. Formerly 15.00 to
25.00. Of imported Swiss, voiles, linen and
ratine, in light and dark patterns; 1 Q QHS
sale price,
Main Floor West
Boys' Wash Suits
In the fine Majestic brand. Middy, Oliver
Twist, Balkan and Norfolk styles in plain or
' combinations of light and dark colors. Sizes
2 to 8 years. 3.00 to QA
4.00 values; sale price, 1
Fourth Floor
Black Venetian Lining
Regular Price 69c
A high lustrous finished sateen much used fox
children's wear, card table covers, QQ,
and other purposes. mttJC
Main Floor Center
All-Wool Suitings and
Velour checks, homespuns, tweeds, crepes,
sport flannels, Jersey and other Q
desirable weaves. 54 inches wide. 1 .O
Main Floor Center
Imported Narrow Embroidery
Edges and Insertions
Fine qualities, to 2 inches wide. These are
odd lots in values up to 12 c; A
sale price, per yard, TrC
Main Floor Center
Colored Embroideries
Novelties in white and colored organdy embroi
deries imported from France. Suitable for
collar sets and trimming summer frocks.
Values from 50c to 1.00.
Sale price, per yard, OOC
Main Floor Center
Copies of Dutch Silver
Fruit Bowls
These Silver Fruit Bowls are an attractive
reproduction; regular price tQ
1.00; sale price, OIC
Third Floor West
Stamped Pieces
Broken lines of stamped pieces, mostly
children's made-up dresses, 6 to 14 years;
lunch cloths, scarfs and lunch sets are in
cluded; grouped at two prices, 1.50 to 2.50
values, 7C and - ff
Third Floor West
Wide Silk Laces
Flouncings and allovers, 18 to 36 inches wide,
in black and colors. Values t CQ
up to 2.50 a yard. 1 .DU
Main Floor Center
White Wash Laces
Odd lots of French and English vals. laces and
insertions in all widths. Also fine Cluny
edges and insertions from
'4 to 2 inches wide. OJC
Main Floor Center
Men's and Women's Cotton and Shamrock Lawn
Kerchiefs in plain white, white with colored
corded borders and those with embroidered
corner?. 15c value; sale
price, each.
Main Floor North