The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 02, 1922, PROSPERITY, Image 39

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a I
Teacher Tells
Special Class
Work Benefits
Work in Omaba Hai Ad-
vanced in 12 Special CI a mm
and Seven Ungraded
f'uk. mn4 tmliw In lh 4lmti pub.
IU arfcanK wkm the Mlnlai arttrl. far
th OMtta Mw raruM aw Tt Omaha
When Omaha ettablithed special
classes (or deficient children five year
ago. it placed itself with Detroit,
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Providence
and other intellectually advanced
Think of Beebe
Beebe Construction Co.
The Cudahy Packing Company, Omaha Plant
V-.,:- :"
' t
: V1. What's More
Appetizing For
Any Meal
v-than Puritan Ham served with
egga ura-m, it's simply great
and what could be more tempting
for any meal than Puritan Ham
served in any one of a dozen de
licious ways?
Puritan Ham is sweet and tender
uniformly mild. It is free
from excess salt. Needs no par
boiling. Carefully cured in the
best white granulated sugar and
.other pure materials. Slowly
' smoked over smoldering hickory
embers, that "savory
" We are particular in the selection
and preparation of tender young
meats and we want you to be
particular. Order Puritan by
name. You'll realize a big sav
ing by ordering a whole ham. Be
sure you get Puritan.
"The Taste
Sine thai tiro people t very her t
hav realiied th advisability ol thest
classes so that even smaller citici in
our owai vicinity Lincoln, Colum
bus, Dea Koines, Uanhalltown and
Oitumwt r eitabliihing them.
In Omaha tht work haa expanded
until wt now have 12 special clauei
and seven ungraded clastes under
the supervision of Leon O. Smith.
Even this number i small for Oma
ha, according to Terman'a estimate
of the proportion of mentally
deficient children in a community.
For the sake of those who would
like to visit and learn more of the
work after the schools open attain in
September, the list of schools with
special or ungraded rooms is in
cluded. Those having two teachers
in one room are starred.
Special: Bancroft, Benson Central,
Comeniua (2). Druid Hill. Ed
ward Rosewater, Franklin. Kellom,
Mason, Miller Tark, Pacific, Wind
sor. Ungraded: Bancroft, Cass, Flor
Years a Public Builder.
pal and highway construc
tion can only come from
matured and proven experience.
The Beebe organization maintains a
highly developed personnel for the
building of Nebraska's highways
and municipal thoroughfares.
JOHN A. BEEBE, Sol Owner
4117 Commercial Ave.
Buy Butter
By Name
Sunlight Butter is made of care
fully graded and selected cream,
perfectly pasteurized to remove
harmful bacteria.
It is made in a sunlight plant of
such construction as to permit the
fresh air and sun's rays to add to
its advantages in clean manu
facture. The creameries are located in
progressive dairying territories,
where all conditions are right for
highest quality.
Your dealer has Sunlight Butter
or can get it for you. He can also
supply Sunlight Fresh Eggs the
better kind.
7 VA
it's Best,
ence, Kellom (2), Long, Train.
Some of the room are comfort
able, others amsU and inadequate.
One teacher has so many pupils that
she teaches two sessions; in four
schools the large classes hare two
teachera. The variation depends on
the population and congestion of the
particular school. A parallel varia
tion exists in the perosnnel of the
class. If you know the type of child
attending any school, you know in
general the type in its special class.
Most of the children are not notice
able on the school grounds as par
ticularly good, bad, large, small, rich,
or poor. In the special clase,
where the world is adapted in quality
and quantity to the abilities of pu
pils, where the teacher's heart is
with them (or she wouldn't teach
them), there, with their own kind,
they have as great a chance as pub
lic schools can offer. The teacher,
working year after year with the
same p.pits. gets to know the par
ticular difficulties and capabilities of
Creamery "
each. The former are borne with
more patiently than are those in the
regular class room, where the course
of study is adspted to the avctage
child. The capabilities of each are
fostered, if possible, to vocational
If the child is markedly deficient
along one or two lines only, he Is
strengthened, if possible, along those
lines so that for a year or two at
least he may get regular classroom
experience with the room he catches
up with. If he falls behind again
he returns to strengthen up once
more. Since no child is admitted to
a special class unless a mental ex
amination proves him at least 25 per
cent slower than a normal child. It
stands to reason no ex-special pupil
can catch up and keep up with reg
ular class work. Hence the older
children tend to stay in the room
until 16; that is. until the law al
lows them to leave school. The
number of children who, of their
own free will remain in the special
classes after 16 attest the interest and
value of the class to them. More
over, the level of intelligence and the
quantity and quality of work done
in a normal room is raised when the
deficient child need not be waited
After they come to the special
class, what do they learn? They
learn, or at least study, almost what
other children learn only not at such
a great race. They forget more
quickly, they reason poorly, but they
progress. In place of the usual
twice a week manual training, they
have daily handwork. They become
more or less proficient in a great
variety of manual arts, from simple
sewing, crocheting, knitting, em
broidering, and the like for girls, and
carpentry for boys, to clay work,
woodcarving, basketry, and rug
making. Many of the rooms are
equipped with large looms for mak
ing rag rugs. In accordance with the
policy of trying to make the room
self-supporting, the expense of the
rugs and basketry is covered by the
sale of the attractive finished prod
ucts. Toymaking calls for very little
equipment, and is also about the
most interesting form of handwork.
Toys made from old crating and
cigar boxes cost practically nothing
except for paint and saw blades, and
can be purchased by the makers who
could otherwise afford few toys, but
who can thereby have what they
please to make with the extra joy
which comes through effort and
It is very difficult to estimate the
cost of these rooms, since the prin
cipal supplies used-paper, books, and
the like are borrowed from the ap
propriate rooms. However, calcula
tion shows that the average annua!
tuition is not more than $10 above
the tuition for the normal child.
When we consider how much more
it would cost to keep some of these
children in institutions where they
must be housed, fed and clothed be
sides, we realize the insignificance
of the cost.
"How much shall we tell our
daughters?" asks a magazine writer.
Well, it isn't possible to tell them
much. Peoria Transcript
Bee Want Ads, Produce Result,
Plain Facts About
An Old Friend
Old Dutch Cleanser is a natural,
soft, flat, flaky substance and
contains not a bit of hard, harsh,
jagged grit.
Old Dutch contain no lye or
acids. Lye and acids injure house
hold things and roughen your
hands. Also they dissolve and
go to waste. In Old Dutch every
particle cleans and cleans safely.
So no matter how hard the clean
ing job or how particular your
old friend, Old Dutch, gives you
greatest cleaning value for your
money and makes your work
much easier. ,
A little
Old Dutch
goes a long way
Telephone Firm
Preparing for
Rush Business
Confidence in Return of Pros
perity Shown by Plan,
for Extension of
Normal business conditions are on
the way and almost here, according
to V. B. T. Kelt, president of the
Northwestern Bell Telephone com
pany. "Our confidence in the rapid return
of prosperity to the urban and rural
industries of the middle west," says
Mr. licit, "is evidenced by our prep
aration to meet this condition. Norm
ally we mutt build about $5,000,000
of new plant each year in our ter
ritory to meet the constantly grow
ing demands of the public for tele
phone service. Our plans for the
future presuppose even greater re
quirements on the part of the public.
The five states throughout which we
operate is a vast inland empire hard
ly out of its swaddling clothes. Mil
lions more people can and will live
comfortably and profitably in this
great middle west. This will mean
increased prosperity for the interests
already here, as these multitudes of
new people come to live among us.
"We, of the telephone company,
more than ever before, are interest
ing investors in the purchase of our
securities so that we will be able
to finance the rapid and continuous
growth which we expect in our busi
ness during the next several years.
Must Plan Ahead.
"Prospective business conditions
have a direct and important bear
ing upon the plans of our company,"
says Mr. Belt. "In order to oper
ate economically and efficiently we
must know to a remarkably accu
rate degree how many people will
live in our territory each year for
many years ahead, where they will
live and how much money they will
spend. Prospective population and
business conditions form the basis
upon which we make our plans for
several years ahead.
"Every time our company lays a
cable underneath the ground in Oma
ha or strings a wire down the high
ways leading out of the city, we
must have confidence in the contin
ued growth and prosperity of the
community. Each new cable, in ad
dition to having enough wires in it
to meet the needs of present tele
phone customers, must have extra
wires to which can be connected ad
ditional telephones as they are or
dered for new homes and places of
business that are constantly spring
ing up. When we build a switch
board or erect a central office build
ing, we must likewise have confi
dence in the future. It would not
be economical or practical to build
just for a day or a year.
Close Study Made.
"Since we must be prepared to
give service promptly at any time,
our company has to be guarded by
a close study of probable require
ments. These studies are made for
as far ahead as 20 years. Our ac
tual operations today are guided by
a five-year estimate of conditions.
This five-year program is based upon
investigations made and reports pre
pared in communities where we oper
ate, estimating probable growth,
probable business conditions and
probable use of the telephone dur
ing that period.
"Working with such a program,
our managers must have the utmost
confidence in their estimates of the
probable growth and development of
their communities. This confidence
is expressed by A. F. McAdams, our
manager in Omaha, and I am happy
to say that it is also felt by our'hun
dreds of other managers throughout
this part of the country."
Increase in Pensions for
French Orphans Is Sought
Paris, July 1. Agitation is being
started to induce the French govern
ment to raise the pensions granted
to war orphans. They are receiv
ing now an allowance of about 8
cents a day.
Pave With Buffalo
Vitrified Paving Brick
Buffalo Brick Co.
Storage-Moving-Packing Shipping
We Ufte ttertn keflJlBt
U Oauha Cwimi) Bluff, la.
RapM Service ..4 Careful Hss4lla
Ford Transfer and Storage Co.
817 Douglas, Omaha 700 S. Mais) St., Ceuaeil Bl.ffs, la.
The Cheapest
in the
Long Run
The National
Construction Co.
"The Road of Least Repair"
Noiseless and Permanent
"When better paving brick is made
the Buffalo Company will make it
Are taking that
Long anticipated
You are seated
On the beach
Watching the
waves come in.
A cloud intrudes
A cloud of doubt,
of anxiety!
You wonder
"Did I lock the
back door?
Suppose rob
bers get in?
Did I turn off the
What if the
pipes burst?
Did I leave matches
Supposin the
house burns
Who was telling me
Would be a bad tor
nado year?
Wonder if my
Little old joint
will blow
I sure wish now
That I had taken
My vacation's
Don't let such
clouds of
Doubt and worry
Spoil your
All Forms of
For Your
A. Koch
"Pays the
Claim First"
Surety Bonds
Howard at 18th St.
AT lantic 955S