The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 30, 1922, Page 10, Image 10
T11K OMAma Hfch: HtlUAV. JUNE 30, 1922. I Omaha Grain Onulia, June J9. Whrallier ihn morning . ton ndfrfd more (varhle (or growing crop nd prif early were eiy itid lower, however, report cime in of otn lultenng (rem liot weather in Illinois and Nelhaka. There wa a good eai demand (or eorn in Chicago, (lernuny laid to be after Manitoba low grade wheat, and about JXt.iHX) btuhfU had been work ed. It wa rrportrd that between 4no,(XX) to 5(UM huklieU hard win ten were cancelled yeterday. pre- iimahly by Kngland. and export buiinett generally wa aid. to be low. Receipt of wheat at Omaha were 9 ear of corn. 4 car of oat. 22 tit of rye and barley. J car, total ing 76 car, a compared w ith 77 car lat year. Total shipment were, 1'rV car, a agaimt M car a yrar ago. Sale of cash wheat in the local mar ket were unchanged to 2 rent low er. Corn. oat, rye and barley all old at unchanged price with a lim ited demand for all grain WHEAT V. 1 hard winter; J rare II 1. Na. 1 hard winter: I tars, II t ear (loaded out S ner rent hMt timcil. II 7; i rare tehlnpere lull. II I". No. 1 yellow hard: I rar. II . No. I mlaed: 1 rar (ituruml, 111. OKS. Na, whit: 1 rara (.hlppera weight ), ; t rara. Ur: I rar, H'.r 1 yellow: I rar (ahlppers weight) No. lie Na. t yellow: Mr; rara. Mc, No. 1 ml led. I rar (ahlppers weight). 1 rar. H',r. OATH. No. t white: t rara. l'jc Karnpl white: t rar, lie. Hy: No. i: 1 rar, 7r Sample: 1 rar. 7r. He-ley. No. 4: t rar. V. (ample: 1 rar, o, OMAHA RECEIPT AND SHU .KNTS. T-e A to (LANOIH Receipts TVbeat , Corn Oata Rr Barley Bhlpmanta Wheat , ' Corn Oata , ftre Today. .. .. t . , 51 " .. I ; ii M It 31 Barley 8 AND SllirMK.NTS. fBIMAR RECEIla It Wk. Aeo. Tr. A. Raralpta Whrat ... Corn Oata Tl.oo" ft ino 71.noo 74". 000 41.000 Shlpmrnta it nun Whrat JF.T.ono Com -M .s.onn HtS.OIIO mt.oiiii Jl.onii S71.000 4it.on :i2,ooo Oata rt.KA H A t'Ef . Today. iwrw. . .. 4'J.ono lt.0O0 . .. 40.000 100,000 Corn (" WW...',. . 0,t CHICAGO 20.000 RECEIPTS. Wrrk ,yr!ota W rvrn Toil ay. Ann. . 2 IK .300 57 ' KANSAS' mr RECEIPTS. Work rtarlota Vhrat ... Corn Today. Affo. R X 11 29 27 7 3 LOUIS RECEIPTS. Vcrk Today, Ago. a l 54 31 so 29 uaia f ST. ' Cartotl- What v'orn .... I.I. BSTBBM WHEAT RECEIPTS. Tear A(o. .1 253 101 Yrar A to. 129 7 Hi iVarloti Today. A60. .139 112 . hi 1" .295 1 Chicago Produce. liinn 29 Bu'J Jljhlcaeo. firsta. 2H22i- ordinary fila. 0 !dic; nilacelKneoua. Jl21Hc: atorag; packed extras. SS2JKc; atorag packed flrata. Vi22tC. Poultry Live lower: fowla, Zltic, brollera, i83fc; rooatera, 14c. Knnsas City C.mln. Kantaa City. June 29;-Csh-w,h,e?lt No. 1 hard. Il.12fll.40; No. 2 red, 11.11 91.13. Corn No. 2 white. 68c; No. 1 yellow. imf6:c. Hay Unchanged. Kanaaa City. June 29 Cloae Wheat: July. tl.OStt; September, 11.0851; Decem- ""cornl'july. 67 He; September, 60c; December, 44c. Mlnneapolta Oraln. Minneapolta. June . Wheat Caah. No. 1 northern. $1.43 1. 44V. : July. M 344 ; September, tl.24: Demer 1J3. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 56HS6Hc Oata: No. S white, 34V436Hc Rarley: 4757. -Rve: No. 2, 82HS5c. Flax: No. 1, t'J.548'2.67. 8t. Iul C.raln. St. Loula. June 29 Wheat: Ju y. t tl; September. 1.13?t. Com: July. 62c; September, 66c OaU: July. S7c; September. ISVic. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn.. June 2 Flr Unchanged to 16c higher; family patents, ST.76. Bran 14.60l17.00. Kanaaa City M?etoek. Kanaaa City. June 29. (U. S. Bureau of M?r"t,.)-Cttl-R.c.ipt. 3 800 head: market, beef ateera, ateady to 16o higher, choice fin. grades, 9 .0099.60; acyeral loaaa grasaers. 6.26(87.15; atrong to 25 cents higher; beat. 19.50 ralvea, strong; belt choice vealers, $8.50, few amall lota. 19.00; other claeer,. ateady: most cowa. J4.00W5.60; good kind 15.76 96.00: yearling helfera. tf-Si: bulk canners, 12.50; most cutters, $3.263 60. Hoga Receipts 8.000 head; market, opened 10 to 15c higher; close active to both packers and ehippers. 10 to .5c heaviea advancing most; top. 10.6o; Bulk of sales. 10.2510.60: shippers took about 1 600 good and choice 225 to 300-pound weights, I10.25C10.50; throwout sows mostly 1.258.75; stock pigs, 10020 cents higher, best. 110.60. ,,. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 4.000 head sheep steady: fat ewes to killers $360 J5.60: lambs generally 25 cents lower, top natives. 112.65: bulk better grades. J12.26eJ12.60: culla moetly 6S.00.25. SS Crnde OU Prodnetion. Vew York, Juno 29 The American t oleum Institute estimates that the 'V average irroaa crude oil production V . Rtmtes for the week ended ,-4 was 1,441. 350 parrels, aa comiiir MS, 700 barrels ror me prri;c,u IaiTfcreaaa of 4.360 barrela. enty-lxted dally average gross pro- Guiseppa Wyoming and Montana oouth Seventeen barrels, as eomparea If Salvatore and'or the preceding ween, North Eighteenth barrels. Mathewand Mas collected by tha na iaiii." V-... ------ he principal tTnlted .- J J T . 94 nley and - """"j reaia. comoared wltn reet. girl. fofi the week ended ore ".' . i 1 V W stp.Mlwe. t... a Butter Unsettled: .imarvX h W than extras. !8HffSc; Vx S VscY firatf. 84eS7Wc. Bin IrreguUr; fraab gathered xtra "chJrm'T atate. whol. milk, flats, freshspeclal. J0tMHc: state whole inillt. (lata, frash. aYerage run, ouejoio: Ute. whole milk, twins. frbT aSscials. 30HJ21c; state whole milk, twina, frask. average run. 20c. TBrpentise and Roeiii. Savannah. Oa., June 2. Turpentine TIW Sl.Ml.MH; a.l. 827 barrels; cstpta, al oarreis: aniiimou. Ttls; stock. a,7M barrela. Roatn Firm: sale., ( easks: receipts. 1 3T caaka; shipments, 111 casks; stock, "ijooteTB; I4.: D. 14 : I. 14.75; T O, 84. M: H, Ms: I. 15 :K, 15.36: M 85.10; IC, 15.76; W, O. 86.80; W, W, '.7S. Kenr Tork Metal a. New Tork. ft. r?'"tt tfZi lectrqlTticv, spot and Utar. lIKo and ''Tin-iteaay: p fnUra. I.7lfc Iron Steady and wackanged ld Steady; spot, ! , Zinc Steady: East St Loula, sp and feearby dallvary. .36.Jc. Antimony Spot t.0C6.2H. jjBjdm Vsiala. London. Jan 2. Standard copper, lt 15a: fotarea. i3 Ss: electrolytic spot. fiioe: faturaoi 171; tin. spot. 113; futures. fl?leca; leea. apor, sietieaoi miww, lH - - - I mm m. 11 C A fithiM. Jl Rt. .luly r I scot. A . ' ' Pre. avr ijTtwrr: ir-nrn V M K. ifea. Tt . Rlrl. f :sv'f, A57 17a Id. - Market, Financial anftndustrial News of the Day Chicago Grain Br CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Ilauka IWo l-r4 War. C'hcago, Imie 29, Increased appre. hentiun of black rut damage to tprmg whrt in fie northweat, a continued flood of unfavorable threilung return front the winter grain territory and buying of July by houri with eatern connection made an tie and higher wheat market, with the clou within a frac tion of the wit), net (in of )i (( Ic, torn ahoed a strong undertone and gained ! (, . it- cemher leading. LiuiiinitKu on in oat. with the rlo it W lower, while rye wj tMchanvd te Jic higher. Favorable weather con.iiti over the spring wheat territory both jide of the international line M lo local preure and a decline t early. July touching $1.1.1'.. '"- rail trike. however, H to catern buying. With clo-ir ' lread be tween the July an. " September, the former at one inf prart.cally the ame a the Sr-mber. although at the lat the Mft widened out to Ic again. At 1 outside July wa Sl.lSiJ and at thA'- ' f l.Ufc to SI.MU, Hit0" Ksiweied. Ihr ..rna. A prlval erport to h Ihreahlng hor a hravy lna, romparrd with thr kAA'.j0 buahala auifritrd on Junr I. vn' amae from bla k ruat la rlalmrd Mhttijali thm nrt two wrrha ,,,rmlna lha nutroma of tha rrop, "a .drat aomand waa mora ai'ilvc. wli t.fi4rnrv ihfla'B la Inrrraa Mil pratnluma ' Iam bI prlrra wrra H v Ic Mrhrr romparm itn July. Hatm'.ai of h4Ka on aalra of 500, tuah-la raah rorn ovrrniahl. Inrlud llie 4a.i,000 huahrla In aipnrtara, rauarri alight narrowlna- of Ihr July-Hrplrmhrr rorn illffarrnrM aarly. Loral tradrra wr anrrally brarlah and anld paralalrnlly Ihtoufhout tha day, whllo ranh houara took tha llquldatlnir aalra of July and old tha Srpimibrr, changing, ovrr hrdgra. (Top rrttoria on thr whoir wrra lavorania, although rain ta badly nerdrd In aoma Parla of Illlnola and Iowa. Rrcrlpta. 3 rara. Seaboard blda war on tha brat haata In warka. Liquidation waa on In July oata which moro than offart buying on bad crop rrporta and tha rloaa waa about Ihr bot tom, faah hnuaoa bought July and aold Srptrmbrr. Whipping demand waa fair with rrcalnta rara. I Trada In rya waa only fair, with tha July working to a wldrr dlarount under the September. Export demand alow rot Note. Chicago received Ita flrat car of new wheat of the aeaaon today. It came from Central Illlnola, ronnlgned to the J. Roaen hnum tlraln romnany. graded No. 4 red teatiuc (4.1 oounda Dr buahel and aold to the Armour Grain company at 11.1 af Si under Julv. Chicago Roard of Trada will adjourn at lltJO Monday. All egchansea ecept Wlnnlneg will he cloaed July 4. Wlnnl- m win h. plowed Julv 1. Dominion day. Thoae rloao to tho railroad offlrlala and the union leadera eprea tna oenei tin, ih.r. win im no airiKe. Trade eentlment on gralna tonight waa Mnre Julv 1 lou dat on la lOOKea for and bualneaa today la expected to be larrelv In changing from near ,to aistani future. CHICAGO CLOSIN'V PRICES. Bv Undlke drain C. OO. !27. JuneT". I Open VUlgh. I Low. I Cloae. Tea. 47 Wht. uVJi.,5hS.1h1;.4..U5 i:i5, 1.16H na vn l.'ia 1.HH 1." J.JJH J" 1,17"4 1.18W 1.11 .54 . :SS5 ioO .82 .S9HI .8v .62A .62 .61 -65H1 .11, .S -SOU .J M .UM .SSVi .MJi . .65 -667 .3i .36 .36V4 .36 .864 Hv, .39 .38 .30 . 'lev .'"H '.42 .42',i .41 .42 .42 11 32 11.40 111.32 11.36 11.30 1L65 11.67 jll.62 11-62 11.60 11.9S 12.05 111.95 12.J5 11.90 11.72 11.75 111. 67 11.07 11.72 20 JS July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. Dec. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. Omaha Pf oduce Furnished by tha stats of Nebriskt. partment of agriculture, bureau of mar kets and marketing: LIVE POULTRY. Wholesale Buying Price: Broilers 0.320.35 Leghorn broilers. .28 .?0 Wholesale Selling Price: 0.350.4O .30 .33 .18 .22 .21 .25 Hens, light iW Hena. heavy Oocks . . Broilers Hens .. Cocks . No. 1... No. 2 . . . Cracks . .09 .12 .15 DRESSED POULTRT. .42 .45 .25 .16 .24 .15 .24 .21 .16 EQGfl. . .20 . .16 .21 .17 .14 BUTTER. Creamery, prints Creamery, tub Cnnnlrv common .22 .36 .34 .24 But. fat, sta. pr.. .27 .28 HAT Prairie-No. 1 upland, 113 0014.00; No 2 upland, 10.00 12.00; No. 3 upland 87 00 9 00" No 1 -midland. U.0013.00: No. 2 midland, 89.001J.00; No 3 midland. 87 0O8.00: No. 1 lowland, 8.0010.0O, :.' .. . ti nni nfl NO. 3 lowiaim, .-, ... .,.nrt.rd. Alfalfa No. 1 . a 1 a.uwui' 1 w.vv , . i) 11.00; No. 3, 8U.0013.00; No. 1, JiO"" "sTrfw-Oat. 8.00.00; wheat, 7.00 " wholesale prtcea of beef cuts are as follows: No. 1 libs. 21c; No. 3 ribs. 20c. vn s rlhs. 15c: No. 1 loins, 27 Kc. No. . . Nil. S loins, 20c; r.o, rounds, 19 14c; No. 2 rounds, 19c rounds. 15c; No. 1 chucks. 12c. chucks, 11c; No. 3 chucks. Sc. plates, 5ttc; No. 2 plates, 5c, No. No. No. No. plates. 4c. HinEg WQOU Beet hides: Green salted No. 1. per 10., 67c: green Baited No. 2. per lb 66c, green hides No. 1, per Ib.,4r,c: green hides No 2, per lb. 394c; aTreen .Uea old stock, per lb.. 2 3c; green salted bull hides No. 1. per lb.. 4c; green lilted bull bides No. 3, per lb., 3c. .. Horse hides: Large, each. IS 06; medium, each, 12.60; small, each, 12.00; pony and glues, each. 1.001.!5. Sheep pelts: Green salted, as to lx and wool. each. 75clll.00. Wool: Choice fine and -blood, per lb., 27S2e; medium and -blood, per lb., 2 e)30c; low and tt-blood. per lb., 18 022c. turry wool, per lb.. 1217c. FRUITS. Bananas: Per lb.. 7c. Of""1 .f " 216 and larger, $9.009.50: size 250. 38.00 8.25; Size 288. 7.007.60; siie 324, 16.00 6.60. Lemons: Box, according to s xe, 7.60I.OO. Grapefruit: Crates, according to eize, 6.007.00. Peaches: Georgia, 6 basket crates, 3.604.00. Apricots: 4 basket crates. $2.755.60. Plums: 4-bas-ket cratea, 82.75. Cherries: Home grown, qt. boxes, per case, 83 25. Gooseberries: Home grown, 24-qt. boxes. 2.75. Logan berriea: 24-qt. boxes. 85.75. Strawberries: Crates. 24-qt. boxes. 33.754.00. Apples: Wineaap. according to size and grade. 33.3563.75: Newton pippins, according to slse and grade, 33.60. Figs: 24 pkgs., I- ".. ""5' VEGETABLES. Potatoes: No. 1 ver lb?, new, 4c; old stock. Idaho whites. No. 1. per cwt., 13.76; old stock. Red River.' Ohio, o. 1, per cwt., $3.00; old stock, netted gema. No. 1, per cwt.. 83.00. Sweet potatoes: Per bu, tl.503.06. Head lettuce: Cratea, 34.0004.60; doxen. $1.2601.50. Leaf let tuce: Dozen, 260. Egg plant: Doxen. $1.50 02.00. Onions: Crystal wax, 45-lb. cratea, $3.0003.(0; yellow, 45-lb. crates. $2.26: home grown, doxen. 35c. Cucumbers: Hot house, dozen. $1.101.26: southern, bn. beaker. 4-6 dozen. $1.2562.50. Cabbage: fNew. per lb., 4 6c. Tomatoes: Crates. 4 baskets, CCBl-vO. nuiianri. 15 0 20c. Spinach: Home grown, doxen. 50c. Green peppers: Per lb.. 30c Green and wax beans: Market basket, $1,000 1 26. Parsley: Dozen bunches, market baaket, 40046c. Watermelons: Per lb.. 303HC- Cantaloupes: Crate, $3.6004.00. Aaparagua: Dozen, 76C01.O. New peas: Baaket, about a lbs.. 1116. PLANTS. , Tomato: Par esx. $1.0. Pansy Plants: Per do Me; par bag, 11.7$. Live Stock Omaha, June :l. Reraipie were, I'attla. Huaa llheep- OffuLl II, III .-7 uifi. ,al TuM.iar . .. a ? ti.7j la 'tfl. I.I Ue.-ieedar., I.'oo I T J J i alimat 1a.ia.H) . , t 1 1 avt lt four d.n H.ia wak wJ t,7a Mam i) I.i fk ill.l tt.ii : 7u .m. ii,iiaitt:i lu n.l:i n a iuMllllll.) l 7 nl rM aya year I ? 10.14 4I,I t.ipi aad diapoaition uf lleaio-k at I''- m aiwrkvai'la, tintaha. Neli, fur .t 'ilia, anditig at I p 111 , J una :, l;2. RKlBlf,T-,ARI.OTI' t'altle. Iloga fhp. i at at hi. r, ny,.,. Vtbnah K. K Vo. I'gi- Hy t'nion ranfir K. R . . . . I 113 4 77 .4 12 ! A - i i it 7 a I t S ii :i nfh N IV It y . aaal.... C. 1 N W. I(y , ..! i. at, P. k. Ry I'.. H y ll , r..t ,. ', II J Hy . weal,. . K t. a) P.. !.... '. It. I P. wr.t .... Illlnola IVnlral Hy l. U. V. Hy Total rerripta niSI'HrilTNON HEAP. Cattle, Iloga Kherp. .1.(97 3.07 1.(17 . I,:nl 2.(0 'if .. 1 (74 . 77 :.27 n .1.641 2.197 1.3U0 ;j 1.663 . 6 . 49D t:i; Armour A Co. Iiol.t I'ai king 10. , . Motrla Poi-king l'u. Mwirt av 'o J. W. Murphy Hert fo I.lni-oln Packing t'u. tviiean I'aiking 10, Armour. Sioux Kails Hlcgina I'aiking Co. ... Hoffman llroa xlayerowb-h Vail Mldoe-t Packing Co. .. ' t'lra r-am-lair 17 14 14 61 , 13 10 41 li 3 304 6 7 13 1 63 10 Omaha Packing d Ho, uniaha Packing Co. J. H. Ilulla R. M. Ilurruaa A Co ... Kills A Co John Harvey T. J. Inghram K. P. Iwl J. R. Root dr Co Roaenstoi-k llroa Sullivan Uroe Werthelmer A Degen .. other buyers Klrkpatrkk Bros 1.561 Total 7,284 13,637 $,396 Cattle Recelpta, 6,400 head. Although rerelpta were fairly liberal, demand waa somewhat broader and trada fairly active at prices strong to 100 16o higher than Wednraday. Beat handy weight beeves made a new top for the Beaaon of $0.65 Compared with a week ago choice beef ateera and yearllnga are 10015c higher, while soma of the plainer yearlinga thst were bit so hard last week showed 26 0 40c advance. Cow Btuff was steady to day and 26 0 40c higher for the week while there h bern no particular change In tha market for Btockers and feeders. Quotations on Cattle Choice to prima neevea. 89.10Bj:i.s.&; good to choice neeves, 8. 66419. 10; fair to good beeves. tJb& $8.66; common to fair yearllnga, 1 7. 90 s.3S: choice to prime yearllnga. 8K.65W 9.26: good to choice yearl nga. 88.158.60 fair to good yearlings, $7.608.10; commot io fair yearllnga, 86.7507.60; choice to prime helfera, $7.7508.60; good to choice heirera. 37.007.75: fair to good timers. 36.0007.00; choice to prime cows, 36.50 7.00; good to choice cows, $5.6006.50 common to good cows, $2.00 05.26; good to choice feeders. $7.2507.76: fair to good feeders. $6.6607.26; common to fair feed- era, $6.0006.60: good to choice stockers, 7. 157. 85; fair to good stockers. ie.60 6; common to fair stockera, 85.6006. 60; stock heifers, $4.0005.76; stock cows, $3.50 04.50: stock calves, $5.5007.50; veal calves. $4.6009.00; stock bulls, $4.5006.00; nuns, stags, etc., $3.6007.00. BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 909 $8 00 6 .. 764 .. 756 .. 794 ..1060 ..1152 .. 836 ..1353 ..1405 ..1224 $3 10 8 35 8 65 8 76 8 85 . . 836 ..1010 ..1032 . . 880 ..1095 ..1016 ..1101 14.. 63.. 21.. 12.. 16.. 18.. 20.. 68.. ..1440 ..1140 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 618 7 60 30 702 7 11 675 7 85 12 $55 8 15 25 882 9 10 . COWS. . 860 6 50 3 900 6 75 .1002 6 85 13 1323 6 15 11.. 7.. 4.. .1112 6 25 6 1027 6 60 .1313 6 75 HKIFERS. .660 4 75 2 . 763 6 85 6.... . 961 7 35 10.... . 765 7 60 BULLS. .1230 3 25 1 .1440 5 25 1.... 730 6 50 1.... 6.. 6. . .. 8i 965 742 6 00 7 25 7 50 11.. 1.. 1.. .1870 . 450 . 630 . 290 . 190 4 00 6 00 7 25 7 00 8 00 CALVES. 3 236 5 00 2.... 2 330 7 60 2 1 240 8 50 Hogs Receipts. 11.500 head. On broad shipper demand the market opened 10 5c higher on good quality light and me ium weight butchers. A limited supply of heavy hogs also moved on shipper ac count on the same basis. Packer trade was slow to open and was generally steady ro 10c higher. Light hogs sold mostly at $10.20010.35 with a top price of $10.40. Medium weight butchers sold at $10.10 10.35; with a top price of $10.40. Medium weight butchers sold at $10.1010.25 and strong weight butchers at $9. 50010. 00. Light mixed loads, $9.5009.90. Bulk of good hogs, $.9f510.25. Heavy mixed and packing grades sold mostly at $8.75 9.40. , HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No Av. .327 .297 .329 .246 .246 .237 .246 .211 A v. .238 .308 .264 .266 .260 Sh. 280 70 70 Pr. $8 75 9 20 9 30 50 9 70 10 15 10 25 10 40 ... $8 70 66 9 on 9 25 9 35 9 60 9 85 .237 40 10 20 10 35 89. .188 86. .200 Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4.500 head. Trading was slow at price's unevenly low er, occasional sales being reported at steady with the bulk of all salca 25 60c lower. Beat quality spring lambs moved mostly at $12.2512.50 with a top price of $12.75. Good quality slip lambs averaging .82 pounds sold at $11.00. Feed ers were about steady, several Bales, being reported at $11.25 with one lot of ewe lambs at $11.60. Sheep were steady to strong, ewes selling mostly at $4.505.76 and handy weights at $6.00. Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, west erns,- $11.00012.75; fat lambs, natives. 11.0012.75: feeder lambs. $9.00011.60: ull lamba, $6.00010.00; fat yearlings, $9.00 011.26: fat wethera. $5.5008.60; fat ewes. light, $6.0006.00; fat ewes, heavy, $2.50 05.00. Chicago Livestock. Chicago. June 29. Cattle Receipts. 10.000 head; market, active; beef steers and better grade butcher ahe stock, strong to 15c higher; in.between grades beef steers getting most advance; top, beef steers, $10.10; weight 1.374 lbs.; long year, lings, $10.00; bulk, beef steers. $8.358.90; canners and cutters, weak to lower; bulls, 10015c higher; veal calves, steady to 25c higher: stockers. dull: bulk, butcher cows and heifers, $5.0007.50; bulk, canners and cutters, $2.8503.85; bulk, bologna bulls, $4.5004.65. Hogs Receipts. 31.000 head; market, opened 10020c higher; spots up more; closing 10c lower than early; strong to 15c higher than yesterday's average; top. $11.00; bulk. $9 75010.95; bulk, good butchers. $10.6510.95; pigs. steady, mostly $10.00010.60; packing sows, $9 00 fi-9.75: holdover, liberal. Sheep Receipts. 14.000; fat lambs. 25oJ lower; sheep, feeders and yearlings, steady; top. native lambs to packers, $13.00: few to city butcher, $13.25; culla. $6.5007.50; Idaho lambs. $13.25, with one double feeders. $12.30; good heavy dry-fed yearlings. $11.25; top, fat ewes, $7.00. St. Joseph Livestock. St. Joseph. June 29. U.' S. Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 5,000 head; market opened active. 15 to 25c higher: bulk 170 to 230-pound butchers, $10.60 10.60; parking sows, strong; yearlings, slow, fairly steady: she stock snd bulls. 16 to 35c higher; top beef steer. $9.50; bulk desirable beef steers, $9.tl0 and over; vearlings. scarce, quality plain, mostly $8.60 down: beef cows mostly $5.5006 00; few head. $6.25; calves, steady; top, $7.50. Sheep and Lamba Receipts 2.00O. kill ing claaaea, mostly steady; bulk fat tive lambs. $12.60012.75; ewes scarce, mostly $5.50 down. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. Juno 29. Cattle Re ceipts. 3.000 head; market steady; fed steers and yearlings, $7.5009.50; grass ateers and yearlings. $6.5007.25; grast cows and heifers. $3.0905.75: fat rows and heifers, $5.0007.76; canners, $2.00 3.0O; veals, $6.08.50; feeders, $6,000 7.15: salves. $5 0007.25: feeding cows and heifers. $3.0006.25; stockers. $5 07 25. Hogs Receipts. 8.000 head: market 10 35e higher: atags. $7.0007.25; lights. $10.45: h-avy mixed. $.60J9.60; heavy packers. $8.6008.50; bulk of sale. $9.0 010-36. Sheep Rece'pta, 30 head; market steady. Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Omaha lira Inwl Hire, Xew York, June 2t. Except for an advance in the price of wheat and cotton, largely due in each cae to itlea of what the government crop report of next Monday and the Mon day following will show, there wa great irregularity in today' market. Even in foreign exchange, while sterling recovered i cent, followed hy ntost of the continental exchange, the Herman mark went well below it previous lowext rate. The quota tion wa .(Kliftli of a cent. On the Mock exchange, the move ment of price wa extremely con fused, most of the railway share advancing while the "oil share" de clined, with decline and advance fairly balanced in other industrial stock. In the bond market, too, fractional gain and fractional losirs occurred Minultaiieously in securities of equal Mantling. I.lllle rear of Hlrlke. The ilay's airengta In the railway stork evidently reflected the fairly unanlmoui ntnarnftua uf pul'lb-ty expreaaed Judgment either that the threatened strike will averted or that. If It la actually railed It will quickly turn out to be tnrffertlvt On the whole the drift of opinion today waa axalnst the probability of any atrlke at all: a belief which got aoma logical encouragement from the formal summon ing of the union leadera to apprar before the lahor hoard. Thla rourae wna adopted when the train men were threatening to atrlke agalnat the hoard's ilenalon of a year ago. It re aulted In giving clear evidence, to th union, and to the country at large, that the federal government absolutely eup ported the Imam s authority and the plan of a strike waa abandoned. New York Stocks Range of prices of the leading slock furnished hy Logan A Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Wcdnes. High. Low. A.. T. S V. ... 99H 98 1, Baltl. A Ohio ... 4 47 Cana. Pacific ....138 138 N. Y. Central . . 95 4 93 U Cheaa. A Ohio ... K5ts 65 Ot. Northern .... 81 90,; Illinois Central . .10.1'i l03Vi K. C. Southern ... 24", 24 Lehigh Valley 63 , 63 Missouri Pacific .. 21 Vi JO'.i N. T. A N. H 29 27 , Northern Tac. ... 764 75 Chicago A N. W. . 74 7.". Ponn. R. R 42 41 Reading 74 73 i (.'.. R. I. P. ... 42 4 411 South. Pacific ... 88T 88 South. Railway ... 23 224 C., M. A St. P. ... 2r.i 24 Union Pacific 139' 138H STEKLS. 99 '4 4814 138 64'1 98 38 138 3 64 66 14 80i 103U 24 63S 20 28, 75j 7414 41 73 42 88 23 25 80 24 ':o 28 76 73 42 73 41 88 23 24 Am. far Foundry..ln 15x 15914 160 Allls-Chalmers ... 49 H 4Si 48 i 4 k-l'l. l.ui .lllluu VP, . 1 1 u n ln- ll"TO fBaldwin Loco 11214 11014 111 nj Bethlehem Steel... 75 74 75S, 74 Colo. F. & Iron 29 Crucible 74 71i 72V4 72 Am. Steel Foundry 3614 36 t 3614 aeii i.arKaw na steel.... 73 72 72"A 73 Mldvale Steel 33 3214 321A 33t Rep. Stl. & Iron... 70i 69A 69'i 71'i i-. o. mcei yfcsi 87 97 9S Vanadium 43' 43 43 44 COPPERS. Anaconda 6014 60U 50 68 34 20 28 29 39 33 27 16 16 13 62 60 60 Am. S. & Ref. Co.. 58 "4 68 Cerro De Pasco.... 35 34 35 Chili 20 19 28 29 39 33 27 16 16 12 62 20 28 39 33 rhino . 28 . 30 . 39 . 33 . 28 . 16U 16 . 13 . 62 OILS. . 67 . 45 62 . 1 15 .186 13 . 56 . 80 . 48 Green Cananea .. Inspiration Kennecott Miami 28 Nevada Consoli. . 16 16 13 Ray Consolidated Seneca Utah us General Asphalt . 64 44 60 15 178 13 63 77 46 7 29 67 30 65 44 60 1 15 178 13 54 78 47 7 30 58 66 Cosden 45 62 15 182 13 56 79 48 8 30 68 31 183 46 21 7 California Peterol Island Oil Invincible Oil ... Mexican Peterol . Middle Statea ... Pacific Oil Pan-American ... Phillips Pierce Oil 8 Pure Oil 30 Koyai Dutch 68 i Sinclair Oil 31 31 Standard Oil. N. J.180H 179W 180 Texas Co 46 45 46 union on zi 204 20 7 WhltB Oil 8 7 MOTORS. ... 68 68 ... 13 13 . 8 8 ...18 18 Chandler 6K4 13 8 18 68 13 8 18 Gen Motors . . . Willys-Overland Pierce Arrow . White Motor . 48 Studebaker . . . 126 124 126 125 RUBBER AND TIKES. Flsk 15 15 15 39 39 15 38 47 15 15 62 Goodrich 39 Kelley-Spring .... 47 Keystone Tire .... 16 AJax 14 46 K, 14 61 56 15 14 62 u a KUDDer .... 63 INDUSTRIALS. At G A TV I . 38 37 37 38 . 41 40 40 40 . 39 39 39 39 .1201J 120 120 120 . 46 45 45 46 . 37 36 37 .. . 15 15 15 15 . 23 23 23 23 .104 102 104 104 . 80 79 80 79 Am Int Corp Am Sum .... Am Telephone Am Can Cent Leather . . . Cuba Cane Cub-Am Sug .... Corn Products... Famous Players.. General Electric. Grt. Northern Ore ltn4 ltib lti&4 3R 38 38 38 67 54 46 72 79 75 46 81 48 39 69 88 26 39 33 Inter. Harvester.. Am. H. & L. pfd. 99 67 99 67 62 45 71 78 45 80 48 6" 87 99t 67 53 IT. S. I. Alcohol.. 53 Inter. Paper 46 45 72 78 46" 80 48 69 87 Inter. M. M. pfd.. 73 Am. Sugar Ref.. Sears-Roebuck . . Stromsberg 78 46" 81 48 Tobacco Products Worth. Pump.... Wilson Co West. Electric... 59 88 American Woolen . MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil Am. Agri. Chem American Linseed. 33 33 61 25 65 77 85 4 74 41 140 33 61 26 65 77 86 4 74 49 140 94 37 118 47 66 26 30 Union Bag pfd 62 Bosch Magneto Brook. K. T. . 27 . 65 . 77 . 86 . 4 . 75 . 50 .140 26 65 77 86 4 74 50 140 153 37 118 48 49 65 26 Cont Can Calif Pack . . . Col G & El Coium Graph United Drug Nat Enamel United Fruit Lorlllard Tob Nat Lead .... Phila Co Pullman . 94 . 38 94 37 .118 117 Punta Alegre Sug 47 46 So Prt Rlc Sg Retail Stores 66 St L & S F 26 Va Car Chm 30 Total sales, 682,000. 65 26 30 Wed. Close. .04 .0028 .0837 4.40 Close. 04 0027 0833 4.38 Money . Marks . Francs Sterling St. Louis Livestock. East St. Louis. III.. June 29. Cattle Receipts. 1.700 head; beef steers snd bulls.-i strong: beef cows, light yearlings andj stockers. steady; canners, weak; light veal calves, steady to 25c lower: top. i steers, $9.60: weight. 1,294 lbs.; hulk, na-; lives. $8.40?8.75: bulk, Texas. $6.25: bulk,, yearlings. $s.00fi'7.50: bulk, cows, $4 .oof 5.25; canners. 32.2502.50; bulla. $4.00 4.60; bulk, storkers. $5.256.25; top. veal ers. $9.25: bulk. $8.4009 00. Hogs Receipts. 11,600 heat! : opened higher: closed active, mostly 10c higher: top. 10c higher; top. $10.65: bulk, 160 to 240-Ib. butchers. $10.70010.80; packer sows, mostly $9 00; stork Pig", $9 25 10 00: killers. $10.00IB'10.25. aheerj RecelDts. 5.000 bead; market. steadv to 25c lower; top, lambs. $12.90; bulk.' $12 25012.75: culls. $5.5005.75: fat light ewes, $5.6006.00; heavies. $2,500 3.00. Xew Tork Coffee. New York, June 29. The market for cof fee futures opened at a decline of 3 to 8 points, with active montha later showing losses of about 6 to 10 points under scat tering liquidation, promoted by slightly easier Brasillan cables. September sold off to .83c and March to 9.58c. with the market closing within a point or two of the lowest, at a net decline of 7 to 9 points. Sales were estimated at 26,004 bag?. Closing quotations- July. 16 03c; Septem ber. .84c; October. 61c: December. 9.73e; January. 9 68c; March. .59c; May. .57c. Spot Coffee Quiet. Rio 7s, 1010c; Santos 4s. I4t?lta New York Bonds (Tht Bee la tbe only Omaha newipaper which publiahci tha of ficial cloae of tha New York Stock change bondaj New York. June 3$ lleallnga In today' bond market again were light and ron. Iiacisd, put lha ton aa mora orderly than In the atork Hat. where selling af uila tauaed occasional unaattlemant. of tha varioua government loans. Cuba 4a and 6a Hera atrungeat at gains or about 1 points for tha 4a and 3 polnta tna 6a or liui. Mexican 4a and e rose fraction to 1 point and Chinese Railway (a added I pointa, 1'ennaylvanla consolidated 4s war strongeat of lha domeatlc rails, advancing 3 pointa with galna of fraction to point fur Colorado Southern 4a, Baltl more a Ohl 4a, Atrhlaon 4e, Reading Southern Paelfie convertible 4a. Union Pa rifle convertible 4a, New llavta is General Electric la. Another reaction In tha European ex ehangra pro! lily contributed to the heav Ineaa of llelgium 7a, French municipals and United K ngdoina or 131. Cheaapeak Ohio ta. Illinois Central refunding 4a, Great Northern 4 Hi and At lantio rrult 7s ware prominent among in lower laauea. Total sales (par value) ag gregated 111,3111.0(10. Tha only noieworthy new offering the day waa th $1,300,000 Htata of Mia aourl 6 per cent gold coupon notea, due 1 1936. Several municipal and utility uder writing for small amounts also were au orbed. Foreign tiovernment, Slate and Municipal Sulea (in $1,000) 63 Argentine 7s 10 Chinese Ry is .. 1 Hergen Is 14 IlordeaUX 6s .... 3 Copen 6s 3 Lynna 6a 7 Marseilles 6s .... 3 Rio a 4 Sun Paulo $ .... Tnklo 6 Danlah Mun as A High Low l'lo, be ..100 99 100 64 63 64 10 n 64 64 1 9.' ,.o .. 14 .. 92 $4 8 83 83 .ioi ioi mi .101 101 101 . 70 70 70 .no no no 32 Dept Seine 7 0 90 90 28 Dom Can 6a 2. .100 100 100 17 Dom Can 6s 31. 7 97 97 5 4 94 4 98 94 56 Dtrh E Ind'6a 47. 117 Dtch E Ind 12. 45 French 8a 91 French 7a 41 Japan 1st 4a ... 1 Japan la 21 Belgium 7s .... 8 lielg 6a 67 Denmark 6s 1 Italy 6s 28 Netherlands 6a ... 8 Sweden 6s 193 Parls-Ly-Med 6 . 13 Chile 8 46 103 102 102 100 100 100 91 . 91 91 . 77 .107 .102 . 98 . 6 . 7 771, 77. 100i 107 101 102 98 18 96 97 .102 .--7 101 101 78 79 .104 103 103 134 Cuba 6a 04 3 Uruguay 8a 11 Queensland 7s .... 19 Queensland 6a ... 11 Rio Ur Sul 8s.... 12 Swiss 8s 29 G B & I 6s 29. 2 G B A I 5a 2. 63 G B ft I 6s 37. 6 Brazil 8s 19 Mex 5s 31 Mex 4 .100 99 191 .105 104 106 .10 108 108 .101 100 101 .101 100 101 .119 118 118 .107 107 107 .108 107 107 .104 103 104 .104 103 104 . 60 60 60 . 48 47 47 United State Bonds. 400 Liberty 3s 100.08 100.04 100.0 ... Liberty 1st 4s ..100.04 100.04 100.04 2 Liberty 2nd 4s .. 99.90 99.90 99.9 211 Liberty 1st 4s ..100.20 100.14 100.20 939 Liberty 2nd 4 s.. 100.06 99.96 100.02 467 Liberty 3rd 4a.. 100.10 100.02 100.02 2060 Liberty 4th 4s.. 100.24 100.14 100.22 485 Victory 4s 100.52 100.46 100.60 Railway and Miscellaneous. 5 Adams 4s 77 77 77 1 AJax Rub 8s 100 100 100 iu Am Ag enm 7s ..103 103 103 Am Smelt 5s 72 Am Sugar 6s 2 A T & T V 6a ... 8 A T & T col tr 6s. 5 Am Writ Pa 7a . 39 Atchison gen 4s . 10 At Ref 6b 92 91 91 .101 100 101 .114 114 114 . 97 97 97 . 85 86 85 . 91 91 91 .104 104 104 10 B & O 6s 100 TOO 100 13 B & O cv 4s .. 82 82 82 13 Bell Tell Penn 7s.. 107 107 107 5 Beth St ref 6s 96 94 94 6 Beth St P m 5s.... 89 89 89 2 Braden Cop 6s .... 98 98 98 5 Bkln Ed gen 7s D..I06 106 106 14 B R T 7s ctfB St.. 78 77 77 1 Cal G & E 6a 96 96 96 1 Can Nor 6s ... 15 Can- Pac d 4s .. 38 Cent Leath 6s . 21 Cent Pac gtd 4s 11 Cerro Pasco 8s . 16 C & O cv 6s 13 C & O cv 4s .111 111 111 78 77 78 . 7 . 88 .118 . 2 97 97 88 88 117 117 92 92 88 874 88 68 C B tr Q ref 5s A. ,100 100 100 21 C & E I 7s 79 79 79 9 C G W 4s 60 69 60 22 Flsk Rub 8s 105 105 105 8 Fram I D 7s 97 97 97 2 Gen Elec d 6s ....100 100 100 67 Goodyear 5s 31.... 101 101 101 12 Goodyear Ss 41 ..115 116 116 3 Gnd Tnk 7s 113 113 113 10 Gnd Tnk 6s 102 102 102 26 Gt Nor 7s A 109 109 10 25 Gt Nor 5s B 100 100 100 13 Hud & M ref 6s A.. 84 83 84 37 Hud & M ad In 6s. 61 61 61 10 111 Cent 5s 101 2 III Cent ref 4s 88 6 III St d 4s 90 14 Ind St 5s 100 1 Int Met 4s .... 12 12 Int Met 4s ctf 11 72 Int R T ref 6s 67 8 Int Mer Mar if 6s.. 96 100 100 87 87 90 90 99 100 12 12 11 66 96 85 44 78 87 108 99 1 67 11 66 96 85 44 78 88 108 99 91 67 38 Int Pa ref 5s 2 Iowa Cent ref 4s . 5KCSFtS&M4s 85 44 79 16 K C So 5s 88 2 Kell Spring 8s ... .108 1 Lack St 5s 23 99 2 Laclede Gas 1st 6s.. 91 63 S M St P cv 4s.. 66 8 C M St P ref 4s .. 62 61 62 6 C & N W 7s 107 107 107 5 Chi Rys 6s 81 81 81 23 C R I & P ref 4s.. 81 81 81 28 C & W I 4s 72 72 72 5 C C C St L gen 4s.. 81 81 81 1 Chile Cop 7s 104 104 104 7 Chile Cop 6 91 90 90 Colo Ind 5s 78 77 77 9 Colo & So ref 4s. . 87 86 87 16 Col Gr & E 5s 95 95 96 3 Con Coal Md 6s.. 87 87 87 7 Con Gas 7s 114 113 113 5 Cuba Cn Sg d 89. 86 86 86 8 Cuba Cn Sg d 7s .. 85 85 85 6 Cuba R R 7s A. .103 103 103 1 Cuban Am Sug 8s.. 106 106 106 10 D A H cv 5s 95 96 95 6 D A R O imp 5s.. 81 81 8 Det Ed ref 6s ..102 102 102 20 Dimnd Mtch 7s ..108 W7 108 28 Dla Sec 5a 44 44 44 7 Ppnt Nem 7s ..107 107 107 13 Duquesne Lt 6s ...102 102 102 Erie gen 4s 63 53 68 3 Erie pr lien 4s . 9 Lake S d 4s 2!.. 6 Lake S d 4s 31.. 5 Lehigh 6s 4 Lig & My 5s .... 13 Lorlllard 6s 24 L N ref 6s . 1 L & N unified 6s 34 Mkt St Ry con 6s 1 Marland 8s 6 Mexico Pet Ss . . 21 Mich Cent d 4s .. 63 63 .. 94 93 . . 92 92 63 94 92 ..103 102 102 . . 96 96 96 .. 95 94 95 ..105 105 106 .. 91 91 91 .. 87 87 87 ..104 104 104 ..107 107 107 91 90 91 4 Mich State T 1st 6s 98 98 88 98 3 Mid St Cv 6s 88 83 45 103 82 56 7 100 63 96 70 105 83 6 M & St L ref 5s .. 45 45 18 M St P A SSM 6S.102 102 18 M K & T pr In 5s A 82 81 36 M K & T n ad 6s A. 66 66 14 M K & T 1st 4s.. 79 79 13 Mo Pac ref 6s 23.. 100 100 29 M K & T gen 4s.. 63 63 6 Mont Pow 5s A.... 96 96 38 N T & M inc 5s.. 71 70 70 N T C C 7s 105 105 62 N W C C con 4s.. 83 82 10 N T Ed ref 6s 109 108 108 3 NT NH & H c 6s 48 79 79 79 11 N T Tel 8s 49 104 104 104 38 N T T ref 6s 41. .104 101 103 5 N T W ft Bos 4s. 54 54 54 8 N ft W cv 6s 108 108 108 19 N ft W con 4s .. 91 91 1 3 N P p In 4s 87 87 87 6 N P gen 4s 62 62 62 75 N P-G N jt 6s ..105 105 105 5 N Sts Pow ref 6s A 91 91 91 20 N W Bell Tel 7s..l064 106 106 10 Ore & Cal 1st 5b.. 100 100 10 4 Ore Ry N 1st 4s.. 8 87 87 8 O S L 5s ctf 104 J03 104 2 O S L ref 4s 1 11 91 46 Or-Wsh RRftN 4s. 81 81 81 Otis St 8s A. 100 10(1 100 23 Pac G ft K 5s. SI sn SQ 96 96 96 1 Pac T ft T 6s . . . 1 Pack Mot Car 8s.. 107 107 107 1 Pan Am P ft T 7s.. 102 102 102 20 Penn R R 6, 108 108 108 11 Penn gen 6s 100 100 100 1 Penn R R gen 4s. 91 91 91 6 Pere Marq ref 5s.. 95 95 96 1 Peoria ft E inc 4s.. 36 36 36 1 Pierce Oil d 8s 99 99 9 8 Pro ft Ref 8 102 102 102 '4 Reading gen 4s 84 84 84 4 R G ft W 1st 4s.. 7S 6 Iron Mtn ref 4.. 80 16 Iron Mtn ad J 6s 78 17 Iron Mtn inc 6s.. 68 38 Iron Mtn pr In 4s A 71 SStPftKCSL 4s 81 2 S A A P 1st 4s.. 76 78 80 76 80 78 7R 67 71 81 75 66 24 41 7 104 98 94 91 88 87 99 94 Mb ,68 71 81 76 68 24 41 7 104 98 4 1 88 87 94 8 Seaboard con 6a 1 Seaboard ad) 5a Seaboard ref 4b 3 Sharon St 6s A 35 Sinclair cv 7s. .. 59 . 44 . 41 . 9 .104 . 98 . 94 . 91 . 88 . 88 . 9 . 95 58 Sinclair col 7a.... 1 So Bell Tel 5s ... 12 So Pac cv 4a .... :s So Pac ref 4s 5 So Pac col tr 4a. . So Ry gen IS So Ry con 5a.... 3 So Ry (en .... I No I It lug t. , , , , T 97 9? I T P 1st la 93 91 91 I Thud Ais .I Ii . at M IT Third Ave raf 4. .. at IIS I Ti.l.elr alas Uf .. in1 I1 l"' Tub I'rsd Ii , . I II P lal 4a 4 I'n Par cv 4 fid Drug t .... 27 I n Kr line let 6 ( U a Hub t ,. 11 U I Hub a ., it u a at at ka ... Utah P I, la.. 31 v Cr ('km Ta II V t'r Chm 1st 6s I V Ry 6 I Wabash lal t .. 31 Waat ld l-t 4.. Weal Par I .. I W U 4a 1 Wealing Kl 7 .. $ wii-k-npon r WHaon if 7s .. 3 Wilson rv s W'ts Cent gen 4 U 0IV l"l M' It tS) t 110 a a 14 S Bl 19 l3, 0I 0 106 0 I no t 6't l a 191 18 JA6V, 9i 96 11 'V 91 J 11 1 17 " l 109 1 for 01 0" 91 H 13 1"! l3 l 90 10 (6 I 10 I Ciarhs-aiovsk rif 6 90 Dom Can e 13... 91 Kmp Oil F 7a. 31 Minrlalr Crude ta . 96 I 4a, and Tolal sale of bonda today were 111.30. 000. compared with $13,061,000 previous day and $9,7l,ooo a year ago. N. Y. Curb Bonds New York, June 29 Transaction on th New York curb bond market today wcr follows: Domeetta Bonds, 4 All Pack Ib l 83 83 I All Park 1 C 95 6 1 Alum 7 33 33 33 3 Am T T '22. .100 100 100 7 Am T A T. 6a '24.ln n 0 3 An Cop 6a oo )00 100 Ana Cop 7 '2. .103 103 103 Armour A Cn 7.. 104 104 104 4 All Gulf A W I 6 62 42 il 3 Beth Steel 7 '23.. 104 101 101 6 lleth Steel 7 '36.. 102 102 02 II Brook U U 7 106 10b 106 3 Can Nat Ry Kq 7.07 107 107 Cent St I, la 0 06 106 I I'll U 8 Ii B 99 19 7 Cities Her 7s D . . 91 11 91 1 Columbia G la ctfs. 33 33 33 11 Common W P a,. 90 90 90 36 Cons (I 7s lot 101 10 11 Com O of Bait 7s. 105 106 106 1 Cons Text la .... 99 91 19 4 Cons O B .... 99 99 99 3 Deer A Co. 7a..llil 101 101 1 Emp GAP 6 101 101 101 15 Freep Tex 7a ....138 136 131 3 Galena Slg O 7.. 101 103 103 11 Uondr T 7. !0. 102 103 3 Gulf O 7 104 104 104 2 Grand Trunk (.106 105 05 II Hood Rub. 7a 98 98 2 Humble O 7 100 100 100 26 Interb Rf la '22.. 69 19 19 3 Kana OA K 6s.. 94 16 II Krnne Cop 7 ....104 104 104 7 Laclede O 7a 99 99 99 1 I.lbby 7 it ft ih jjTj 1 Liggett Winch 7.. 101 101 101 8 Magma Cap 7 ..108 108 108 1 Manitoba 7 95 95 95 1 Morrla A Co. 7s..l06 106 106 of 1 nat Lea SB . . . . 61 N Y N H ft H 7s 98 98 98 86 86 99 99 86 3 Phil El 5s 6 Phil P 7s. .100 31. .117 117 117 10 w tv .101 101 101 23 Pun Al 7a 103 103 103V 2 Proc A O 7s. '23. .101 101 101. 1 rU o U IN J JB..JOI llll 101 60 Rem Arms 6s 95 94 96 2 Robt Galr 7s . 7 Saks A Co 7s . 3 Shawsheen 7s . . 6 So Bell Tel 7s t So N Y 7s, '26. 2 So N Y 7a '26. 4 So N Y 6s . 2 Sun Oil 7a . 98 97 97 . 98 97 98 .103 103 103 102 102 102 .105 106 106 .102 102 102 .107 107 107 .100 100 100 5 Swift A Co 7. 26.102 101 101 2 Swift & Co 7s, '31.102 102 102 7 Texas Co 7s 101 101 101 8 Un Oil Cal 6s ...100 100 100 3 Do Prod 8a 104 104 104 1 Unl Rys Hav 7a.l04 104 104 5 Utah Sec 6a .... 91 91 91 1 Vacuum O 7s 106 106 106 11 West El 7s 108 108 108 13 Winch 7b . . .103 102 102 Foreign Bonds. 1 City Mon 7s 21 K Serb 8s 61 N Y N H Fr 7. 5 Russ 6s 11 Swiss 6s 25 U S Brax 7s 114 U 8 Mex 4s .. 97 96 74 16 97 95 73 16 97 95 73 16 .102 102 102 86 86 86 41 41 41 Chiracs) Stock. Range of prices of th leading Chicago stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, 241 Peters Trust building: Armour & Co. pfd 97 Armour Leather com 12 Edison com..., 130 Cont. Motor 8 Llbby 2 Montgomery-Ward 22 t-iKKiey vviKgiy 4 Stewart-Warner 43 Swift A Co.... Swift Int .10 19 Union Carbide 64 66 102 Wahl Wrlgley New Tork Sugar. New York. June 29. The rw anrae market was unchanged on the snot, with Cubaa quoted at 3c. cost and freight. equal to 4.73c for centrifural. eHhnurh iuiy snipment was ft shade lower at 3-16C cost and freirht. eoiml to A -Q for centrifugal. There were sales of 8,000 bag of Cubas afloat and 6.000 tnw July shipment. The raw sugar futures market waa less aciiv toaay ana wniio prices were higher they were somewhat Irregular. Early covering ana scattered buying caus oa an artvance or 6 to 7 points on ac tive positions, out realizing brought about partial reaction wltn tinai prices 2 4 points net higher. Julv. J 13c- Sen. tember, 3.27c; December, 1.33c; March, 17C. There were no chanres In refined aue-ar. line granulated being listed at 6.20 to .ioc The demand was only moderate, lthough withdrawals on old orders con. tinue quite liberal. Refined futures nominal. Closing: July, uc; oepiemDer. b.a&c; Lecemtcr, 6.85c. New Toit Cotton. New Tork. June 29. Most of an earlv advance of 15 to 25 pointa in today's cotton marKet was canceled before mid day in dull and rather featureless trad- - H ng. The improvement was under the influence or further acattered prebureau receiving and a little trade demand. Tho scalping element was In control and was largely responsible ror the reaction. Sen timent was a bit mixe'd In conseouence of confusion developing over attempts to forecast tbe official government end Juno condition figure. At the close Janu ary was off 6 points on the day and the balance ot the list was 3 to 15 points net hlghe?. Spot cotton was steady, 10 points ad vance, 22.20e for middling upland. Southern markets were: Galveston, 22.35c, unchanged; New Orleans, 21.50c, unchanged; Savanah, 21.67c, 6 points ad vance; Augusta, 21.76c, 12 points ad vance; Memphis, 22.50c, unchanged; Hous ton. 22.25c, unchanged; Little Rock, 21.50c, unchanged. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Juno 29. Potatoes Weak; receipts, 60 cars; total United States ship ments, 738 care; Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas sacked Bliss Triumphs No. 1, 2.602.75 cwt.; Texas sacked Irish Cobblers, mostly $2.25 cwt.; Alabama sacked Spaulding Rose No. 1, S 1.90 lg) 2.00 cwt.; Louisiana sacked long whites, $1.6001.75 cwt.; North Carolina Norfolk section Irish Cobblers, stave bar rela, 63. 854.25; eastern shore Virginia Irish Cobblers, stave barrels, 14.76(1) 4.86; old stock steady; Idaho sacked round whites, $1.75 cwt. New York General. New Tork, June 29. Wheat: Spot, steady: Na 2 red. 11.30; No. 2 hard. $1.31; No. 1 Manitoba. $1.48 and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.35 c. 1. f. track, New York, to arrive. Corn Spot, steady; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, 80c, and No. 3 mixed, 80c c. I. f. New Tork. all rail. Oats Spot, barely steady; No. 2 white, 4748c. Pork Firm; mess, $30.00. Lard Steady; mlddlewest. $11.86 11.95. Other articles unchanged. LOW ROUND TRIP EXCUR SION FARES TO THE BLACK HILLS OF SOUTH DAKOTA ALSO LANDER WYO. VIA CHICAGO & NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Low round trio summer execursion tickets will be on sale to Rapid City, Deadwood, Lead, Belle Fourche and Hot Springs, S. D., also Lander, Wyo., daily to September 30, 1922. Stopover at any intermediate station in either direction. Return limit Oc tober 31, 1922. See the wonderful Black Hills this summer, or Lander, Wyo., the new southern gateway to Yellowstone National park. Ask for descriptive booklets and full particulars from ticket a,nts, C. & Jf. W. Ry. Ad-vertiieoiOJt S i 1 -More' style frcm the moviea! Here we have Mae Murray wear int? one of the hat for her lateat picture, "Hroadway Rose," aoon be releaaed. Today'; Attraction. Strand 'I'lionia Mcighan in "Our Leading Citizen. Moon "Free Air." Rialto Naziniova in "A Doll's House." World Tom Moore in "From Ground Up." Empresa "Lady Godiva." Muae "Jane Eyre." Billy Quirk, who rides the winning horse in the creat Kentucky derby as pictured in "My Old Kentucky Home, which opens tomorrow at the Moon theater, is an old stock actor and has appeared in David Belasco plays. He played with Mary Tickford in her early motion pictures. It is said that he discovered Con stance Talmadge'when she was ap pearing in a picture with him being made by Vitagraph. His hobby is raising pedigreed dogs and his French bull "Gugusse" was champion for three years. His home is adorn ed with trophies won by the animal. Lady Godiva, who figures in Eng lish history and legend; whose no bility inspired Alfred Tennyson, poet laureate of England, to write one of his most exquisite poems, is immor talized in pictures. The photoplay, "Lady Godiva, is current at the tin press theater. Wallace Reid, who has beeji seen in several pictures as a racing driver in which he drove bisr powerful cars around the track, pilots a small "fivvcr" type of racer in his latest vehicle, "Across the Continent, which opens Sunday at the Strand. Foreign Exchange. New York, June 29. Foreign exchange. Great Britain, demand. 34.40; cables, 34.40; 60-day bills on banks. 14.38. France, demand, .0835c; cables. .0836c, Italy, demand, .0468c: cables. .0468c. Rxlirlum ileum nd. 0793 : cables. .0794c. Germany, demand, ,0027c; cables. .0027c. Holland, demand, ,03835c; cables, .3840c. Norway, demand, ,1620c. Sweden, demand, .2560c. Denmark, demand, .2140c. t Switzerland, demand, .1895e. Spain, demand, ,1553c. Greece, demand, .315c. Poland, demaad. .0002 l-5c. Czecho-Slovakta, demand, ,0190a. Argentine, demand. .3600c. Brazil, demand. .1375c. Montreal, .99 l-32c. Krug Park Omaha's, Largest and Best Amusement Park ELKS' CARNIVAL At the Park AU This Week, Including Sunday Visit the Midway The Elks' Greatest Highway See the BULL FIGHT Get Acquainted With Fatima The Elks' Revue Will Interest You Swim Swim Swim In the Pool at Krug Park The World's Fined and Best Swimming Pool r r 1 OMAHAtdL Tues., July Lk Reserved chay- teat tale day of snow at Beaton Drug Co. Celebrate the 4th NASHVILLE, NEB. FREE PICNIC GROI'VDS 100 acres of ahade trees. One of the beat places in Nebraska to hold a picnic. Away from tha dust and beat of the city. Barbecue Foot Races GREASED MO AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS. A Dance In the Evening In the Large w Hall. Nashville Is a w Town Fire Miles Northwest of Florence on site Washington Highway. Follow the Washington Highway If Crolng by Auto. Trains Leave Omaha for Naahfllle Via Webster Street Station :S0 A. M. 1 :00 J. M. 5:59 P. M. Trains Iem Florence for Nashville Via Florence Station :S A. M. 1:15 P. M. :05 P. M. Trains Leave Nahvllle for Omaha :KO P. M. Trains Leave Naahvill for Florence :50 P. M. MrSIC FTRXI8HED BT CARL LAMP. 16 (: of Ailultrratr-.l Milk of Magnfiia I)Mrtrtl Tom tk, i4ie (ood iiupeimr. dratroyfj 16 t ot ndiilirutfd milk of mstfiiraU in the llutlingtou irfiiiht lnue Thiirdiy. He nl lliit lonliuati'Hi w or ilrrrd (rum l.inrnlii liradijiutlrt oil advice of rU'ni itifftor who re poiird miuimui f.ini,ilinl in lh ra that Tnii hriame ill from the effect of (he tuff, Theae cin iiijectof traced shipment to Omaha, he Mid, "! n0" tilled the iate office in Lincoln t hence he got hi order. AT THE THEATERS milts new bill otimln a eevn-ilar I asenient t tha Wil4 tbralrr t murrnw haa fr Ha fratur. atlracti' lay sa Al Jemtinaa. futtiter wutlaw anil iienuii. whu alt"tatil rt'irniU. became late r. wenl Into nulnn a, wrnta bnukB al ode) timea ami romlm-uu a refnini raniia.ta tu tarl'iue iH-Mtna of the eountty. J. li nings sail hie i.iiii'aiiv ate pp'nn In a tu ems laylri by Willurd la. It ralit The l.ah if lha Law." A nnvel irl ad lalicil "llreriy Hu.l it Ira'' la an Iniliorlant frulura. Pun la y ami M-rrlll offer a iiy reii-timre of fun anil an Malur llhuaila, the atreet urchin, la a mumi a genius. Ull-It-tin's 'Cuiintry villa"" iiiitmliKra a wealth of fun an.1 muciiy. Arthur Have plays "Tha Honsa of our Country" upon tha ret onaii. Hhlrley Main In "Vrs Truly Yours" la lha full length Piiuiniilay featur. (if tha vaudeville ehuw at the Kii""e a feature act la the rlabuitr miii n4 rianca revue to be offrrnl by Jnhnnv Wright and I'ouglns biatera. "Prrd'a Novelty" or "Kun In a natnyaril" la a novelty where traine,! piga are the pin clpal performer, ami haa proven a a. -reaming riot of lauxhlcr, pnaalbly tha beat effort that haa yet been presented for the children. I'uval and Symunila pre sent "Their Fleet Juarre," a combination of aurprlae and ceremony Interwoven with alngmg, talking and darn ing. Currier anit Wllllama offer a number of original and eirlualva aonga. Instrumental eelecdona and accent rlo dancing;. - to the New York I try Good. New York, June I. Cotton goods were, steady today, with trada rather quiet. Varna were ateady, with aplnnera demand ing better prlrea. Improvement waa re ported In the rail for allk fabrics. Raw ailk waa firm abroad, old allk being pret ty well sold. Wool goods were ateady. nurlapa were quiet, with sellers request ing bid. Iondon Money. London, June t. Bar BHver !H d per n'Hice. Money 11 per cent. Discount Ratea Short bill, JH per cent. Three-months bills, :ij per cent. Kansas Cite Poultry. Kanaaa City. June J. Eggs Market I cent hleher. 51c: butter, unchanged. Hena, 1 rent higher. 17ti2" Broilers, 1 cent higher for heaviea. aoftll New York Poultry. New Tork. Juno 29. Poultry I.lva steady: broilers by freight, JS4ic; fowla. 87c: roomers, lie. uresseo quiet; prices unchanged. Bar Silver. New Tork, Jun !. Foreign Bar. Sit- ver, 70 (4c Mexican Dollars (lite. Now Showing NAZIMOVA "A DOLL'S HOUSE" TOMORROW All New BiD, Headed By ' AL JENNINGS (Himself) Added Feature ' "BREEZY BUDDIES" Company of 10 Nights Ablaze With- Cabarets Starts Kext Sunday at Rialto THOS. MEIGHAN in GEORGE ADE'S first original screen story, "Our Leading Citizen" Comedy "Bucking Broadway" EMPRESS BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE WRIGHT A DOUGLAS SISTERS Elaborate Singing and Dancing Revue CURRIER A WILLIAMS "Just Two Boy" DUVAL A SYMONDS "Their First Quarrel" FRED'S NOVELTY "Fun in a Barnyard" Special Children's Matinee Tomorrow A Balloon Given Away FREE to Children, Saturday Matinee, in Celebration of FRED'S NOVEL TY CIRCUS. LAST TIMES TOMORROW "Free Air" 6 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY "My Old Kentucky Home" LET ME show you what a complete - noon luncheon I am serving for 35c by trying it today, prepared and served Southern Style. Alfred Jones, Chef and Prop. HOTEL CASTLE CAFE AND CAFETERIA 5 e J U 3 " aw aaaaaaBgF"l 1 I I te- ia f