The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 02, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    ililS hUNDAY UKE: OMAHA. JULY 2. 1922.
Ycar-Old Twins
t to Rcc Milk Fund
IVature ( Aid for Poor
Hhet U Broad Appeal
Made to All
Another vKt'Tctiiiif friure of The
Brt J-'rce Milk and lie fund i the
lroiJ ipi ral which il nukr to all
tlae ol people, not only in Oma
ha, hut in ftUtant place, The work
?'l anutinutintf the condition of un
urtuiute infant during the utu
tuer month tin brought many re
sponse ju the tuna continues to
. iuircae from ilty to day.
A li-itcr w3 received yeterday
from Mr, Ixitii Magor, Lucerne
Farm. llrownville. Neb. She en.
rinsed a check for $J, explaining
mat me remittance wa tent m the
name of Boyd and Floyd Magnr.
twin, nearly l-year-okl, who "wish
Omaha hahiet had a much milk at
we have." Mr. .Manor added,
"Yourt it a grand work."
It hat been definitely etafili.hed
that infant live have beet taved
through the dintribution of fresh
milk and ice in hornet where babies
are in need of these summertime et-
smtialst. Many other babict have
been Riven a better fighting chance
through the administration of the
jnd. every cent of which it ucd to
pay for milk and ice.
The fund ;iow stands a tollowt:
J ennie, Oldest Mule, 44,
Still Likes to Run Away
rvlniily rrport'tl
nam ..
J. I. .K
4. i. Pullxr.1
Mabtti K. I'nllnrd
A frlrn.l
P. r. Inn
II. Rm rr . .
Mmn (', Ilrrtvtr
A. W.
ltod nil I1ud Mafor..
. I. no
vDry Sleuths Give
Up Seized Liquor
But Not to Man, in Six
Months' Battle for Its
, Return.
The prohibition department yester
day gave.- up John J. Chapman's
iquor--but not to Chapman, who has
battled in vain for six months in fed
eral coiirt for its return.
The liquor' was seizedby Deputy
E. S. Critchfield, deputy revenue col
lector, as "alleged contraband.
The seizure means tjiat U. S,
Rohrerris no longer a party to Chap
man' suit to regain his 95 quarts of
whisky; confiscated following his con
viction on a liquor charge.
"All further-action will have to be
directed. Against -the'; revenue collec
tor," afd J. B. Nickcrsftiv; chief clerk
for Rohfcr." r '-" V' ,
Federal Tudee Woodrouch vester-.
day took' under advisement the mat-J
offrefuTrting , ther liquor., untuj
I our. ievser. assistant , uimca i
States if tornev. "decides whether' to!
proceed against- .the liquor either in
a libcl.'fuit under the pure food law,
since it,, tested bnly,s88 per cent,
though labeled 1100 per cent pure; . or
for violation of the revenue law. '
The vhisky bottles are labeled "For
medicinal purposes only,", which is
proof ithat. . H was bottled after the
Volstead act -vent 'into effect, and it
is therefore misbranded,, according to
KeyserY contention.
III T - -Jt
7 M-
m. - t i .
8.00 . , V-t SL.- -l " Yt3 I
: ,w Ww JhL 1319
Band Concert
Today at S p. in., the 17th Infantry
band of Fort Crook will give the
first band concert of the season in
Hanspom park, under. auspices of the
City V Concert club. Band Master
Herman Wcbel has prepared a di
versified and very excellent program.
Mayor Dahlman will give civic greet
ings, :and the Rev. Arthur Atack. in
charge of union services in Hanscom
park, will speak briefly. The pro
gram' includes:
1. March "Amertrisn Legion" Parker
2. overture "Jubilee" Bach
' S. Selection "Krnani" Verdi
4. Fo Trot "In Dear Old Nebraska'
t. Operatin Selection "The Fortune
Teller" Victor Herbert
t. Fox Trot () "Wabash Blues"
(b) "Ka Lua." Ha
waiian melody.
March "Stars and Stripes or-
ever" Sousa
Descriptive "American Patrol"
!m: by Mayor James C. lahlinan
Remarks bv Rev. Arthur Atack
t. Suite "Don Quixote" Saflanek
In four parts, Spanish Village,
v Sancho Tansca, Ilulcinea,
'( Pon Quixote
19. (a) "Blue Danube Blues"
(by "Lola. 1A. Hawaiian selection.
11. "The Star Spangled Banner."
Francis Scott Key
Take this program to the park for
The climate of South Africa is
particularly adapted to fruit-growing.
' Pears, apples, plums, peaches
and grapes are extensively and pro
fitably grown on the highlands as
far north as Rhodesia, and tropical
fruits are found along the west and
east coasts.
c JOHN 0.
United States
I Senator
Republican Ticket
Haven't the money to buy
pace would like to have, but
promise to do right. My
judges will be the people and
not special privileges.
; You Know Joe
1 Joe Morrow
Register of Deeds
REfVBLICAN .-. . h
L Jcivue" is the oldest .mule in
She isn't always in captivity,
however, for although she's lived for
44 years she still insists in running
away every day or so.
J. J. Dean is "Jeiviie's" owner. He
bought her back ' in 1883 and has
bad her ever silice. Her original
owner told . Mr. Bean she was 3
years old, but Mr. Bean later learned
she was' 5 years old when she be
came a member of his hpusehold.
Quite a Favorite.
Over- in Blanchard. Ia., "Jennie"
is quite a favorite. But despite her
long residence there she's still a bit
bashful. $hc won't let anyone ap
proach her but Mr. Bean, 'tis . said.
Last winter "Jennie" became a
very ill mule; so ill. indeed, that even
Mr. Bean despaired and sought
someone .'who would put a bullet in
her "brain and relieve her misery.
But"no!- There was no one in
Blanchard who would shoot "Jennie."
And'cventually she recovered and re
sumed her duties as chief motive
power for ' Mr. Bean's delivery
wagon'; '
Her Twin Died. "
'There is much lore connected with
"Jennie's'' long servitude in Blanch
ard. On-one occasion one of her
shoes' came off. She went immedi
ately to the blacksmith without guid
ance and would not depart until an-
Man Asks $100,000 From
Cottonwood Creek Wreck
Suit for $100,000 damages against
the Northwestern railroad, filed in
Washington county June 12 by Wil
liam Bryant, was transferred to
Omaha federal court yesterday.
Bfyant alleges he suffered a frac
tured leg and injured spine June IS,
1921, when a Northwestern train
crashed into Cotto.'iwood Creek
from a bridge near Chadron, Neb.,
and lay from 10 p. m. to 5 a. m.
without medical attention.
He alleges he was earning $5,000
a year as a glove salesman prior to
the accident, and since has been
compelled to walk on two crutches
with great pain when he was not in
the hospital.
other slioc was placed on her hoof.
bhe is sometimes sent to the ice
house without a driver and invariably
returns with the ice for her master's
store, it is said.
When Mr. Bean purchased Jennie
he also purchased her twin, "Jack."
"Jennie" and "Jack" attended every
funeral in Blaftchard for 20. years,
hauling the coffins to the graveyard.
Then "Jack" died, and had a funeral
of his own, with "Jennie" as the chief
"Jennie's" many friends defend
even her inclination to run away by
explaining that she never breaks
things up and always runs just as
far as her stall.
Men' Iws or three-piece suits,
cleaned and pressed
2217 Farnam Street. s . AT CMS
Just take your shoes off and then
put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach
ing, burning, corn-pestered, bunion
tortured feet of yours in a "TIZ"
bath. Your toes will wriggle with
joy; they'll look up at you and al
most talk and then they'll take an
other dive in that "TIZ" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps of
'cad all tired out just try "TIZ."
It's grand it's glorious. Your feft
will dance with joy; also you will
find all pain gone from corns, cal
louses and bunions.
There's nothing like "TIZ." It's
the only remedy that draws out all
.he poisonous exudations which puff
jp your feet and cause foot torture.
A few cents buy a box of "TIZ"
at and drug or department store
don't wait. Ah! how glad your feet
get; how comfortable your shoes feel.
Monday A Big Pre-July 4th Sale
Every wanted color and style ii included
in this vast lot to be closed out Monday
at the ridiculously low price of $10.00
Fibre Silk
Priced From
Hon. Only
Linen Handkerchiefs,"
50c pkgs. of 3, 25
Arrow Soft Collars,
3 for 50
Paris Garters
only 18
Guaranteed Silk Hose,
only ,.. 59?
Sexton Athletic Union
Suits at 65, 95
Arrow and Beau Brum
mel Shirts only. .98
Shoes, Oxfords
$2.95 $3.95
All worsted colors
and com- SO Qf"
binations 73
Formerly D. V M. Clothe Shop
Formerly D. A M. Clothes Shop
- -s ' -1312 FARNAM ST.
Union Outfitting Co. Union Outfitting Co. Union Outfitting Co.
A Box With 10
ol Those Big
Any parent calling
at the store Monday
will receive a box
of 10 sparklers for
the kiddies.
No purchase is nec
essary none to
children without
Sold Out
of Town
On )'
Ji :ia , : l
Iff 1 '
etfep Jroprntope
'So Make
Setter Horned
PURCHASING a Home Outfit is particularly gratify-
ing at the "Union" because prices are so reason
able. Then, too, you have an immense variety of beau
tiful styles in dependable furniture to choose from.
You need not disturb your savings. Just a small first
payment will deliver your furniture immediately and
the balance can be arranged on terms to suit your in
come. FOUR rooms can be furnished for lis little
as $267.50. FIVE rooms for $322.50.
With Dainty
riease consider this
a pcnonnl invita
tion for you and
your friends to
como over to the
"Union" when you
are down town
shopping for this
delightful treat.
There is NO obliga
tion NO purchuse
is expected.
Cones for Children
With Parent
A Sale of Tapestry
Brussels Rugs
Every homemaker in Omaha with a rug need
should attend this extraordinary one-day sale,
as the values are the best we have had in many
months. They are all fresh, new and perfect.
All are full 9x12 size beautiful Oriental pat
terns as well as all-over floral designs in tans,
greens, blues and other colors suitable for Din
ing Rooms and Living Rooms. Come early.
Note easy terms above.
8-3x10-6 Tapestry Rugs for Bedrooms at $19.50
Artistic Living Room Suite of three pieces with mahogany
finished frames and durable cane backs, upholstered in a very
high-grade gray and taupe velour with two extra pillows.' One
example of our values in Living Room t1 G7 CA
Suites , iplDl DJ
Handsome Bedroom Suites, in beautiful walnut finish, com
prising a full size Bed, spacious Chiffonier, Dressing Table
with long drawer and triple mirrors and a roomy Dresser with
French plate mirror; fl!Ql Cfl
complete iPOt.UU
Full size Bed $17.50 Large Dresser $29.50
Dressing Table $19.50 Chiffonier $18.50
at Low
Attractive Breakfast Suite, carefully made of unfinished hard
wood so you can paint it to suit yourself or the color scheme
of a room the Table has dropleaf sides and the four chairs
have comfortably woven wicker seats, a splendid dlQ ,7 C
value for complete set of FIVE pieces, at. . . . V O
Last Call!
$2 Flag Outfit
at 98c
Outfit comprises a 3x5-foot, sewed stripe,
color-fast Flag a jointed, 6-foot Pole,
Rope and Flag Holder, packed in box.
Refrigerators and
Ice Chests
"Gurney" and
other well
known makes in
cold air circu
lating models
that save ice
are very moder
ately priced at
Visit Our Exchange Dept.
Our Exchange Department will take in
your old furniture at a fair value on any
new furniture you select. This used- fur
niture is in turn low priced for quick clearance.
.with three pow
erful burners
that are eco
nomical users
of gas and a
roomy oven at
Gai Stove
Connected Free
A well built,
all-cotton mat
tress with roll
edge and tufted
top covered
with . a good
grade of art
ticking is only
Monday Only! A $1.50
Preserving Kettle
Here is a 10
quart kettle for
preserving time,
made of a good
grade of alumi
num witA lip
ped edge and
wood handle
Dependable Brooms are 29c
Adjustable Porch Gates at $1.98
No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs. 65c
Glass Mixing Bowl Sets are 59c
"Icy-Hot" Vacuum Bottles at. . 98c
Ice Cream
Freezer, 95c
Copper Bottom
Boilers, S2.59
Galvanized 10-quart Pails 19c
Wicker Carpet Beaters at 19c
Good Electric Medicine
Irons, $3.95 Cabinet, $1.98 -
Large Curtain Stretchers... $1.69
Sprustex Mop Outfits only 98c
14x25-inch Door Mats at $1.39
Large size Garbage Pails at $1.39
AJB.cea.tso & jzBZsaexz
tVV IIUslll lt
.l.'V,; :L' ,f'ri
r,! '"';fn
J) N . "
; fh Y Dress J
l Pay Only a Dollar Down f
")A and you can have any article of wear- SJBv ?.l
. At ing apparel in our store and that is
A3g only part of the story, for W
! All Prices Are Reduced )
lM This unusual event is held with the f-.
wk 'ea making hundreds of new
m friends and enabling everyone to look I :-.
jJ0 their best on the glorious FOURTH. I -
Dresses. Coats Suits
Waists, Shoes, Millinery
To tell of the styles, the materials and
colors would be to mention the most
popular fashions for mid - summer
wear. The selection is large and all
alterations are free.
MensSuits $S95
Values to$42.50O
Suits in the styles that men like, well tailored
from medium weight fabrics you can wear
the year 'round. Even Blue Serges are
Boy' TWO-Pant Suit at..... 89.45
Women' Pumps, pair. ....... . .$5.95 p