The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 28, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Out-State Gifts
Swell Bee Ice
1 andMilkFuni
OutoMown Nebraska ni Out
(trip Omahani in Contribu
tioni to Aid Needy
IVroni from out in the (ate are
n:ore initrntfd in relieving the uf
irring of Omaha baliirt than Omi
lunt thcnitclvr, acconiinic to con
tribution to The lire Milk and Ice
I'und since Sunday. Although $IJ v. at
contributed from Omaha, other Ne
brankans have challenged the
metropolis to the tune of $20.25.
Hut even this loyal tunort on the
part of person, from other parts of
the state hai failed to bring the fund
up to the mark reached at this time
lat year. In unite of the fact that
heat record! this mouth have been
hiijher than those of a year ago, the
fund to relieve the suffering of babies
with milk and ice is $122 below its
total at this time last year.
The Horence NiKhtniKale club lias
remembered that in spite of business
conditions there are hundreds of ba
bies suffering from the intense heat
of summer. Their annual contribu
tion of $5 ha been made.
There doubtless are others who in
tend to do their bit to help the babies
of Omaha, but have neglected it. If
you have put off sending in your
money do it now. The Visiting
Nurses must be backed up in their
work or they cannot continue. Let
your name head the list in this
column today.
rrrttHty NrUnnwIeriffml S37.VM
A, Jl. It. K., MlnuVn, Nrh S.iMI
i. II. Caun. KiivrniM. Neb 1.00
June T. . . I.0
I'Hrlrr '. Ilia., l.nlnilun, Nrb... S.IMI i
Kate Hove I .no
.Mlrlnn K. K. Mihrr I 00
A r'rleti.l, Ituon. h .0
M. M. Vt'llMin. .North Platte, Nrb. .. 1.00
lr.. C. f. Howe 3 00
fwlol ), rrelt)'trrlan rliun-h,
l.rilnKton. Sieh If
Flurrnre Mnlitlnaale ilub S.00
Mr.. II. 8. Cunningham .o
Total HU9.0
drop Returns Enhanced
by Rainfall of Two Days
Lincoln, June 27. Corn pastures
mil third crop alfalfa wcic greatly
benefited by the rains of Saturday
and Sunday, according to l'rof. T. A.
Kissclbacli of the University ot Ne
braska College of Agriculture. Late .
oats. likewise, may nave been neipea
by the rains.
Farmers who were facing a short
age of yield in wheat, corn, oats and
potatoes, because of the continued
drouth, now are rejoicing, Prof. Kis
sclbach stated today.
Reports from Norfolk, Fremont.
Columbus, Beatrice, O'Neill and
other places in the state indicate that
rains of from one-fourth of an inch
to two inches of rain will greatly en
hance crop returns. Some damage
from hail and wind was reported at
Grand Island.
Progressive Wants Debate
Series With Democrat
Plattsmouth, Neb., June 27.
Progressive and democratic doc
trines don't mix, in the opinion of
A. L. Tidd, progressive candidate
for congress in the First district.
To demonstrate the conflict of
policy between the two parties he
has challenged John H. Morchead
to a series of debates in Nebraska
City, Auburn, Tecumseh and Paw
nee City. Morchead has filed both
as a democrat and as a progres
sive. "You present the argument for
the democratic side and I will pre
sent the progressive side," Tid has
written Morehead."
Measure Aids
Use of Coupler
Centimeter Rule May Be At
tached Parallel With
Many an amateur has wished for
some good method of measuring hi
coupling, whether close and looe
and how much or what degree, in
order to jot down notes on the posi
tion of his instruments while coup
ling a certain station.
The loose coupler presents a little
difficulty in this regard and a simple
and very effective way of measuring
may be provided by screwing a rule,
preferably marked in centimeters, on
the ends of the primary parallel to
the slider. A rule screwed to the
bate of the coupler under the rods
which support the sliding secondary,
in such a position as to he easily seen,
will measure the coupling.
Use of Protractor.
Honeycomb coils present a more
difficult problem. The old method
of measuring with a ruler the dis
tance between their extreme ends is
slow and inaccurate. A much easier
and quicker method is to place a pro
tractor, or semi-circular measure,
where the coils separate, at the
mounting or panel, and then the
coupling can be taken down on paper
in degrees.
With these simple additions any
amateur can keep for reference the
position of his coils or coupler when
hearing some elusive station.
Hawaii Is Gripped
by the Radio Craze
Honolulu. T. H., June 27. All
Hawaii has gone "radio crazy !"
The craze for radiophones which is
sweeping: the mainland of the United
States has now reached the islands,
2,0(X) miles out in the Pacific. Com
panies handling the new appartus re
port that they are unable to satisfy
the demand for outfits, or even to
keep within reasonable distance of
their orders, which are now piled so
high that at least six months will be
' i . - ii .,ti t .i.-...
icijmiru ij 1111 nil vi mem wiinum
allowing for new orders which will
come in meanwhile.
In Honolulu and Hilo, the two
leading cuiet of the territory, radio
clubs have becnorganiied, with Urge
memberships. Smaller clubs or
branches of the two main organiza
tions are bring formed in every town
and village. Talk and lectures by
expert operator feature the weekly
meeting of thee cluhi, which arc
largely attended and most en-tltu.iaatlc.
Iu rt4blibed a transmitting net
unit a rJiu of about J.SoO mile.
Mup 2 5i niiirs have been in com
munic 411011 with the nation which
i broadcast a tegular program of
muni, liratth talk, weather rrkrt
and educational nutter.
Jazz Music Giv en
Bee Radio Friends
Dean Norilin and Nritlfbuh
Family Delight Fan
Soloiiit Well RereUrd.
Wednesday' radio program to be
given by The Bee and the Omaha
tiraiu exchange from Station
WAAW is as follows:
MS A. M. Market r.pont.
:ik A. M. Newe bulleun
SUA A. M. Maraat r.worta.
tU A. N.w.
lOr.J A. Market rins.
(l:;,& A. M. Nw. bullKiln.
11: JO I'. M. Mark.C r-porll.
IVVI I'. M. News hullMIn
Ail I'. M. Iiaaehall .or.
1:00 p. M. Market report..
mlS 1. M. H. concert.
The Bee ha? arranged a vocal and
piano recital by radio Wednesday
night to begin immediately follow
ing announcement of the market
reports from the grain exchange sta
tion. Mrs. Reah Manning Ronnau will
entertain radio audiences with two
soprano solos. John A. McCreary
will sing two tenor' numbers. "Ave
Maria" and "The World Is Waiting
for the Sunshine." Piano selections
will be given by Rosemary Conlan.
1824 Uiuncy street, and Isabcllc
Other radio programs will be
broadcast from The Bee from sta
tion WAAW on Friday and Satur
day nights of this week.
Residents of Elliott, la., listen
Iq on The Bee concerts from the
Omaha Grain Exchange station
WAAW at the high school in that
city. Prof. E. P. Simmons of
Elliott has installed a powerful re-
rpiviucr rt with matrnavoy in the
school for the entertainment of the
public there.
The province of British Columbia
i There was plenty of Jar in The
I Dee' radio program over the Omaha
: titain exchange atatiou, WAAW,
Monday night. Radio audiences
1 throughout the middle west heard
Dean Nordin' Rau-a-Jarz Hoy coax
harmony from the piano, clarinet,
saxophone and drum.
Mi Pearl Green's two vocal
solos. "Out Where the West Begin"
and "Ashes of Dreams" were well
received by the invisible audience
listening in on The Bee's concert.
Two piano selections by Mrs. Scott
Wilbur. "Will O' the Wisp" and
"Musical Moments" delighted radio
fan, also. Member of Dean Nor
din' Rag-ajazz Roys' orchestra who
played for The Bee's concert Monday
night were Dean Nordin, piano;
Clement Nestlcbush, saxophone: Leo
N'estlcbush, clarinet, and Fred Nestlc
bush, drums.
Elkhorn Channel
to Be Rip-Rapped
Plans for straightening the chan
nel of the Elkhorn river at F.Ik City,
in order to ave the necessity of
building a new bridge at that point
after every flood, are being consid
ered by the county board.
Two years ago the river moved out
from under the steel bridge erected
a few years before. A temporary
wooden structure has served since.
Plans of the state engineer provide
for an extensive rip-rapping scheme
with concrete block piers, linked to
gether by cables. On this work the
Allied Contractors of Omaha are low
bidders at $20,000.
Woods Brothers' Construction
company of Lincoln has bid $13,000
on a plan of their own, based upon
the svstem used bv them successfully
at various points along the Missouri
river from Decatur to halls Uty.
This is based upon use of the famous
Bigncll pile.
Restores ioior ana t
Beaut to Gray and Faded Haiii
mxv'T rm t Pati-hoani-. W7T
On Face and Neck. In Pim
ples. Itched and Burned.
"When my sister was ten months
old eczema broke out on her face
and neck in small pim
ples, which spread rapid
ly. It Itched and burned
so she was unable to
sleep, and her body was
a mass of sore eruptions.
She had to be carried
around on a pillow.
"A friend recommended Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and after using
one cake of Cuticura Soap and one
bos of Cuticura Ointment she was
healed." (Signed) Mrs. J. S. Smith,
Boa 118, Lakota, No. Dakota.
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum the care of your skin.
aaaklaekrn.a;aa. Addrtu: "Odtemlak.
"art;, D. E.Malautl.ltan." ftah) mnrj
he Sopa. Ointant S and SOt. Talma Me.
BaVCaacora Soap ahavea withaa aaa.
Had Your Iron Today?
Kidney and Bladder
or Money Back
For 40 years. aaiJ Dr. Carey, 1 hava
bn prescribing my Prescription No. 777
for kidney and bladder sickneaa and now
that I have retired from active practice I
have made arrangement with leading
drutcfrista to dispense thia wonderful .re
.cription at a moderate price, on the
money back if dissatisfied plan.
Beware of kidney disease thousands
die of it every year who ought tobe en
joying the blessings of life and health.
Watch the symptoms. If you have apecks
floating before the eyea, puffy eyea. clam
my feet or moist palms, backache or side
ache, you ought to get a bottle of Dr.
Carey'a Prescription No. 777 right away.
It has wonderfully benefited tens of
thousands of casea of kidney and bladder
trouble and is the medicine yott eaa al
ways depend upon. Resulta are guaran
teed. NOTE Dr. Daniel O. Carey was a prac
ticing physician for many yeara and his
great Pieacription. No. 777. aided thou
sands of sufferers from kidney and blad
der trouble.. Hereafter you can always
get this effective Prescription at the S
Sherman A afeConnell Drug Stores and
a reliable pharmacists the country over.
Keep in mind the name. Dr. Carey's Pre
scription No. 717 (Liquid or Tablets). Ne
other medicine caa take ita place
Hot-Day Lunch
BEST lunch is two packages of
Little Sun-Maid Raisins and
a glass of milk. Tastes good when
you're hungry.
Nourishes yet keeps you cool.
Raisin's 75 per cent fruit sugar
is in practically predigested form,
furnishing 1560 calories of ener
gizing nutriment per pound.
Doesn't tax digestion so doesn't
heat the blood, yet energizes
almost immediately.
Big men eat little lunches to
conserve their thinking power.
Don't overeat and lag behind
the leaders. Get two packages of
Little Sun-Maids now.
Between-Meal Raisins
5c Everywhere
in Little Red Packages
TT On.
Hash wmy.
everybody stork-
No Matter How Warm the Weather
You Can Always Shop in Comfort
If You Shop at "Everybody's Store"
New Crepe Dresses
Most of Them Beaded
About 200 of. them and they've just arrived from
New York, where they were purchased at such extraordinary
price concessions that we are able to mark them for Wednes
day at $25.00.
Lighter shades and the ever-seniceable dark ones-
Georgette and laces for afternoon tea and for informal
club wear. For general wear are heavier crepes on straight
lines, made with slit sleeves or open shoulder, and with
pleated or petal side panels. Others are heavily beaded.
Tub Silk Frocks Are
Specially Priced $17.50
A special group of midsummer models of silk, priced as
low as cotton frocks. They are made of striped and figured
tub silks and of pongee.
Burfeea-Naah Dreaa Shop Third Floor
Get the Habit of Buying Your Household Needs
on Wednesday Always Special Features for That Day
Electric Fans
Family Scales
Insure correct weight up to
24 pounds. Especially useful
at preserving time. Priced
Each, $2.25
Tin Scoop, 25c
Pie Servers
Nickel-plated brass frame
with "Pyrex" plate. Complete,
Each, $2.45
"Climax" Food Chopper
Family size
with assort
ed blades.
All parts
Universal Aluminum
At Reduced Prices
The complete line of this reliable alumi
num ware has been reduced. Re-
marKaDiy low prices on all pieces.
Aluminum Sauce Pan
1 -quart size. Double
lip. Strong riveted handle.
Each, 35c
New Casserole
Round or oblong brass frame
with metal
handle. 2-quart
"Pyrex" inset'
with cover.
Each, $4.95
Bur(eaa-Naali Housefumlshinf s Department Fourth Floor
Jelly Glasses
or -pt. size. Tin cover.
Dozen, 60c
Mason Fruit Jars
Complete with rings and cov
ers. Pint size, dozen, 90c.
Quart size, dozen, $1.00. -gal
lon size, dozen, $1.35.
9-inch Ideal elec
tric fan, four
blades. One-year
Each, $10.50
Glass Lemon Juicers
Large juicers made of heavy
glass. Each, 15c.
Garden Hose
Made of best quality mould
ed rubber. Corrugated coup
ling free on 50-ft. length.
4-inch size,
12c ft.
f-inch size,
14c ft.
-inch size,
16c ft.
Women's White Footwear
Reduced in Price
Pumps and Oxfords at $3.00
Pumps and oxfords in all-white and in combination
with black and tan. You may choose from odd sizes in
various styles. All have leather soles.
Special Pair, $3.00
, White Oxfords, Pair, $3.00
White oxfords with leather or rubber soles. Odd
styles and not every size in every style.
Burf e.s-Nath Main Floor
In the "Wonder Square"
White Organdy, yard 69c
45-inch imported white French organdie, an exceptionally
fine quality of fancy moire effects, small or large designs.
Specially priced for Wednesday at 69c a yard.
Burfesa-Nash Main Floor
Specials : Curtain Needs
Voile Curtains, $2.39
Nice quality voile curtains, hemstitched, real linen lace edges.
These are 38 inches wide and 2 yards long.
Sash Curtains, Pair, 65c
Barred swiss curtains in both ruffled and plain styles, hem
stitched. An exceptional value at, pair, 65c.
Filet Curtains, $2.39
Full size filet curtains in ivory and ecru lace edge.
Odd Lots About Half Price
Odd lots of single pairs of curtains reduced for quick clear
ance. Values from $2.50 to $5.00 included.
Burgasa-Naah Fourth Floor
Sale of Notions
Garter Elastic Ribbon cov
ered, yard, 50e.
"Kotex" Sanitary Napkins
Dozen, 49c.
"Rita" Hair Nets Double
mesh, all colors, 3 for 25c
"Koh-i-noor" Dress Snaps
Black and white, 3 cards,
Lingerie Ribbon Silk, all col
ors, 12 yards, 25c.
Rick-Rack All colors, 6 yds.,
"Maiii of America" Corset
Garters 2 pairs, 25c.
Sanitary Belts All elastic;
small sizes only; each, 25c.
"Hickory" Waists
-All sizes,
"Dr. Parker" Waists All
sizes, 39c.
Kiddies' Sox Garters Pair,
Nee Brassiere with "Klein
ert" shields, all sizes, $1.90.
"Eton" Shields Small, me
dium and large, pair, $1.25.
"Practical" Hair Curlers
For long or short hair, pkg.,
25c, 35c, 50c.
"Hicks" Hair Curlers Spe
cial for bobbed hair. Pkg.,
Black and White Pins 100 to
a cube, 15c
-Mala Floor
Japanese Crepe Kimonos
Each $ J 95
Made of best quality Jap crepe in navy, coral,
copen, maize, rose, purple, orchid, pink and blue.
All are elaborately embroidered, front and back,
with floral, butterfly and dragon designs in contrast
ing colors. Cut extra wide and long, Mandarin
sleeve style.
Burfesa-Nash Red Arrow Booth Downataira Stero