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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
THK OMAHA BKE: SATURDAY. JULY 1. 1922. Realty Dealer. Facing Forger's CellFakes Poison Fx-Lif utrnant, Father of Four Children, Attempt .Suicide Wife Plea Are Unheeded. Mclvin I.. Smith, J4, rn ette dealer, facing trial for forgery, ilrnk poiwn in hit home at JJ.7 .Vnrth Sixtieth street at 9 yrtrdty morn ing and it in a critical condition in Lord Littrr hospital, "They will hold my hearing to morrow morning," he told hi wife before drinking the poinn. "and I can't tund the disgrace. It mrani the penitentiary for me. 1 am going to end it all Wife Becomei Frantic. "But how ahont rnc?" asked the frantic wife. "How about our fifth child, yet tinhorn? Ho you think that would he giving u a quare deal? VVhrn you get into these scrapes don t you think that you thould be a aoldier in peace, just an you were in lieutenant' uniform in war and atand )y in and lrt lis stand by you?" Smith then walked into the bath room, prepared a glass of poison and swallowed it. A few minutes later he became severely ill. "Hasn't Been Square." After recovering from a semi hyttrrical condition, Mrs. Smith evi denced much concern over the condi tion of her husband. But when he gets well it will not pain her much, the said, if he is sent to the peniten tiary. "He hasn't been square with us," (he declared. "The war made a booze fighter out of him." .. Smith was arrested Monday by city detectives on a charge of for gery. Detective William Davis declared 60 forged checks have been traced to Smith. Irish Rebels Hoist White Flag in Dublin (Continued From Page One.) operations outside the danger zone, but because of the many snipers about the city these zones are nu merous. The Dublin fire brigade had 21 calls yesterday. Dail Meet Postponed. Dublin, June 30. (By A. P.) . Unofficial estimates of the casualties , in the two-days' fighting here place the number of killed at 30, with more j than 50 wounded. This forenoon 12 j deaths were reported and 20 wound ed, the latter including both men in the fighting forces and private citi tens. A meeting of the old Dail Eireann had been scheduled for today, but Man Attempts Suicide to Escape Disgrace ss ( jr. fy o j Johnson Answers Charges of Road Committee Here State Engineer, in Open Let ter, Declares Allegations of Chairman Absolutely Untrue. Melvin L. Smith. announcement was made tiiis after noon that it would not he held. The meeting of the new Irish pro visional parliament, which had been set for tomorrow, has been post poned until Friday, July 7, it was announced. Manifesto to People. Dublin, June 30. (By A. P.) A manifesto to the people of Ireland issued toilay by the provisional free state government says: For forty-eight hours the soldiers of your army have unflinchingly borne the brunt of battle against the forces of anarchy in your capital. Some of them have given their lives and many others have been wounded in the defense of your rights as citizens, "You are faced with a conspiracy whose calculated end is to destroy the treaty signed by your representa tives and endorsed by yourselves. Under that treaty the government and control of your own country and its resources have been sur rendered back to you after centuries of usurpation, lou are asked to re ject this surrender and engage in hopeless and unnecessary war with Great Britain. Fighting for Republic. "The people in the Four Courts say they are fighting for a republic. In reality they are fighting to bring the British back. Remember, we ask no man or woman to yield up any ideal or principles. Liberty will oe secured to all under constitu tional guarantees, but it will be a constitutional liberty and no man shall be permitted to do violence to the views of his neighbors or the will of the majority. "Least of all will profession of ideals or principle be permitted as an excuse for undermining the peo ple's right to security of person, se curity of property and freedom to live their lives in their own way as long as they do not trespass on the rights of others." Lincoln, June 30, (Special.) iieorge fc. Johnson, state engineer, in an open letter today, declared W. H. I'hetk. chairman of ioint road com mittee of Omaha, had given out in terviews criticising the slate depart ment in charges that are absolutely untrue. In his letter Johnson repeated each charge and answered it. They fol low: Denies Irregularity. I. That the Mate department and Douglas county had awarded a con tract for hitutithic pavement. "This is untrue, says Johnson's reply, "and Cheek could find it out if he cared to look it up at the court house." Z. That there is an irregularity in the contract with no time limit set. "If Cheek will just read the con tract." Johnson answers, "he would see there is a time limit." 3. That the contractor is required to pay the expense of inspectors, which virtually gives him control of the inspection. State Furnishes Inspectors. "This, too, is untrue," conies back Johnson. "The state furnishes its own inspectors; the work is checked up by independent inspectors; and there is a legal provision forcing this procedure." 4. That the contract is illegal and llut Check lud uWm the nuur up with the I'nitcl Mate J)runiiiiiit of K041U in Wa.hmgon to protot the couiMi'i. John.oii tlitiiiu llit i uiinece4i because government rrprrsrnutuc wi pir.tnt and approved uhrn the contract v. at let, uhuh w done in open competition between bidders. Chen, Reported Slain, Active Against Sun Canton, j'une My (Ry A. P ) The hostilities which Dr. Sun Vat- Sen, president of the overthrown Canton government of China, ha been promising as a rc.ult nf In ousting from that city, seemingly an about to begin, but the at!greor. it appears, is to lie Suns conqueror, Chen Cliiuug Ming, rather than Dr. Sun. I hen, it is reported, ha sent a regiment of men under the leadership of a brntadier acneral, Chun Win Sen, to attack about 5.000 of Sun troops who have been operating some distance southwest nf Canton. Chun, who is a isle graduate, in a statement yesterday declared that Chen had refrained front action up to the present because he desired to have any aggression that might de vclop come from Sun. Latest advices indicate that the navy still is loyal to Sun, hut Chen is reported to entertain no fears that it will attack Canton, largely because of his faith in his artillery, whirh is stationed along the river over which the ships would have to operate. It is reiterated that Chen has of fcrcd Dr. Sun safe conduct out of Canton, and this safe conduct now has been made to include Sun's more immediate followers as well. The "Want" Ad pages are a clear- nicy hniKH nl nnnl a want, anil things they do not want. Somewhere, in the Want Ad columns today is .1 your cnancc. Howard Approves Irrigation Plan l!o!iim!iu (.'atuliilate for lion grri Issues Statement on .National Problem. A plan to make the Missouri riwrj navigable, at Last to the extent than kmiii irom Nhraka farms may he' tarried in luigr. to southern port at greatly rejiued tarrying ilurges is lavored bv I Howard, Co IuiiiIhi., candidate lor the democratic and progressive noiiiuuiiuiu tor emigre. troiu the "1 hint dislrut, in a statement jiut issued. "1 further favor." his statement S4., "the project approved by Sec lelary Fall to use the waste water (I the I'latte liver for irrigating the Uud. in southwestern Nebraska counties, thereby auring tanners there suiluient moisture for abund ant crops rvery year." Howard says lie favors govern ment ownership and operation of all railroads, collection ol foreign debts, prohibition enforcement, soldier and sailor compensation troni excess proiiis tax. reducing of the Handing army, repeal of unit taxes and re stricting the declaration of war to a releicnduin by the people except in case ol foreign invasion. A will wiiltrn in shorthand hat been admitted to probate in England. The testator, before dying in a hospi tal at Antwerp, wrote the wilt in the form of a letter to his brother. Sci entific American. Nurse Meet in Detroit in 19.' I Seattle, Wash.. June 30. Deiro t was chosen for the next meeting m l'.M, of the three national nurse orgauiiatioiis, which have been touriiirent convention here this week. St. Paul and Boston also In vited the convention. Nurses from Philadelphia staged .1 demonstration asking the l'J.'O meeting. The three orgauirations are the American Nurses association, tl'tf National Organization of Public Health Nursing and the National League of Nursing Kducation. Do You Need- a housemaid cook girl ' to assist with housework a nurse maid to help take care of your children yardman chauf feur carpenter? If you need help of any kind insert a "Want" Ad in The Evening Bee two papers for the price of one. You'll be surprised how quickly you will have a competent worker on the job. Telephone AT Untie 1000 Omaha Bee "Want" Ad Rales Are Reasonable The Omaha Morning Bee THE EVENING BEE Exclusive Novelty Footwear for Women Black satin pump rvith silver and black brocaded iongue and heel. Patent leather side lace oxford with beige suede quarter. Patent leather pump with red kid inlay and red kid-covered heels. 150 Patent leather pump with red kid inlay. a Pair Patent leather side lace oxford. Advance Styles for Late Summer and Early Fall Designed in Paris and made in New York, exclusively for J. L. Brandeis & Sons, a great many extreme, new styles in fashionable footwear are being shown here for the first time. Fine materials and skilled workmanship mark this footwear as the superior sort, yet they are priced no more than the ordinary kind. Third Floor East Among the smartest of these novelties are the side lace design shown in the two lower sketches and the tongue effect shown in the two upper sketches. . If you want something absolutely new and different in footwear to wear with your smartest frock, visit our shoe department and give us the pleasure of show- mg you mese aengnttui noyemes. Summer Footwear for Children Buster Brown Patent Leather One-Strap Pump With welt soles. Sizes 8 12 to 11, 4.25 Sizes 11H to 2, 4.75 1 v Patent Leather Two-Strap Sandals With cutout vamp and black suede underlay. A very smart little shoe, : Sizes 3U to 5, 3.25 Sizes 5V8 to 8. 3.50 Sizes 8i2 to 11, 4.QQ White Washable Calf Two-Strap Sandals With cutouts and dainty turned soles. Sizes 4 to 5, 2.50 Sizes 5 12 to 8, 3.00 Sizes 8V2 to 11, 3.75 Sizes 1112 to 8, 4.25 Patent Leather Two-Strap Sandals .With turned soles. Sizes 5 to 8, Sizes to 11, Sizes lli fo 2, 2.75 3.50 4.00 We we lo showing a complete stock of barefoot aandals in patent leather, white elk and with either welt or stitched-down soles, all moderately priced. f :- . ' : ThbdFhor-Eul brown calfskin Wicker Picnic Hampt r t r Si. f S Small Sin, SI M ELDKEDGE-REYNQLDS OU toon of Sfcoiadty Skcpt Craai Seat Pillowi Fr ponh or picnic '27C July Clearance Sale of WOMEN'S DRESSES The first day of July finds the price tags on our beautiful stock bearing prices that have been greatly reduced. Dresses that have been selling at much higher prices will go at give-away prices Saturday. NO APPROVALS NO EXCHANGES NO RETURNS On account of low prices $3.75 Originally Priced at $5.00 $6.75 There are about 40 of these dresses including voiles, ginghams, swiss voile, etc. Dainty styles from which to make your selection. A good as sortment of sizes from 16 to 40. 11.75 Originally Priced at $15.00, $16.75 and $19.75 Seventy-five dresses have been placed in this group, and include higher priced models of organdy, voile, swiss, gingham, and pongee. Every one is a real value at this low price. 15.00 Originally Priced to $39.75 The finest equality of printed crepe de chine is used in these pretty frocks. Dainty light colors, attrac tive styles, and effective trimmings make them so desirable. Just 27 and not all sizes, so be here and try to get your size. ?6.75 Originally Priced at $8.75, $10.00 and $12.50 A variety of styles are found in this group, made of such materials as im ported gingham, organdy, fancy and plain voile, and ratine. There are sizes for everyone and every taste may be satisfied as to color. U9.75 Originally Priced at $25.00, $29.75 and $39.75 The daintiest models imaginable, and as there are but sixty dresses in the group they will be disposed of imme diately at this price. Sizes up to 44, in many colors and materials. $29.75 Originally Priced at $45.00 These handsome French hand-made dresses of voile and Rodier crepe are well known to the women of Omaha. There are but 33 left in our stock, and these will be placed on sale Sat urday at only $29.75. Dreis Shop Second Floor Pretty Little Parasols to Delight the Little Girls We have just received a shipment of dainty little parasols in plain and fancy designs. We have been selling these for $1.50, but Saturday will place 250 on sale at only 89c. The tiny tot will surely be pleased with one, and remember the price is so small and the quality of the parasol is excellent. Main Floor 89c 100 WHITE SILK WASH SKIRTS Made in several attractive styles of splendid quality Duplan's barronette satin and in "Krinkley Silk." Sizes from 25 to 33 waist. AN EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE FOR SATURDAY Skirt Shop Second Floor SATURDAY Choice of Our Entire Stock of Blouses $1.95 to $H.95 frHERE have been no reservations in this sale every I blouse in our entire stock will be included in one of these seven groups. There is every style the tailored cotton ones with touches of handwork; the dainty, cool French voile blouses; tuck-in and overblouses with low hip lines. Georgettes and net blouses in tuxedo, Peter Pan and V neck styles; vest effects and dainty frilled models. Crepe de chine costume blouses in the new hipline models, hand embroidered, beaded and lace trimmed, in all the popular street shades. White and flesh are included in our stock. Priced at $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 $6.95 $9.95 $14.95 Blouse Shop -Main Floor TOILET GOODS and SOAPS 35c Palmolive shaving cream, 29c. 25c all standard brands tal cum, 19c $1.00 L. T. Pivea Powder, 75c. 60c Kotex, box, 45c. 5 bars Electric Spark 4 ban Pearl White 3 ban White Lily 1 19c 4 bar Kirk's Lemon 1 bar Packer's Tar 3 bars Hardwater Castile Toilet Good Shop Main Floor Sale of White Silk Hose at 95c White silk Onyx hose formerly selling at $1.35. With silk extending above the knee and lisle hem tops. Seamed back and shaped ankles. They also have silk soles with lisle heels and toes. These are exceptional values for this quality hose. at $1.15 White silk hose of extra heavy qualitv. Silk extends above the knee, lisle hems, fashioned leg, high spliced heelB, double toes; also silk lisle, full fashioned, with black silk clox and embroidered instsps. at $2.95 White silk hose, pure silk from toe to hem. Double silk soles and high spliced heels and toes make them very durable and especially so as they are of good weight and full fashioned. A real value. Originally $3.75. at $3.45 BATHING SUITS Included in the holiday togs for over the Fourth must be a bathing suit, one to take on that swimming party. And you need not pay a lot for it. Pure worsted suit3 in various colors and styles may be had for most reasonable prices, i varying from $3.95 to $8.75. j &;3,of BaU,in' 39c and 69c Others up to $1.50. Maisi Floor White silk hose with beautiful lace clox or hand-embroidered clox. These arenf heavy quality, full fashioned and will give exceptional wear. They have been specially reduced for this sale. , Children's f White Sox, 'H 59c 2 pairs for $1.00 For the boys or the girls these dainty white sox in three-quarter lengths are just tbe thing. Colored cuffs make them very attractive. Specially priced during this sale. - Hosiery Skom Mai Floor - .