The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 29, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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( Writs Issued to
Recover Three
Impounded Cars
Views of Rocky Mountain Limited Wreck Near Prairie Home, Neb.
Plaintiff Deny Police Judge.
Hive Right to Hold
Auto of Convicted
Judges of the municipal court will
hear efidence next Wednesday
morning on the question of whether
I he Dolice iudatl have authority to i
impound automobiles owned by per
ton convicted of violating traffic
Judgei George Holmes, A. E.
Baldwin and K. YV. Patrick isrued
writ of replevin Wednesday against
Polire Judge C E. Foster and Act
ing Chief of Police Peter Dillon for
the recovery of automobiles owned
by O. W. Gangstead. 141s Sweet
wood avenue; Joe Ponak, 22i Lari
niore avenue, and Walter Scott, 1403
South Eleventh street, i
Constable William Meming served
the writ and the date of hearing
was ret for July S.
"We contend that the police judge
has no legal right to impound auto
mobiles. He just does it because he
thinks he can get away with it,"
Said one of the plaintiffs.
Police Asked to Locate
Kin of Drowning Victim
The sheriff of Townsend, Mont.,
has asked Omaha police to co-operate
in locating the kin of Manley D.
Skinner, who was drowned in the
Missouri river at Townsend last
The victim is described as 21 or
22 years old, five feet eight inches
in height, blue eyes and brown hair
and about 170 pounds in weight.
i Skinner had been in Townsend only
' - a four ilivi hefrtr lti rtath anil
said to have mentioned Nebraska as
his home state.
Packard Twin Six
$4250 Delivered and Equipped.
See the
Thursday Night
7:30 to 9:00
10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Orkin Bros.
Upper Left: Two
dragged off the track.
Left Center: Combination bag
gage and smoking car and mail car
thrown aide by aide at -right angle
from tracks.
Lower Left: Engine which leaped
50 feet over embankment The
engineer's body buried under coal
wag excavated by passengers from
hole in foreground.
Upper and Lower Right: Views
of dining car which maintained an
uncertain equilibruim on the tracks. .
Samson Cancels Den Show
for Next Monday Evening?
There will be no Den show next
Monday evening, Samson, lord high
chamberlin to his majesty, King Ak-Sar-Ben,
announces, because several
of the royal actors have arranged to
spend July 3 and 4 out of the city.
Sarpy county probably will have
the night of July 17, the imperial
edict further states, since Fremont,
Millard, Elkhorn, Valley, Washing
ton Bennington and Waterloo are
coming the night of July 10.
t?-- M
Pullmans RSSST- 1 ill A ' V? .X , t
- L
Annual Picnic Staged ly
Omaha Buildera' tlxchatige
More than 4(H) attended the an
nual picnic and outing of the Omaha
Builders' Exchange at Carter lake
Wednesday afternoon. Cames, swim
ming and other contctts occupied the
afternoon. Dinner was served in the
Carter f ake club houte. Dancing
concluded the party.
Men Fondled 1 Other' Wive,
Divorcee Testifiei Here
Irene Mulcahey Connolly, 2. was
awarded divorce yetterday from her
huband. Dr. James P. Connolly,
prominent deutit and clubman by
District Judge Srart. Mrs. Con.
nolly testilied that her hmbind took
her to a place on the North Sid
where men fondled each other'
DR. S. W. McCALL wishea to
announce the removal of hi
office to 1219 First Nat Hank
Bldg., Omaha, Praetic lim
ited to X-Ray of teeth. Phone
AT Untie 2759.
Sale 7nUk. infants v invalids
Avoid tmitation$
Tot iBfaat, lovillds and Orevhii Chlldrta
Tba Orlstoal Feed -Drink Foe AH At
i Rick mltfc. ntlttd arala .(tract la I
NaCoakini Naurithlnf MfMUbW
Fireworks Not Mailable
Postmaster Announces
Fireworks and explosives of any
kind are not mailable. Postmaster
Black announced yesterday. Any
thing of the sort found in the mails
will be withdrawn as a violation ot
postal laws. Matches or other in
flammable material are included.
Just Apply This Paste
and Hairs Will Vanish
(Boudoir Secrets)
The judicious use of a delatone
paste insure any woman a clear,
hairless skin. To prepare the paste,
mix a little of the powdered delatone
with some water, .then apply to the
objectionable hairs for two or three
minutes. When the paste is removed
and the skin washed, every trace of
hair will have vanished. No pain
attends the use of the delatone and it
will not mar the most sensitive skin,
but to insure results, see that you get
real delatone.
The S Miermsn A
Am m m
The rich ktktr of
Hunt's MtdicatM
Soap carriei with it to
rVtry tin$ pen of th
tkin the intdicin
which destroys dis
cs germs and
gives healthy
clearness tothi
McCoiuiell Drue Stores
Top Notch
Guaranteed to be a
100 Pennsylvania
Lubricating Oil
MANurAcrvitim or moh oraoi
FT 11
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A ai!4 arateaa of treataieDt that cares Piles. Fistula as other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a severe evrrieal 09-
eratwo. Ms Chloroform. Ether or other feneral anesthetic used.
A ears guaranteed la erery case accepted for treatsneat, and no money is to be paid natil
Bled. Writs far book sa Bsctal Diseases, with namea and testimonials of mora tha prominent people who have beea permanently cured., TAJUtY Saaatarhias, Paten Trust BWt- (Boa Bldx.) Oataha, Nob.
Bankers in Knox County
Hold Meeting in Center
Bloomfield, Neb., June 28. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the Knox
County Bankers association held at
Center, the following officers were
elected: H. C. Dierks of Bloom
field, president; C. A. Bartlett of
Creighton, vice president; W. W.
Walton of Center, secretary-treasurer.
Resolutions were adopted
expressing appreciation of the as
sistance of the War Finance cor
poration;, also the farm bloc in
congress for its work and endorsing
the federal farm loan act. Another
resolution was adopted thanking the
large city banks for their aid in help
ing the smaller country banks take
care of the livestock business. A ball
game was played between the
bankers of the east and west sides
of the county, the westerners win
ning the game by a close score.
Speeches were made by J. T.
Mitchell of Sioux City and H. R.
VanAuken of Bloomfield.
Husband Thretened to
Kill Her, Wife Testifies
One of the "warmest" cases heard
before District Judge Sears in do
mestic relations court in many
months is that of Rosa Giuffrida,
who seeks a divorce from Christoforo
United States District Attorney A.
V. Kinsler has been representing the
woman for two days.
The plaintiff testified that her hus
band threatened to kill her if she got
a divorce and that he warned her
that he would dynamite the homes of
five of her witnesses if they testified
against him.
They were married in Italy in 1899.
They live at 1227 South Thirteenth
Judge Munger to Sentence
Potash Quartet" Today
A. McWhorter. Charles Wohl-
berg, Jacob Masse and W. G. Chip-
ley, tne potash quartet, are to be
sentenced at noon today. Their ao
peal for a new trial was denied by
Federal Judge Muneer of Lincoln.
before whom they were tried for con
spiracy to use the mails to defraud
in the sale of William Berg Potash
company stock. Judge Munger will
arrive in Omaha this morning.
Bandits Take Ticket and
$150 From Omaha Woman
Myrtle Frances Wyatt, prominent
Omaha vocalist, was held up and
robbed of $150 and her railroad ticket
Tuesday night on the station plat
form in Belleville, Kan., by armed
bandits, who escaped in a waiting
automobile. She persuaded the con
ductor to let her come to Omaha on
the train.
Take Hereford's Arid Phosphate
Excellent for the relief of exhaustion
due to summer heat, overwork or in
somnla. Cooling and refreshing. Adv.
Have You Seen The
Fords on
Today and Tomorrow
From 8 A. M. to 10 P. M.
Twenty-first and
Leavenworth Sts.
Learn what you can do with a Fordson, The Universal
Tractor, to reduce your Overhead, Cut Time Charges,
Cut Labor Costs, Speed Up your Heavy Work. Seeing
is believing take a few minutes and come over to the
show grounds.
Twenty-first and Leavenworth Sts.
Harvesting Resumed
Beatrice, June 28. (Special)
Farmers have resumed work in the
harvest fields, and expect to finish
cutting wheat within the next few
daysv Rain delayed the work.
Sure Relief
17S -5SH
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
In The Face
Can Be Lifted Out!
That famous clasmic Facial Pack
that does wonders for faces
Boncilla Beautif ier two minutes
after you apply Boncilla Betuti
fier you can feel it lifting out the
lines. One treatment will lessen
their depth and a series will en
tirely eliminate them. Guaranteed
to satisfy or your money refunded.
aiaally ehew flret abeat the
eye (crowffeet) aai thea abeat
the forehead eaa math. They
treacly mar the apeeereaee aaul
are naneeeaiary line they are
ae eaeily elimlae4 with Baa
cilia Beautifier.
Not massage but the world's grttteat clasmic Facial Pack used for
yeara in Beauty and Barber shops endorsed by leading Beauty Spe
cialists. Does these definite thin forth fact. Clears tha complexion
and give it color, closes enlarged pores; removes blaekhaad and
pimples; builds up drooping facial tissues, lift out tha lines; makes
the akin soft and velvety.
The Boncilla "Package o' Beauty" consist of tuba of Beautifier,
Boncilla Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream and a touch of that ex
quisite Boncilla Face Powder, (Tha Boncilla Method), enough for
threo complete treatments. Ask your dealer for tha Boncilla "Pack,
age o' Beauty" or if he cannot supply yon, mail tha coupon to as with
fifty cents for this set
You'll be delighted with it.
take Boncilla treatments
at Barber Shops, for their re
freshing, rejuvenating effects
as well as their permanent
can obtain Boncilla treatments
at Beauty Parlors.
44 S E. Sauth Street, MUaapaHa, lad.
I enelaea SO caate. Ktadly eaai! m tba
Fanwua Boncilla "Packet a a' laauty."
I City.
. 5lat
25 1 and 75 Packages Everywhere)
and on sale at all drug and department stores.
Illllllllllillllilll '!!!
iana::aiia"aiiB'iaiiaiiaiiaiia:.a:ia!aa:a:La a-a;lalla:lallallaalla.iallataMBl'a'al:'!aila..allalia:'aa!:allanalal:al:a::a;a:allalall-lalalla;lllaa:'al:'llla.l:-al!allalIalmlte!aM
And doing them well:
On road construction work; deep
down in excavations wherever
there's a hard job to be done
there's a CMC truck to do it
Thousands of These
big, brawny CMC trucks are pull
ing, carrying, moving massive
weights up grades, along highways
by the dint of Herculean effort.
Add to them the ex
clusive features such as the GMC
Two-Range transmission, the Re
movable cylinder walls, pressure
Lubrication and the removable
valve lifter assemblies. Add to
them the reputation of the organi
zation behind the truck.
No other line of motor
trucks offers the improvement in
design and construction and sells
for as low a price in comparison to
its value as GMC truck
They rightfully take
their place as the World's
Finest Motor Truck.
Horoaa commitA J
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
If. E. Sidles, Pres.
Lee Huff, Vice Pre.
Chas. Stuart, Sec.-Treae. I