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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1922)
THK OMAHA HhK: r.lWAV. JU.Nh ao, lyL'. ii - Yf. Norris Plans to Hurry Capper-Tincher Bill Waaliington, June JO (Serial ftlrgrim ) Snuior N'orrU nouncd today thai he will hoM hfr ingi on Hie I apjur-Timhrr bill ai- nl in the hnusf t hi week, some inue lurmg the following week It i S-n. tor Xorru' jntrmioti to give dm bill ji'tat an uuprtii it pottihlr to that it may be pkJ in the scnai? soon after tlir parage of the tariff bill. The bill passed by the house uai i framed at to meet the objer timu of the tupreine court aitaiiut the original I apprr-rinrher bill covering gram exchange and trading in fu tuic. Brief City Neica KiriliT r'lm-il C. V, Deirlrh, 27 Van atreet. was fined $J In lentml police court on fharava of apeertintr. KWwuf In 1i K E. rVhnf of Lincoln, formerly prr-m.leiit of the NVbraHkn llot-l cnmpHtiy, la recix. terd at Hotel Home, Ofimmait t SM'ak itnymnml t rnmuimn, who wnn un nmuha iti'lo Rnte thla yeae to )hi Nmlnnal Kl wanla ronventlon ut Toronto, will apeak befnr the KIwiinlH rluli limrh en at Hotel Home, ro.l.iy at 12:15. fe-izrd Tar Sold Deputy Mnraluil Thomaa aoM two jiiitnmohlloi rnn fiecated In bonz ralda, yeaierilay, from the north atepa of the court hoime. M. Jenai-n bought ona for I12i) and the fields Auto company the second for $375. Civil Service Hxnmlnntlon Kx- mimitlon for bibomtory aanlmant, aenlor grade, hureiitl of HtHiul.irda, rill be held by the civil nervlc-e board here July 19 un.l 20, and for innrnmrv bu iiutii uimni v-uii nA aanlnH n I.I f,.l.. a A NnblMHl for Our Tlicft 1 furry IrxUntA .1 V W T' .. 1 I nltA..A,l ftnimrv 27. arsi unrlpr arrntt In At- hlson. Kan., according to word om W. C. Llnvllle. chief of police icre. Lieut, juck pnznnowsKi n.nii a ii, n 1 1 1 n a n r, r . . . n m , " u" iy ni,u awl ill, ill. Plan The executive comniltlee of the International Walther lenguc, n organization of young people of the Luthern church, met at Hotel Rome to make further nrrnnBementa for the convention to be held in Omaha, July 16-20. Two thousand ffliaata n r, rl Alnsataa oca avnai'lflil at the leairue convention. Hm-baiKt With Widow Mrs. Gol- dia Renlen. 2711 North Twenty ninth atreet, in a hearing for di vorce from Olaf Renlen, testified nit kiia nan rrfouentiv Keen mm company wlu Maud Willis, wiu- waniv.BArinnii n n n a 1 1 in i n v hitphis '1IIU llrv. wild nuw ii v est tu uim j - the Clnrkson hospital for the last days and unable to see many of Is old friends. Home Dedicated St. Cohimbmns AllSSlOn BOllUty ihouiuwuu tu' missionary work in the orent,: was ieuii.-H.ieu wuii a. 1 1 im vo.n , v 1 .-1 - . A a tIna-yxam T re TTe no J a a . m- . J. Harty. Fined foe Intoxication A. B. Judge Foster in central police court Oil CUIU II lal III. VI ma " called police Wednesday nicnt to ar rest him when he is alleged to have insisted on trying to start a fight in the house where their mother lay seriously ill. Bond Increase Needed R. R. Grotte, city comptroller, disclosed the necessity of increasing the bond redemption and sinking funds when determining the annual levy in July after an examination of the city's financial affairs. According to Grot te, provisions must be made to pay bonds which will mature soon. Oh, no, the "telescope gown" isn't what its name might suggest. Dis tance isn't necessary to lend it a liberal allowance of enchantment. Savannah Morning News. BEE WAT AD RATES 1 So per line 1 2o per line 10c per line or 2 days, to 6 days. 7 days or longer. These rate! in The Sunday Bee as well as t Morning and Evening Bee. All we advertisements appear 1n both morn aba one cost. nd evening editions at The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads whlta are commonly termed "publlo wants," and Jo not include ad vertising or exploiting their business. THE BEK reserves the right to desig nate what conetltutes a public want. Want Ada accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE ..17th and Karnam Sis. South Side 4985 South 24th St. Council Bluffs 15 Scott St. Telephone AT-lantio 1000. Call for Want Ad Department. An ex perienced Want Ad taked will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The ratea quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:45 a. m. Morning Edition 9 p. m. Sunday Edition 8 p, m. Saturday. THE MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. THE SUNDAY BEE. CARD OF THANKS WE wiBh. to thank our many, many friends for their great sympathy and many beautiful floral offerings during th. recent Illness and death of our be loved daughter. Agnee. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Keete. Daniel and William. BURIAL VAULTS CEME . TERIES AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial vaults. Recommended and for sal. by .11 leading undertakers. Water proof no .te.l to rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omah. Concrete Burial Vault Co.. S310 N. 10th. Om.ha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section has recently been opened In Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limits). It 1. but wis dom to .elect a lot before abaolut. necessity compels one to do so. Send tor booklet FOREST LAWN CEMETERY ASSOCIA- TION. 720 Brandeia Theater Bldg. FLORISTS LEE LARMON fiy; DDoug' SiT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM H ESS ft gwusuua. iL HENDERSON. UOT Farnam. JA. 1261. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. 1101. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to , Stack A Falconer ' OMAHA'S BEST. jggAMBULANCESSJ Thirty-third ana rarnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker, and Kmbalmer. Phone HA. :!. Office 1U Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Faneral Direct ore. 2214 Cuming. aITlCr V MHAP V !' Wirt VAU(3aCX"AAVyvyXVAJ WE. 004T. You Would Be Surprised people have gotten homes through the Real Estate rent. These columns offer you revised lists of cozy DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES UABIMC ft Nit n A I. l nil'.' uf t'uv.ri lod.a N. II. A. P A M , rqu.i.. ni' I Ii. Uaxiun' iiitl, KritUy. Jul 'V I I. p in Or III. (urinal of ur ! timinxr, VV r'.in K lna aii' ia urmti.mWry ruum 1 I p. m. Kuna.'Ufll. OKl'HUK H. r'HTK, JoMS W ilKiloV. Uiiih PERSONALS THtC MALVATIUM Armr ln.lualri.1 km. ulri. your 014 i-l.ilhin. rurnllurt n.ln. W. roll.fl. V.. anuibulfc l'an. I). 4111 n. our mtn "ill rail. 'II .h'l lniMl our a. buffi. Ill-IllJ-tlll Iwd.. Ii, I'HIVATH! ihi h"in. Ir n. inlll. nuiM I ihar. Trim. riit. tl. W.h.irr tJI. UAONKTIt: h.ih.; Vlol.t Hay lrr.lm.nt wlih m-'. 114 .lth. JtT. I; THKATHICA1. humrlc.l numi eoilum" for r')d I'.rtlr.. II uiwi, tim.n. BULI'IIL'lt baiha. Hwnll.b chl. ropoily. Kv.nmi.jaji l fJu' "J; UI.KrTIlK! IlATIIS fur nrvouh. WK. :ii. i HUM Kit ha l In, m..., 320 Arthur lll1. EXPKRT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC M. KKNT v.cuun? clranrr. Hr, HA. ITI. o.ianlofy iri'.7nini. Ailmt. AT. !. MAHNAHK. Kmm. Ilroii. HIT Wrtxi.r. KI.Ki'TKO MAMA'IK. J"! N.vlll. Illom. I MATKKNITT H"MK. HIJ KxFkUT niaan'a... l No. I Tin. ATTRACTIONS 4TK OK Jl'l.T CKI.KnKATIOSB .Suiipllrd with doll, rubb.r ball., hal Innna. lamp doll., bank.i. nl nov.lim of .11 klnrta. OI.OIIE NOVEI.TT fO HO Varnain Kt- Omaha. N.b. Fa'rTIK!!-7lcalrln ronrraalon. t lb. bi 4th of July t NaahHlk. Nrb- rail Illll Arlanrt. KK. 4211 V 1. EDUCATIONAL DAT 8CHOOlr NIOHT SCHOOL. Compl.l. cour... In .crounl.ncy. ma chine bookkr.plnic. coniplomtry. .hort hand and typrwrltlnc; railroad and wlr.l.M talrKraphy. civil a.rvtc. and .11 Kngltah .nd comm.rclal branrhatv, Write, rail or ebon. Jackaon liti tor largo lllualratrd c.taloK. Addrea Boyles College Boytr. Bldi- Omaha. N.b. WANTED Man. Iadl and boya to learn barber trade: big demand: wagea while learning: .trlctly modern. Call or writ. 1403 Doduo St. TN-Clty Hamer coneK.. V.n 8nt School of Buliie. Day and Evening Rrhoola. 110 Omaha National Bank Illdf. DouKltia 5810. DO you want to Incrra.a your Incom.T Writ, the National Auto School. 2814 V. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalof. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. .Wrlto for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. MALE HELP WANTED Bricklayers Wanted At once. J!) per day. 8 hours' work. Apply AVells Bros., Construction Co., at John Morrell Plant, Ottumwa. Ia. SALESMAN WANTED College graduate preferred, to represent nationally known correspondence school In Nebraska on commission basis. Give full particulars about yourself and r-ferencee In first letter. Address Box H-125. Omaha Bee. Successful Representative A connection Is open for ft very competent salesman as manager for th sales department covering a, credit service in the state of Nebraska. The position will require a gentleman who , hHS ben successful In making more ' than 15,000 per year. The plans are for building a permanent tusiness and want someone capable of directing other salesmen later on. AMERICAN SECURITY CREDIT CO., 117 North Broidway, St. Louis. Ko. SECRET service men, write A. W. Walker, Dist. Mgr. 100 secret service men wanted at once. Big pay and ex penses. Easy work. A. W. Walker, P. O. Box 317, Great Bend. Kan. TINNER, plumber and radiator repair man wanted. Steady position for first class niechanic. State wages and ex perience. Denkman Hardware, Geddes, South Dakota. YOUNG MEN WANTED WANTED to hear from one ambitions young man in each jobbing center who is able to in vest $4,000 in a most profitable and quick moving line of merchan dise. Should be ac quainted with druggists in this section. Address Bagby Howe Drug Co., Louisville, Ky. WEAVERS and epinners, experienced, steady attractive work, good wages. Ap ply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland, Ore. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable, permanent and pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Htxenbaugh. 1814 St. Marys. FEMALE HELP WANTED WEAVERS and spinners wanted, experi enced. Steady, attractive work, good wages. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, X'ortland, Ore. WANTED A woman, who will go home at night, for housework, two In family. Ref. required. 119 No. 35th St. HA. 6134. WOMAN Competent, wanted for general housework ; reference required. 5109 t'apitol Ave. AGENTS WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED DAY work for white woman. AT. 8438. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station, lath and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500 FOR SALE A sli-cylnder Kissel-Kar: good running condition; cheap for cash. HA. 3320. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 5056 Farnam St. AT. 7836. FORD parts. Front axle, $4: spindle, fl; front radius rod, $1. Neb. Auto and Parts Co., 1016 Harney St. FORD cars made to atart first turn of crank, 13.00. While you wait. Used Ford , Car Co.. 1814 Cuming St. WILL take a few good automobiles to soil on commission. Reasonable rates. HA 0800. Biackstone garage. USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all atandard make car.. Neb. Auto Parts. 1016 Harney St. REE inspection and water for all make, battery. Battery and Part. Co.. 2416 Farnam St.. AT. S314. FOR SALE Electric ear; a Glen Wilcox. 1100 E. Pierce, Council Bluff.. BUY A GUT It. SMITH USED CAR. A Saf. InvtstmenL JSth and Farnam Sts. Phon. DO. 1970. USED cara. worth your money. The Ne braska Old-mobile Co.. 18th aud Howard Sta AT. 1770. USED radiators. .11 make, for sale. ough Radiator Repair, lot ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Serv ice. PFEIFFER'S, 2525 Leavenworth. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, ai S. 14th. ESSEX coach. HIM, cash. DO. 452. NASH coupe, nearly new. JA. 03 3. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE A II IAI' July lai, n, Hunijay. July j ; i. ii Hi. r. r of our ouii4ina mil .i w.ry umi itr in our ..aaalon .1 .klunall low frm. .04 t.iy toy Mai. ai.n. iiuiii'1 ai I ! in , 4iu.y n4 "'! Nuiiilay a hl ai 1 p. m. bom. 'oiit 1an. .nil luur li.ia .1 l i(ain I'rlt ant many uih.r make In itmpaa. ...tan. lou'lnt. ian4 ri'lai.r.. W. ro unloaitiof jitm. i Han a til nw ar. ihia kmIi .n.t ha, no ro'im ltd buf in. in put rara on ni mu.i 'lt .11 ua4 tar. at onrt. Willys-Overland, Inc. I'll r.rnam Ri Kaviory llraii'h 'in Bt.nmii. Kl. .aior 14 Roof a All Tim... Get Ready for the Fourth See These oLlMoII.K ni'i'HT, iino fi'X MTI"N AMI A HARiiAIN, Others, Too KKK'KNMft WITH KAi'H t'AH I'l'lti'MAHKI). Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. 1KI CAKK THAT IAN HK t'SKI'. IIOWAKtl AT lTH. AT. 1770. HKAi7"X'Bfii cab "hargaIns. I'aali or Tlma. Buy or fc.ll. Kord.. from 1(0 and up. lioil.o. Bulcka and olh.ra. f 100 and up Konl bodl.a lnl.r lop.. jnr.DMTHOM AUTO HALES CO . lilt Harnry 81, Contra! Gamut, 1'1IANDI.KK HJ0, T-p.aa.nKr tourlnK! pt-rfi-ct condition: orl.ipal ftnlah; '"! Urea, top, tiphol.terlnii; . baricain, caah or tormii; 1053 Karnam. po. .SkT. n It I Sen K tourlni. fin. condition, 1151. WA 41. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For UK, a f.w unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, che.p, alteration, frae. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney 8ta. FULL PRESS suit, .nd Tuxedo, for rent JA. 3128. 101 N. 16th St. I. Peldm.n. ARMY ahoee. 12.00. TO! No. ltth. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. CURRANTS for sale at lhm's Farm. 61st and Military Ave. Telephone WA. 186. CHERKIKH and currant, for aale WAI.STROM'S. 60th .nd Sprague. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Jot These Auction Dates Down Friday and Saturday. June 3th and July 1st. AIn Ructions vry Friday and Tues day evening at 7:30 p. in. Where? STEPHENSON'S AUCTION HOl'SK, 1509 CAPITOL AVENUE. AT. b'2U. A brief description follows: Furniture from four homea In addition to furniture from storage being sold to watisfy storage charge.?. Finn living rifin suit In mahogany with Spanish leather upholstnrlng over stuffed parlor suites in velour; daven port table: mahogany and oak library tables; sectional bookcases; flemish oak tapestry upholstered living room pieces; talking machines; pianos. , American walnut dining suite; mahog any bedioom suite ; cedar cheat; brass beds; kitchen cabinets; fumed oak din ing suites; Singer drop head sewing ma chine; big lot of bedding and linens; tall clock ; davenport; duofold ; water heat ers ; sideboard; mahogany settee; gas stoves ; cook stoves ; rockers ; a lot of large size Amerfcan flags; kitchen uten sils; garden hose, and lots of other useful art i cleg. Frank B. Stephenson Auctioneer. To sell goods see us. Auction Auction TJIk Furniture Sale in Dowd's Auction Houee, ISth and Webster Sts. Friday Night at 7 p. m. Including pianos, talking machines and records, overstuffed and cane inserted parlor suites. Very expensive mahogany and American walnut period dining room suites. Beautiful bedroom suites, very latest style, including American walnut, old Ivory and mahogany and 1 complete twin bed, mahogany bedroom suite, kitchen cabinets, gas ranges, lino leums, dishes, garden and laundry tools and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. J. L. Dowd & Co. Auctioneers. If ou have anything to sell call At lantic 091,-'i or Walnut 6213. AUCTION! AUCTION! FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 30, 7:30. Dimock Furniture and Auction House 2426 South 16th Street. Everything in Household Goods to Be Sold at Auction. G. C. DIMOCK, Auctioneer ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. t"6 buya the best. Phone Douglas 4423. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low a8 $10 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKEL3. loth and Harney. DO. 1973. BOTTLES New and used. Nathan Steinberg. 101 Harn.y. Do. 6166., POULTRY AND PET STOCK. TOUR choice from 100 canaries, $7.00, Frank Byers, 28th and Harrison St. Phono Ma 3801. WHEAT SCREENINGS, $1.50 per 100 lbs. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, .old. rented and repaired. Sol. agent, for the CORONA. Get our prlcea before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 41!. 191! r.rnam. WK buy. sell aafes, make desks, show cases, etc., Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Dougla. JA. 2724. BUSINESS CHANCES AUTO business; town property for sals consisting of good house, modern garage, two lots; fine location on G. R. High way. Complete stock of ttres, tubes and accessories. Light plant, 110 volt lights the town. $1,800 stock and fixtures. $1,500 cash down, balance subject to long mortgage. Chance for someone to pay as you go. We do an enromoua bus!nes9. Ellis Auto Garage. Ellis, Neb. U. S. PATENTS for sale. Sandless con crete, all tested out, stronger than sand concrete. light in weight, does not crack; an airless auto tire. Write In ventor. Claus Light. Gordon Grove. Ia. MEAT market for sale In town of 90 population. First class market ; good farming locality; doing a fine business. For further information address Y-153a, Omaha Bee. HERE IT IS A going multigrapth busi ness. One of the best buys in Omaha today. Call AT. IWSINESSCHANCES la KU Itii'iill.Stl llnl ;. Hui b .la , b.i, Ira... 7i rant. ftha4 oub incn tooiu.r.. m.n.y m.a.r. H a.d. s pbun. ali. .nanaranl, 4i.l atitn ounor. 1:4 ,Vnh lain BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS " a'corihon" piTkatino. Ai't'oHt'lON. rd"; knif bo"plaaiin, roa.r.4 biillona, all elylaa: hainalllib. I"., buitonli.l.a U'rlla llutiun A I'l.atlna Co.. Jol llronn lllock, Omaha. N.b. T.l.phono JA lS4 NEB. PLEATINGr: .4 liutiona. 1104 r.rnam, lei Kloor. m, Ull, " t lllKiiT'TlAT-TORH PsTrlcAn ,,K- A."j7rhlro"prariof7lor VariSUn radon blo.k, AT, I74t. WK !: a. m -4 It p. m. " ,i"lNTMAI'TOt,'4 HAII AOKH buitt. any yl. and al..ll00 up" I'oni'ri". work. Micklin Lumb.r Wr.rkln Co, T.I. WIC HANCIN'il ACAIiKMII'H I.KAItN to dam'.; (umm.r rlaaara: to Im anna. II K..p'a. HI4 Kama in. PO, H40. PKNTtUT. li K.NT A U X -T A y R SO ."arh,-1 1 full a.t. lit Rorurlil.e . 14th and r.rnam. I'r K H. 1'a.e, Prntlat, 43 World-H.r-old lllilit. of. AT. ll. Kv. KK. 0771. PKTKCTIVKB, IIKI.IaPi.K Pnertlv. Hallway K. HI. Ik., JA. :om: KR. 1113. In.t-p.nd.-nt Petectlv., 104 N.vlll. IIIR. AT. WlJlln'. WA. 4046; KB. C441 JAMKpTaI.I.AN. Ill Neville Hlk. ..cured In all rase. AT. 113. DRESSMAKING. Kmbroiderlnif, dressmaking. AT. 1T17. Kl'ItRIKIlr) TTTIRQ remodeled, r-llii'd. cleaned. uttu Kne.ler Alaska Fu aska Fur Co., 201 Bo 18th St. DO. T1S. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Knalgn Co., MOT Howard Rt PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 200. Alao Washington, D. C. I help Inventor, aell their patent.. OSTEOPATHS. DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopath, 041 World-Herald Bldg. At. 2060, Ja. 0721. PRINTING. SDDY Printing Co. til 8. 11 St Do. 8447. PAINT AND PAPER HANGFNO. P. Till ESSKN, painting and paperhaag ing, 15 to 10 per room. Including pa per. Best work. AT. 2799. LUPTON Painter; inside work i rlntty; cheap for caah. AT. 9717. WKDhlNG STATIONERY. WEID1NG Invitations and announcements printed or engraved ; 'samples sent upon request. Urandcis Printing department. mi s ckui j a n k c r s announFeTentsT" GAITED saddle horses for rent by hour or day. All sre gentle. My personal attention given to beginners. Smith Crane, proprietor. OMAHA RIDING ACADEfT. Ak-Sar-Ben Field. Phona WA. 6051. DIAMONDS We pay the beat price with privilege to buy back at email profit. OROS3 JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 604. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattressea made over In new ticka at half price of new heda. Pillows renovated and made up in new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks waehed. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467, TO protect your trees from damage done by worms and other insects, have them sprayed by the Home Landscape Ser vice Co., 911 N. 24th. DO. 5115. DR. Loula N. Smernoff, diseases of women and children. 315 N. 21st St. AT. 6761. PRESCRIPTION'S carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug stores. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146. Call WK. 6441 first We pay more for furniture, rugs, stoves, clothes. ROOMING HOUSES. ROOMING house for sale; 10 rooms of beautiful furniture; good home and good Income. HA. 3320. ROOMS FOR RENT GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. FURN. rma. with priv, bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. DESIRABLE rooms for two or three young men. Phone Harney 4643 after 6 p. in., Saturday afternoons or Sunday. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close in. strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 3250. VERY ATTRACTIVE front room for cou ple employed, private home, breakfast. Klg. 3 5 OS. FARNAM 3619 Large, unusually attrac tive room, well furnished and ventilated. VERY desirable furnished room for business women. Harney 5654. 505 No. 41st Ave. Large, cool rpom, hot water; gentlemen. WA. 1280. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms la the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts of the city. TWENTY-THIRD ST, 3632 S. Two nice large rooms, three-room convenience, modern home; nice location. MA. 4792. SIXTEENTH ST., 606 N. 3-room apt., for light housekeeping; also two sleeping rooms. AT. 4101. TEL. AT. 91G8 2 modern connecting clean rooms, very desirable, close in. FARNAM St., 2063 Choice Apts.. close-in. BOARD AND ROOM PRIVATE fam'ly, close to car line; mod ern and homelike. $7 per week, 3311 North 60th St. Call WA. 6178. THREE very nice furnished bedrooms, modern, $5 a week. Breakfast if desired. WA. 4698. CAPITOL AVE., 2887 Private family, good room and board for two; walking distance. 2417 DODGE Cool room with good board for man and wife employed. AT. 2689. HOUSES FOR RENT NICE 6-room house, modern except fur nace. Reasonable to email family. Call WA1, 19,18 after 6 p. m. VERY nice 6-room house, newly decorat ed. Bath and garage. $35. 2023 Pierce. AT. 2S26 and AT. 0274. ilNE T-rm. house, unfurnished, all mod. shady yard. 6134 N. 23d. KB. 1R26. FURNISHED HOUSES TWO rooms, either vacant or nicely fur nished: good Inside and out. 3727 North 44th. Call Eagle Shoe Repair, 2234 Far nam. TEL. HA. 0336 Furnished house for the summer, 7 rooms, sleeping porch and garage-, $100 month, references required. PERMANENT couple to share widows home In Dundee; everything furnished. Call after 6 o'clock. WA. 4840. WILL share 5-room, new modern, cozy bungalow, $10 a week. Harney 6S58 after 6 p. in. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TOO roVim modern apartmenta. THE X, J-I,RAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard St. AT. 1708. JA. 205. COMFORT'all aeasons; screened sleeping pore hea or 4 :R."f 4 and 4-room apts. 220V4 N. 23d. MODER 7 rooraa; low rent, close in. OS P, Etebblns, 1619 Chicago, columns of The bungalows, brick homes, modern duplexes, moderate priced cottages, etc. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartments I It noma V- a iliuiala. I'0 kouih :ih Utr.'i 144 l 4 Rauni. N'u. 1. Iniy, J"i' Hini.y. i.0 4 Rooina.o. i;, f io-l.r, I'Jih and fapilol Av. . ft It 1 Room N.i. la, Kiiiaaboraush. Hit Moil., burn It 10 I Itnema-Nn I Kinaalmriruah. llii l"odlr Wrr.'l 13 "0 Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT n'tl I7h and r'lirnani bla HAMILTON HOTEL t iriilii ut '.'(Hi Km ul. .la-tn. i.f np.irtmnt with 4 ,A-)ma nl bmh: uom tontlMun pnd ry 1rlfhlt Nf m rMiMi4tit tnHl. For Rent. imim flat, il'iao in Patidy loi allon. H i.i- monih. Call Mr. Maimr, AT n4J, r'IVK-lti)iMAI'V7 li.-n" Moll. 44Hi and I 1 . aknAl July 1, Fouth ami v.rat i"aur.; I rtit ll'iO rr monlh WA. 113;!. l.esvrnwurlh 11.. fTi'l htmli'tn .puriiniMit, Hon.. II A. S4iio, -Mi. 110. 3 .room. Vldor Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. JURNISHEDAPARTMENTS HAMILTON HOTEL Karnam at :tih. in. room, with klti henette and bath. Two ronma, with kltrh'netto and hath. All completely furnlahed, Including ga. and Unlit. A HATISKAlTOItY PI.ACB TO MVK. HUNTER INN Horn for th. traveling man to leave hi. wifo In comfort and anfety. 2401 KndK. Ht. NKW. - a-iinl al.v ll.rl.t 1 A and (.room Apts, strictly modern; one oioc-k , roaatown car, t block park and hathlnst pool. 5-M4 1 street. MA. 3504. COMK-olvrXni.K 4-room, furnuiliti.part ment; anutheaat exposure. Dundee. Phon. Valnut 0155. TWO AND THRKK-ItOOM .partmenla. Drown apartments, COS North 21st St. AT. 744. HKAUTIKIM. 6-room uufurniahed apart . ment. Chula Vista, 30th Hnd ropplcton: Iso. HA. 4330. MOVING AND STORAGE Fint'TTTV BTORAOt A d i-i X. X J. VAN CO. MOVINO PACK1NO STOItAOK SHIPPINO. Household Hoods and Pianos. Reduced Ratea This Week to T.OS AXOEI.KS and CHICAUO. It 07-11 Howard Ht. .lackson 0:s. FIREPROOF WARtHOUSB Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and ahlpping. BKKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 06 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving Contracts taken on Job or hr. Glob. Van & Storage Co., JA. 4331. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St, TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULIXO CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUQ. 6883. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT A Wonderful Opportunity The only store building for rent in a good live town in one of the lest sugar beet districts in Colorado. Good brink building', 25x65 feet, situated on the main street of Iliff, Colorado, on the Union Pacific; rental, J40. Address R Srhnitzer, 1565'Race St., Denver, Colo. OFFICES FOR RENT. Tel. JA. 4120 Excellent store room, ground floor; a. Iso desk and window display space on Farnam St. Good lo cation. FOR RENT Building at 19th and Nich olas street ;. three-story, suitable for general storage or garage. Tel. AT. 3000. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. NICE light office, low rent, located on Farnam ; telephone and stenographic service if desired. Call AT. 7774. SUITE of offices facing Farnam St. Very desirable for two doctors. Apply 400 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Choice small office facing elevator. Apply 400 First Nat. Bank Bldff. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 to 6 individual floors. WE. 3483. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones St. VACATION RESORTS. FOR RENT Eight-room cottago located on lake shore. Sunset Beach, Lake Okobojl. Has city water, sewer, elec tricity and garage, W. C. Slater, Ar nolds Park, Ia. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. 638 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2716. $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, $10 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At. 0151. Vovro T none No delay on western X U III XJValla Neb. farm., ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 846 Om. Nat'l UK FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. ahopen & io., Realtor.. JA. 4228. 234 Kecllne Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY GARVIN BROS.. 645 OMAHA NAT Bldg. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold. HOUSE. 1421. 1st Nat. Bk. AT. 3644. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS, vzi City Nat l anx mag. CHATTEL LOANS Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. QUICK. QCIET AND CONFIDENTIAL,. OMAHA LOAN CO.. 506 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2295. Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sts. COLORADO LANDS. COLORADO land, 282 acres. Lincoln Co. Cheap for quick sale. Address John M. Hill, Cherokee. Ia. WISCONSIN LANDS. 80 ACRES good, heavy, level, hardwood, fruit land, six miles west of Bay field, Wia.. $15 per acre. Inquire of Wm. Bushey. Spooner, Wis. NEBRASKA LANDS 40-Acre Home Only 6 miles west of Omaha on the Blair high road, which is slated for pavement. There are TWELVE ACRES in CONCORD AND MOORES EARLY ORAPES. I have just completed a new set of improvements on this 40. FINE B-ROMM HOUSE, screened-in porch, LARGE NEW BARN. LARGE NEW HOG HOUSE and a good chicken house. The Improvements are located In ft fine ORCHARD In full beartnp. Ther are 2 acrs in beautiful WALNUT GROVE. 10 acres in ALFALFA, balance in CORN. I am moving to California and must sell this farm at once. Am pri'-ing it $100 an acre lss than the 40 join ing it. WUt make mighty easy term. These grapes alona will brinsr you 1n an inrome of over yr. Think this over. Possession at once. S. S. Montgomery, 68 BrandH Theater Bldg. Omaha, Neb, ToS Omaha Bee who, NEBRASKAJ.ANDS Do You "Want" to Buy Land? Tall the numb.r of ..Tre d.alr.d, impiov.4 or umniptov.4. lo. lion prrf.rrrd, .mount uu will pay down, .to , .nd I wilt you In l laii'in am h a farm or ram h a. you aia .rklna. I has. no land of my own Is aril, nor do I any land aal. Ina comrany. My aaalaiani'. in loral li' a furm or lani b for you la fr... Wnt. llomrfindar, II. l V-lt:l, Omah. H.a. H A I? Mj Urll M l-raon, f.ntral 1 11VXUO nty, N.b., your want, for iTMia irarla. farina. WANTED REAL ESTATE 1IOMKS for aale. APTeOor rant" W. J. Palmer Co., Real Katal. Management Hpeclaliat.. Keelln. Illdg AT. , Mat our linme lluy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Katale. I.nani. Rental. J A. !nl. To buy or II Omaha Real Katnte e FOWLER & M'DONALD n:o iik. nidg j a. i4t. Charles W. Young & Son Ri-al restate. Rentala, Inauranre, IS03 City Nat. Rk. AT. . Reed & Co., Real Rstntt and Insurance. 1 27 Fnrnum Rt Phone AT. 141 GRUENIG lically Co. Liat wltb ua for aulck rrsulia. 1418 Kir.' Nat'l P,k. Dldu. JA. ). BIRKETT RKAL ESTATE Sella, Rants. InaurM. ar.0 I'ot.r. Trust Hide. JA. 0C33. FfBAlOHT d-yrar loana, Vfc par c.nL AMOS ORANT CO.. :ol S 18th. Arthur Win. AT. tno. NKW hoiora, completely financed. Pay Ilk. ront. C. T. 8PIKR CO.. Ro.ltor J04 Trtor. Truat Bid. DO. 4867. AT-I.antlo 1111 means BOMB RKALTT CO., 1019-20 W. O. W. Bldg. W. buy and .ell Omaha home. WANT or 7-room, wall located, In Dun do. by th. flrat; hav. cash. Doi 121, Omaha Bee. GEO. T. PORTER & CO. Estate. Rentals. Insurance. lOo South 18th. AT. MM. LIST your homos for sale with us. W. havo the customers. PAYNE INVEST MKNT CO. GHOVK-HinBARD CO., modern 628 Ry. Eicbit. Bldg. AT. 495H. LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co.. Securities Bldg. LIST your Smith Co. propertv with V, 1'JJO Farnam St. Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 246. W,.atrrn Estat. Co )A. .607. ACREAGE FOR SALE Quarter Acres $5 Down, $5 Monthly Located BOUthwent of Omaha Field club, and only a fpw blocks south, of renter street. Price $!M5. The Byron Reed Company Doug. 0:97. 1612 Farnam St. AN ACRE oi ground for only $976. Fronts aou'h on the Blvd. at 34th St. Kasy terms. AT. 8428. VACANT PROPERTY $25 TOWN $5 MONTH Fine corner lot, facing south and east, sewer ard water in atreet; near car, $450. H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor. AT. 243 515 Peters Trust Bldg. Pnlcjfnn T.nfQ200 UP Small pay- ivuikjLun uuto ment down: easy payments. Mione Stewart, Ralston 10-W. DUNDEE lot, 60x126, on 64th St., near Farnam; choice lot: will consider reas. offer. C. A. Orimmel, Phono JA. 1615. OWNER will sell three lots 36th St. and boulevard. Kenwood Addition. Very cheap. Address Y-1934. Omaha Bee. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Edgewood; very ea&y terms. Atlantic 3540. CENTRAL PROPERTY BRICK duplex, all modern; good neigh borhood; central location. Owner, HA 7260. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY 3348 Ames Ave. We have .just listed this 7-room home first floor has large living room across front of house splendid dining room and kitchen second floor has four corner sleeping rooms with good bath ; full cemented basement with hot water heat; nice yard with garage; this is priced absolutely right, with terms, so act quick. Payne & Carnaby Co. filfi Omaha Nat'l Bldg. JA.lOlfi. HIGH CLASS RESIDENCE BEAUTIFUL MILLER PARK A prettily finished home, oak finish, built-in features; long Jiving room, big sunny dining room: kitchen has built-in features, grade entrance. Ice box room and full basement with coal bio; two lovely big bedrooms each with big closets. Linen closet and bath. Price very attractive, at $5,750. Terms easy. SHOPEN & CO., Realtors. 234 Keeline. JA. 4228 Exceptional Value $4,850 Brand now bungalow. Well built and finely finished. Five extra fine rooms on one floor. Attic and full cemented base ment. Paved street. Close to rar and school. Kasy terms. Sunday and eve nings call Grant Penson, Walnut 1580. Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block. AT. 3540. KOUNTZE PLACE BUNGALOW. Five-room, up-to-date and in best of order, oak finish, highly-polished oak floors. South front lot, 60x124. near Sherman Avenue car line. On Lothrop street. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Xat'l Bank Bldg. JA. 12 Make Us an Offer Beautiful 7-room ilinne I,UEa home must be sold. If you want a real genuine bargain see this todav. Eve nings phone Mr. Shaver. KE. 3768. Equitable Trust Company 1313 uouglas street. AT. 1945. DANDY S-ROOM. STRICTLY MODERN. EAST FRONT LOT i0xl5O. BLOCK TO CAR; PLENTY FRUIT. $500 DOWN; PRICE $3,160; $35 MONTH. All on one floor: full screened-in porch: nicely decorated; a real home. Call Jackson 22a 2. OSBORNE REALTY CO. Peters Trust Bldg. VICTOR AVENUE. rooms all on one floor: 3 finished in oak and 3 In enamel; juat decorated and painted 2 coats; almost aa good as new: south front: paving all paid; now vacant. About $850 caah, will do, balancft to suit. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. AT. I721. KOUNTZE PARK BARGAIN. rooms, strictly modern. In excellent shape, close to rar. A real bargain at $3.750 terms. HA. 35S, eve. $335 CAMDEN Ave.. ( rooms, modern with nan acre or rruii. si.eoo caah. balance. monthly. 60 Bee Bldg. JA. 0200. GOOD six-room house, oak finish, double garage ana flrive, good lot, fine loca tion. KE. 0440. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and aell bene. now How otherwise, would still be paying NORTH SIDE PROPERTY $87250 BUNGALOW FOR $6,900 $1,250 CASH BUYS IT Heautlful new katlaaton. lun.aloar, anil dandy Kallaaione gat... lu ni.tth Hull! far a, home rltir. lara. runoia iliroughnul. Ian living ruum iih flrt'i.. hulll In pulll-m (unl ry .nd lira.kfaei nook. Heal grade of oak fimah n floor. Sir. floored aim, full r.ineni floor, mal Mn; handy .rails enlian.a owner leaving rliy, muel "tl .t once; kia loaa oiir gain. He. ii t1.y, l. K. HlrK IV, Realtor.. :l Omah Nail HU JA. t l(. Ml. Five-Room Bungalow 25th and Crown Point Prlr. IT.:ioi. rd o l "; wlih lei., living room, i x' ''"oiti'ae... beamed relllng, X larga alllr. hrli-k foundations. V; l-rar ga rage and iliiv.; t"iJ Reaionabl. lei ma. Hunday i.ll vTi"t,n. Fike & rrtice -V M fliy TtW. Bldg Immediate Possession to a Seven-Room House 1403 N. 33d St. Pev.n-room, .11 modern house. Hand ing on a corner lot, All special, raid, owner .nxtoua to .ell .nd redacrd prtro to Is, too. Can b hought wlih 11.250 caah. monthly payments. H. A. Wolf Company (81 Saundera-Kennedy Bldg., AT. llin. Sunday rail Mr. Auernaoh. AT. 8030. HANDY -R. KOITXTZ PARK HOMK ALMOST NEW: KI.NB KAHT FRONT. 11,000 DOWN ; PRICE, 14. .00; t MO. All In oak; fine, largo living room, dining room and kitchen, flrat floor; threw largo bedroom, .nd bath on eer cond floor; very nice, a real buy. Call J.ckaon 1282. OSBORNE REAF.TT CO. Pelere Truat Bldg. A LI, MODERN. 11.300. 7-room house, newly painted, nicely decorated; i. block to achool; close to car and in a location h-re you can easily rent rooms. For a few day. only at 1300 down and $30 per monlh. Act quick! Call this evening. WA. H22. R. K. CLARY CO. Sllh and Ave Ave. KK 0178. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY 3052 South 34th Street Six -room nun jf. i low, ttll on on floor Living room with coat rlonet with mirror door; dining' room with built-in buffet; both flnlBhert In oak; kitchen with built in cupboards, also refriserator room fin ished in yellow pine; bathroom nnd one bedroom finished in whitw enamel. Oak floors throughout. Located on corner lot on paved street! anl pa vpd n1Iy. rione to car. school and stores. Trice $7,250. Term. Open for inspection today between S and 6 o'clock. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor 112 Brand. Thea. Bldg. JA. 0585. Hanscom Park District Near Field Club An excellent 8-room modern home, quarter sawed oak finish: large living room, fireplace, sleeping porch; lot 50x168; nice trees and shrubbery. This house Is being offered at a forced sale, 110.500 and $2,600 caah required. This Is an exceptionally good home at a real sacrifice. Glover & Spain, Realtors .la. i:0. 918-20 City National. Leavenworth Heights Iet us show you this clasny 2-story, 7-room aemi-bungalow. full length liv ing room, 2 large bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement, stationary tubs. $6. GOO. Terms. Eve., call HA. 04U or Booth, WA. 6008. Schroeder Investment Co. JACKSON 3SC1. Nearly New Good Terms South of Hanscom Park Attractive two-story frnme and stucco six-room house on a nice corner lot. Beautiful now decorationa, built-in fea tures. Oak floors throughout. Price Is right. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., JA. 05S4. 1320 Farnam. Eeve., HA. 2297. 3052 S. 34TH ST. Six-room bungalow, $7,260. C. O. Carlberg, Realtor, 312 Brandela Theater Bldg. JA. 0586. W.J.ST SIDE PROPERTY West $4,600 S43 So. 50th St., fine corner, five-room, all modern, very good home, garage, large lot. $1,350 cash. $11.000 3564 Howard St., 9-rooin. trlctly modern home, very well built, in best condition, isrge corner, 82x124. You must see this home, the ground Is worth the money, the best location In ths city. Paved street both aides. Do you know what It means to own so large n corner in thot locution? Terms. C. B. Schleicher 19H Vinton St. AT. 0905. $5,250 5-room modern bungalow with sleep ing porch. This Is well arranged with oak finiah In living room and dining rooms. Rooms are large, plenty of light and sunshine. This ia located just off 38th Ave. north of Leavenworth. Price and terms absolutely right. Call Mr. Chuda, Harney 6306. AMOS GRANT CO.. REALTORS. AT. 8380. 210 S. ISth St., Ground Floor. Clairmont Bargain Three large rooms down, three and bath up. Oak finish down. Large east front lot. Oarage and cement drive. Immediate possession. Call for our low price and easy terms. Glover & Morell, AT. 3623. 702-704 Keeline Bldg. r; I i I I i I a i i i a t a. i i r STORES I FOR RENT 5 Very desirable shopi in the ; I new World Theatre Bldg. Also about 10,000 square feet of ; I fine baaement apace, well ven- I tilated, high ceiling. Suitable " I for cafeteria, billiard, etc. ; World Realty Co. j AT 34S2. Entrance from lobby ' i ' m m i i iim i i t i i n i i i r i v Best in Dundee a , that can be boeght for . the money. Oak ftntab, pan- 0 eled dining rooca. fine bailt- in A m ojhineU and ether extras, eemrns, imrm. "J deera. " " Screened porch OTrr looking Cath- n!.nUd'tri'?. cn "xiT and see " this home. Moat be sold at ooor. Z Te, WA. 4M. AT. 4S. Mind rrt and Bids;. I Many WEST SIDE PROPERTY Leavenworth Heights Bargain, $5,250 Ju.l Itrllif lOlliplrlat fit "" rff"tu. on one fl-vr. .oi .nt full fm' ntenlad 1-aa.mrtil Oak flo.xe thrnugn. iui ri tioili Kril auen-t and nwei. riotepe.l t . I,, .tale In ...ry reeirl l'i..! atua I m itm. tr ai. f.iiii! litem iu na;ie,t ai Mr, Clean. WA, Benson & Carmiehacl, I Ca.i.n tllmk AT. a. SY.AH TKi'M III IU BKMIM I'AUK A ai'lenili1 offering In f hi. new bungs l"v. rM kind, i-f r."io. g.',.d looking, oak f;i.uli, bg ailir, "f room fur Ihi.-. he,tro)tna, on . tav.l .tree, log to rt. it and !, i,i,. .a. to in. ii.rney Heir, a danilv at ih. nr.. ftliorCA' I'O . Ileaiior. JA. 4. ;.i Keelln. Mldr. DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Brick Home Nortliwfat torner filet Ave., an4 Kar nam. aitrai'tiva a. tin. ni. 1 atones and am., ill- roi.f, hot water heat, l-fy ', tnrnrr lot Taallt feat, tful'lt l-oaar.a.on nwn.i'a huameaa haa treat f' rrnl him from ritv. I'rl. d right f ..,, .1. A . h... I ... lent location haeonahle trma. imiea can nr.. WA. lTe or T nu'lor A Mririnaln Realtors JA 1: 1120 Cltv Nat Pa ill niir.. ii llll Driva nut today and are iitn.iv anu imian; ffooa at taat room and kitchen: largo tile bathroom and floored attic ary tubs, toilet m baaement; .beautiful inr. ror a npoimment call Mr. Hucniei, AT. 172S or Mr. lloos, WA. 1H7. J. J. Mulvihill, Jin Brandcla Theater Bldg. JA. Mi. TWO BEAUTIFUL JJUlMJU-llj HUMUS ( Near 4'".th and Hodge SIS Modern) ami complete and In perfect ordnr throughout. One hal nine rooms and e finished attic; the other haa ft 'rooms. Tho K-room house has built-in features' and ia bungalow style; the 9-room la full two atory square type. Flreplaff In both. Handy large yards with n'ce lawn. Price of either Is llo.GOn. ment with O. 13. BI't'K aV . CO., Reallori. "42 Omaha Nat'l JA. 2000, WE HAVE SOME VERT ATTRACTIVE EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS IN DUNDEE We are not permuted to advertise full details, but can offer desirable brlclc homes In the restricted aectlnna of Hap py Hollow and Dundee, at following rang of prices: $16,500, $17,0011, $24,000, $25,000. $27,600. 133.000. 1. 1, I I.Pi K IV VI I I ns!r :ihs:ik T Glover & Spain, Realtors. Jackson 2850. 918-20 City National. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAT sella and tradea KE. 140$. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY CLOSK in. all modern five-room bunra- low; oak and white enamel finish; Just north of Mt. Clair one block; on paved stroet; south front. Only $5,500: easy terms. Call WA. 2812. FOUR ROOMS, $1,900. Tartly modern house, 3 blocka to 16th St. car line. Very easy frms. Evening, WA. 632. Days. AT. 9900 C. E. BELMAN. real ettate. Ins. AT. S2E0. Acre Home Close-in Only a half block from street :ar, having every city conven ience, three blocks from city school; a modern home of six rooms and bath ; oak floors, large screened porch, all well kept. Four large lots with orchard and garden that is the pride of the thrifty owner. Must be sold. Owner leaving city this week. See him at the house today, 2952 N. 65th St., one-half block north of the Country club. These bear ing fruit trees have six years' start. You begin at once to en joy this man's six years' work. A great place for old folks to en joy, and a paradise for children. Harrison & Morton REALTORS 916 Om. Nafl Bk. JA 0314 s X Happy Holloas Neto Addition A proper setting for a home - -a.ei.uiy llliUlCSaill a n i m nttoBRiA. xi i lost upon close a ri r tvi r l.nnA jj it rnn nrif h a sonable. $1,200 50 TO 108 f Realtors. Kead This at Miller Park SIX ROOMS ONLY $750 DOWN Just listed, this fine 6-room bungalow located but 2 blocks from Miller Park school and only 1 block to car linp Oak and pine finish and floors Z - I cnernes, currants, goose berries, and peach tree is loaded with fruit. Will show you this evening. Call WaL 8124. Seavey, Hudson Co. I 728-729 Ci r .t l. AT 9069 J