The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 30, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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1 4
I ft
Tax Equalizers
Place Hospitals
in Assessed List
Tbrfe Institution TArn
From F.xrmpt CUnnifiration
Lord Liittrr Hrl
Fntrri Protfit.
"Siric tly charitclila ho.piiala do
not rxitt In Omihi and therefore
wry hnpital should be taxed," State
C'onimiionrr Osborne told members
of i lie board of equalisation at a
mrning yesterday aliernoon.
R'preiriitaiive of only three hos
pilals responded to the rail to attend
the meeting in regard to aestnient.
The board went on record to ae
the Pax ton, Nicholas Senn and I'rc
!yterian hospitals and aUo to aunt
inon all other hospital at a litter
bearing to thow caue why they
should not be aeed.
O'Connor Votet No.
"I will not vote to tax any Omaha
hospitals," said Conimimionrr O'Con
nor, the only member who voted in
the negative, "because they are all
charitable in one ene of the word."
"What constitutes a rhariuhle hospital?-
queried Mr. K. C. Henry,
owner of the Lord Lister hospital.
"Doe a hospital have to he affili
ated with a church to he exempt
from taxation? If to, I intend to build
a church."
Counsman Throw Bomb.
County Assessor Harry C. Couns
man threw his second bomb of the
week into the board's meeting when
he stated that the members should
drive politics out and show their
hands by a vote on whether hospi-y'-
should be taxed.
they can't blame the hospital
taxation controversy on me," said
Counsman. "I won't stand for it.
They should call all the hospitals in
so we can hear their protests. It
looks like they are trying to make
me the goat.
"I hope they arc all taxed and
everything else as well." said Com
missioner Unitt. "I hope nothing is
exempt." The words were spoken
will lied quick relief
from few duel of Dr.
Caldwall'a Srruo PfDein.
It Rives you artificially the
DeMin Datura may have de-
Drlvad von of and the lack of
whiob caueee draDCDeia. You
will find it much mora effective
than chewing tablets and flavored
Dr. Caldwell's Strop Pepsin eon
taine ingredients effective in dyspep
sia and conitipation. It is a combin
ation of Egyptian Senna and other
simple laxative herbs with pepein.
The formula is on the package. It baa
been eueceaefully used for 30 years.
Try it I On bottle will prove Us worth.
Few leapt constipation, so cum If you io
not rtquirt a laxative al this moment let me
sent! you a Half-Ounce Trial Bottle of my
Syrup Pcesm FREE OF CHARGE so that
you will nave it handy when needed. Simply
send your name ana jdaaVets to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell, 514 Waitunjion St., Monticelia,
III. Write me today.
i Ay
I - I nu- I'll V,- . . w. . I i'ia yyntt Imin.imCt ir3f aw tCuT OClOC st X I
l. UN TO 00 .rJW- Cvatt ttt- Y$ 0V SC VW
5-j y. r iy
t.J". i t-, rTA VJi ovSr T0 ) V
UWyers of City
inoo pi.'
Hold 1922 Frolic
BarrisU'rs Pitch Horst'bliocs
Play Ball and Argue at
Happy Hollow Cluh.
A baseball (tame brtwrcn two
picked trains of lawyers furnished an
abundance of amusement yesterday
aftc.-mon at the tlx .y Hollow ilub
grounds, where the Omaha Har asso
ciation held its annual frolic. The
opposing teams were in charge of
Thomas Lynch and Jesse l'aliner.
The Lynch aggregation defeated the
Palmers by a score of 31 to 1-5.
Henry Beal opened the twirling by
making a motion with his right arm
and releasing the hall with a little
twist of the wrist. He served several
in like manner with the result thiit
Judge Willis G. Scars took a walk
to first. While the judge walked the
lawyer baseballists talked and wanted
to argue the motion.
Umpire Makes Talk.
The umpire made a brief talk and
then filed an oral petition for order.
D. L. O linen wanted to appeal from
the decision of the umpire. A. E.
Elsasser wanted to submit the ques
tion to argument. L. J. TcPoel
urged the umpire to issue a restrain
ing order against the disturbers.
A horseshoe pitching contest drew
votaries of this ancient and honor
able sport. ' Judge J. R. Dean of the
state supreme court demonstrated be
could throw a mean shoe and Judge
Sears also displayed talent in tossing
the equine foorwear.
Judges Play Golf.
United States District Judges J.
W. Woodrough and J. C. Munger,
Justice George A.' Day of the Ne
braska supreme court, and County
Judge Bryce Crawford were among
those .who enjoyed the golf links.
At 6 p. m., in front of the club
house, Thomas Lynch led the way in
a series of amusing stunts, which in
cluded putting golf balls into a bar
rel. J. T. Dysart, president of the bar
association, was toastmaster at a
dinner served in the clubhouse at
0:30 p. m.
Real Live News
rp HIS newspaper has its "news columns" and its
"advertising columns." The first tell of hap
penings near and far of fires, sports, elections, acci
dents, marriages, deaths, great men, great events.
The second tell of things you eat, wear and use
things you have to buy things that are being sold to
your neighbors and friends in your own town.
The news columns of this paper keep you up-to-date
in the world of events. This is of great im
portance. But it's just as important that you know how to
buy, where to buy, when to buy that you keep
posted on things necessary to feed and clothe you
and your family and make you comfortable and
Advertising is an essential news service now.
To keep up with the news
read the advertisements
Published by The Omaha
The American Association
'Joy Morton Offers
Land for Stal
tate Park
Nebraska City, Neb., June ?).
(Special.) Joy Morton entertained
Governor Samuel K. McKelvic, G.
E. Johnson, secretary of public
works, George E. Johnson and the
members of the state park board
at dinner last night at Arbor Lodge,
ancestral home of his family Whicle
those interested in the matter re
fused to give out anything for pub
lication, it is bclievd Mr. Morton,
under certain conditions, tendere to
the state of Nebraska, through the
park board, a certain portion of the
homestead, including Arbor Lodge
building, to be used as a park and
as a memorial to his father, the late
J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor
it is rumored that the project
hinges on the transfer to the state of
Morton park by the city commis
sioners. A meeting between Mr. Morton
and city officials was held yesterday
and it is believed that this phase of
the project was discussed. Mem
bers of the commission refused to be
interviewed on the subject.
The visitors were shown over the
grounds and through the large man
sion by Mr. Morton. The state offi
cials were highly pleased with the
reception they received here and de
clared the grounds and buildings
were a fine tribute to one who has
done so much for the state as the
founder of Arbor day.
Will Mickel Is Elected
Concord Club President
Will Mickel was chosen president
of the Concord club at its last week
ly luncheon of the summer, held at
Hotel Fontenelle Thursday. A. L.
Rasp was elected first vice president,
James Corr, second vice president,
and F. H. Grossman treasurer. The
two members chosen for the board of
directors are Dr. J. E. Simpson and
Don Amsdcn.
It was announced no more meet
ings would be held during the re
mainder of the summer. A picnic is
planned for July 11, which will com
plete the club's activities until the
fall meetings begin.
Bee in Co-operation with
of Advertising Agencies
"Of f-Trail" Tours
Are Being Mapped
Men in Survey Reach Geneva
uu 100,000-Mile
Geneva, Neb., June 29. (Special.)
'The Desert Ranger," a ear being
driven from California eastward on
a 10fl,(XXI-mile tour, lias been in Gene
va for 10 days while the travelers,
Col. King Stanley and William
Spohn. visit relatives of the latter
The two men have been touring
the United States for the last five
vears to mark out what are called
"off trail" tours. The points of in
terest are to be mapped out, photo
graphed and described in a volunie
to be issued next November, which
will tell tourists how to get to scenic
noints. battlefields, fishing and hunt
ine crounds not located near the
main traveled roads. Colonel Stan
ley stales there is not a transconti
ncntal auto road from which any
sccnerv can be viewed with the ex
ception of portion of the petrified
village through a corner of which a
highway passes.
During the orcoaration of the vol
ume, Colonel King and Mr. Spohn
have traveled 273,274 miles, and used
five different autos. They will leave
here after the Fourth of July and
stop in Lincoln to secure a picture
of the Nebraska capitol for their
book, and also call on the governor
of Nebraska and the state engineer.
How to Help
Tender Gums
When guma ahow atone of tendcrneaa,
when they become aoft and bleed and
perhaps begin to recede, they need Lyko
lene. Used as a mouth wash daily thia
powerful antiseptic destroya the germs
and neutralizes the mouth acids which
cause the trouble and the guma then re
cover their natural firmness. Cleansinz,
purifying, refreshing, Lykolene keeps the
whole mouth in a healthy condition, helps
to preserve the teeth, purifiea the breath,
Sold by leading druggists.
Mr. Spohn bit Ncbra.U in !'I4
and is uniking a stop here In visit hit
parent., brothers and sisiro.
Burlington Declares
Many Employes Loyal
Lincoln. June 29. (Special.)
Transportation over the Burlington
will not be rriouly atfected it the
strike of railway i-hnpnirn, called for
10 Saturday morning, materializes,
according to a statement today by
K. Klynn, general superintendent of
lines west.
"Knough loyal employes will con
tinue with us to keep tilings going,"
Flynn said. "In the event ol a strike
we will be seriously inconvenienced,
but will continue to do business."
Charles F. Boles, federation secre
tary at Havelock. where the Burling
ton shopc are located and where
approximately 1.000 men are employ
ed, issued the following statement:
"A few of the old-timers may stick,
hut the big majority will hang together."
Written Guarantee to Grow Hair
This New Way
This is to offer you, under absolute money-back guar
antee, the new Van Ess treatment, which, under
clinical tests, grew hair on 91 heads in 100.
It embodies new principles. Principles heretofore
unknown to science. Now high authorities say bald
ness soon will be a rarity. For hair roots seldom die.
And this method revives them. Test it yourself at
our risk.
Hair Roots Rarely Die
Records show 4 men in 7 are bald, or partially bald,
at 40. Modern science proves this to be unnecessary.
Proves only S men in 100 need ever be baldt
Baldness is not a disease. Note this fact and mark
it. It is merely a symptom of infection of an infec
tious scalp oil, known as Sebum.
v Remove this infected Sebum and hair will grow.
Under the bald scalp, the hair roots live. This is true
in 95 of all cases of falling hair or baldness.
This new method reaches the roots. It makes hair
grow. But the public has often been deceived. So
we guarantee it. You take no chance of loss.
New Hair or No Money
We make our guarantee without reservation with
out strings. It is absolute. We guarantee to stop
falling hair in two weeks. We guarantee to grow new
hair. If we fail, your money back without question.
Note that your own druggist signs the guarantee.
Thus you assume no risk.
It is safe for us thus to guarantee the treatment.
For experiments of years prove it effective on 91
heads in 100. Foremost authorities approve it.
World noted dermatologists now employ it many
charge as much as $500 for the treatment
We offer it, in correct form for home use, at the
price of an ordinary "tonic."
Van Em Laboratories
5007 Lake Park Are-. Chief o, 11L
vw0 C4E
'Framed,'' Defense
of Rum Suspect;!
n:. T'..,... limnnM
Miml in Court About
Pleading Guilty.
I'rggy Kecd came into federal
court Thursday with the purpose of
pleading guilty to a charge of selling
liquor, federal agents say.
But when Federal Judge Munger
told her he would sentence her to
jail if she pleaded guilty, she exer
cised her lime-honored privilege to
"change her mind."
Peggy is the diminutive person ar
rested by federal agents at 1821 Leav
enworth street. She sprang a sur
prise in the judge's chamber by am
plifying the "dry" sleuths's story of
a visit to her home, to include the
InfycUd hair,
eakoi Sefrui
at mouth of
Hair root otiU
Scalp Massage
on Sale at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 5 Stores
16th and Dodge 18th and Farnam
24th and Farnam 16th and Harney
4Sth and Dcdje
And Other Leading Drug and Department Stores
for The Bee by Sidney Smith
lip Tt 0QyiX0tS
m u;lHC T.e n&
inc AoQuttoa mi tHt ruts
WK0 CAt IM rvwt WtRe O1
M W0MVN CeVMt tH Tvtti
tcWVj"T TARir HAL?
I mrseme
The sletitlA oiicl. I l.timine and
llauunk, adinm, the other woman
accompanied ih lt declared they
ltd not know HM hr ,n
She otlired U 1, t0 Ptuav
; Reed'a llace brc
PiarVf .r husband
! was hanging arouulvhcie
I time and (.pending all ,
all the
I lime and (.pending all "sjiinev for
boore, the federal agents .,p;,iucd.
I'rggy told the judge she w., nol
in the business of seling liquor. ,(
was persuaded by the sleuths to ?ct
"They framed on me," was her de
Peoria Finn to Ship Train
Load of Washington Machines'
Chicago. June 29. What is said
to be the world's largest single ship
ment of electric washing machines
will leave I'coria Saturday over the
Chicago & Northwestern for Los
Angeles. A solid train of 40 cars
will be loaded e-xriusivcly with wash
ing machines. The train will car
rv more than 2.000 machines.
Bald at 40
yet 95 needlessly! h
Science discovers falling hair j
due to simple
Afntii miirhlu
A . VW J w
The Infected Sebum
95 of all hair troubles are traced to infected
Sebum. It is an oil that forms at the roots of the hair.
Its natural function is to supply the hair with oil.
But it cakes on the scalp. It forms a breeding
place for bacteria. It clings to hair and destroys it.
It lodges in hair follicles and plugs them. Then germs
by the millions staTt to feed upon the hair. Semi
baldness soon is marked. Then comes total baldness.
You can see this Sebum on your scalp, in the form
of an oily excretion. Or, when dried, as dandruff.
But it does not kill the roots. Hence when you re
move it,, new hair grows. This is scientific fact
medical authorities will tell you so. You must re
move the infected Sebum.
Now We Remove It
For years, science experimented to combat infected
Sebum. Finally a 95 effective specific was found.
Now we have embodied it in a home treatment. It
is called Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage.
It is applied a new way a scientific way. (Note
illustrations above.) It penetrates to the follicles of
the hair. It combats the Sebum and removes it. Re
sults are marked. They are quick. In two iveeks it
stops falling hair. It grows new hair with continued
We urge you to try this new way. We know the
statements we make are amazing almost incredible.
But remember, we back them with an absolute guar
antee. Note the results yourself. Mark the healthy condi
tion of your scalp the freedom from dandruff. Look
in your mirror see for yourself.
Go today to any druggist's. Obtain the Van Ess
treatment. With it you will get our guarantee, signed
by the druggist from whom you buy it. Hence, it is
folly not to try it.
Healthy hair
frt from ia-cticn
Theae two plcturfa ahow a croaa eection of the hair root or tmlb
and the case which enclngea each hair from the root to eurfaca
of ecalp fgreatly magnlilrd). Germ Infected Sfbum cauaea 5
of baldnesa and falling hair. Remove It and hair will rrow.
IUuatration A rrowa Sebum Infected hair and B tieaithr hair
: foreign Trade Shows
Slump From Year Ago
'4hiiiiiiiin, June J, Declining
rpar! ol I4W materials, tiiodttullt
.iii.l m.imiui ture were revealed in
fd:n trade repoit for May, is
nd by the C'oinmrrie department.
I r tin- II nutnibs ended with May.
cvp.'it.l raw nialerult UttifHat'd
,4,; ill m,it it I, mmpared with $1.214..
(KaUHHl during the rorreapondinc
iiKitttlo List, while imports to SXIK,iKK.llUl against J'HU.OOO..
H iliiimg llu 4iue period m l.'l.
I'piit. (f (doit. tulu for the II
months aiutiinrd t $t.'M7.XH),n00.
imp.iird with $l.f4.(KH).(XHI last
liar, white impniu attKiegaied $571,
omi.iNKi ,iK,unt $,.$4.KnMKK) dur
ing the II month ending May, 1921.
(iiiinliilalr for Governor
Here tut Cainnaign iit
I ( h.n Irs II. K'audall uf Kaudolph,
i irpuhtican undulate for the nom
ination tor governor, arrived in Unit
ha llmisd.iy aitrrnoon lor short
campaign visit
Kand.ill biailiiuarlrr have been
established in the IKnshaw hotel.
While in Omaha, Mr. Randall, who
has been called the "business man
candidate." will conduct a personal
How Women May Retain
Their Youthful Looks
The woman who wants to look jrouna;
muat tabue miimi creame and muld
rouae. Khe will only harden the airuetare
of her fare and deatroy the fine texture
nf the akin," aald Mre. Margaret Hnlrnee
Hatra. the well-known author, In an in
terview. "Imputable I'hyalclana have declared
i hat If ehe indulgea In artificial met hod a
I "-a riaka loalna her health," ahe eon
"led. A perfectly natural method of
had completion la by uaina or-
wax. aa thia adda notn-
1 the complexion, but removea the
latter tra. Mercolited wax. obtainable
mny d.-ut- atore (applied like cold
cream). ..i... rr . Ilnv i klntch
outer fine p,rttee,, gently, with
out narmm ha t,.r fre,h ,oaBt akin
beneath, w h h Br,rfuay makee ile ap.
pearance. Tn. brilliantly beautiful com-
P'"10" ' hu' . Stained la a new ona
quite different t,m . r,(rh.up M com
plexion. Inia la i, , reUiB jouti,.
ful Innke.
infection Sebum). I
miprrnmpjt it. .
Pay Nothing
Unless we grow hair.
The Van Ess treatment
is absolutely guaran
teed. You are the sole
judge. The warrant is
signed by your own drug
gist. You assume no risk
making this test
Note this NewWay
It Massages the Treatment
Directly into the Follicles
of the Hair
This patent applicator maket.
hair treatment, at home, possible:
for the first time. Blood alone re
vives. lreatment must reach
infected area under the sn'
We accomplish it, as th '
tion above shows, ln,t
nipples of scientifu swediali
rubber massage-cap
with every bottle o' , ,
Grower. The lotion-Vi",
into the follicles of tl.'
the same time the Aovr at !J
stimulated by massage to jtR.
root j