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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. JULY 1. 1922. ir? 1 K' Si1 if n 771; ! 1 a m v jf' 5 Many Editors in Contest for State Offices I'nuMial Number of Scribei Fil l in Primaries Mont' ly for IJprth In ' Legislature. An umiul nuinrirr of Nebraska cditort have tiled l'r state aflnc, according to a uluiUiion jut pub Will M Mauiin. riliinr of the Gerintf Mid-Vct ami furimr state labor fommisMonrr, i a candidate for the democratic ion for governor. tifortfe Snow, owner of the Chadmn Journal, for everal year a member of the State 1'rem associa tion executive committee and twice a state representative, i at-ckiug the republican nomination lor lieutenant governor. A.i Wood of the (it-ring Courier, tS. Kroh of the Ogallala News, T. . Fulton of the Beatrice lixprens are candidate for the state senate at republican; John Tanner of th? . South Omaha Democrat and K. K. I'urcell of the Broken Bow Chief tain are after the aanir office a democrats. Tanner and I'tircell both have had previous Irgislaiive experi ence. For the lower house, editor candi date? are Cyrus Black, Hickman En terprise; W. W. Mailman, Wood Kiver Mmneam; w. n. i.ox. Arapa hoe Mirror; Vcrn (iihhons, Dawson Herald; Dwight Griswold, Gordon Gazette. Maupin, Snow, Wood, Tanner and Purccll are past presidents of the Nebraska Tress association. Kroh is a past vice president. Irrigation Plan Is 0. KA1 by Senate Senator Norm Secures Pass age of Resolution to Aid Semi-Arid Counties. War Bride to Sing for The Bee Radio Program Include South Oina- 1m Contralto and Dramatic Instructor. Washington, June 30. (Special Telegram.) benator worris securea passage yesterday of his resolution authorizing the' Interior department to make special investigational the irrigation project proposed by State Engineer Johnson ana Mayor mc Conaugh'ty of Holdrege, which would put the waters of the Platte to work irrigating the subsoil in Kear ney, Adams and Thelps counties. ' The Andrews resolution in the house to the same effect is still pend ing, but Mr. Andrews will endeavor to put it through before the house adjourns. .... . Renresentative Kuikaid yesterday received a letter from Secretary of the Interior Fall approving tnc oroiect. The project would appropriate $5,000 from the general treasury for irrigation investigation in me couu ties named. The rainfall in this sec (ion is inadequate, and it is proposed to supplement the rainfall by taking the flood and unused waters from the Platte river at times in the year when the water is available and stor ing the same in the subsoil. It is contended that through storage of from 8 to 12 inches of water in the fall or spring, maximum crops can be produced with the average rainfall in that section. Women's Clubs to Work With Movie Industry Chautauqua, N. Y., June 30. The most controversial topic at the bien nial convention of the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs was dis posed of at the closing session today when a resolution on motion pictures was passed, offering co-operation to the members of the industry. The resolution approves "the effort now being made bv the motion pic ture industry to raise the moral and artistic standard and develop the educational value of motion pictures'' and "the effort of the industry to stabilize its economic conditions to the end that there may be the fullest freedom for development of creative ability." The convention endorsed a uni form marriage and divorce move ment, recommending a law which "will prevent hasty and ill-considered marriages, preclude interstate confusion and provide a proper jus tice for all members of the family when divorce becomes necessary." A national immigration commis sion to restrict the admission of aliens to this country was endorsed, as was art instruction in the public schools and truth-in-fabric legislation. Cuckoo Is Shiftless Sort rf Father, Says Newspaper Philadelphia, June 30. A local paper, running a "nature and sci ence" scries, queries its readers: "Have you seen this bird the yellow-billed cuckoo?" To which a number have replied: "Yes, many a time. Habitat, res " taurants. buying meals tor 'gold diggers.' " The paper nonchalantly supple ments this information with the fol lowing: "Mr. Cuckoo is a rather shiftless sort of father and husband." Receivership of "Katy" Road to Be Dissolved St. Louis, June 30. (By A. P.) The receiver ship of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway company will be dissolved today when United States Circuit Judge Sanbor nsigns a decree prepared by security holders authorizing the road's sale bv a spe cial master for less than ?.'8.000.000. The judge announced he would ; sign the decree late today after minor changes are made in it. The Bee's radio concert! are con ilantly bringing out new talent in Omalu. During ihe pat few nionili. an umnual number of local artists have nude their firt appearance he fore the microphone and not one number wa commonplace. Toni(jht's radio prosram from the Omaha Grain Exchange nation, WAAW, to he broadcast by The Bee includes piano number, song and elocution numbers, Miss KuiU Hi. -her, contralto singer and director i.f St. Martine Etiisconal choir on the South Side, will enter lain radio audiences with two num bers. Mrs. K. A. Wenberg will ac company Miss Bieber. Both artists will also broadcast a duet song num ber. Mrs. James Burns, au Fuglish war bride who received early musical education in Ftirope, is on The Bee's radio program tonight to sing sev eral ballads. Mrs. K. C. Watkins will accompany her. Then thcre'li be an elocution num ber and a pianologue, "Ma," by E. R, Misner, a director of dramatics in Omaha. So radio audiences throughout the country may listen in on some more high-class entertainment tonight when The Bee again broadcasts its program from station WAAW be ginning sharply at 8.15. "Air Bug" Works Without Aerial Receiver Given Away by The Bee Picks Up Messages With Use of Coil. The quick adaptability and thor ough capability of the junior "air bug" receiver that is being given away by The Bee was demonstrated recently when E. T. Munroe, jr., caught the Omaha Grain Exchange station, WAAW, without the use of an aerial an uncommon occurrence in radio. Ray Rainbolt of the Omaha Radio company was demonstrating a large receiving set not far distant from station WAAW when Munroe hooked his miniature set that con sisted of a one-inch coil, crystal and receiver to the aerial. The reception from the grain exchange was as audi ble through the "air bug" set as through the larger receiver. The lead from the aerial to the "air bug" became disconnected and, to the surprise of the onlookers, the grain reports kept coming in, the coil act ing as an aerial. WAAW Friday Broadcasting of daily news bullet ins from the Omaha Grain Exchange station, WAAW, will be discontinued after today. The grain exchange, co operating with The Bee will continue to broadcast market reports, baseball scores and concerts. Market reports will be broadcast daily at 8:45 a. m., 9:45, 10:45, 12:30 and 8:00 p. m. Baseball scores will be given out by The Bee and the grain exchange at 5:15 p. m. Concerts will follow final announcement of the market reports at 8:00 p. m. The Bee will broadcast concerts from station WAAW on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights of next week. Four Concerts Scheduled to Be Given Next Week There'll be concerts broadcast by The Bee from the Omaha Grain Ex change station WAAW Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur day nights. Some clever local talent has been booked for the programs that will begin sharply at 8:15 p. m. 8:15 p. m. Questions E. L. K., Lincoln, Neb. Q. What would a complete receiving set to hear music cost? il. A complete home made, short wave regenerative set. Including aerial, could be installed for $35. F. J. N., Hastings, Neb. Q. Will the use of a 43-plate condenser across the secondary of a honeycomb coil set make any difference? What are the rignt sizes lor nonyecomb colls for such a set? A. (1) The condenser you mention will work all right, but a 2.1-plate condenser would be better. Probably the reason the spider web coils did not work well in the circuit is because you did not have the coils of the proper size. Don't be afraid to do some experimenting along this line, and you may surprise yourself. (2) The size of the honeycomb coils should be, pri mary L-50, secondary L-50, and tickler L-25. Road Conditions . Famished by the Omaha Auto .Club. Roads In every direction out of Omaha are reported veor muddy this morning. West and south as much as two inches of rata have been reported at several sta tions. Cars are coming through from very direction using chains and making little alow time. Weather west clearing. Is yoflr business for sale? Sell h through an Omaha Bee "Want" Ad. You'll be surprised at the quick results.-. - - , - $4,800 Judgment Returned. Lamson Brothers sued the Brown Consolidated Milling company of rremont lor $3,000 on a note yester day in federal court. They obtained a judgment of $4,800. Defendants served notice that they would appeal the case. Calif ornian Stages Fiji Island Dance in Park; Held Not Insane Long Beach, Cal., June 30. Clif ford Wooten, clad in a suit of small muslin tobacco sacks, sewn to gether with yellow cord that puck ered the sacks, was slomnly pranc ing and dancing in the park here yesterday when a policeman step ped into the picture and spoke thus wise: "What's the idea?" "I'm a member of the royal fam ily of the Fiji islands, and I'm do ing our tribal dance," was the re sponse. At police headquarters a doctor' said Wooten was sane, the sergeant htld t hadn't been disorderly, the policeman said he had no other charge, so he was turned out of th tttion. . July Records On Sale Saturday Com in to hear theml Wt will gladly play them for your approval. Buristt-Nsth Fifth Floor IffilESSfcl tew EVERYBODYS STORE' FLAGS! FLAGS! To Fly July 4th In erry sue from the mallr-at flitg t' the lari-sl of until bunt ing. Triced from, each, 2c to 38. Buristt Kask Mam Floor Many Attractive Offerings Saturday Sporting Goods Golf Clubs New lot of the 2.45 spe cial includes drivers, brassies, putters, niblicks, mashies and mid-irons. Each, $2.48 Practice Golf Balls Weaver's balls of standard weight and size, perfectly cen tered and balanced, special 6 for 11.00 Caddy Bags Tan and white bags made of heavy canvas; ball pockets. Each, $1.00 Tennis Balls Fresh, new stock of Spauld ing balls. Each, SOe Burf ess-Naih Fourth Floor OOO Basket Refrigerator Add to the pleasure of motor trips and outing parties by taking lunch in a "Hawk eye" refrigerator. The basket is durably con- structed of woven imported reed. With only a small lump of ice, the non-conducting in sulator lining keeps out the heat and retains the cold for 86 hours. Salads, meats and iced drinks are kept crisp and cold. Burgess-Nash Fourth Floor OOO Bathing Suits For Men Whether you want a dar ingly striped suit or one of plain, conservative color, you will find a good wool suit in our stocks. Your size in cluded. Priced $1.50 to $7.80 For Boys Well made garments woven with contrasting colored stripes in the combinations most popular with young boys. These are good fitting suits in sizes iVi to 16. $1.00 to $3.80 Burgess-Nash Main Floor For Women For lake, pool or beach, we have a host of smart mod els in silk, wool and gingham. You will surely find one of becoming style in the color you wear best. Priced $1.95 to $18.50 Burgesa-Nash Second Floor OOO Silk Gloves Silk gloves that are mussed and soiled, some water- stained. Priced at less than 1-3 off regular value. , Pair, 39c Burgess-Nash Main Floor OOO Bathing Sox Fancy ribbed bathing sox to match the swimming suit are exceptionally low priced, Pair, 25c Burgess-Nash Main Floor OOO Recipe Book Special 39c "The TaDlex." most mod ern of reciDe books, is divided into sections like menu cards, with additional sections for special little "here and there" items that interest every housewife. This practical little book would surely be a welcome addition to the new homemaker, as it has space for 2,000 clippings. The oil cloth cover may be cleaned with soap and water. Book Shop Main Floor OOO Drug Specials Lemon Soap, dozen, SOe. Palm Olive, 3 for 25c. Elderflower, Rose, Glycerine, Buttermilk Soap, 6 cakes, 25c. Cashmere Bouquet, medium, 6 for 55c. Creme Oriza, night cream, 19c. Oriza Face Lotion, 10c. Palm Olive Shampoo, 39c. Palm Olive Shave Cream, 29c. Creme Le Man, lemon Cream, 49c. Extract Vegetal, Lilac of France, 95c. Burgcss-Nash Main Floor OOO Picnic Needs Th little niceties that make picnic successful. We have a most complete assortment of rjaoer table covers, napkins, spoons, forks, salad or ice cream containers. wax paper drinking cups, fancy doilies and Japanese lanterns at moderate prices. Staneaety Piisifsal Mats Flee Hoffman Wardrobe and Dress Trunks Very Substantially U?iderpriced Sturdily' built trunks of latest type priced many dollars below usual quotations. Constructed to last and smart enoujrh to enter the most fashionable hotels of the country, these trunks at such notable reductions offer a wonderful opportunity for travelers and vacationists in need of fine luggage. Wardrobe Trunk $43.50 Of finest construction, made with open bulge top and equipped with hangers, four drawers and a woman's hat box also laundry bag and shoo box. Strong, durable hinges and burglar-proof lock. Medium Sized Wardrobe Trunks Fitted with eight hangers, five wooden-bottom drawers, shoe pockets, lift top and a strong lock. A trunk for reul service. Each, $21.00 Dress and General Purpose Trunks Covered with hard fiber and reinforced strip construction strong hinges, bolts and catches sizes 34, 36 and 40. $6.75 and $9.50 i Other Wardrobe Trunks $35.00 $52.50 $58.00 Burgess-Nash Luggag. Section M.ttanlno Floor Feature Selling of New Mid-Summer Hats $195 Fashioned of: Crepe Ribbon Satin Taffeta Designs of: Embroidery Silk Flowers Fancy Ribbons Metallic Fabric v Self-Material Burgess-Nash Hat Shop Third Floor V'. Footwear for Summer Nile Cloth Oxfords White street or business oxford made with very flat heel or with straight Cuban heel. Turn sole. A pair $6.00 to $8.00 Sports Oxfords For street or golf white buck with black calf tip and saddle strap. Rubber or leather sole. Priced at Pair, $7.9S White Buck Pumps Dainty lightweight pump with trimming and Junior heel of patent leather, brown calf or gray kid. Pair, $7.95 Burgess-Nash Shoe Shop Main Floor Girls' Pantie Dresses $195 Fine Amoskeag gingham and chambray are the mate rials; hand embroidery in cross-stitch design the trim ming. They are made in light and dark shades of little girl colors. There are all the most adorable styles in sizes 2 to 6. Burgess-Nash Infant' Shop Third Floor . A Timely Sale of Attractive New Hand Bags $1 29 Especially desgined for wear with sum mer costumes and with sports outfits. Fashioned of silk or tweed with gold, silver-plated or col ored galalith frame. All silk lined. Every color. Burgess-Nash Leather Goods Shop Main Floor Kiddies' Sox A splendid wearing quality in shades to match the summer togs that small boys and girls will wear. 35c 3 for $1.00 Silk Hosiery Women's full fashioned silk hose made with double toe and heel, also triple knee features which even the most careful buyers seldom find at this low price. Pair, $2.50 Burgesa-Nash Main Floor 14-Piece Water Se Special $3.95 tS Cold drink set composed of round tray and pitcher of "Sunlite" aluminum and six glasses fitted with tum bler holders of "Sunlite" aluminum in lattice design. Especially practical for porch or garden. Very light in weight. Set, $3.95. Burfegi-Nh China hop Fourth Floor Lisle Vests Excellent fitting vests of fine quality lisle; made bodice top; flesh and white; all sizes up to 44 55c 2 for $1.00 Women's Hose For the many who like the full fashioned hose are silk stockings made with double toe and heel and lisle garter top. White and black. Saturday, $2.00. Burgess-Nash Main Floor The Wonder Square99 Women's Bathing Caps Each 19C Either the plain skull cap that has become bo popular, or more unique shapes trimmed with motifs in rubber. These caps are made of new, live rubber, in all colors. Our "Wonder Square" price for Satur day, each, 19c Busj-taa-Naak Wonder loiaro Mala Floor V 5 Tussah Pongee Yard 59C Seldom is it possible to buy this practical fabric at such substantial savings. This is a 35-inch fabric in natural and sport colors ideal for summer dresses, blouses, lingerie, skirts and draperies. Yard, 59c. Burf ess-Nash Red Arrow Booth Downstairs Stor Candy Specials Pilling's (".urn Drops tlc ill flavors of lime. Irmun, vunillu, and anine. Wry Hpt'ciiilly priced, round, 24c 'Dapper Dan' Caramels Soft caramel rolled in gtHted coroanut. Triced Pound, 27c "Jumbo" Salted Peanuts Large, whole nuts freshly suited. Saturday price- ' pounds, 35c Burgsss-Nash Mmsnlns Floor OOO Laces Reduced Curtain Lace Yard, 5c Several widths of pure linen lace in white, ecru and linen color. Yard, Sc. Lace Edges Yard 5c For trimming dresses, col lars and underwear, yard, Be, Lace Remnants Each, 9c- Including val laces and some Irish crochet, also piecei of embroidery and overlaco in white and colors; all are reduced for clearance. No phone or mail orders. Burarss-Nash Main Floor OOO i Handkerchiefs For Boys and Girls Just the kind of which all little folks need so many. Fine quality white 'kerchiefs with white or colored border, Each is put up in a little folder. 5c or 12 for 50e Handkerchiefs by the Yard Most of it is a yard and half wide and some of it has as many as eight handker chiefs to the yard Yard, 25c Burgess-Nash Main Flooi OOO Hair Nets "Bonnie B" Hair Nets, double mesh, cap and fringe, six in box, for 75c. "Bonnie B" Nets, single mesh, cap and fringe, six for 50c. "Ritz" Hair Nets, double mesh, cap and fringe styles, three for 25c Gainsborough Nets, double mesh, cap and fringe, two for 2?c. Gainsborough Nets, single mesh, cap and fringe, three for 25c. Carmen Hair Net, with or without elastic, all colors, dozen, 75c. Burgess-Nash Main Floor OOO Stationery Tuberose linen a high grade pound paper in white and tint3. 72 sheets to the pound Pound, 65c Envel6pes, pkg., 20c Burgess-Nash Main Floor r OOO Kodak Albums Kodak albums, black cloth bound Small size, 95c Large size, $1.50 Burgess-Nash Main Floor t OOO Garden Hose Moulded hose, corru gated, made of best qual ity rubber. -inch size. 12c foot. H-inch, 14c foot. -inch, 16c foot. Screen Wire, 3c q. ft. Lawn Mowers A complete line of the bet ter makes. Ballbearing, easy running, self-sharpening, priced at $13.25, $14.25. 915.SU. B urgesa-Naasi Fourth Fkwr .. I I 7 J j - ft