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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
U. S. Expenditures Drop 8500,000,000 Below Estimate Prospects for Fitral Yrar 1923 "Not So Good," With Dff. i it of $483,000,000 Probable. Washincion. June 30 The or ernment balanced it budget fat the meal yr ending todiy. in accom plishment described by I'nder Se cretary of the irenury tiiinert as "no tnnn ti-.k." l'ropeets r the fiscal year l'.'J "re not good." with budget deficit estimated it h'gh as S485.0O0.0OI). he said. Final treasury rrportt (or the closing fiscal year will not he avail able for a day or two but Mr. Gil bert, who ln charge of the govern ment (.nances, declared that expend itures for the year would he lr than iJ.OOO.OOO.OOO or $500,000,000 leu than wat estimated at necessary by the spending department! at the outtet of the year and that there would be a tmall turplut of re ceipts. As to the coming year the under secretary oomtrd to the possiDility of a deficit greater than already es timated as, he contended appropri ations for next year have not teen oassed by congress. The total gross debt of the Unit ed States was about S22.950.0no.000, a total reduction of over $3,600,000. 000 since its peak on August 31, 1919, he explained. For the future, he asserted, liqui dation of the public debt will have t be accepted chiefly from surplus rVnue receipts. ough has been accomplished, Mr. Gilbert stated, to assure the ' success of the treasury's plans for refunding the $7,500,000,000 short dated debt, consisting of victory notes maturing in May. 1923, treas ury certificates of indebtedness and war savings certificates. Vanderlip Given Warm Welcome in Budapest Vienna, June 30. Frank Vander lip, the American banker, received a warm welcome from the Chamber of Commerce of Budapest. In a speech Mr. Vanderlip stated that Europe's economic unity was destroyed and the present misery was caused by. political, economic and mental aber rations. He said that love of lib erty must restore European unity and gave it as his opinion that America would aid Europe as soon as there was a favorable moment for' intervention. I Dog Hill Paragrafs B. TAinoliam That strange noise which some mistook for a hound dog howling and which issued from the stable 78 Tuesday afternoon, turned out to be none other than our highly esteemed vocalist, Sidney Hocks, who is trying to learn to sing. This morniiiK Washington Hocks recalled the c ontest when a prize was given at the school house to the per son who could keep a feather in the air the longest by blowing at it. Poke Eazley says a feather accidentally got directly over one of his wife's conversations once and didn't light for an hour. A flea got on Yam Sims in church last Sunday. ADVERTISEMENT. A FRIEND IN NEED A FRIEND INDEED Writes Mrs.Hardee Regard' fog Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Los Angeles, Calif. -'1 must tell you that I am strue friend to Lydia ici. rinnnams Vegetable Com pound, i nave taken it off and on for twenty years and it has helped me change from a oeucata eirl to a siout, healthy woman. When! was mar ried I was sick all the time until 1 took Lvdia E. Pmkhara'a Vegetable Compound. , 1 was in bed much of my time with pains and had to have the doctor every month. One day I found a little book in my yard in Guthrie, Oklaho ma, and I read it through and got the medicine Lydia E. Pmkham a Veg ' etable Compound and took eight bottles and used the Sanative Wash. I at once began to get stronger. I have got many women to take it fust by telling them what it has done for me. I have a young sister whom it has helped in the same way it helped me. I want you to know that I am s 'friend indeed.' foryouwere a friend in need.' "Mrs. Georgb Habdke, 1043 Byram St. Los Angeles. Cab tenia. fc" av Bm w iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I v mi mr .nun When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome i - Nowhere By RUBY M. AYRES. (Copyright, 92l) (faalBKsS Fra Tarlaraa-.) Olive never thought anything worth getting to uptet about; she rather despised emotional people. She had had another scene with Mr. Green of the ribbon department in which he had threatened to blow hit braint out. Poor Mr. Green! He could have used no worse tactics with his adored; the had merely laughed and tur.ned on her heel. Olive finished her clgaret and de parted to her own room, the invited Violet to accomnanr her. but Violet refused: she said the wanted to be alone. "Well, to long as you don't mean to do anything; silly." Olive objected. She looked back at her friend from the doorway. Violet sat pale and wan in a chair; her eyes were red and swollen; the twisted the damp ball ol a screwed uo handkerchief in her hands; she made no answer, and Olive shrugged her shou dert and departed. "I'll come down again toon," the said. When she had gone, Violet went over to the mirror; she smiled rue fully at her pitiful reflection; she bathed her ace in cold water; then she brushed her hair and dressed to go out. In the hall she encountered Mrs Hies. "Oh. Miss H'lugleby," said that worthy. "Dcui't ee take on so now; we'll get him back, you'll see, we'll get him back." , Vio et could not trust nerseit to answer; she fairly ran into the ttreet; she had no clear idea in her neaa as toVhere the was going, but her thoughts were full of Hastings to get to him, to tell him now sne hated him! When she turned the corner of the road the saw his green painted car coming toward her. Hast ings nimseu sai ai inc wucci. He did not see her: the car glided by and stopped outside Mrs. Higg's. Violet taw him get out and run up the steps to the door. She raced back up tne street sne felt like a fury; her heart hammered in ner tnroat; ner nanus wcic clenched and she drew her breath in great gasps. Mrs. Htasrs had just opened me door when Violet reached it; she heard Hastings ask for "Miss In- gleby." and Mrs. Higgs ejacula tion, "Here she is herseir, sir. Hastincs turned sharply; he came eagerly down the steps; then her saw her tear-stained face. "Violet!" She waved him away, ignoring his outstretched hand. Mrs. Higgs had retreated to the kitchen; she had a steak frying on the fire for her best dodger. 'I wanted to see you. violet spoke without looking at him. "Will vou come in. if you don't mind; my room is very poor, but, of course, you know that already." Hastings began to speak, but checked the words; he was a tact ful man; he followed her silently up the three flights of stairs. He looked around the poorly furnished room with tender eyes. "So this is where my little girl lives," he said. Violet was standing, looking away I "from him; she bit her lip till it bled to keep her self-control; she telt all broken and beaten. Hastings was beside her in an in stant. "Darling, what is the matter? Are you angry with me? What have I done? I managed to get off tonight after all and thought you would not mind my coming around for you. I have told my mother and she wants ine to bring you to see her. Violet 1" She had freed herself from his arms; she clutched at his coat with trem bling hands. "Give him back to me; give him back to me!" She was shaking alj over, sobbing deep sobs that seemed to tear her slender figure. "Give him back to me; give him back to me; you don't love him like I do; you don't want him like I do. I'll do anything for you anything if you'll only let me have him." Hastings stared down at her with 16 Douglas FhoneAT. 5490 "Come Once and You'll Come Always." We deliver your order of $5.00 or over to any p art of the city. Just phone Douglas 1796 and your wants will receive prompt attention and guaranteed satisfaction. Our out-town customers ordering by mail are requested not to Include fruits or vegetables in ordera to be shipped, as the perishable conditions of these items prohibits our making shipment Our Saturday offerings help you to solve the marketing problem. Quality Meat Specials for Saturday Fancy Fresh Dressed Broilers, per In 45 Fancy Steer Pot Roast, per ib 11 Best Cuts Steer Shoulder Roast, per lb.... 14 Pig Pork Roast, young and lean, per lb... 17 Genuine Lamb Shoulders, per lb 1Q Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb 17 Young Veal Breasts, per lb lOt Dold's Narrow Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb... 27 Choice Smoked Picnic Hams, per lb 16 OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT OFFERS SPE CIAL VALUES FOR ! It Granulated Sugar eSe It Bars p. A o. Soap 4Se 19 Ban Crystal Walta Soap 4fl 1 Bara Pearl White Soap a 41-lb. Sack Pillibnty or Gold Medal Flour tSM 41 lbs. Gooch'a Ben Flour $1.95 8wanadown's Cako Flour, pkg 38 S Ste Cam lr. Prleo1 Baklnr Powder for 3e Tall Rd Alaaka Salmon, nw can- Central Special Coffee, per Ib. . . S lbs. for , French Cake, Fluted Coco a nut Bars, 2 ibs 39$ Raspberry Dainties, a new English style cream filled Cookie with fresh fruit flavors. AN OUTING SPECIAL IN PACKAGE GOODS. Graham Crackers, Vanilla Wafers, Cheese Wafers, 2 pkgs. for 25$ Guaranteed Fresh Checked Eire. cartes et on doien lVi yanryrkrjJBjtterjjjtJbjj CIGARS no a ft.. tst rxsroK tftb Rendrlck Hudson, tr Talue, f for 17t Prince Albert, full pound Chocolate, Caramel. Oocoaaat, 2-lTr ' auej cakes, each............. a mixture of fear and amatement in bit eyes; he covered her shaking handt with hit own. When he spoke hit voice wat very gentle; he might have been speaking to a frightened child. "Violet, what do you mean? What it the matter? I don't understand; are you dreaming, little girl; tajl me what you mean? Give who back to you? Tell me, explain to me; you know I'd give my life for you. She stared at him with wild eyet, then burst out laughing. "Oh. you are clever," she said hys terically. "I thought I was clever enough, but I never was anything compared with you. But you need not act any longer; I knew ill about it I always have known; you put that man Martin on to find Ronnie, and I answered the advertisement, Oh, I wat a fool, a fool; but I want ede monev for him. I hadn't any my- self, and I've tried to be good to him; and he loved me as if I were his own mother. He won't be happy without me; give him back to me, only give him back to me, and I II do anything for you. I'll work, I'll slave." she stopped, stifled with sobs. She would have fallen at his feet but for his uphotding arms. Hastings looked terribly alarmed; he pressed her head back to his shoulder. "Hush, hush," he said soothingly; he thought she was ill; he smoothed her hair with a hand that shook, he kissed her check, he called her en dearing names; but she struggled fiercely against him; she wrenched herself away and stood holding to a chairback, her eyes blazing at him like a mad woman's. "How dare you, how dare you!" she panted at him. "You've lied to me and cheated me long enough and now you've successfully robbed me of all I ever wanted. We need not keep up the game. Do you think I ever really cared for you? Do you think I wanted to meet you, and go out with you? I hated and despised you all the time for your presump tion in imagining I did. I only did it for Ronnie's sake, to keep Ron nie. I knew you were trying to find him. I know all about the wom an you deserted. I knew he was your child, and I thought 1 thought it 1 could make you care for me you would let me keep him. I was a fool a fool." Hastings went very white; for a moment he stared at her without speaking; he was beginning to under stand slowly that she was perfectly aware of what she was saying; her last words had been only too clear to him: they held the stamp of truth; he knew she had meant them; the rest he did not consider. "You mean that you never cared in the least tor me.' ne asKea; ne spoke with difficulty once or twice he moistened his lips as if his words were hard to frame. "You mean that you were just pretending for some reason of your own? Is tnat what I am to understand?" "Yes, I was just playing as you were; just playing; I tnougni l was winning, but I was mistaken; all along I was mistaken; you have won, LET BE feua kerl If ITi I Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh and Delicious Large Sweet Cantaloupes, 10; 3 for.. v.. 25$ Loganberries, per box --20 Blackberries, per box 1 7 Vie) Extra fancy Apricots? per basket -.-65C Fancy Peaches, per basket .., 25$ Large Market Basket Cherries SI. 35 Extra fancy Tomatoes, 5 and 6 lbs. to basket at 25$ and 30$ California Head Lettuce, each 10$ and 15$ Ripe Watermelons, every one guaranteed. Per lb. SSe Our Fancy Santos 88$ BUTTER, EGGS AND C HEE8E FRESH DAILY I cntn I Central Extra or Idlewllde Butter, lb. V4 imob. box of SO.. 1 1.54 Sl-tt BAKERY DEPARTMENT. Bune, per doxeu... ..IS THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. JULY 1. 19: won all along, and robbed me of the only htppiness I have ever wanted. I will never forgive you. I never want to see you again; go away, oh, go away." Hasting did not move; he looked as if he were turned to stone; there was something very boyish and pathetic about his face. Violet had sunk into a chair; her head had fallen forward on to her outsertrhed arms. Hastings stooped and raised her head with gentle force; raised it till he could see her eyes, then "You never loved me at all?" he asked slowly. For an instant she did not reply; her eyet seemed to he taking in every detail of his white incredulous face. "I love you!" she echoed between her teeth. "If you only knew how I hate you, I hate you." Her eyes were distraught; a disinterested on looker would have guessed that the hardly knew what she was saying. Hastings flung tin hit clenched hands to his eyes. For an instant his tall figure swayed as if some giant hand had dealt him a blow; then without another word or look he turned and left the room. The door closed ' behind him with hollow finality. Mrs. Higgs, having served the steak to her best lodger, crept up into the narrow hall to have a look at the srand motor car chugging at her gate; she had never before seen such a beauty at such close proxim ity; she was admiring it, and proud ly thinking what a superior "bone" it lent to her establishment, when a man came down the narrow stairs behind her two at a time and dashed past her without a word or look. As she afterward told Olive Hale, in a burst of inquisitive confidence "He looked s if the Old Gentleman him self was after him!" He flung himself into the waiting car and drove oft without a back ward glance. Well, I niver-T said Mrs. Hikes. Her one eye stared in alarm down the deserted road; she wejit indoors slowly and climbed the stairs; she felt concerned for Violet; it looked mysterious, having such a swell visitor who made such a hurried exit. She knocked at Violet's door, hut, getting no answer, climbed a fur ther flight to Olive Hale. Ulive was trying on a frock; she was twisting and turning m tront of the glass critically. Mrs. Higgs closed., the door be hind her and sat down heavily v a chair. "There's something the matter with Miss H'Ingleby, ' she said im pressively. "Did you see the car, Miss 'Ale?" Miss Hale said, "What?" not very interestedly. The skirt did not hang so well as she had hoped; it gave her serious annoyance. Mrs. Higgs explained. She could be graphic when she chose. She gave a very exaggerated account. of Violet s visitor and his abrupt de parture; she earnestly begged Miss Hale to accompany her downstairs to see if all was well. Olive agreed with alacrity, she had heard the car in the street out side, but had not dreamed of con necting it with Mrs. Higgs' unpre tentious abode. She ran down the stairs eagerly, followed by the land lady. She did not wait to knock at Violets door; she turned the handle and entered, closing it sharply in the face of Mrs. Higgs' curiosity: occasionally she deemed it advisable BRJEAD IT'S MADE WITH MILK THE QUAKER YOUR BAKER Harney Dhonc-DQ. 11796 SATURDAY SHOPPING. Tall Cans Pink Salmon ...1IV40 Iirge Oral Cans Del Monte Sardines in Mustard or Tomato Sauce IV Shredded Wheat, per pkg-. ne 3 Pkgs. Assorted Advo Jell. ....2.1c Tail Cans Carotene Milk, can ;c Apple Blossom or Elkhorn Milk. 3 for 23e; doi. .. .Sl.flS Comb Honey 15 Extra Fn-y Tea for Tre Tea, r'r lb 4tUy Coffee, per lb..' 20$ Hx. Nut or Mtlcoa Marianne, lb. SO Old 8tronc Yellow Cheese. lb..l7Vie CAN D IS Our delicious Chocolate Marshmallow Fude-e. lb tte Cream Caramels, the kind that calls for more. lb. . . ,50c Caadtee ami Salted 'us for rlenic. Potato Chips, per pkg.. . per lb. , .lfts to kerp Mrs, Higiit in her pUtt. After a tew momentt the came out; Mrs. Higgs tilting on the ttiirt, with an aggrieved expression in her one eye. "She't all right. said Olive. "I've put her to bed; she't upset about the kid. It apprari that the man who railed was Ronald Hastings, the nun whr took him away thit morninir.M Mri. lliggt bounced uo from the shabby stair carpet. "That he never wit. she taid emphatically. '"And I ought to know, asking your pardon, Mist, see ing that I ttw him with mv own eyes." Mrs. Higgs alwayt alluded to her optic In the plural. "It wasn't the same?" Olive asked the question sharply. "Are you quite ture it wasn't?" "Sure I Don't I look ture?" de. nianded Mrs. Hlggs with a sniff. "I've never seen the gentleman what came in the car this evening before but I ave seen the one what took Master Konnie away, bless his pretty face; leastwayt I've teen hit photo The Grocer Who Sells Roberts Milk Does So for Only One Reason It costs him from one to three cents a quart more than other grades of milk. He knows Roberts Milk is a far BETTER Milk than he has ever been able to handle and is willing to sacri-' fice a part of his profit to gain your good will. He Is a Good Grocer Who Sells Roberts Milk I l The plehireo Is ef one of the fonrt Meni to 1 1 i Watch our Formula and you'll know just why Tip-Top and Hard Roll Breads are the best breads made. FLOURS Occident 3-5 Custom-made Gold Medal 1-5 Custom-made Omar 1-5 0 nd ihtt's the one that's stood on Miss Jnglrhy't iiuntel shelf ever siiue she't bin "ere." Florrie Janrs wat (celing fit ticularly hppy and pleased with hr self; her temper had distinctly im. proved; she was not nearly so ready to tay sharp and unkind things; the was more obliging; she actually (or. got to grumble when madtme re quested sh should stay late at Violette't. Madame wondered; she thouxht probably Floirie Jones was not well; the herself was alwayt better tern pered when she felt poorly; the judged other people accordingly. At a mstter of fact, the explsna. tion wat simple Florrie Jonet wit in love, and her whole Me seemed reconstructed In consequence. She was on the wrong side of iO, and the had never before had a love affair of any shape or description. (Continued III The Bee Moaiiaj ) But will the longer skirts put the "quit" in mosquitos? Toronto Star. The pietare above Is of one of the fonrtrcn Memll-Sonle rianis. It Is from thrsn trrent Dairies that we ret the milk thnt adds so much to tits quality of all our bread . And the milk cornea from ths fittest lKBtfe of tester d cows Petersen & Pegau Hard RuLBrecd PraUrt Italian Foltoei MiU'i, Junt M I'olwe Commit, sioner Richard Fnright of New York, who arrived in Venice Wed nesday from Rome, declared that the Italian police are splendidly or ganised and their system will be carefully studied before the opening of the intrnutioiul police congress, which is to be held in September. Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 O'clock milood rrnaTrtTlxi 1914-1618 Free Pellrerf ef Orders an rarte f Ik lily. Phone AT. 4603 Thomsea's Dairy Maid Fancy Crvam. ery Batter ...38 Kbit, fresh eheckt and o. 1, In cartons, gnnranteod . . .120 Main Cartoned Creamery Hotter, at per lb. 35 roncy Tab Croam ery, per lb. .. 36 rail l.lae ef Parkaar C'brree far Tnr 1'leatra. EXCEPTIONAL 1022 MUk Fed Spring; Chicken, each 45 Young Yearling Mutton Legs, Steer Pot Roast, per lb Steer Boiling Beef, per lb. . . . Steer Shoulder Steak, per lb Young Veal Roast, per lb. Young Veal Breast, per lb. . Rolled, Veal Roast per lb. Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb. . Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, lb No. 1 Skinned Hams, per lb. . FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Ktest Jnlcy Sanklst lemons per dosen ; 35 Tom Walson Texas Watermelons, per lb. 3 New Potatoes Pp pert 57 Imperial Valley Cantaloupes, S for 25 Best Home Grown Beans, 3 lbs. for 25 Also all kinds of Berries, Cherries, Peaches Fears Plants Apri cots and Green Applei at Seasonable Prices, The pen sketch above Is ef the Petersen Prran Baklnr Co. plant, located on ISth and Jackson Streets, Omaha. Merrell-Soule's Dry Milk" Is the World's Standard' of Quality Milk. And, because it is unquestionably the BEST, we use thousands of pounds of it to assure the RICH quality of Tip-Top and Hard Roll Breads. Merrell-Soule's Dry Milk is used everywhere for household and infant needs. It is indorsed and approved by Federal and State Boards of Health. It is made from tested cow's milk, produced in the best dairy districts. It is the chosen product for government hospitals and institutions. Merrell Soule's Milk is uniform in quality, and guaranteed to be richer and purer than the best of ordinary milks. Baking Company TioToo IS To Head Chillicoth Camp. Washington, June .'0 "-Appointment of Kdwin Grant Dester of Calais, Me., as president of the voca tional training school for diuhled service men tt I hillicothe, O.. suc ceeding J. M. Fntchard, retigned. was announced today by Acting Di rector Rogert of the rteran't bu reau. F&rnun Street Mart Areerej rilled. llaaUfe riaaecr Del. er, er la. ....384 He Rat BaHerlee, la. SOtf Peaaat Uater..lBt Wiaeeaela Cream Br l It Caraea ,.t Creamee C'ellasje C'feeear, prr Ib. 154 Batteratllk, ejt. 10 Jill Yea ( lrlak far a MckrL MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Dressed Roasting Chickens, lb 17Vi Tig Pork Loins ..lG'i lb. 20 ...11 4 . ..15 .131; 22V2 ..19 . 17'2 , .29io CIGARS Jist laslde the Door Cilrare, 10a Tela, S far 8Bf Bex at SO, S3. 75 S C.llleUe Blaiiea ea4 naaer ,.M4 Welllnftaa Plae, Preaea Briar, 7Se valaa for ...494 Waala Umafalna Taaaeew, Bar fall la. 4H4 Carnal dajareta. a aanaa fS? Bed 1 jTri-3 mxkMM II l