THK OMAHA JUIE: WEDNESDAY. JUNK 2. 1922. Custafsou Will ) dianu on ncconi in Senate Race I'moml Meant Will Not Per-1 m it (lampsipn. Say Camli j iUtr in Statement lucl Here. Three Men Killed by Terrific Heat on California Desert IF U Inle inAing a brief iit m Omaha TucttUy, C. II. tiuUlon, irpubhcan candidate lor United utr trnator, iucd the following Mutrnient through hi trieud and upitorieri, who urged him to accept t lie noiniiutirvi ami who have now organined to promote hii campaign: "In accruing the (ding made in my behalf lor the republican nomina tion (or United State senator. I feel it necctsary for me to frankly nay to those who have collided and trusted in me, tint if the people of Nebraska sincerely feel I ran ef fectively rrpreient (hit ktate in con grcDi, I khall do all in my power to prove worthy of that confidence. "My personal mean will not per mit my making a campaign for this or any other office, even were I in clined to do o. I have Riven my time for 10 years to advancing co operative marketing. 1 have not aved any money for myelt from thai work. My profit has hern the keen personal tatUfaction of ecing the certain development of aound, afe and conservative producers' marketing agencies which ultimate ly mean prosperity and better con ditions for all classe in Nebraska. Standi on Record. 'The people of Nebraska have had an opportunity to know me and my purposes a; id achievements from my activities in this state. I believe that what little 1 may, have ac complished during my more than 52 years residence in Nebraska offers the public better information as to my worthiness of their support than could any mere words which 1 might speak or-Avrite at this time. 'I believe that the gcne;il pros perity of the producers is of first im portance to the prosperity of the untirc people of Nebraska. I do not believe that the farmer' can solve his problems through special legislation for his special advantage. 1 do not believe in special legisla tion or special privileges for the fanner or for any other class. T.very occupation, whatever it may be, constitutes a part of some class of business. Each has its rights and should be insured its equal and just consideration; but none should be given any special ad vantage or privileges over the other. I have been called before many con gressional committees and I am afraid that sectional representatives in legislative halls too often think and vote wider the influence of sel fish home influences and too often forget the needs of the great mass ,of the unorganized public. Keeps Interests in Mind. "Without attempting to sgecify or enumerate any specific evils or rem edies for them, the voters in Ne braska may be sure, should I be elected to represent this state the senate, I shall want to keep upper most in my thoughts the equal needs and interests of both the pro ducer and consumer as the basis of general prosperity and contentment and always act to their joint in terest. "All of my time during the past years has been given to the develop ing, as best I could, together with others, the organization and estab lishment of producers' marketing agencies. And it is no little satis faction to me to know that the pres ent congress and also the administra tion, has recently announced that these marketing agencies must be recognized, encouraged and pro tected. Depends on Supporters. " want my friends a.'id supporters to know that my immediate and per sonal thoughts and efforts are con centrated on the completion of these organizations. Until these agencies are in operation I c?,nnot neglect or refuse to give my constant attention to my olli under takings, even though my candid suffer from my nonatten tion. "Majny important and vital ques tions are now before congress. New ones will come up as these are dis posed of. On all such questions I shall act as my knowledge and in formation of the best needs and in terests of Nebraska shall dictate. If chosen to represent Nebraska in the United States senate, it must come to me through the efforts of appreciated friendship and confidence of the people of this state." nman Hilps Milt fn nail Via, u i - - Election From Her Home Columbus, Neb., June 27. (Spe cial.) Mrs. John Janicek of Colum bus filed a petition in district court asking that the Farmers' State bank of Columbus be restrained from ejecting her from her home under an ouster writ issued in county court re cently in favor of the bank' and against her husband. Mrs. Janicek alleges that some time ago Mr. Jan icek told her he was placing a mort gage on their home and wanted her to sign the papers. After she had signed, she claims she discovered that the papers were a conveyance in fee simple of the property to the bank. She insists that she had no intention of deedina- away the residence and asks the court to protect her in her homestead rights. Pawnee City Students at Peru Form Pawnee Club Pawnee City, Neb., June 27. Special.) Students in Peru State Normal summer school who hail f-orn Pawnee county have organized a Pawnee club. The following of ficers have been elected:: President, Ralph Slemmons; vice president. Margaret Kreuger: secretary and treasurer. Joe Minnehan; cheer leader, Irvin Settles, and reporter. Miss Ida Virtiska. PI on Seward County Campaign Seward, Xeb.. June 27. (Special.) Erie B. Smiley, republican candi date at the primary ior representative from Seward county, visited nine of the 11 town in his county and dis tributed 1.000 cards in a little less than 75 minute. Mr. Smiley drove his own a'rplane and. so far as is known, is the first (candidate owning" and driving; a ship in tnaloog his catppiifOj Buwley. Cat.. Jun 27. Death from "htat prostration" was th vtrdict reached by coroner's jury hers at in inquest over the bodies of three men who died in the desert few miles southeast of Nilsnd, Cat., last Saturday, The men were J. J. Everharty and Henry C. Brown of Los An gcles, and David Wilcox, an aged prospector who had lived in many western mining districts. Wilcox's body was found about 10 miles from Niland beside a small wsgon drawn by two burros, which were standing patiently in the in tense heat. It wss estimated the temperature I where the deaths occurred was be tweea 132 and 152 degrees. Counties to Get $596,068 State Funds for Schools Superintendent Matzen An nounces Semi-Annual Ap portionment of Land Rental Monov. Lincoln. June 27. (Special.) John M. Matzen, state superintend ent, announced the regular semi annual apportionment of school funds to counties. The money is received from rentals of state lands and amounts to $596,068.87. The appor tionment follows: Adams, $9,058.51; Antelope, $8, 226.71; Arthur. $901.40; Banner, $1,-. 061.47; Blaine. $1,261.59; Boone. $7. 178.42; Box Butte, $4,422.70; Boyd, $4,992.95; Brown, $3,974.95; Buffalo, $10,688.58; Burt. $6,146,72; .Butler, $7,432.22; Cass, $8,290.49; Cedar, $8, 773.94; Chase, $3,129.21; Cherry, $7, J36.44; Cheyenne. $4,504,64: Clay, $6,714.34; Colfax, $5,715.78; Cuming, $0,807.29; Custer, $15,013.41; Dakota, $3,486.25; Dawes, $4,929.84; Dawson. $7,611.92; Deuel, $1,812.22; Dixon, $6,030.98; Dodge, $9,871.11; Douglas, $56,773.38; Dundy $3,234.89; Fill more, $6,587; Franklin, $4,607.53; Frontier. $5,444.63; Furnas, $6,300.78; Gage, $13,074.63; Garden, $3,023.15; Gartield, $2,287.49; Gosper, $3,013.60; Grant, $677.64; Greeley, $4,756.70; Hall. $9,122.74; Hamilton, $6,406.30; Harlan, $4,876.55; Hayes, $2,235.45; Hitchcock, $3,752.83; Holt, $10,138 .37; Hooker, $610.35; Howard, $6,- 183.01; Jefferson, $7,825.74; Johnson, $4,955.99; Kearney, $4,351.42; Keith, $2,yil.y0; Keya Paha, $2,114.57; Kim ball, $2,487.42; Knox, $10,488.77; Lancaster, $30,352.82; Lincoln, $10,- 493.26; Logan, $1,333.07; Loup, $1, 431.47; Madison. $10,005.54; Mc pherson, $1,169.50; Merrick. $5,203- .42; Morrill, $5,751.14; Nance, $4,673.34; Nemaha, $4,863.38; Nuck olls, $6,407.63; Otoe. $8,875.30; Pawnee, $4,951.85: Perkins. $3.- 038.83; Phelps, $4,680.51: Pierce. $6,053.97; Platte, $9,630.68; Polk, $5,- 073.38; Red Willows, $8,703.88; Rich ardson, $8,967.46; Rock, $2,725.80; Saline $8,222.49; Sarpy, $4,003.95; Saunders, $9,760.37; Scotts Bluff, ,150.11; Seward, $8,150.11; Sheri dan, $5,179.10; Sherman. $5,236.81: Sioux, $3,415.16; Stanton, $4,034.11; fhayer, $6,168.19; Thomas, $851.74; Thurston, $4,533.11; Valley, $5,277.98; Washington, $5,786.07; Wavne, $5, 595.55; Webster, $5,476.98; Wheeler, $1,820.78; York, $8,027.65. . Endicott State Bank Closed by Directors Endicott, Neb., June 26. (Special.) Endicott State bank was closed Monday on request of .the board of directors. Endicott State bank was formerly a branch of the College View bank, cashiered by C. H. Hodges a brother-in-law of S. J. Quantock. cashier of the College View bank. The bank at Endicott had some financial troubles and a controlling interest was sold to C. W. Slaughter, present cashier. The indirect cause for closing the bank dates back about a week ago when the College View institution is alleged to have attempted to force a $3,000 collection from its offspring at Endicott which Cashier Slaughter alleges was to remain as security for an indefinite time. This was $3,000 of a $13,000 claim held by the parent bank. The draft was turned down and Slaughter through his at torneys started action in the courts for damages for misrepresentation and a refund of his purchase price. State Bank Commissioner Hart has been notified but has not taken charge. From a standpoint of de posits this was the smallest bank in Jefferson county. Howard County Pioneer Dies at Grand Island Grand Island. June 27. (Special.) Mrs. J. B. Williams, 75. of Palmer, Neb., died at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. C. S. Lyle, 604 West Third street, Monday. Mrs. Williams was a pioneer set tler of Howard1 county, having lo cated on a farm near the present site of Cushing during the later 70's. Her husband was prominent in pub lic affairs of the .county and took an active part in republican politics. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. A. L. Kellogg of Haigler, Mrs. C. W. Holm of Palmer and Mrs. Clark Perkins of Beatrice: seven grandchildren, the eldest of whom is Mrs. Charles Laughhn of Grand Island, and two great-grandchildren. . The body is being taken over land to Palmer where funeral ser vices will be held Wednesday after noon. Burial will be in a cemetery near Cushing beside that of her hus band who died tour years ago. Architects Offer Services for 'U' Athletic Stadium Lincoln, June 27. Special.) John Latenser, Omaha, and Ellery Davis, Lincoln, have volunteered achitec- tural services free for drawing- plans for an athletic stadium at the Univer sity of Nebraska. Their services were offered at a meeting of alumni called for the purpose of making plans for the stadium, which may be built this year. The stadium pro posed will seat from 25,000 to 30.000 peoole and will cost approximately $400,000, Thin Blown' Glass Tumblers 8-oz. sizt in a fine quality of plain glass. 7A Dozen, lC Fifth Floor East BRANDOS 'U GUm WsUr IMcher Thill blown etas utihrri in a ' beautiful crape rutting. 2 quart aicr, 1 QQ lfi ially priced, wO Fifth Floor East Wonderful Assortment Attractive Outint? Tops o o That Will Make Outings More Enjoyable We have a very large selection of outing clothes for women, misses and children, all in khaki color. All sizes. The garments arc made of washable mate rials: Cotton gaberdine and khaki cloth. Knick ers have one or two-button cuffs. The blouses have, long or short sleeves, and most of them have sailor collars. Many have smoked pearl buttons. Exceptionally well cut, well made and well fin ished garments. Knickers Riding Breeches Hiking Skirts Riding Skirts Blouses Middies Hats Norfolk Jackets Priced from 1.25 to 7.50 Second Floor Center Wednesday Special Selling of Mohair Sweaters 1022 Tuxedo and Slipover Styles Mohair is a lightweight wool yarn and is peculiarly adapted for sweaters "for summer wear. These sweaters are cool, com fortable, the ideal garments for sports wear. In all the fashion able shades Jade Mohawk Orchid Scarlet Copenhagen Navy and Black In all sizes from 36 to 44. Second Floor Center Wednesday Sale of Women's White Silk Hose Plain and lace effects. Semi-fashioned, silk to tne Knee witn rein forced heels and toes. Pair, 1.00 Misses' and Children's Rolled Top Socks Many styles in solid colors or striped tops. Cool, cute and comfortable. Sizes 5 to 9i2. OC Per pair, a-dC Main Floor North Unique Lunch, 60c Our unique lunch, served in the Men's Grill, has an unusual feature that is making it popu lar with all Omaha business men. Try it once and you will come here daily. Take SeTenteenth Street Expreu Elevators to Tenth Floor. Flags for the Glorious Fourth Fast Color Cotton Flags on sticks with gilt spearhead: 12-inch size, each, 5t 18-inch size, each, 10t 24-inch size, each, 15 Silk Flags, on black sticks with gilt spearhead : 12xl8-in. size, ea., 50$ 16x24-in. size, ea., 75 Unmounted Silk Flags: 2x3-ft. size, each, 1.50 2i2x4-ft. size, ea. 3.00 3x5-ft. size, each," 5.00 Bunting Flags for poles or porches: 1.00 to 10.00 Sparklers 8-inch Sparklers, 10 to the pkg., 5 Or 6 pkgs. for 25 10-inch Sparklers, 10 to the pkg., lOtf Or 3 pkgs. for 25 Scout Pistols A scout pistol and three boxes of ammunition, 25. Main Floor Arcade A Beautiful Array of New. Summer Hats Baronet Satin, Taffeta, Horse Hair Braid, Ribbon, Ribbon .gfi' Trimmed, Flower Trimmed Tailored diyies i 1 White hats of every style and every type. Baronet satin is the material that predomi nates and with its richness gives a becom ingness that is unsurpassed. There are also black hats and black and white combinations. Such a variety is seldom seen. Early shopping hours are best Priced from 4.95 to 8.95 Black,White,Small Sport Hats, Large, Hats, Turned Up Brims and Soft Rib bon Hats, Sport Clearance of 100 Early Hats, 2.95 Second Floor East s Wednesday Specials in Curtains and Draperies Crisn white curtains or cheerful cretonnes are helpful in making the hoi im Crisp white curtains or cheerful cretonnes are helpful in making the home homelike. These are all fresh goods, reduced for Wednesday selling. Novelty Curtains. Fine voiles and mercerized marquisette, some trimmed with lace edgings, others with cluny and filet pattern lace insertion and edgings. Per pair, 1.35 Curtain Materials Mercerized marquisettes and voiles with drawn work borders in white, ivory and beige. These materials require only hemming to make beautiful curtains. 35c values, per yard, ' Cretonne Pillows Filled with floss and covered with beautiful stfmmer cre tonnes. A supply of pil lows on the porch or scat tered in the living room and two or three in the ham mock is what every home needs. QQ Each. OUC 19c Sixth Floor East Quaker Craft Net Beautiful allover designs in white, ivory and beige.' This nationally advertised product is recognized for its ster ling quality. Makes a curtain that will look well and wear well. 50c values. Specially priced, OQ. per yard, Liti Cretonnes A wonderful assortment of beautiful patterns for dec orative and furnishing use. For chair covers, draperies, cushions, table covers and other kindred uses. OQ 50c values. ne"r yd.. aG57C Ruffled Curtains Sheer scrim with full, narrow ruffle and ruffled 89c tie-backs to match. 'Pair, Wednesday Great Purchase and Sale of Gotham Elastic and Semi-Elastic Corsets 95 3 These garments will be sold at the lowest price in three years. A one-day sale, Wednesday, each The Regular Price of These Girdles Ranges From 6.50 to 8.50' There hasn't been a time since 1918 at least when the prices of rubber cor sets were as low as they will be here Wednesday. This sale is to last for one day. Only perfect merchandise, no seconds and only late, wanted models are included. Only select materials are used in the three different models vhich vou have to select from. ' These girdles are designed f""" for golf, tennis, riding, motor- t r ing and dancing. Two models are 14-inch gir dles of firm elastic webbing with flesh-colored silk broche and satin reinforced sections over the abdomen. Finished at the top with a dainty band of shirred satin ribbon and bow. A third model, 14-inch girdle is semi-elastic, for those who prefer them, with insets of elastic webbing combined with strips of silk broche, fin ished at top with shirred pink satin ribbon. Third Floor North Li, oummer lumens A big supply of towels are the cheapest in the end, and Wise housewives choose Turkish towels. They require no ironing and are easily laundered. For Wednesday Only Turkish Towels Big, heavy fellows with blue-striped border. These are irregulars, 'showing perhaps an oil spot or some small irregularity of weave. A 49c value for 25c Heavy Turkish Bath Rugs A heavy quality in ental designs colorings. Each, Ori-and 2.49 Colored Turkish WashCloths A big lot in fancy colors On sale Wednes- day, each, Jt Attractive Sanita Table Sets Attractive for the break fast porch. 13 pieces, 24-inch centerpiece, six 9-inch doilies, six 6 inch doilies, all with at tractive stenciled 1 AA designs. Set, l.UU x Main Floor West Kodak as You Go These Happy Vacation Days , B ri n g us your films. Developing free. Finishing that's right on time is our specialty. Work left before 10 a. m. may be had the same day at 4:30. Main Floor West Buy a Thermopak For your Fourth of July Outing. These will keep food or liquid piping hot or icy cold. Quart Size, 49 Two-Quart Size, 69 For Wednesday Only Bathing Caps A special assort ment at Of In the Drug ZsmtC Section. Main Floor- West SO 3