The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 28, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Youth, 21, Goes
to Wed, But Girl
If A TV 1 1
I nas z nusnands
r r
iovc i oung urram ooe to
$mah When Brainard
Lad Appear! for
John J. Kuglcr, jr., ion of a har
ne manufacturer of Brainard, Neb,
arrived In Omaha yesterday morning
with a harrowing tale of how he nar
rowly neaped becoming the third
liuland of a South Bend (Ind.) girL
Young Kuglcr, 21, met the girl he
intruded to marry in San Krinciico
i last September on hit return from
7 Hawaii, where he had been lerving
for nine months in the army.
They traveled together ai far a
Omaha. The girl, who Kuglcr ayi
gave ner name at Mist Dean Kollart,
went on to South Bend. John went
back to Brainard, to tell hit parent!
of his new found love.
Octs Ring Back
A week ago, with his father's con
sent and money, he left Brainard for
South Bend. The girl failed to meet
him at the South Eend station, as she
promised. After endeavoring to find
ner through ordinary channels, he
went to the court house, where, he
says, he learned she had been mar-
ricd twice before, once to a Salt Lake
City man and the second time to a
man in Chicago.
aunt,' said John. "She seemed to
eive b i"iv IIWIIIV V t till
want me to keep on loving her. hut
instead I demanded my engagement
ring back. She was using the name
of Mrs. Idell Gcllis. She said it
was her second husband's name and
that her first husband had neglected
her. I got the ring back."
Worth Experience.
John produced a large pearl in i
" gold setting to prove tnn.
"I'm happy now because I didn't
marry her, he said. "The trip cost
me a little money, but it was worth
it in experience. Of course I hate
to go back to Brainard without a
wife, after telling every one I was
going to get married.
"But well, maybe I can find some
home-town girl who'll have me."
His face clouded for a moment.
"There was a girl befBre I left Brain
ard. But when 1 returned I let her
know I was in love with the South
Bend girl. I'm afraid she wouldn't
consider me now."
R.B. Howell Raps
Public Utilities
Senatorial Aspirant Also
Scores Railway Commission
in Campaign Speech.
Pawnee Citv. Neb.. June 27.
fSDecial Telegram.) Alter three
1 m.'.iincr in Wcinninir
Water, Syracuse- and Teeumseh, R.
.h HnmpM'i antn ramnaicn lor scn-
a nr iti M annul iz nines oui ui
Pawnee City. The candidate had
long walk to summon an auio repair
crew, the delay necessarily canceling
meetings in Humboldt and Falls
Mr. Howell's ideas for the regu
lations of monopoly, that is, public
competition, as illustrated in the case
of Omaha's ice plant, was received
by his Tecumseh audience with much
interest and enthusiasm. He called
attention to the failure of legal regu
lations of rates and stated that an
other attempt would be made next
winter to give the state railway com
mission jurisdiction over electric
light rates, and declared public ser
vice corporations regarded the vari
ous state railway commissions as
virtual sanctuaries. .....
All public utilities m this state
would be under the state railway
commission now were it not tor the
direct primary, he said, adding that
these corporations want the direct
" primary abandoned.
Woman and Children
Burned in Explosion
North Platte, Neb June 27.
ir.. t T.n.. :a fatallv burned
and her three children, all small, are
in a serious condition at a nospiwi
. - i K,.min suffered
nere is a imuh uu......p- - ,
Sunday night, when gasoline explod
ed in the tent in wnicn incy
ing. The Tenncys recently tame nere
from a town in Minnesota.
r Road conditions
Furnlh.d bir th. Omh Annw'.ll. Club
Hoa.1. re reported Rood ,.v";e
with th txoeptlon of Schuyler which li
till a llttl muddy. Roads were dry yes
terday afternoon and are ne,n'L dIJncoln
HlBhway both eirnt and west, also on tne
Chicago a umana pnorinnw
must watch for detour alsna. Weather
clear and aomewhat warmer.
Dresses at
$10 and $15
Wednesday we offer 150 new
Canton Crepe Dresses in plain
colors, Printed Crepe Dresses
and Sport Combination
Dresses in various materials,,
actually worth up to $25.00,
in two groups for Wednes
day's selling at
$10 ..a $15
Julius Orkin
1512 Dongks Street
I- - 1 -
Jack Is Prize Kitten
Mrs. C. C. Kemp
Mrs. C. C. Kemp, president ot
the -Omaha Persian Cat society is
holding: "Jack," the silver Persian
kitten that took sweepstakes honors
at the kitten show Monday after
noon at the Burgess-Mash audi
torium. The kitten was exhibited
by R. F. Woods, 7717 North Thir
ty-ninth street.
Ihere were 75 entries in the eight
classes of kittens on exhibition and
the cages were variously decorated.
One white Persian rested its head
comfortably on a baby pillow, while
next door, three energetic tortoise
shell youngsters cavorted about a
miniature circus ring. A smoke kit
ten was esthetically placed in a cage
hung with orange crepe paper, while
Mrs. John Rea of St. Louis, Mo.,
is visiting Miss Mildred Rhoades.
Mien TTlin Hrartam leaves Wed
nesday for a visit in Laurel, Neb.
T.awrenre frCacnie returned Mon
day .morning from several days in
Mr and Mrs Fred T. Adams with
their three sons, will go to Lake
Okoboji in July."'
Mrs. R. H. Bailey of Pierce, Idaho,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norris Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Raloh Kiewit will
return Thursday from a motor trip
to New York, Washington and Bos
ton. Mrs. Kiewit attended the tenth
reunion of her class at Wellcsley.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pickard and
their tw6 daughters, Miss Eleanor
and Miss Flora, will leave the first
of next week for Pacific Grove, Cal.,
where they will spend the summer.
Miss Evelyn Ledwich left Monday
for Chicago to visit Miss Adelaide
Moore, who will be remembered as
a frequent guest in the city. Miss
Ledwich motored down with Miss
Dorothy Morton.
Miss Florence English and her
sister. Mrs. Leo Wickham, of Council
Bluffs, left last week for Denver,
Colo., to spend the summer with
their sister, Mrs. R. D. O'Neill, Mr.
O'Nell and daughter, Margery Anne.
Miss Elizabeth and Miss Helen
Robison, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Robison, lett luesaay ior
Miss Portia Sweet's camp at Steam
boat Springs, Colo, for two months.
This is their fourth summer at me
Mr and Mrs. W. F. Gurley leave
Wednesday for Maine, where they
will spend the summer. Their trip
includes Washington, Philadelphia,
New York and Boston. They will
return to Omaha the middle of Sep
tember. Mrs. Margaret Richardson, who
has been engaged as secretary of
girls' work at the Y. W. C. A. for
the past two years, has resigned her
position here in order to accept the
Metropolitan Girl reserve secretary
ship at Minneapolis. She will enter
her new position September 1.
S. W. Townsend arrived in Pueblo
Monday from Omaha and will
go to his summer home in Beulah.
Mrs. Townsend, Miss Marion Town
send and John and Alan will motor
ft)m "Omaha, planning to reaeh
Pueblo Sunday and going at once to
Btular. where they will soend the
. , .
and "Jack."
near by a boudoir scene in pink and
lavendar housed a young silver
coated miss.
Among the out-of-town exhibitors
were Mrs. F. W. Bowers of Scrih
ner; Mrs. William Nearing of Nor
folk, and Mrs. M. T. Myers of Lin
coln. Blue ribbons were awarded to
the winners in each class, and Dr.
Ethel B. Maltby of Omaha acted
as judge. The Persian Cat club has
been in existence since a year ago
last April and is a member of the
National Cat Fanciers Association,
Inc., of New York City. Mrs. C.
C. Stevens is to be chairman of a
full-fledged Persian cat show to be
held next November in connection
with the poultry show.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Ixves a Married Man. .
Dear Mias Fairfax: My daughter,
25, is going about with a man 19.
This man is married and has two
children. My daughter knows this.
He U suing his wife for a divorce.
For the past two years his case has
been in the court, the judge refusing
him a divorce, but granting him a
legal separation. My daughter,
knowing the facts, still refuses to
give this man up. What can I do
to persuade her to look at this in
the right way, as she will not listen
to me? S. G. H.
Instead of arguing with your
daughter and trying to force her to
your viewpoint, why don't you per
mit her to see this man whenever
she wishes, provided she permits you
to chaperone her or goes out In a
group of tried and trusted friends?
Make this concession and see if she
won't meet you half way. If this Is
a deep and honest love on both sides,
possibly it will some day work out
happily when the man is free. But
if it is a wild and dangerous fascina
tion your actions may impel a fool
ish and stubborn girl to do something
very foolish. Make your daughter
understand your real friendship for
her and your sympathy with her
feelings. Don't estrange her. Don't
let her think you are trying to de
prive her of happiness. Protect her
and In order to do this, don't an
tagonize hei
Western Trip Next Month.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Van Arsdale,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blackburn and
Judge and Mrs. Howard Kennedy
are planning a western trip the mid
dle of July when the three men plan
to attend a meeting of the National
Bar association in San Francisco.
Mr. Van Arsdale is the Nebraska
member of the general council, and
Mr. Blackburn is a member of the
executive comnjittee. The party
will go on as far as Banff aid Lake
Louise together. Mr. and Mrs.
Blackburn will then go east for a
visit in Boston and will spend some
time in the Breton Woods, Vt
Carter Lake Club.
Helene Margaret and Elice Holo
vtchiner entertained at a picnic
luncheon and swimming party Mon
day afternoon. The guests were
Virginia rrantz, Margaret iogan.
Eloise Margaret. Letha Gant, Mar-
tone Pool. Pauline Nelson, Arlme
Rosenberry, Carman Longman,
Eloise Musselman, Mae Thoelcke
and Frances Johnston.
Sorority Picnic
The Delta Delta Delta sorority en
tertained with a luncheon and an Or
pheum party for the Misses Elinor
Pickard, Frances McCheseny, Joanna
Broderson, Corine Anderson and
Eloise Margaret last Saturdar.
'eii blR!
AT we
--- Ail,
i 6
My Marriage Problems
Adele Garrison's New Thaso of
(Copyright l2t)
The Delicate Way Madge Had to
Handle Allen 'Drake.
Allen Drake's pointed tribute made
me Hush in embarrassed fashion.
Then 1 paled in the anger at myself
which the foolish schoolgirl trick al
ways rouses in me. I caji control my
ftatures, my cvei, my expression, but
a personal reference, especially if it
be complimentary, almost invariably
sends the blood to my checks.
For a wrathful second or two. I
told myself that I would prefer the
slur I imagined in Mr. Drake's
voice when he learned of my recog
nition of the cuneiform characters in
the code, to the hearty admiration he
had just voiced.
As I forced myself to meet his
eyes, and found that the indolent
smiling hint of condescension which
I so detested had gone from them,
that instead there was in them a
distinctly new expression, of cama
raderie, of intellectual equality, my
petty embarrassment faded. It was
replaced by a resolve to meet this
new demeanor more than half way
and to justify his faith by the most
earnest endeavor that was in. me.
That he saw my embarrassment
and took the surest way to banish
it, I realized when directly after his
flattering little speech, he turned to
my father with the most matter-of-fact
air possible. -
"Chief." he said, "wilt you check
me up while I dictate these names to
Mrs. Graham "
"I Warn You"
My father put up a protesting hand.
"Indeed we will do no such thing,"
he said authoritatively. "You must
get some rest before you exercise
your brain any more. The morning
will do for this. I would not have
brought my daughter here, save for
the fact that I thought it would be a
relief to you to know "
"Relief!" Allen Drake exploded.
"She's just naturally saved my life,
that s ail. And as ior the rest, 1 can t
close an eye until I've provided her
with every last molecule of help
there's in me. And that you know
very well."
There was a boyishness in his
mien which I never had seen be
fore, but there was also in his voice
an intonation that betrayed the in
exorable will beneath the careless
manner. My father yielded at once.
"I suppose I shall have to let you
have your way," he said resignedly.
"at least as far as dictating the names
goes. But I warn you "
A "Nonsensical" Code.
"Pardon, chief. I know I'm an
impertient oaf, but my course after
dictating the names is distinctly up
to Mrs. Graham. If she needs my
help further ' he paused, looked
at me hopefully.
But I don t, I interposed quick
ly, warned by the real anxiety in
my father's eyes, that the brilliant
government agent was in danger of
seriously injuring his health by his
persistence in working beyond 1ns
strength. "That is," I amended,
Sensing suddenly that I was on deli
cate ground, "I don't need anything
but the names until I have a chance
to go over my old notebooks and
those Prof, Severance gave me, to
eliminate the things I don't need.
Then I am afraid I shall be at a
standstill without your aid. But I
won't be able to get that preliminary
work finished tomorrow. It will be
at least the day after before I am
ready to report to you."
I tried to tnakc my tone properly
humble and named as long an in
terval as I dared in order that he
might have the test he so sorely
needed. But the sardonic little
laugh which he gave when I some
what breathlessly finished my little
speech, told me that I had not de
ceived him in the least.
"Very clever," he drawled, "and
I promise you the original Seven
will havs nothing on me as far as
sleep is concerned in the time for
which you ask. I am very glad to
shift the burden to your shoulders,
and now I'll give you those lists of
Much used by elderly
people tor constipation,
' biliousiyeu, head
aches, etc.
MANY men and women, as
they grow older, suffer ,
constantly from little ills. The
cause is the poisons produced
by chronic constipation, result
ing in headaches, depression,
bloating, sour stomach, bad
breath, etc. A single bottle of
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
will prove to you that you can
so regulate yourself that elimi
nation will occur promptly
every day. Increased doses
are not necessary. It is i com
bination of Egyptian Senna and
pepsin.The cost is only about
a cent a dose.
In spite of the fact that Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has
been on the market 30 years
4 HE UCAtrieo HOW
CL r .... .
t22 sr Int x FtAxunr tcuvice.
names. Your father will check
them. I do not need to tell you to
take rare of the list, and destroy it
when you have finished. I have
the names in code,' but I think it
will he safe enough for you to write
tht m out."
"It you don't mind I will put them
down in a code of my own which I
once worked out tor my own amuse
men," I said diffidently. "It is an
arbitrary one, though a childish
thing, and 1 am not afraid of any
one's deciphering it it is too non
sensical." Mr. Drake looked at me oddly,
but made no comment until I had
finished transcribing the lists of
names he gave me. Then as I rose
to go, he said with almost too non
chalant an air to be quite convinc
ing: "When you bring back your dope,
I wish you'd let me have a glimpse
of that 'nonsensical, childish' code
of yours I"
Spanish War "Rough Rider"
Will Speak on Boy Scouts
Stella, Nel., June 27. (Special.)
Walter L. Anderson of Lincoln, can
didate for the republican nomination
for congressman from the First dis
trict for the regular term, will give
an address at the summer convention
of the Third Sunday school district
of Richardson county here next Sun
day. Capt. Anderson was reared in the
west and was a "Rough Rider" in the
Spanish-American war. He is an ac
tive man in civic affairs and is espe
cially interested in the Boy Scout
work, being on the Lincoln Scout
council and also chairman of the
Scout Camp committee. He has
chosen to speak upon the Boy Scout
movement and its benefits to the
youth of tjic nation.
Agriculture Department
Fights Barberry Plants
Pawnee City, Neb., June 27. (Spe
cial.) Two representatives of the
state department of agriculture are
in Pawnee county making a thorough
survey of the farms in a search of
barberry plants. The state is at
tempting to eradicate the barberry
because it produces wheat rust in
tfreat quantities. The plant has been
found on several farms.
Prayer Each Day
The Lord hath made known His salva
tion: HlB righteousness hath He openly
shewed In the sight of the heathen. He
hoth remembered His mercy and His truth
toward the house ol Israel: all the ends
of the earth have seen the salvation of
our God. Ps. 98:1-3.
Almighty God and Heavenly
Father, Who, through Thine only
begotten Son didst sanctify the ties
of marriage and home, we heartily
thank Thee for Thy loving care and
watchful providence over us from the
beginning of our lives to this day.
We praise Thee for all our happiness
and joys; for the gifts of affection
and sympathy towards one another;
for any chastening of sorrow or trib
ulation with which Thou has seen
fit to visit us. And we beseech Thee
to continue Thy gracious goodness
toward us. Give us grace to do our
daily duties faithfully, as parents or
children, as members of Thy Church,
and as citizens of the nation. Pardon
all our offenses, and make us sorry
for them with the godly sorrow that
worketh repentance unto salvation.
Comfort the distressed; bless the
work of the clergy and all other ser
vants of Thy Kingdom. Bring the
nations into Thy fold, and add the
heathen to Thy inheritance, so that
righteousness and peace, truth and
justice, fellowship and good-will may
prevail among men, to the honor and
glory of Thy Name; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Cheney have
returned to Kansas City by motor
after a Week here with Mrs. Cheney's
sister, Mrs. F. S. Hunter.
and is today the largest selling
liquid laxative in the world, the
formula has never been im
proved upon. It is safer and better
for you than salts, minerals,
calomel, coal tar and such drastic
Half -Ounce Bottle Free
Fct acap constipation, to an If io not
feature a laxative at this moment la me tend
Jok a half-omct Trial Bottle of mi Symt
Ptfm FREE OF CHARGE that jaw wtU
hat it haruff when needed. Srniplj send your
name and address to Dr. V. B. CatdweU, td
aiJimfton Sc. MoruiceUo, IB. Wrae me wdh
Parents' Problems
How can a boy of 10 be retrain
ed from teasing his older sisters?
This is not always eay to man
age. Direct your efforts rather
more to the sitters than to the boy.
Advise them not to take the teasing
seriously. If they laugh, thus show
ing that they are not teased, or
that they are amused by it, the boy
If your tongue is coated
Two utmost unfailing dHnger sIr
nalM thHt show you are sufferlnic
from constipation! Unless you elim
inate this dangerous condition you
have ten chances out of one hundred
to escape illness for ninety per cent
of all slcknos has lecn traced di
rectly to conHtlpatlon!
You cannot afford to wreck your
health through neglect of constitu
tion or constipation symptoms! Fight
constipation as you would fight fire!
And fight It with nature's greatest
natural weapon BRASi" Kellogg's
Bran, cyoked and krumhled! Your
physician will Indorne the use of
Kellngg's Bran for constipation!
KtrlloRK's Bran will keep you hale
and hearty and" free from diseases
that come from intestinal poisoning.
fPJP A Pdelivers iV
During our June Sale, just four days more, counting in
Saturday to complete the week, the most liberal terms
will be arranged. As little as $10.00 will deliver a
Piano or Player Piano to your home. Balance payable
in very small weekly sums.
Our Great
Player Outfi?
Only $298
88-note player, ivory keys
genuine copper wound bras:
strings, wonderful tone and
finish. Equipped with all
the latest expression devices.
Bench, Scarf and $10 Worth 'of Music Rolls Free
Mahogany, only $ 58
Camp & Co., only.... $110
a.i...i i i,. a-soec
Singer, tonly $135
J. C. Fisher, only ....$140
We have close to fifty
used standard make phon
ographsthey look like
new, sound like new and
are in perfect condition.
Priced so they will sell at
once. $1.00 down is all
you pay.
Tlctrola ..
Victroln ..
Yictrola ..
We will let every old player roll you bring to n count as
30 cents on the purchase of a new one at $1.00 or $1.25. Bring
in a dosan you are tired of.
fcii.ff .v. IS
Drawn for The Bee by McManua
will vrry likely stop It. It is no
fun to tease pilvis who don't
mind it.
llootlm Make Trip
llcrshry, Neb.. June 27. (Spr
rial TelcKram.) About .10 rars of
boostrrs from Sutherland, accom
panied by the Sutherland band, vis
ited Hershey m the interests of the
Sutherland chautauqua and Fourth of
July program.
or if
have an offensive breath!
I HecHiise Ilran cleanses the bowels as
I nothing else ran, and cleanses thorn
I In a natural way thut causae no irri
gation or disromfort! Children thrive
when riven Kcllogg's Urnn. It helps
them to grow strong and robust.
Eat Kellngg's limp regularly and
you will relieve constipation naturally
and surely, lint It ia Important to
use It each day; at least two heaping
tHblPHpoonfuls; In chronic cases eat
it with each meal!
KelloKK's Urnn will sweeten an of
fmslve breath and clear up a pimply
complexion both being largely
traceable to constipation.
And you will appreciate the de-
Heht of eating KEU.OUU s JJran,
cooked and krumbled. It is delicious
a a cereal or sprinkled on other
cereals and It can be used in count
'.ibm annetlzlng waya in baking, and
cooking! Grocers sell Kellogg's
1 nn s
Used Uprights
Priced to Suit Every Purse
Instruments that we have taken
in trade on new instruments or
which have been returned from
Lagonda, only $145
Erbe, only $155
Hartford, only $198
Steger & Sons, only $225
Schiller, only $250
firafonola 8 4O.00
Schmoller & Mueller S 8.00
Schmoller & Mueller S 80.00
Schmoller Mueller S 95.00
Schmoller & Mueller $ 35.00
w. ft viiam 'fima
Si. Omaha
Putin t Aula View Rett.
Oh SuiiiUv. June .'5, h-r wrr
( ntiiiilirr fi prtir fur llir w'"
Iitkf4t una rnultrn wnurr. i re
following hl rr(rrv4iiiu. i K.
Hunter, 10; W. It. Chuk. 5; W. A.
)rlon, K; Jhn S Kuhn, 1.'; J. I'.
Itui'i. 6; liny I 'Kitrti, ; j. 11.
Joiim, o; V. 11. F.ltkfturth, 7.
Where operating: expense
is reduced by each em
ployee working for the cus
tomers Interest seeing to
it that each sale- made is a
lop Ic.r Rt- $11.00
Side Icing $24.50
Next Thursday,
June 29th,
At S P. SI.
Bowen'e will give away an
eight-piece Italian walnut
dining room suite and 35
other useful household ar
ticles FREE
No purchase required.
Ask about it
Step Ladder Stool ....$1.59
crown m i
Fiber BF
All Fiber Furniture Reduced.
4-pass. Lawn Swing, $8.65
4-pass. Child's Swing, $5.95
Two-pass. Hardwood Porch
Swing complete with 7-foot
chains and ceiling PO Jf
How St., BtC 13th ad ltb ft.
. 'J. "MT J BO j
1 J f