THE OMAHA DEE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28. 1922. Constable and Justice Taken in Booze Raid JJuiitlmJ of Gallon of Liquor, 15 Still and 21 Persons Srizrri in Carroll County. A eonsUbl and a Justice of the i'ict were among i he itroup of -I nt-rsons arrotcd in a wholesale liquor raid Monday by ii'dcral and Mate mkciiU in Carroll county, Iowa. Hun tlreiis ol gallons 01 wmsKy, wine anu )rcr were confiscated and 15 separate I'lanti or Mill were visited by the l.e, which was assisted by county ipfinen and citizens wiio wire pros id into duty a deputies. The raid was one of the most ex trusive evrr made in Iowa. Officer who participated cay that colonici of tnoonMitners inauc icmpu'ton ana Dc.lliam, the two town visited, their headquarters, and that much liquor consumed in Sioux City. Omaha, l)rs Moines and Council Blufis had its origin there. A still, four eases of beer and 50 gallons of mash were found at the home of Vick Swallow, justice of the peace at Tcmplcton, and a still with large quantities of liquor, wine and beer were seized at the home of Rupert Kaspcrbauer. constable at the same place. One of the alleged moon shiners, Max Kestle, had an elab orate plant installed-at his home for ' the distillation of whisky. It is laid to have cost $1,000 and reports indi cate that he received $2.50 a pint wholesale for his product. Others arrested during the raid were Mr. and Mrs. John Harbock, Frank Bartger, J. Doovlc, Henry and : William Freidman, Joseph and Wil liam Fuchs, Tony Getzinger, Clar ence Bingford, Mike Strange, Chester Habcock. John Steffes, William Stran- sle. lohn Goulnitcher. Herman Lon, John Kiskcn, Alphonse and Edward Kirkoff. 2,000 "Attend Courthouse Dedication. at Columbus ' 30 Countiei of State Ask Hail Insurance Adjusters Lincoln, June 27. (Special.) Re quests for state hail insurance ad justers were received today by L. G. ; Urian of the state department from 30 counties in the state following hail and rain in those counties. Brian reports the heaviest loss in Thclps county and heavy losses in Polk, York, Hamilton, Platte, Butler, Seward,- Clay. Fillmore, Buffalo, Dawson and Valley counties. Brian an- ; nounced adjusters would arrive on the ground as soon as possible, but it would take weeks to make all ad justments demanded. APVKKTIBEMKNT. WOMEN AND MEDICINE In Europe, years ago, a woman named Hildegarde wrote a notable hook on medicinal plants, In those days the men were too busy bother ing about ' dogmas of religion and i medicine, and the study of herbs was ; thought beneath their notice, It was the women, however, who : mostly conducted the hospitals and cared for the sick and thjis they learned much of great value. They ; let the men fight put the questions of theories. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, prepared almost fifty years ago by a woman, Lydia E. Pinkham, did then, and does now, , relieve the ailments peculiar to women. It is a vegetable compound and of great value for this purpose. This is proven day after day, and ill your own neighborhood, by. grateful . women who have used it. Safe- Guarding the Car Buyer Safeguard your money when you buy a motor car at carefully as you safeguard it when buy ing a bond. In other words, buy the car with the highest ref utation for low costs, long life, reliable per formance. Buy the car that can how brilliant perform ance and economy over a period of years. The Hupmobile in its 14th year is a safe car to buy, and a great car to own and drive. We will gladly demon strate s the Hupmobile. Telephone -your most convenient time 'now, without delay.' Stewart Motor Co. 2523 Ftraam St. Important Dress Sale Wednesday A special purchase of 300 fine -Gingham and Voile Dresses will go on sale Wednesday at $4.95 $5.95 Actoally worth up to $10.00. Don't M!m Tkit Sale JULIUS ORKIN . 1S12 Doug! Sfrcet Columbus, Neb., June 27. (Spe cial.) Two thousand persons at tended the dedication of Platte coun ty's! new courthouse. uovcrnor McKclvic was the mam speaker on the program. The gov ernor paid tribute to the pioneers whose early hardships, thritt and in dustry formed the foundation for the development which Has made pos sible the erection of the magnificent public building. John E. Hugg of Humphrey presided as master of ceremonies. Supervisor Henry Hobbensicfkcn, chairman of the county hoard, pre sented the new building to the peo ple of the county and in their behalf County Attorney Otto F. Walter voiced their acceptance. G. V. Phillips spoke on "Platte County Reminiscences." He gave an interesting historical sketch of . the incident leading to the erectionxif the old court house building, more, than halt a century ago, and toJd -ot .the necessity which prompted -the erec tion of its successor. Mrs. R. M. Campbell, representa tive of the women of 'the county, read a naoer on "The Women's Part in the development of Platte County." After the program the building was inspected by the public. Cost of the new structure .was $293,471.96. cost Of the furniture -was $28,777.68, and of Uh-UeV$201944.;47, or a total ot $i4,-l94.ri; The same nag that floated over the old courthouse ; when it ' was dedi cated 52 years ago. w?( unfurled to the breeze at the new courthouse This was made possibly through the courtesy of Miss- E". Sfteehaj of Lin coln, former deputy '4na the Office of clerk of the district' cbitrt, now stenographer in the state railway commissioner's offices in Lincoln. Miss Shpehan's father,' the late Edward D. Sheehan, pioneer of Platte county, bought the flag when the old courthouse was built and always raised and lowered it on holidays and other special occasions until the county bought a flag of its own. Since that time it has been used by members of the family on holidays. Miss Sheehan mailed the flag tq the county clerk for use at the dedi cation. - ' Rail Union Heads Will Call Strike for July . 1 . (Continued From Fair. One.) informing the responsible heads of the various railway ; systems in the United Stctes, and also the Pull man company; most of which are represented in the association of railway executives, that unless an immediate arrangement can be made: "(1) To continue the payment of the wages at 'present in force. "(2) To restore operatic.'! under rules 6. 10, 12, ,14, IS. 46 and 177, &s they existed prior to the amend ment thereof proposed in decisions 222; and." "(3) To discontinue the contract ing out of work and shops, pending negotiations between the Association of Railway Executives and the rail way employes department, looking r There's relief in every jar of RESiO 5oothinq and Healinq Wherever the itdting and whatever the cause this gejitle ointment usually stops it at once Easy and economical to use. Keep ajaronmnnd. Sold by all druggists I Hash Leads the Wotld in Motor Car Valu "HE handling ease of the Nash is fur ther emphasized in the smooth celerity with which you change gears and the pliant flexibility with which you can step up your speed to 59. Fours and Sixes Prices range frtm fpdj t $3jg0,f. . t.sctuj NASH NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. Distributors Nash Pauaqgar Car Retail SERVICE Wholesale Telephone AT lantic 2916 Tenth and Howard Sta. tMeaee pull tale phone number in your phoai book. It was omitted. o 04 D Ymi Know ? toward adjustment of the fating dtvputri upon ile questions, a Mm non of withdrawal Irom em i ploytncnt on July J. as voted fiy the employes, will le uiiavoiii able." . Question Voted Upon. The three poind on whuli the ex ecutives are asked to meet the em ploye demands are identical with the three questions on which the union are now completing their strike ballot. The first ballot covers the $60,000, 000 wage cut ordered by the board, effective July I. The second ballot involves seven rules rcjtardiim over time and physical examinations, fought principally by the "men be cause they wiped out time and one half pav for overtime and Sunday work. The third strike question in volves the practice of numerous roads in farming out certain work, declared to be in order to avoid the ratings oji wages and working conditions by the federal labor board. While union heads expressed the hope that the railroad heads might listen to their last-minute truce pro posal, the suppressed excitement and tense atmosphere around union head quarters seemed to portend some momentous action. Executives are Blamed. niame for the entire strike situa tion was placed squarely on the shoulders of the railway executives by President Jewell's telegram. He declared that the passage of the transportation act had resulted in a scries of controversies between the roads and their employes which had developed a situation ve-eni -' 1.000.000 men, or two-thirds of those in railroad employ today, are taking a strike vote. Beside the shopmen, the mainte nance of way laborers, firemen and oilers, and part of the clerks and sig nalmen are balloting on the strike question. The telecram reviewed rail events since the passage of the transporta tion act and dwelt strongly on the refusal of the executives to establish boards of labor adjustment, provided lor in the act, to settle local or re gional disputes. Big Reform School Barn Desl'o.-. Kearney, Neb., Tune 27. (Special Teleeram.) Kains. showers to one inch, were reported Monday night at I'leasanton, Am herst, Riverdale, Sumner, Eddyville, Callaway,' Arnold, Oconto, Shelton, Elm Creek, Lexington, Minden and Holdrege, with three-quarters inch "'cdnitation here. Virtually the same area within the radius of tht ii.iiiit rains was benefited. High winds and a terrific lightning and thunderstorm accompanied the rain here. A large barn at the State Industrial school was struck by lightning and destroyed, together with contents, involving a loss in ex. - - 0, No live stock was lost in the blaze. Men Wounded in Mine Massacre Fear Attack U eailnaed rram rag Oh.) lion leading la the identity of any member of lite mob. "Undeserved Odium." Undeserved odium has been heaped upon the town of llerriu in connec tion with Thursday's mine mastarre, Mayor A. T. 1'ace declared t night in a public statement read in the city council. Herrin, while de ploring keenly the traxedy, which cannot be condoned) the mayor de clared, dels that this town ought not to receive the total blame for the affair. There was no discussion of the mayor's statement or of the riot at the council meeting. The aldermen passed an ordinance prohibiting crap shooting,. repealed an ordinance tax ing bootleggers and blind tiger proprietors $-00 a year, transacted some other routine business and ad journed. The mayor explained that the boot leggers' tax passed a year ago was a success financially until the liquor dealers found the tax was not a license to do business. Then they quit paying it. Mlneri Enjoined. Fairmont, W. Va., June 27. The enjoining order issued by Judge W. $. Meredith of Marion county circuit court here yesterday against the United Mine Workers is regarded as the most sweeping restraining order thus far handed down in West Vir ginia coal fields since the strike started in April. It was granted on petition of the Shamrock Fuel com pany, against one of whose mines a miners' "march was directed late last week. The order names John L. Lewis, international president of the United Mine Workers, other union officials, ordinary mine workers and even un- Do You Know that I am serving a 35c Supper the game price as my noon luncheon in addition to the 47c Supper. And just bear in mind that this is all it costs to eat all you want of anything you may like. The only difference in the 35c and 47c Supper is the selection of meats. Just Follow the Crowd Mrs. Baker's Cafe City National Bank BIdg., 16th and Harney Sts. ismrd person, all of whom are en joined Irani Uking any steps that would in any wy interfere uiih the operation of the company's minrs near Moult. Omcials, successors, agents and representatives of II union locals are undrr the restrain ing order, Ili'juililicon Candidate Campaigning Jy Auto Firirbury, Neb, June 26. (Spe cial.) li. K. Hee, I'uirbiw buninrss man and candidate for the repub lican nomination for state treasurer, is making a hurried state campaign by automobile. Oregou Shipper Cvu Good Price for Sheep Mrlady llrothers received live tar loads of yearling sheep yetlerday from V. J, Altuow of Heulah. Ore, and the lop tirades hrou!it $) W a hundred, while the lemaindrr were old at V a hundred, "These prices are from 50 to 7S cents a hundred weight hiuher ihan yearling sheep are quoted on the t hirago market," said tiene Meladv, "which plainly indicates that Omaha is the lirl sheep maikrt in the world." Hee Want Ads Piodure Kctultr. Plenty of Cattle Are on Fectl i Stuntoit County, A. tl. Ilarr of Slauton was oiejthe carkuds of choice, well-finished eera 1' iliat avrratird l.oS pounds for which lie received $.JS hundred. "I-expect quite a number til cattle to come from around Stanton for some time yet." said Mr. Barr. "and u l in the neighborhood of I'lainvirvy there are more cattle on feed than there were at this time last year. Just before we left with the cattle for market Sunday there was "' r i in which insures good crops log Stanton county. irTinriiniiiTinin r li n n aM m fONTH End SALES with Splendid Economies Commence Wednesday POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Adam RftcMyllen of Beatrice Farmer, Practical Business Man Lawyer, Civic Worker, Legislator FOR GOVERNOR Every section of the store, has contributed special offerings of summer fashions that are certain to meet with your approval The Savings Are Important r ... s I 1 dt J"vL B f ' Mr ' -'SitU the . I Q is. TK3H'll fi All Buy-Eite Stores Will Be Closed bn Tuesday, July Tourth. original t kJVS. h ''t " E nunHtr Mr- Ernf8t Boftt ta llve-ivire Dnndrr member. Is now lornted in his splendid new baildinj, COndensef I 'V ''- :' 'XW ' W nrtlele H block west of hi former place or business liquid I W"f:U X" F ft "IbT" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SPECIALS b.u, f I rr X.'jsiv.' ' "'" 1 1 "--'H'tle. ' 1 Q I V. VlSr'-J Js '!.'-Af Pi 17 I FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT. I jJC 1 (PhI'J I" ' BUY-RITE STORES ARE CAR-LOT BUYERS. 1 I H 1 a7,r ti. . It I n Cr Tancjr Texas New Potatoes, 1 One Car Extrn Ifancy Klpe Tomatoes, I Ono Car Col. Contlonne. standard I II iinSssSnVsli " '' V Pck I In 5-lb. baskets, per basket S9c sle, 3 for 2e( Jumbo, for...3io I Em sSUl Si , : : M w!iW':Sj U M" J B-'C0FFEE-WHY7 Jgss jjL .C, , m jf K ' W?1!!? Vacuum packed as fresh to you llii7Srti 1f .!? W$ 'm?MW I JlMjipf as the day roasted. Costs more I 11 'fflffiXM jj&rj I 5 im, but goes farther, per lb.. .47j f l lS&SSsrt " y Ir'v I g 3 lbs. for $1.35 (jgllpSyf rm--: :ZTi ' tV M SOAP SPECIALS. 2-! 'tie.' "Ul J II1 Oma'la Family Soap, 10 bars for 42c) -,' Ij! Electric Spark Soap, 10 bars for 43 VV''' , ; i '1,. P Petrolene Soap, 10 bars for 886 V'i,'V'in 1 - K Cocoa Hard Water Castile, 3 bars for...25e) Vi I II White Li'y Soap Chips, 6 lbs ror 83 TROCO The best nut Mar garine.' Received fresh daily, per 1" 24 CEREAL SPECIALS Jersey Corn Flakes, 2 packages for 15 Shredded Whole Wheat, per package 110 Quaker Puffed Rice, per package 15 Quaker Puffed Wheat, per package 15 Grape Nuts, per package 1Vzt KNOWS NEBRASKA'S NEEDS "THE PRESS is assured after having; investigated the claims of rival candidates that Adam McMullen is the man whom Republicans should support fo$, the governorship. McMullen has been tried and tested. He is untrammelled and un afraid. He belongs to no faction and he represents no class. McMullen is capable, fearless and inherently honest. His townsmen speak highly of him, his neighbors declare he is the full measure of a man. He has a character of sterling excel lence, possesses a masterly understanding of the needs of Ne braska and Nebraskans, is untouched by quackery or dema goguery. His merit,, so far as The Press can learn, equals his reputation, and throughout his active career, as a legis lator, a business man and a farmer he has been actuated by the most laudable motives. This newspaper recommends Adam McMullen to the Republicans of its big family circle. They will not go astray by lending him all the support they can muster." Nebraska City Daily Press, June 18th, 1922. Candidate for Republican Nomination Primaries July 18, 1922 Large rolls high-grade Crepe Toilet Paper, 5 rolls for 42 Finest grade Toilet Tissue, 5 large rolls for 520 TEA TABLE FLOUR We bo firmly believe that the fancy short patent Turkey Hard Wheat used In this flour makes It superior to any flour you have ever used, that if you doa't find it so we want you to return the empty sack to any Buy-Rite Store aad have your money refunded. 48-Ib. $2.15: 24-lb. $1.15 II D 0 D D I BUY-RITE PILLARS Dr. Price's Phosphate Baking Powder, 12 oz. cans 25! special, 2 cans for 30 Nishna Valley Buy-Rite Creamery Butter. -39 Buy-Rite Bulk Coffee, apeclal roast, 3 lbs. 95 Per lb 35 Buy-Rite Peanut Butter, 12-oz. jar 22fc Grandee Olive Butter, fine for sandwiches, 6- os. glass 250 Yellowstone Queen Olives, quart Jars 47 Premier Salad Dressing, family size 42ft Ideal Malt Syrup, per can 63c Ideal Malt Syrup, per dozen $6.99 . SUMMER DRINKS Budweiser, 24 pints $2.75 Fontenelle Gingerale, 24 pints $2.15 Fontenelle Root Beer, 24 pints ........$2.15 Welch's Grape Juice, pints 39c Welch's Grape Juice, quarts 72C Orange Crush and all favors Pop, per case of 24 bottles 98 DAIRMAID BUTTER More popular every day a real hit, per pound 390 CANNED FRUITS 250 cases No. 1 tall cans highest-grade sliced Peaches, can 230! 3 Ior 590 250 cases No. 1 tall cans highest-grade halfs Peaches, can 230' 3 tor 59 500 cases No. 2 broken slices Pineapple, can 230 3 for 590 Delicious Forkner Fig Jam, made from fresh, ripe figs, absolutely pure. i2-oz. can 180 Forkner Figs, for eating, per package Q SKUPA A SWOBOOA flat and 8 Sla South Btda ERNEST BUFFETT, The Crater ef Dunde FRANK KUSKA, 13th and GarfitM OSCAR E. NELSON, f4lh and L 8tu, H.tath Rid THORIN ft SNYGQ . Fortieth and Hamiltaa JEPSEN BROS., SSth and t'omtn? J. D. CREW . SON, Thirty-third and Arbor GEO. I. ROSS, f Ith and Antra GILES BROTHERS, Ilemon. WILKE A MITCHELL; Fortlrth and Farnam . LYNAM oV BRENNAN, ICth and Doreaa ' E. KARSCH CO., Vinton and Elm Sta. ARMAND PETERSEN, SBOS fihemma Ave. HANNEGAN A CO., Bath Are. and Learcarartk i3Es31EaESE3