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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
THE OMAHA BKE! SATURDAY, JULY 1, 10:2. BRINGING UP FATHER RlMm4 r. . raise SEE JIGG1 AND MACCIC IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY PtE Drawn for The Bee by McManus 1 WAJST VOO TO fCto GOT NOT ONOCR THY NAMC IM.COINC tAME. IT'S. tf.ON TO POEM I VOO LrVST t'LU RsD IT TO OtC THC NAME OF'toMTH"; Orange Crush FOR FOURTH OF JULY Fine vanilla cream flavored with Orange Crush and contain ins; orange and pineapple fruits. Delicia cools at you celebrate. No picnic complete without it. Order early and be sure! Made and rroxs the BETTER way by FAIR MONT In Oauha, Crete, brand Maud and SMxia City. Special Ready now it oda fountains as you like it. Sarvea cUintly or in bulk or in pint or quart sealed packat. If yau're particular eeeut lea cream be sure let lenutae Fairmont's Dalicla BaldS I If. , - Good Good for FAIRMONTS for jp it A" c5Jv,w THERE'LL, r LOT Or PEOPLE J co-amed for rvvV (mm cq3? """- v Montana Senator Renews Fight for Film Censorship Siyi Recent Scandals Reveal Conditions so Slim king That Public Will Soon Demand Restrictions. Washington, June JO. Vehement ly denouncing immorality in the mo tion picture industry, Senator Myers, Montana, in a aenate speech yester day revived his movement for a strict federal censorship of movie films. Senator Myers has been endeavor ing for some time to bring about en actment of a federal film censorship law, but has met with little success. He declared today that some of the recent scandals, involving prominent actors, revealed a condition so shock ing that public sentiment would soon demand restrictions. "Those who own and control the industry," Senator Myers said, "seem to have been of the opinion that the sensual, the sordid, the prurient, the phases of fast life, the ways of ex travagance, the risque, the paths of shady life, drew the greatest attend ance and coined for them the most money, and apparently they have been out to get the coin, no matter what the effect on the public young or old. When thoughtful people have suggested official censorship in the interest of good citizenship and wholesome morals, the owners of the industry have resented it. "The motion picture industry has a great power, but I think I speak conservatively when I say it has been frightfully abused and misused, so much so that there has arisen a de termined and powerful movement in favor of official censorship." Y. M. C. A. -Drive in York Reported Near Failure York, Neb., June 30. (Special .) The Y. M. C. A. launched a drive to ' raise $7,500 to defray expenses for the past and current years. Y, M. C. A. authorities declare the results of the campaign have been a failure. A. W. Thompson and Mayor George Holderman went on record as declaring the drive "a disgrace to the community. Over $4,000 is yet to be collected. 1 At a banquet of the various teams it was decided to continue the cam paign for another week and if results do not improve, the building will be closed. Schuyler Gets Fire Truck Ogallala High School Bids Are Let for $62,000 Ogallala, Neb., June 30. (Special.) The contract for the new Ogallala High school, amounting to $52,000, was awarded to Ed Green of Sew ard. The plumbing bid went to C. J. Burke & Co. of Ogallala at $8,000, and the wiring to John Vandiver of Ogallala at $000. There were zu bidders. The building will be two stories in hiivl.r MK Tun. M f Sn. ; heieht. constructed ot. pressed DncK cial.) The Schuyler volunteer fire built in a T shape, 124 feet long and department has purchased a truck j 110 feet wide, with a gymnasium 42 at a cost of $6,480. 1 by 80 feet.. The old building will be Woman Candidate Is Her Own Housekeeper pil a, e Olewri, m v IrV ' V ' v tip EM U ass rH Mrs. Peter Oleson, nominated on the democratic ticket in Minnesota for the United States senate, is not bo much of a politician that she leaves her husband to do the housework. The photographer found her, right after she was successful at the primaries, with a broom in her hand, keeping the Oleson home spic and span. Announcement DR. GEO. A. HAGEMAN Announces The Opening of His Denial Office 1021 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. SATURDAY, JULY 1 Tel. JA ck.on 1152 M , , , ., ,. Do Yoo ECnow Omaha s Greatest Need? Youth's Greatest Peril? Old Folk's Greatest Danger? Unbeliefs Greatest Penalty? Knowledge's Greatest Folly? Nation's Greatest Menace? Our Greatest Asset? What is Our Message? WATCH used for a grade school and the new building exclusively for high school purposes. 1 Wymore Priest Injured ,in Automobile Accident Beatrice, Neb., June 30. (Spe cial Telegram.) Father D. J. Cro nin of 'Wymore -was cut about the Jiead ancl face and severely bruised when his car went into the ditch east of Wymore. Soft dirt piled in the middle of the highway is said to have caused the accident. j T ' I- seaiiOTV,! -f Jf ( 41 or ry ucc-i &U he neva- TNCrV Tlirce Women Held in Shooting and Robbery Mystery Trio Declared to Be Withhold ing Clues to Attackers of Bielawski Loss Was $1,400. Two women were arrested by po lice Thursday night in connection with shooting and robbing Zinniond Biclawski of $1,400. Riclawski was shot in the left arm and badly beaten near Fiftieth and Spring streets early Thursday morning. Three women are now held in connection with the shooting. Bee Button, Liberty hotel, was arrested shortly after the shooting. Thursday night Mrs. Maude Gar ccati, 1818 Chicago, said to be the wife of the taxi driver who attacked Biclawski, and Marie Pepper, Lib erty hotel, said to be a "friend" of Garccau's, were arrested by Detec tives Danbaum, Falmtag, Davis, Trapp and Munch. Police believe, that Garccau is now in St. Paul, Minn. The Pepper woman was ar rested at Union station as she was about to board a train for St. Paul. Biclawski told police that he went for a taxi ride with the people who later turned upon him and robbed him of his life savings. He said that the money was to be used for a "honeymoon trip." He said he was married last May. Police said Thursday night that the women arrested have information in regard to the attack and robbery which theyrefuse to divulge. Nebraska City Officers Seize Still Found on Island Nebraska City, Neb., Tune 30. (Special.) Sheriff Fischer, Deputy Sheriff Bird and County Attorney Ifeinkc vUitcd an Ulaml in the Mis nutiri river about ID milrs south of here, where a still wa found in dugout in the and. Near it were twrt $(i-galloii barrels of niah. It is believed the nun who op erated the Mill were lii'lilcn in the brush with which the inland, about !M) acret. wa covered. Owing to the latrnes of the hour the olluers did not make a search of the under brush for the men. Ralston Min Tops Market Three Times in One Week For the third time in a week, D. W. Hill, who has cattle on pasture near Kalston, topped the market, when he brought in two loads aver aging 1.4.19 pounds, for which he re ceived $9.50 a hundred. Mr. Hill had six carloads of light cattle that brought $9.60 a hundred Tuesday and last week he had cattle that sold for $9.50 for the first time this season. Wahoo Feeder Ships Last of Cattle From Feed Yard A shipment of 47 head of cattle o nthe Omaha market were brought in by A. N. Thompson of Wahoo. The cattle averaged 1,076 pounds and sold for $9.40 a hundred. The shipment was the last of a bunch of 134 that Mr. Thompson bought on the Omaha market last fall as feeders, when they averaged 643 pounds and cost $6.65 a hundred. Safe Milk For Infants Invalids NO COOKING Tho "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch atHome,Office,an4 Fountains. Ask for HORLICtCS. tar Avoid Imitations & Substitutes It la MAiAXltSm 1 A Warm Weather Treat Here's a cooling Ice Cream treat that will bring joy to the warm weather appetite zestful, refreshing Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream It's the new Harding Sunday Special Ice Cream, and it's made of freshly picked berries plump and luscious, itavc some! ICE.CBEAM (t'wffi? SMi )y TF you selected just a few of iM IS " finest' from millions of r TSyJJl pounds of hams and bacon and XV"f ' "K: tnen aPplie(J an exPert know' Kp w ledge of preparing them for iPSP market would you not feel Lrfs 'd-'ii secure as to their excellence? h X ISlwI ' Jw Briefly this is the history of lj. is Puritan Hams and Bacon. Order y 'it slf Puritan next time. C THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY SlT pTfritan n Superior Makes Plans for Annual Fall Pageant Superior, Keb., June 30. (Spe cial.) The directors of the Chamber of Commerce guarantee fund com mittee for the pageant thi fall se cured the financial tupport of iQ men to back the pageant. K. A. Jones was elected president; W. S. Young, vice president; Christine Jones. Kccrctary: Carl C. G. Jensen, treasurer. J. H. Agee was elected manager of the pageant. Sommer Bros. 28th and Farnara Har. 0188 SATURDAY SPECIALS We sutreest LOJU concentrated Loganberry Juice for a summer drink Per 12-oz. bottle 33c Per doz $3.50 Walter Baker's Cocoa, tt-lb. tins, 2 cans for 49c Jumbo Ripe Olives, largest grown, 18-oz. can 89c Crisco, 6-lb. cans (limited one can to a customer), per can $1.18 P. & G. White Naphtha Soap 10 bars for 49c Per case of 10& bars. .. .$4.69 Star Naphtha Washing Powder, large pkgs., 2 for 48c Ivory Soap, laundry size, 10 bars for $1.25 Per case of 100 bars. . . .$11.50 Ivory Soap, small size, 10 bars 75c Per case of 100 bars $7.25 Buy a case of Budweiscr. Special for the 4th of July, case . . . $2.69 Extra charge of $1.00 for case and bottles. Best Creamery Butter, lb 38e Fresh Shelled English Wal nuts, per lb 97c Sheboygan Ginger Ale, per 2 doz. case $4.00 Sunkist Oranges, small size, 2 doz. for 55c Georgia Free Stone Peaches, per small basket 27e Apricots, per small basket 30e Large Cantaloupes, 3 for 35c Fancy Stringless Green or Wax Beans, 3 qts. for 25c Genuine Spring Lamb Legs, lb. 33c Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb. ' 48c FrWny orders mean early delivery Saturday Mail orders filled at above prices. Mr. Traveling Salesman I have a apccialty proposition for all RETAIL merchants that you can carry as a sideline. If you travel in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas or Mis souri, I can show you a mighty good paying proposi tion. No expense to you, cull or write to, 926 W. O. W. BLDG. J Bread It your best food. Eat more of It, and make it with Oooch't Beit Flour. Its quality U superfine, and because It makes more loaves per sack Gooch's Best lasts longer and is more economical in the end, cflso Gooch's Beet Psaeikc Flour Gooch's Best Buckwheat Flout Gooeh't Best What Hearts Gooch's Best Msarroni Gooch's Beet Spafhetti Gooch's Beat Ztt Noodles LjgOOCrTS BFST HflOB BuehlerBros. OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS For Qualty Meats, Quick Servico and Lowest Prices STORE OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. 212 North 16th Street 4903 South 24th Street 2408 Cuming Street 17 The wise houjewipc I MAKES HE DEflANti MEATS SOVO, I Choice Pork Loin Roast (Special at) 17c Choice Cut Round Steak 20c Prime Boneless Rib Roast Rolled 22c Choice" Cut Sirloin Steak 20c Fresh Killed Roasting Chickens 17c Fresh Killed Young Hens 25 c BEEF CUTS 'Choice Beef Pot Roast. . . ....... . .10c Choice Beef Chuck Roast. . . . . . . .2lzc Choice Rib Boiling Beef .4c Choice Corned Beef: v.... ...10c Fresh Beef Tongues -..25c Fresh Cut Hamburger ....... .-.--.i. . 15c Pickled Beef Tongues 25c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Shoulder Roast. ..... .15c Choice Veal Chops 18c Choice Veal Legs, or whole 22c Choice Veal Loins, kidneys in. ... . .22c Choice Veal Stew , 10c CANNED GOODS Evaporated Milk, 3 tall cans. ..... .25c Early June Peas, 3 cans -.:25c Fancy Sweet Corn v. . .10c Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans 27c Fancy Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, 3 for. .39c Fancy Mustard 10c Fancy Sardines, in oil, 5 for .. ,25c Fancy Sardines in tomato sauce, 2 for .... :...-.25c COFFEE Mona Brand Coffee 25c Kaspers Big Five Coffee .35c Buehler Bros. Royal Brand 40c PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin Roast . . 17c Fresh Boston Butts ..... ..... . . .. .17c Fresh Spareribs 8c Fresh Leaf Lard ........... . .y.,.12c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs .v.t. .25c Fresh Neck Bones, 5 lbs .. 25c Choice Salt Pork . . .r.v. .20c Little Pig Hearts, 3 lbs .. .V. .25c Choice Pork Loin Chops ........ . .20c Choice Pork Tenderloin ......... .45c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 17c, Sugar Cured Skinned Hams 30c Sugar Cured Strip Bacon 20c Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon .18c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon 23c Armour's Star Skinned Hams. .... .36c Cudahy's Puritan Bacon 36c CHEESE Fancy Cream Cheese .25c Fancy Brick Cheese . . .' .25c Fancy Swiss Cheese 30c BUTTERINE Liberty Nut, per lb 20c Liberty Nut, 5 lbs 95c Evergcfod Oleo, 2 lbs .45c Evergood Oleo, 5 lbs .$1.00 Best Creamery Butter 38c ammmmmMsmmmaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmaiaimaamisaa Fresh Eggs, dozen 23c Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail, $1.75 Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 5-lb. pail. . .90c Express and Mail Orders Filled From This List Promptly 1 I