THE OMAHA BEE: THURSDAY. JUNE 29. 1922. McAdoo Attacks hsch-uimnuns Act as Rate-Raiser DreUrn if Tariff Bill Pawn There Will Be No Nr 1 far i Merchant Marine. I'mn. Sy Jump Intrndiirrd hy Governor I.. D Doyle 01 Neva ! i a nun "not wrkiiia mblis offu-c. and not a political csndidate, poirn lul or otherwise." William Uilibs McAdoo, former secretary of the treasury and war-time director-general of railroad, addressed a Kcuo audience Ut ni(;ht on the tariff, the four-power treaty and "ehirt-Utl" diplomacy. Me atitmled the state democratic convention here, where he made a hurt nddrrss, di-.ciiiiiK mainly the need for party organization and prais in the rtforts of Senator I'ittman of Nevada for prngrroaive IrKistation. "Oenioiratu have the mutt volen as a rule," Mr. McAdoo told the dele gates, "but the republican excel in getting the vote out." The Esch-Cmiimin act was ievcre Iv rntii'isrd in the former cabinet of ficer' afternoon speech. He re ferred to the act as "the bill which put rate up and wage down." The ship tubtidy bill also was brought up. by Mr. McAdoo, who 1 aid that with tariff such at now planned there would be no need for a merchant marine because there would be no ocean-going trade for it to carry. The former secretary of the treas ury said promises of the administra tion for soldier bonus legislation have not been carried out and that post ponement of action on the measure until after tariff discussion was com pleted means an interminable delay. Fine Screw May Be Used on Crystal Carborundum Given Good Re null With Slight Pressure of Contact Wirr. Packard Twin Six $4250 Delivered and Equipped. Advancement Various kinds of detectors require different kind of contacts. Willi galena, satisfactory results are ob tained only with a light contact made by a fine wire, perhaps No. JO or smaller, which make contact with only a very small surface. Iron py rites and molybdenite usually give best results with a fine wire, but can be u-id with larger points. Silicon can be used with a fine wire contact, but will also give good results in contact with the end of a sii'all machine screw under consider able pressure. The screw is usually tapered to a blue point. Iron pyrites is sometimes used in contact with the tapered point of a screw under pres sure. Carborundum gives best results with a contact of appreciable area under considerable pressure, provid ing this contact is fiiade with the most sensitive spots, which may be deep in the mass of crystals in a specimen. Screw in Carborundum. For service in the field or on ship board, where it is necessary to have ranged instruments which require very little adjustment, silicon or car borundum, in contact under consid erable pressure with the blue point of a screw, are therefore most de sirable. With silicon and carborun dum the same contact may be used for a considerable time. For per manent land stations, where new crystals are easily available and new adjustments can be easily made, the more sensitive galena crystals arc preferable. A Soothing, Healing Germicide for S UNBORN MOSQUITO BITES POISON IVY CHIGGER BITES Cuts, Burns and Bruises First Aid for the Family It i usually neeerr to examine considerable number of specimen of any of these mineral befort a crystal is found which it sensitive is detector. The three most widely used contact detector are probably galena, iron pyrites and silicon, heces of metallic silicon are usually sensitive. Sensitive specimens of ga lena are obtained only by i careful selection, and sensitive iron pyrites it still harder to find. Good speci mens of galena and iron pyrites are usually the most sensitive detectors. Sensitive specimens of molybdenite are much more easily found, but molybdenite it usually much lest sen sitive than galena or iron pyrites. Radio Sets Sell Low in England, Report I.ondon, June 28. British gov ernment officials are giving close study to American methods of wire less broadcasting and gradually are adopting some of them. While the wireless telephone le not as popular in England as in the United States, clue largely to government licensing and control, the people are begin ning to show intense interest in it. Some of the big London depart ment stores have established wire less departments and are selling re ceiving sets for as low as $10. Radio terminals are rigged up on their roofs, and crowds of shopper are entertained each day with wire less concerts, speeches and weather reports. Direct communication with Arlington and other American stations is easily established. Nothing written on the subject of wireless broadcasting has brought it home to England so vividly as a recent New York dir. patch to the London Times. "In the United States," says the cor respondent, "there are already half a million home-made receiving sets for listening-in and 1,000,000 manu factured sets have been sold." "By the purchase of the simple and inexpensive receiving sets as used in America," continues the writer, "there is no village in the British Isles so poor or so un friended that it will not be able to afford, or find a patron to give, the necessary receiving instrument. The villager and every remote farmhouse should receive every night as good singing, as good opera, as good dance music, as good a lecture, or as good a survey of the news as any millionaire in Lon don can buy." In answer te a published t state ment that wireless broadcasting of concerts would hurt the musical nnnaw u&SSbks 3 (jj DAYS Until the price of NEBRASKA POWER CO. PREFERRED STOCK goes to $97. Buy a share or two of this CUMULATIVE stock while the price of $100 shares is Don't wait any longer, at this low price your invest ment earns over iy.. Ask ANY of our employees to explain our saving plan in which you need invest but $.10 a month, but by all means DO IT NOW. Nebrostef Rower Faraam at 15th Atlantic 3100 23U M Stmt Market 1500 Write for illustrated booklet, "More Power to Your Money." No obligation incurred. and theatrical industries, Louis Sterling, president of Urge Ameri can phonograph company, has said that in the march of science there never yet was great invention that had not been of incalculable bene fit both to the industry with which it was immediately concerned and to kindred industries. Sparks A survey of the radio industry in Omaha shows that dealers are able to make immediate deliveries on wireless equipment. Shops are stock ing up also for expected rush busi ness again this fall. Since Maj, Gen. Squier announced his method of operating a wireless set through lamp socket fuse manu facturers have reported a remarkable boom in their business. Operation by the new method requires a lot of experimental work and a lot of fuses. Cortland Doughboy Home Beatrice, June J8. (.Special.) Herman Miltenberger, who has been with Uncle Sam's troops in Germany the last few years, has returned to his home at Cortland, this county. He went overseas at the otubreak of the war with Germany. Body of Rathenau Lies on Rostrum Used for Bismarck Leader of German Republic First Man in Three Dec ades to Be Honored as Was Maker of Monarchy Mourning Mother Sits in Chair Once Used by Kaiser Nationalists Boycott Services. BY OEOROE SELDES. lopyrlant, istt. Berlin, June JS Where JO ears ago the body of the proud 1'rinte Bismarck, the maker of the German monarchy, lay in state on the ros trum of the reichstag yesterday the body of Dr. Walter Rathenau, the first leader of the German republic, received the same honors. In these three decades no other man has been so honored. Under the stained glas roof of the reichstag everything was dark and dismal. The rain fell. The mem bers of the German congress and the Prussian diet sat in silence, all garbed in black. Color was there in great embankments of pale hydran geas, roses and orchids, and the cold, red and black service flag of the republic over the walnut coffin. I In the seat the former kaiser once occupied sat an old woman in deep mourning, wmi ihiwcu neau, irmn and weeping. It was the mother of the murdered foreign minister, sharply and sadly outlined against the red brocaded chair. Nearby in the diplomatic gallery, resplendent with gorgeous uniforms, medals and swords, in sharp contrast with the plain black attire of the American ambassador. Black streamrrs hung everywhere. One fact stood out in strong grue some clearneis that the nationalist parly, the party which stands for the monarchy and which was openly ac cused in the reichstag of protecting and financing the assassins' organi zations, boycotted the funeral serv ices. Karl llelfferich, their leader, was absent. Only three representa tives were sent, snd these as listen it.g posts. l report to the party bow strong the frrlmg m running imt the inonarrhy, A half million prions attended a Kathenaq demontuiion in the l.ust. Karlrn before the former kaiser'a palate yesterday afternoon. On account of the street car traffic being stopped, crowd overfd'ed a suburban train, hundreds remaining on the running hoards. Then a tram, with an open side dor, passed the first train, sweeping the paeugers off the running board, killing IS and wounding liKV Potter Lotl!t of Masons, No. 313 Kfveivra Charter Potter, Neb, June J8.-( Special Telegram) I'ottcr lodge No. Mi, Ancient Free and Accepted Maons, was fully constituted Tuesday night, having received its charier from Worshipful Grand 'Master W'ellman of Omaha, Grand Chaplain Shepperd of Lincoln and Grand Custodian "Hob" French of Kearney. Among the speakers were Martin Ditm-ry and J urine Joeph Oberfcl der. A splendid banquet was served. Delegations were preent from Sid ney, Kimball, Loditcpole, I happell, Gering and Scottsbluff. The in stallation of oiiiccrs was public and many women were present. RESItlOL 5ootHinq and Haalirta is the name to remember, ifvou want to get rid, orecze maiMais or other distressing skin eruption, tbeqwith Resinol Soap it is a standard skin treatment and rarely fails to remove all traces of the disorder Dorit be a skeptic, For a le by ail druuU Bee Want Ads Produce Remits, BUBGESSr "EVERYBODY STORE mwm. An Extraordinary Purchase 10,000 Manufacturer's Samples Women's and Misses' Underwear At to Off Color Assortment Rose, Orchid, Jade, Pink, While, Gold, Nile- Blue, Coral and Copenhagen Blue. Popular Materials Crepe de Chene, Satin, Voile, Radium Silk, Nainsook, Windsor Crepe, Dimity, Witchery Crepe, Batiste. Attractive Trimmings Chiffon, Georgette, Gingham, Organdy, applique pipings, insets, scallops, hand embroidery, lace motifs, hand-siitching. Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Gowns - -Chemise - -Vests - -Drawers - -Step-ins Petticoats Camisoles -Corset Covers Princess Slips 59c, 97c, $1.47, $1.97 and $2.97 59c, 97c, $1.47, $1.97 and $2.97 - - 57c, 97c, $1.47 and $2.47 - - - - 27c, 59c and $1.47 37c, 57c, 97c, $1.47 and $1.97 - 79c, $1.47, $1.57 and $1.97 - - 77c, 97c, $1.47 and $1.97 - - - - 27c, 37c and 57c 97c, $1.47, $1.97 and $2.95 Bin-goat-Nasa Downstairs Stora Women's Silk Hose A fine quality hose with double toe and heel and triple knee. The colors are black, white, polo, gray No. 1 and gray No. 2. Fair, $2.50 Burgttt-Naah Mala Floor 0 00 Kiddies' Sox White sox with fiber ailk tops in al the colors that small boys and girls like best. Every size. Pair, 80. Special BurftM-Naih Main Floor An Unusual Sale of Children's Undermuslins Greatly Underpriced In Sizes 2 to 6 Years Hundreds of cool, soft undergarments, newly bought and greatly underpriced for this special selling. They are made of nice quality muslin or nainsook and are daintily trimmed with lace or embroidery; some in combinations of both. Combinations 50c Knicker Drawers 35c Night Gowns - 75c Princess Slips 50c BurfaM-Nuh Infants' Shop Third Floor Women's Union Suits Made with regulation top and cuff, loose, flare or shell knee. Well reinforced where the wear is hardest. Sizes 34 to 38, 65c , Sizes 40 to 50, 75c Burf-Nh Mala Floor OOO Gauze Vests Fine lisle and swiss rib vests in bodice top. Full length very elastic weave. Flesh and white. Sizes 34 to 44. 5Sc 2 for $1.00 BurtoM.Naah Mala Floor Bathing Caps Each 29C One cannot enjoy a dip when worried about the curl in one's hair. Attractive caps that will keep the hair entirely dry, may be chosen of the color that best suits one's complexion in the style and trim that are most becoming. Priced at only 29c "Lee Float," $1.25 A rubber tube, tire shaped, that is worn beneath the arms. Will float any person of average weight, A great aid in learn ing to swim, for it dispels all fear of the water. Priced at $1.25. BivftM-Nasa Maia Floor 'Wonder Square Thursday Imported Dolls 98c Just received, another shipment of fully dressed dolls, directly imported. They are full jointed, with natural curly hair and sleeping eyes. Special one day, 98c. 12-inch size. fcf Maia Alilo Main Floor 4,000 Yards Printed Voile Yard 19c 86-inch voile at about half the regular pricing. There are light grounds checked and figured with darker color, and dark grounds woven with light designs. Almost every conceivable color combina tion. Limit of 10 yards. No C. O. D's. No Refunds. No Mail Orders. No Will Calls. BurftM-Nash Rod Arrow Booth Downttaira Stora MP