The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 29, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Strike Will Not
Rail Chiefs Here
I'nion Pacific and Burlington
Officials Anticipate No In
terruption Should Man
Walk Out
Even though officer of the rail
way shopmen's organisations carry
nut their threat to call a ttrike for
July 1, trains will continue to run
on regular irhedutei through Oma
ha, railroad official here laid yester
day. Doth Union Pacific and Burling
ton official! exprened confidence
that no hardship will he felt here
should the ttrike actually occur.
Anticipate No Interruption.
"We have received no definite in
formation aa yet a to whether a
ttrike will he called on July 1," laid
V. H. Guild, assistant to the vice
president of the Union Pacific iyi
tern. "Should a shopmen's itrike
be called, however, we anticipate no
interruption in traffic.
"Our track and motive power are
in good condition, and Unicvt Pa
cific traim will continue to run on
There are about 3,000 Union Pacific
'hop employes in Omaha, Council
Bluffs and the vicinity.
"We haven't takeji the matter in
a teriouf light as yet," laid C. L.
.y4Gray, speaking in the abience of VV.
k . I ntmnfrf ffnrl miniaar
IMWIt aVta IliailUfJkt
Fordsons "Ready for Work"
:m . v
F 'L'
-1 M
Bryan Assails
Darwinism at
Church Meet
Burlington linei weit. "The atti
tude of our ihop employe! has never
been antagonistic. In event a
strike is called, however, Burlington
traim will continue to run. Our
track ii in good condition and with
proper supervision will stay in good
condition for a year."
There are about 2.000 Burlington
thop employea in shops at Havelock.
Concord Club to Elect.
Election of officers will be held at
the last meeting of the year of the
Omaha Concord club at Hotel Fon
tenelle today. Candidates for
president are Will Mickel and H. L.
Mossman; for first vice president,
A. L. Rasp and H. A. Jacobbergerj
for second vice president, Ed Dough
erty and James Corr: for treasurer,
F. H. Grossman and Ed Droste; for
directors for three years, two to be
elected, Charles Docherty, Dr. J. E.
Simpson, Don Amsden and W. S.
Road Condition
(rnrnlMitd fry the Omaha Auto flub.)
All roidl out of Omaha rtporttd In
rood condition, with prediction for con
tinued clear and warmer.
A few of the Fordsons on the lot at Twentieth and Leavenworth streets, where an industrial exposition ia
under way. The purpose is to show just how many task i the Fordson la capable of perform ins.
Tractors Parade
Through Omaha
Novel Procession Wends Way
Through Downtown
As a preliminary to the opening of
the Industrial Tractor show at
Twenty-first and Leavenworth street
a parade of laboring, roaring, snort
ing motor tractors forged its grim
way through the streets of Omaha
yesterday morning.
Starting from the Omaha branch
of the Ford Motor company, it made
its way through Sixteenth street
from Cuming to Harney, west on
Harney to Nineteenth, north to Far
nam, east to Tenth street, south to
Jackson, west to Sixteenth, south to
Leavenworth, then west to the show
grounds. The tractor parade was
inaugurated as an exhibit of the dif
ferent purposes to which the tractor
may be utilized, including heavy car
tage, street cleaning, road construc
tion, agricultural work and saw mill
The parade demonstrated the way
in which a tractor given a job can
do it. After the parade the same
machines which had traversed busy
downtown streets became again in
dustrial giants doing useful work.
Hangs Out Shingle
Beatrice. June 28 (Special.) Dr.
Roy Noble of Holmesville, who
graduated recently from the Uni
versity of Nebraska, has located at
Salida, Colo., where he will practice
medicine. He is a ron of Dr. L. L.
Noble of Holmesville.
Bryan and Butler,
Rivals, Pow-Wow
Each Telli Other He Expect!
to Win Gubernatorial
Charles W. Bryan of Lincoln, dem
ocratic candidate for governor, has
no quarrel with City Commissioner
D. B. Butler, also democratic candi
date for governor. The Lincoln man
made this plain during a conversation
with the Omaha candidate.
"I have nothing against you, Mr.
Butler," said Mr. Bryan. "They did
not believe you could win against
J. N. Norton, so they got me into the
race to maintain the identity of the
democratic party."
"I am in this race to win and I
expect to win," replied Mr. Butler,
forestalling an expected query from
Mr. Bryan on this phase of the situa
tion. While in the city Mr. Bryan called
at Senator Hitchcock'i headquarteri.
The latest political gossip in demo
cratic Circles is that the Mullen wing
of the party is for Norton for gov
ernor while the Hitchcock force! are
eager to promote the candidacy of
Mr. Bryan in the interests of har
mony within the party.
Harding's Secretary Weds.
Cincinnati, O., June 28. Miss Cor
anell Mattern, confidential secretary
to President Harding, was married
here today to Norman. P. Sheppard,
attache of the Insurance bureau for
former service men. Mrs. Sheppard
has been in Mr. Harding'! employ
since 1917.
Ikim lire
to Started
" .It often happens when PIGGLY WIC.GLY opens in a city that the
retailers become panic-stricken and attempt to drive PIGGLY WIGGLY
out by selling some goods at a loss.
So far as PIGGLY WIGGLY is concerned, there is no PRICE WAR.
Local dealers are not used to seeing goods sold so close and PIGGLY
PIGGLY WIGGLY is at peace with all the world, including cus
tomers and competitors, and will co ntinue in this same good humor, mak
ing lower prices than other dealers can make and still make a profit.
The reason for our low prices is no secret. Our purchasing power, scien
tific management and low overhead expense is the talk of the merchan
dising world.
PIGGLY WIGGLY has confidence in Omaha and the State of Ne
braska and believes that Omaha will show a tremendous increase in
prosperity and population in the next few years; that there will be more
grocery stores in Omaha than there are today and that they will be just
as prosperous or more so; that the stores giving service, credit and de
livery will continue doing business and getting well paid for it.
ERY, PIGGLY WIGGLY does not have any special sales or combination
sales. The consuming public has been praying for some system that would
lower the cost of foodstuffs by eliminating wate and unnecessary ex
pense. PIGGLY WIGGLY is the answer to their prayers.
The Three Cleanest Grocery Stores in Omaha
113 South 16th 2417 Farnam 322 Farnam
The next two stores to open will be 1518 N. 24th St.,
and 5301 N. 24th St. Watch papers for opening date.
Additional Stores Will Be Opened as Soon as Loca
tions Are Ready for Us.
i '
Milk Strike in
Des Moines Looms
Producers and Distributors
Unsble to Agree on Whole
sale Prices.
D e s M o i n e s, Jine 28.( Special
Telegram.) Unless the 1,000 farmer!
supplying Des Moines with milk are
given an increase Over present prices
July 1 a milk strike here ii
Two meetings tiave teen held be
tween committees representing the
producers and the distributors but
as yet they have been unable to
reach an agreement.
At the last meeting representatives
of the farmers made the threat that
unless distributors paid a higher
price, they would strike.
The recent contract, which was
made three months, ago and ends
July 1, gives the farmers $2.00 per
100 pounds of milk of a 3.5 butterfat
test. After adding hauling have been
added costs, farmers get about 1.32
per 100 pounds.
Distributors have 'stated that they
cannot pay more.
Omahan Gets Rum
Beatrice, June 28. (Special).
John W. Dye, who claims Omaha
as his home, was arrested at Crab
Orchard, and when officers searched
his car four quarts of hootch were
found in the mSchine. Dye ap
peared in court at Tecumseh where
he pleaded guilty to illegal posres
sion and was fined $100 and costs,
which he paid.
Cheered ss He Declares "Pap
win's Goil Waa Nowhere;
His Bihle, Nothing; His
Christ, Nobody."
Kansas City. Mo, June 28.-(By
A. P.) Which of the two, science or
religion, khall go to the other every
night to he checked up? That was a
central theme of William J. Rryan'a
addicts at the closing session of the
lMli quadrennial International Sun
day School convention here last
Mr. Bryan said the question was
suggested by the remark of a
Princeton university professor who
recently protested, "science cannot go
to theology every Saturday night to
be checked up."
"This i a prevalent type of in
tellectual Snobbery." Mr. biysn went
on to say. "It is time for the Chris
tians to join together in the defense
of the mimttry.. They should nuikt
that the ministry as calling be con
sidered at least not Interior to any
other line of woik. The minister
and the Sunday school deal with the
science of how to live, which is the
most important of sciences. It is de
sirable to know the other sciences
but it is necessary to know the sci
ence of how to live."
That the gathering was entirely in
sympathy with his reference to strict
teachings and their strict interpreta
tion from the Hible. was evidenced
by the crescendo of applause which
came when he said:
"Darwin's (lod was nowhere he
could not find Him; Darwin's Pibfe
was nothing it was uninspired; Dar
win's Christ was nobody a mere
man with hrutc ancestry."
Mr. Urysn's address was a plea
that all men should carry out the
commandment which Christ g4ve as
the one grrirl: "Thou slialt love
thy God with ail thy heart and with
all thy soul and with alt thv mind."
Platte County Pioneers'
Association Organized
Columbus, Neb., June 2 (Spe
cial.) With 109 names n its mem
bership roll, the 1'latte County Pio
neers association was organised by
old settlers attending the dedication
of the new courthouse.
The president was authorized to
appoint a committee to draft bylaws
to be submitted at a later meeting
Eligibility to membership was fixed
at 25 years of residence in the coun
ty instead of 35 years as was con
templated prior to the meeting.
15 Fifhermen Fined for
Angling in Platte Hiir
Osceola. Neb, June 28 iSpe
cial.) Fifteen fishermen, angling in
the Platte river near bete, wre r.
retrd by Deputy Game Wardens
Karl Kendall and John McCle'laii
and fined a total of $339 60 for hsvinK'
no licenses. They were Fred Jock
ish. John LaMunyon. Olof Nelson
and llarley Benson of Hiking City;
Franl Greisen of Platte Center,
Clarence Sweet of Grand lUnH,
Adolph Shemek. Lewis Snmlenski, J.
S. lurren, George Alvin Zimmer
man. Charles Shemek, Charles F.
Harker, Paul Parker and George B
lurh of OmcoI. Mis Martha Sil
verstrsnd, clerk of the county court,
accepted payment of the fine in the
absence ol Judge Ball.
Packard Twin Six
$4250 Delivered and Equipped.
Late Summer and Early Fall
Footwear for W omen
am aau
These models .may be had in white kid,
white calf, white linen, black satin, patent
leather, black kid, brown calfskin and
stunning two-tone effects.
You are cordially invited to inspect these models, and
prompt and courteous salesmen will be ready to serve you.
You wear the original
model when you wear
Brandeis Shoes.
Quality, style and fit. are
assured in a Brandeis
Third Floor East
Thursday-Unusual Sale of Underwear
Sexton Make Athletic Style
Through special arrangements with the makers of
The, Famous Sexton Underwear
T7p ! p
high grade, nationally advertised brand known for its
superiority in make, material and finish we are enabled to
place on sale Thursday a quantity of these garments at the
low price of
Made in the Following Materials:
Satin Striped Madras Fancy Striped Madras
Fancy Figured Underwear Cloth
Sylvan Fancy Mercerized Cloth
Cross Bar Madras Pin Check T ,cok
Krinkle Crepe P.
34 to
How they are made: Every Sexton Union Suit is absolutely
perfect in design every suit gives perfect comfort without
binding or bagging. Made of the best quality fabric, gen
erously proportioned and cut extremely full; balloon seat
very full, webbing back, tapering to front; reinforced in neck
with same material of which the suit is constructed. More
cloth is used in each size Sexton Suit than in any other union
suit that we know of.
On Sale Thursday in Our -MEN'S
Main Floor South
This Is a Rare Opportunity
for stocking up on these desirable garments. The price will prc
vaU as long as the stock lasts but the offer is so attractive that we
your purchases early in the day.
- sffg - i I a
sr. 1