THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28. 1922. 11 i n T Bankers of State .Want Mever Namec Head of Reserve Claim Made That Present Director of Finance Cor poration Knows Needs of Agriculture. A utrong movement in favor of the nolcction of Eugene Meyer, jr., ai htail of the Federal Reserve yiem liat begun among the country banki of Nebraska. Kesolutiont have been adopted by groups six and seven of the .Nebraska Tafi-.ters' association asking that Mr. Meyer, who if man' iiing director of the War Finance corporation, be made a member of the I edcral Reserve board. This results from the success of the War Finance corporation in halting the deflation of agriculture through loans made on farm paper. Farmers who have been bitter toward the policies of W. P. G. Harding, gov ernor of the reserve board, whose term is about to expire, feel that both the attitude and understanding of Mr. Meyer wher the middle west is con cerned are more promising. "Many state banks want to join the rederal Reserve system, but not un rlcr its present administration," said J. M. Flann igan, former president of the State Bankers' association and executive secretary of the finance cor poration, yesterday. "In Nebraska there are 163 national banks and 1.000 state banks. The resources of the state banks equal those of the national banks, it is a reasonable development that they should all (ret together and join the Federal Re serve system. Many prominent state bankers who have steadfastly main tained that the Federal Reserve sys tem stands for everything that is pood in banking and finance say that the only reason they don't join is its management. 'The country bankers, who make the great part of the loans to farm ers, feel that the man .at the head of this system should be thoroughly acquainted with every business need. The agricultural interests of the na tion must be served if we are to en joy prosperity. 'City and commercial banking is one function and agricultural banking is another. The record of Mr. Meyer, both during the war and his conduct of the War Finance corporation in the past trying year, has won him the confidence of the farming section." Brief City News To School Dodge Baker, nephew of J. M. Baker ot The Omaha Bee, passed through Omaha yesterday en route from Hilo, Hawaii, to Mil waukee, where he will attend achooL Woman's Ad Ljrne A Woman's Advertising league was organized by 16 women in the Burgess-Nash tea room Monday. Committees were appointed and future) meeting! pro vided for. Goes to Convention -Dr. Florence Mount, president of the ' Nebraska Woman's State Osteopathic society, left Monday evening with Mrs. Nina Laraen to attend the national osteo pathic convention in Los Apgeles. ;. Made III by Tjye Peter "Witmer 80, former resident ot Ralston, lies in a critical condition at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Bhrhardt, 271 Howard street, from the effects of drinking lye water for herb tea. Held for Investigation Sam Kal ian was locked up in the city jail Tuesday for investigation at the re auest of Federal Agents Batton and Hanning, who declined to reveal the charges on which he was arrested. Alcohol for Sale Eighty gollons of alcohOI will be sold at auction by the United States marshal at 4 to day on the north steps of the post offlce. Only those who have per mits will be allowed to purchase the liquor. Tells Mate's Grievance John D. Dutcher, secretary of the National Clay Products company, objected to his wife's children by a former marriage. Mrs. Gertrude Dutcher alleges in a petition filed for di vorce yesterday. TuVey Buys Xease-r-H. A. Tukey, realtor, purchased the 99-year lease of the American Bank Building com pany on the corner of Nineteenth and Farnam streets at a sheriff's sale yesterday. The purchase price was 1320,000 in addition to a $66,000 payment to the sheriff. Mission Homo Dedication Dedica tion of St Columbans home, the new Chinese Mission society head quarters, a Catholic seminary in Bellevue for the education of priests for missionary work in the orient, will be solemnized at 10 Thursday morning-. Archbishop. J. J. Harty will officiate. Council Restrained The Jones Engineering and Construction com pany obtained a writ in district court Dresses at $10and $15 Wednesday we offer 150 new Canton Crepe Dresses in plain colors, Printed Crepe Dresses and Sport Combination Dresses in various materials, actually worth up to $25.00, in two groups for Wednes day's selling at $10 ..a $15 JuKus Orkin 1512 Douglas Street Say Ben-Gay at aov drag store and TM wiU get a tube of the original Freoch Baume Bengne' (Analgtt le then apply the Baume ia a coinbtnarioo of rubbing and gende kneading of the aching cnnscJes fer Am cuack relic? oe! th paa. KP tnha handy lor Sciatica. -THOS.troCNCeV CO WW tour (THE GUMPS S V without ivtH I r ' uwvi. x 111 II' I I si I 1 nl LI I kJt m I ssmnuill III I I iK. Omaha Bee "Want" an apartment, get a position, buy or sell furniture, valuables, get a bargain in used yesterday to restrain the city council from carrying out the provisions of a contract awarded Lee McGreer for the construction of a tourists' camp at Elmwood park. The Jones com pany contends its bid was lower than Meureera. Parcel Post Success Postmaster Charles Black announced yesterday that the merchant parcel post deliv ery system has been a success in Omaha. More than 1.000,000 pack ages have been sent through the malls here. The average cost to the merchant Is 7 certts a package, as against 11. 19 and 35 cents, reported as delivery costs of local stores. DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES PETERSON Emellne, paued on' at the home or tit- aiugmer, Mra. v, n. Biacla, 301S Fowler Avp., Monday, Juno 1, 19JJ, aged SS yar. lira. Petarion la aurvlved by thro son. Frank E. Pettraon, Sterling-. Ill-: William E. H. ppteraon, Cedar Rapid. Ia.: Charlea Peterson. Nobrldge, 8. D,; three daughter, Mra. Nanna Barling. Mra. W. II. Stacla, Omaha, Neb.; Mra. Julea Henry, Seattle, Waah. - Funeral aervlcea, Toeaday, June J7, S p. m. Interment Amtoy. ill. For Information, call Croaby-MOort. WB. 0047. PEARSON Katharine, paned on at local hospital, Tuesday, June, J Y, nix. nn, Pearaon la aurvlved by her huaband, Robert L. Pearaon, Omaha; her mother and tather, Mr. and Mr. A. J. Plereon, Omaha, Neb.; two elatera, Mr. R. F. Heyden and Mr. A. R. Mitchell, Omsha; two broth era, Leonard Von Bleker, Ijinder, Wyo., and Loul Von Bleker of Canada. Funeral aervice Thuraday afternoon, June 29, 1S3, at the Croaby-Moore Funeral Home, 24th and Wirt St.. at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery. PICKMAN Fred, pasaed on at the home, Silt So. II SL, Sunday, June 25. 1922, aged 71 yeara. Mr. Dlckman la aur vlved by hi wife, one daughter, Mra. H. W. Jonea, and one son, Albert Dick man of Omaha: hi brother, Detles Dickman. Omaha: two elatera. Mrs. Frank Olas, Omaha, and Mra. Hans Settles, Santa Crux, CaL Funeral eervlces from the home, 2118 So. 12 St., Wednesday, June 28, 1922, at 2 p. m. Interment Laurel Hill Ceme tery. For Information call Crosby Moore, V?E. 0047. MOGENSEN Lena, at a local hospital June 20, age 22 year. She I luvived by her father, Jamea Mogenaen, and four brother. Martin, John, Alex and Albert, all of Omaha. Funeral aervlcea will be held from family residence, 1730 Ontario street, Wednesday. June 28, at 2 p. m. In terment Laural Hill cemetery. Friends Invited. Frank Janda, funeral director. In charge. BREEDEN George E., entered into rest Monday, June 26, at the age of 66 years. He is aurvlved by his wife, one son and two daughter. Funeral services at HulseZ Riepen's chapel. Twenty-third and Cuming streeta, Thursday, June it., at 2:30 p. m. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. WELTON Edward (Joe) B., at Canby, Minn. -He is survived by his widow, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., of Mullen, Neb.; one brother, Ross H, Funeral will be held from residence, 1502 Willis Ave., Wedneeday afternoon at 2:20. Interment West Lawn ceme tery. John A. Gentlemen' mortuary In charge. ' O'TOOLE Edmond (Ted), at a local hos pital. He Is aurvlved by hi mother, Mr. Lillian O'Toole; three- brothers. Lawrence, of Ames,' Ia. ; Robert and Richard of Omaha. Funeral Thursday morning from John A. Gentlemen's mortuary at 8:30 t St. Peters church o'clock. Interment Holy Sepnlcher cemetery.- BINKLAND Mrs. Gustave. M. A.; aged 69 years, 5 months, 3 days. June 26, 1922. at the residence. 2742 Charles St. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from- N. P. Swaneon's chapel to Immanuel Lutheran church at 2:30. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends are welcome. BINKLAND Mrs. Quatave. M. A.; aged 69 years, S months. 2 days. June 26, 1922, at the residence, 2712 Charles St. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from N. P. Swanson'a chapel to Immanuel Lutheran church at 2:30. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends are welcome. BURKLAND Mra. Guatave, M. A.: aged 69 years, 5 months, 3 day?. June 26, 1922, at the residnece. 2742 Charles St. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from N. P. Swanson'a) chapel to Immanuel Lutheran church at 2:30. Interment Prospect HU1 cemetery. Friends are welcome. NEIL Ruby Louise, passed on at local hospital, Sunday, June 24, 1922. Mrs. Nell ia survived by her husband, Roy Neil, and one daughter, Mildred Nell, and threa sons, Lloyd, Garlon and Stanley of Coxad, Neb. For Information call WE. 0047. LAMBERT Edwin, died June 27, aged 75 yeara. Funeral June 2t from his residence, 4Sth and Q street, at 2:30. HBrial Forest Lawn cemetery. Rev. R. L. Wheeler of ficiating. Remains are at C. C. Haynes undertaking parlors. HARTZELL Mr. - Levlna, aged 72, died Sunday morning at a local hospital. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 from residence of her daughter. Mrs. Clsyton Richart, 950 North Twenty-sixth Interment West Lawn cemetery. CARD OF THANKS WE wish to think our many friends, also the American Legion for the beautiful floral offering and the kindness and sympathy shown us during the Illness and death of our beloved son, husband ar.d brother, Edward B. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barker. Mrs. Edward Barker, Mr. Frank Barker, Mrs. C. W. Taylor, Mrs. H. K. Bock. airs. Otis Metcalf. Mrs, Ernest Spalohower. BURIAL VAULTS CEME TERIES AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial vaults. Recommended and tor aal by all leading undertaker. Water proof, a steel to rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SCAL ING VAl.XT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 221 N. 22th. Omaha. TeL Kenwood 1077. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section ha recently been opened in Forest Laws eemetery (north ot city limits). It la but wis dom to select a lot before absolute necessity compels one to da so. Send for booklet. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY ASSOCIA TION. 7: Brandei Theater Bldx. SiSoS1 JD V4V6 Htvt Soot PtNioH TlMt TO FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Sueceawr ta ataek Falconar OMAHA'S BEST. ARiSfw AM B U LAN CEEL? Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker and Embalmars. Phone HA. I'll. Office 1611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 1124 Cuming. CROSBY-MOORE 'i'r FLORISTS LEE LARMON f 5?; DDou;,iV BAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS & 8WOBODA. 1412 FARNAM STREET. L. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnam. JA. 12S8. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. 1(0. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleating Co., 208 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1236. NEB. PLEATING KI: ed Buttons. 2802 Farnam, 24 Floor. DO. H70. DANCING ACADEMIES. LEARN to dance; summer classes; 10 les sons, 24. Keep's, 1818 Farnam. DO. 8440. CONTRACTORS. OARAGES built, any atyle and else, fioo up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber at Wreekinr Co. Tel. WE. 2552. CARPENTER work by contract or hour. KamndeJIng, repairing a ad garages. KB, 4666. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RATS. 20 each, 22 a full sat. tit Securlrle Bldg.. Hth and Farnam. Dr. R. R. Page, Dentist, 42 World-Her-old Bldg. Of. AT. 0561. Eve. KE. 0772. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway t.x. mag., j a. 2056; night, KE. 2812. Independent Detective Bureau, 204 Neville Blk. AT. 6601; night, WA. 4048j KE. 0462 JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT. 1132. DRESSMAKING. Embroidering, dressmaking. AT. 2717.' FURRIERS. 1?TTT1Q remodeled, rellned, cleaned. A' UIVO Kneeter Alaska Fur Co., 202 SO 15th St. DO. 775J. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 160T Howard St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1712 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. 1 help Inventors sell, their patent. WEDDING STATIONERY. WEDDING invitation and announcement printed or engraved; samples sent upon request. Brandeta Printing department. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. GAITED saddle horses for rent by hour or day. All are gentle. My personal attention given to oeginnera. bmitn Crane, proprietor. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMY. Ak-Sar-Ben Field. Phone WA. 6052. DIAMONDS We pay th be" U10.lMl.KJi.yiJO pric with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6049. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed tick washed. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. TO protect your trees from damage done by worms and other Insects, have them sprayed by the Home Landscape Ser vice CO., 1I N. 24th. DO. 6115. DR. Louis N. Smernoff, disease of women and childrea 215 N. 21st St. AT. 76t. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at tne 6 saerman & McConnell Drug stores. CHIROPRACTORS. Carlson N., Chiropractor, 208 Paxton block. AT. 2747. WE. 6929. Office hrs.. 11 a. m.-C:20 p. m. PRINTING. SDDY Printing Co. 212 S. It St. Do. 8247. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. P. THIESSEN, painting and paperhaag. lng, 26 to 29 per room, including pa per. Beat work. AT. 2799. LUPTON Painter: inaide work a ape cialty; cheap for cash. AT. 9717. FAINTING and paperhanging. 7295. J. A. Rrss. Call AT OSTEOPATHS. DR. MABEL WESSON, Osteopath. 642 World-Herald Bldg, At. 2960. Ja. 0729. PERSONALS THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazine. We collect. We distribute. Phone DO. 4122 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PRIVATE rest home for ajred and invalids Trained nurse in charge. Terma reason able. Webster 6264. MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with massagea 214 S. 19th. AT. 938L THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for play and parties, at Lie ben's. Omaha. SULPHUR baths, Swedish masaage, chi ropody. Evenings to 9. 29 a 20th 81, ELECTRIC BATHS tor nervousness. WE. 1911. MATERNITY HOME. 1912 Kmmett. FISHER bath, massage. 22 Arthur Bldg. EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 224. RENT vacwum eleanera. 72c. HA. 1171. EXPERT MASSAGE. -114) N. 17TH. Osteology treatment. Aptmt. AT. 2222. MASSAGE. Emma Brstt. 1717 Webstar. LOST AND FOTJND- lost Probably aear Athletic club. Sat urday night, black oayx bar pin. wits pesria. cemimemai value amy. uoersi s w.i- aval I LOST Female) Airedale m tha neighbor-1 hood ef 41t street and Bart. Return to 4154 Bart Walnut 42.2. Reward. J ANDY'S CHICKENS 1(J tl ov.t wuat Nou- Noo ma UT Ml KnovJ K TwtUG 0U tO USTH- XOU' WM'I KNOW a vtt T" OtTriNt, atowcj- tut jut Uu tkPKX AN k lTTVt INCOMl- tt Ma TO tCta1C VU.tWt CNP MICT- XH tHTT to UTTCt C THt a"tunn' ikt wM TOU ..e BIST WOSBAMO IN THE LOST AND FOUND LOST on Elmwood park golf linka or at end of Leavenworth car line, bunch of Keys with traveler Insurance identifi cation tag. Finder please call DO. 860. ATTRACTIONS HIliHMORE. SOUTH DAKOTA. Ia going to celebrate the 4th of July ana wants a MERRY-GO-ROUND Can also use a Ferris wheel and a few good shows. Will make good proposi tion. Want quick action. Write or wire W. W. Swanson, Hluhmore, 8. D. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma mma bookkeeping, comptometry, abort hand and typewriting: railroad and wlrrlea telegraphy, civil eervlce and all Kngllah and commercial branchea. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 lor urge Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College Boyles BIdg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Buslneea. Pay and Evening Schools. :20 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 5890. DO you want to Increase your Incomer Write the National Auto School. 2214 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 202 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. MALE HELP WANTED BRICKLAYERS wanted at once. Six bricklayer at Woodward. Ia., 110 a day. Carl 8chlaehter, Woodward. Ia. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th. Write for catalog. SALESMEN UNUSITAL SALES OPPORTUNITY WITH NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LINE. We are reorganizing the territory handled by our Chicago mill-agenta for the past two yeara, and we are looking for a high-grade man to handle our line of Jantxen knit-wear and awlmmlng auit. See onr half-page ad in Satur day Evening Poat. Issue June 24. Straight commiaaion basia with an ad vance of 75 on all order received monthly. If Interested state territory preferred and Bend to the Sales Manager, Jantsen Knitting Mills, Station A. Port land. Ore., for an application blank. SALESMEN Wei have openings for two aaleamen of experience and ability. We want men accustomed to making 25,000 per year or more and who can demon strate ability to nanoie otner men. uiv lng telephone number, address Box H 179, Omaha Bee for interview. SALESMAN WANTED College graduate preferred, to represent nationally known correspondence school In Nebraska on commission basis. Give full particulars about yourself and references In first letter. Address Box H-125, Omaha Bee. SECRET service men, write A. W. Walker, Diet Mgr. 100 secret service men wanted at once. Big pay and ex- . penses. Easy work. A. W. Walker, P. O. Box 217, Great Bend, Kan. WANTED Salesman, 2100 and commis sion to sell guaranteed cord tires direct from factory at lowest prices. GOODSTOCK TIRE CO., 1106 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge SL Trl-Clty Barber College. WEAVERS and spinners, experienced, ateady attractive work, good wages. Ap ply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland, Ore. SALESMEN WANTED Three wideawake men to sell oil. See Mr. Williams, 1207 Leavenworth. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very . profitable. permanent ana pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Hlxenhaugh. 1814 St Marys. FEMALE HELP WANTED ON account of rapidly growing business, unusual opportunity in Omaha insurance office for stenographer, where educa tion, initiative, tact, aptness with fig ures, knowledge of office-and insurance work will count. State school training, age, references, experience In detail and salaries earned in former positions, first letter In own handwriting. Box H-13, Omaha Bee. WEAVERS and spinners wanted, experi enced. Steady, attractive work, good wages. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland. Ore. AGENTS WANTED GET THIS FOR QUICK BIO MONET. Every farmer will see it advantage at a glance. Millions can be sold in one territory and not over 60 have been Installed. Articles sells for 22. You keep 21. Volumes ot those dollars per week or month is only limited by your own efforts. The mora farmer you ee the more you sell. An Omsha product put out by Omaha men. Call for partloular ot room 627. Peter Trust Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MARRIED man with eight year general office experience, typing and 2 year tost clerk experience, desires perma nent position; knowledge of bookkeep ing; good education; reference. Box H 124. BOY 15 want place on farm, has been on farm terore. s. oisen, tii mm. DAY work for white woman. AT. 8428. DAY work wanted. Web. 0803. Exp. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from 250 and up. Dodge, Buicks and others, 2100 and up Ford bodies winter tops. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1218 Harney St Central Garage. FORD DELIVERY. Has only been In service nine week, and la equipped with started, demount able rims and canopy top, as good as new. Thl Is a bargain at 2"0. TrT ran be arranged. 220 S. 18th street, Omaha. A REAL SNAP. 1931' Ford delivery. pracUcally new. This car must be .seen to be appre ciated. Phone AT. 2332. LOOK over eur list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. :05 Farnam St AT. 7222. FORD parts. Front axle. 24: apmdie, 21: front radius rod. 81. Neb. Auto and Parts Oo.. 119 Harney St. USED Ford carts at half nrlr-t P.rt. far in atandard make rara. Neb. Auto ri . -. t. a. - rKEE Inspection and water toe all battery- Batten, and Parts CSu 1412 Farnam SU AT. 9114. . COME HOME TO ROOST oJ trt MaMk tSfloli igouT IT- Couli just r0M WICt ttVT WIS tvlt VVC 0T THt V0U.9 - ftBn3. Ads Help You Find musical instruments, office equipment, recover lost cars, buy or sell a business. ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE $700 buy a rebuilt 1-lon truck that will ( a service equal to new., Thla I an exceptional buy, having been overhauled In our own a hope. 2272, Dodge light deliver'. llt mod el. A bargain. Two-ton truck with Stake body. New 2-ton truck with hydraulic hoist and Dump body. This Job will be old for lea than wholeaal price and will take smaller truck a part-payment, ir you have hauling to do, .do not overlook this opportunity. ; One-ton truck with cab and expresa body for 21(0. A very serviceable truck for city uae. Hj-ton truck with pneumatlo tire and large Stock body. Has only been used eight weeks. Terma to responsible parties. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COM PANY OF AMERICA. 714-12 S. 10th St. Omaha. SOME bargain in used Ford; prompt delivery or. new Fords. I M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford 8rvlc Station. 15th and Jackson Sta. DO. 2500 FOR SALE A slx-cyinder Klssel-Kar: good running condition; cneap lor caan. HA. 2220. 1220 MAXWELL TOURING; In splendid running order; good tire; repainiea. Top and upholstering like new. Call Mr. Walker, HA. 72L BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR, A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sta Phono DO. 1270. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobile Co.. 19tb and Howard Ets. AT. 1770. FOR SALE Electric car; a bargain. Glen Wilcox. 1100 E. Pierce, Council Bluff. 1917 FORD SEDAN; good running order; tirea nearly new. A aacriflce. HA. 7291. . USED radiator, all make for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2029 Farnan. ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Serv-. Ice. PFEIFFER'S, 2525 Leavenworth. BUICK 6, late model; sacrifice for cash. Nail, Webster 6381. BRISCOE touring, WA. 6491. fine condition. 2150. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. S12 S. 24th. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suit, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sta. FULL CRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent. JA 2122. 109 N. 16th St. L Feldraan. ARMY shoe. 22.90. 702 No. 19th. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. CURRANTS for sale at lhm'a Farm. 51t and Military Ave. Telephone WA. 1985. CHERR-TES and currants for sale WALSTROM'S, 60th and Sprague. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Antique Furniture We are exhibiting some antlaue -wal nut furniture to be sold at private sale. to settle an estate. Bids accepted at any time for the antique Old English bed. Stephenson Auction Co., 1509 Capi tol avenue. Your Auction will be held Wednesday, June 57, at 1509 Capitol Ave., at 1 p. m. Whether you buy or not you are welcome. Frank B. Stephenson Auctioneer. Phone AT. 6265 ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. 275 buy the best. Phone Douglas 4423. COMBINATION gas and coal range, oak dresser, kitchen cabinet, table. Mason jars. 3401 Center. Harney 5292. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. .Balance aa low as 210 per month, A HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas. EXCEPTIONAL values fir used phono graphs. All makes and models. Or chard & Vilhelm. , MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKELS. 15th and Harney. DO.. 1972. BOTTLES New and used. Nathan Steinberg. 1019 Harney. Do. 6126. RADIOS made and repaired; work guar anteed. 2227 Dodge. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. YOUR choice from 100 canaries. 27.00. Frank Byers. 28th and Harrison St Phone Ma 3801. WHEAT SCREENINGS. 21.60 per 100 lbs. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. 7very machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 412. 1912 Farnam. buy. sell safes, mske desks, show cases, etc., Omaha Fixture Supply Co., & W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. J A. 2724. BUSINESS CHANCES 2100 STARTS you In the radio business. No experience needed. Hundreds of dollars are made weekly on radio equtp- i ment. In your community. Get into this wonderfully profitable Indostry yourself. We furnish complete stock. Only one United J'oaler sppolnted In year dis trict. Write today for appointment. United Radio Corp. Rochester. N. Y. U. 8. PATENTS for sale. Sandless con crete, all tested out stronger than aand concrete, light In weight does not crack: an airless auto tire. Writs In ventor. Claus Light Gordon Grove, la. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, need desk bought, aold aa traded. J. c Reed, 1227 rarnam. AT. 2142. Drawn TTT vwtlL- LsMslV Rr7 Ol&OH. IW XHtrCAM- YM,rt A.UL I t givi' P0hT 6lT 500 fciUlU, fGUfcftfc IN K AN6 SHAKE J 6 ttlfiwl K. SirJ TO KTTXtCX ITTtNTVOH- JUST WANfc I IT 01 ?W't.TUT- XNT VAT A klCK K IKK I GiX- ISN'T VVMVT rU-' WANT TO BUY tan tvai. c44i nrai pay mora for lurniture. ruga, stoves, clothes. ROOMING HOUSES. ROOMINO house for sale: 10 rooms ot . . beautiful furniture; good horn and . food Income. HA. 2220. ROOMS FOR RENT GET YOUR ROOM through The Be'e furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all carts of the city A service that benefit both advertiser and room seeker. FURN. rma. with prlv. bath; warm, com- (ortania. eneerrui; prices ressnnaote, oar r wk Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close m, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Cell AT. 22 j0. VERY ATTRACTIVE front room for cou ple employed, prlvste home, breakfast. KB. 2502 FARNAM 3619 Large, unusually attrac tive room, well furnished and ventilated. BURT 8T., 1172' lovely furnished, nice cool room a. close-In. rea. AT. 2612. VERY desirable furnlahed room for two business women. Harney 5C&4. 205 No. 41st Ave. Lsrge, cool room. wster; gentlemen. WA. 1280. IE LOVELY unfurnished room, Ave. HA. 2719. DOUGLAS ST. 2124 A' nice sleeping room. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms la the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all part of the city. TWENTY-THIRD ST, 2632 S Two nice large rooma, three-room conveniences, modern home; nice location. MA. 4792. FARNAM St., 2063 Choice Apts.. alose-in. BOARD AND ROOM PRIVATE family, close to car line; mod ern and homelike. 97 per week. 3311 North 60th St. Call WA. 6178. THREE , very ulce furnished bedrooms, modern, 25 a week. Sreakfast If desired. WA. 4692. HOUSES FOR RENT VERY nice 6-room house, newly decorat ed. Bath and garage, 235. 2023 Pierce. AT. 2826 and AT. 0274. FINE 7-rm. house, unfurnished, all mod.; shady yard. 5134 N. 23d.-. KB. 1S26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT EIGHT-ROOM BUICK FLAT. Are you- looking for a flat In good re pair, where you can easily make your rent by renting 2 or 2 rooms? If so, this duplex brick located near 35th and Harney ia Just the thing. Newly deco rated. Rental $70. J. L. HIATT COMPANY. 1338 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 9900. FIVE-ROOM APT., Ben Bolt. 44th and Dodge, about July 1. South and west expoaure; rent 2100. per month. WA. Leavenworth St., 2701 Nice 3-room, all modern' apartment. 240. Victor H. Roos, HA. 2406. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 19 Q room modern apartments. THE " DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2806. COMFORT all seasons; screened sleeping porches: S or 4-room apts. 2204 N. 23d. FIVE-ROOM apartment In the Portland; very low rent. JA. 05S4. HA. 2297. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close in. . P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. HUNTER INN Home for the traveling man to leave hi wife in comfort and safety. 2402 Dodg St. - COMFORTABLE 4-room, furnished apart ment; southeast exposure. " Dundee. Phone Walnut 0155. TWO AND THREE-ROOM apartments. Brown apartments, 602 North 21st St AT. 7449. . BEAUTIFUL 6-room furnished apartment. Chula Vista, ' 30th- and Poppleton; 880. HA. 4335. MOVINGTaND STORAGE FIDELITY FGcpb ' MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. " Household Goods and Piano. Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St Jackson 02S8. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 802 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on atorage and moving Coatraeta taken on Job or hr. Globe Van A Storage Co.. JA. 4322, AT. 2220. 220-24 North 14th St TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 8822. BUSINESS PROPERTYRENT OFFICES FOR RENT. TeL JA. 4120 Excellent store room, ground floor; also desk and window display space on Farnam St Good lo cation. FOR RENT Building at 19th and Nlch olaa street: ' three-story, suitable for general storage or garage. TeL AT. 3000. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. SUITE of offices facing Farnam St Very aealrable for two doctors. Apply 400 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Choice small office facing elevator. Apply o first Nat Bank Bldg. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARS- HOUSE CO, nth and Jonea St WANT TO RENT WANTED A modern unfurnished 4 or 6 room apartment In good neighborhood, with garage. Three adulta and a small quiet bull dog. Call WE. 113t LOANS ON REAL ESTATE OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS. O-KBEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 11 On. Nat Bk. sM Jackson 2T14, 210 TO 214 6 loan mad promptly. F. D. WKAD snd D H. BOWMAN, tl l llth St. Wead Bide At 21 22. for The Bee by Sidney Smith lootimaii iti;i lVivrs tmc Ststcwa. - Awm 500 Buck LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WK have cash on hand to loan oa Omaha resiucBcea, E. H. LOUOEE, INC. H2 K.eline Bldg. Kflrm TianQ ) delay oa western - ... NeB farm, ranches, Klok Investment Co.. 246 Om. Nat'l Bk. FIRST mortgage loana made promptly an Oman real estate. Sbopen 4k Co Realtor. J A. 4222. tu Keellna Blag. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. OAHV1N BROS., 246 OMAHA NAT Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO.. 606 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2292. Southeast corner ICth and Douglas 8ts. BONDS. STOCKS, MORTGAGES Liberty Bonds SIACK'S BOND Bought and Sold. HOVSE 1421. lat Nat. Bk. AT. 2644. J. H. MITHEN nhys most for LIBERTY bumlis. zi city Nsti Bank wag. NEBRASKA LANDS . 40-Acre Home Tt Only 2 mile west of Omaha on the Blair high road, which is slated for pavement. There are TWELVE ACRES in CONCORD AND MOORES EARLY GRAPES. I have just completed a new set of Improvements on this 40. FINE 6-ROM.", HOUSE, soreened-m porch. LA ROB NEW BARN. LARGE NEW HOO HOUSE snd a good chicken house. The Improvements are located In 'a fine ORCHARD in full bearing. There are 2 aires In beautiful WALNUT GROVE. 10 acres in ALFALFA, balance in .CORN. I" am moving' tt California and must aell this farm at. once. Am pricing it (100 an acre less than the 40 join ing .it. Will make mighty eaay terms. These grapes alone will bring you In an income of over 26,000 a year. Think this over. Possession at once. S. S. Montgomery, 678 Brandela Theater Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Do You Want to Buy Land? Tell the number of acrea desired, whether improved or unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down, etc.. and I will assist you in lo cating Buch a farm or ranch as you are seeking. I have no land of my own to aell, nor do I represent any land sell ing company. My assistance In locat ing a farm or ranch for yon 1 free. Write Hometinder, Box Y-1925. Omaha Bee. FARMS Writ M. A Laraon, Central X niVlJ.O city. Neb., your want for acreage tracts, farms NORTH DAKOTA LANDS. FOR SALE One section of land in Jied River Valley, North Dakota.- one mild from town on Northern Pacific railroad: 75 miles north of Grand Forks. 2 miles from Red Riwr. All in cultivation; no waste land, all level black loam, clay subsoil; good ; house, barn, granaries. Never failing water supply. Will sac rifice for 237.50 per acre, if sold by July 15. John Foster, 1601 N. Main. Dayton. O. WISCONSIN LANDS. 80 ACRES good, heavy, level, hardwood, fruit land, six miles west of Bav- . field. Wis.. 215 per acre. Inqulra of Wm. Bushey, Spooner, Wis. WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for sale, APTS. for rent. W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keelina Bldg a.x. 8980. List your home-Buy your homa. BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Loans, Rental. JA. 1221. To buy or sell Omaha Real Eatate aee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1428. Charles .W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. " 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 4648. Reed & Co., Real Eatate and Insurance. 1207 Farnam St Phone AT. 6148. GRIIENTf? Hm" Co- with 1418 Firs' Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J A. 1966. RTRKFTT REAL estate A,11'J:-,-J A Sells. Rents. Insure. 350 Peters Trust Bldg., JA. 0632. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, Shi per cent AMOS GRANT CO., 201 S 18th, Arthur Bldg. AT. 8280. NEW home, completely financed. Pay like rent C. T. SPIER A CO.. Realtor. 204 Peter Trust Bldg. DO. 4227. AT-Lantlc 1111 means HOME REALTY CO., 1019-20 W. O. W. BWg. W buy and sell Omsha home. WANT 2 or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first: have cash. Bog 12L Omsha Bee. GEO. T. PORTER A CO. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. 102 South 18th. AT. 2994. LIST your homes for sale with us. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. GROVE-HIHBARD CO, modern bouses. 226 Ry. Excbg. Bldg. AT 456. LIST your property with R. t. Clrk Co Securities Bide LIST your propert with W. Smith Co, 1220 Farnam St Farnam Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 2445. Western Real Eatate Co J A. 262T. ACREAGE FOR SALE For Sale . Four acrea. with improvement. Just west el fMoay farm. High, sightly 20- tstton. . - . , - George & Co., Realtors At:satla 1021. - ACREAOE FOR BALE" Quarter Acres ' $3 Down, $5 Monthly I 4 oMtbweet of Omaha Field risk s4 Ml Mori sf l'ir trsl. I'rua !t The liyron Reed Company tvayg ! UI9 Feieem fci AN'Ji'HK l griitud fur""il lT7 Kraals soalk an the flltd si lit Ml. i. . ,J VACANT PROPERTY Choice Building: Site lad ss Cai'lt! Ave, an at the finest lot-aiiote in Ituitile. auuih frutit letU2 ft- Two kliMt lu isr lia-. atrial Usee paid la full This lot luual l sold. 24aa ue aa (tr. George & Co., Kealtors Atlantic 9HS4 lit Imiwn . Mo.NTH Fta earner fa- n nulh and eset. er and water in aiieet, near rar, H I MAKVILI.IC. rualixr -AT ttl 212 I'elera Trust l4. Ralston Lots KsV!" KK payment. I bona Stewart, luistoa 2-V. ii'MKK lt.""eTi:i, on 6ih HI. near r'amem; moire lot; will rnsidr raa. offer, f A. Iletmmel. I'hiint J A. 1412. Ll'MiEE M. n . catner elih and Har ney. 0sH.o beautiful location. Triced to sell 9I.OO. KE. . ' Vt ILL build tn veur order on eur bautl. ful lot ia Kdgewaod; vrry ay tsisaa. AHsntie 914 NORTH SIDE PROPERTY ' 2122 CAMDEN Ave . ( rooms, moj.rn wllh half sera of fruit. II. COO rash, lelertc monthly 9 He Wltlg JA, "200, ' I) R. KliCK A CO. buy and sail home. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY 3068 S. 34th Street . Thl la a (-room two slnry homo i frame and stucco, located In a home owning community of new homes, taaat front lot on paved atrret and paved alley. Convenient to csr. stores 1 and school. Th interior Is finished In ok snd white enamel with oak floors throughout. Ha built-in features Lt us show you and you will be convinced. Price 14,100. Terms. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor JA. 0212 112 Rrsndele Th. Batg. Field Club Bargain $6,750 Six rooms, sleeping porch and -axh, large south front lot with splendid shrubbery, tree and fsrden; garage; paving paid. Close to car and ecnooi. OSBORNE REALTY CO. E20 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2JAJ Choice Field Club Home Owner Leaving City SEVEN rooms and bath; fireplace; com plete In every detail; choice south fremt lot Priced right JA. 2282. i i 2010 SOUTH 32D AVENUE. A fine five-room house on the car Una Just being built. Best of material and workmanship. If Interested call E. ,& Carae. AT. 7412 days. 7-ROOM modern home on Charles Streel; oak floora, hot water heat; garage, dandy basement: some fruit; real bar gain. 22.000. Tel. DO. (968. 2042 S. 24TH ST. Six-room bungalow. 17.220. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor. 312 Brandei Theater Bldg. JA. 0582. " (-ROOM, dandy home oa I St., rea4. hu; CENTRAL PROPERTY 18-ROOM fftie brick, close In, dandy "in vestment. 110.260. DO. 8958. . WEST, SIDE PROPEKTY 3227 Lafayette Avenuet -Montclair Addition X ' One of the most attractive home (n thl new district Just east of Bemts psrk. Kellastone stucco construction r 7 nice -rooms, large living room with fire place; 2 bedrooma and sleeping porch, tile bath and ahower. Very nicely deco rated throughout. Lot 70x120. Cemejit driveway and garage. Arrange with, jis for inspection. ' Glover Spain, Realtors ja. znso, 918-20 City National. West Farnam s Semi-Bungalow Four large rooms, breakfast room, toi let and lavatory, first floor; three bed room's and bath, second floor; dandy Farnam rar service. A real bargain-fur 7,m0. Part cash. . Osborne Realty Co., ;t 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2281. West P'arnam Bungalow Owner Leaving City , Five rooms and sun room. Cralgstone bungalow; at on the one floor; oak and white enamel finish. Dandy lot Saun ders achool and Farnam car servrca. 21,100 cash snd 265 a month will handle. Osborne Realty Co. 5S0 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. S6.750 Easv Terms Seven rooms Rnd sleeping porch. Buni for a home. Fine oak floors and isi- isii. run oasemem. t ronts east and close to car and good school. If - frim have teen waiting to buy a bargain this Is your opportunity. . i Glover & Morell, 'u AT. 3623. 702-704 Keeline BWg. TWO NEW DUNDEE BUNGALOWS, Just finishing, 5 extra large roftjns, - breakfast nook, buffet, etc.; all oak snd enamel finish: highest .class construction throughout; choice east front lots, psv ing nearly all paid, ready for occupancy in about a week. Prices 36.600; abaait 21.500 cash. We are anxious to show you. . .,. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. AT. 0721. Bemis Park District5 " Seven rooms and hath, strictly mfii ern. 60xl67-foot south front lot; garage; priced right, 25,250, 21,000 cash. Osborne Realty Co. " 630 Peters Truat Bldg. Jackson 2282. TWO apartment home. 41st and Dodge. 10 rooms, 2 baths, garage. A snap. 21.500 cash. Call JA. 32fil. 4 ROOMS modern. 2th and Capitol At., sell 23.0CO. DO. 8958. - DUNDEE PROPERTY Attractive Home 5-room bungalow, oak floors through out; living room and dining room, oak; finish; built-in bookcases and . kitc&en. cabinet: south front; full cemented base men!; good heating plant. House" not over 2 year old. Near school and car line. Located in pretty part of Benson. Payne & Carnaby Ca"" 216 Omaha Nat'l Bk. JA. 11 FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAY sells snd trades KE. 14T MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY Easy terms. AT. 8428. C. E. BELMAN. real estate, In. AT. ttto. e tj p. . f Homt and Speculation1'1 Has very large living room with firs place and bookcases, good sized dining room -with built-in features. Four bedrooms and hath, and large slues inc porch. Maid's room on third floors Full basement. laundrT. a-arasrs ana driveway. A first claas horn and carries with it splendid speculation pot-, tibilities. Harney street fa steadily! increasing in value. This is a good buy at 210.000. Terms can be ar ranged. Ask for Mr. Nelson. -I Hasting & Heyden 1614 Harawr St AT Untie 4X250. Loan. MOTTtSf J ftistslMaj