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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
10 THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922. V Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Omaha, June JO. Private crop report anl tronicr cabin cu4 tr4tliMrii it one wlual market (luring the rly irvii, Corn and oatf, however, did riot liow at much atrength. U. U'. Snow, in hit monthly report, nukrt the corn acreage 100,615,000 acrei, with 4 condition ol 86 2 per cent indicating a crop of 2.K.000,x) bushels winter wheat condition, 78 3 prr cent, indicated crop, 574 000,000 buthrl. Spring wheat condition. 816 rr rent, indicated crop, 2')2,000(000 htiiheln; oat condition. 76,6 per cent; indi cated crop, 1,217.000,000 liuhclr. There were good rain in "the northwet Xebraika, Kanna and part of Iowa. Export buniics wa quiet. Receipt at Omaha totaled 100 care of all. kind of grain, at compared with 119 car last year. Shipment aggregated 131 car, as agajnt 103 ear last year. Cah wheat in the local market wa tlow and about unchanged. Corn Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. OmimIih He Itaeril Wlr. (.Imago, June 30. Heavy liquids lion in on in July wheat and corn and oat were sold by cattered l'iis. While price were higher early, the tlote wa easy, with wheat lc lower to Uc hikher. corn li'tjjc lower, oats !jCtfc lower ami rye n r lower. 'I hrre were black rust report from the ntr!hvet. bullish private crop estimate ami buying of July at Min neapolis by elevator interest. Liverpool mrprisej the trade by doting 1 (ft. I '34 higher, with a better cash demand. Buying gave out on the bulge and, with considerable evening up on the part of traders who were ui'ig away on account of the holidays, the close was easy. A liberal trade was on through commission houses by interest that were bringing down outstanding commitments to the market. Export business failed to develop, despite the sold unchanged to 1-4 cent lower. ! Mrcngth abroad, and the bulge Oats were quoted 1-4 to lc lower, Kye and barley, nominally unrhang ei. 1 ne drain F.xchanse wi c o at 11:30 a m.. July J, and all day juiy , nonoay. W II KAY. No. t har4 lnlr: rr. t ., ' winter: I cr (wfovll) Wl "... No. 1 yrtlow har.: I rr. II. 07. I'ciRN lUe M,,: 1 ('PP,r' rllhtV t.u"- hl,,: (ahlpuar' weight) N.i I whit.: 1 rar (Hp No. : rHnw: I rar. -; I cr. ne- i.r' ,nlPPr' welht). 7c; 2 cara, i e. No. J mlnJ: J ran. Mr; . cr, ttc. No. mla.d; I ran, IJUn. OATS N. t whll: 1 rr, Jlsie. ' Nn. 1 whlla: 1 rara. Jl",r; I cr, lie. No. 4 whita: 1 nr iir Hampl whit: 1 car (aperlal MlUnx), Jle: 1 rar. Jc; 1 car (corn ml, tic. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS ((.arlota ) Raralpta . tVheet Corn ! Ry Harlay Hhlpmanla Whrat t'orn Oala narlay rRIMART RECKIPT8 AND SHIPMENTS. (Huantla I WK Tear nacaipta Today Whaat SS4.H00 Corn 1, on. ooo Oata (10,004 Shlpmanta Whaat ...... l.lfil.nnS Corn ....... 8,o(io Oat 459,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. (Buahela.) Today Whaat ani Flour .... 34.000 Corn m.OOO Oata JI6.000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlo!- Today Ao Waak Taar Trtay Aito Ago . J! Is hi . SO 42 J7 . 1 1 24 .2 1 . 1 .. 4 . 1 4 44 . T 3 4 .37 1J . 13 1 Ako Aio 740.O00 919,000 811,000 1,014.000 469,000 611,001) 968,000 S44.000 143.000 479.000 F2S.00O 757,000 Tr. Ago 1,261,000 Week 13 321 4 Wheal 37 Corn 311 Oat XANSA8 CITY RECEIPTS. Week Carlota Today Airo Whaat 120 170 Corn M 4 Oat It 4 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Carlota Today Ago Wheat S3 Corn 74 Oata 36 . NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlota Today Ago Ago Week 62 28 41 Ago Year 175 30 7 Tear Ago 161 28 21 Ago Year SO 41 13 Mlnneapolt 19 Ouluth 14 Winnipeg 327 Week Tear 1S1 ' 24 12 S2 20 Holiday CHICAGO CLOS1NO PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. Juno 20. Art Open. I High. Low. Cloae. Yea. Wht. Ill July 1.15H 1.15 1.14-4 1.14 114 , 1.14 1.1414 1.14H " Sep. 1 1.1 1.1714 Mitt Ml 116 1.1614 11 116 Dec. 1.11 K 1.19 1.18, 1.12 1.18 1.11 1.181 Ry July .86 .86 .85Vi .8S .86 Sep. .87 .87 .8614 .8614 .86 Dec. .89 .90 .89 .89 .89 Corn July .(2 .62 .62 .62 .82 .82 .62 .62 Vj Sep. .66 .66 .85 .66 .66 .66 .65 Dae. .6 .66 .65 .65 .66 .66 .66 .66 Oat. July .3 .88 .35 .35 .36 .34 .3514 Sep. .39 .39 .38 .33 .39 .39 .38 .39 Deo. .42 .42 .41 .41 .42 Lard July 11.32 11.3 11.27 11.27 11.35 Sep. 11.62 11.62 11.65 11.65 11.62 Blba July 13.05 12.10 11.95 11.95 12.05 Sep. 11.70 11.75 11.70 11.70 11.67 Kanaaa city Grain. Kanaaa City, Mo.. June 30. Wheat-r-Cash: No. 2 hard, 1. 12 1.41 ; No. 2 red, 31.1391.16. Corn No. 1 white, 68c; No. 2 yellow, 62c. Hay Prnrl. 80 higher; No. 1 prarle, S13.00O14.00. Kanaaa City, Juna 30 Wheat: July, 21.07; September. 21.07; December, 11.11. Corn: July, 66c; September, 59c; Daoember, 61 c. Mlnnmpoll Grain. Minneapolis, June 30. Wheat Cash; No. 1 northern, 21.44 1.48 ; July, 11.36; September. 2125; Decembel 21.34. 1 Corn, No. 1 yellow, 65 51c. Oata, No. 3 white, 23034c. Barley. 47027c. Rye. No. 2, 83fR5c. Flax, No. 1, -22.66C2.69. St. iooh Grain. St. Louie, un 30. Cloae Wheat: .Iillv, 31.12; September, fl.14. Corn: July, 61c; September. 65c. Oata: July, 66c; September, 38c. brought out liberal sales to arrive from the country, with purchases of 4J5.00O bushels, ('ash demand was fair, with sales of 75,000 bushels here to the seaboard. An average reduc tion of 42.000,000 bushels in the es timated winter wheat crop was some what larger than expected, but had only a moderate effect. Ixtng ljqulitata. Lnnga In July crn and oata liquidated freely, whilo elevator Intereata were pr aletrnt buyer of July and aellera of Sep tember. There al.o waa a great deal of kuvinir ami aelllnc on the varloua dellv- erlea to bring open trader down to the market. The buying of July corn waa per alaient. but at the laat It went to almoat 4o under tho September, the wldeai apread on th" crop, RHlna fell over parta of ini tial. Iowa and Nebraska and aerved to temper bvllh entbuejiam. Private crop report, were conatrued aa rather bulllah on both a-ralia. but had no oermanont effect on valuea. Recelpta, 2C9 corn and 102 cara oatf. Liverpool corn cloaed 3d higher on con tinued wet weather In Argentina. Considerable selling of July and buying of September rya at lc difference waa un der way and the reverse today and eonetl tuted the bulk of the trading. Tho north weat waa a fair aeller and the close was about the bottom. Tit Note. Heavy reductions In the estimated yield of winter wheat and oats was auggeated by the Goodman Snow reports, given to the trade today. Average losa of winter wneai our ing tho month of June waa 42.000,000 buahela, and oata. 95.000.000 bushels. Spring wheat Increased 14,000,000 bushels. Corn acreaira decreased around 1 per cent or about 1.000.000 acres, mainly In the cotton belt atatea. Condition of corn waa given aa 85.2 to 86.2 compared with 86.2 last year. Oat condition. 74. to 7. 6. agaalnet S5.6 In June, whll winter wheat condition la 75.8 to 7S.3 against 81 a month ago. Spring wheat condi tion 86 to 87.6. compared with 90.7 In June. Goodman estimated farmers re serves at 27.000,000 bushels wheat against 53.000,000 last year. Indications are for a wheat crop of 26,000,000 bushels In Oklahoma, according to reports to tho Modern Miller. Ne braska orospect has been lowered by re cent hot weather. Kansa will hava a largo crop. Deltverle In June contracts i v-n ii'h.t 1 764 00 bushels: corn. 236,- 000 buahels; oats, 208.000 bushels, and rye, 81.000 bushels. Shipping sales for tha . . u a. rtTnnii.ii bv tha Raymond a news bureau were: Wheat, 6,027,000 bush els; corn, 4,632.000 buahela; oata, 4,670, 000 bushels; rye. 85.000 bushels. Export business In wheat at tha sea board today was between 300.000 bushels and 400,000 bushels. Chicago sold 125,. 000 buahela wheat, mostly for export. Win nipeg reported a better milling demand. Houses with Omaha connections were, good sellers of oats. Their crop reports .... l -.Int. urhd.t h.ln aro generally mvuu, - . - - : v estimated at 50.000.000 bushels or 8.000.000 bushels under that of three weeks ago, due to hot weatner. Live Stock Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Iheep. Offirlal Monday..... i 314 11.141 .! Official Tueadar .... 4T ll.til t ie Official Wednraday,, T.l" 11,311 .4 i'ffU'1.1 Thursday.... it ll.HI .11 Katiniata Friday 3.1 .' 3 fiva da Ikia week. .31.41 tl.712 21.) Saina days laat week 34.311 i.AI4 23 t aama day 3 we a o II 1T7 4!.9 14.44) Ham day w a'..l3.3 t.7T 34.45 in day er (o. .1111 41. HI 41, lit Receipt and dlapnallion of Hvaatock at the I'nmn storkards, Omsha, Neb, for H hours, ea.ling at p, ni. June 10, 111 IltCLlPTS CARLOTS Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'r'i, . m nt, r, ry.. 14 Mo. I'arlfle Hy 14 t'nion Paclfle R. R . 4 31 t r. N. W. Hy., . 3 C. N. W. Ry.. west I'., Ht. P.. M A O , . 3 i. ft u. ny, east, a 31 41 It 2 U C H. Q. Ry., weal, t :. R. I. A P., east.. 4 '.. R. I. P. weal.. rilinoi Central Ry. ... .. 0. W. Ry 4 Total recelpta , .. 81 12) 14 DISPOSITION II EA t. Cattle, nogs. mep, sea Armour A Co Cudahy Parking Co. .. Dold Parkin Co Morris Packing Co. ... Swift Co .t W. Murphy Mwert at Co Lincoln Packing Co, . Wllsnn Psrklng Co. ... Armour. Hlous Pslla . Mldwral Packing Co, . Omaha Parking Co. . John Koth Son J. II. Hull Swift, for Kan. City... John Harvey T. J. Inghram P. P. Lewie Mn.-Kan. C. A C. Co.. bulHvan Hroa Other buyers 21 113 67 I 65 33 31 .... 6 11 ( 7 7 3 3 3 131 3, ) 3.49) 713 1,430 1.294 1.034 154 137 LOT 1.01 Total 2,103 ,70 1.314 4T7 n.r.lrt. 1 100 head. Steer value reached tho hlgn point 01 me w-m i..u., un a steudy to mostly 10ft 10c higher mar ket. Tho heavier steers are fully 102Se higher than a week ago, whll yearling which old 35c higher In some cases today show gains of 60c or mor for th week. Mi tock wa steady today at th week' advance of 26fytOc. Shirkers and feeder are steady for th day and week. quotation on cattle: Cholc to prim beevea 3 lifj'9.75; good to cholc beeves. 28. 76419. 10; fair to gooa peeves, in'1 8.76; common to fair beeves, 38. 16. 40 rhnli-e to nrima yearlings, 38641 . 45 good to choice yesrllng.. .2608.6O; fair to good yearlings. 7.508.36; common to fair yearlings. 37.0007.60; choice to prim heifers,; gooa 10 cnoice nencr.. 37. 00417. 76; fair to gooa neuers. ib.bww 7 no. choir to orlme cows. 86.C0tf 7.26; good to choice cows, I5.504J4.60; comhon to good cows, 32.0005.25; good to cholc feeders, 37.:5tj7.7fr; rair to gooa leeuer., til nidi !6: rommon to fair feeders. 3).0Q 6.60; good to cholc lackers, 17.26 7.85; fair to good atockers. 36.60O7.25; common to fair stockrs. 3S.604J6.60: tock heifers. 34.0005,75; stock cows. sj.oW 4.50; stock calves, 36.50e7.50: veal calvea, 35.0009.00; atock bulls, 11.5006.00; bulla, stags, etc., 23.5007.00. HREF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. Av. ..1008 18 25 12...... 740 ..1204 7 40 25 121 Omaha Produce -1.1...4 k ih. .tat. of Nebraska, de partment of agriculture, bureau of mar kat and marketing: LIVE POULTRY. Wholesale Wholesal Buying Selling Prloe: Price: Broiler 0.3230.26 0.360.40 t..hnm broilers. .28 .30 .30ig .33 iihi .lfien .18 Hens', heavy 18 .1 -fig Cook. 090 .10 .12 .23 .25 .16 Broiler Hens . . Cocl: . , DRESSED POULTRY. .42 .24 .15 .45 .25 .10 No. 1.. No. 2.. Cracks .24 .21 .16 .36 .34 .24 .26 Minneapolis Floor. Minneapolis. Juno 30. Flour Un changed to 10c higher; family patents quoted at 37.7607.85. , Bran 114.60017.00. Don' Trade Review. New Tork, Jon 30. Dun's tomorrow will say: Th half year Just 'ended brought a distinct advanc In buainese, with most of the gain In confidence and actual transaction achieved during the second nuarter. Unsettled labor conditions in some Industrie hav long been a detri ment, curtailing operations and enhac ng costs of production and the threatened railroad strike increased uncertainty this week. Despite various drawbacks, how- EOOA 20 .21 16 .17 .14 BUTTER. Creamery, prints :resmery, tuD i":: Country, common .a But. fat, sta. pr. .sijj Prairie No. 1 upland, 113 00014 .00; 1 No upland. 310.0012.00; No 3 up.and 7 00 noirasno: No. 1 lowland, J8.0010.00, No. 2 lowland, J".008.00. Alfalfa No, l, tii.inwi"-". if 00013.00; No. 1, 110.00011.00; No. 3. S 009.00. t7 nnifli Straw Oat, 5.uuu, v...., ''Wholesale prices of beef cuts are a iin-.. Vrt. 1 ribs. 3ic: io. i" ..1208 . .1005 ..1244 ..1542 S 75 8 90 10 35 42... 30... 32... 37... ..1364 .. 331 ..1320 . .143 Pr. 18 35 S 60 S 80 80 26 60 S 14.... 1 8.... 4. ... 4 10.... 1.... 1 1..,. 1.... 2.-... 2.... . . 88 .. 892 ..1083 .. 973 ..1235 .. 175 ..1100 ..1800 ..1540 .. 620 , . 233 .. 140 ...1183 ...1150 15 8 60 5 76 6 40 6 25 (71 S 00 ...1609 ...2100 ...1)70 11 STEERS AND HEIFERS, 88 7 6 12 621 S 26 27 217 S 65 11 1 95 COWS. 5 25 3. 6 00 6. 7 00 HEIFERS. 7 26 6. BULLS. 2 76 1. 4 35 1. 4 75 1. 7 000 CALVES. 7 00 2. I 26 3 183 Hogs Receipt. ,000 head. Som un evennes wa noted In today' trad, but with bulk of hoga moving at steady price som occasional sales being reported at easier prices. Shipper wer practically out of th market only limited number moving on outsld orders. Light hogs sold mostly at 310.20010.30 with a top price of 210.35. Good quality medium weiglK butcher. 9.9010.15. and strong weight butchers at 19.509.66. with light mixed loads at 39.60010.0. Bulk of good hog sold at 39.60010.36. Bulk ot packing grades and heavy mixed war at 28.600 9.35. HOGS. Pr. No. Av. Sh. 4 10 4 60 6 10 S 00 S 75 No. Av. 67. .330 61. .320 56. .321 63. .307 61. .27 61.. 267 63. .267 50. .264 64. .260 89. .207 44. .181 Sh. 140 140 70 180 140 70 80 38 76 9 1ft 9 20 9 36 9 60 9 65 80 9 90 10 10 10 20 10 35 60. .290 69.. 306 79. .302 67. .271 76. .260 60.. 290 120. .229 76. .234 79. .252 75.. 33 80. .19 140 140 40 Pr. 19 00 16 25 9 40 60 70 86 10 00 10 15 10 S3 10 25 11 Lf rin. No. 3 ribs, loc io. i X "W- i 2 loins, 26c; No. 8 loins 20c; No. 1 rounds. 19c; No. 2 rounds, 19c. No. 3 rounds, 15c; No. 1 chucks, 12c; No. 2 .... Ma T .ntlPKH. AC . U. ill:. No. 2 plates, 6c; No. I chucks. plates, 6c plates. 4c. HirEg WQOU Beef hides: Green salted No. 1. per lb.. 67c; green salted No. S. per In., 6c. green hides No. 1. per lb..405c; green hides No 2, per lb., 34c; green salted old stock, per lb., 2 3c; green salted bull hide No. 1, per lb., 4c; green lalted bull hide N 2, per lb.. Sc. .-, Hone hides: Large, each, 23.00; medium, each, 32.60; mall. each. 22.00; pony and glues. ach. 11.0001.26. Sheep pelt: Green salted, a to lx and wool, each. 76cJl.OO. Wool: Cholc fine and -blood. per lb., 27032c; medium and -blood, per lb.. 2 030c; low and -blood. per lb.. 18 0 22c; turry wool, per lb.. 12017c, FRUITS. Bananas: Per lb.. 7c. Oranges: Size 216 and larger. 9.009.50; sue 250, 88.00 8.25; size 2S8. J7.00t7.60; size 324, 3 00 0.60. Lemons: Box, according to size, 37.60Qi9.0O. Grapefruit: Crates, according to size, 26.0007.00. Peaches: Georgia, 6 baskct crates, 33.5004 00. Apricots: 4 basket crates. 22.75 0 5.60. Plums: 4-bas-kct crates, 22.75. cnerrles: Home grown, qt. boxes, per case, 3.25. Gooseberries: Horn grown, 24-qt. boxes, 32.76. Logan berries: 24-qt. boxes. 35.76. Strawberries: Crates. 24-qt. boxes. 33.7504.00. Apples: Wlnesap. according to size and grade, 33.2503.76; Newton pippins, according to size and grade, 33.60. Figs: 24 pkgs., 8 oz.. 32.25. VEGETABLES. Potatoes: No. 1 per lb., new. 4c; old stock. Idaho whites. No. 1, per cwt.. ever, recovery from depression has been substantial. If highly Irregular, and many,,,..; 0id- ock. Red River 'Ohio. o. l! interests win o more aciive inn um- - , ejon- old stock netted aem. mer than wa. anticipated. Interruptions JJf r V" -f , lof sVe't po " from Inventorlea and vacations will bo I ti so2 00 Head lettuce- Crates V22& VoUh.a'dobU.t 'th'; year'To'd" WisV;'6 dfxVn ' 311 5 Leaflet": mora worn to r aon tnia year ana -c ttw ni.nt- nnn ti .a .hut-down, will be le general and ex- Vrroo.onCrf.'tawVxV r '"A. new and rather unexpected phase ' ;O0 50; yellow. crate, 3 2 25: . a.A h k. mA fraonotit i nome grown, dozen, 35c- Cucumbera: not port, of labor .earclty In cert.ln llne he. ni ll l0.V.2ii. futh'rn.w port of labor scarcity In certain lines, the steel Industry among them and com petitive bidding for worker I heard of in Isolated Instances." Weekly bank clearing. 31,664,181,000. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga.. June 30. Turpentine Tlrra, 11.13 14: ale. 200 brl.: receipts, 03 bbls.; shipments, 292 bbls. ; stock. ,1T bbls. Rosin Firm; sale. 7i caska: receipts, 1.944 caaka: ahlpment. 9,60 casks; atock. ,Qu't"1B.- 24.4S; D, $41; K. I; rOHI. 35 60: K. 6.!6; M. 35.60; N, 35.76; WO, 6.3S; WW, I.. KanaM Ctty Produce. Kansas City. Mo.. Jun 20. Egg Pn khanged. 21c. Butter Unchanged ! creamery, 40c; hacking. 21c. Hen. 17c to Itc; broiler, anchanged, le to 38c Xew Terk Prod ore. New Tork. Jun 3. Butter Market Wrely ateady; gg. Irregular: free, gathered, extra firsts. 27 0 29c; fresh gath ered firsts. 24H 016c. Oiae Markrt firm; receipt. 7,101. basket. 4-S dozen. 32.2502.60. Cabbage: New. per lb.. 4 05c. Tomatoee: Crates. 4 baskets, 0cC 31.00. Radishes: Dozen, 15020c. Spinach: Home grown, dosen, 50c. Green peppers: Per lb., 20c. Green and wax beans: Market basket. 31.000 1.25. Parsley: Dozen bunches, market basket, 40 045c. Watermelons: Per lb., 303H;. Cantaloupes: Crate, 33.6004.00. Asparagus: Dozen. 75c01.OO. New pea: Basket, about S lb.. 31.00. PLANTS. Tomato: Far sot, 31.. .Pansy Plant: Par do., 10c; per hex. 23.75. New Tork Money. New Tork. Jan 20. Money Call, stronger: high. 6H per cent; low. 44 per cent; ruling rate, 44 per cent; closing bid. 6V per cent; offered at 5 per cent; laat loan. H per cent; call loans, again acceptance. 4 per cent; time loans, steady: 4 days. 4 per cent: days, 4 per cent; six months. 414 per cent; prim mercantile paper, 4041. per cent. New Terk Poultry. New Tork. June 3. Poultry Lire. Ir regular; broilers, by express, 2fjL43c; dressed, weak; fowls, 18fle. Sheep and Lambs Rer.tnt. rao h.. Trading waa falrlv .olive Voit.v h price ruling generally steady on all classes. Both native and western lamb sold up to 112.76; top price for the day and clip lambs at 111.00011.60, and fed yearlings at 110.75. Sheep were generally steady with 36.00 paid for good quality ewes. Th better quality of feeders moved fully steady at 311.25, while tho thinner and poorer grades were un.vnniu Ia selling down to 38.25. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Fat lambs, westerns. trnoAii9 ?k e. i.Mk. natives, 211.00012.75; feeder lambs, 39.000 "n". cuii lamDs, is.uocgiio.oo; fat year lings, 39. 00011.25: fat weth.r. IK una, 8.50; fat ewes, light, 25.0006.00; fat ewes heavy, 33.6005.00. Chicago Livestock. Chicago. June 30. Cattle Recelnts. 3.50 head, active: beef steers mostlv strong; spots on better grades, 10c higher; top matured steers, 39.90; beat mixed yearlings, 9.36; bulk beef steers, 38.250 9.50; canners, weak to 10c lower; other classes generally steady; bulk fat she stock, 35.0007.35; tulk veal calves to packers, 38.0008.80; bulk bologna bulls, 34.6004.65. Hogs Receipts, 39,000 head; opened steady to 10c lower; closed quietly 10s lower on good light and butchers; others 15 to 20c lower; top, 311.00; practical top, 310.95; bulk good butchers, 310.40010.90; packing sows mostly 39.0001.35; pigs, steady, mostly 310.00010.25; holdovor liberal; shippers took 3.000. Sheep Receipts, 11,000 head; strong to 25c higher; top native lambs, 312.25 to city butchers; $13.16 to packers; bulk. $13.00; culls, mostly $7.007.60; top fat native ewes, $7.10; bulk, $5.0008.50. Kansas City live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., June 30. (U. S. Bu reau of Market.) Cattle Receipts. 1,200 head: beef steers, lOe to 15c higher; top heavies, 33.60; calves, steady to strong; choice vealers, $8.60; fairly good 200 to 260-pound calves, $6.3001.60; other classes, steady; few good cows, $6.76; plain kind. $4.0006.00; canners and cut ters mostly $2.6003.50: few loads com mon stockers. $5.0005.40. Hcgs Receipts. 4,000 head; mostly steady; bulk, good and choice. 160 to 240-pound weights, $10.50010.60; 240 to 275-pound. $10.2010.16; few closing sales. 5e to lOo lower; bulk of ssles, $10.40 to $10.60; top, $10.60; throwout sows, $8.60 to $8.75; stock pigs, steady. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.500 head; sheep unevenly steady to 60c higher; few wethers, $7.00; odd lots, light ewes, $6.00 06.60; others, $4.0006.26; lambs, ateady to strong; top natives, $12.70; clipped new crop lambs, $11.26. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Jun 30. Cattle Re celpta, 760 head; markets, spot 10c high er: top beef (teers. 39.60; top yearlings. 38.75; bulk beet cattle. $8.2509.60: beef cows, mostly $5.5006.00; a few choice, $ 50; part load 1.069-lb. sprayed heifers, $7.60; calvS mostly steady: top, $7.60. Hogs Recelpta, 8.000 head: market steady; bulk 170 to 230-lb. weights. $10.6 10.60; packing sows stesdy; bulk of sale. $8.5009 00; average coat yesterday, $10.1 for 229-pounders. Rheep Receipts. 600 head; market, kill ing classes fslrly steady; fat natlv lambs, $19.76; a few. good yearlings. $9.00; wethers. $6 0; ewe. $5.60; on deck me dium clipped yearlings. $7.60. Financial BY ALEXANDER DANA NOYES tlRsak Itew !. War. New York, June JO, General re eovery in the stock market, but with amount of luinets done reduced barely to one-half the recent average, a distinctly stronger tendency to bond markrt price, and rise in e change rate on every important point except Berlin, marked oine. what more definite tendencies tody than have recently prevailed. 1'erhap the most interciting tin gle movement of the day wa the rise of sterling exchange to a rate nearly 5 cents above last .Monday' low level of reaction, the fall in the German mark to new "low record price" of .00261-2 of a cent and a further advance of the fourth Lib. crty 4 1-4 per cent to $100.JO, con siderably the highest price yet reached hy this typical war loan. roars In IHinbt. Sterling's recovery ha this lime fo lowed so closely th action of thai mar ket after each of th recent reactions from a high "ntjeellve polni." that In. tereat I likely to b srlied In th que lion wnetner in often premrien continu ou decline on approach of autumn ma not fall to materialise. It I probably too early aa yet lo ssy. Th movement of the mark I not st all mysterious, foreign Indemnities, balanr or trad and cur renry inflation have alike explained It advance. Tha bidding for the long term liberty bonda I a consequence, not so much of purchases for "year Investments" aa of replacement of capital by th retirement of short term victory note. Today' activities on th (lock change wer of narrow arope and dl trlbutlon. Mostly they sermrd to IndlcaK merely repurchases by recent professions sellers. Ths recovery wss hardly a matter of current news for, aitnougn in rail way shares were strong, the Industrials led th market. Mexican Petroleum closed lower: at one tiro It touched a prlc 30 H points below Monday highest. New York Bonds New York Stocks Rani of srlces of th leading stocks furnished hy Logan A Dryan. 24 Paler Trust building: RAILROADS. Thursday High. Low. Close, close A., T. 4 8. F. ...100 1"" Haiti. & Ohio .... 4944 48W 49. 48 Canad. Paclflo ...138 1374 1JH 13 N. T. Central .... 94 43 944, 94 Cheaa. Ohio ...66V, 66 66 65 Ot. Northern .... 77 76 77 0 Illinol Central ...104 104 104 12 K. C. Southern .. 24 it z Lohlgh Valley 63 Missouri Paclflo .. 21 20 21 20 N. V. & N. H 20 29 29 2! North. Pacific '.. 74 74 74 75 Chicago 4 N. W. . 74 74 74 74 Penn. R. R 43 i ei Reading 74 74 74 73 C. R. I. & P 43 42 43 42 South. Pacific ... 89 89 88 18 South. Railway .. 23 22 23 23 C. M. St. P. 26 26 26 25 Union Paclflo 140 139 139 139 STEELS, Am Car Foundry 160 160 160 159 Alll-Chalmers ... 46 48 48 48 Am. Locomotive ..112 111 112 110 Raid. Locomotive 114 113 114 111 Beth. Steel 76 76 7 75 Cruclbl 73 73 73 72 Am. Steel Fdy. .. 36 36 3 34 73 33 74 Lark. Steel Mldvale Steel ... Pressed Steel Car Rep. Steel & Iron 71 U. S. steel Vanadium COPPERS. 51 60 68 35 20 2 72 32 76 70 . 99 98 99 45 44 45 71 33 76 71 Anaconda Am. S. & Ref. Co, Cerro De Pasco . Chill Chlno Green Cananea .. Inspiration 40 Kennecott ....... 33 Miami 28 Nev. Consol 16 Ray Consol....... 16 Soneca 1.1 Utah 62 OILS. General Asphalt Cosden .'. Cal. Peterol Island OU Invincible Oil. 68 34 J 61 68 36 20 28 29 39 33 27 16 16 13 62 40 33 28 16 16 13 62 72 32 69 97 43 60 68 34 20 2S 29 3 33 29 16 16 13 62 5 4 9 14 65 46 1H 1 15 65 44 60 1 15 66 46 61 1 15 Mexican Peterol. . .179 174 176 178 Middle States 13 13 13 13 Pacific OH 66 Pan-American .... 78 Phillips 60 Pierce Oil 8 Pure Oil 30 Royal Dutch ..... 69 nclalr Oil 3Z Std. O . N. J 181 Texas Co 47 48 Union Oil 21 20 White Oil 8 8 MOTORS. Chandler 70 69 Gen Motors 14 13 Wlllys-Overlsnd .. 8 8 Pierce Arrow .... 19 18 64 76 48 7 29 68 .11 65 77 49 7 30 59 31 179 181 46 20 79 14 8 18 64 78 47 7 30 68 31 180 46 20 7 68 13 8 18 Chicago Produce. Chicago. June 8. Butter Lower. Creamery extras, I5e; first, 83034: econds, 30 0 21c; standards, 28c Ex xs Lower. Receipts 20.(0 cases. Firsts. 210 22c; ordinary firsts, 20 2e; mlacellaneeua, 16 011c: stores packed extras. 22 0 23c; storage packed first. 22 0 22c. Peultry Alive, lower; fowls, 2le; broil era, 2 036c; rootcr. 14 He Xew Terk Dry Good. New Tork. Jun 3. Cotton good wer quiet today, buyers preparing for the holiday aad awaiting th government cotton report on Monday. Tarn were teady with trad quiet. Wool markets were slightly lower. Burlap stiffened a little at the end ol th day. Silks shewed Improvement. 15 15 15 15 39 39 39 39 48 47 47 46 15 15 16 16 15 14 15 14 63 62 63 62 67 56 47 73 79 76 47 19 Studebaker 129 127 128 126 RUBI Flak Goodrich .... Kelley Spring , Keystone Tire AJax ..' U S Rubber .. INDUSTRIALS. Am Beet Sug .... 46 45 45 .. At O 1 IV I 38 37 37 37 Am Int Corp .... 43 41 42 40 Am Sumatra 40 40 40 39 Am Telephon 120 120 120 120 Am Can 46 45 46 46 Central Leather .. 38 38 38 37 Cuba Cane 16 16 16 16 Cub-Am Sugar ... 23 23 23 23 Corn Prod 104 103 104 104 Famous Players .. 81 80 81 80 Gen. Electric H 166 160 166 Gt. Northern Ore.. 39 3 3 i js Int. Harvester Am. H. & L., pfd.. 67 67 U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 66 64 Int. Paper 47 45 Int. M. M., pfd 7.1 73 Am. Sugar Ref 79 78 Sears-Roebuck 75 75 Stromsberg 47 47 Tobacco Products. . 80 79 Worthlngton Pump 48 48 48 Wilson Co 41 40 41 Westlnghous Elec. 58 58 Am. Woolen 88 88 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil... 26 26 26 Am. Agri. Chemical 39 38 39 Am. Linseed 33 33 33 Union Bag, pfd Bosch Magneto ... 39 39 39 Brook. Rapid Tran. 29 27 28 Cont. Can 66 66 66 Call. Packing Colum. Q. & E. 86 86 86 Columbia Graph. 4 4 4 United Drug 74 National Enamel 50 49 60 49 United Fruit ...141 139 139 140 ' National Lead .. 93 93 93 94 Phila. Co 37 36 87 37 fuuman us us us ii Punta Al. 8ugar Retail Storea .... 66 65 65 Superior Steel .. 32 32 32 St. L. & 8. F. .. 27 37 27 Vlr. Car Chem. .. 20 30 30 Total ale 612,000. Thursday Close. close. 6 .4 0026 .0027 , 0836 .0833 4.40 4.38 99 67 53 45 72 78 46" 80 48 68 69 88 87 33 41 26 65 77 86 47 6 '26 30 Money . Marks . Frsnc Sterling St. Louis Livestock. East St. Louie, 111., June 30. Cattle Receipts, 1.200 head; no native steers; Tennessee and Oklahoma grassers, 25c higher; bulk steers, 85.7606.00; light year, lings and heifers, 15025c higher; bulk, 87.6008,25: beef cows, steady to strong; bulk, 34.0006.25; other classes, steady; bulk, bulls, 34.0004.60; canners, 32.250 2.60; good and choice stockers and feeder steers, quotable at 36.0007.00; light veal calves, steady; bulk, including top, 38.25 09.00. Hoga Receipts, 10.000 head; opened active. 6010c higher on lights; closed dull, 6010c lower; top, early. 310 90; bulk, 160 to 250-lb, averages, 310 5010.86; pigs, slow; bulk, 19.60010.25; packer sows, mostly 18.8509.00. Sheep Receipt. 1.60 head; market, steady; top natlv lamb. 112.90; bulk, 112.6012.76; culls. 16.6005.75; light fat ewes. 25.5004.00; heavies, 13.60 0 2.00; good and choice yearling to 4-year-old breeding wea. 38 6O07.46. New Tork (joneral. New Tork, Jun 20. Wheat Spot, barely steady; No. J red. 1.1; No. 3 hard. 21.3; No. 1 Manitoba. 31.3; No. 2 mixed durum, 31.33 c L t track. New Tork, to arrive. Corn Spot, easv; No. 2 yellow and No. t white. 44 54; No. t mixed. 0c c. U L New Terk. all rail. Oats Spot, easy; No. 2 whit. 470 47 e. Lard- Easy: middle west. fll.IO011.tO. Other article unchanged. (Tlx Bf la tti only Omaha newspaper which publishes the of ficial cIom of the New Yoik Stock tschanga bondaj New Trk. Jun I In ke.l'lrs with, lb. very dull (k matket. Hading in hi n4a luday waa roriipratiely .mall, but the undertone was ne f firiiinn. - r.i enally veiging upon ai'wilule iiengih. Liberty laaue furnlehad the gr.a'.r pari nr in iiu.inn. wiin a nsw tup fur in fount) 4a at lino J and n't gain fur most of Ih group. Amuitg foreign Man. Ih lut'h mile l..ue if 141 sml 143 made ina t-rnl sains S'renrh govsrnm-nt s aim war better and In sill Is snd i sua featured in .iiher strong Internationale, whll I anl.h and Cub Can 1 eai Riod.rai.iy. Advance nf Urge fracliona I full point were r-gieird by various Itaue of in leading railway tairme, inriuding (treat .nrlher 4 and 6. N w Yt Central debenture a a. Atchiann . Kuuih. err Pacific collateral 4. St Paul general 4. and Chesapeake A t'hiu runen- hi t Th few heavy laaue embraced sev eral of the Kne.. Ilallimoi iihlo . Ht. l.uula and Kan Kranriaco mmm-a and rVanoard ta Total (ale (par value I a greaaied 111.071, 000. H.lra (in 31.000). Huh Low floe It Argentine 7a ,10 99 l Chlne.e Hy 51 5 4 liem-n a ms ins l"s ( Hern Is 10 10 1" t Hordeaux ) 10 Copenhagen .. II II t l.yona 6a 4 1 4 21 Marseille ! II 12 Hio I'M 101 lot 1 Han Paulo Is 103 Id 102 2 Tokln 6 l 49 I y.urirn as in in in 30 I 'nt Hem 7 91 90 II 1 Horn Can ta 29..100 loo ion i Horn Can 6a 31.. 7 17 zi HK'h K ind 47.. I a II HlM.H 1st I ' I Me 4. l l 4 He.t HolM l.i . 4 Heat Pee II I W I' ! !" i Is I tl If Ml. . ken I at ls Il 13 13 HlMI IV .. . l l ! ( aeh Kleiak as rlf 43 rm Can ta II i, Kmu il f lta . MS 4 Hianair Crude a ll Tula I mIi-s ef b'inil ludsy war I(I.. Ma iiimp.rrd wuH III povloua day and III J1 year . !: I'tth R Ind 12 41 French I ... 48 French 1 .. 16 Japan let 4 1 Japan 4s 13 Belgium 7s . 2 Belgium (s ... 27 Denmark s . 16 Itsly Cs 104 Netherlands . 7 Norway Ha 7 Sweden (a 6 Parla-Ly-Med a 22 Chile 8a 4 4 Uruguay 8a 1 Queensland 7 12 Queenaland ta . II Hlo fiul ta 60 Swls 47 U II A 91 U B di 5 IS 101 ion 1 77 6 I. ..103 101 ..100 100 .. 12 91 .. 77 77 ..107 104 107 ..101 101 101 ..96 II in .. 97 94 94 110 110 110 ..101 101 101 .. 79 79 71 ..IDS 103 111 ..104 104 104 ..108 101 1118 ..101 100 100 ..100 100 100 ..119 118 II I 6s 32. .108 107 in I 6 2. .101 107 10) HI B I 6 37. .104 103 104 k Brazil 8a 104 103 04 2f Mexican 6a 60 60 60 it Mexican 4 41 48 49 Vnlted States Bond. (70 Liberty 3 .. 1 Liberty 1st 4s.. ... Liberty 2nd 4s. 16) Liberty 1st 4s 477 Liberty 2nd 4s 387 Liberty 3rd Us 1601 Liberty 4th 4s ?t victory 4s.... Railway and 13 Adam Ex 4s .100 10 100.0 100.08 .100 04 100.04 100.04 . . 99 9 99.90 99.90 .100.24 100.14 100.12 .100.08 100 00- 100.06 .100.10 100.04 100.08 .100.30 100.20 100.30 .100.50 100.48 100.48 Miscellaneous. 79 79 79 10 Am Ag Chm 7a ..103 103 103 13 Am Smelt 6 .... 9; 91 91 35 Am Sug 6 101 101 191 A T ae T cv 6s. .114 114 114 97 85 89 " 91 K4 30 A T & T col tr 6s 1 Am Writ Pa 7s 3 Armour 4s .. 30 Atchison gen 4 1 Atchison adj 4s., 6 At Ref 6s .. 61 B & U Is 11 B & O cv 4s .. 26 Bell Tel Penn 7 108 2 Beth ref 6 94 2 Beth p m 5s 90 11 Braden Cop 6s 98 11 Bkln Ed gen 7s D.. 98 97 85 99 He 84 97 85 89 91 84 103 103 lo:i .100 100 100 82 81 82 107 107 93 93 90 90 98 96 98 98 3 B R T 7s ctf St. 106 10C 106 25 Cal G A E 5s 79 Can Nor (s ....111 14 Can Pac d 4a .... 78 1 Cent Ga 6s 99 99 6 Cent Leather 6s .. 97 97 1 Cent Pac gtd 4s 88 88 34 Cerro Pasco 8s ....117 117 112 C & Q cv 6s .... 93 92 3 C ft O cv 4s .... 88 88 14 C B & Q ref 6s A. .100 100 19 C A K I 6s .... 79 79 1 C a W 4 60 60 13 C M St P cv 4s.. 68 68 17 C M St U ref 4s. 62 61 2 C N W 7s 107 107 1 C & N W 110 lift 10 Chi Rya 5s 81 80 13 C R I & P ref 4s.. 81 81 46 C & W I 4s 73 15 Chile Cop 6s 90 2 Colo Ind 6s 78 10 C & S ref 4s .... 87 6 Col G & E 6s 96 7 Con Coal Mrylnd 6s 88 o con Gas 7s 114 111 114 2 Cub Cn Sug d 8s. 87 87 87 1 Cub Cn Sug d 7s. 8S 86 86 3 Cuba R R 7s A. .101 103 103 8 Cub Am Sug 8s.. 105 105 105 26 D & H cv 5s 96 98 95 15 D & R G imp 6s.. 80 80 80 14 Det Ed ref s 102 102 102 22 Det Unl Rys 4s.. 82 81 82 3 Dis Sec 7s 44 44 44 28 Dpnt Neb 7s ....107 107 107 Duqucsne Lt 6s ..102 102 102 ) Erie gen 4s 64 63 54 1 Flsk Rub 8s 105 106 105 1 Fla B Coast 4s. 90 90 90 3 Framer I D 7s .. 97 97 97 1 Gen Elec d 5s 99 99 99 17 Goodyear 8s 31. ...101 101 101 41 78 79 111 111 77 78 99 97 88 117 93 88 100 79 60 68 62 107 110 81 81 72 73 90 90 77 78 87 87 95 96 87 10 Goodyear 8s 2 Ond Tnk 7s 15 Gnd Tnk 6s 39 Ot Nor 7a A 37 Gt Nor 6s 6 Hud & M ref 5a A.. 84 7 Hud & M ad inc 5s 61 11 111 Cent 6 101 6 III Cent ref 4s .... 87 1 III St d 4s 91 17 Indlejia St 6s 100 13 Int Met 4s 12 6 Int Met 4s ctf 12 68 I R T ref 6s 12 Int M M sf 6s 6 Int Pa ref 6a B 2 Inv Oil 8s .19 K C Ft S & M 4s 10 K C So 6s 11 Kell-Sprlng T 8s... 6 Lack St 6s 60 12 Lake S d 4s 28. , 1 Lake S d 4s 31.. 2 L & N ref 5s..., 3 Mkt St Ry con 6s., 6 Marland 8s 6 Mich Cent d 4s 10 Mid cv 6s 115 115 116 113 113 113 102 102 102 109 109 109 101 100 100 84 84 61 61 ion 101 87 87 91 91 99 100 11 12 12 Sf 96 85 97 78 88 108 108 108 88 88 8S 94 93 94 92 92 92 105 105 105 87 87 '87 104 101 104 91 91 91 S8 88 67 96 97 79 88 12 67 96 85 97 78 88 N. Y. Curb Bonds V.w York. Juna 9 Tianaaellons an Ih New York ruib bond market luilap wer as folloe. Ikeaaeatl Hoaxta, I All Park .... 4 6 All Pe . 4 Alum Is 'It I3 lu l l 4 Am nd T 11 l'S ! ! I Do '24 11 11 11 13 Ana lop a I 1 l 7a : 11 ! I t Ang Am nil 7 11 l 1 Arm in. 7a .14 14 14 I AH liulf WI s 41 i Heth S " '3 ..13 101 101 I lliklyn t'n O ll 14 14 lirklin I n Ota ..14 14 l4 1 Can Pac (a .. ..!! 11 11 3 rem Hleel la ... lot lt 16 3 Charcoal Ir la ,,H l It 2 t urn's i'li . 1 7 Con llaa Hall la 1 00 ino 1 Copper II Aa 'I 14 104 104 i Curtahy 7 101 11 101 7 Kmp U a K IM IMS 101 6 r'rD r 7a ...114 114 14U 107 lloodr T 7a ....l"l l3 lJ Urand Tr Int lot 1 iluif Oil 7a I"4 1"4 04 ,4 Hood Hub 7b .. 37 Interb It T la '21 .0 10 4 Kana (I a K la . .. Kan C T 6a 11 lot 1! Laeled O 7s. ... IJggait win 7. ..i" !" "" Manitoba Is V. 6 Natl Arm 7s... M Nail Cloak H Is l3 o 13 Natl Lea la NY Nil and 11 7. 5 8 10 Phil K.I 6 " AJ Pn Al 7a 101 02 101 13 Pub Ser Crp NJ 7s lot loo loo ... si vii ... l ...loo loo loo ...101 11 1014 ...101 101 103 ...101 101 101 7s. 102 102 102 ...10 106 105 ...104 10 104 ...107 107 107 ...lo ioi ;oi ...101 107 107 . . .108 18 108 25.101 101 101-i ...102 102 102 ...101 101 101 ...100 100 100 .103 13 !"" . 99 99 99 .108 108 108 .102 102 102 t Rem Arms . 3 Saks A Co 7a. Sears R 7 '22 4 I'o "22 1 Shawsheen 7 1 SO NY 7s '36. 13 Southw Hell T 2 So NY 7 '27. 2 Do '28 Do "it Do '11 Do Stewart W 8s Swift t Co 7s Do '31 24 Texss Co 7s.. 4 Un Oil Cal 6s 2 Un Oil Prod 3 Valvo 7 14 Western El 2 Winch 7s 8s Foreign Bonds. 99 96 6 76 86 16 95 95 76 86 18 8 Argentine 7 '23.. ( Can 8 8 "s 5 45 K Serb 8s 5 N Y N H Fr 7s .. 76 Do 4s 6 r. II,. ..i. n SUa ctfa. 16 47 Swiss 5s 102 102 102 9 U S Braxll 78.. 87 86 87 77 U S M-x 4s 41 41 41 Chicago Mock. Range of prices of the leading Chicago stocks furnished by Logan It Bryan, its Peters Trust tuildlng. Armour & Co.. pfd Armour leather com. ... Earl Motor Continental Motor Libbv Montgomery-Ward- Nat. Leather, new Stewart-Warner Swift & Co Swift Int Union Carbide , Wahl Wrigley . 97 . 12 . 3 . 8 . 3 . 22 . 8 . 43 .100 . 19 . 54 . 57 .102 14 MSt P & SSM 68.102 102 44 M K & T n p 1 6s A, 82 136 M K & T n ad 5s A. 56 9 M K & T 1st 4s 79 IMP ref 6b 23 100 60 M P gen 4s 64 23 Mont Pow 6s A.. 96 8 No T M inc 6s.. 71 26 N T C col 7s. 40 N T C d 6s 82 66 79 ino 63 96 70 .105 105 105 104 104 104 88 102 82 56 79 100 61i 96 71 5 N T C con 4s .... 83 83 8.1 36 N T C St L d 4s. 85 86 85 3 N T Ed ref 6s..l09 109 109 NT NH & H c 6s 48 79 79 79 6 N Y Rys ref 4s ctf. 88 38 38 N T Tel d 6s 49. .104 104 104 40 N T Tel ref 6s 41. .104 104 104 S N & W cv 6s 109 108 109 1 N & W con 4s 91 91 91 43 Nor Pac pr In 4s. 87 87 87 16 Nor Pac gen 3s.. 62 61 61 203 N P-O N Jt S..105 1115 105 ll -Nor sta Fow rr 5s A 91 91 91 9 N W Bell Tel 7s.. 106 ins 106 16 Ore Cal 1st 6s.. 100 100 100 11 Ore R & N 1st 4s. 89 87 87 1 O 8 L gtd 5s ctf. 104 104 104 33 Or-Wsh R R & N 4s 81 81 81 6 Otis St 3s A 100 100 100 .... 9n 90 90 6s.. 96 96 96 107 107 107 Pac O A E 6s 1 P ac T & T 18 Packard 8s . . . 16 Penn 3 Penn gen 5s . . 11 Penn gen 4s 11 Pierce Oil d 8s 100 17 Reading gen 4s ..84 3 R I A ft L 4s .. 80 45 St L ft S F adj 6s.. 78 19 St L ft S F Inc 6s.. 68 6 St L ft S F p 1 4s A 71 1 St L S W 1st 4s.. 78 IS A A U 1st 4S. 11 Seaboard con 6s . 11 Seaboard adj 6s. 4 Seaboard ref 4s... 5 Sharon St Hp 8b A Sinclair cv 7s . 47 Seaboard col 7s... 3 So Bell Tel 6 . 14 So Pac cv 4b 36 So Pac ref 4s 10 So fao col tr 4s. 92 So Ry gen s. 7 So Rv eon 6a ... '23 So Ry gen 4s ... 4 So Pr Sug 7 2 So Cal d 7 1 Tex ft Pac 1st 5s. 18 Third Ave dj 6. 61 fn Pae 1st 4a ... 2 Un Pac cv 4 2 Un Pao ref 4s . . . 4 Un Tank Car 7.. I l td Drug Is .... 4 1-8 Realty S .. 1 U 8 Rub 78 .. II U 8 Rub la 17 U 8 St sf 6a 11 Utah P ft L 6s 1 Va-Cr Chm Ts.. ( Va-Cr Chm 1st t 2 Va Ry 6 108 108 108 .100 100 100 91 91 91 99 100 81 84 80 78 68 71 78 76 58 24 41 97 . 76 . 68 . 25 . 41 . 97 .104 104 . 98 98 . 4 . 1 . 88 . 86 .100 95 6 97 80 78 68 71 78 76 58 25 41 97 104 98 94 11 88 88 tH 91 81 88 99 100 95 95 66 66 7 97 105 105 105 . z tl I . 60 6 CO . 4 93 94 ... 95 95 95 . 86 6 86 .103 103 101 .11 110 110 5 95 S ins 9 102 102 so to 106 106 H .101 . .103 . II .15 . ... 96 Boston Woo). Boston, June 30 The Commercial Bul letin tomorrow will ssy: "The wool market has been quieter this week, but vslues are generally steady, es. pecially on standard wools. Soino busi ness Is reported In new territory wools on grades running three-eighth ard above at unchanged rates. Some wools in bona also have been sold at steady rates. In the west flesolutory ouyin is re ported on the lower basis of limits given ny buyers two weeks ago. i ne manu facturers are getting ready for th" new goods season Rnd are buying muiicraioiy at the moment. -V littlo apprehension over the nitlroaa strike Is felt. The foreign markets are fairly steady on the basis of closing rates at London." Tha Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will publish woo prices as follows: Domestic: onio and renntyvaiia fleeces: Delaine unwashed, 5557c; fin unwashed, 45048c; half blood combing. 50051c; three-eighths blood combine, 46 47c. Michigan and New York fleeces: De laine unwashed. 62iffi54o: fine unwashed. 4345c; half blood unwashed. 4748c; three-eighths blood unwashed, 46046c: one-quarter blood unwashed, 43 044c. Wisconsin. M ssourl and averaae New England: Half blood, 46047c; three eighths blood, 4l45c; half blood, 415? 42c. Scoured basis: Texas fine 15 months 21.2501.30; fine elcht months. 21.10fa 1.15. California northern. mMiiu i..n.n- ty. tl. 1001. 20; southern, 9O09.V. Oregon eastern Xo. 1 .fni ti snisi 1.37; fine and fine medium combine kl n 1.25; eastern clnthlna. 11 lilfii is- vol. ley No. 1, 11.0701.10. Territory, fine staolpd i-hntf. !. half blood combing. 31.10iSSil.15; ' thrcel elghtha blood combing, 85090c; half blood combing, 75ifS78c. Fulled delaine. II I6em en- 11 itma 1.12; A supers. 11.0001.06; mohi'l-s, 'beat combing, 56058c; best carding. 50055c. New York Coffee. New York. June 30. Thir. w. ... scattering liquidation in the market for coffee futures hero todav R.,mnr. sales of valorization coffee have been defl- ...ii-ij. umiieu, out reports tnat some of the coffee taken unon confrart. in th. i,.i market last December has been rn.rlii.tnr1 to roasters continue to circulate. Ac cording to local brokers, the tnllt ne tht. sort has had an unsettling effect on sentiment and probably led to evening up of some old long accounts. The opening today was 4 to points lower and active months later showed net losses of 9 to 14 points with September selling nt 9.72c and December at 6.59c. ine close was within 1 or 2 points of the lowest at net declines of 10 to 12 points. Sales were estimated about 35.000 bags. Closing quotations July. 9.91c; Septem ber. 9.75c; October, 9.69c; December, 9.61c; January, .55c; March, .40c; May, 9.47c. ' Spot coffee quiet. Rio 7s. 10c: to 10c: Santos 4s. 14c to 14c. Very few fesh cost and freight offers were received. Santos 3a and 6s, part bourbons, were quoted at 13.95c for July-September shipment, American credits. New Tork Cotton. New York, June 30. Cotton futures sagged in featureless trading today. It was probably the quietest session of the week. The market early sold off 15 to 25 points under scattered local liquidation, pressure from commission houses and In creased offerings on the part of ring leaders. Much of the selling was based on easier Liverpool cables and continued good weather in the belt. There was slight improvement In lirlces but continued dullness in the afternoon when it appeared the market was well liquidated, or at least In a falrlv even position. Weekend statistics were Ignored. Tho close whs barely steady at a njt de cline of 11 to 26 points. J-pot cotton, quiet. 10 points decline, 22.10c for middling uplsnd. Southern spot markets were: Galvston 22.35. unchanged; New Orleans. n.50c, unchanged: Savannah, 21.52c. 15 poitrfs del-line: Augusta. 21.63c, 12 points decline; Memphis. 22.50c, unchanged: Houston, 22.15c. 10 points decline; Little Rock, J1.50c. unchanged. , w York Sugar. f..1 J.une The raw sugar was firmer and prices l-16c higher with spot Cubas quoted at 3 3-16c. cot and freight equal to 4.79c for centrifugal and July and August shipment at 3c c I f i'K1" 4.,SC' Th're " "' of 4.000 bars of Cuba afloat and 1.000 bag for August shipment. The raw sugar futures market waa rirmer on covering and the buying, owing to the higher ruling of the apot market Closing prices were 4 to ) points net high er. July. 3.20c: September, 3.32c; De cember. 2.28c; Msreh, 3.21c. There waa only a moderate Inquiry fftr refined sugar and price were unchanged at .2O06.2Oe for fine granulated. The only sale In refined futures waa one lot of July. .60c. and an advanc of 20 points from the previous close. Final prices were 15 higher to point lower. July. 55c; September. .60c; December, .85c. New Tork Dried Frulta. New York. June 2. Evaporated Apples Qui Pru s Firm. Apncnta Nominal. Peartus Steady, 4 Raisins Jiufc Norris Proposes Tax on Excessive Import Profits Auirixlinrnt lo Tariff Ft til Would Collect 99 IVr On. of All (.am Over 2." IVr Out. WsiliinglO'i. June .W, (Sprriitl Tflrgum ) Sf tutor Norria toiUy introduce l an amriulmrnt in the tar iff hill !rigiKil to forrtull iirnfitm-ipg- The amriulttirnt provide that In ((1iiioii to the import duty there hall he a ta of W per cent of ihr amount by whirh the retail aellinu price exrreili the tleilarfd import value, pin the duty paid thereon, p!u 2h per ent. In other word, when the seller of the imparted ar ticle ha added to its cost the duly he ha paid, and 25 per cent more a a nominal profit; any further u m he may add to the selling price shall be taxed 99 per cent. The antfiidinent provide that any person importing article into tills country shall furnish to purchaser a true ttatv'ment of the importel price of such articles, the duly paid thereon, and any purchaser making a subsequent sale shall likewise give to the second purchaser a similar true statement of the cost of the ar ticle. Violations of the reflations of the amendment are to be punishable with a fine of not less than $500, or more than $5,000. and hy not less than three months' imprisonment, nor more than two years' imprison ment, or both. Shopmen at Falls City Receive Strike Urder FatU rim Wl Tunc .10 (Snr- cial.) Orders to suspend work at 10 Saturday mornitie were received at the Mivcnuri Pacific shoos in a tcle- o-ram cent from national headouar- ters ill Chicago. It is estimated that 500 men will walk out. Foreign Eirhange. New York. Jun 10. Foreign F.achang Great Britain, demand, I4 42H; cables, 14.42; 60-dev bills on banks. $4.404. France, demand. ,0642c; cables, "'Italy! demand. .047Sc; cables. .47214c Belgium, demand. ,0800; rabies. .08HiHe, Germany, demand, .0020 He; cables,, .0026c. Holland, demand. .2645; cable, .J50c. Norway, demand, .lfiJOc. Sweden, demand, ,2670c. Denmark, demand, .2146c. Switierland. demand. .l9So. Spain, demand. .1540c. Breece, demand, .JOSOc. Poland, demand, .1002 fce. ("seoho-Slovakla, demand. .0195c. Argentine, demand. 2566c. lira si I. demand, .1362c. Montreal, .91 2-16c. Sioux City Livestock. Slour Crty. June 90. Cattle Recelpta 1.000 head. ' Market active, steady to strong. Fed steers snd yearlings. R60 iff 60; grasa eteers and yearlings, 6 50p 7.25; grass cows and heffers, 23 50jj;6.75; fat cows and heifers. 5.25?7.75; can ners, I2.n0frj.00; veals. 5.00S.60; feed ers, 6IIOff7.00; calves, 5 00J7.26; feed ing rows and heifers, 3.006.26; atock ers. 6.007.25. ..,.. Hogs Receipts 7 000 head. Market 6e to 10c lower. Butchers, 9.5O10.35; lights, 110.40; ' heavy mixed, .J5e.50; heavv packers, 8. 50 S. 7 5 ; bulk of sales, $9.00 010.76. . Sheep Recelpta 200 head. Market steady. New York Metnls. Vow York, June 30. Copper Steady; electrolytic, spot and later, 1314 913r. Tin Firmer; spot and futures, 21.00c. Iron Steady and unchanged. Lead Easy; spot. 6.75c. Zinc Easy; Kast St. Louis spot and nearby, 6.35 6' S. 37c. Antimony Spot, 5.0005. 25. c. Irrigation Plan Meets Willi Delay, RrtAlutioit Providing for Phil Valhy Vatrr Lost in Housf Jam. Washington. June .W.-(Spe.ial Telegram.) Representative A drew' resolution, providing authori lation nf fund for fhe Interior de partiiifiit t investigate Stiie r.nKi neer Johnson' plan f'r irrigating the I'latte river section, was Ut in Ine jam of busines in the house today. It wa reported oul of roinmitlee, hut is watcrlouged with other meas ure on the house calendar. It will lie in position fr quick " linn when the house convene again one iiinnih lirnce. Meantime Representative Mondell inti-rented himiife todav in ait effort to induce the Interior department to ne contingency funds. If th' de partment consent lo this it will not be necessary to await the special ap propriation. Representative Mondell will urge this on the crouud that it is a reclamation project. DeWitt Man Burncil While , Salvaging Sugar From Fire Reatrice, Neb.. June .10 tSpecial ) Will Suiter of DeWitt was badly burned about the arms when lie at tempted to carry out several sacks of sugar from the rear of the Farm ers' I'nion store at that place, which had caught fire. He stumbled and fell and before he could regain his feet his arms were severely burned. Wheat Field Near Jannen Averages 20 Bushels Fairbury, Neb., June 30. (Spe cial.) The wheat and oats crop is nearly harvested. Recent rains bave retarded wheat threshing, which was Aitm tt Kecrin ceveral Hav affo. Ack- mait Bros., near Jansen, are the first to report new wheat on tne margei. The test was 58, yield 20 bushels per acre. Last Times Tonight TREE AIR' STARTS TOMORROW Jkme Thrills A-plenty Southern Love Romance Great Horse Race Let Ua Blow You to Typhoon Breez Whil Enjoyinc a Good' Show EMPRESS TODAY Tennyson's Famous Poem ifo'llADYGODIVA All JtSixnlrngMotmiPkium SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE TODAY A Balloon Given Away Free to the Children in Celebration of FRED'S NOVELTY CIRCUS 3333 TODAY a Continuou From 1 P. M. AL JENNINGS (Himaclf) 10 BREEZY BUDDIES Other Star Act Krug Park Omaha's Largest and Finest Amusement Park Elks' Carnival and Fun Frolic SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Afternoon an Evenings Don't Miss the Midway The Palace of Fun and the other big shows Sunday Dance Matinee Ride rSwim Dance at Krug Park Now Showing NAZIMOVA "A DOLL'S HOUSE" Nights Ablaze With Cabarets Starts Next Sunday at Bialto One Day Only m OMAHA.4L Tues., July U R erred chair seat aal imy of how at Beatoa Drag Co. THOS. MEIGIIAN in GEORGE ADE'S firat original tcreen tory, "Our Leading Citizen" Comedy "Bucking; Broadway" A BIG DANCE Will Be Giren in tha NASHVILLE HALL, Na.hTille, Neb. Nashville is a new town 5 miles north of Florence on JVashing ton highway, good road. Saturday Night, July 1 Elegant Floor Good Music Adminion 50c LADIES FREE Two prizes, $2.50 each- Bee Want Ads Produce Restfc