The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 02, 1922, PROSPERITY, Image 26

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Omaha (Jives Bis Tough Old World
Share of Cattle
on Stock Marts
Even if You're a King
Omalit Market Rroadrn
Sphere of Influence
Slock Men Again on
The ir Feci.
I'tris, July I "Rich king"
dnem't mean anything any more,
The salaries voted to kings now
sdsys, points out an editorial arti
cle in La X.iicrie. do not begin to
romparc with the incomes received
annually by even the mutt modet
o modern millionaire!. The king
of England'i income it let than
f J.OOO.UiiO a year. o( which the king
and Quern art allowed only about
$500,000 (or personal ne. The king
of Italy geta about $750,000. The
king of Spain gets for personal use
Ini than f2.0u),000. The king of
Norway has an income In than
A rather clone surviy of the live,
kiotk tituaiion vi this tiale discloses
the fact that Nebraska hat hern
ftirnxhrd much mote than her share
f the fat cuttle watkrted at the
Missouri river market and Chicago
for the pt five montlw.
IWmniitR the yrar with a de
crease of 24 00O rattle in January a
compared with) the a'r.e moiiilu in
IWI, we note that our receipt!
show an increase in the cattle line
nn to the night of June .'0 of 45,
iii. At the end of April we showed a
lci se of Iftn.noo hog. Hy the end
of May tint had been reduced to
l.So.tsK). At the end of business
I i i i.i . i . j i i
i uriij.iv, juiie inai circrrssc nm , nf..i.
been redured to IJ7.000 and if re- IHingllfM Ol
icipts hold tp for the next three or
four week our receipt! will show
an increase.
On Their Feet.
The period ot reconstruction i Farmers and other
thtough which all western stock iik.m
have been going for the past two and a h.iK sir ins to have been
about concluded. Most of our local
stock men are .main on their feet,
or at least have nude material
strides toward their old time pros
perity. The Omaha market has very ma
terially broadened its sphere of in
fluence lb. year. Eastern killers
have been conmiR to Omaha for
their supplies" in increasing numbers.
On one day a few weeks since 81
Business Near v
Normal, Rail
Traffic Shows
o! the president of France.
The really rich kings, the article
point out. were the sultan of Tur
key, the king of Prussia and the ciar
of Russia, all of whom have been
Road Plans Show
Real Prosperity
Citizens to
Back Taving Indicates Re
turn to Normal.
citizen of
Douglai county are displaying proof
of real prosperity by allowingathcir
county commissioners to expend
more than $1,000,000 for paving of
county roads during 1 92 J.
With contracts awarded for 12
paving projects, the commissioners
also have opened a way for the em
ployment of hundreds of jobless men
who otherwise would have been idle.
This $1,000,000 will pay for
, nearly 35 miles of paving. Another
I project now awaiting bids is the pav-
i ing oi west u street, ims win in
cars of livestock were shipped from j crMW the amount etskl thousands,
his market to eastern seaboard k.l- .The farmers gre h h are
lZt. Li?. Phing the. projects." said one com-
n.isioncr. "There are no hard time
i . e f I f " a 1
kci. umy luesnav. june . i .mong our farmers. They want good
were purchased for export to Glas- ro.d.nA h,fft VMr " .
0-'k. ffi ,t' ,u. L,r ;. .k. .iJaround thc Douglas county farmer
the fact of the matter is that the i i,, r ,.,... . .
cr.ttle marketed Gt Omaha are kill-1 '
itut out better than are those at any:coun,y roads in the country.
.t t i- t. . t- -.. f.:li ' '
oincr punnc maricci. uasiern kiu
crs and the local packers have not
been slow to take advantage of this
situation. In discussing Omaha
livestock with an caster.-i killer a
few weeks since he said: "We never
had such cattle as are comifig from
Omaha this year."
From the East.
There is probably a considerable
portion of 1921's corn crop still in
the hands of producer?.
. We may look for a continuation of
tru run of fat cattle at this market
for some few weeks. Prices have
on thc whole been remunerative.
Sheep feeders have extra
ordinarily well. Most of the cattle
feeding operations have showed a
profit. Hors have held up their
own to a surprising degree.
The net results of these conditions
can not help but be pleasing to Ne
braska's stock men. We ;iote an
increased tendency on the part of
the Nebraska feeder to patronize his
home market, and with the increased
orders which arc reaching this mar
ket from the east, there seems no
I emnA rpaenn whv the natrons of the
Omaha market should not continue
to prosper.
Never Looked Better.
A delegation of Omaha stock me.n
visited the western part of the state
last week in attendance upon the
Western Nebraska Stock Growers'
association annual meeting. The
sand hills of the western part of the
state never looked better.
All of those stock men with whom
we talked said: "Conditions are fine.
We have almost a normal supply of
catthy in this portion of the state
plenty of grass, plenty of water and
we will soon be back to" old-time
We can all of us see the "silver
lining" to the cloud which for years
hung over Nebraska's chief indus
try. It is indeed that The
Bee should publish a Prosperity Is
sue at this time. We want to join
The Sec in congratulating Ne
braska's stock men on present conditions.
Barnyard Mourns Loss of
Mule, Maude, by Lightning
Sistervslle. W. Va., July 1.
Maude, a maiden mule, is mourned
in a barnyard at Friendly, a small
town near here. Maude passed out
quickly. A storm brewed. Light
ning crashed through the heavens.
Through the space thunder roared
intermittently. To safeguard Maude
from the ravages of lightning the
mulc'i owner took her from the pas
ture and placed her in a barn. Fire,
originating from a bolt of lightning,
shortly thereafter destroyed the barn.
Maude was killed by the stroke.
Bordeaux Mixture Used
to Combat Insect Pest
Washington, July 1. The potato
Icafbopper, an insect pest which is
a serious menace to potato crops,
can be controlled by using Bor
deaux mixture, according to the De
partment of Agriculture.
"Results of two years' work," said
an official, "have shown that Bor
deaux mixture will repel the leaf
hopper, control 'hopperburn' and is
the best remedy."
Roadi Handling 800,000 Cur
Pcr Week, Compared to
1,000,000 During Train
portation Peak.
rwnmlMlanrf (hanilw of I'tmnm.
According to C. F. Childi, man-
i ngcr of the traffic bureau of the
I Omaha Chamber of Commerce, the
1 railroad! are handling approximately
NK),0Oi) cars of freight per week at
(his time. Thi ii without the maxi
mum shipment- of coal which have
been curtailed because of the coal
imjirrs' strike. During the trans
portation peak at the time of the war
there were approximately 1,000,000
cars of freight per week handled by
the railroads, and this included the
coal shipments.
lly this statement it will be seen
that the country is fast gelling back
to normal production. There is prob
ably no better barometer as to the
trend of business than the amount
of freight handled by the railroads.
Mr. Child j also gave warning that
within the next 60 day! there may
! be a car shortage due to the fact that
l he nmnlier of cars in hart order is
surprisingly large, about 15 per ccnt.l
when the normal average is only
about 8 per cent.
Business Revival.
It will be seen by these figures
that business of the cottntry has re
vived and there is every reason to
i betieve that it will continue to im
1 nrove. Especially will this be true
' if congress will complete without de
lay the various projects it has in
: UnA .n that hnsiness wil lknow
I just where it ttands. There can be'
no dount nut mai mere is some Re
tardment in various lines at this time
because with the tariff bill in a
chaotic state business does not know
just what, move to .make. This
should be settled, however, at a rea
sonably early date, and it will have
its effect in adjusting some unset
tled phases of business at this time.
There can be no question but that
Omaha is reaping the profits of thu
improved conditions of business in
general. The improved conditions of
the aRricultural situation nave re
flected into the manufacturing and
jobbing institutions of the city. It
has also shown its effects in retail
trade. With a continuation of the
onward trend, fall and winter may be
expected to be normal in Omaha and
the adjacent territory.
Dependent on Farms.
Whether the business men realize
it or not. Omaha is dependent unon
the agricultural situation surrounding
it. Its trade territory is basically
agricultural. Therefore the business
of Omaha is agriculture, and any
movement which has for the devel
opment of agriculture means dollars
and cents to the business interests
of this city. It is the practice at the
present time of the Omaha business
men to render as" much assistance
as possible to the farmers. Not in
the way of giving advice, but prac
tical assistance which will return sub
stantial profits. ,
Omaha is a man-made city. Had
it not been that the first transconti
nental ruilfcad trted the river at
thit point Omaha might have hem
located at rome othrr point aliu
the river, It hold a uritrgical por
tion hrcauer of in railroad faeihtiri,
and buinr! men oi Onulu who ha l
vition from the urt have developed
the trade territory. Other cil'ci tip
and down the river might have been
the sie of Omaha and might have
become the remarkable bunno. ecu.
trr that Omaha ii. provided that they
had the vition. It i the foresight
and continunui elfort on the pari
of theie humien men that hat made
Omal.a what It it.
Muit Extend Territory.
The prosperity of the future will
be continued provided Omahi will
continue the development of the
trade territory. She trnitt work to
dig the trade channel! deeper. She
must extend tin? territory westward.
It is not enough to be satutifd with
the butineM of the immediate terri
tory. There arc competitive ftcldi
farther west which will open up for
the Omaha market provided they are
consistently worked. At the present
time some of the larger institution
are working these western field. It
will be necessary for tome of the
smaller inititutions lo join with the
arcer ones in developing the
Omaha market in this territory, Thc
larger institutions have always n
sisted the smaller ones in the de
velopment of the near by territory,
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho
and parts of Montana are Omaha
territory, providing umana manes n
so. Hundreds of buyers pass through
Omaha each week bound for eastern
markets for goods that might well be
purchased here. The increased de
velopment of the territory mentioned
will permit Omaha to become even
a greater business center. Omaha
is a market that has been developed
through trade extension tours, mar
ket week. Ak-Sar-Bcn, assistance
from the Chamber of Commerce and
persistent effort on the part of
Omalia men. An increased market
and a Rreater market city depends
cn the development of new territory
Foundation Solid.
There is every reason' to expect
that Omaha will continue to con
sistently arrow. It is not a boom
city, but its foundation is solid. A
city which is only 46th in popula
tion and yet has bank clearings
which run from 13th to 18th every
week in the United States indicates
a healthy business condition. This
will be increased provided Omaha
continues in the development of thc
outside territory, for no- city is
Candidal for Congress Sixth
District, Nebraska
I favor lower freight rates and
lower taxes.
Am for soldier bonus, payable in
treasury notes, redeemed from sav
ing on army reduction.
Dirt farmer for Federal Reserve
Board. Deflation on farmer and
ntoekman has been too severe.
Profiteers and grafters should
be prosecuted.
I am in favor of the enforcement
of our Laws and our Constitution
and respect for oath of office. Am
in favor of transmitting the Repub
lic to our children like we got it,
only better and more human
Square deal for labor and every
one else.
Officials are servants, not mas
ters, of people.
Am opposed to Cummlngs-Esch
Railroad Act. Too much commis
sion to Bankers on U. S. Govern
ment loans.
Sale on
High-class furnish
ings for men; Wil
son Bros! complete
line; hats and caps
at right prices;
ladies', misses' and
children's "Well
Dressed" hosiery
specially priced.
Quality Tailoring Supreme
for the Particular Dresser
Wm. Thomsen
Cleaning, Pressing and
Repairing Neatly Done
2822 LTfawoTtli Str
Phonav HA rar 4107
Be Want Ads Are
GeauMe 'Business Boosters
"Let Me Help You Keep Clean
"Cleanliness Is My Hobby
and hundreds of Omaha business men are beginning to
realiee that a fresh, clean towel for each of their em
ployes is a factor which contributes toward efficiency
in a marked degree.
"It is a fact that many of the most progressive business
houses in Omaha are using our towel service. These
towels are delivered daily or at any interval desired.
Such a service is further removed from the old roller
.towel idea than the automobile is superior to the
push cart.
(J "We are experts in our line and have many ideas of
office sanitation which should be called to your atten
tion. Such service is free for the asking. Call us today."
Frontier Towel Supply
A Tlantic
California St.
Mrtinurr th-tn its surrounding conn
try. i'rtitprrity Hill incrrs.e i( tlif lg
rinilmul uiurei rr frvc'l. The
nultrr i iif uill (irorr nJ tlii
inr4u ili4t the Urifcr renin mil
Uifrr.t Agrit'liltiirf it Oltuliji'
ti;M? ami Hith th hiinilrril of Ihnti
tailil i( (rriilf iuir torsi ut U I he
Oinslm maiket i limiml to ecaiiil,
However, it will only eome by the
loniinnrc! nlori of Omaha hutine
In d'tf the trite rhannrl deeper
throuuli the vjriom ro-oprrative
method which have proved to lie $o
niiTfufnl in the pt.
Omaha Bankers Say
Prosperity Is at Hand
(I mllnoml tmm r One )
thee product in 0J0 and 1021 wa
UK4lllt in.
Increased Unemployment.
"Theie wa also increased unem
ployment. A a result we found it
nereary to accent (or our aurplu
priica very much irii than the actual
cot o( production.
"While we have not a yet
teached normal condition, yet thc
increased price for all kinds of live
stock and inott kind of grain, to
gether with the increased demajid
tor lahor, hat given the general pub
lic a greater purchasing power, the
resullof which haa materially im
proved general business conditions
as well a the general financial situa
tion. We must jiot think of 1917,
1918 and 1919 as normally prosper
ous years, for they were abnormal
ly prosperous years. We must,
however, keep in mind the compara
tive price received for grain and
livestock at the present time with
the price received during the five
years preceding the war period.
1914, which period was regarded
then as being normally prosperous.
"There can be no doubt that we
are now convalescing from a severe illne, ;ieiiher can there he I llrnnrlini! SiTvii't on
the tliifhtot ih'uht inn that we will ' , " .... ...
fully recover and aguui be on 1.IVC Mm k Ii 1 lai
! ouint prosperous bail.'
and meat industry by permitting
l.ta r r ..lil,,n ,.f a, lit i Ik Iv 1 llll
linrtl I demand
aliiiii;ii)ii, July l. lhe Iiepart.i 1 he pun, I'fh.'uU raid, It still in
incut i( Auririiliiue i toniriiipUiing i the mnkiiiK. l ull details will be
A plurmacit say the "up t' duie" the iiuuuuialinii of s nation wide ' worked out at Heuver, tolo,, on
nun u.r lii.mriii. in. i like a wn- hit in.l irnnriiiu. arrvic in in. i I sal v 17. at a conference of stale
i man. He want to be pieuy, loo, ihe ' luiin Ut iuk producers and buy-j and federal and reprern-
iie4r ultl tiling. ivtuuuiutu (u,)(n ut pro-prctive supplies, hopuic , latives of the entire live stocR ami
Time. thereby lo stahiliie the live stock ' meat industry.
High Taxes
re not, at rule, the reault of misapplied or misappropriated public fundi.
Every citizen desires well-lighted and well-paved streets, good public buildings and
excellent schools. , We demand well-kept roads and safe bridges, ami. it we drive over
these highways, we are Inclined to commend the officers who were instrumental In
securing them. These eonvenienect rust a great deal of money, and bonds must be
Issued to meet the expense.
Even thnuph the funds be honestly and judiciously expended, the Indebtedness mutt
eventually be paid, and taxes must be levied to meet the principal and inttrest on
the bonds at lliey become due.
Munlclpnlitles, like Individual, develop habit of economy or extravagance, and
these habits, sooner or Inter, not only determine the rate of taxation, but establish
the credit of the Municipality as well.
There la no safer investment than the bonds of a thriving Municipality, providing
the bonds are conservatively voted and Issued with maturities upon dates when it may
reasonably be expected funds will be available to meet them as they become due.
It Is. therefore, to your advantage, in selecting your Investment, to ronsult someone
familiar with this class of bonds, and who will impartially assist you in obtaining the
tecuritiet best suited to your needs.
Municipal Bonds "
211 Keeline Building J A ckson 1720
Lt., ",-.. al
m - ' "" .1 T'l ' 'Saw i i iii,i;ifii.ii-Ti,;: m - i. i . - ir .11
i'in.rr.,..ii ua" ... a i j i. . .ma .in, i ) in java.ii; a: . i j sn... ct,i
n ,, v
milium' "
HH-M t
3 hi
Sold and installed
direct from
factory in Omaha
keep Omaha warm and
the dollars at home
A Furnace installed by the manufac
turer is an absolute guarantee to the
householder that he will secure the
best value for the money spent for a
heating system.
The Howard is The Only Furnace
manufactured in Nebraska. The
Howard Stove and Furnace Com
pany gives employment to hundreds
of Omaha families; its payroll
amounts to thousands of dollars
every week; it in itself is an achieve
ment for Qmaha.
The person, therefore, who pur
chases a Howard Furnace is keeping
his money in circulation in Omaha
and is a better booster for his city.
He is buying a furnace of unsur
passed merit and receives the maxi
mum service at the minimum cost.
Come out and visit The Howard
Stove and Furnace Company's plant
any day. It is located in Ralston,
Omaha's Industrial Suburb. Every
part that goes into The Howard
Furnace you will gee constructed
here. You can well point with pride
to The Only Furnace Manufacturing
Plant in Nebraska.
Buy a Howard Furnace
You Will Need No Other
WW&r& Stove & Ftmmace Co.
Telephone Ralston 52