The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 28, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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(Copyright, W22.)
It iiMinecd (rum sinll.l
Hd'tnius iu!!mril. Ilr tiHil be
sulc hrr hi the ruailuay, tfiant
lik ure in ln lni iiiotiriiig tint. i""K sew nn pin or rucinif.
Violet Mt 4 Mid'h ii iiiMiie .hi!iiik! "Have you any newt for me?" he
to ilimw lu iii li tiimii hit iin-n y.
If II linn lu' limn' am! why
she 1 1 a 1 iie it Jle im'liil s, li
tiU'l I'K'in link'. 4 man uli uuuld
! take a woman uii'l all In r
to his li' .irt aul ( ini'fi)it Inr anil
ask ro iiu tinii. ami yi l -lmvv Ii.i't
: he lu.'itiil I. in in.-, hit oun son. anil
the dtail flower girl, hi wile.'
Mie i irifil herself to smile u at
: him. "1 lute had Mich a linrly day.
' 'J ' I ) a i Ic ww o much, liooilbye."
; She In-Ill ! 'T hand to linn, hut he
: ignored it. 1 asrr t.ind inli lot
1 -n. .1.. ... .... i ... .1.- I.: . .i i.
: She wauled to he rid ot him. Mie
'thought if Martin sivv tliciu together
lie would guri-s her plan and do his
jbet to thwart it.
'. Hatingt was watching hrr
J quietly.
5 "1 will meet you outside Violettc's
tomorrow evrning," he said. He got
back into the ear and drew the
; leather rug round his knees.' "I do
fnot like leaving you here, but if you
.'wish it"
"I do wish it, please." He drove
: away without another word, and
t Violet turned to cross the road; it
v,is nearly . half past eight. She
Hwondercd what Martin would think.
As she stepped off the curb sotne
,one touched her arm. She turned
iwith a little start to find Leslie Mar
.tin at her elbow; his face was white
rand frowning, and there was almost
;an ugly expression in his eyes he
Wore which Violet shrank in dismay,
5 for she knew that he must have sucn
;her with Ronnie's father.
It is strange how small a thing
'will sometimes waken love in the
the; rt of a man. Sometimes it is a
'ijtear, sometimes; a smile, that seems
jto unlock the door of his heart and
bid the little winged figure of Love
jjcreep in and take possession.
J Hastings, much as he had been at
tracted by Violet Inglcby, had never
-realized whither his steps were lead
ing him until that day he drove her
Jdown into the country, until that
moment when he heard her speak
W "My Ronnie." and so with Leslie
iMartin until th moment when he
saw her by the side of another man
ihe had ne-ver dreamed that the sym
pathy and pity he had felt for her
;had grown into a deeper and stronger
"feeling. ,-: - .
i He had turned in his hurrying at
?the sound of the big car coming to
;ia standstill at (the curb outside
"Charing Cross station and he had
see. Violet distinctly in the lamp
light. I He had seen Hastings, too, but
3i had had only eyes for the girl,
and in that moment his whole being
jhad been aflame with love and
jjeabusy waitej lleary half an
jhour under the station clock for her
::and finding she did .not come had
-gone a little way along the road
hoping to meet her it was while
'hurrying back that Fate forced the
"knowledge of his love for hef upon
ihim." ' .... f
,! Martin was an, insignificant man.
iHis whole life was insignificant. All
5the years had been gray monptony
iand hard work, and as is so often
-the case with a man' who has lived
Suneventfully, the realization of. love
for a woman seemed to come, as a
! terrible upheaval.
When he came up behind Violet
-as she attempted to cross thq busy
f Street he was conscious only of the
Spain at his heart and the raging
t Violet forced herself to srrtile. She
I tried to speak words of naturaJ greet
ing, but to her own ears her voice
! sounded strained.
S "I am so sorry to be late. I hope
j you have not waited for me long."
X He did not answer. He walked
?by her side silently. Once he touch
fed her arm to help her through the
.J traffic. '
By mutual consent they eaitered
jthe small coffee shop. Violet drew
j off her gloves and leaned back in her
i chair with a little sigh. She was
j tired, agreeably tired. Leslie Martin,
I watching her with jealous eyes,
I thought she had never looked more
t 1
J Low round trip summer excursion
S tickets will be on sale to Rapid Gty,
Deadwood, Lead, Belle Fourche and
3 Hot Springs, S. D., also Lander,
.'SWyo, daily to September 30, 1922.
Stopover at any intermediate station
' ; in either direction. Return limit Oc
J tober 31. 1922.
if- See the wonderful Black Hills this
I summer or Lander, Wyo., the new
S southern gateway to Yellowstone
National park. Ask for descriptive
ii booklets and full particulars from
. ticket agents. C & N. W. Ry.
.5 Advertisement.
ruiy ai u.' mi, ami ai mc ijik, ihhhi-' . -, .
hiiitf motor with its ureal llus . 1 haM have great iievvs for you
(glaring thrush the gray ev.-tii.iK j '"'orrovv. I hope.' hi said dt-lib-ilV
dr-ignn even i i rately. Now she was away from
'When will you meet me again?" 1 '.'to"alJ. I'a-ting the old calculating
asked lUtings. He bp..kc in the . li-'"niiiiatiou had returned; she
;oue of a man w ho is determined. ;,,,"Id , ,h"!k ',car,y ?"d ""C"'')-;
; Violet felt that subterfuge would he : Already she knew what she would
: useless She answered desperately: s;,v to I lasting when they met the
I "When you like tomorrow- eve- '''xt (l.a'- -she ,0"k courage from
s :
j . :
t 1
Fistula-Pay When Cured
T2 A miM srtera ot treatment that cures Pi!e. Fistula and otkec
VVOf Recta! Diseases in a short time, without a sever surreal p-.-.t,n
No Chloroform. Ether or other general anesthetic nsed.
' 1 cure guaranteed in tvery case accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid mtil
eared. Writ tor took on Rectal Diseases, with name and testimoniala ol snot Ua
I. SOS promiaant peopla who hae been pcrssanenU) cured.
BA.E.E. TAUY fMatpriiiawF-wtara Tmt Bids. (Baa BMrl Osaeaa, Nab.
ilunimiK Hrr dainty (jit, in the
ti jili- tit i lie lug lui, t itllurinu:
the- wcrp hi labile on hrr flushed
In her,
Hi voice wa strained. He won-
dritil stir would ny wrre he
t obey the horili iuftiuel that
drove his Miie to U-aii across the
tattle ix-tweeii them and lake her
(.hi- in In hands and hrr lip.
Hy nature Martin nai chivalrous
to al! women, hut this evening tome
new strange t'orce drove him. Even
his kindly eye looked fierce. Hit
hands were clenched on hit knees
In in , it Ii the tah lo,
inlet did nut answer for a mo-
nil HI. II r i
, . . "c "c
Hastings' car. She smiled confidently
as Mie. answered his question.
lie echoed her words slowly,
"Tomorrow, jou hope! and in the
meantime you consider our appoint
in i-nt so unimportant that you keep
me waiting while you amuse your
self with another man!"
The words were unpardonable.
Violet raised her head haughtily. Her
cheeks flushed an angry crimson.
"You forget yourself. Mr. Martin,
she said coldly. "I quite fail to see
what concern it is of yours how I
spend my time. I am sorry if I have
kept you waitinc. I have alreadv
said so, and I think that ends the !
It was adding fuel to fire to answer
him in such a way, but she was quite
unconscious of the fact and of the
emotions that drove the man to
speak so. She thought he was angry
because she was late. She was quite
unprepared for the sudden movement
he made stretching his hands across
the table and seizing hers.
"You consider yourself above me,
I know that," he said, and there was
something infinitely pathetic
voice and eyes in spWe of their an
ger, iou look down upon me.
You have only been as kind as you
have been to suit your own ends. I
know that, too, but I love you. Ah,
you may look angry. I love you
and nothing can alter it. I've noth
ing to offer you, but I'd give my
life to make you happy. I've done
what little lay in my power already.
Don't take your hand away from
me; don't look at me like that. Is
there no other man you care for "
Violet w-renched herself free. There
are some women to whom a raans
touch is always offensive unless it
happens to be the man she loves.
She felt as if she could have struck
Leslie Martin across the eyes as he
sat staring at her with his whole
aching heart in their miserable
depths. ...
She rose to her feet. She was
Ah! what relief. No more tired
feet; no more burning feet, swollen,
bad smelling, sweaty feet. No more
pain in corns, callouses or bunions.
No matter what ails your feet or
what tinder the sun you've tried with
out getting relief, just use "TIZ."
"TIZ" draws out all the poison
ous exudations which puff up the
feet; "TIZ" is magical; "TIZ" is
grand; "TIZ" will cure your foot
troubles so you'll never limp or draw
up your face in pain. Your shoes
won't seem tight! and your feet will
never, never hurt or get sore, swol
len or tired.
Get a box at any drug or depart
ment store and get relief for a few
en sea
Sailing! every day or so. Great
fleet ol magnificent passenger ships.
Select your reservations early. No
travel worries going by
Canadian ftcific
Further mfimmtiom fiom local
. steamship arrnti r
I brcethlcta and pentuig t if khc
had bcm running; lic uj while
to the 1iii wild aiiiicr.
"How dire you surek tu me mj?
Lrt tnt go lltu iiuuni. I uctcr'Mi lurwuru, hrr liamt. i'UicJ
wish to se yotf g4tn; tin lut you
like, i noer vn to set you mum
A couple oi girl l the cuunicr
surctl It Ihrm curiously. lolrt
had not raised Iter voiee. but it was
appartnt by her 4ce that she was
strongly moved.
One girl oomed to the other that
she was ,h4Ving 4 row with her
young man," hut neither oi them
was prepared to ee , lolet take im
n..,l I...-. .l!.. I
... . niu.v. 1111 iiufiirtuy irair ine
.. il l.,in u l,;,.-t t. ur.l ,, I
Martin sat unite still where '.lie
had left him. and there was an unlv
sneer upon his lips. I'resrntly he
rose, paid Ihe bill tor liie two uu-U-trd
corfers and left the shop.
He had fancied Violet would le
waiting for him outside, hut though
he wandered about the station lor
more than an hour he saw no gu
of her.
Violet had gone home in .1 feel
ing of utter despair and wretched
ness. She spent two of her few
shillings, and drove back to Mrs.
lliggj' in 4 taxi.
She cried herself weary 011 the
way. It was only when the cab
turned into the dingy treet where
all the houses looked alike that she
realized she had behaved foolishly
in quarreling with Martin and
thought of Ronnie with 4 sudden
throb of fear. What would Martin
do now? Instinctively khc gurssed
that he would go straight to Ronald
Hastings and tell him of the child's
The driver went up the street at
a crawl. He stopped with a jarring
grunt of the brake outside No. 13.
He thrust his head round and looked
at Violet.
"This is the 'ouse, miss?"
Violet opened the door and stepped
out. The face of the house 'was in
darkness save for Olive Hale's win
dow. Ronnie would be fast asleep,
perhaps sleeping in her bed for the
last time unless unless she could
manage to reach Ronald Hastings
He loved her; she knew that. Apart
from his own confession she knew
it, and once she could make him be
lieve that she returned his love noth
ing Leslie Martin could say or do
would make any difference.
She glanced at the small clock in
the taxicab; it was 20 minutes past 9.
She looked up at the face of the
house again; nobody had heard her
drive up; nobody had come to the
door. With sudden impulse she re
entered the cab.
"Please drive me back to No. 218
Hyde Park."
The man looked supercilious. He
resignedly turned his cab about. Vio
let had learned Hastings
address i
from madame. She thought nothing I
Northwestern B
Free to Asthma and
Hay Fever Sufferers
Free Trial of a Method That Any
one Can Use Without Discom
fort or Loss of Time.
We have a method for the control of
Asthma, and we want you to try it at
our expense. No matter whether your
cast is of long; standing or recent develop
ment, whether it is present as Hay Fever
or chronic Asthma, you should send for
a fret trial of our method. No matter in
whit climate you live, no matter what
your age or occupation, if you are trou
bled with asthma or hay fever, bur method
should relieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases, where all forms
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fumes, patent amokes." etc, have failed.
W want to show everyone at our expense
that our method is designed to end all
difficult breathing, all wheezing: and all
those terrible paroxysms.
This free offer is too important to neg
lect a single day. Write now and begin
the method at once. Send no money.
Simply mail coupon below. Bo it Today-
do net ever, pay postage.
Room SftS-G, Kianra and Hudson
Ms.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Send free trial of your method to:
ti ihe uhnre oi the irp iic ws
UkuiK imk. She unly knew t hut
ho niut ir lt4tnitii lirluif
I Alarim Iu4 tune to inch linn. :
ieeiili Jiioin, a ihcy sped once
inure through i lie tiitiu
It mine J u eternity to Hyde
I'.itk. Unii 41 l.ut they loind
she iriueiiilii-iril with a shock ul di
may that she had not enough money
"itli hrr to pay the diivcr, She
1 Mood helpless tor the moment, then
hr forced lu'uelf . compouie.
1 ' I'lea-e wan tor me." I
tun.rti n. go un me w.ue
Ill, .1,1 at , h'li. I,, ll, lii.ll.. u ti't,
i r," ... ...
' 1 f lt!!lL .111,1 llW llll.tlltT lill-H. Silt-
Hit Miiall and iiisigiiuicaiit. lic
i would have given aiiviljiug if ihe
Mi'th had opened and
vv.Ul'iwrtl I. cr up, Mie looKeil liatk
once down ihe road with (Tightened
A tln.cil motor brougham glided
up to the nub and stopped; 4 man
in evening dies got hurriedly out.
In Ihe Umpligl l Violet could sec
him distinctly, and it was Hastings
He stood for 4 moment at the
brougham door speaking to some
one nisiile. She could hear a voiic,
a woman's voice, answering him;
then he came running up the steps
In where Mulct stood, afraid to go
mi -mere afraid to go back.
lie did not even glance at her; he
seemed to be 111 a great hurry. He
would have passed her had she not
gathered all her failing courage, and
called his name appealingly
"Mr. Hastings."
He stopped then, stopped audi
wu.'i3 .cur.d in amazement.
"Violet." He was beside her in an j
instant the absurd eyeglass he af-1
fectcd fell dangling against his im-'
maculate shirt front; his eyes
sought her face anxiously. "Vio-'
let! Good heavens! What is the
matter?" !
Violet tried to speak, but no
words would come. She burst into !
pitiful sobbing.
It was an awkward situation, but
Hastings was a maji who could
grapple with anything. He took
Violet's hand lie held it for a mo
ment in his warm, strong grasp,
speaking Quickly. J
(( ontlnilril In 1'hr lice Tomorrow.) j
U. S. Army Fliers Found
Not Guilty of Slaying
Jacksonville, Fla., June 27. Lieut
B. J. Tooher and Scrgt. Kristjan
Bredvad of the United States air
service were found not guilty of a
charge of first degree murder by a
jury in federal court heie.
The case grew out of the killing of
K B. I'itt at Funta Corda" in April,
1921, and attracted wide attention bc-
cause of a threatened clash between
civil and military authorities over
Knotty Cords!
The cords of your telephone should not be twisted
and should be kept dry, as either twisting them or
getting them wet may cause the line to be "noisy"
when you talk, interfering with your service.
Knotted cords have to be frequently replaced.
This means expense for the telephone company in labor
and material. All such expense must be paid out of the
money we receive from users of our service1 our only
source of revenue.
To get the best and most economical service
from your telephone, take good care of it.
3r her looks
; for her hair
SoUf B Al fry 8 toff Start
Sherman & McConnell Drug
Co., Special Agent
Bet. Want Ads Product, .RjiuM J
- that
Grain Men Fded
at King Ak's Don
(...i:...,....t I.V T.... ...t...
v,w......p. ... .,... . k,l..B
Alto l!njity Hailio at 1a-
iliatic liiiililiii.
large contingent of Nebraska
ami I. hi . ..ion m.. ...-.u n( ii,,'"1' t 'ii" " I'rxi ween, r.acn 01 me i.m 1 iMiuoeri 01
BIHI HHV.I gUIII men, glllsts ol the,,. . ;..,..,,:..;,.., ,. ,,.1. .i.w.,,,
, , (j ,
! 9
, , ,
were "im -
atrd Miuid.'iy nigbt into ihe msteiies
1 "' h!"odle cotk; nghiing. wireless
and. as a gi.tml 1 lnu.ix, into the
realm 01 Isimk Ak at Ak-Sai -lieu
The round of entertainment for
the grain merchants started at the ex
change, where an elaborate "Dutch"
luncheon was served. I'uihbcrt Vin
ciut welcomed the visitois. Thomas
Kimball then prodmcd his righting
chickens, plovcd their spurs and
rang the gotig. Much action fol
lowed. The visitors listened lo wire
less music under the supervision of
Frank Taylor.
-nd thence to the Ak-Sar-Beu
Condensed Milk
The standard infant food
for 64 years. It is just
pure milk and pure sugar
the natural food when
mother's milk fails.
The Omaha Bee Want Ads bring
the best results.
Tomorrow Alright
i-iignts 1 ornca rresh air, a good
tlsep and an M Tablet to mska your
days better.
Nature's Remedy (Nt Tablets)
tierts a beneficial Influence on tha
digestive and tiiminative system the
Stomach. Liver end Bowels.
Tonight take an M Tablet Its
action is to different you will be de
lightfully surprised.
sea for over
One-third the regular dose.
Slsde of same ingredi
ents, thee candy coated.
For children and adults.
Sherman & McCennell
1 jmsssss
1 b
dc. where nearly 2 ,MU Omaha ..,..
her of the realm also assembled. t
ji cool in the den, as compared to
.MiiiiiJay .it week, and the I lies-
pians, irom the smallest pony chorus
"airl" ui. weie 011 their proverbial
Mayiurd Swaru. singing "ihe,
Sheik uf Aiahy." with the
vviin Hie assistance
((t cl()n(j
umi round ol an-1
i plause.
LiiMiop L, V. Sluyler and J A. .
I iudi rluiliu were speakers. Tuul J
meintiershin of the realm w as given I
i a ..nd individual consumers.
, Ul M M HII HIV lint iniMii j
' 4)( . iitertaiiiinu male residents of the
1 village of Fast Omaha on some ,
Monday evening during the season.
; Charles Adams was chairman ol the
committee fur entertaining the visit
mg grain men.
A "white elephant" can he turned
nto rash quickest by advertising it
for sale in The Hie Want Ads.
Goo4 for
ii V 6Tt 1.1
Dogs and other domestic animals stray off, get lost or
are stolen every day. Very few cases indeed are there
that the wandering animal is not worth an effort to
Maybe some child is crying over the loss of a pet dog.
V 7
Bu-inwt BiMlif Aske.l to 1
... , , . . (, . ,
.Hl in i.iirinnu i.oai .liitrim
atiiugiim iniie -ruiur
j orgaiii44ttii aUiliaicd with Hie
fhamhrr (. I oimurrce of the
I mted Males weie called upon to-
nay ny juims 11. names, piesiur.n i
ot the iiianiiirr, to leun uieir 10
operation 111 the etloit lo pievrni a
runway coal uuikrl ly selling up
nuchiiirry for cn-ordiiiminn ihe dis.
li ibiitioii 01 coal anioiiu ilu-ir local
v I'liiliu v !
was urged lo appoint 4 fuel coin.
miller and make an iiumediaie sur
vey of the local coal situation.
Mr. llarues said:
"In view of 4 possibility of the
strike continuing mini depletion of
stocks becomes serious. I believe
that in ihe general public interest '
this situation should he !!!iopatrd
as much as possible."
Satisfies the sweet tooth, and
aids appetite and digestion
Cleanses mouth and teeth.
A boon to smokers, relieving
hot, dry mouth
Combines pleasure and benefit.
Don't miss the . joy of the
aniGLEVS new P-K-the sugar
coated peppermint tid bit!
Mm m mm W1
A few lines at small cost in the "Lost and
Found" column of The Omaha Bee im
mediately starts a hunt for the lost
animal that usually results in locating it
and srettin&r it back safe and sound.
No matter what your loss
"Lost and Found" advertisement do the
searching for you.
Omaha Bee "Want" Ad
Rates Are Reasonable
Two Papers for the Price of One
The Omaha Morning Bee
. Mr "'"J.. a( t ,
Bad Brftli Z ,V
K slM mmkt hf kirtik ,,mtt .,4
11 t ariui miun ur
irmuir. Ihf rsu. ul iwlur ihl iff lhS
muutk m a rlmia. hulikf fuMlllue l"
ker. Ih turn, frum Kiaoins
i4 i' iJ'n aiuKi.u
Important Dress
Sale Wednesday
A spec ml purchase of 300 fine
G'lnghum and Voile Drsssvs
will go on sale Wednesday nt
$4.95 .b4 $5.95
Actually worth up to flO.UO.
Doa'l fcjisi Tbis Salt
1812 DomiLs Strt
may be, let a