The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 02, 1922, WOMEN'S NEWS AMUSEMENTS, Image 16

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Council Bluffs Society
To Repeat Oratorio.
Members of th I'retbyterlan thoir
will repeat the oratorio, "Ths Holy
City," by Caul, Sunday evening, Jul
2, at tht Methoditt church. This
choir aitfl the Kountie Memorial
choir lail Sunday evening tn the
rendition of the Mine production.
Frank Van Gundy li the Mimical di
rector. Binion Woman' Club,
The- bill salt conducted by the
hout and home committee of the
Benton Woman's club netted over
$JU for the club treatury. Thit com
mittee it planning an apron baiaar
for the beginning of the ichool year.
Buty mother! will find a tolution to
the sewing problem by patroniiing
t his baiaar. ,
Entertaina at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorton Roth enter
tained at dinner Friday evening at
their home in Benonhurt. Covert
were ipread for Mr. and Mr. Harry
Langdon and Mrs. Langdou's oister,
Mrs. Smith, and ion Eugene of Mil
waukee, Mr. L. Langdon and on
Tuelly of Lot Angelei, Mr. and Mn.
Claude Landon of Council Bluffs,
the Mitset Roma. Eunice and Dor
othy Koth and Mr. and Mrs. Roth.
Mrs. L. l.angdon and ion Tuelly of
Los Angrle will he the house guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Roth for an indefi
nite tme.
Entertains for Min Detwiller.
Mri. Lloyd Pierce entertained at
luncheon Monday in honor of Mist
Abbie Gertrude Detwiller of Enid,
Okl. Mist Detwiller it visiting her
aunt, Mrs. D. C. Sturtz, and Mr.
Sunday School to Picnic.
The members of the English Luth
eran Sunday school will picnic Thurs
day July IS, at Fairmont park, Coun
cil Bluffs. A car will be chartered
to convey the partv to the picnic
grounds. Athletic contests and games
will be enjoyed.
Baptist Booster Club.
Mrs. Ray Robinson was hostess
Thursday afternoon to the members
of the Baptist Booster club.
Dinner Guests.
Miss Frankie Smith 'of Lyons,
Neb., was a dinner guest Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Allic Gibson
and daughter. Miss Gibson. Miss
Ida Blackmorc, principal of South
Lincoln ichool. and Miss Edith Wag
ner wer Wednesday dinner gucsis
at the home of Mrs. Gibson and Miss
Return From Hospitals.
Mrs. Jason Davis and Mrs. F. E.
Young, jr., have returned from the
Wise Memorial and Methodist hos
pitals, respectively, where each un
derwent a, tonsil operation.
Birth Announcement.
A son, Robert Warren, was born
Tuesday. June 27. to Mr. and Mrs.
R. Y. Hyde at Nicholas Senn hos
pital Lawn Social.
Members of Su, Bernard's
entertained at a "parcel post" social
Tueiday evening on the lawn of the I
church. A large attendance was
present and a lively interest taken
in the "parcel post" sale.
The marriage of Glen H. Gardner,
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Gardner
of Benson, and Miss Dorothy But
ler ' of New York city took place
the early part of June at the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. Gardner
is a graduate of Benson high and the
University of Nebraska. He is now
. attending Columbia university. Mrs.
Gardner is a graduate of Smith col
lege. Attends Conference.
Miss Irene Pamp is attending the
giro's reserve conference held at the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion camp at Lake Okoboji. Miss
Pamp is a delegate from the Benson
High ichool. ' .
'Baptist Social.
Wernbers of the Baptist church
and Sunday school enjoyed a social
Thursday evening on thf church
iawn. The' successful members in
the contest just closed, were the
guests of the defeated.
Receives Special Honors.
Miss Lucille Barnum ' of Benson
and Miss Bernice Henry of Omaha,
both advanced pupils of Miss Mar
gargite Liljcnstolpe, were among the
seven chosen from a Central High
class of 40 harmony students for
having handed in the best original
compositions in that subject. Miss
Barnums composition was praised
for its "rythmic style" and Miss
Henry received honorable mention
for her arrangement of a sweet sim
ple lullaby.
Guest at Luncheon.
Mrs. J. M. F. He.uman' was a
luncheon guest Thursday of Mrs. A.
T. Condon at the Field club. Mrs.
Fletcher, sister of Mrs. Condon, in
whose honor the luncheon was given,
left Saturday for New York, where
she will sail for Europe.
Chairman of Important Committee.
1 Miss Amelia Wehrs, sister of Mrs.
F. W. Seesko and a teacher in South
High school, is chairman of the en
tertainment committee for the
- Walther League International con
vention to be held in Omaha July 16
to 20. Miss Wehrs will be assisted by
members from the five Omaha
leagues, About 2,000 delegates and
friends are expected to attend. Meet
ings will be held at the Auditorium
and headquarters w ill be at the Rome
Double Five Club.
Members of the Double Five club
were entertained at-a picnic suppcT
Saturday evening on the lawn at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith.
To Visit Parents.
Harlo Wilcox, son of Dr. and Mrs.
W. A. Wilcox, who is staging the
act, "It Pays to Advertise." for the
Misner school has toured North
Dakota, South Dakota and Minne
sota and will soon visit Omaha en
route to Kansas,- where the same act
will be put on... -
Attends District Picnic
Thirty members from the English
, Lutheran Luther league attended the
district picnic Friday at Elmwood
park.. All Lutheran churches of
Greater . Omaha and Council ' Bluffs
were represented at this picnic.
Extensive Vacation Tour.
. Mrs.. A. M. ' Giles left Saturday
morning for Calgary, Canada, where
she will visit for a week or 10 days.
Mr. Giles will go to Calgary and
; meet Mrs. Giles and they will visit
Banff. Vaj Couver and Seattle and
Portland. On their return they will
spend a few days in Denve
Will Study in
Miss Cora Quick left Friday for 2
months' study in New York. She
later will attend the National Dancing
Teachers' convention in Boston, and
enroute home will visit in Rochester,
N. Y.; Indianapolis, Ind., and Chi
cago. On her return to this city
she will open her studio. .
John Giles spent the week-end in
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Howe and
family motored to Blair, Sunday.
J. T. Pickard returned Monday
from a business trip to South Da
kota. William Zimmerman, F. B. Oliver
and Robert Oliver motored to Ne
braska City, Saturday.
Miss Velma Aylworth , is home
from attending the northern Baptist
convention at Indianapolis. v
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonald
left June 24 for Minneapolis, where
they will spend their vacation. '
"J. Moron and a party of Omaha
men returned Wednesday from a 10
day fishing trip to the Minnesota
Miss Hazel Wilcox left Thursday
for Denver where she will visit a
few days before going on to
Mr. and Mrr. Martin Hcdclund and
little daughter arc home from a two
weeks' vacation on a farm near Wash
ington, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hunt have
sold their home in Glen park and
will return to the Hanscom park dis
trict to reside.
W. H. Moloney and children left
Friday for Kearney, where they will
visit relatives and friends during the
summer months.
Miss Abbie Gertrude Detwiler and
cousin, Harry Hyter, of Enid, Okl..
are guests at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. D. C. Sturtz.
Mrs. A. J. Sengcr of Ashland,
Neb., was a mid-week guest at tho
home of her daughter. Mrs. W. H.
Locchncr, and Dr. Locchncr.
Mrs. Eugene Ward and son. Mar
dell, left Thursday for a visit with
Mrs. Ward's sister. Mrs. A. W..
Frvcr, and Mrs. Fryer, of Falls City.
Mrs. Paul Babson was Thursday
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Rivett. Mrs. Babson was en
route from California to her home
in Chicago. '
Miss Lucy Hyde of Fargo. N. D..
who has been visiting at the home
of her brother. Mr. R. Y. Hyde, and
Mrs. Hyde, ldft Tuesday evening for
Minneapolis. '
Ross Melcher, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. O. Arthur Melcher, is
Jjome from Nicholas Senn hospital,
where he underwent an operation
on the glands of the throat.
Dr. R. P. Carroll of Laurel, Neb.,
will arrive Sunday to visit until aft
er July 4, with relatives and friends
in Benson and Omaha. Mrs. Carroll
has spent the last week at the home
of. her mother, Mrs. James Maney.
Y. W. C. A.
Central building open from 10:30
a. m. to 8 p. rri.
Monday, 5:45. m., all members
of Federation of Clubs or other clubs
of the Y. W. C. A meet at the main
building to go to Camp Brewster
in trucks. Competitive athletic games
and swimming will be the chief forms
of amusement before and after sup
per.. Morris Girls club members will
also join this group.
Friday, 7 a. m.. the following dele
gates to industrial .conference leave
for Lake Okoboji for a two weeks'
conference: Ethel Thompson, Ruth
Ericksoni Ida Sahl, Lena Sasstrom
of the General Pershing club; .Ruth
Halter, Alive Barnes, W. DT. club;
Elsie Dinkel, Blue Triangle club;
Jessie Smith, Evelyn Schmitz, B. C.
C; M. -Florence Dunlap, industrial
secretary, will accompany the delega
tion. The subjects for commissions
this year are: Everyday Christianity,
Citizenship for Women. Field Fede
ration and Workers' Education
Ames college alumni held its annu
al dinner at the new Y. W. C. A. cafe
Tuesday evening.
Fred Clarke entertained a group of
friends at dinner Thursday evening
at the cafe.
At Northwestern.
A number of Omaha girls are at
tending the summer school at North
western university this season. Miss
Jessie Carey, Miss Mary Phillipp:
and Miss Laura B. Crandall will all
graduate from the American Institute
of Normal Methods in July. Miss
Phillippi has just been elected secretary-treasurer
of the class. Miss
Mabel Shipherd. Miss Mabel Henrik
son and Miss Bess Hutchinson are
also students at the university.
Getting the Host From Milk.
An extra amount of cream may
be obtained from milk by first heat
ing the. milk until lukewarm.' and
then immediately chilling it Every
particle of the cream will rise to the
Tht Glorious Fourth Best Celebrated
By "Safe and Sans" Picnic.
BURGESS-NASH have proved a
wonderful help for the lover of
picnics this year. Did you see their
window on 16th which offered every
thing for the picnic? High, narrow
car-fitting refrigerator baskets with
heavy straps for security were per
haps the most notable picnic help.
In reality a light, portable ice chest
or refrigerator, $7.50, they enable
one to practically live in the auto
mobile during the . summer. In
teresting are the Auto Vacuum Ice
Cream Freezers, one quart size, $5;
two quart size, $6. Mix ingredients
for the ice cream before putting the
freezer in the car, upon arriving at
the destination for the picnic the
cream is ready. A Wear Ever
Aluminum shaker, wilt be sure
to appeal to the lover of chilled
drinks, while the indispensable ther
mos bottles, the lemon squeezer ot
heavy glass, 15c, and the ice pick,
15c, might well be remembered.
This same window suggested a won
derful form of entertainment for the
kiddies, a clown, life-size, carved
from wood, holding on his sturdy
shoulders a see-saw with carved
horses' heads at each end.
Very Cool Frocks for Very Hot
THE coolest frock for summer
wear is fashioned of sheer
French voile which is offered at a
low price now. Its witching love
liness of texture and color is ir
resistible when The Mode Pleating
Company. 4th floor, Paxton Block,
16th and Fawam, pleat it. Charming
touch for both voile and georgette
frock is the new half-inch side
pleating with decoration of cable
New Candy Shop Rendezvous for
Gatherings Over the Week-End
of the Fourth.
THE new candy shop just opened
by Louis Rogers, 411 South 16th
street, is the rendezvous chosen by
many among those fastidious ones
who know the best shops for gather
ings of "the bunch" over the week
end of the Fourth. An exclusively
decorated little shop, metropolitan in
atmosphere as any in a great city,
you'll find it a place you'll be proud
to take a sti anger in Omaha for
a delicate frozen dainty or delectable
bit of lunch.
Lady Mary Vanities Appeal to
Woman Who Loves a Bit of Nov
elty in Her Dress Accessories.
THE Omaha Trunk Factory, 1318
Farnam, is the first shop in
Omaha to introduce the Lady Mary
Vanities. Ultra smart, they combine
features to fascinate I Oblong in
shape, their arm cords dangle dainty
tassels to match the bag. Black, in
leather or silk scarlet, gray and
taupe, they Tiold compartments for
bills, cigarets, lip stick and powder,
yvhile their mirrors extend the entire
length of the bag. A splendid value,
too, $2.50 to $5.
Bathing Suits for Swagger Swim
mers. '
"T HE J. T. McQuillen Shop, 1512
Farnam, offer an unusually
pleasing line of bathing suits in ev
ery conceivable color combination as
well as the plainer, heavier suits pop
ular among-those who swim daily
during the summer. You'll find the
prices on this bathing suit line most
Varied Menus a Feature of Great
Airy Dining Room.
''THE Metropolitan Dining Room,
Hotel Keefl, 18th and Harney,
is delightfully cool these hot days, a
restful retreat from summer sun. A
famous chef now prepares tasteful
hot-weather dainties for jaded
palates, a noted pastry chef caters
to the one who revels in fresh fruit
pastries served warm with his chilled
drinks. Varied in surprising . man
ner is the business man's luncheon
each day, a choice of. four or five
meats with no additional charge for
iced tea or glass of creamy milk.
Vacation Shopping
We're off! Vacation time k
here again. Please try to give .
us at least a few days' time to
fill your shopping orders
everything takes a little time
to find you know. 'Address all
orders to Polly The Shopper,
Omaha Bee, whose shopping,
services are offered free to all
readers of the Bee.
MQtdf (3)
Dear Cod in Heaven of your
Help the poor children of. the city;
Tht little youngsters of tht slums
To whom Your blessing rarely comes;
The little tott who run and play
In crowded, dirty streets each day;
. . i
A MERE man suggests a line of thought with reference to the prophe
in a cafe the other evening when two women took the table next to
the eighty-yeir-line. wore her skirts iust touching the floor the same
when you repudiate the exquisitely graceful new length, which will be observed on all new models for fall tnd winter, aik yourself this rather per
tinent question: "How will the girls of Today wear their skirts when they are girls of Tomorrow?" I believe you will at least try the lovely new
LongSWrt. Introduced by Dame Fashion Demand an Accompaniment of
"THE ISwtman af'shop, Athletic Club Bldg., 18th and Douglas, offer
1 lovely-new wide-brirrfmed hats. Call ad describe the kind of a
model you d like to have Miss Heitman personally select tor you on her
trip to New York in the near future.
Hot Weather Dishes in Recipe Book-
TN the recipe booklet which the H.
1 T Hrln. romnanv 1201 Tones
j. nugnes company, joncs,
will send upon request, you will tind
unusually delicious hot w e a t h e r
dishes, ices, creams and pudding to'
be prepared from the Tangier grated
pineapple with artistically garnished
salads' drenched in langier mayon-
naise. Send requests for recipe books."
direct to the Hughes company or to
New Shop of Interest to Boys and
ESPECIALLY interesting to boys
and men of Omaha 'is the
opening on July 1 of the Omaha
Sporting Goods company, 1806 Har
ney, where will be found "Every
thing for the Sportsman." Radio sets,
supplies and guide . books in a de
partment under the management of
Mr. G. L. Reeve, radio expert, Ed
Burdick is the athletic director of
the company, J. D. Crew, the man
ager. A shop which has our warm
welcome and loyal support.
Beauty Secrets Divulged at the Sign
of the Powder Puff.
T" HAT is, I think, the powdet
A miff will cain vniir admission to
the Wright David Beauty Shop, No.
6, Baird Block, 17th and Douglas.
Here you will find specialists on
facial massage which is perhaps the
most important part oi summer
beauty culture. Experts in other
lines of beauty work as well will
make your trip to the shop exceed-
ingly profitable. Featured are the
toilet preparations 'of Dr. Saunders,
Skin Specialist, also those of Dr.
Dakm. PhoneAT. 4333.
Song Hits From the Ziegfeld Fol-.
lies 1922 Prove Fascinating.
L,l t. . t
ILTING, .captivating, the new
song hits from the Ziegfeld Fol-
lies, 1922.' just arrived at the sheet
music department, A. Hospe com-
lanty in New York:
Neath the South Sea Moon. .35c
My Rambler Rose 35c
Listening on Some Radio.... 35c
Sunny . South .35c
Weaving My Dreams ......35c
Sing a Song of Swanee 35c
Throw' Me a Kiss 35c
It's Getting Dark on Old
Broadway ...35c
Quite the most refreshing selec-
tion of songs provided the - weary
public in many years. In ordering "" Jw
include postage in check or money ,0. Present fr ,vur v,ewl"8 fnd
order. . which you will find exceeding plea
" sure in bestowing upon delighted re
New Frocks New Every Day! cipients. Send for the beautifully
TUp vrriTTPw ,! decorated booklets showing reproduc-
HE McGUIRE and McCOY tiong o djfferent services available.
DRESS SHOPPE, mezzanine Pantheon, Ambassador. Queen Anne,
floor. Paxton block, entrant- on Sir- Old Colony. Louvain, Etruscan. King
wnth ; rninvin , .ni.nM
tronage due to the fact that their
dresses are new new indeed for
styleful models arrive daily '
The Pleasure of the Overland Auto-
mobile Trip Immeasurably Greater
fr.TC?TJAreM,"de' ,
Y r ri ".y: Z! Zt
auto trip to the lakes much
more pleasant if you send your car
down to the Universal Auto Top
Co.. 18th and Harney, for a neat
covering of the hot leather seats.
Stiy-at-home people will find 'their
cats cleaner in the summertime with
th" seats, covtred
; " : '
Jloppin villi J&Oy
Who dream not song of bird and tree Oh, help ihem thai at last they find
Nor ttar and field and sighing tea; And know You, good and dear and kind;
Who are denied and do not know That each wee heart ma) thrill and ting
Their birthright of the long ago. With happiness and Pondering.
The clean, tweet wind, the grimeless tun, And fcep them ever in your fcen,
Wide spaces, health, and wholesome fun. Safe from all hurt and harm. Amen.
K PRAYER, by Edmund Lcamy.
Fireworks Beautiful "Safe and Sane."
""THE Omaha Fireworks Company,
1 1508 Harney street, have an un-
usually large stock of fireworks,
beautjfu1i whkh
promise a sae and sane Fourth,
Glowing red lights for the lawn, lit-
tie sizzler sticks for the kiddies, bril-
liant wheels for big brother. "If it's
hreworks, we have it.' is their slogan
viewing the stock.
Pure Thread Silk Sweaters Offered at Unusual Prices.
ORKIN BROS, Conant building, Sixteenth and Harney, offer pure
thread silk sweaters at a special price range of $17.50 to $25. Beautifully
made in Tuxedo modeling, they're exquisite values. Vivid little wool slipons
represent the season's novel stylings at prices irresistible. Excellent is "
the quality of the Duprand Baronet Satin skirts at $5.95 and $6.95, tailored
in swagger fashion. Other white skirts in fancy weaves are offered up to
Vacation Time Draws Near Are Corset Specialist Has Had Years of
Your Clothes in Readinesl? Experience in Fitting Large
ULY and vacation time are your
J clothes in immaculate readiness?
Th Pnntnrinm. lfith and Tones, have
' ... ' .
every modern facility to use in clean-
y"r ,vvt J l . " j Vw
1 to th: sturdy ou tine togs which
-"JVSul swfi.
,ul men and wornen at your serv-
jCv0U'H fjnd them most efficient..
Phone Douglas 0963 for immediate
dei;very service
J '
pct Your Skin During Automo-
bile Trf
Q protect your sWn proper,y
1 a stock of the Frances Wilcox
?km Specialist' Creams to use dur-
mg your .automobile trip on the
Fourth You.wiH find complete
stock of these creams at the Le
Bron Beauty , Shop, 510 Electric
building AT. 4029, also a fine : selec-
3U UtIIKIll 111- nuiiiau sjm. .au.j w..
Silver the Gift Appreciated by Every
one. T-HERE is nothing in the gift line
which is appreciated more highly
than the carefully selected piece of
silver. John Henrickson's 16th and
Capitol, are proud to offer their as- (
semblage of silver gift pieces both in
the hollowware and flat ware. Here
you will find represented the well-
k.nown i'.lv". P.3".""8, of. the.
Albert, Maryland and Madam Jumel
are PerhaPs the most desired of the
desisns pictured.
When You Pack Your New Ice
Cream Freezer With Rich Milk
and Cream
t "w: '
of Fourth o July Fr02en
Dainties. Phone Douglas 0409 for
immediate delivery service of per-
fectly pasteurized milk products.
Dainty little cakes for the picnic bas-.Ul1.
ket should be made of the Alamito
butter, fresh daily, which may be
bought of your milkman
- :-
tied long skirt line of winter which is of unusual intereit. M. M. was sitting
him. One of them, a dainty bit of femininity nearing, in M. M.'s judgment,
length, without a doubt, she wore when the was a irl. Now. mv dears.
When Mother, Daughter or Sister
Tskt to Travel"
"NE wonders just what would be
the nicest little gift to bestow
on the fair traveler. Matthews' Book
Store, 1620 Harney, are showing
the new hand-painted boxes for
sweets and tiny cakes, a bit of fruit
or salted nuts wjiich have a gay dash
of color and yet are conservative
enough to place on the window ledge
of the Pullman. A lovely "go-away"
"Tippy Tilt," the fragrant new
talc, is charming as its name 50c.
Mass Meetings of Hairdressers De
cide the Superiority of New Per.
manent Waving Process.
"PUREE great mass meetings of
1 hairdressers and the Lanoil
Permanent Waving Process was
unanimously adopted. Abolishing all
tediousness of the old process, the
Lanoil as done in the Brandeis
Beauty Shop, third floor, takes but
seven minutes. In results it is bet
ter than anything ever done before,
and hair which formerly would hard'
i .hui an imnroccinn hv th
Lanoil process to perfection. Nor do
we ever notice that frizzy dry ap-
pearance on hair waved bv the
Lanoil process. It looks and feels
much better than before waving, es-
pecially in the cases where the hair
is washed out or partly bleached and
out of which all polishing substance
has gone. Into such hair an injec-
tion of fat is made as part of the
with wonderful results.
This1 th fr W
' "
. r "j.i. coe
mch wldtn ?5;5- , ,
Summer CIothM Demnd Diversity
of Changes.
QOME one has said that Omaha is
almost tropical in the summer
and one IS readv t0 aRree. Jt takes
an endless number of changes to
keep one looking fit, clothes that
must necessarily be kept immaculate.
Get the Dresher habit, Drcsher's will
keep you spick ana span, wim a
wmuum i v.. u.
Phcvne AT. 0345.
A RS. M. C. DQNOHUE, corset
VL snwrialitt in thr frArHl Hat
- ... - . .-.w
Shop 1613 Farnam has nad years 0f
experience m fitting large women in
" J gracelu, ,x?u" ,ma
her work """usually satisfactory.
Graciously Lovely the Lines of the Frocks for Wear on Broad Club Veran-
das and Dance Floors.
T AMOND'S, 17th and Farnam, take pleasure in the knowledge that their
selection of frocks for wear at the Country clubs is unusually exten-
sive. In the assemblage presented are to be found every fashion favored
fabric and color in stylings to suit every type, models personally selected.
fo wear on the Fourth Popular Cafe toady Resembles a
of July. Clubhouse
the Ground Gripper S,!T s,ore; S popular iE Ha,ere 28,1
1 . 1414 Farnam, may well be proud 0 well, that when one drops in for
of their display of white shoes for breakfast, luncheon or dinner one is
w wther wear True in everv de- ""cbned. to think that the cafe is a
" J'. 'ZZ Jfrl, country dub. All day on the Fourth
of comfort and correction of foot one may make reservtions for dc-
troubles for whicji the Ground Grip- Hciously prepared chicken, steak or
per is known, they're ttigly built for black dinners. Phone Webster
smart sports wcat 0752.
' ' .' '. : :
"To All Parts of the World"
"r HERE'S a glamour in the little
sign of six words which is to
be seen in every bureau of travel,
"To All Parts of. the World,"
which makes even' the most con
servative old heart beat a bit faster,
for it creates a decided stir of the
imagination. The Bock Travel
A.gency. 306 South Sixteenth, Tele-
Vhont Douglas 4481. renders a travel
scr.vlc wh':n embraces the farthest
Pln,s our wonderful old world,
An agency which has .had 16 years
experience in helping adventurous
u P'n t"P round the wor d.
fa"., d winter tnps to the
Mediteranean and Orient are now
be,nK planned. All steamship and
gave 1 AJcyP.e
yTe hngi .
Fill Your Picnic Hamper at This
1 1608 Harney, is an interesting
piace t0 the lover of picnic outings.
whp will glory in the opportunity to
mrtht bi pjtnic nan',per with coid
,cats 0 an kinds cooked to a "just
right" degree, fancy spring chickens,
rare frmts and vegetables to delight
the tastes of the epicure.
Sporting Goods House Offers Sug
gestions for the Fourth of July Trip.
THE Townsend Sporting Goods
Company, 1309 Farnam, offers
specials which will add greatly to
the jollity of the Fourth of July cele
bration this year:
Thermolware Food Jar (alumi
num),. 1-gallon capacity, glass lined,
a regular $15 value. $7.50.
Hammocks, bright in color, sub
stantially made, $4, $5, $6, $7.50 to
Bathing Suits, at any price you
wish to pay, in any color that is be
coming. Men's and Women's Khaki Cloth
ing Knickers, $3.75; Coats, $5.00;
Hats, $1.50.
Kodaks for the Vacation Trip, per
petuate the pleasures enjoyed in the
secluded mountain haunts.
Refrigerator Baskets, $8 up.
Boys will be particularly interested
to hear that Townsend's are closing
out the Carbide. "Big Bang" cannons
at special prices,
A new jersey; with a. crepe surface
is favored for- sports wear.
July Sale Begins Day After
the Fourth
a LL apparel in the ready-to-wear
"V department of the Emoorium.
un c....u c:.. l u. i i
k IV OUUlll . OlAlCCIllll, Wlli UC JJIdUCU
0n sale Wednesday, the day after the
r-ourth, .at a reduction on each gar-
menf ,7ilrea "om. ?ne-'n'rQ 10
one-half the original .pricing.
Grandnv Cheek Was of a Ross.
petal S -J.
A ND no wonder, her checks, neck
and hands were always shaded
by a silken sunshade. Quite dif
ferent the procedure of Modern Eve
her bobbed hair flying in the wind
she is the first in the swimming race,
her horse is apt to he most often seen
along the bridal path, her golf rec
ord one of which to be proud, her
prowess as a "chauf" a matter of
comment among friends. Small won
der, then, that the natural oil is burn
ed from the pores of her skin. A
matter, for the . beauty specialist.
You'll find the expert advisers. Mr.
Roberts and Mr. Franks of the Black
and White Room, Burgess-Nash, the
Salon dc lleaute, Hotel Foiitenelle,
and the Blackstone Beauty Parlor
will prove of invaluable help in restor
ing the measure of beauty which is
every woman's birthright.
Tailored Frocks of Summer Receive.
Decorative Touches in Art Pleat
ing Shop.
THE Ideal Button and Pleating
Co., third floor Brown Block,
Sixteenth and Douglas, offer unusu
ally pleasing embellishment notes for
the popular tailored frock favored by
Milady Mode. Buttons of combina
tion colors are altogether pleasing
decoration for the linen and crepe
frocks, pleating indispensable for
the frock of all fabrics.
To Look Your Very Best in ths
Summertime Happiest Time of All
the Year. '
C PEND a half hour chatting with
Mrs. Sears of the Flower-in-the-Bottle
Shop, 1025 W. O. W.y build
ing, Fourteenth and 'Farnam. about
Esprit d'Amour Hygienic Toiletries.
Out-of-town women should writs
for a free copy of "Smart Appear
ance," the aristocrat of beauty books,
brimful of ideas on good looks. The
"Daylight Make-up," it tells about
appeals to the summer girl because
it won't rub off and perspiration will
not streak. 1 Harmonizing perfumes,
toilet waters, talcs, toiletries and
sachets are to be found in this
charming shop. "Ask Mrs. Stears.1'
Luxurious . Furnishing and Appoint
ment of Sweet Shop Belies Its
D HELPS HUT, Athletic Club
Bldg, 17th and Douglas, quit
different from what one might ex
pect from the name, is a lavishly
furnished and appointed sweet shop
where one may meet one's friends
for. a quiet chat over an iced drink
or luscious sandwich. Out-of-town
visitors .delight to carry one of the
"Phelps Special" boxes of candy
Spanish Combs More Popular as
Season Advances.
y HE F. M. Schadell & Co., 1522
Douglas, offer unusual show
ing of Spanish combs. Indeed in the
selection ' one may find a comb to
emphasize the beauty of every frock
of summer. A jade green outlining
on cream shell is one exquisite comb,
$3.. In the Schadell Beauty Shop
Milday may have one of the cele
brated Boncilla facials which are as
surance of skin protection during the
most protracted outing.
Regal Art Placques.
HT HE A. ' Hospe Co., art depart-
ment, 1513 Douglas, offers flow
er pieces which have been decided
by all art decorators as the correct
means to use in brightening the liv
ing room, an essential color note for
the dining room. Regardless of how
many pictures one has, if a Regal
Art Placque is hung with them it will
receive attention and enrich the wall.
A very ,large selection is offered,
which includes copies of the old mas
ters. They will be glad to send lists of
subjects and price quotations to out-of-town
customers upon request.
Johnson's Travel Kit Pocket First
Aid for the Fourth of July.
teenth and Howard, offer an
intelligent suggestion to be followed
on the Fourth of July, the buying of
one of the Johnson Travel Kit or
Pocket First Aid outfits in metal
case which contains everything nec
essary for first aid to that sometimes
unavoidable accident. The cost is
negligible, but $1.00. and if you'll
phone Jackson 0846. the Green
Pharmacy number, they'll be very
glad to send one of the kits to your
home for your examination, without
obligation to buy. Among the sur
gical supplies included in the box
are sterilized bandages, adhesivt
tape, iodine, etc.
nd Trademark Katlatara L V
Fattnt Olflca. A4