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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
,You can "Dress Up" for the Fourth with real economy if you attend these won derful sales SWfa, aa, Furnishings are here In com plete assortments for every pocket book and every taste r il pj::av, KM I l nil i Saturday Clearance Sale of Entire Stock Men's and Young Men's $15 Palm Beach Suits Made of Genuine Palm Beacli Cloth I - ' i MQ I.S THbf tui OWN10 V OOOMU 0TU CO 7n Tan, Dark Brown, Dark Blue, Green, Dark Stripes, ' IiA Stripes, Solid Colors. I II. ! 1 f A7S uj AT A GOOD ASSORTMENT . OF COLORS AND PATTERNS In All Sizes A' suit of Palm Beach cloth' solves the summer problem how to be comfort able though dressed up. . Palm Beacli is a cool, lightweight fabric, yet of good texture for men's suits. These particu lar suits are unusually well made, well cut and well finished. In neat summer styles and in a surprisingly large array of patterns and colors, in light and dark colors and striped styles. At the price offered to buy is real economy. 500 Lightweight Summer Suits In New Cool Weaves and Styles For Men and Young Men 22 In Gaberdine, Mohair, Tropical Weaves and Other Cool Summer Weaves Snappy sport styles and more con servative models for men and young men. In mixtures and solid colors, and striped styles. All are well made and well tailored inside and out. These are unusually good values, an opportunity well worth looking into. 400 Lightweight Worsted Suits Styles and Sizes for Men and Young Men 16 75 Smart looking suits of coarse w5"?, cool fabrics, in mixtures and solid colors. Men's and y oun g men's 'styles. 1,000 Genuine Palm Beach Pants Every man should know the con venience of having extra trousers. Trousers of Palm Beach are cool and comfortable and besides, they wash well and wear well. In liffht and dark colors and assorted patterns. Regularly 5.00 per, pair r wen. in ngm 3.95 Fourth Floor Sale of Golf Balls In Men's Clothing Dept. Fourth Floor Buy a supply of these high grade golf balls. Blue Colonel 79c Dunlap 69c Super Radio 59c U. S. Royal ..59c Colonel No. 162 59c Glory Dimple . . . .'. .45c .Black Domino . . . . . 39 c Green Dot Mesh.... 39c Get a New Straw Hat for the Fourth in This Sale of Straw Hats 1.85 For Men and Young Men Made to sell at 2.50 to 3.50. All sizes. In 3-ply and fine weaves. Narrow and wide brimmed hats in light and dark straws. Fourth Floor A Bran deis Shot Means Style, Comfort and Value. Special for Saturday Selling Men's Linen Oxfords In Palm Beach color and white; same Q QK style as illustration. 5.00 value; pair 003 Men's Calfskin Oxfords Brown; made over the new- 4 f7P est lasts; 6.00 values; per pair I t) Fourth Floor Fourth of July Specials in Men's Furnishings Sale of Fiber Silk Ties In the New Bias Clu b Stripes In a wide, range of new combinations including tho popular tan and gray combinations; made to sell at 1.0U; .. Men's Silk Shirts ' fill II UVft VvVVtfl 1 I 1 ML. II ' 1 1"" 1 Uin lniiff'if vr, . rs 9 V Saturday, each Silk Pongee dollar-atUchod,i In .stub, or;. Button- down 'style;'" hearfi weight; silk and well made.' Pongee la one of the shirt material winncra because of its cool nesi, neat appearance and eay laun dering quality. A silk pongee shirt at this price is real economy because It will wear so well; special Q QC at, each, ' ' 0UO , Ot Crepe Silk, Jersey Silk, Silk Broad cloth and Japanese Jacquard Silk, in an endless variety of patterns and col orings; snappy individual broad striped styles In contrasting colors, more conservative styles in plain satin striped mnterlals; good tailor- . lng and high-grade silk In every shirt: . all sues; special, each, . 5.85 New Summer Tub Shirts Neck band or collar attached styles ; in woven madras madras cloths? rep cloths, and tan mercerized pongee made, well fitting garments and will wear and launder each, 1.35 cloth, printed ; all are well well. Special or 3 for 3.50 Men's Muslin Night Shirts A good grade of muslin ; full cut and perfectly tail ored j trimmed in pink, blue or white ; Qr sizes 15 to 19 Men's White Shirts and Drawers Made by the celebrated Lawrence Mills; these garments have slight mill stains, but are otherwise perfect. 1.00 values; per garment, 59 Bathing Suits The well-known California one-piece style or in two-piece style with white military .belt ; all sizes and colors and color combina tions ; priced, per suit, 1 .00 to 6.25 Complete Une of Manning-wear Underwear. Complete Lines ot Men's Phoenix Sox. Main Floor South Special, each, Pure Thread Silk Socks Wilson Bros, make; noted for its wonder fully long wearing, perfect fitting chain knit. All shades and sizes; pair, 65 Or 3 pairs for 1.75 Silk Sox With Clockings Gold Cross silk sox in all the popular shades white, cordovan, gray, Palm Beach, black, navy blue all with neat, snappy looking clocks of same or contrasting color. Per pair, 95c Complete Lines of Interwoven Sox. Complete Line of Manhattan Shirts. Specials in Boys' Clothing Boys' Cool Palm Beach Suits Let the boy keep cool in a suit like dad's Palm Beach. Comes in light and dark shades; will stand hard wear and can be laundered ; made of genuine Palm Beach cloth ; in tan, greens and grays. Splendidly tailored, neat belted models; sizes 6 to 18 QK years; regular 10.00 values. Reduced for this sale, per suit OetO Boys' Bathing Suits Plain or attractive color combinations; in all wool worsteds or cotton fabrics; sizes 26 to 36 ; per suit, 1.19 to 3.75 Boys' Wash Suits Hundreds of fine, high-grade wash suits ; serviceable fabrics and colors; Oliver Twist, Middy, Norfolk and Balkan styles. Sizes 2Vo to 8 years ; priced at 1.39, 1.58, 1.94 Fourth Boys' Sport Blouses Cool and comfortable for hot weather wear ; extra well made ; neat striped per cales; sizes 6 to 15; regularly 89c; Sat urday, 59 Boys' Wash Trousers, Good, serviceable fabrics and colors; in khaki and crash materials; cut full and roomy ; sizes 6 to 17 years ; per pair, 95 Floor Hartmann CushionTop Wardrobe Trunks No Trunk Worries-Ho Clothes Worries'-' ," No wrinkles' at' the end of the trip with our 1922 Hart mann Trunk. Priced from 33.75 to 50.00 ; ; Special Saturday Dress Trunks Three sizes ; all metal cov iered trunks; built td stand hard use ; 12.00 value ; each, at 8.95 Fibre Suit Cases Looks just like cowhide; steel frame ; sewed and riv eted, with washable linings ; four colors to select from ; 5.00 values, 3.98 Fourth Floor I Practical Tools for the Handy Man i if 1 1 39 regularly 39 eZig -Zag Folding Rule 'Vic tor, flexible, hard wood : 5- foot length ; regularly 40c ; special at Nail Hammers -Bsll poll; white hickory handle, a good hammer for household use 59c; special, Electric Fan Polar Cub; 8-inch size ; guaranteed mo tor; will keep room com fortably cool ; regularly $7 ; special at 6.50 Screw Drivers F o r g e d steel, knife handle; a very strong tool for heavy work ; regularly 69c; at 49J Screen Paint Protects wire and frames ; black ; 1 quart size; regularly 60c; special, at, each, 49 Combination Pliers 6-inch size ; tempered steel ; a good tool for auto kit ; regularly 29c; special, 19 Lawn Mower Director ball bearing; self sharpen ing; regularly 14.00; spe cial at , 12.50 A djustable Window S c r e e ns The best wire cloth used ; opens 24x33 inches; regu larly 75c ; 59 special at Pipe Wrench Drop forged iron; , highest grade tool steel; full polished; 10-inch size; regularly 1.69; spe cial ... 1.39 Grass Sickle Steel blade with wooden handle, sharp ened, ready for use; regu larly 49c; special, 39? Grass Shears Made with best steel blades, strong spring handle; regularly 59c; special, 49 Filth Floor West Stanley Block Plane Vs inch, 1-inch cutter; weight l1 pounds ; regularly 1.39 ; special 1.10 Lawn Hose Our best moulded hose; Vo-in. size : 50-foot lengths; complete with couplings; regularly 6.50; special at 5.98 s'TrasaAPV'""v Auger Bits Common, made of cast steel; 10-16; 12-16 and 14-16 sizes ; regu larly 39c; special 23 Brace Superior brand; an 8-inch sweep; polished cold drawn steel; stained hard wood head and handle. Reg ularly 1.29: spe cial at 89 Socket Chisels Made of fine tool steel with hard wood handles; 14-inch size only. Regularly, 55c; spe cial,. 49