The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 29, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Locals Bunch
Hits in Ninth
and Tie Count
Tiltl Throw to Firt in Final
Frame (Jivrs Omalia
Seventh Straight
It took the Omaha llulfalocs nine
nning to find their hitting itride
yesterday after
noon in the ec- i
mill vil!l i
the Sioux City
I" a c k e r ,
when tliey c!i
eovered their
f wattitiR toj they
tied the Kire in
the ninth inning
and i.uii out i" j
the l-'ih frame by !
the eore of 7 too. !
, Harney Hurch's
busiin Buffaloe
entered their halt
of the ninth
ninR with the score 6 to 3 again? t
era. 1'itcher lesar oi sioux v.n
rowed down the firt two Omaha
1 ' . -1 n ml .,11 I,, it I
naisiran in snii uiuu aim .m.
had his game won when "Whitey'
Gislason came to bat and turned
the tide of battle against trie .
Gislason fingled to center and
Snedecor also came through with a I
dandy one-base blow. Grantham
followed in Snedecor's footsteps and
. t ii f I
, tne Dags were loauru. ucimc .urni-.
. 4ush. the 20-year-old hitting wonder I
ot the vvsetern league, was nexi iu
bat. With the tieing runs on the
sacks, Manush clouted out a double
to left field and Gislason, Snedecor
and Grantham trotted across the
rubber with three scores which tied
the count. Griffin was an easy out
and Manush "died" on second.
Tesar Tightens.
I'itcher Terar tightened tighter
than a drumstring in the 10th and
11th frames, but in the final stanza
lie weakened.
Manush was the first Buffalo up
in the 12th. He singled to center
and "Pug" Griffin pulled the unex
pected by planting the apple in left
garden for a single. Darrough
placed a dandy hit in the infield and
again the bases were all occupied.
Boss Burch (trolled to the plate, but
the best he could do was to force
g Manush at home. Next came
I YVilrlpr The latter forced Griffin
A at the plate, but in throwing Wilder
out at first, Catcher bhangling ot
the Iowa outfit made a low peg to
first, the ball striking Wilder on the
head and bounding out of the field
of play. During all of this rumpus,
Darrough pulled himself across the
rubber with the winning run-, and
6, incidentally winning their seventh
straight game.
Starts Out Slow.
The game started out to be a slow,
listless contest, featured by spectac
ular catches by the outfielders of both
teams and by the poor umpiring of
McGloom, wiio..was forced to "work"
the game alone due to the absence of
"Ump" Anderson.
First Baseman Met of Sioux City
and "Babe" Herman of Omaha were
ousted from the game for engaging
"Ump" McGloom in oral combat on
the field.
Manager Wattick of Sioux City
trotted out Tesar to face the Bufia
loes. The Packer chuckcr pitched
good ball until the ninth, when the
Buffaloes bunched three hits and a
double for their three runs. Tesar
went the full route and allowed the
locals 16 hits during the 12 frames,
fanning seven and walking four.
"Coffey" Starts.
Coffindaffer greeted the visitors,
but gave way for a pinch hitter in
the fourth. . Stokes relieved "Coffey,"
but, like the latter, failed to please
his boss. Dan Tipple took the firing
line in the fifth and managed to win
the game, allowing the lowans six
hits. He whiffed seven Packers and
issued six free ducats to the initial
station during the eight innings he
.-fhe same teams play here this aft
ernoon. tni X fTTT
111 K II 1 II SM SB TO A Mi
Hamilton, ss . . 1
1mtl :::::: f
1 t
O 0
O 0
0 e
1 o
o o
o 1
O 0
4 O
0 0
1 O
1 1
ottera-art. II . s
Palmer tb .... 4
Robinson, rf ... 4
Query, e.-lb . . S
fthanfUns; e. ..2
Tesar, p 4
Totals 4(1 IS 17 2 SS5 19 1
Gislason, lb
Snedrcor, ss
Grantham. lb
' Manush, cf
Griffin. If ..
Herman, rx . . . .
IMrroncn. rf... S
Bnrrh, lb ....
Wilder, c 5
4'afflndaffer, p. 1
makes, p ....
Okrl 1
Tipple, p . . . . S
Herman, rf
0 10
Totals 7 t M 1 1 SS t 5
Okrio (rounded out for 8toke In 4th.
&mm hv Innlnri:
lonx City S10 OOl 010 000
Buffaloes 000 110 otis ooi i
Th Hnmmarr Home ran: Mets. Two-
w. hit.. ftLlaaaon. Manlsh. Osterrard
Left on bases: Omaha. ; Sloni City. 11.
Ttooble plays: Snedecor to Glelason to
Burro, Hamilton to Palmer to Mets.
Tmmmm n Mmt Hans and hits:
Off Coffindaffer, 4 and 7 In S Innliurs; off
atokea, none and none In 1 lonlns;: off
Tipple, s and in a inninjrui mi .
and 1 In It Innliurs. WlnnlnsT pitcher:
Tipple: lostna- pitcher. Tewr. r-wTic y""
n.r T.. m, K t rtt,imtfmr 1: br Stokes,
one: hr Tlnnle. 1. Bases oa balls: Off
kmmmr A- f mf . 1 ! off 8tOkeS,
none;' off Tipple. . Earned "ins: Omaha.
7: Moot Cirr. 5. Hit batsman: Griff It by
Tesar. rmptre: McGloom. Time oi (aw
Baseball Records
Made This Date
1 Jane SS.
Trt-m 1. HI Most SSSists. by OOt
fielder. In a frame. 4. Lee Maaee. New
Tork (A. L . Record siso neia or niimn
Crowley, r. t-iaras . noimw, v.
tt Kit Mas tits In succession.
by Individual. 10. B. J. Kontciv started
his record with three bits this day. The
record la 11. held By T. E. sseaker. CleTs
la"d A. Imt. lilt.
Juss 21. If 10 Six basa hits, tn six times
ost. D. Bancroft. Mw Tork N. l.
The record Is seren. held by W . Robinson,
Beat Sioux City
Francis Gaines Wins Over
Beats Johnston
T-S GattiQs:
Francis S. Gaines, Omaha golfer,
entered in the annual Western Am
ateur Gclf tournament at Kansas
City, climbed a notch higher in the
go'.f world yesterday when he elim
inated Harrison Johnston of St.
Pkul in the second round of the
tolrney. Gaines beat Harrison 1
Large Crowds Attend
Races at McCook
McCook, Neb., June 28. (Special.)
The second day in the progress of
the Elks races was marked by in
creased attendance and fine interest.
Two harness and four saddle events
held close attention.
Dillon Reaper won the S:25 pace In
l:54Ki, Major Gold second. Marlln Patch
third; puree 1300. Second and third heats
in same time.
The 2:19 pace went to Jerry P In 2:18.
Lucky Strike second. Rowdy Patch third.
Furs S300. Heats, 2:15!4. 2:18i, 2:194.
Half-mile runnlntr race was won by Dr.
Kay In :1; purse 176. Jim Roberts-second,
the Big- Gun third.
Innovation won the five-eighths face In
1:02, Dr. Mack second, The boy, favorite,
third; purse $75.
Thirty-seven led In the three-fourths
mile In 1:18, Loulfte Paul second, Autumn
Leaf third; purse 4100.
The seven-eighths race went to Miss
Meelick In 1:294. Dainty Lady second,
Hen Bay third; purse 1125.
An equal series of races tomorrow
will close a great meet, to end at
night with 30 rounds of boxing, -with
Johnny Stopper, Alex Maurice and
other stars in the ring.
Britishers Sail for
U. S. to Start Tour
London, Tune 28. George Dun
can and Abe Mitchell, leading Bri
tish golfers, left for Southampton to
day to hoard the liner Majestic. They
plan to spend three months in play
ing over various courses in the
United States.
Duncan and Mitchell play at the
Field club July 20.
President's Team Is
Victorious in Match
President A. N. Featherstone's
team won the annual team match at
Miller park Sunday, defeating Vice
President Seavey Hudson's team, 40
to 36.
Phil Kendall won the special prize
given by Logan & Bryan, brokers,
and Charles Thiessen took first prize
for low net score with a 66 net for
18 holes.
Safe or Out
Q. With a runner on first bas the bat
ter hit a foul fly. The runner starts for
second. The first baseman catches the fly
and touches first before the runner gets
back. He claims a double play. Can a
double play be made on a foul?
A. Tea. The foul fly rntch Is Identi
cal with the fair fly catch so far urn a.
double play la concerned.
Q. Runner on second with lead off the
base starts for third and makes ft the
moment that the batter hits the ball, ac
cording to the umprle. The ball Is a fly
and caught. Must the runner go back?
The umpire says not.
A The umpire Iff wrong. The plaJ
started from the moment the pitcher be
gan to wind up.
Q. The batter raps the ball over build
ings In the outfield. The umpire says
"hom run." The runner takes it easy
but the ball is returned and he Is touched
before arriving at home plate. Is it a
heme run?
A. If the umpire declared It a home
It ts.
Q. Batter hits a three-base hit and
fails to touch second, to which the field
umpire calls his attention. Team at bat
claims runner is not out and should be
permitted to remain at third base be
cause the umpire told him he had not
tourhed second. What was right?
A. If the runner retraced his steps
after he had parsed eeeond, going bark
to tourh the bae. then running to third,
he waes safe, but the umpire was not
within hi rights to Inform that be had
cut second bane.
Q. Coacher on third runs heme when
a runner is on third, but there la no
play on at the time. What is the
A. The coacher abould be sent to the
Th Carter Lks baseball team Is after
fames on the club grounds for Julr
Fourth. A fams mar be arranged by com
munlcating with Robert Koran at the
Omaha Trunk factory r with Harry
Mooner at th local American legion post
m MS) ssWsssMsisM
ii i :i ii a r
Hit Id Kouble-lleadef.
Kesr Tork. June JJ Phlisdslphla and
Nw Turk UiviilrJ a duubis-hsder if
us. ins visitors amnlnc Ihs first Hams,
to s, whil ihs Uisnis look Ihs sec
und vsms. s to I.
New lfurk bunched hits in Ihs sseond
rimi eff B:nitnn and Winters, whils
ltan held l'hiisdrlihia sate alter the
fit at Innlns. hi ore, first (ami-;
All. II II A I
All 11 0 A
Biip. 3b s I I 0 lUncmfl. u
l'tklnoo. ib 4 V 1 t Hawllat. b
Williams, cf 4 1 srn.rit.4b
Wsikf. If til V Mrusrl, If
1p, If 4 10 t luunt. rf
J Kuilth. IS S I 4 kelll. lb
Utile, lb 5 2 10 2 -.ur-t. cf
llenllse, J 1 I t I. Hialtn. e
HMrrs. ti 0 0 1 V J Dsrnes. p
M'Silows. P S 1 0 I I'nw. (
Winters, p 10 1 l;'R..brriun
( Klunnrrs
Totals 42 II 21 10 m.uirr. t
ijountrd, p
t 4
1 I
2 1
I 12
I 1
o o
0 II
o o
o o
I Tot.ll 34 12 27 12
Hatted for Csusev In eighth.
Ran for T. Hmlih In eicbtb.
Score by Innlnis:
Thilsdelphla 001 110 Jit I
New Tork 100 300 0005
Rummsry Runs: Rapp. Parkinson, Wil
liams. Walker, Lee 121, Peters, Meadows.
Kr:. h (2), Mus. (2), Youn(. Errors:
Rspp, Frlsch, Aleusel, Causey. Two-bsae
hit: Williams. Three-base hits: Young,
Lee. Walker. Stolen base: Mruscl. Sac
rifice hits: Mesdowa, Henllne. Double
plsys: Kanrroft to Rawlincs to Kelly, J.
Pmith to Leslie tn Rapp, J. Smith to
Parkinson to Leolle. Parkinson to J.
Hmlth to Leslie, J, Smith to Leslie. Left
on bases: Philadelphia. 14: New Tork, 7.
Rase on balls; off Causey, 3; off Jonnard,
2: off Meadows. 3; off Winters, 1. Struck
out: By J. rtarnca, 1; by Causey, 2; by
Meadows, 2; by Winters, 1. Hits: Off J.
Ilarnes, I in 3 1-3 Innings: off Causey,
9 tn 4 2-2 Innings; off Jonnard, 1 in 1
Inning: off Meadows, 12 In i 2-3 Innings;
off Winters, none In 2 1-3 Inning. Hit
by pitched ball: Frlsch. by Meadows.
Passed ball: L". fmlth. Winning pitcher:
Meadows. loosing pitcher: Causey. Um
pires: Sentelle snd McCormlck. Time:
2:22. T
Score, second game;
9 2 12
Ratm. 3b
3' Bancroft, ss
l.RiwllngS. 2b
Parkinson, ?b
Wlllumi, ct
Walter, rf
Lee. if
1. Smith. SI
Islle. lb
Hlngleton, p
Peters, c
Winters, p
1 3
5 0' frlsch. 3b
3 0Meuael, If
3 0' Young, rf
1 0' Kelly, Ib
I OiRlensel, cf
0 01 Snyder, o
1 II Ryan, p
0 0
o :! Tottli
o o
56 It 27 10
Totals 35 7 24 7 1
Batted for Singleton In seventh.
Batted for Winters In ninth.
Score by Innlngse:
Philadelphia 200 000 100 S
New York 020 020 04x 8
Summary Runs: Parkinson, Williams
(2), Bancroft, Rawllngs, Meuael, Kelly (2),
Stengel (2). Snyder. Error: Bancroft.
Two-base hit: Bancroft. Home runs: Wil
liams. Stengel. Sacrifice hit: Snyder. Left
on bases: New York, 7; Philadelphia, 7.
Base on halls: Off Ryan, 2; off Single
ton. 1. Sttuck out: B Ryan, 7; by Sin
gleton, 1. Hits: Off Singleton, 9 In 6
Innings; off Winters. 6 tn 2 Innings. Losing
pitcher: Singleton. ITmplres: McCormlck
and Sentelle. Time: 1:57.
Braves Scalp I lodgers.
Boston, June 28. Boston broke its los
ing streak today and defeated Brooklyn,
S to 4. Four hits and an srror enabled
tha Braves to make four runs and tie the
scors In the eighth. Two singles, a double
and a pass sent over the winning run In
the ninth with one out. Score:
Hlih. 3b 5 11 21 Powell, cf 4 2 10
Johnston. 2b 2 12 3 Birbare. 2b 4 13 4
T. Griffith, rf 3 11 OiNtion, If S 3 2 0
Wheat. If S 0 2 OlCrulse. rf 4 0 10
Myers, rf 4 1 1 fllHolke, Ib i !li I
Mitchell, lb 4 1 10 1 1 Ford, ss 4 2 3 4
Olson, si 4 3 4 3'K"pf, 3b 4103
Deberry. e 4 0 4 2iO'Kell. e 3 0 4 2
Vance, p 3 0 0 0!"fiorlT 10 0 0
Mamsui. p 0 0 0 OlMrQuillan. p 2 0 0 3
1 Watson, p 110 1
Totals 32 S 25 lllThrlrtenbury 0 0 0 0
("Nichols 0 0 0 0
I Totals 30 12 27 16
One out when winning run scored.
Hatted for McQuillan In eighth.
Batted for O'Nell In ninth.
Ran for Watson In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Brooklyn 020 100 010 4
Boston 000 000 041 4
Summary Runs: T. Griffith. Myers,
Olson (2). Powell, Barbare, Nlion, Chrls
tenbury, Nichols. Errors: High, Holke.
Two-base hits: Olson, Johnston, Powell,
Nixon. Three-base hits: Olson, T. Grif
fith. Sacrifice hits: T. Griffith, Wheat.
Double plays: Olson to Mitchell. Mitchell
to Olson to Mitchell, Ford to Barbare to
Holke. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 0; Bos
ton, 9. Base on balls: Off Vance, 2; off
Mamaux, 1; off McQuillan, 2: off Watson,
1. Struck out: By Vance, 4; by McQuillan,
2. Hits: Off Vance. 9 In 7 Innings (none
out In elithth); off Mamaux. 3 In 1 1-3 In
nings: off McQuillan, 8 In ft innings: off
Watson, none In 1 Inning. Winning pitch
er: Watson. Losing pitcher: Mamaux.
Umpires: Moran and Qulgley. Time: 1:46.
Pirate Trounee Cubs.
Chicago, June 28. Pittsburgh concen
trated its attack In the sixth and seventh
innings today, driving Aldridge off the
mound and continuing the attack on Os
borne, and easily defeated Chicago, 7 to 2,
in the final game of the series.
The game was halted for one minute at
4 o'clock, while all the players, officials
and spertstors bared their heads and
stood silent out of resDect for Mrs. Tin
Small, late wife of the governor of
Illinois, who was burled today. Score:
MaranTllIs. It I .1 S 38tstt. ef S 1 t 0
Carer, cf til o! Hollo-bar. ss 3 0 J s
Blsbes. If 4 S 1 O'Kms. "h 4 0 11
Bamhart. AMI 1' Miller. If 4 1 2 ft
Trara-t, ss 8 2 0 HFrlherg. rf 4 1 S 1
Bohwer. rf S 3 4 OIBarber. lb 4 18 0
Grimm, lb S 1 11 l'Terrr. Jb S ft 1 4
Oooch. e 4 ft 3 llO'Fsrrell. e 3 18 1
Hamilton, p 4 ft ft 81 Aldridse. p 1 ft ft
'Osborne, p ft ft ft ft
Totals 41 13 17 IS -Keltrtier 1 ft ft ft
jinnee, p 0 ft ft ft
I Total! so t 17 12
Batted for Osborne in seventh.
Score by Innings:
Pittsburgh 000 ftn 40ft 7
Chicago 001 001 0002
Summary Runs: Maranvllle. Carey (2),
Blgbee. Barnhart (2), Traynor. Stats,
O'Farrell. Two-base hits: Maranvllle.
Statr, Carey. Traynor. Rohwer. . Stolen
base: Carev. Sacrifice hits: Aldridge.
Terry. Bigbee, Hnllocher. Double plays:
Maranvllle to Grimm. Frlberg to Hol
lorher. Left on bases: Pittsburgh. 10;
Chicago. 6. Bnse on bells: Off Aldridge,
2: off Hamilton. 1. Struck out: By Ald
ridge, 2: by Hamilton. 3; bv Osborne. 1.
Hits: Off Aldridge. 14 In innings (none
out in seventh); off Osborne. J In 1 In
ning; off Jones, 2 in S Innings. Psssed
ball: O'Farrell. Losing pitcher: Aldridge.
Umpires: Klem end Wilson. Time: 1:55.
American Legion Umpire
Hurt by Foul Tip
Detroit. June 23. Umpire "Brick"
Owens sustained a bad contusion snd the
ligaments in his left side were torn, when
h wss struck by a foul tip from Out
fielder Veach's bat In the fourth Inning of
the Chicago-Detroit game her this aft
teraoon. It was further reported the collarbone
was broken, but a specialist after an ex
amination tonight, said there was no
Owens will be out of th gams for pos
sibly two weeks. It wss said.
Today's Pairings
in Golf Tourney
Kansas City, Mo., June 28 To
morrow's matches in the Western
amateur tournament will be as fol
lows, with play at 36 holes:
"Chick" Evans. Chicago, against Ted
Payseor, Des Moines.
Jess Buttle, Kansas City, against Fred
Wright, Los Angeles.
Francis Cains against Oecrg Voa Elm,
Salt Lak City.
Clarence Wolff, St. Louts, against 8.
Davidson Herron, Chlcsta,
by 7 to
a I I
Neva tors Blank Tank.
Washington, June 21. Johnson was loo
good fur Hot In a pitching duel today
and Washington defeated New York, 1 la
0. Johnson did nut issue a smile pass
and fanned nine, McNally and Plpp alone
of th Msitora escaping. II was John
son's thud surersaiv shutout, and I lie
17th of his rsreer. Score:
Witt, rf 4 I 0 n'Judie. Ik 8 I 10 0
ll. Ntllr. Jb 4 1 8! I'trkuip'fh, a 1 ft 8
Kuia. if 4i3e Hloe. rf 4 3 ft
MruMl. rf 4 0 3 0 Btianas. 3b 4 111
I'lW. lh 4 lit 1 UtowTf. sf 3 0 0 0
V.. Hi. It 4 0 3 j! Harris. 3b 3 0 4 0
Soil, ss 3 3 0 l.draltn. If 3 10 0
llofuitun, 0 8 0 4 l l'lruiieh. 1 ft 10 1
llo)t, p 3 0 1 OjJohflMm, p 10 0 4
Totals 31 f 39 It! Total 17 4 IT I
line out when winning run scored.
Scors by Innings:
New York .....000 000 000 ft
Washington 000 000 0011
Summary Run: Shanks. Two-baa hits:
Smith (I), Scott. Three-bsss hit: Plpp.
Sacrifice hit: Brewer. lft on bases:
New York. ; Washington. 8. Base oa
balls: Off Hoyl, 4. Struck out: By John
son. : by Hoyt, 4. Hit by pltehtd ball:
Harris, twice, by Hnyt. Umpire: Molar
ity and Nallln. Time: 1:43.
Whit 801 Tronnaa Tigers.
Detroit, June 11. Th Chicago Whit
Sox gained undiaputed right to third plac
In the American league atandlng today,
winning from Detroit, 4 to 1. Leverett
held Detroit to three hit. Collins' error
in the ninth saved Detroit from a shut
out. Score:
Johnson, ss 8 0 1 11 Blue, lb 4 0 10 0
Mulliian. !b 4 1 1 lljoors. 3b 4 115
Collins. 2b 4 11 8 1 Cobb, cf 3 110
Hooper, rf 8 110! Vesrh. If 40(0
Mnstll. cf 8 1 5 0 Clark. 3b 8 0 0 3
ralk. If 8 1 1 0! riasnead, rf 10 8 1
Sheer, lb 8 10 2HI(nar, ss 4 0 11
Mills. 0 4 18 OIBsssler. a 114ft
Lererette. p 8 0 1 llOldhara. p 1 ft 0 0
Oleson. p 0 ft 0 0
Totals 80 7 27 11 Manlon, 1 0 0 J
I Totals t J 27 10
Batted for Oldham in eighth.
Scors by Innings: .
Chicago 010 1" HI
Detroit 000 000 0011
Summary Runs: Mulligan, Hooper (3),
Moatil. Cobb. Errors: Collins, Blue, Rig
ney. Two-base hits: Jonss, Mostll, Mulli
gan. Stolen base: Mostll. Sacrifice hit:
Falk, Sheely, Clark. Double plays: Flag
stead to Baesler. Mulligan to Collin to
Sheely (2), Clark to Rlgney to Blue, Jonea
to Blue. Left on bases: Detroit, ; Chi
cago. 4. Struck out: By Oldham, i; by
Leverette. 1. Baae on balla: Off Oldham.
2; off Oleson. 1; off Leverette. 4. Hit:
Off Oldham, 0 in 1 lnnlnga; off Oleson, 1
In 1 inning. Losing pitcher: Oleson. Um
pires: Owens, Walsh and Evans. Tims:
Athletic Lose to Boston.
Philadelphia, June 18. Karr held Phil
adelphia to seven scattsred hits today,
which enabled Boston to score a 4 to 1
victory and get out of laat place. Score:
Smith, rf 3 0 1 OITounf. 2b 3 0 3 4
Mmosky. If 5 11 0 Johnston, lb 4 1 IS 0 5 3 12 0 Walker. If 4 15 0
Pratt. 2b 4 10 4 Perkins, e 4 3 3 1
Dussn. :n s 0 1 si Miner, cr 3 0 3 1
rolllns. cf 4 4 3 OlOalloway. a 4 118
Buel. cf 8 10 O'McGowsn. rf 10 10
Plttsnssr, ss 4 n s iTee. 3D e 1 1 j
Karr. p 4 ft 0 4 Hsstr. p 10 0 1
1 -Hauler .10 0 0
Totals S3 17 151 Ysrrlson. p ft ft 0 0
I Totals 81 T 27 IS
'Batted for Hssty la seventh.
Score by Inning:
Boeton 010 001 200 4
Philadelphia 000 101 000 z
Summary Runs: Smith. Menoeky.
Burns, Dugan, Walker (2). Brrors:
Young. Johnston, Hasty. Two-base hits:
Menosky, Dykes, Collins. Three-base hit:
Collins. Stolen base: Galloway. Sacrifice
hits: Miller, Ruel. Double plays: Dykes
to Perkins to Johnston, Pratt to Plttenger
to Burns. Karr to Plttenger to Burns.
Left on bases: Boston. 8; Philadelphia, ft.
Base on balls: Oft Haaty, 3: oft Karr, I.
Struck out: By Karr. 4. Hits: Off Hasty,
8 In 7 Innings; off Yarrlson. 1 In 2 Innings.
Losing, pitcher: Haaty. Umpires: Dlneen
and Hlldebrand. Time: 1:68.
Brown Defeat Indian.
Cleveland, June 38. After losing the
firat two games of the aeries, St. Louis
defeated Cleveland today, 9 to 0. Kolp
was unususlly effective and Cleveland
threatened to score but twice. The
ferawns hit the Indian pitcher hard and
fas) latter were loosely supported. Score:
Tobin. rf
Jamleson, If 3 0 2 0
Gerbvr. ss
Siller, lb
McMsnui, 2b
Jlcobson, rf
Williams. If
Sereretd. e
Ellerbe. 3b
Kelp, p
W bsgsnss. zb
0 1
1 8
0 1
1 0
0 13
speaker, cf
Gardner. 8b
J. SewsIL ss
Melnnls, lb
Wood, rf
O'Neill, e
Xdvards. P
Merton. p
Vhle. p
ICsefe. p
1 I
33 14 37
Totals 4 17 11
Batted for Morton In sixth.
Batted for Uhl in eighth.
Score by Innings:
St. Loul 011 131 100
Cleveland 000 000 000 0
Summary Runs: Tobin. Slsler (2), Mc
Manua, Jacobson (2), Williams. Ellerb
(2). Error: Jamleson, J. Sewell. Two-bsse
hits: Johnson (3), Kolp. Tobin. Three
base hits: Severeid. Sacrifice hits: Gerber,
Tobin, Kolp (2). Double play: Ellerb to
Slsler. Left on bases: St. Louis. 1; Cleve
land. 7. Base on balls: Off Kolp, 4; off
Edwards. 3. Hits: Off Edwards. In 4
innings (none out In fifth) ; off Morton,
In 2 Innings; off Utile, 2 In 1 Inning;
off Keefe, none In 1 Inning. Hit by
pitched ball: Wambsganne, by Kolp.
Struck out: By Kolp, 1; by Edwsrds. 1;
by Morton, 3; by Keefe, I. Balk: Kelp.
Losing pitcher: Edward. Umpire: Chill
and Connolly. Tim: 1:45.
Friend Win Game.
Friend. Neb., June 28. (Special.)
rrieno defeated Geneva Sunday on the
latter's grounds, to 1.
Score by Innings: R. H. E.
Friend 801 040 1001 15 2
Geneva 100 000 000 1 0
Batteries: Pelrson and Murphy; Eller,
Blsrk and Campbell.
FtOlertoa Win.
Fullerton, Neb., June 31. (Special.)
The locals shut out Wolbseh in a fast
game here Sunday, 7 to 0. Hoffman
Pitched good ball for th locals and wss
given splendid support.
Newman Ism.
Humphrey. Neb., June 28. (Special )
Humphrey defeated Newman, t to 4. Sun
day on the latter' grounds, snd lost to
Columbus Monday, to 2.
David City Win.
Fremont. Neb.. June 28. (Special.)
Wroe' Variety of Fremont lost a fast
gams to David City her Sunday. to 2.
Th pitching of Burch for th Wroe was
ths feature of th gam. Th local have
July 2, 4 and II open for out-of-town
games. Write R. Schlen. Fremont, Neb.
Arrange Game.
Pawnee City. Neb., June 11. Special.)
Pawnee City will send two team to play
In nearby towns as part of Fourth ot July
celebrations. The Black Sox will play
at Wymor and the Indian will play at
Managers, Attention.
Cays, manager of th Omaha Spalding
Street All-Stars, would Ilk th person
who called him Tuesday night for a game
with his team te write him at 1728 Spald
ing street, or call Kenwood 2(81.
Packard Twin Six
1250 Delivered and Equipped.
6 Score
w. L. Ivt.l w. I. Pet
St Joseph zv .IJl.Oashs 13 84 .17
TUISS 44 90 .S!3Okla. i'lV II S .J."
Hirhlla 11 II .75Im alolDss K It .117
Bleu Ot 37 31 ,SH lim 3 47 .U
Yesterday's Jteault.
Omaha, 1 Clout C ity. (It Innings).
Wichita, 4, oklshom City, 4.
Denver, 3; Des Molnrs, 7,
Tulsa, II; St. Joseph, 0.
Today' Oam,
Sioux City at Omaha.
Des Moines st Denver.
Wichita st Tulsa.
St. Joseph at Oklahoma City.
W. L. Prt.l W. K Pet.
Fslrbury 81 18 MO Norfolk 33 !' .478
Llnoala 37 19 .SMI H trice 10 re .
Hist lass 24 22 .Sail Ur d Island 14 3D .114
Yesterday's HesalU.
Ornd Island, t; Beatrlc, L
Halting, 4: Norfolk, 5.
Falrbury, 14; Lincoln, (.
Today's Games.
Grand Island at Beatrice.
Lincoln at Fslrbury.
Hastings at Norfolk.
W. L. Prt.l W. L Pel.
Niw Tork 41 24 .asilPlttsburga 33 31 .508
St. Louis 81 2 .547 Chicago 31 35 .470
Brooklyn St 31 ,517lHostan 25 38 .J'J7
Cincinnati 34 33 ,50711'hlladelrhla 35 38 .397
' Yesterday' Result.
Philadelphia. 1-3; New York, (-1.
Boston, i; Brooklyn, 4,
Pittsburgh, 7; Chicago, t.
No other games scheduled.
Today' Game.
Philadelphia at New York.
Brooklyn at Boston.
St. Louis at Pittsburgh.
No other games scheduled.
L. Pet. I
w. l. ret.
St. Louis 41 20 .5861 Washington 83 84
.464 i
.42 I
New York 38 31 .543l(llrrelud 33 37
Chlesto 34 33 .53i Philadelphia 26 8.1
Detroit 35 33 .5151 Boston SO 88
Yesterday's Result.
Washington, 1; New York. (.
Boston, 4; Philadelphia, 1,
Chicago. 4; Detroit, 1.
St. Louis, 8; Cleveland, 0.
Today' Games,
New York at Washington.
Boston at Philadelphia.
No other games scheduled.
Milwaukee, 6; St. Paul. 4.
W. L. Pet I W. L. Pet.
Indianapolis 43 26 . 6231 Columbus 32 37 .464
BU Paul 41 25 .621! Louisville 31 30 .443
Minneapolis 40 36 .6061 Kansas City 26 41 .364
Milwaukee 39 34 .534IToledo 23 45 .S38
. Yesterday' Results.
Louisville. 8; Toledo, 2 (called In sixth,
Kansss City, 11; Minneapolis. 1.
Indianapolis-Columbus, postponed, rain.
Today' Game.
Louisville at Columbus.
Kansas City at Minneapolis.
Milwaukee at St. Paul.
No other games scheduled.
Vf itrhe Defeat Indians.
Wichita. Kan.. June 28. Wichita made
it four straight by taking the final game
of the series from Oklahoma City here
today, C to 4. Score:
Pitt. If
Smith, cf
Mlddteton, cf
OtBflardl. 8b
Waibbura, lb
Berser, ss
East. If
Blakesler. rf
McDowell, lb
Purcell. 3b
Haley, e
Musser, p
4 8
5 1
4 3
4 1
Mcueniel, ID
Flsber. e
Krueger, lb
Mann, ss
Moore, cf
Allen, p
5 3
4 1
38 14 27 8 37 11 24 9
Han for McDanlel In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Oklahoma City 200 000 2004
Wichita 002 020 02x 6
Summary Runs: Pitt, Mlddleton, Ging
lardl, Smith, Musser, Berger (2), East (2.
Errors: Glnglardl, McDanlel (2), Wash
burn, Musser (3). Sacrifice hit: Moore.
Two-baao hits: Pitt, McDanlel, Allen, Ber
ger. Stolen base: Fisher. Double plays:
McDanlel to Mann to Allen. Struck out:
Musser, t; Allen, 2. Baa on balls: Off
Musser, 8. Left on bases: Wichita, 10;
Oklahoma City, 7. Hit y pitched ball:
Haley, Berger. Umpires: Burnslde and
Fitxpatrlck. Time: 1:60.
Oiler Blank Saints.
Tulsa, Okl., June 28. The Oiler mad
it three out of four from St. Joe today,
overwhelming the league leaders, 18 to 0.
Boehler held the Saints to four scattered
hits, beating them the second time In this
aeries. Llndberg was batted from the box
in the firat Inning and th Oilers enjoyed
a merry-go-round at the expense of Grover
and Fisher In ths latter rounds. Score:
AB.H.O.A.1 AB.H.O.A.
Olson, lb
Corrlden, If
Fisher, rf-p
Bonowlti. ef
Defat. ss
4 16 0 Bennett. If 8 18 0
8 0 1 OITbompeon. Sb 3
Thompson, 8b
mm. rf
Stuart, ss
Lamb, cf
Beuman. lb
Leltrelt, lb
Crosby, e
Boehler, p
s s 1
MeDonald. 3b 8 0
Stereo son. lb I I
Grebowskl. e
Llndberg. p
G rom. p
8 1
8 ft
43 19 17 11
Totals SO 4 14 81
Score by lnnlnga:
St. Joseph 000 000 000 0
Tulsa (21 135 OOx 18
Summary Runs: Bennett' (2), Thomp
son (4), Dsvls (3), Stuart (2), Lamb (4),
Bauman, Crosby, Boehler. Errors: Gra
bowakl, Thompson. Earned runs: Tulsa,
17; St. Joseph, none. Left on bases: Tulsa,
8; St. Joseph, 4. Two-base hits: Crosby,
Bennett. Davis. Lamb (2). Horns runs:
Thompson, Davis, Stuart, Lamb. Sacrifice
hits: Thompson, Stuart, Bauman. Stolen
base: Lellvelt. Base on halls: Off Boehler,
2: off Llndberg, 1; off Grover, 2; off
Fisher. 1. Struck out: By Boehler, 6; by
Llndberg, 1; by Fisher, 1. Wild pitch:
Boehler. Runs and hits: Off Llndberg. 4
and 1 In 1-3 Inning; off Grover, and 11
In t 2-3 Innings. Hit by pitched ball:
DaviSjby Fisher. Passed ball: Grabow
afci. empires: Holmes and Ormsby. Time:
Bears Defeat Boosters.
Dsnver, June 28. Des Moines threatened
to overcome Denver's lead of two runs
in the ninth today, but Salisbury struck
out Graham snd cinched an 8 to 7 victory
for the locale. The Bruina hajnmered
Cross out of th box In the seventh Inning
and Mers stopped th Bears' rslly. Scors:
Genla. ef 5 3 0 0! LaSsIle. ss 4113
Wasner. 3b 3 1 I 01 WrUht. 2b 8 118
Heraa. rf 3 3 8 01 Lcn. rf 4 110
Oraham. lb 5 17 o1 O'Brien, ef 8 14 0
Milan. If (14 0! Ooaies. If 4110
Turseon. ss 5 0 1 ot C'twinht. lb I 111 I
Tuna, lb 4 3 3 8 Pstterson. 3b 13 14
Banner. 4 111! Park), e 118 1
Cross. 3 ft 0 i:saltibury, p 4 10 3
Mers. p 100 0!
1 Totill 33 12 It 14
Totals 38 14 34 81
Score by Innings:
Des Molne 300 100 21 T
Denver 020 003 30x 8
Summery Runs: Genln. Wsgner (3),
Horan, Graham. Yuna, Long. O'Brien.
Gomes. Cartwrlght (3), Patterson (3). Er
ror: O'Brien. Earned runs: Des Moines. 7;
Denver. 8. Stolen bases: Milan. Wright.
Two-base hits: Wagner. Horan, Salisbury.
Three-base hits: Wagner. Genln, Tuns,
Berger. CartwTlght, Home runs: Patter
son. Long. Sacrifice hits: Horan (2). Le
ss 11. Parker. Sacrifice fly: Patterson.
Struck out: By Salisbury. 4; by Cross. 1;
by Mers. 1. Bsse on balls: Off Salisbury.
1: off Cross. 4. Left on bsses: Dee Moines,
8; Denver. 7. Inning pitched: By Cross,
1-3. runs. 11 hits: by Mers.. 1 1-1.
no hits. Cmpire: Donahue and, Held At
tendance. 2,000. IUu; li.
in Twelve Inning
in Golf Tourney
Islander Trounr Ilea trice, j
Beatrlre. Neb, June !. ilrsnd Island
asened the series today, hitting M'h
hard In In fust and ninth Innings, Speak
er hit a hums tuu with two vn tu lb
ninth. Score:
Ah II tl A I All II O A
B 'ben. lb 8 113 It I'I'er, 3b i 0 t i
Kranda. ib 4 3 3 3. kit. tii.rr. lb 3 I III
Hiaastr. cf 8 18 0 guinn. ss 4 14 1
I'llniillrt. If 8 I It. wu.eti. cf 4 0 10
Melt, si 4 0 1 3' Dill, rf 4 2 10
HhuM. rf 8 8 10 1'itler. 3b 4 II I 1
Hutu. 3D 8 8 V.rton. If 4 3 10
rV.hsrtl. 4 I 3 M w.t 4 18 1
Prlrbard. P 4 0 1 I Mi Km p 8 0 0 3
'(ilea 0 (i 11 0
Totals 33 10 17 11 -
Total Si 7 27 in
rutt'd for McKe In ninth
Grand Island 4n "01 OH
Beatrlc 010 HOO 000 I
Summary Huns: Itoben. Kramla (21,
Speaker (2), I'alinatlir, Mets. I'rltthard,
Norton. Krrors: Serlo, Klnhner, Uulnn
(5). Hams run: Spraker. Three-base hits:
I'almatler, Shup. Two'haee hits: 1'nger.
Hoben. Struck out: lly McKee, I. by
I'rltchsrd, 1. Base on balls: off McKee.
4; off Prltrhard, 4. Double plays: Mats
lo Serlo to Hoben, Mets to Kcrio tn Knhen.
Kerned runa: Grand Island, 0; Beatrice, 1,
Umpire: Lelnback. Tims: 2:00.
Falrbury Trounce IJnrola,
Falrbury. Neb, June 18. Mabe Wol
folk won his i:th straight victory today,
defeating Lincoln, 16 to 6, Lincoln asked
to have Wolfnlk pitch, ao they could de
feat him and Manager S-grlit obliged
them, Umpire Smith was accorded pnliro
protection from fans after calling Good
win out at third in the sixth Inning.
Orr, u 4 11 I'Bnoney. ss 4 118
('arris, cf 6 11 0 1 ictUnil. ;b 5 3 0 4
MeCej, lh 5 0 7 l.Mrllemuitt. rf 5 3 10
Ulhson, If 4 3 2 OlRclrhle. If 5 10 0
Pre. Jb-p 4 2 8 Sillllss. cf 4 110
Bool, rf-0 5 15 lltiondwln. 2h 5 2 7 .1
Zlnker. 8b 2 1 0 2!Vlnbuih. lh 1 Oil ft
I'onker. c-rf 4 13 O'O'Cnnnor. 0 4 14 1
Maxwell, p 2 0 0 OjWolfolk 2 112
Ilenler. p 100 01
Jenson. p 0 ft 0 01 Total! 35 13 27 18
Cirr. 2b 1 0 0 0
Totals 37 11 24 101
Lincoln 1"i 002 1M 8
Falrbury 070 200 70i 16
Summary Runs: McCoy (2), Gibson (2),
Dye, Bool, Rooney (2), Cleveland (3). Mc.
Dermott (2). Relrhle (2), Bliss (2), Good,
win, Wlnbush, O'Connor, Wolfolk (2). Kr
rors: McCoy, Zlnker, Rooney. Goodwin,
Home runs: Blls. McDermott. Gibson (2).
Sacrifice hits: McDermntt. Bliss. Wlnbush.
Base on balls: Off Wolfolk. 4: off Max
well, 1; off Henley, 6. Stolen bnses: Good
win, Carrlg. Double plays: Wolfnlk to
Goodwin to Wlnbush, Rooney to Oontlwin
to Wlnbush. Cleveland to Goodwin to
Wlnbush. Runs and hits: Off Maxwell.
9 and 8 tn 4 innlncs: off Henley. 1 and 7
In 3 innings; off Dye. none and none in
1 2-3 Innlncs: off Jepson. none and none
in 1-3 Innlgg. Struck out: By Wolfolk,
8: by Henley. 3: hy Dye. 1. Hit by
pitched bail: Wlnbush, hy Dye: Wlnbush,
by Maxwell. Umpire: Smith. Time: 2:35.
Hastings Ilcnt Norfolk,
Norfolk, Nb.. June 2S A home run
by Amen, a triple, a double and a single
in the last inning after everything seemed
lost to Hastings, brought In the visitors'
three scores and a second consecutive vic
tory from the Eldhnrns here this after
noon by a score of 6 to 5, Following is
the score:
Osushan. ss
Church. 2b
Amen, cf
Tomes. If
HTsWth, e
Serb. 3b
Knspp. lb
Crann, rf
reterson, p
4 1 1 1! therton. si
1 1
0 1 SI Wlsier. 2b
0 0 o:Mrr. 3h
1 5 1 Rouse. If
2 1 llflirk. 0
1 5 0' Stucker. rf
1 0 SlBmirtr, lb
1 13 lPldier. cf
1 1 01 gpeere, p
0 0 41
1 Totlls
0 0 4
2 2 a
0 10
2 !) 1
3 0ft
1 10 1
1 1 n
0 3 1
55 0 27 12
36 27 141
Batted for Church In eiehth.
Hastings 0M 200 103 C
Norfolk 001 003 100 5
Summary Runs: Gaughnn, Amen.
Tomes (2). Serb, Knapp, Atherton, Rouse,
Clark, Stucker. Dldler. Errors: Church.
Herb. Peterson, Wisser. Homo runs:
Tomes. Amen. Three-base hit: Crnnn.
Two-base hits: Marr. Stucker, Hogarts'.
Knapp, Tomes. Sacrifice hits: Speece,
Wisser. Base on balls: Off Peterson. 3.
Double play: Amen to Knapp. Struck outt
By Peterson, 2; by Speece, 8. Hit by
pitched ball: Atherton, by Peterson. Um
pire: Murphy. Time: 2:05.
Two Middle Westerners
Survive Fifth Round
Philadelphia, June 28. Two middle
westerners, one easterner and one
Pacific coast representative remain in
the singles championship tournament
of the intercollegiate tennis associa
tion as a result of the fifth round play
today at the Merion Cricket club.
The survivors are Walter Wes
brook, Michigan; Wray Brown,
Washington university, St. Louis;
Phil Neer, Leland Stanford, and L.
E. Williams, Yale.
For the two of you
A bottle of Clicquot Club is the
happiest, friendliest drink. You can
fill two glasses from one bottle.
Two glasses of golden liquid alive
with sparkling bubbles that leap joy
ously to the brim! Man or woman,
boy or girl they all like it.
Clicquot is purity itself pure
spring water, real Jamaica ginger,
sugar, and the necessary fruit juioes
to make the blend and the taste.
You may for a change like
Clicquot Sarsaparilla, Birch Beer,
or Root Beer. All are equally
pure and delightful.
Millis, Mass., U. S. A. ( o6"3
5k I
Heats St. Paul
in Big
Upset of Meet
Chick" Evunn KornM. to Tlay
11 II t . . . W!
.1 now I w in wrr i
ill..." McKce of
IV. Moinco.
Hillrrrst Country Out. K.m'in
City, Mo. June 2. Vy A. 1')
Two round o( niauli play in the
Western Amateur Coif tournament
today produced some of the (jreatest
contests tver seen in any titular
competition r.d flowed with several
stars eliminated and heveral clher
remaining in the contest only
tlirotich breaks in luck which came
when the player teemed certain of j
Harrison Johnston of St. Taul,
Minn., stale champion anil a popular
favorite to go through to the semi
finals at least, fell before Francis
Gaines of Omaha, after he seemed to
have the N'ebraskan well in hand,
and "Chick" Evans had two narrow
escapes, being forced to go 21 holes
to eliminate Ki.die Held of St.
Louis, and trailing Hob McKee of
Des Moines, until the youngster
cracked under the strain after play
ing sensationally at the start.
Two other matches went into extra
holes and several were not decided
until the 18th green was reached.
Johnston's defeat actually seemed
to spread gloom around the club
house, for he was one of the most
popular entrants. After putting out
Alex Graham of Wellington, Kan., in
the morning in a well-played game,
the Minnesoian seemed to be having
no trouble with Gaines at the turn.
He began hooking his long drives
then, however, and blew some short
putts with the result that theX)ma
han shooter was up by winning the
17th and took the match when he
halved the last hole. Johnston seem
ed bothered by the big gallery which
shifted to him after Evans and Mc
Kee had finished. The crowd was
not controlled and repeatedly swayed
back and forth as Johnston shot,
seeking to get a better view of his
powerful swings.
George Von Elm of Salt Lake
City, after winning his 21-hole morn
ing match from Henry Decker
through 20 and 40 foot putts when lie
seemed sure of defeat, started badly
in the second round, being behind
Reuben Bush, jr., of New Orleans
most of the way. 1 he Transnnssis
sippi and Pacific Northwest chain
pion again pulled through by a great
comeback, however, winning and 1.
Herron Beats Ray Ouimet.
Dave Herron of Chicago, the for
mer national amateur champion, did
not have a hard day, although he de
feated Ray Ouimet of Kansas City,
brother of the great Francis Ouimetti
only 1 up. Ouimet trailed most of
the way, but pulled up near the end.
Herron put out Eddie Limberg of St.
Louis early in the moring.
The western junior champion.
Burton Mudge, jr., of Chicago, was
out at the 18th hole in the second
round bejore Clarence Wolff of St.
Louis, 2 up, when he conceded the
hole after being faced with the neces
sity of holing a 20-foot stymie to-
square the match. Mudge previously
had eliminated A. M. Bartlett of Ot
tumwa, la., three times state cham
pion, in 22 holes.
Aside from the three extra hole
contests and a 33 on the first nine by
Fred Wright of Los Angeles, the
most spectacular work of the day
came in the game between Evans anj
McKee. McKee, apparently believing
rfom the morning game that he had
the champion off forra, shot sensa
tionally at the start and soon took a
one-hole lead which held to the 12th.
Both made the turn under par, but
Ginger Aie
I 4iu wa cmiimt lo along ju
at he ilul wuli lleltl, until an oprtniiR
i4ine, tci'luig mre lie tuu'd t-ike atl-.
4liUfr 'i it, nd that l JUt what
Evant Wini.
On the 3iki-uril l.'th, MtKec'
euiid shot struk live and UrnM
III a J'lt. "CllU'k" I'Ut lll HTllllil ('"
Urt irnni the pin. MeKie (inlly
holed out in live, conceding "'Chirk"
u birdie .1 ami the match wa siired.
"Cluck'a" drive on the I'U vanl
!Mh was ten feet from the pin for
pur .', but MeKee's drive was hooked
welt to the left and hi pitch back
was allot!, lii best was a four
which made Fvatis one up. The stra'n
st emed to be showing, tor McKee on
the 17th put hi m'coiiiI in a nandpit
,.tid then ailer an almost impossible
pitch back to nix feet from the cup,
mised the putt ami loot the hole in.i
If d Payseur. Kvatt.' opponent to
morrow, is a young Iowa collegian,
brought into golf by McKee.
Sagalowsky Wins in
Illinois State Tourney
Chicago, June 2S. Julius Saga-,
lowsky oi Indianapolis won his firt
match in the junior division of the
Illinois Slate Championship tourna
ment at the Skokie Country club to
day by defeating Robert Carter, 6-0;
6-0. In his second round match he
defeated Frank O'Connell of Chi
cago, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. ,
Mrs. H. M. Adams, Western Wom
en's champion of Indianapolis, won
her first rountl match ny ticieatinf
Mrs. Gcorcg Alassey, o-j, o-i. i
Frltr Rastinh. Michigan and Florid
da state champion of Indianapolis,"
tvnn bi second match in the men't
singles by defeating Frank Kirkc-
by, 7-5, b-3. i
William Tildcn II, world's lawn,
itnnis chairiDion. won his second.
round match, defeating Edward Wil
son of Chicago, 6-J. 6-J. liltlen ancr
Sandv Wiener then defeated roru
and Rohert Carter. 6-1. 6-1. in their
first match in the doubles. t
R. R. Coffin of Providence, K. U
won his second round match bv de4
feating Stanley Bates, 6-1, 7-5. j)
Phil Rettens. California state
champion, won his second round;
match from M. ii. Joyce, 0-1. o-J. i
duett Jcmbodj & Co. lnc-?ioy,NX
Get 'Em Early!
Don't wait until the last
minute to buy seats for Ne
braska's own championship
July 4th
2:30 P. M.
The building wil! be Ice
cooled. Eyerybody assured of
a cool, comfortable seat.
After you've seen this pro
gram, you'll agree that:
"If It's a Legion Show,
It Must Be Good"
Prices $3, $2 and $1
(Plui Tax)
Tickets on sale at:
The Sportsman, Baseball
Headquarters, Merritt's Drug
Store, P. & B. Cigar Store,
Stock Exchange, Auditorium.
Baseball Today
Omaha vs. Sioux City
Ladies, 10 Cents
Game Called at 3:30 P. M.
H Arvfr'nf