9 THF. OMAHA REE: TfESPAY. JUNE 27. 22. i SlttPYoT.lME TALES V. iT HE TA F nr !'.! UK I II IV WOODPECKER' 4 w r -A UIMTFR V. Tt RHcipa. 9idy W .j,-kff . -. "Jcf, till i.-. 'I'd ttk h'r: n t ! 't c'4 ttr nir.n -nj :. ' 1 4 !:e.f ' 0 Vi - " . !,, -J'fj 1 kf . e'f ike rvrrtMrrt ii ! i'r 'That fM;'y i-mlfff ' ll'l;td. II I C . .f I I. ef ' it M" You cu t fcv club with 01J9 o wia-.bri'" . Kft ind rr''.di.-t ip :' U ti.t b,'d 111 t-e neighbor lor.d ' Air. trow tu.fn fr trie m?;;ir lor t:n-t. , " "I tli'ii't udr.r-t wha: li.n.ri 'uf i'jr mails." lie . 1 i.ist "I've tern th'::ViRt ibut loinin tbe Jub. And 1 hive no red ta:1." "That trui-. Mr trow.'" )b:iiy i(rfc!. "Ard that'.", tbe reso:i v by you fn't loin n:y il ii). N'obod' t!iil !ifMi't ar a red up can be a trtyi bt r of The ki"doap " Mr. I row locked djggers at him. "Humph!" crier lhc i !d :;vr.:I nan. ' I u In en thiukirp ibout .vi:vnii the club. Put I've decided nt to do it." Reddy Woodpecker nnl."d nt h'm. And tr kihu rtarou Mr. C'ow Le-can-r angry. "H"'v i:uny :,.tir.bcrs hae your dub'-" hr squawked ' One !" Ktddy tr!d him. 'Ha'" the oid ieliow . xc!:i ncd. "Veu car't have a club with only ore mi'mher." . "I ixr-ect that eve'1 of the heirs will i.";n The Redcap t ::ti-.t-rbw," f ild Reddy Woodpecker. "1 hev're oulv waiting for a:; iuvi- taT-on." , ' Let n:e fee," Xlr t. roe munrr.reJ. "Trrere's .ytiir tjusiu Mr. Flicker. He e;irs a red paten on the hack of his head. Eat you can't tall n a cap." "I call it a cap." Reddy Wood pecker told him. "Mr. Flicker j fo ing to get an invitation." t. Crown then mattered some thing about cousin, and adtied ome thirj rtrire" alinut l-.ird nt a leather flocking together. And then he aid? "There's, the Downy Woodpecker, and there's the Hairy Woodpecker boih cousin oj.eur-, too. They've only what yoti might cali a touch of red on the backs 01 their neCKf; but J sunoose '' "Yes! I'm eoing to ;nvite them to! join the Redcaps." Roddy Wood- i pecker interrunted. ; Mr. Crow looked terribly upset, j though he claimed it was no more j than 1 e bad expected. "That will he about .-ill the numbers you will! pet." he added. "Oh. no!" Reddv exclaimed. "You forget Mr. Sapsuekc-r. He has a j 6cark-t cro.vn. I'll want him." j Mr. CrOW SWalJOWcri Hard a i times Lnt said nothing. "Then there's the Kuhy-crowned Kinglet." Ke,ddy we-t on. "He's going to have an imitation. And so is Mr. Kingbird.' ' Xc t .!r. Kingbird!" sr-titUTed old lit. Cro. "His crjwn orange colored." "It's red enough for me.' Reddv retorted. ' And of cour.-'- 1'il ak littie Mr. Chiopy to join u." "Nonsense!" cried Mr. Crow. "His cup is only ches'.'iu! -colored.' "It's red nougii nv Reddv " ' -locr'. - r-r rp'ririlffl IP U i 1 Til Y01C". ' 'v onoHrfcJ" r .1 j Pui-r... . i.. nnalled I suppose vcu i a tne ..q iJttii.ru i , - -i f 4 whole Wood Tiirush lami.y. to--1 ;.i:d their roufin. .Mr. eery, mur heads are reddiE-K " 'NTc Thcv're too brown ior ?.h.m A ' V -t-v s great rt.:-i " rat zbn Dundy urwn i Thrasher?"' M Crow" in.iirrcd ; "What ahout h; head?" "Too brcw.nl'' "Wei!," said old Mr. Crow. ' Kiad to see you have a little h But on the whole these Redcaps fo:rg 1o h? a queer lot." 'Cory right, is:: l m ; i p.se. ' sre ! Octogenarian Die William P. Crawford, 80, resident of Omaha sir.ee 18t. UMS Kinney ; s'reet. died Saturday following a brief iilnrs. He served f s-ecrt-tary to the Union Fscife. land rie-, r-artment titd his retiren-.ent in ion. He would have been PI M:n dav. Birtlis and Deaths Rirthn. Joe tzi Sli-y Pe.'ha. :''rS CsstfT.sr St.. 'iiiar imi ar.d Mathilde Th-rup. :: E t . bev John and Edna Blotk. H'h ar.1 N Sts . Sam and Sa.nta Nillor.e. i:th and Lerust Carl' and Thelrra Holltns. hospital, boy P.otrt and Kathryn Pearson, hospital. bev W sr-.r' l.am and Ttieresa Dohse, hosp-.tsl. John and Mabel Lamontia. 2 :i outh ::th St., boy. ! Frank and Alice Kretci. 14M South 11th ' St . bov Etiger.e and Ev Og'ebay. ho: ar i Frank and Vera Dearth, hoap.t Antrf.o and Marie Nigro. 1.15 South 6th Herbert and Margaret Vash.-'i. 401 Cr-ien Ave . .:"!. Philip and S"'a Ri.'-'i. IJ!J V St. girl. ! Hrary and Anna Hauses. 4-lt South IftSi St.. girl. Deaths. Florlan Pollre.s. 47 year.. 2733 South th St. PabT Hollir.s, Infant, hospital Albert K. De Wolf. .-: yea-s. hr"a". Stephen Oriar.do Crawford, i yars. Ill South frith Ave I A BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS CHIROPRACTORS. Porlonn DR- A. N, ChirpracUr. SOI VariSOIJ p., to, block. AT. 1747. w. ttrt. Office hr... 11 ai. m.- 10 p. lav IS am n.i iff l Fined for Fraud A?.. Man 1'lr.tl. t.uiliv io l'ine Mail tu Drfraifi. r? r r. H U i) tH f eU ! : 'r iti.r-i 'n ("Jil ind j .!.-. T. t ! J H fit-l gUilt to I tc , ' i 1 1 i.. ; i p r.a i to d. f . : -f.-.rf J c,! Til,-? WiM-i . " V He ): d J-VM 1 '!". Wi4i . ij.j.f.ifhirg 75.! ' t i : 1 i .t.f ! ! r t guilty of j ! -ir.'t.t f i !h ificttr.frt erf I 1 -i ir ' ' !! J t Ktr-'rr, I'n.tfd I vt j"oi..ry :;i jecwrur.f r.d:rtf the ..ii- :: in 1 he .. J -ii 1'. AUi!i. Dr 1 u ' I f r K rr !- V.'fiv in .fur ha'.!h nd Omaha Bee "Want" Ads Enable You io Tell the whole state. Instead of using a megaphone to shout your wants to the few people who might gather within hearing dis tance, you get into immediate touch with more than 70,000 subscribers in Omaha and Nebraska each day by using the "Want" Ad columns of The Omaha Bee. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES jrvivtl t' i r iim'i. Mr tod Un 'i.iuitt), lv trt'ttit r. t'aliirl td Wil-j ! !.."i. U'nii f.'ui.-i r.i1nie till Sftncr ("I Uidb'Mif 11. oil: -Kg tl i. M ! Btin.r.!. . hurch hi in Imirmml 3a ji.i 'iry rtn.nery. tikhorn. Net . I auiv. utut.ii.ii niuriutiy is' iil.LTc.-tM tJ.. It . t'.oky. ! M r.r. M : urMrd Mr h. hit HHI.M Mr r.i1 Mil J H . ul Mulim. , tl : i-r.e troti. r. fi. H. ' Kuriirt! r.ui .e ltrr UfiiUtmrni mor I-try "i . h'l' ' 1.1' Hl'f June :: 1 Funt'; Tu.'-liiy rr.'i.'r.ng f:cm refci 1 flt'i.. ;"tf W M , bl 4 p m liiierniem ; ir. -ai.it I'arK (muy. ti ntle mto ii. or : ury tl:fcr;e LODGE NOTICE. .LI.i.KVl-E i hsT.'r No n :he Kuj'hi Arvh ir ej June . " Sw Wjai.If. j'ntu.n and rui.K r i.Tili..y ir.:i :. P. a. M . i!l 1 Wed- ed Hayea oran- ' K H. V Wni Warwick. Secy. FLORISTS LEE LARM0N fr,n; ! UV IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWOBOL-A. 1415 FAKNAM ST RE ST. I. HEM-KRSON. HCT Farnam. JA. H-. jiTijN BATH. 14M Farnam. J A. l0t. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to -ts: ack ti Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. riSAMBULANCESlRV.?aB Thirty-lWrfl and Faroanu Heafey & HEAFEY Undertakera and Embalmars. Phor. HA. Pitt. Otfica ;etl Farnam Hulse & Riepen, Funefal Directors. :2I4 Cuming. ! CROSBY-M00RE BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS Ai'CC'RDkiX PLKATl.NG. c'Ci'P.DIOX. side, knife, box pleating, v.'Vered l-uttons. all styles: hemstitch- inf. buttcnbolet. Write Idea! Button si t Pleatin? Co.. SOS Brown Block, Crmaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1136. NEB. PLEATING K ed Bn tor.s. 1 S 06 Farnam, :i Fluor. I-ANCIN'i ACADEMIES LHAP.N to dance; summer classes: 18 lea- aor.s. H. Keep s, mi Farnam. DO. S440, O'.iN TRACTORS GARAGES built, any style and size. S100 up. Concrete work. Mrcklln Lumber & i Wreckmrr Co. Tel. WE. 6555. CAKI'HNTEK P.emadehnK, 4'.1'.0. wtk tiy contract or hour, repairing and garages. KE. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS. 50 each. 13 a full set f-11 Securities Bids., 16th and Farnam. K R. Page, Det;t:st, Id Bldg Of AT. ... f4:' Worid-Her-Eve. KE. 0772. 1'ETECTIVEP. RELIABLE Ex. iiidg.. I'etective JA. iOH: Burtau. Raiiwaf fiignt, KE. 3S12. ' lnPndtnt Detective Bureau. 80 Neville Bik. AT. isM ; nipht, WA. 4045 ; KE. C46 UAMES ALLAN, $12 NevUie Bik. Evidence 6t.rured in a casei AX nu DRESSMAKING. : k'mtrideriritf. drwmaklns. AT. 1717. Ft'F.R ER3. -TT'TT'DC remodeled, relined, cleanp. X" UliO Kr.ee-er Alaska Fur Co.. 203 so 1 'h St DO. 7m. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tbe Ensign Co.. Howard St. MATTRESSES. CITY MATTRESS TX). Mattresses made over. New tick.. Bux Springs Repair i. 115 C'irr.tnr St. AT. 47 PKINTING EDDY Frintlng Co. Ill tV II Bl ro. H4t. PAINT AND-PAPER-H A N G T S O . PLASTERING, cement work, alas paint ir.gecc5 papernar.glng. A. Carlaou, WS. f.41 P. TH I ESSEN, p. ir.g. fi u I? pe per F.es; worli. ar.d paperhaag r, including pa- LUPT'l'N Dnr.-.er. cla.ty ; c heap for ins.de v ork eash. AT. S717 iaintin: ' 79.r'. J and pap A. RCaB rhacg-cg. Call AT '.'STE. 'PATHS JlABi:!, WESSON, csteopath. 143 '3-H-:.-a Bid. At. . Ja. 7:. F VlllNT ATT. "FtXEIS. J. W Dodce C 1 Martin. rs:e,-,t Attorney. 171S loom :('!. Also Washington. D. el- inventors sell their patent.. STATIOVEKY. WED! ING mv.tstions and announeement. printed or er.c-avcdi aamplea aent upon request. Bra-ideis Frlnttng department. MIS 'ELLANF.. 'US ANN' 'UNCEMINTS GAITED sad-lie horses for rent by hour or day. All are gentle. My personal attention given to beginners. Smith . Crane, proprietor Oil AHA RIDING ACADEMY. Ak Sar-Ben Field Phone WA. SOU. diamonds, rnc. with privilege to buv ba:k at JEWELRY CO.. 16th Sr. Te7h- small profit- GROSS C'maha, Neb., 402 N. I -e DO. t4. CM AH A PILLOW CO. Mattresses maae ovr :n new ticks at ha:? price cf new teds. P:lws rencvated and made up in new feather pro"f ticking. Old bed ticks washed 1 S-'T Cuming JA. I46T. TO pr.teit your trees from damage done by w orrr.s and other insects, have them eprayei by :r. Hnrr.e Landscape Ser vice i . ,11 N :4th. It' eil TA t.1 1 I u'e W i4ic. . . v - I nH ete. Omaha Fixture A fiurpl CfL a W. Cor. 11th and Denglast JA. 1714. DR. Lo'.. N. Ssternoff, disease ef womea and children. Hi N Vert St. AT. 7l. PRESCRIPTIONS care'af ly romrxrendeel at I tiie t Shermaa k McConaell Drug stores. 1 -rue r5iTyfnc l fc--- G0& rXatos.Wi tf. 6.MP LOOK M" law ?0"VTOtS . A a ft Aa ML . A . . BURIAL VAULTS CEME. TERIES A L' r DMA TIC H.llcg conir.i. burial .ulu Hc.mirieiiJ4 and for taif j by all leadiag undertaker. Winr. rrMif. no f.ael Io tux. bo od to d ca. Ineiat nr lh. AVTOMATIC 6EAU j ISO VAl LT Bia.ufacturtd y Omaha I'increia Burial Vault Co. Clt N. 10th, , "ir"aha tel. Kenwood S6TT. Visit Forest Lawn ! A fcut.fjl new kkttion bi re.tntly fcn opfrr.td in Form lan r-mtry fAortb of city lin.tti). It is but u; rtm tc itrt a !nt btfore hbto.ute n-cM!iy comi .i bt. !( dj to. StlitJ for booklet. FORLtT LAWN f'EWETLRT ASSOCIA TIN Brr.d-.fc Tbtatcr B;dfc'. PERaONALS p m Soloiaia'THE 8ALVAflCN Army Jnduair.al homa B'.ike All torn- i aollclta your old clothing, furniture. n.aii;ne ua collect. We diatnDute, Phone DO. 4135 and our wagon UI calL tall aad Infract our new homa. UK- Ili:-I114 Dodge St. I PRIVATE rest home tor aged and invalida Traiaed nurse In charge. Terras reaaun al.le whstr 5i4 MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray with massages 114 6. 11th. treatment AT. SI1. THEATRICAL historical maarjua-costumea, ' for plasnd fartles. at Lieben. Omahu. SVLPHl'B hatha. Swadieh maaaage, thl- i ropody. Evaninga to 1. JCI S. 10th B'. ; ELECTRIC BATHS for nervoumes. "JIM" Write me. Dong Beach. Ca! Ruth F. :5 Bosweil, MATERNITY HOME 1612 Emmett. FISHER oath, uiaat.ge. S20 Arthur Bldg. EXPERT MA88AOB. ATLANTIC lt. BENT vacuum cleanera. 7&c. HA. 1071. EXPERT MASSAGE. HO N. KTH. Osteology treatment. Aptmt. AT. 6145. LOST AND FOUND LOST Open-face, aroid. 5-jewel Eigin watch with cid hand end aluminum fob. Reward if returned to Douglas Ptg. Co . IMh and Dodge. LOST c-n Eimwood park goif links or at 1 end ef LeavtnwortK car line, bunrh vt j keya with traveler s jneuraice identifi- j ration tag. Finder plea fee tail DO. Shtts. i LOCT Diamond pm on Benson t ar or at ; Kruas park. Saturday evening. Be- ; ward AT. S14. j LOST Female Airedale in the ne'.phbor hood of 4lit street and Burt. Return to 4156 Burt. Walnut 4e7r.. Reward. I LOST Downtow. peRcil; reward. district, gold HA. :607. Hember ATTRACTIONS HIGHMORE. SOUTH DAKOTA. I Is going to celebrate the 4th of July 1 and wants a MERRY-GO-ROUND Can also use a Ferris wheel and a few good shows. Will make good proposi tus. Want quick action. Write or w.re W. W. Swanaon. Highmnre. S. D. WANTED Mc-rry-go-round, c-onceseiors, ehow-s, games of all kind? for Juiy 4;h.. V'r.te or wire Ralph Potter or G. L. Potter. Jefferson, la EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, eomptometry, short hand and typewriting ; railroad and wlrelesa telegraphy, civil service and all English aod commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson jH& fori Urge Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College Boyies Bids.. Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Bus.ness. Day and Evening Schools "O Omaha National Baalt Bldg. Douglas 6s0. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and pi if Karbach Bik. JA. 10S1. i MALE HELP WANTED i BRICKLAYERS wanted at once. Sia bricklayers at Woodward, la.. 110 a day. Carl Sehlachter, Woodward. la. ; DO you want to Increase your income? i Write the National Auto ScheoL 1114 I N. :flth St.. Omaha, for aatalog. FARM HAND wanted. Husband ar.d wife on farm through harvest and seeding; man must be able to run binder, woman t cook for her husband and another rr.an. Rerular wapes. Write at once. I. O. Pfeiffer. Chaprell. Net". MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 6. 14th. Write for catalog. . SALESMEN By a large p-ublishine house, a man, Us to Ss. with selling ability, to travel in central and western states, calling on schools, preferably one who hss bad high si hool teaching exp.er;r n- e; gcod salary, permanent position. Write, gtv rig particulars. E. M. Moore. P. O Box 101. Vadis n S'-. New York City. N. Y. SALESMEN We have openings for two salesmen of experience and ability. We wsnt men accustomed to making 15.000 per year or more and w-ho can demon strate ability to handle other men. Giv ing telephone number. add--ss Box Il l's. Omaha B for r -vw SALESMAN Erper.er.cfrd tra-v-: Lg Jf- j; man covering radius lin m. ;es ' rr.aha j Splendid line traveling bags, suit ceses , and leather good. Commissicn Fall j " line rfady State experience and par- . Ticular. Peeriess Bag and Suit Case j Co . 4? Broadway. New York i SECRET service men. write A. W. FULL DRESS suite ana Tuxedos for reot w.iker. Dist. Mgr. :"K secret .ervic j ja. Sill. 10 N. 16th St. L reldman. men wanted at once, n.t pay end ex pense.. .aey P O. Box JIT work. A. w. Walker, Great Bend. Kan SALESMEN to atart on a l"'fi salary con- tract to thoae onT that can quality, for an appointment cali E. B. Griffith. WE. ''S7. SALESMEN WANTED Thre. wideawake men t 11 oil. See Mr. Williams. 1107 Leavenworth. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable, permanent and pleasant work Training free tY. . H xenauth. 114 St. Marys. WANTED Men. ladies and boys to leara barber trade: big demand; wages while learning: atnctly modern. Call or writ. 140J Dodge St Tri-Cttr Barber College. WAFFLE Spalding. BAKER Experienced . 1II Farnam St. apply Eee Want Ads Produce Kesu'tr. IN COtORi tC'NDAV tit r? in A uvr iix MALE HELP WANTED !.KAH.KS and .(..hhtia. tapenemed. m-aJy aurcti t.r. good . Au- r.rt.and Wou.en M.l'a. fortiand, AGENTS WANTED j tvr frriir mi? ii dmfe at u'stntt M;!iitr.i tan t. cUi sn ' t a inr t.ry and net ever f fcaia t.n inMii'ld ArtUia ivlla fcr f!. Yuu t Ktep 13. VoJunira of trio- rtni'ura ,-r r k or m-i'tii h i .a. ciuy limited b ur : own t-ff. rt The more furintrn yr-u ' t:. niore yi-u JI An Omaha irou'jit T-ui oji by rn(h mn- t":i ' fur : .r icuUra if room i-ST. 1 ;era , TruM Ii.-:ar FEMALE HELP WANTED BV org arnifrtt.c.n with rat. oral ( -re -ril ycung ladic. A.l nr (.art tim ( -;tnv Hfce r..' Pji-ry g unraT.H ( d i.n- a'l f ilre nn-1 tt.tihcrifc riunier. B.x B-'t, I ' ' CilhL cio .d. unite, to at uith gener al housework. HA. tiri. Lin . ...!n B.l. Nl'KSE Kit "Tien-nl . to care- fr . Ii i : d -l-i:earft eld, references required, call' ; wa 1 U'E.Vl ERS and apnr.trj. wanted, experi t ri.ed S":ta1y. attrar!:e uvrk. pood I wai;fj Api'iy Portland Woolen Wills, i I ortlar.i! c-c SITUATIONS WANTED M AKRIEI man u;ih .pht vt:i genTral off :c - exr eru ni.e. t ping a ml ears i ut ' k p-r.f n-1-. lif.re-fr I'M ma-nt-r.t pof.x '.on . kr;n if-dge ff bookkftr r.p guejii tduc ut iott , rt fert n-.t. Jiot H 1:4 BOY 11 want, farm tefore t.n ce on fa :n. hus bfan on V ItH. Olsen. H 1'AY work wanted Web '-G. tap. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Fords! Fords! New and Vsed. Caph or Terms. We have them all prices a! ir.odels. Ke sure end E?e us befor? you b.j-. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Servir t Station " Author. 2td Ford and Linco.n Df&lers. 15th and Jackson Sis. DO. ISC". Oj en Sundays from S till 11 a. m. REAL CSED CAR BARGAIN'S, Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from K0 and up. Dodge, BuicLs and others, fltO and up Ford bodies w inter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. 3 31 S Harnty St. Centra. Garagp. 1 HCDSOX 4-prs. Super-Six ppee-ister; I nitkle radiator, rord. tirep; locks like a new tar. Will sell cheap, See today. 1 Cash or terms. SG12 Farnam St. DO. i SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 35th and Jackson Sis. DO. 3r-0ft OVERLAND baby 4 touring. lf:n model; looks like new. A real buy in a liifht late m:de! touring. Sl'75, cash or terma. 20S2 Farnam fit. DO. e?S7 Bl'ICK light six touring car, refimshed. new tp; moior overhauled A bargain fit Hi.", rash or terms. 01: Farnam j St. I'i Sf7 ! FOR SALE A su-ryinder Kistel-Kar; good running condition; cheap for cash, HA. SSii: BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. :6th and Farnam Sis. Phone DO. 1170. FORD roadster. 191''' model; starter, new j tires. Perfect mc-tor; cheap; cash or I terms. 2'f,2 Farnsm St. Douglas H7, i LOOK over our iist of used cars. I THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. :Pi.6 Farnam St. AT. 7f;5. i I FOKD parts. Front axle. 14: spindle, II: ! front radius rod. II. Neb. Auto and j I Pb rt a Co.. ir.lt Harney St. i i USED Ford parts at half price. Part, for j all standard make cars. Neb. Auto.) ! Parts. It'lf Hsiney St. rKEE inspection and water for ail makes battery. Battery and Part. Co.. 2416 Farnam St.. AT. IM4. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne- j braaka Oldsmobiie Co.. ISth aud Howard ! Sts. AT. 1770. , i FOR SALE Electric Olen Wilcox, llOd Bluffs. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Graen ough Radiator Repair. i0S Farc.r". ASK about our 'day Auto P.epair t Serv TFF.IFFERS. JfIS Leavenworth. STEARNS KNIGHT tciirmc. A-l shat-e; good tires. Cash or terms. WA f'.i''. BRISCOE touring. WA. 6491. fine conait.on. 115?. Bl'ICK Nail ft, ia'.e model w.lwter 63S1. sacrifice frr cash. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. M2 S. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For .ale. . few unclaimed. .11-wool "Dundee" .uit.. cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15tfc and Harney St.. I ARMY shoes. 12.10. TM No. Hth. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. EXCELLENT cherries. Picker, w.nted. lie ( r't 74th and Military, per basket. W A. CHERRIES ard curranta for sa,e W ALSTROM S. 10th and Sprague HOUSEHOLD GOODS Auction ! Auction ! Six-room home of furniture, at ISM W;!u Ave iil be sId at auct.on at the res dene e. Wflneeday at 1 p. m. H. E. Gay. Owner. James L. Dowd, Auctioneer v r r s-s ? t 1 1 1-7 r - v" v A; . 'r ; ifw II A. 111 I -V Mil I. T. I I 1 y 1 J I L vr I IIP x) 7 r" 1 1 Jtrz Ail 1 v. 1 i k a ; THF RUKAL ANANIAS I U I 11 1 1 11 L.. I .AJIIIIUI J I.'-1 I 1 ' ,IL 1 hii I t 0 TQf AKQ tvh vEtk LJrT etkl kruf & . . n il f HOUSEHOLD GOODS t A ITpTT(iV I AMPTTfiV rt W -a vy. . UVlVal. Tl tM)AV t KMNG, j ; n k at ; n. iDimock Furniture and Auction House :t:a Sojth itih sire !, tier., thing in H'luseh. !-l Gocaa ek'id a: Au'i.uo G. C. DIM0CK, Auctioneer to Be Kl.Ei-TKlC WAEHIKii HACHIN'fcS retailed at acho:etale pr.cra I'i tua Itia t.e.-t Prion Ioutal 44!S. i S'-l.ll m.hrnLi.y btdrooiii OkK dibtng otnrr turn1 ! rf.i-m and 1..:fk room sa.ta lur- ar.rt t ki r ta a 4 Pine St. AT. ST4. POULTRY AND PET STOCK luh JSALf Reg stered ftma.le Airedale. 1 inot.tr.a old. alo I up 4 iiior'ha o3. el.gt bie fr-r r-ir:atrat;on. 4H Burt Wli.itt .cferl:Lgs 11. i.0 l.er ItO lha . A. W. Uth. JA. 1142. Warner. ! N 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TKAl'ii your ue:-d tiano on a new flayer i'iai.0. Ba.ance as lew ae t'.O per n.jr.tb. A Ht'SPK CO, 1 51 S Douglas , tXCEH JOXAL va.ufa in u-e4 phono- irr..t h t ' n uLai rifi rrirtj' lr- char ! & WiUhelm. W !!.L AT s'cie i.abo for ue Nu children. MIS C ELLANEOUS FOR SALE L'XPEKT aeaing tnaihine repa.rir.g. MICKELS. Hth and Harney. DO 1171 BOTTLES New and used. Nathan Stelnhr;. toil Harney. Do. Stet. RADIOS made and repaired; worn guar anteed. 12117 Dodge. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bo-JEht. sold, rented and , repaired. Sola agents for tb CORONA, Get our rnces befot. y) lay. Every Central Typewriter fixe, Uifle uiLiq bj gi oinctu, HIS Farn.m. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, .old and traded. J. C. P.ted, 12(7 Farnam. AT. 6146. Call WE. (441 fir6t Wa pay mors for I furniture, rurra, stores, clothes. BUSINESS CHANCES GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK FOR SALE. KP 6C'9 slock vt general merchandise in county s-at town In Nebraska. Best location and most modern store. Win lease or sell building. 4M132 it- Ex cept ional : good patronage and clean stock Same location and rnanagemant for thirty yeas. Selling on account of sickness-. Address Y-193I. Omaha Bee. V. S PATENTS for sale. iSnn-iiesa con crete, all tti;ed out, stronger than sand concrete, light in weight, dofs not crack : an airifss auto tire. Write In ventor. Claus L.gfcr Gordon Grove. Stock, for sale at l.arpmn. W. FARNAM t.MlTH , K10 Farnam St. with lease. CO . J A ti;4 ROOMING HOUSES. ROOMING house for salei ia rooms of i beautiful furniture; good home and good income. HA. Si:0. ROOMS FOR RENT ! WELLINGTON INN. HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH. FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATRACT1VE WEI7KLY RATES. MR. BAMEY. THE MANAGER. WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at olfii-e for list of choice desirable rooms In h:l parts of the city. A eervitu that benefit, both advemer and room aeeker, FURN. rm. with pnv. bath; warm, com fortables cheerful; prlcee reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, cloae la. strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. !J5ti. r: a target.. VEKY ATTRACTIVE front room for cou Plerce. Council tia empioved, private home, breakfast- ON ltri Ave.. I. ar Iarnarn. two furr.,shed rc-Cir.s fcr gentlemen. f:r5. HA. ! FARNAM f:; tie r-.'i-:r v el Lar-e. unusually ettrac f'jrr.iehed an-1 ventilated. BURT ST . ft-ol r---r.s lo-.e.y furnished, nice in. reas AT. 261. RO'-'MS for r-f rifd vate hcrr.e WE ri'- rkmg gins, pn- i -t'- No. 41st Ave. Larg. toni room, hot v ater; g?rt:en.en. WA. 12fc0. ! ! PACIFIC ST.. i.l j roorr.s; rar N.ce'.y furnished, -,e. HA. cool i LOVELY 1 Are. HA. unfurnished 371X. room, K4 S. tl.t T'OUGLAS ST. 14 A nice sleeping room. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping room. 1. the directory fvirmshed to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing deairabi. vacancie. in ail part, of the city. T WENTY-THTRD ST, S Two nice la-ge rocrrts. th-e.r'"?m convenience., modern home: ntce lo-aticn. IA. 47;. FARNAM ST. far-useae-epirg 1167 rooms. furnished Phcre HA. l.gnt 1C4. Cahfrmia St . -I rrnis . rTrde" 1 2 n;re y turn. -,. col. I:gbt Light Housekeeping Rooms. BUAK.U AND KUUM PRIVATE fam'ly. rloee to i ern ard homelike. 17 p. 1 North !h St Call wa. 61 Iw? TM'.WU oJ OH eyrfcia tiut ctf git ,0 HitigiNoCM' FURNISHED HOUSES WILL ahaia . t-ungaloa. I: allrr I' n ICK'rr. Lew I; a MttW. midin Harney f &v HOUSES FOR RENT -New Home, $75 j Park District i T..e laiga roon.s and t.4th Kellatonr i ftrui:y uL to-ihe-iiuLuie To biotas j We.l S.de Paik ar J.kon I trty r.i(e e-r.orn huun newly aecArst a.l EjHi and garge. :i. :l. I'.me AT !. arid AT o.Tl UN a, !-rm. hcui-r. unf uin,a-d. ihidy ard N i'Sd Ki III IHOtl. , APARTMENTS FOR RENT tIUHT-F."'.'M BKKK H.AT. Are you looking ff.r a f.at :n ;ood re-t-a;r. w ht re yu in ( iisi.y n.'ike your i rent hy rentmk i or 1 roi-rre If so. j th.s du;!ea 1 ru k lois'el tit ar atth and , Harney : lust the thint Newly de' o rtttd. Rtr.tal 17c J. L H I ATT COMPANV !S: F ru N.t DK BldF AT !'. , NEW APARTilENTS ry new arartmerite. rt';dy July 1. S.x a. P'rictly rr.Ddern; bcr water, caa targes, t e.'rigeratora. Murphy beds,! r.o th.Idten. D St. HVE.RUf'M APT. Bn Docge. sl.out July 1. ex, ' sure, :er,l l;i'u r . Boil South 4 4-h and and ' WA. ! 1 ARK furnished, in tit tied rfQuirfd AVE - filths i I'ht'ni i hi i . f : r r t n t . k:i- hf r. ntci.f :1 i.. 4, reftrtiKts , and Lf'jug, Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 1 O Q room modern apartments. THB l, , DRAKE RENTAL AOENCX, Hoard St. AT. V7df. JA. i"S. COMFORT all season. aj.eened porches; 1 or 4-rooni apt i'c"-, sleeping N. lid. ST. MARTS AVE., l'51i: entire li fir. of home. 4 rooms, private" "-ath. Adults. ilODLRN 4 and 7 rooms; li w reLt, in. O. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. ciosa , j w FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 'Morns Apartment Hotel, letn ana uoage sis. Ar -art men t ft cons..-? of !. ing OCT! dressing room, kitt henetie and bat!:, Weekly rental inc iuf s ht at. light. ga. j phene arid tr.aiJ ser;te Either uriiy I or permanent guests Phor.e AT. 92 H'. I NEWLY dec-rated fi-room api.rtmer.i. tF'. ; Also 4 rnoms it h i-rouni a- ( ommo- i (istiorif. $T'j. t'hiodo. i';-:h Ave arid Mar'v, ja. 14:;'. South l'4th St.' HUNTER INN Home for tbe travelir.r m&n to his wife in comfort end safety leave :4'l COMFORTABLE 4-room, furnished apait mrtit ; southeast exposure. Dundee. Pnone 'alnul CIST,. Dodee St. 1 WO AND THREE-ROOM eptrtments. Rroan apartments. Ill North illst St. AT. 7449. ALL r we rn apartment, pi . i ate family. MOVING AND STORAGE FTDPT.TTV ST'-iR.VJL A- VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Cocas ar.d P.ans. Redu. ed Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 7-n Howard St. .UeHson f'T'i 11 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. I lot South lt.th. DO. tlfl ESTIMATES furnished on ett.rage and moving Coritracta taken on job or hr. Globe Van A- Storage Co.. JA. 45JI. AT. (CSCi. i:0-:4 North Hth St. . iLL 1 TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER DOUG. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT OFFICES FR RENT. 1 Tel, JA 411 0 Excel!' nt stire room, i . ground f.oor. i.;so elek and window display state on Fatr.am S:. Good io- I cation. I TEL. DOUGLAS 474J Very 'lenrable of- j lite room or rooms, i:pnt an' atry, moo em build. r.E. s; ierid.d 1 ation. Call Bakr. SUITE of offices fa-nig F..rnani S- Very d-siratle for two d'frs A;;ly 4 jo First Nat. Bar.!; Bids. rC'R RENT Cho eievafbr. Apj 1; nid r.a'.l offi'e fh'i.ng F.rst Nat. Bana MERCANTILE STORAGE A.VD WARE- HOUSE CO.. Ilth an.: Junes SL 2 WANT TO RENT Wa.NTEI' A moaern unfurl: shed 4 I ro-:T! Sipartrr.cnt in gr,.:.i n-igt-.i.'' with garage Thrt-e adults a-:. qul'r bj 1 ..-rr fell VVE US LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE hae cash on hand to loan on Cmaha res:den.es. E. H. I.OUGEE. INC f.:.s K.i,.r.e Bldg. Farm Loans SlS'iVZ? ZZXZ Kloke Investment Co.. e45 Om. Nat l Bk. FIRST mortgage loans cade promptly on Omar., real e.ate. Shot-en & Co., Realtors. JA. 4i:6. IS4 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 On Nat Bk B it Jackson 1711. SifeP TO $JP.f'few .oars ir.ade jTiTirt:y. V. D. WEAD ard D. H BOWMAN, .'.ft S l?th St. Weal F'?g At ri5L LONG time ioana. -vettern loa and Ne braska WALTER BOWEN, Pettrs Truat Bide -V IMP PROI'ERTY V I K LA Y GARVIN BROS. Mi OMAHA NAT fce BONDS, STOCKS." MORTGAGES T iKowt-f RnnHc Bought and So d Jjivvi IJ ijuiiu MA'' "K 9 BOND HTTSE 1 421. 1st Nat Ik AT i'44 "BEB"i ty Nat I B.r.h Bldg. , J. H. MITHEN I BONDS. Ill City Good dogs, poultry and other pots 1 V-v - "a,?!"' find i-i-adv cash buvcrs through the : 1,11 i. -r c-t"- .t t tu i X VI CAit LC'l.Ilii VI X iiC l-'CC. I Drawn -TWM NEBRASKALANDS Do You Want to Buy Land? T..1 n.i r.umbar of a rts deslrad. w fine r ui.i.rad or unim-,rod lota tn ite(e.red an.ouut u w.ll pay down cn . aod I will asit you m Io i at i.g such a farm or tn-a as you ar. seait.a 1 haia no land of my ow. to i.i. r...r da 1 represent any laad aall-i-kt coirrai.y. My ataifttanra in locat-l-e a f.itiu or ran-h f'r ou Is free. Wi ta licir.tf.ndci. Ux V-llla, Oasaha Bee. 'FARMS of!' n. A l.arOB. Cnitral City. Neb., your want, for lacta. farn.a NORTH DAKOTA LANDS. -K SALE -ne uni on of land In Red Riter Valley. North Dakota, one mile f.m town in N'.rihera Pacific ra.lroad; 71 mil'. a nrth of fiian.1 Vrk. 2 milea fr-n. Led Kiver. All in cultivation; n. wat land, ail Itvtl bia.k ioatu. clay ajOiull. cuej house, burn, granaries. Neer fai.ing water suoply. Will uo r l.'.a for i-' 5o ua-r a'.r. if sold by July 11. Juho Fuawr. lilil X. Mai. L'ayton. o WISCONSIN LANDS. v .v'KKS god hvy. ' level, kardwoo!, frj't :aiwJ. &x tmies west of Hay t'el'!, Via ! Hi per avre. luquira cf Wm. T'i'ji'hey, ptcner. Wjr - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE KXC'H AN' t. ; : Wt K . stcr io'. aled aire ' . - "- -3 WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for sale, AFTS. for rent. W. J. Palmer Co., Real Kstat? Maragemect Specialist.. Keelir.e Bldar - - AT. 111. L:st your homeBuy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real .Estate. Loans. Rental.. JA. Zitl. , To tuy or ii Omahs Real Estate sea FOWLER & M'DONALD ! 1 1 10 City Nstl Bk. Bldg. JA. 142. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, r.entals. Insuranca. 16i2 City Nat. Bk. AT. 166. Reed & Co., Rtai Estate and "Insurance. 3I'.'7 Farnam Pt Phorie AT. 614. LIST T'L'r: RANCHES WITH L'3. H S. MA.WII.LE, Realtor. AT. 141-3. 515 Peters Trust Bldf, H T? T T FYTH Realty Co. List with UIVUL..MU u for quick resulta.i UU Firs' Nat I EV. B.dg. JA. 1H. PfPt'TTTT REAL ESTATE DlAIVUlX 1 st!is F.ects, Insures. S;,0 Detfr. Trust B!dr., JA. CCS5. STRAIGHT i- ear leans, fe, per cent. AMOS GRANT CO.. Ifl p nth. Arthur Bide. AT. : VHillS xie r ie r.: e seliinc homes. Call A I'. TV KEY a: SON. CS First N.,t. Bank Bids;. JA. tilt. MEW homes, completely, financed. Pa j 1 ke rent. C T. SPIER A CO.. Realtors, j SIM Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 4857. AT-l.ar.t-'.- TTli rr.er. HOME REALTY i'O. iM-:n tv. O. W. Bldg. w . buy I nnd sell Oitiaha home. WANT 6 or 7-room. well located, in Dun dee, by the f.rm have caak. Bos HL C'maha Bee. CEO. T. PORTER CO. Real Estate. F.entaia, Insurance 105 South ma. AT. ItH. LIST your homes for sale with ua. We l.ave the eustomera. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. modern 5:6 Ry. Eichg. Bldg. AT. 4SSS housea. LIST your property with R. D. Clark Ca, Securities Bldg LIST a-our ! Srr.itf, Co. property with 3r.:o. Farnam S- W. Farnam Ec.u:t.b Tra.-t Co. Realtor. AT. I Western R-.al Estate Co JA. 60J. ACREAGE FOR SALE 2- Acres, $1,450 i 'vat? on a'-th St. five Mocks eouth of 'fnter i hr This is your last 1 liii'i' f in buy i. I'-ec-in acrr-uge. The Byron Reed Company 1!J Farnam St. AN ACRE Frcr.ts sutl .Lay tarjris. iud fir ie Blvd. only 1871. at S4th St. VACANT PROPERTY : f? o Ictnn T uf m.U pay- llctlLUll LUIS ment j0tn; ay piyrr.er.ts. I horu? Stewart. Ralston 10-w, Ill'NT'EE it.t. Kxiir., on stth St.. r.ear j Farr.arrr; t'nclie lot, w:!l consider reas. ' c't"cr. C A. Grimfnel, Phone JA. 1611. 1 DUNDEE lot. n. e. corner l?th ant! Har ney. ".-r Ee'.utifjl location. Priced I to sell. !. ?'!. KE ftt-f. WILL lu ii to your order on cur teautl i -fu! lots 1i Edsewocti; very easy term. Atiant c Sf4. ' ' NORTH SIDE PROPERTY New Bungalow, Two Lots Owner Leaving City Spier 2:Vy . we'j tui'.t. oak f.niihed. fr:.:;- rr.vt?:u b-nga:cw, f rord attic. rtiiitDU j .tatenenv y oit the 'l?ulTixTJi. - :.t-t o for and school fl.f-sa as!-, and S a in"'th wi.I handle. Here is st.rnethiag out cf tfc ordmary, Osborne Realty Co. ,; p.;,r. Trust Bldg "j.rkacti ::t. ti' -0 CASH. J4i per mer.th, cure a 4-roora tndern r.'-rre rear Miller park. Z year, c.d. javei strett. 5 rocrrj on cce floor. AT. : -: e-. er. rg. 215 cam: ha f a i mon'hly "'EN Ave . 4 rooms, modem with e of I-mt 11 ('OO caah. balance r.g Hee Bldg JA. CZOa. -ID E BUCK a, CO. buy and sell home. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Choice Held Club Home T -.-i... WWIltT IjtdMllg V,UJ f!!;YKV rooms ard bathi fireplace; rom rn every detail: choice aouth frost 1 it .. Priced i.gbr, ja ::kj. 1 for Th Bee bv Sidney Smith SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Field Club Bargain $6,750 Sn rooriii. fpiii por h and fatb. litre aouih frtpftt h nh (;n4itf ataiutbi y. tra. and rJr . f arsita. pa.inij paid . .( i- rar at d hout. OSBORNE REALTY CO. H' r':a Tiun fl.de ja. r 2. Unusual Opportunity S toom houa. with hut'd aleeping rorih; toiner lot. ga.-as. weit Hta-s.i-m tjatK d. strict. Cil oaner. Har. it. 3 3612 S. 14TH 6T S:i-room bungsjow, 17. 519. C O Carlberg Realtor. Ill Rrande!. Theater Bldg JA. 0115. WEST SIDE PROPERTY . Must Be Sold at Once. An exeitionally wall crttructd. i.ctiy ai'Xlern Bmt. 6 aict wiom and ath; fiowcd nic, full remtnt baa nient, with coal room, fruit roam, bat and txtld w atr and conne loo to litters. Kel.iBttms conttnicnon. with S cur KiLaion garaiae to match, dandy hxatift; iftr 'tivilry club, one Work to ar; taaiaV WrlU 17. if-, bu .fct0 buya it: $1.6 cath will handg IT you appreciate 4 good homa, ae tTi today. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 74.' OTDpa Nat l (. Ken,ng, rarp, b ep, tiii. puh. nt. ait. West Farnam Bungalow Owner Leaving City Five rooras and sun room. Craigatone bungaJow; all on the one floor: oak and while enamel fiaiah. Dandy lot. Saun ders i bool and Farnam car aervice. II 100 cash aJid ti a month w!l handle. Osborne Realty Co. rn Fetera Trust Bla .1arlis"n 15I. Unusual Opportunity room house !th heated sleeplnf porrh. corner lot: gsrare; west Han rem parfc district. Call owner, Har nrt H'l. Bemis Park District Seven room, and bath, strictly rincd rn. 0iI67-font outh front lot: garage; pried nrht. I.!."0. $1.'"W cash. Osborne Realty Co, in Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 31ST AND DEWEY 1 room.; large reception fca'.l. cles. in; Ideal location; future apartment site; large rot; fruit and extras; leav ing city; sacrifice; at a bargain. Price Is. 50C. L-t me show you th.s. ft. W. BARRETT. KE. U67, 6-ROOM all modern bungalow, new and up-to-date. 1500 rash, or less to re sponsible party. WA 615S. DUNDEE PROPERTY Brand New The home you have been looking for. Six room., very t;rar-tive arrangement, excellent finish. Very easy terma arranged Glover & Spain REALTOR? JA. S50. ll-:0 City Nation.!. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAT .and tradaa KE. 14. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY C. E. BELMAN. reaj eatate.- in. AT. Hitl. Our Wert Pacific District OFFICE At Pacific and S3d Sts. Will be open every afternoon and eveninf this week. Drive out-to LOVELAND and RIDGEWOOD THE NEW COUNTRY HOME DISTRICT SHULER k CARY, Rc.ltora Dougla. 5074. 202-8 Keelin. Bldg. For Acaejition Office Evening. Call Walnut U6S We make fO Loans On Omaha - Property Home., Apartment., Btuinea. Property Mortajy pa ymaw ta II aeairW. PEttRs Trust Cqhpany Peters National Bask 7